Anna Mlay Field Report
Anna Mlay Field Report
Anna Mlay Field Report
I declare that this field reports is my own work that it has not been submitted by anyone to
Signature A.Mlay
This fied was conducted at MLC in Dar es salaam at Ilala district for eight week started
The aim of the field work is to enable students to learn new things in practical in relation to
those learnt theoretically in class so as they can understand and perform them effectively.
This report includes the introduction to the organization which shows the overview ,the
historical background of the organization (MLC) when it started, its coverage and many
more. Also includes its functions, its structure and different objective ,and vision
The report shows the description of the duties and responsibilities performed during the
Also the report consist of the conclution,the skills gained, challenges faced during practical
But lastly is recommendation which can be done MLC and IFM so as to increase the
knowledge of students when at school and during the field work training.
I would like to thank Almight God for giving me all the strength and healthy during my
field work practical training up to the time of writing this field work report.I am truly
thankful to the benefit processing officer Mr Anney Semu and Miss Naanjela s. Mlaki as
my supervisors for the impressive and courageous management style that they truly
exercised to assist me
.Also Idedicate my thanks and appreciation to the Institute of finance Management for
allowing student to attend field practice since acquire different skills and knowledge from
EXECUTIVE SUMMARY....................................................................................................ii
CHAPTER ONE....................................................................................................................1
1.1 INTRODUCTION........................................................................................................1
1.4.1 MISSION..............................................................................................................2
1.4.2 VISION.................................................................................................................2
CHAPTER TWO....................................................................................................................4
2.1 INTRODUCTION........................................................................................................4
CHAPTER THREE................................................................................................................7
3.1 INTRODUCTION........................................................................................................7
3.2 CONCLUSION............................................................................................................7
3.3 RECOMMENDATION...............................................................................................8
The chapter shows an overview of my field work practical which was conducted at Makoa
Law Chambers The chapter (MLC) which will explain the history, function and Purpose of
Field as stipulated in the Prospectus as the education which every student at Institute of
Finance Management will perform as to fulfill his academic qualification. Field work is
conducted at the end of Semester for Diploma one and it is Stipulated that it will be done in
The field work was conducted at DAR ES SALAAM region at ILALA district, at the
Office of MLC for eight weeks at Posta nearby samora and azikiwe street.
Makoa Law Chamber (Advocates) initially started its operation in the year January
qualifications that enables it to be in the position to take care of its client’s needs with
Makoa Law Chambers is made up of dynamic and diverse team with many years
experience across the firm’s practice areas. The firm is Proud of variety services to a
number of various corporate and as well as private person, Clients in records who we are
diversified qualification.
They are committed to serve their clients with excellence. Their mission is to provide
effective Legal solutions to their clients that meet internationally acceptable standard of
1.4.2 VISION
Their vision is to become the leading tax and corporate law firm in Tanzania. The firm’s
vision to deliver first class legal expertise while focus on dedication to affordable trust.
The goal of the firm is to provide prompt, efficient and accurate legal services to its
clientele at a reasonable fee. The firm is associated with consultants in wide range of
practice areas and is able at short notice to call upon the expertise of others in rendering a
and supervision are directed toward the achievement of organizational aims. Organization
structure affects organizational action and provides the foundation on which standard
operating procedure and routines rest. the following are the routes that may show the
activities of MLC.
(i) Managing partner: The highest formal job title given to a senior partner in
charge of a firms overall practice, management and day to day operations.
(ii) Partners: are the pair of people engaged together in the same activities
(iii) Active partner: is an invested person who is involve in daily operations
(iv) Dormant partner: a partner who takes no share in the active business of a
(v) Lawyer: Represent clients in civil or criminal trial and present evidence for
their defense.
(vi) Legal officer: are responsible for monitoring all legal affairs within their
(vii) Accountant: is practitioner of accounting or accountancy, which is the
measurement, disclosure or provision of assurance about financial information
that help managers, inverstors,tax authorities and others make decision about
allocating resource.
(viii) Secretary: Administrative professional or personal assistant is a person whose
work including executives, using variety of project management,
communication or organization skills.
The diagram below shows those routes above of their activities in a company:
Managing Partner
The objective of this chapter is to explain the task and lessons learnt that was assigned at
Makoa law chambers on department which is benefit department consultant and legal
response and information desk sections during the field work. I managed to undertake a
Here all EFD receipt were arranged in particular files according to descending date and
months were brought in my section as well as according to how responses were done so as
Lesson Learnt
I have learned that arranging of EFD receipt in their responsible files is very important
since it enables staffs to avoid misplacing of the receipt which will used to provide a daily
reports of the company also to avoid any inconvenience between staffs and members ,Also
I learned that receipts are arranged in date and months from January up to December.
Here the task is to issue a receipt from EFD machine in evening everyday after finishing a
Job . I issue those receipt as well as a reports of the sales per day sending report to TRA to
totalize a sales done in that office per day. Also at that time I issue a client’s receipts with
whose they done in their office, This reports in other words we know as a Z-reports that
can issue in every day and also when I use this EFD machine learned on how to issue a
client’s receipt with a VAT 18% of their amount payable to the office
Here the task is to write every transaction in Microsoft Excel (MC EXCEL) that done in
the office such as Petty cash, Income and Expenditure as well as Partners income so I was
used a computer for wrote a documents and at that timely I was used Microsoft excel to
Lesson Learnt
I have learned on how to use a Microsoft Excel in basis of entered a documents in a
computer like account how to close an accounts at every months and calculated the balance
checked in a computer ,so I have a skills now to how to enter the ledgers in Microsoft excel
Here the task is to check a balance of an account in everyday before done any thing ,In
Makoa law chambers there are using three accounts those are KCB Bank, CRDB Bank,
and also NIC Bank so I have check those balance online by internet banking.
Lesson Learnt
I have learned on how to check the balance on a responsible account and also I have a skills
on how to sending in other accounts or Pay expenses by using internet banking online as
Here the task is to prepare a week reports which will be needed to a certain amount of
money to another week for the purpose of office expenses such as Electricity, petty cash
and a certain cases which have been paid to files those cases ,and also if there any kinds of
necessary things which could be done on that date must be written a request for a partners.
Lesson Learnt
I have learned to prepare those request for the partners and I know how to classify and paid
those expenses on a date and also I learned about operations in office spend how much per
Here the task is to prepare a financial statements per months and to ensure that those
account are balance and also to prepare all ledgers for every transaction may occur during
the month so I check a balance of the accounts and all Ledgers are balance.
Lesson Learnt
I have learned to prepare double entry and balance it by using Microsoft Excel and to
know which occur on debit side and which occur on credit side those are the things which
Here the task is to Prepare the VAT return to those sales and Expenditure of the office and
submit it before 20thfor every months and I using it Microsoft Excel and submit it to
Lesson Learnt
I have learned on how to submit VAT return for every 20 thmonth and to prepare on time in
order to avoid any inconvenience may occur after 20th date for every months.
Practical training session is among the valuable program set to enhance students leaning
and Understanding the facts about their career. The training exposes students to new
challenges and opportunities in their chosen profession .Most of things taught theoretically
are practiced during this period. it enables students to experience different working
environment before they are actually employed or self employed upon completion of their
During this period students are exposed to various people such as directors,managers and
entire society that they never met before.This helpstudents to understand how to deal with
different managers at different levels. They also learn on how to behave towards a
particular senior.Thus the practical training session is very important to students as future
employees or employers.
Moreover Practical training enables students to understand various fields other than those
which are within their career. For instance at MLC many things about administration
technology ,which are not my career but something in excess was obtained and which is
beneficial .Then further gained personal confidence and self trust as was working with
different people having different managerial positions and different qualifications such as
knowledge while the problems faced were solved. The work environment was extremely
good such that enjoyed each moment of stay .Therefore practical training session is
essential and should be competent in what they have been taught theoretically to put them
in practical mode so as they can build their future career for their own and for the
development of country.
The organization (MLC) should provide job opportunities to the trainees after getting their
unemployment has been bigger problem in our country regardless to the fact that people
are qualified and they still don’t get the opportunity to be employed.
IFM Management should assist the student on finding institution or companies and
organization where they can conduct their practical training in order to reduce the problem
of conducting project rather than field since field build students much on their career since
its practical oriented .Management should extend a period for reports preparation because
it needs a lot of time to accomplish it and therefore time should be added for submitting the
field report. I recommend this to the management of the Institution of finance and
Management IFM.