Research Proposal
Research Proposal
Research Proposal
Sene, 2014
Table Contents
Chapter one..........................................................................................................................................5
1.1 Background of the Study...............................................................................................................5
1.2 Statement of the problem...............................................................................................................6
1.3 Research Question.........................................................................................................................8
1.4 Objectives of the study..................................................................................................................9
1.4.1 General Objective...................................................................................................................9
1.4.2 Specific objectives..................................................................................................................9
1.5. Significance of the study..............................................................................................................9
1.6 Limitation of the study..................................................................................................................9
1.7 Organization of the paper............................................................................................................10
Chapter Two:.....................................................................................................................................11
Review of related literatures..............................................................................................................11
2.1. theoretical literature review........................................................................................................11
2.1.1. Tax Compliance...................................................................................................................11
2.1.2 Tax non-compliance.............................................................................................................11
2.1.3. Benefits of tax compliance..................................................................................................12
2.1.4. Costs of Tax Compliance.....................................................................................................12
2.1.5. Determinants of tax compliance..........................................................................................13 individual factors...............................................................................................................13 institutional factors............................................................................................................14 psychological factors.........................................................................................................17
2.2. Review of Empirical studies......................................................................................................19
2.2.1. Conclusions of the empirical review and knowledge gaps..................................................23
2.2.3. Research Hypothesis............................................................................................................24
2.2.4 conceptual frame work..........................................................................................................26
Chapter Three....................................................................................................................................27
Research Methods and Methodology................................................................................................27
3.1 background of the study area.......................................................................................................27
3.2 Research Design..........................................................................................................................27
3.3 target population..........................................................................................................................28
3.4 data type and source....................................................................................................................28
3.5 sample size and techniques..........................................................................................................28
3.6 method of data collections...........................................................................................................29
3.7 methods of data analysis..............................................................................................................29
3.7.1 Model specification...............................................................................................................30
WORK PLAN AND COST BREAKDOWN....................................................................................32
4.1 Time Schedule or Work Plan...................................................................................................32
4.2. Budget Breakdown.................................................................................................................33
A tax is a compulsory financial charge or some other type of levy imposed on a taxpayer (an
individual or legal entity) by a governmental organization in order to fund government spending
and various public expenditures (regional, local, or national). It is seen as a primary source of
income and a vital mechanism for financing most government programs. Despite its
importance most of countries especially the developing ones did not ensure tax compliance. So
many researches were done in previous some decades in trying to identify the factors which result
in noncompliance. Although those studies come up with important conclusions they did not found
same implications. When we came to Ethiopia the tax system is not efficient in collecting its
revenues as planned in time. Thus, this study is designed to examine the impact of some important
factors on tax compliance behavior of ministry of revenue’s tax payers, Jimma branch. The
researcher will select samples using purposive and simple random sampling to distribute close
ended questionnaire. The collected data will be analyzed using STATA 16.
Chapter one
This chapter deals with introduction of the study which consists of background of the study,
statement of the problem, the research questions and objectives of the study, and significance of
the study.
Taxes are seen as a primary source of income and a vital mechanism for financing most
government programs around the world, for the tax revenues support to finance the greater part
of facilities that governments offer including education, welfare, public safety, infrastructure and
other basic public services (Granger, 2013). Thus, governments pay great attention to tax
and its way of collecting or for tax compliance. Tax compliance refers to policy actions and
individual behavior aimed at ensuring that taxpayers are paying the right amount of tax at the right
time and securing the correct tax allowances and tax reliefs (Charles and McLure, 2015). But still,
most of countries especially the developing ones did not ensure tax compliance. It is for this
reason that tax compliance has been an important subject of research in a large number of
developing and a number of developed countries (World Bank, 2013).
Non-compliance with the tax laws is as old as establishment of government in the world, with
Plato commenting on this phenomenon in his writings over two thousand five hundred years
ago [Tanzi and Shome, 1994]. Despite this lengthy existence, the issue of compliance with the
tax laws twisted petite interest and received minimal attention until the last few decades. Since
the 1970s, however, research into tax compliance has intensified, with both governments and
academicians giving significant attention to the concern (alemayehu, 2020). This increased
research into the area of tax compliance appears justified when estimates of the
level of noncompliance in
Furthermore, Tadele (2015) indicated that although the overall economic performance of
Ethiopia, measured by growth in real GDP, between 2003/04- 2010/11, registered an average
annual growth rate of 11.4%, and the contribution of tax revenue to GDP in 2010/11 is about
11.5%, this ratio was proved to be low compared to other developing countries such as Botswana
(35.2%), Djibouti (20%) Kenya (18.4%). Various institutional and tax reforms (institutional
reform such as merging of the former Ethiopian Custom Authority and Inland Revenue
Authority in 2006; tax reforms such as revising income tax law in 2002, replacing of sales tax by
Value Added Tax in 2003, etc..) have been taken by the Ethiopian government. However, the
result of these efforts was not satisfactory. Hence, the issue of non-compliance is posing a
serious challenge for the revenue authorities. Yezina
6 Worku(2019) in her book, illustrated the
federal tax revenue collection trend of Ethiopia from 2008 to 2018 where the marginal increase
in the tax collection was up and down from year to year.
Dealing with the problem of non-compliance requires an understanding of the underlying factors
that affect taxpayers‟ decision about whether to pay or evade taxes. Understanding of tax payers’
behavior helps revenue bodies to design and implement effective compliance strategies that
contribute to the efficiency of taxation systems. A study conducted by Tilahun and yidersal
(2014) revealed that perception on government spending, equity and fairness of the tax system,
penalties, personal financial constraints, changes on current government policies; and referral
group (friends, relatives etc.) are factors that significantly affects the tax compliance behavior.
Also, in that research it is indicated that gender and probability of being audited have no
significant impact on tax compliance behavior.
According to haile and Destaw (2020) tax rate, audit probability, and compliance cost are
identified as statistically significant negative determinants of tax compliance, though Penalty
rate, Perception of government Spending, training to enhance tax knowledge and age of the
respondent is found to have statistically insignificant effects on compliance behavior. People
with a higher education level are more compliant than people with lower education level. This is
because those peoples with higher education level have more understanding about the purpose of
taxation to their country than those with lower education level (Chan et al (2000), Jackson and
Milliron (1986), Haile and destaw (2020). On the other hand, Richardson (2008) revealed that
there is a negative association between education and tax compliance. With regard to the impact
of gender on tax compliance Hasseldine and Hite (2003) and Mohamad ali et al (2007) concludes
that female tax payers were more compliant than male. In contrast Richardson (2008) concludes
that gender has no significant impact on compliance across a study of 45 countries. Finally,
Derejie Birhanie (2020) concludes that probability of being audited and attitude towards equity
and fairness are insignificant factors in determining the compliance behavior of tax payers.
From the above discussion we can conclude that results of different researchers are not consistent
on the same variables. Thus, this research will be conducted to provide a clear clarification on
those variables which lacks consistency across different research results.
Ethiopian large taxpayers’ Branch office report showed that about 70% of the federal
government tax revenue is collected from large taxpayers (tax payers whose annual income is
more than birr500,000). However, the government claims that government is not earning
equivalent tax from the growing economy due to taxpayers’ noncompliance behavior
(Alemayehu 2020). Unlike this truth previous studies were mostly made on medium and small
taxpayers. To the knowledge of the researcher, although there have been a number of studies on
tax compliance factors of medium and small taxpayers, particularly in Ethiopia, there is only
one study, Alemayehu (2020), that exhaustively examined tax compliance factors at large
taxpayers’ level from which about 70% of the tax revenue is generated. alemayehu (2020) has
tried to assess the impact of about 10 variables on tax compliance behavior among large
taxpayers in Addis Ababa. But factors like rewarding faithful tax payers, perception of
corruption, ethics/norms were untouched in his study. So, this study will try also to examine the
impact of those factors on tax compliance behavior among taxpayers, the case of all types of
taxpayers including the large one, in Ethiopian Revenue and Custom authority, Jmma branch,
in addition to the other variables.
Also to the knowledge of the researcher in the study area (jimma city) there is only one study
(amina, 2013). Amina’s research was conducted on category “B” tax payers of the city and she
apply SPSS statistical tool for analysis. Amina concludes tax rate, negative perception of reference
group, and tax knowledge negatively affects tax compliance. On the other hand, she states
probability of detection and penalty rate have a positive impact on tax compliance. Thus, in my
study I will try to conduct the study in the ministry of revenue, jimma branch by adding some
important variables using STATA. This will have its own contribution with regard to filling
knowledge gap and giving some important direction for policy makers.
1.4 Objectives of the study
1.4.1 General Objective
General Objective of the Study In the context of the problem and research question highlighted
above is to assess determinants of tax compliance behavior among tax payers: the case Ethiopian
Ministry of Revenue (Jmma branch). Based on this broad objective the study has the following
Specific objectives.
Chapter Two:
This chapter presents a review of related literatures to provide foundation of knowledge on the
topic and to serve as background for this study. Currently several empirical studies were
conducted to identify the factors that influence tax compliance in the world and in Ethiopia too.
Nevertheless, the variables that were identified as determinants of tax compliance vary from
study to study and from country to country. This chapter covers theoretical and empirical
reviews related to the study in an understandable way. Finally, the chapter ends with
formulation of hypothesis.
tax deductibility benefits: arises when the income tax system permits some
tax compliance costs to be treated as a legitimate deduction for tax calculation
purposes, for example where the tax system permits a business a deduction
for the services of their tax practitioners and tax-related incidental expenses
from their taxable income(Smulders et al., 2012).
Cash flow benefits: are the benefits derived from the use of tax revenues for a
period before they must be paid over to the revenue authority, such as property tax
collected by banks or supermarkets, the deduction of “pay-as-you-earn tax”
(PAYE) by employers and VAT by vendors, before these are paid over to the
relevant revenue authority (Smulders et al., 2012). A further example is the benefit
from the lawful delay that arises when the income received by a taxpayer is not
immediately or fully taxed on accrual or receipt.
Managerial benefits: are the benefits that may arise due to a requirement in terms
of tax legislation to maintain records, such as better recordkeeping, the use of
technology, improved knowledge of the financial affairs of the business in
particular in the form of increased knowledge of their complex accounting
information systems and improved business or managerial decisions (Smulders et
al., 2012).
A research conducted by Widianto (2015) using the logit model shows that age have statistically
significant and negative influence on tax payers compliance behavior. This means that older
taxpayers are less likely to comply than younger taxpayers. Also Tadesse & Goitom (2014) on
their study found a negative association implying that older taxpayers were less compliant.
Niway & Wondwossen (2016) also concludes age have not significant impact on tax compliance
behavior in their study. Whereas, the study of Adimassu &Jerene (2016) and Manchilot (2018)
stated that age of tax payers has positive but no significant impact on compliance level of tax
payers. Deyganto (2018) and Amina & Saniya (2014) conclude that age has a significant and
positive impact on tax payers’ compliance behavior. Means old tax Payers are less compliant than
the younger one.
2. Gender_ it is considered one of the important factors when studying the
determinants of tax compliance level of tax payers. For example, Widianto (2015) depicted that
gender variable has a statistically negative significant marginal effect on compliance behavior. In
other words, female taxpayers have more likely to comply by abiding tax laws than male
taxpayers. This finding is consistent with the finding of Tadesse & Goitom (2014) that
female taxpayers are more compliant in comparison with males in the study area. But, the study
of Aronmwan, Imobhio& Izedonmi (2015), Manchilot (2018) and Adimassu & Jerene (2016)
stated that gender of tax payers has positive but no significant impact on compliance level of tax
payers. Also, a higher level of noncompliance has been noticed in female in a study conducted by
Houston and Tran (2001).
3. Tax knowledge and awareness- Tax knowledge is an essential element in a voluntary
compliance tax system (Saad, 2014). Tax knowledge/awareness refers to taxpayers’
understanding of tax laws and regulations on the specific tax issues that relate to them. Tax
knowledge can be gained through self-learning, and attending formal and informal training
(Halla,2012). This is also another issue that has to be dealt while examining the factors affecting
tax compliance behavior of tax payers. The finding of Adimassu & Jerene (2016) showed that tax
compliance is positively related with education level of tax payers. Smith, (2018) affirmed that
of the fundamental ways to increase public awareness is for taxpayers to have knowledge about
taxation. Also Saad (2014) suggested that unintentional non-compliance among small business
taxpayers is due to their lack of knowledge. Such evidence was also documented among
individual taxpayers in Malaysia who unintentionally made mistakes in their tax return forms
(Marti et al., 2010). This statement is supported by (Malaysian Digest, 2017) who observed that tax
compliance is significantly related to general level of education. But, the study of Tadesse &
Goitom (2014) conducted in Mekelle city showed that education level of tax payers is
insignificant for the improvement of tax compliance level of tax payers.
7. Tax Rate
Tax rate refers to the rate at which a business or person is taxed on income and it also refers to
the rate of tax on goods and services (Muoki et al., 2014). Helhel & Ahmed (2014) pointed out
that high tax rates is one of the crucial factors associated with low compliance. This implies that
high tax rate reduces taxpayer compliance level. This is confirmed with the finding of
Abdulsalam (2014), Inasius (2015) Ali (2018), Aronmwan, et al. (2015), Alstadsæter, et al.
(2013), that states there is significant negative correlation between tax rate and tax compliance.
But, the study of Mansor (2016) on the factors affecting tax evasion in Gombe state, Nigeria
showed that tax rate positively but not significantly influences tax evasion. This is similar with
the finding of Agbadi (2011) that tax rate was not significantly correlated with tax compliance
8. Complexity of the tax system
Tax complexity can be defined from different angles by different peoples (Evans & Tran-
Nam, 2013). According to Evans and Tran-Nam (2013) three different definitions were
given to tax complexity from the perspectives of of tax accountants, tax lawyers, and
taxpayers. To tax accountant, tax complexity refers to as the time it takes to prepare income
tax returns, planning, tax advices and consultancies. To a tax lawyer, tax complexity can be
viewed from the point of difficulty in reading, understanding, and interpreting tax laws for
their application in tax compliance. To a taxpayer, tax complexity is viewed from the point
of time taken and cost incurred in complying with the relevant tax legislations. Thus, this
study will view tax complexity from the difficulties of the tax procedures to tax payers to
comply with it.
Chau and Leung (2009), assert that the tax system should be simple, expressed in simple and
clear tax laws and procedures. A simple tax system and legal procedure enhance compliance by
allowing taxpayers to more easily understand their tax obligations and calculate the amount of
tax they need to pay (Evans & Tran-Nam, 2013).
9. Tax fairness
Wenzel (2003) describes fairness as distributive (fair distribution of costs and benefits in tax
payment), procedural (fair tax collection among groups of taxpayers) and retributive (fair
treatment of taxpayers in the use of coercive power in punishments and audits). A study in
Malaysia finds that procedural fairness has a positive impact on compliance behavior (Faizal
& Palil,2015). Geberegbe, Idornigie, and Nkanbia-Davies (2015) investigate perceptions of
fairness in Nigeria and find a significant relationship between personal income tax compliance and
tax fairness.
12. Ethics/norms
Ethics/norms are important determinants of tax compliance. Norms are behavioral standards
on three different levels: the individual level (internalized standards on how to behave), the social
level (behavior of reference groups, for example friends, acquaintances or vocational group), and
the national level (norms become cultural standards, often mirrored in the actual law) (Kirchler et
al., 2008). There is considerable overlap between individual norms, values and tax
ethics: the more developed the moral reasoning or tax ethics, the more likely is voluntary
compliance (Trivedi et al., 2003). In general, if the norms held by taxpayers’ favor tax compliance,
voluntary tax compliance will result. Thus, norms encompass both power and trust. First,
national norms find their expression in tax laws and the role given to tax authorities, having a
direct influence on their power. Second, social norms such as the belief that tax evasion is a petty
crime and widespread hinder the work of tax authorities (Kirchler et al., 2008).
2.2. Review of Empirical studies
Most studies in ethiopia and the world indicate taxpayers’ voluntary tax compliance is
influenced by so many factors. As dereje (2020) hs explaind in his study tax compliance
determinants are classified in to three categories. The three categories are 1) individual factors
(age, gender, and tax knowledge and awareness), 2) institutional factors (probability of being
audited, tax penalties and enforcements, tax rewards and incentives, tax rate, complexity of tax
system and tax fairness), 3) psychological factors (peer influence, perception of corruption, and
ethics/norms). According to different literatures the significant and relationship of those factors
with tax compliance of tax payers is different.
Maseko (2014) has conducted a study on determinants of tax compliance in small and medium
enterprises (SMEs)‟ Zimbabwe, the results indicated that the perceptions of SME operators
about tax fairness, tax service quality and government spending priorities greatly affect their tax
compliance decisions. Tax knowledge was discovered to have no correlation with tax registration
compliance but weak negative correlations with filing compliance. Lastly the results show
compliance costs were discovered to have negative correlations with tax compliance. Also a study
byMisu(2011) in Romanian identifies economic factors like the level of income, audit
probabilities, tax audit, tax rate, tax benefits, penalties, fines and other social and national
norms, and perceived fairness.
a study entitled as “Determinants of Voluntary Tax Compliance Behavior in Self-Assessment
System: Evidence from SNNPRS, Ethiopia” was conducted by Niway & Wondwossen (2016).
Its conclusion indicates that tax compliance is significantly influenced by tax knowledge,
perception of tax payers towards government spending, tax rates, tax equity and fairness,
educational level of tax payers, tax penalty and the role of tax authority. They also evidenced
that, variables such as penalty, role and efficiency of tax authority, tax rates, respondents’
financial constraint, age and gender of respondents were not significant determinants of tax
compliance behavior in their study. On the other hand, a study conducted by Dereje (2020) on
“determinants of tax compliance in a case of category “C” business profit taxpayers in
Nekemte town, Ethiopia” shows that tax knowledge and awareness and tax penalty and fines
has a significant positive influence over the level of tax compliance. On the other hand, the
assessed amount of tax, probability of auditing and attitudes towards equity and fairness are
insignificant factors in determining the compliance behavior of taxpayer.
Tilahun et al (2014) attempted to reveal factors that determine tax compliance behavior in
Ethiopia particularly in Bahirdar city administration. The results of the study revealed that
perception on government spending; perception on equity and fairness of the tax system;
penalties; personal financial constraint; changes on current government policies; and referral
group (friends, relatives etc.) are factors that significantly affect tax compliance behavior.
However, gender and probability of being audited have no significant impact on tax compliance
behavior. Also, he has indicated in his study older people are more sensitive to equity and
fairness in the tax system.
Abdu and Wendmu (2019) were conducted a study with a title „Analysis of Tax Compliance and
Its Determinants: Evidence from Kaffa, Bench Maji and Sheka Zones Category B Tax Payers,
SNNPR, Ethiopia‟ and they conclude that, among different variables tested, tax compliance was
positively affected by education level of tax payers, tax knowledge and awareness of tax payers,
simplicity of the tax system, attitude of tax payers towards tax, perceived role of government
expenditure, and rewarding scheme for loyal tax payers. But they also revealed that age, sex of
respondents, tax penalties and enforcements, organizational strength of the tax authority, fairness
of the tax system, tax rate and tax audit were not statistically significant factors influencing
compliance behavior of tax payers.
Haile and Destaw (2020) were studied “Determinants of tax compliance behavior in Ethiopia:
evidence, from South Gondar zone”. Their study found that audit rate, attitude of tax payers,
perception on equity of the tax system and benefit from the government as well as education are
found to have statistically significant positive impact on the tax compliance behavior of
category” A” and “B” tax payers in South Goder Zone. On the contrary, tax rate, audit
probability, social norm, compliance cost and sex are identified as statistically significant
negative determinants of tax compliance behavior in the study area. But, Penalty rate, Perception
of government Spending, training to enhance tax knowledge and age of the respondent are found
to have statistically insignificant effects on compliance behavior of category “A” and “B” tax
payers in South Gondar zone.
An empirical study made by Tadesse Getacher, and Goitom Abera (2014) in Mekelle city,
Ethiopia to examine the determinants of taxpayers’ compliance with the tax system and revealed
that nine tax compliance determinants were recognized: probability of being audited; perception
of government spending; perception of equity and fairness; penalty, financial constraint; changes
to current government policies; referral group; the role of the tax authority; and tax knowledge.
The study results from the survey conducted in Mekelle using 102 respondents indicate that tax
compliance was influenced by the probability of being audited, financial constraints, and changes
in government policy.
Teklemariam Girma (2017) studied determinants of business taxpayers’ tax compliance in Addis
Ababa city Administration. The result indicated that knowledge of taxpayer, quality service of
tax authority and transparency of tax system had influence on tax compliance of taxpayer and
they have positive and significant relationship with tax compliance of large business taxpayer.
Another study by Akalu Kibret(2016), discovered that audit rates and profit performance had a
positive and significant impact on tax compliance. In his study he assures no significant
relationships were found between tax compliance and true income, marginal tax rates,
probability of detection, penalties and other socio-economic factors. The author suggested that
greater audit coverage could act as an effective deterrent to corporate non-compliance, resulting in
a substantial rise in tax revenues.
Sapiei et al., (2014) was examined the corporate tax non-compliance using a
survey approach in Malaysia. given the limitations and confidentiality issues associated with
using government data They conclude that factors such as tax complexity, tax deterrence,
fairness in the tax rate/ tax system and perceived level of psychological costs consistently
influence the likelihood of tax non-compliance behavior, while the reverse was true for tax
compliance costs.
Amina & Saniya (2014), as cited by Alemayehu yilma (2020), made a study on tax compliance
and its determinants in Ethiopia, with the aim of investigating the determinants of tax
compliance. The findings show that age, sex, penalty, audit, simplicity, fairness and perception on
government were found to affect tax compliance. They recommended that the tax authority has to
work on educating the society, making the tax system fair, strengthen the audit system and
reducing complexity of the tax system.
H4: Tax penalties and enforcements have a positive and significant influence on tax compliance
behavior of taxpayers.
H5: Perception of corruption has a negative and significant impact on tax compliance behavior of
H6: Peer influence (assume peer groups with good tax compliance behavior) has a positive
significant impact on tax compliance behavior of taxpayers.
H7: Tax rewards and incentives have a positive and significant impact on tax compliance.
H8: Complexity of the tax system has negative impact on the tax compliance behavior of tax
H9: Tax knowledge and awareness has a positive and significant effect on tax compliance
behavior of taxpayers.
H10: Ethics/norms have positive and significant impact on tax compliance behavior of taxpayers.
H11: Tax rate has a negative and significant impact on tax compliance behavior of taxpayers.
H12: Age has a positive and significant impact on tax compliance behavior of tax payers.
2.2.4 conceptual frame work
Individual factors
1) Age
2) Gender
3) Tax knowledge awareness
Institutional factors
4) Probability of being audited
Tax compliance behavior
5) Tax penalties and enforcements
6) Tax rewards and incentives
7) Tax rate
8) Complexity of tax system
9) Tax fairness
Psychological factors
10) Peer influence
11) Perception of corruption
12) Ethics/norms
Chapter Three
This chapter presents the underlying principles of research methodology and the choice of the
appropriate research method for the thesis. It involves the general research design, population of
study, Sample size and sampling technique, Sources of data, research instrument and methods of
data analysis and presentation.
3.5 sample size and techniques
Ethiopian Ministry of Revenue has many branch offices located in the capital city and across
regional states. Among these branches the researcher selects Jimma branch office, which is the
taxpayers’ branch office in the Ministry of Revenue, located in Jimma city.
There are about 1479 taxpayers registered at Federal taxpayers, Jimma branch office as at 08
July, 2021; among them the researcher will select 315 taxpayers of the universe by using Kotters
(2008) formula.
n=N/1+N (e) 2 where: N- total population
n - Sample size
e= 0.05 error term,
n=1479/1+1479(0.05)2 =approximately 315
Where level of significant is 95% In order to get sufficient and competent data, 315 taxpayers
will be selected using stratified sampling first to allocate the sample among
businesses(manufacturing, service and merchandize). Then after I will use simple random
sampling with in each business group to select the actual sample. This will help me to make the
sample size determination more representative.
4.1 Time Schedule or Work Plan
Table 1: Work plan for conducting study on the determinant factors of tax compliance behavior
among taxpayers, in Ethiopian Ministry of Revenue- Jimma branch
Activities/ 2022
Contacting advisors
Writing literature
Preparing methodology
Data collection
1 Stationary
Pen 12 15 180
3. Personnel cost
Total 15,000.50
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