MCI 8017A - Weapons

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8017A Weapons Sergeants Distance Education Program WEAPONS (8017) Course Introduction Scope MCI Course $017 The Weapons course is designed to provide the Marine sergeant with technical and detailed instruction on the characteristics and operation of some of the most common small arms found in the Marine Corps arsenal, These include the M9 pistol M203 grenade launcher M249 squad automatic weapon (SAW) M240G machinegun M2HB 50 caliber machinegun MK19 machinegun Traversing and clevating mechanism M136, 84MM HEAT launcher and high explosive anti-tank cartridge (AT-4) Discussion of each weapon includes its Characteristies Operation Maintey Firing Procedures * Employment ince, If you find that you need a detailed review of a particular weapon, you will probably want fo enroll in specific weapons courses (commonly called “red books”) offered by the Marine Corps Institute. ‘Continued on next page i Course Inteduction Course Introduction, Continued References The following references were used in the writing of this course: + TM 9-1010-221-10, Operators Manual, Grenade Launcher, 40mm, M203. * TM 08671A-10/1, Operators Manual, Machinegun, 249, © TM 08670B-10/1, Operators Manual, Machinegun, 240 Machinegun Series. + TM 08670B-10/1A, Supplement-1 Operators Manual. * TM 9-1005-213-10, Operators Manual Machinegun, Caliber .50. Browning, M2, Heavy Barrel and Mount, Tripod, Machinegun, Caliber 50, MB. © TM 08521A-10/1A, Operator's Manual, Machinegun, 40mm, MK19 Mod ‘* TM 1005A-10/1, Operators Manual, Pistol, 9mm, M9. © TM9-1010-221-10, Rifle, 5.56mm, M-16A2 WIE. © TM 9-1315-886-12, Operator's and Unit Maintenance Manual for Launcher and Cartridge, 84 Millimeter: M136 (ATS), © MCWP 3-15.1, Machineguns and Machinegun Gunnery. © FMFM 6-5, Marine Rifle Squad. © FM 3-23.25, Light Anti-Armor Weapons. Table of The following is a table of contents for this course. Contents ‘Study Unit Title Page = Course Introduction i 1 M9 Pistol 1 2 M203 Grenade Launcher 21 3 M249 Squad Automatic Weapon (SAW) 31 4 'M240G Machinegun MOD 3 41 5 M2HB .50 Caliber Machinegun 51 6 MK19 Machinegun 61 7 Traversing and Elevating Mechanism TA 8 M136, 84MM HEAT Launcher and High eI Explosive Anti-Tank Cartridge (AT-4) = Review Lesson Examination RI Estimated You will spend about 18 hours and 20 minutes completing this course. This Study Time includes the time you will need to study the text, complete the exer nd take the final exam, ‘Coniinuedd on next page MCI Course $017 ii Course Introduction Course Introduction, Continued Reserve You earn 6 retirement credits for completing this course. You earn reserve Retirement retirement credits at the rate of one eredit for each 3 hours of estimated study Credits time. Note: Reserve retirement credits are not awarded for the MCT study you do during drill periods if awarded credits for drill attendance. Summary The table below summarizes all the important “gateways” needed to sfully complete this course. Step When you ‘Then you will For more information T_ [Enroll in the program [Receive your Refer to the Program program material | Introduetion 2 [Complete the scl= [Arrange to take the | Refer to the Program paved text final examination _| Introduction 3 [Pass the final Receive a course | Refer to the Program examination completion Introduction References The following table lists publications that can be used as additional sources of information about the content of this course. Publication Number Title TM 9-1010-221-10 | Operator's Manual, Grenade Launcher, 40mm, M203 TM O8671A-10/1A | Operator's Manual, Machinegun, 5.56mm, M249 TM 08670B-10/1 ‘Operator's Manual, Machinegun, 240 Machinegun Series TM 08670B-I0/1A__| Supplement-1 Operator's Manual TM 9-1005-213-10 | Operator's Manual Machinegun, Caliber 50, Browning, M2, Heavy Barrel and Mount, Tripod, Machinegun, Caliber 50, M3 TM 08521A-10/1A | Operator's Manual, Machinegun, 40mm, MK19 Mod3 MCWP 3-15.1 Machineguns and Machinegun Gunnery FMFM 6-5 Marine Rifle Squad MCI Course $017 iii Course Introduction (This page intentionally left blank.) MCI Course $017 iv Course Inteduction Overview Estimated Study Time Unit Scope Learning Objectives Unit Concent MCI Course 80170 STUDY UNIT 1 M9 PISTOL I hour, 35 minutes This study unit teaches you the characteristics, operation, maintenance, ing techniques, and firing procedures for the immediate action, care and M9 pistol. After completing this unit, you should be able to # Identify the characteristics of the M9 pistol. ‘Identify the procedures for maintaining the M9 pistol. Identify the techniques for using the M9 pistol. The following table lists the lessons covered in this study unit Topic See Page Lesson |Description of the M9 Pistol 13 Lesson 2 Clearing, Disassembling, and Cleaning the M9 Til Pistol Lesson 3. Assembling, Stoppages, and Immediate Action for [1-25 the M9 Pistol Ll Study Unit 1 (This page intentionally left blank.) MCI Course 80170 12 Study Unit 1 LESSON 1 DESCRIPTION OF THE M9 PISTOL Introduction Estimated 25 minutes Study Time Lesson Scope This lesson teaches you the basie charact ammunition it uses fies of the M9 pistol and the Learning After completing this lesson, you should be able to Objectives ‘* Identify the role of the M9 pistol © Identify the principal characteristics of the M9 pistol. ‘+ Identify the steps in the cycle of operation of the M9 pistol. ¢ Identify the standard type of ammunition for the M9 pistol. In This Lesson This lesson contains the following topics: Topie See Page Introduction General Characteristics of the M9 Pistol ‘Cycle of Operation of the M9 Pistol Ammunition for the M9 Pistol Lesson I Exercise MCI Course 017A 13 Study Unit 1, Lesson General Characteristics of the M9 Pistol Role Major ‘Components MCI Course 80170 The M9 pistol provides timely and accurate fire in a close combat situation and as a means of defense for personnel assigned * The M9 pistol as their primary weapon + To crew served weapons The diagram below identifies the major components of the M9 pistol. i Slide Group Recoil Spring and Guide Group a cae Magazine € Group S ~N ir S Ne Barrel Group . Ise Group Main Groups Continued on next page 4 Study Unit 1, Lesson 1 General Characteristics of the M9 Pistol, Continued Description Weight MCI Course 80170 The diagram below shows the major parts for the M9 pistol. Item Part 1 _ | Firing Pin Block 2__| Extractor/Loaded Chamber Indicator 3__| Trigger 4 | Front Sight 3__| Slide Assembly 6 _ | Disassembly Lever 7 __| Slide Stop 8__| Rear Sight 9 | Decocking/Safety Lever 10_| Hammer H_| Receiver 12 [Grip 13 [Lanyard Loop 14 | Magazine 15 | Magazine Catch As: 16 | Disassembly Button The following table lists the approximate weight (in ounces) of the M9 pistol. Item Weight (Ibs) M9 pistol (with 15-round magazine) 2.54 M9 pistol (with empty magazine) 2.12 Continued on next page 15 Study Unit 1, Lesson 1 General Characteristics of the M9 Pistol, Continued Length Range Muzzle Velocity Safety Mechanisms MCI Course 80170 The following table lists the length (in inches) of the M9 pistol. Item Length (in inches) Barrel length 4.92 Length of gun, overall 8.54 The following table lists the range (in meters) for the M9 pistol. ‘Type of Range Range (in meters) Maximum Effective 50. Maximum Range 1800 The muzzle velocity of the M9 pistol is 1230.3 feet per second. The M9 pistol is equipped with two safety mechanisms described below: anual decockingy/safety lever, located on the slide, which separates firing pin from the hamm interrupts the connection between trigger and ; lowers the hammer when cocked, and ‘The firing pin block prevents any motion of the firing pin and is overcome only by pulling on the trigger Study Unit 1, Lesson 1 Cycle of Operation of the M9 Pistol Operation MCI Course 80170 The cycle of operation for the M9 pistol consists of the following eight steps: Step ‘Action Description T Feeding moves the slide forward feeding the next cartridge magazine into the ch ‘Chambering The slide continues forward and the head slides up the breech face and und. the extractor. The round is now chambered with the extractor positioned in the groove of the cartridge Locking The locking block is cammed upward forming one mechanical unit. Forward motion as the disassembly latch bolt stops the locking block. Firing Pressure developed by comibustion gases recoils the slide and barrel assembly to the rear Unlocking Recoiling a short distance, the locking block plunger forces the locking lugs on the locking block to swing down out of the Extracting ide extracts and ejects the cartridge Ejecting the case to the rear and the head of the case strikes the fixed ejector which pivots the case and ejects it from the pistol. Cooking ‘As the slide ejects the vartridge, the hammer is cocked. Study Unit 1, Lesson 1 Ammunition for the M9 Pistol Standard The standard ammunition for the M9 pistol is the NATO M882 9mm ball Ammunition round, as shown below. Steen nits ‘owe | Yellow: M716 | 29 Study Unit 2, Lesson 1 Lesson 1 Exercise Estimated Study Time Directions Item 1 Ttem2 Ttem3 MCI Course 80170 5 minutes Complete items 1 through 3 by performing the actions required. Check your answers against those listed at the end of this lesson. What is one capability of the M203 grenade launch a. Support and deliver enemy fires b. Destroy soft-skinned vehicles ¢. Supplement other supporting d. Provide enemy fire support The maximum range of the M203 grenade launcher is meters, a. 150 b. 350 c. 400 d. 460 indard types of ammunition used with the M203 are high explosive, high explosive airburst, high explosive dual purpose, CS gas, and variable time. white phosphorous. training practice. variable inert Continued! on next page 210 Study Unit 2 Lesson 1 Exercise Lesson 1 Exercise, Continued Answers MCI Course 80170 The table below provid the answer Ifyou have any questions, refer to the reference page listed for each item. Item Number. ‘Answer Reference Page I © 2-4 2 © 25 3 © 2-8 211 Study Unit 2, Lesson 1 Exercise (This page intentionally left blank.) MCI Course 80170 2-12 Study Unit 2, Lesson 1 Exercise LESSON 2 CLEARING, DISASSEMBLING, AND CLEANING Introduction Estimated Study Time Lesson Scope Learning Objectives In This Lesson MCI Course 80170 25 minutes The objective of this clean the M203 gt on is to teach you how to clear, disassemble, and ide launcher After completing this lesson, you should be able to ‘* Identify the steps to elear the M203 grenade launcher. © Identify the steps to di wssemble the M203 grenade launcher. ‘+ Identify the cleaners/lubricant used for the M203 grenade launcher © Identify steps for the and cleaning of the M203 grenade. This lesson contains the following topies: Topic See Page Introduction 213, ing 214 Disassembling 215 ‘Cleaning 217 Lesson 2 Exercise 2-20 213 Study Unit 2, Lesson 2 Clearing Steps MCI Course 80170 Before you begin to disass the weapon to be sure to clear th \¢ M203 grenade launcher. mle the M203 grenade launcher, you must clear is completely safe. The following table lists the steps Step ‘Action T Place the weapon on safe by lowering the safety located inside the trigger guard. Depress the barrel la Catch Round Do not let it drop. 214 Study Unit 2, Lesson 2 Disassembling Procedure MCI Course 80170 The table below lists the steps to disassemble the M203 grenade launcher Step ‘Action 1 Remove the quadrant sight by loosening the knurled screw on the right side of weapon. Knurled — Screw 2 | Remove the handguard and sight assembly by * Pushing down on the slip ring of the rifle. * Lifting up on hand guard and pulling it to the rear. Slip Ring Hand Guard Continued on next page 215 Study Unit 2, Lesson 2 Disassembling, Continued Procedure, continued ‘Step ‘Action 3 _ | Depress the barrel latch and slide the barrel assembly forward. Barrel Latch | Insert one end of a leaning rod section info the hole and depress, the barrel stop, Barrel ~ Cleaning Rod ‘Section Slide barrel assembly off the reveiver track, MCI Course 8017A, 2-16 ‘Study Unit 2, Lesson 2 Cleaning Purpose for Cleaning Cleaners and Lubricants MCI Course 80170 ‘You must clean the M203 grenade launcher after you have fired to remove powder ash and carbon fouling. These deposits will collect and promote rust. Note: Only the unit armorer is authorized to remove metal fouling. Report all burred, worn, cracked, or defective parts to your unit armorer To be sure that your M203 grenade launcher works correctly, keep it clean and properly lubricated. Note: Your cleaning equipment can be vither a regular rifle cleaning brush (toothbrush) o a bore brush and thong, Bore Brush Thong Cleaner Lubricant Preservative (CLP) is the only authorized cleaner/lubricant used for the M203 grenade launcher CAUTION: Do not use dry eleaning solvent that contains acid when you clean -. oil, or corrosion-preventive compounds from the M203 grenade launcher Continued on next page 217 Study Unit 2, Lesson 2 Cleaning, Continued Cleaning the Bore MCI Course 80170 The following table lists the steps to clean the bore of the M203 grenade launcher assembly. Step ‘Action |__| Attach a clean, dry rag (the size of « handkerchief) to the thong. 2__| Moisten the rag thoroughly with CLP. 3 | Pull the rag through the bore several times; inspect the rag. Repeat this step until the rag shows no fouling. 4 _ | Attach the bore brush to the thong and pull it through the bore several times as shown in the picture below. Repeat this step until a dry rag pulled through the bore exits clean. Bore and Chamber Continued on next page 218 Study Unit 2, Lesson 2 Cleaning, Continued Procedure The following table lists the steps to clean the launcher. +hamber of the M203 grenade Action -ch insert and firing pin hol __—Firing Pin Hole —Breech Insert Barrel Latch Extreme Take extra precautions to make sure the M203 grenade launcher operates Environments trouble free in extreme environments. Refer to the table below for aetions to take in different environments. Type of Climate Care/Cleaning Prevents Hot Tnspect daily/lubricate Moisture and rust Humid Dry, clean and lubricate as | Moisture and rust necessary Hot, dry, sandy Clean lubricate daily and» Rust and corrosion wipe dry Sand and dust in the Keep muzzle and receiver | bore covered Below freezing» Remove excess oil * Sluggish operation # Keep weapon fice of # Rust and corrosion moisture # Moisture and rust # Keep the M203 temperature close to the outside temperature Salt water Inspect daily/lubricate Moisture and rust atmosphere MCT Course 80170 219 Study Unit 2, Lesson 2 Lesson 2 Exercise Estimated Study Time Directions Item 1 Item 2 Ttem 3 MCI Course 80170 10 minutes Complete items 1 through 8 by performing the actions required. Check your answers against those listed at the end of this lesson. What is the fourth step to elear the M203 grenade launcher? L. Place the weapon on safe. 2. Depress the barrel latch. 3. Slide the barrel assembly forward. 4 a. Remove the handguard, b ; c. Depress the barrel stop. d. Remove the quadrant sight. What is the fi t step the gunner must perform when dis mbling the M203? a. Slide the assembly off the receiver track. b. Depress the barrel latch and slide the barrel assembly forward. c. Remove the quadrant sight from carrying handle. da. Remove the handguard assembly. Which is the only authorized cleaner/lubricant used on the M203 grenade launcher? a. CLP b. LSA c. LAW d. RBC Continued! on next page 2-20 Study Unit 2, Lesson 2 Exercise Lesson 2 Exercise, Continued Items 4 Through 7 Item 8 MCI Course 80170 Matching: In the sequence and the space provided, place the letter of the steps to clean the M203 grenade launcher assembly trom column 2 to column 1. The answers in column 2 may be used only once. Column 1 Column 2 Correct Sequence steps to Clean 4, a, Moisten the rag thoroughly with 5. CLP. aio! b. Attach the bore brush to the 7. thong and pull it through the bore several times. c. Pull the rag through the bore several times until it shows no fouling d. Attach ac thong. n, dry rag to the How do you prevent rust, corrosion, sand, and dust in the bore in a hot, dry, and sandy climate? oil and keep the M203 temperature close to the outside b. Clean and lubricate daily and keep muzzle and receiver covered. c. Keep weapon free of moisture and close to outside temperature. 4. Inspect daily Continued on next page 22) Study Unit 2, Lesson 2 Exercise Lesson 2 Exercise, Continued Answers MCI Course 80170 The table below provid questions, refer to the referer the answers to the exercise iten ige listed for each item. Ifyou have any Item Number ‘Answer Reference Page i b 214 2 € 25 3 a 217 4 d 218 3 a 218 6 c 218 7 b 218 8 b 219) 2-22 Study Unit 2, Lesson 2 Exercise LESSON 3 ASSEMBLING, CONDUCTING THE FUNCTION CHECK, AND FIRING Introduction Estimated 30 minutes Study Time Lesson Scope Learning Objectives MCI Course 80170 This lesson discusses how to assemble, perform a function check, and aveurately fire the M203 grenade launcher. After completing this lesson, you should be able to Identify the steps to assemble the M203 grenade launcher. ‘© Identify the steps to perform a function cheek on the M203 grenade launcher. ‘Identify the steps to load M203 grenade launcher. ‘* Identify the three methods to firing the M203 grenade launcher © Identify the steps to adjust the sight leaf on the M203 grenade launcher ‘Identify the steps to adjust the quadrant sight on the M203 grenade launcher Continued on next page 2-23, Study Unit 2, Lesson 3 Introduction, Continued In This Lesson MCI Course 80170 This lesson contains the following topics: Topic See Page Introduction 2-23 Assembling 2:25 Performing a Funetion Check 2:26 Loading 2-28 Firing 2-29 Adjusting and Operating the Leaf 2:30 ‘Adjust and Operating the Quadrant 2:33 sson 3 Exercise 2:35 2-24 Study Unit 2, Lesson 3 Assembling Procedure MCI Course 80170 After you have cleaned your M203 grenade launcher, you are ready to mble your weapon. To semble the M203 grenade launcher, replace the parts in the reverse order of disassembly as shown in the table below. Step Action 1 Depress the barrel stop and slide the barrel assembly onto the Mount the quadrant sight bracket and the quadrant sight assembly on the carrying handle of the service rifle, Tighten the mounting serew. 2-25 Study Unit 2, Lesson 3 Performing a Function Check Purpose Perform a function check to be sure that your M203 grenade launcher works. The areas you must inspect to perform a funetion check are the © Safety and trigger © Barrel stop and barrel latch Safety and To check the safety and trigger follow the steps listed in the table below: Trigger Step Action Result 1 | Cock the launcher and squeeze the | You should hear the firing trigger. pin release. 2 Hold the trigger to rear and cock the NIA launcher, 3 | Release the rigger and then squeeze _ | Firing pin should release. trigger again, 4 Cock the launcher and check that the Doing this checks that the safety moves to the safe and fire sear is functioning properly positions. to ensure launcher does not accidentally fire. Note: The launcher must be cocked before the safety can be plaved in the safe position. Continued on next page MCI Course 8017A, 2.26 ‘Study Unit 2, Lesson 3 Performing a Function Check, Continued Barrel Stop Move the barrel forward and backward. Check that the stop and latch and Barrel function properly, locking the barel open and closed, ate! MCT Course 80170 227 Study Unit 2, Lesson 3 Loading Procedure MCI Course 8017A, To load the M203 grenade launcher, follow the steps in the table below. Step Action 1 | Move the safety to the safe position. \e sate 2 _ | Press the barrel latch and slide the barrel forward. 3 4 2.28 ‘Study Unit 2, Lesson 3 Firing Three Methods The three methods of firing the M203 grenade launcher are the Rifle sight methods + Leaf sight method © Quadrant sight method gage targets under 50 meters, lower the leaf sight and use fle sights, aiming at the foot of the target, as shown below. Rifle Sight To Method the Leaf Sight Continued on next page MCT Course 80170 2.29 Study Unit 2, Lesson 3 Firing, Continued Leaf Sight To engage targets between 50 and 250 met Method sight post of the M16A2 rifle as shown below. use the leaf sight and front Continued on next page MCI Course 017 2-30 Study Unit 2, Lesson 3 }g, Continued Adjust Leaf To adjust leaf sight, follow the steps in the table below. Sight Step ‘Action 1 | To change the range of point of impact, loosen the elevation adjustment screw and adjust the leaf sight as follows: ‘* To inerease the range, raise the leaf sight. ‘+ To decrease range, lower the leaf sight. Notes: One increment equals 10 meters at 200 meters. Use the rim of a used 40-mm cartridge to turn the elevation adjustment screw. 2_| To change the point of impact horizontally, tum the sight windage serew * Clockwise to adjust for wind from the left © Counterclockwise to adjust for wind from the ight. ent equals 1.5 meters at 200 meters Continued on next page MCI Course 8017A, 231 ‘Study Unit 2, Lesson 3 Firing, Continued The components of the sight leaf are illustrated in the picture below. Components Leaf Sight (range) Scale (in meters) Windage Adjustment Increments (10 meters) Windage =7) Adjustment i - Increments Adjustment SSS (1.5 meters) Leaf Sight Align the target with the 200-meter range inerement of the sight leaf and the Picture front ‘Alignment Continued on next page MCT Course 80170 2-32 Study Unit 2, Lesson 3 Firing, Continued Quadrant Sight The gunner us Method the quadrant sight to engage targets from 50 to 400 meters. Adjusting the To adjust the quadrant sight, follow the steps in the table below. Quadrant Sight Step Action 1 | To adjust elevation, pull the latch on the quadrant sight arm toward you and release it at the selected elevation. Note; One notch equals 5 meters at 200 met To adjust for headwind and rear wind, turn the front sight post © Left to increase range. Right to decrease range. 3 | To adjust for left and right wind ‘* Depress the retainer and slide the rear aperture in to adjust for wind from the right. © Slide the rear aperture out to adjust for wind from the left. Note; The vertical line marks the center, One noteh equals LS meters at 200 meters. Continued on next page MCI Course 017 2-33 Study Unit 2, Lesson 3 Firing, Continued Quadrant Sight ‘The diagram below shows the quadrant sight and its major components. Front Notch. Sight Yale aa Ee __ Retainer Range Quadrant \ Quadrant Sight Arm Rear Aperture Quadrant Sight Align front sight post of quadrant sight and M16A2 front sight post, centered Alignment within rear aperture on the quadrant sight arm. MCT Course 80170 234 Study Unit 2, Lesson 3 Lesson 3 Exercise Estimated Study Time Directions Item 1 Ttem2 Item 3 MCI Course 80170 5 minutes Complete items 1 through 5 by performing the action required. Cheek your answers against those listed at the end of this lesson. What are the steps the gunner must perform to assemble the M203 grenade launcher? The reverse steps of disassembly ‘Same steps as disassembly The quickest method Steps according to unit SOP The areas to inspect while performing a function check on the M203 grenade launcher are the barrel stop, barrel latch, trigger, and the breech assembly. receiver tracks, quadrant sight ass safety. mbly. What is the first step to Toad the M203 grenade launcher? Slide the barrel forward. Move the safety to safety position. Set range on leaf sight. Cock weapon. Continued on next page 2-35 Study Unit 2, Leson 3 Exercise Lesson 3 Exercise, Continued Ttem4 Item $ Ttem 6 MCI Course 80170 The gunner ranges in meters’ leaf sight method of fire to engage to engage targets at what 50-150 50-400 50-300 50-250 To adjust the elevation adjustment serew on M203 leaf sight, the gunner uses sorewdriver multipurpose tool used 40 mm cartridge. cleaning rod handle. When engaging targets with the quadrant sight, what must you do to adjust the elevation or range to target?” a, Pull the latch on quadrant sight arm toward you and release at the selected clevation, b. Move the rear sight aperture right or left. Move the front sight post away from or toward the barrel. 4. Move the rear sight aperture away from or toward the barrel Continued on next page 2-36 Study Unit 2, Leson 3 Exercise Lesson 3 Exercise, Continued Answers The table below provides the answers to the exercise items. If you have any questions, refer to the reference page listed for each item. Item Number ‘Answer Reference Page i a 2.25 2 d 2:26 3 b 228 4 2:30 3 2-31 6 a 2:33 MCI Course 80170 2.37 Study Unit 2, Lesson 3 Exercise (This page intentionally left blank.) MCI Course 80170 2.38 Study Unit 2, Lesson 3 Exercise LESSON 4 STOPPAGES, IMMEDIATE ACTION, AND EMPLOYMENT Introduction Estimated Study Time Lesson Scope Learning Objectives MCI Course 80170 25 minutes The objective of this lesson is to teach you how to identify stoppages and their causes, perform immediate action, and identify the offensive and defensive capabilities of the M203 grenade launcher. After completing this lesson, you should be able to © Define a stoppage of the M203 grenade launcher. © Identify the steps for immediate action on the M203 grenade launcher © Identify criteria for employing the M203 grenade launcher Continued on next page 2-39 Study Unit 2, Lesson 4 Introduction, Continued In This Lesson This lesson contains the following topies: Topic See Page Introduction 2-39 Stoppages 2-41 Immediate Action 242 ‘Employment 2-43 Lesson 4 Exercise 2-45 MCT Course 80170 2-40 Study Unit 2, Lesson 4 Stoppages ‘Common ‘Stoppages and Their Causes MCI Course 80170 A stoppage is any unintentional interruption in the functioning of the weapon. A failure to fire ean be a * Hangfire. A hangfire is a delay in the functioning of a propelling charge explosive train at the time of firing. © Misfire, A misfire is a complete failure to fire. A misfire itself is not dangerous but sinee it cannot be immediately distinguished from a hangfire, you must considcr it a hangfire until proven otherwise. WARNING: The amount of delay for a hangfire is unpredictable. Consider all stoppages to be hangfires until proven otherwise. The table below lists common M203 grenade launcher stoppages and their causes. STOPPAGE CHECK FOR HOW TO FIXIT Failure to fire Too much water or oil in_ | Point weapon up 30 back of breech insert seconds and hand funetion. Dirt orresidue in firing | Clean pin hole Dirt in locator slot Clean Faulty ammunition Replace. Failure to extract | Casing stuck in barrel Remove with rifle cleaning rod. Failure to chamber | Faulty ammunition or | Replace ammunition or dirty chamber clean bore and chamber Failure to lock Dirty follower or receiver | See unit armorer cavity 241 Study Unit 2, Lesson 4 Definition Immediate action is the unhesitating application of a probable remedy when you have not definitely identified the actual cause of a stoppage. Procedure Because of the possibility of a misfire or hangfire, u perform immediate action procedur the steps in the following table. ution while you . To apply immediate action, complete Step Action 1 | Shout “Misfire,” keepi all Marines are clear of the muzzle. the weapon pointed down range. Be sure Note: Shouting misfire should apply only to tr ining situations. WARNING: _ Before you try to remove the ammunition from the grenade launcher, clear Marines not required for the operation from the vicinity. 2 _ | Wait 30 seconds from the time of failure before opening the breech to unload. 3 | Catch the cjected ammunition or reduce the distance of free fall to the ground. 4 __ | Determine if the removed ammunition or the firing mechanism are deficetive by examining the © Primer of the ammunition for dents © Firing mechanism Note: If the primer has not been dented, then the firing mechanism is at fault. After the cause of the failure to fire has been corrected, reload the ammunition and continue 3 Ifthe primer has been dented, keep the round separate from other: ammunition and follow the unit SOP for disposal. MCI Course 80170 2-42 Study Unit 2, Lesson 4 Employment Trajectory Effects of M203 Grenade Launcher Fire Offensive Employment MCI Course 80170 In employing the M203 grenade launcher to its maximum capability, you must understand the trajectory of rounds, effets of the ammunition, and the methods of firing. At ranges up to 150 meters, the M203 grenade launcher has a relatively flat trajectory. Therefore, you can fire the M203 grenade launcher from your shoulder in the normal manne However, as the range inereases, the height of the trajectory and the time of flight of the projectile increase. Th ive detonation. ualty radius is the radius of a circle around the point of Since the high explosive grenade has an effective casualty radius of 5 meters, ‘you can expect 50 percent of exposed troops to become casualties The grenadier can use the M203 grenade launcher offensively to + Destroy groups of © Provide clo: fires nemy personnel support in an assault together with other supporting The fire t launcher 1m leader/grenadier selects targets and delivers the M203 grenade wes during the attack. The grenadier may fire high explosive (HE) ammunition only at targets far enough away so that the exploding HE will not endanger the assaulting squad. In the last 35 meters of an assault (when M203 grenade launcher f endanger friendly assaulting troops), the grenadier should employ the multiprojectile antipersonnel ammunition. may During an assault, the grenadier can employ the M16A2 rifle until suitable targets appear or until there is time to reload the M203 grenade launcher. Continued on next page 2-43 Study Unit 2, Lesson 4 Employment, Continued Suitable Targets Defensive Employment Use of Grenade Launcher MCI Course 80170 Suitable M203 grenade launcher targets are © Enemy automatic rifle positions * Machinegun positions © Other crew-served weapons within the fire team sector Defensively, your firing position should enable you to deliver M203 grenades over the entire team sector. Primary and supplementary positions that you prepare in the defense must provide maximum cover and concealment consistent with the assigned mission. WARNING; You must be sure that fields of fire are cleared of obstructions that might cause premature detonation of a projectile. As the enemy approaches your unit's defensive position, your goal is to subject them to an ever-increasing volume of fire. Initially, you should use your rifle. As the enemy gets nearer to friendly positions, use your grenade launcher to fire on enemy ‘© Automatic weapons © Troops in defilade This will silence an enemy base of fire and cause enemy troops to leave covered positions, Then automatic rifle fire ean engage them. 244 Study Unit 2, Lesson 4 Lesson 4 Exercise Estimated Study Time Directions Item 1 Ttem2 Ttem3 MCI Course 80170 10 minutes Complete items 1 through 6 by performing the actions required. Check your answers against those listed at the end of this lesson. A stoppage is defined as a. improperly loaded ammunition into the weapon. b. any unintentional interruption in the functioning of a weapon. waiting for 40 seconds and clearing the weapon. d. having an ammunition casing stuck in the breech. Before opening the breech to unload after a misfire, wait 15 seconds. 30 seconds. 1 minute, 3 minutes. To employ the M203 grenade launcher, you must understand the trajectory of rounds, efits of the ammunition, and a._-how to engage targets. b. the methods of firing, ce. defensive d. offensive Continued! on next page 2-45 Study Unit 2, Lesson 4 Exercise Lesson 4 Exercise, Continued Ttem4 Item $ Ttem 6 MCI Course 80170 The trajectory of the M203 is relatively flat at ranges up to meters, a. 100 b. 150 ©. 200 d. 250 Offensively, in the last 35 meters of an assault, use ammunition in the M203 grenade launcher. a. HE explosive b. multiprojectile antipersonnel © TP d. BAW Defensively, be sure ficlds of fire are cleared of obstructions because they a. subject you to an increasing volume of fire. b._ provide cover and concealment to the enemy. c. might cause premature detonation of a projectile. d, become targets of enemy fire Continued! on nest page 2-46 Study Unit 2, Lesson 4 Exercise Lesson 4 Exercise, Continued Answers The table below provides the answers to the exercise items. If you have any questions, refer to the reference page listed for each item. Item Number ‘Answer Reference Page i b 2-41 2 b 2-42, 3 b 2-43 4 b 2-43 3 b 6 c MCT Course 80170 247 Study Unit 2, Lesson 4 Exercise (This page intentionally left blank) MCT Course 80170 2-48 Study Unit 2, Lesson 4 Exercise STUDY UNIT 3 M249 SQUAD AUTOMATIC WEAPON (SAW) Overview Estimated Study Time Unit Scope Learning Objectives In This Study Unit MCI Course 80170 | hour, 25 minutes This study unit will teach you the characteristics, operation, maintenance, immediate action, eare and cleaning techniques, and firing procedures for the M249 squad automatic weapon (SAW). After completing this unit, you should be able to © Identify the characteristics of the M249 SAW. ‘Identify how to maintain the M249 SAW. ‘* Identify how to engage a target with the M249 SAW. # Identify how to troubleshoot malfunctions and stoppages on the M249 SAW. This study unit contains the following lessons: Topie See Page Description 3-5 Lesson 2 Clearing, Disassembling, and Cleaning 3-15 Lesson 3 Assembling, Performing the Function Check and 3-39) Mounting Lesson 4 Using the SAW 351 31 Study Unit3 (This page intentionally left blank.) MCI Course 80170 32 Study Unit’3 LESSON 1 DESCRIPTION Introduction Estimated Study Time Lesson Scope Learning Objectives In This Lesson MCI Course 80170 25 minutes This lesson teaches you the basic charact. weapon (SAW) and the ammunition it uses. istics of the M249 squad automatic After completing this lesson, you should be able to Identify the capabilities of the M249 SAW. © Describe the characteristic of the M249 SAW. ‘Identify the eight steps in the cycle of operation for the M249 SAW. ‘¢ Identify the standard types of ammunition for the M249 SAW based on color and us This lesson contains the following topics: Topic See Page Introduction 33 Role and Capabilities 34 General Characteristics 35 Cycle of Operation 39 Ammunition 310 Lesson I Exercise 3 33 Study Unit 3, Lesson 1 Role and Capabilities Role Capabilities MCI Course 80170 ‘The M249 squad automatic weapon (SAW) is the fire team’s primary automatic weapon, The SAW supports the squad in the offense and the defense by providing a heavy volume of suppressive fire. The capabilities of the SAW are listed below. © The SAW provides ive, and final protective fires as part of the fin support of front-line © The SAW supports rity and special missions © The advance of the squad by fire in the offense © The SAW supplements other supporting fires. 3d Study Unit 3, Lesson 1 General Characteristics M249 Squad Below is a picture of the M249 SAW, the only automatic weapon at the squad Automatic level to support primary fire team, ‘Weapon (SAW) Trigger Rear Cartridge Front Sight Sight Indicator Reciever Trigger Cocking | Gas Assembly Handle” Regulator Assembly Collar Weight The following table lists the approximate weights (in pounds) of the M249 SAW and box of 5.56 ammo, Item Weight (in pounds) Weapon (with bipod and tools) 7 200-round box (filled) 6.92 Length The length of the M249 SAW is 40.75 inches. Continued on next page MCI Course 8017A, 35 ‘Study Unit 3, Lesson 1 General Characteristics, Continued Range Rate of Fire MCI Course 80170 The following table lists the range (in meters) for the M249 SAW. ‘Type of Rang Range (in meters) Maximum) 600 ‘Area target 1,000 Maximum Eff Pointtarget: 800 Grazing fire: 600 The following table lists the rate of fire SAW. (in rounds per minute) for the M249 Rate of Fire Rounds per Minute Cyelie 850 Sustained 50. Rapid 100 36 Continued on next page Study Unit 3, Lesson 1

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