A Review of Industrialised Building Syst
A Review of Industrialised Building Syst
A Review of Industrialised Building Syst
Postgraduate Conference
Abstract—Industralised Building System is a valuable construction industry [1]. To achieve this objective, IBS
construction system compare to conventional building should be viewed as altering the conventional perception,
system. Successful implementation of IBS in construction improving the capability and competency, enhancing the
industry can offer various benefits compare to conventional cooperation, trust and team working, encouraging the
in-situ systems. High speed of construction, cost savings,
innovation and attaining the high integration [11, 13].
reduction of unskilled workers, faster and better quality
control of construction are the significant advantages of IBS Consequently, major advantages of Industrialised
This study via a comprehensive literature review from Building System (IBS) implementation are: faster and
previous research, case studies and construction reports cleaner construction, less labour, wastages and
reviews the variety definitions of IBS. Furthermore, the construction costs, site materials reduction, better quality
advantages and disadvantages of IBS system will be and effective site management, improve standardization
discussed. This research defines IBS as a systematic process and quality improvement that ultimately will produce
of integrated and coordinated elements enhancing the improved IBS within the construction industry [2, 13].
efficiency, productivity and effectiveness of the construction This paper consists of the main concerns on IBS which
industry whereas mostly of the prefabricated components
are the definitions, advantages and disadvantages.
are manufactured preferably offsite, transported to the
construction site and assembled on to the site with minimal Therefore, this paper is organized into three major parts.
site activities contributing to less wastage. Nowadays, to be a The first part of this paper will discuss the variety
successful construction industry player it is a valuable definitions of Industralised Building Systems (IBS).
alternative via utilizing IBS as a significant valuable tool to Secondly, a broad category of advantages and
enhance the competitive advantages through achieving the disadvantages of implementing the Industralised Building
international and global competitiveness, productivity, Systems (IBS) in construction industry will be described.
effectiveness and quality. Therefore, the findings of this The last part of this research includes the research
research could assist the professional parties of construction conclusion which is hoped to develop the construction
industry in providing a better knowledge ground for
industry opportunities for IBS utilisation as an efficient
improving decisions making to facilitate and achieve the
success of IBS construction projects implementation. and effective construction technique to improve the
productivity, quality and global competitiveness.
Keywords—Construction Industry, IBS Roadmap, Valuable II. DEFINITIONS OF INDUSTRALISED BUILDING
Construction System, Industrialised Building System,
Prefabricated Components.
Industrialized Building System (IBS) is mostly
I. INTRODUCTION recognized as prefabrication and industrialization
expressions for supply chain parties, project stakeholders,
Industrialised Building System (IBS) is regarded as
practitioners, researchers and the government in the
many terminologies such as a product, process,
Malaysian construction industry. On the other hand, it
technique, approach, system and development model.
should be noted that IBS is not obviously defined
There have been many programmes and promotions by
regarding to its major characteristics because it is
Malaysian Government in order to implement the
commonly substituted as offsite and prefabrication [1, 3,
Industrialised Building System (IBS) as an efficient and
4]. Moreover, IBS definitions and concepts are based on
valuable construction system [1]. Even though the IBS
the experience of users, perceptions and understanding,
has been used since 1966, there is not an agreed
which may change in every country and region.
definition on Industrialised Building System (IBS) which
Consequently, several studies illustrated IBS as off-site
could elaborate this construction method [2, 3].
construction [OSC; 8], off-site production [OSP; 5-7],
Nevertheless, there have been a number of studies which
industrialized and automated construction [12], off-site
describe the Industrialised Building System (IBS) as off-
manufacturing (OSM), prefabricated building, pre-
site method (manufacturing, production and
assembled building and pre-assembly [1, 10].
construction), construction and building system
Furthermore, IBS could be more elaborated by other
(automation, non-traditional Industrialisation, innovative
definitions such as pre-cast building, pre-cast
solutions, modularisation, prefabricated, precast and pre-
construction, non-traditional building, industralised
assembled [1, 4-12]. Consequently, without
building, industrialized construction, modularization,
considerations to these various definition the main
innovative building solutions and a Modern Method of
objective of IBS construction implementation is to
Construction (MMC) [1-2, 4, 9]. Additionally, [14]
improve the efficiency, quality, cost effectiveness, safety
asserted that Modern Method of Construction (MMC) is
and health, waste reduction and effectiveness within the
Management in Construction Research Association (MiCRA)
Postgraduate Conference
approved in the United Kingdom as a combined consists of the manufacturing, transportation and
explanation for both offsite based construction tools and assembly of prefabricated components. Consequently, it
innovative onsite tools and technologies. should be noted that without consideration to these
various IBS definitions, the aim of IBS utilisation in
Nevertheless, without major concerns on these extensive
construction projects is to alter the views of construction
terms, they have similar objectives which is intended to
professional parties form the onsite construction to offsite
manufacture the structure components for the
construction (desirably off site manufacturing) as a more
construction of buildings in a more control environment
controlled environment [1].Therefore recently, [4] in their
(desirably offsite manufacturing) instead of to build them
research, suggested that the new definition on IBS should
on the construction site (onsite
consist of the process and system point of view along
manufacturing).Furthermore, IBS is aimed to enhance the
with six significant characteristics which are
productivity, efficiency, quality and effectiveness of IBS
industrialized in transportation, production and assembly
construction projects [1-2].
technique, mass-production, onsite fabrication,
Various definitions (twelve definitions) of IBS have been standardization and structured planning and process
recognized in different studies as demonstrated in Table integration.
As a result, comparing with other twelve definitions of
IBS, this research defines IBS as a systematic process of
Table 1: Definitions of IBS.
integrated and coordinated elements enhancing the
efficiency, productivity and effectiveness of the
Author IBS Definition
A construction technique which components are construction industry whereas mostly of the prefabricated
manufactured in a controlled environment (on or off components are manufactured preferably offsite,
[1] site), transported, positioned and assembled into a transported to the construction site and assembled on to
structure with minimal additional site works the site with minimal site activities contributing to less
contributing to less wastage.
As prefabrication process and construction
wastage. The following part of this research will discuss
[4] industrialization concept. of the wide categories of advantages and disadvantages of
A method of construction established based on Industralised Building Systems (IBS).
[15] innovation and on rethinking the various techniques of
Mass production of building components in factory
[16] (offsite) or at site (onsite). According to IBS Roadmap Review report, [25] the
A construction system that is built using pre-fabricated adoption of IBS in Malaysia is a client driven. Hence,
[17] components. client with a good knowledge and awareness of IBS
A construction method through the use of best benefits will be more encouraged to adapt IBS such as
[18, 19] construction machineries, equipments, materials and
extensive planning of the construction projects.
through assigning the designers to design their
An integrated manufacturing and construction process construction according to IBS. However, lack of
[20] with well organization and activities management. awareness program to understand client needs and giving
The process of preassembly, organization and correct information on IBS has contributing to a lack of
[21] completion of final project assembly before installation. interest from the client and decision makers [17].
A set of interrelated elements that act together to enable
designated performance of building which includes Furthermore, IBS has been introduced as a method with
[22] several procedures (managerial and technological) for better productivity, quality and Safety [4].
the production and installation of these elements. IBS has been identified as a potential method to
An industrialised system of components production or improve overall construction performance in terms of
[23] building assembly or both.
An integrated system including software and hardware
quality, cost effectiveness, health and safety, productivity
[24] which building components are planned, fabricated, and waste reduction [26]. Nevertheless, the large numbers
transported and assembled at site. of building contractors are reluctant to apply IBS in their
According to Table 1, the starting definition of IBS which construction projects due to cost factor, lack of previous
is by [24], indicates the IBS as a system comprising of experience, increase in project risk and lack of
software elements including the system design (a professional trained in IBS systems. Furthermore, in the
complex process of studying the requirement of the end Malaysian context, the government’s policy on housing is
user, market analysis, development of standardized that, the traditional building practices must be replaced by
components and etc.) and the hardware elements Industrialised Building System (IBS), which could save
including the structural analysis. Nevertheless, the on labour, cost and time of construction while as, it could
definitions in Table 1 highlighted on prefabrication, off- award quality and durability for building life as well as
site production, off-site manufacturing and mass developing a better safety and security system and more
production as the major features of IBS. Furthermore, cost effectiveness of IBS construction methods [27].
based on Table 1, seven authors have defined IBS as a Adopting the usage of Industry Building Systems in the
method, concept, technique, approach and process [1, 4, construction of the low cost high-rise apartments had
15, 18-21]. On the other hand, five authors [16-17, 22-24] significantly giving advantages in various aspects such as
defined IBS as a product, system and technology. Hence, reducing the construction cost, speed of construction,
from the Table 1, most of the researchers agreed that IBS environmentally friendly, improved site safety and better
is an integration technique of construction process which quality construction [28]. Additionally, according to [29],
Management in Construction Research Association (MiCRA)
Postgraduate Conference
IBS offers improved cash flow to developers as they 34, 39, 41-44, 46] are : IBS requires an initial immense
could claim the costs from purchasers early as two weeks investment cost, prefabrication elements are considered
upon erection of building panels. inflexible, negative impact on social perception, the
The advantages and disadvantages of IBS can be also industry is uncompetitive due to lack of open
compared and justified with the conventional system, collaboration and lack of information in IBS
whereas, conventional construction methods that have implementation. However, to be competitive at the
proven to be more time consuming , wasteful, difficult, international level and in addition to become globalized,
dangerous and messy are illustrated in Table 2 and Table it is important for the Malaysia construction industry to
3. The numerous advantages of IBS includes quality of evolve, be well organized and prepared such as by putting
products, reduce construction material wastages, fewer greater efforts in introducing and implementing the new
site workers, increase safety, faster completion time and IBS roadmap 2011-2015 (second IBS Roadmap). This
also reducing total construction costs. Relatively, the low aim will be facilitated and successfully achieved through
labor cost in Malaysia is the main root cause of the enhancing the productivity, efficiency, quality and safety
construction industry failing to reform and being via the IBS implementation within the construction
complacent with the current systems of IBS, which if industry. Following part of this research will bring down
implemented will eventually enhance the level of brief overall concluded points of this research
productivity, efficiency, quality and safety [25; IBS
Roadmap Review]. IV. CONCLUSION
This research defines IBS as a systematic process of
Table 2: Advantagesof Industralised Building Systems.
integrated and coordinated elements enhancing the
Advantages of IBS Authors efficiency, productivity and effectiveness of the
Achieving High Quality [4, 26, 27-28, 30-34] construction industry whereas mostly of the prefabricated
Faster Construction Time [28-31, 33, 35]
High Cost Saving [26-28-31, 35-37]
components are manufactured preferably offsite,
Reduction of Unskilled Workers and Fewer transported to the construction site and assembled on to
Site Workers [12, 29, 31] the site with minimal site activities contributing to less
Enhancing the Social Benefits [12, 29, 31, 38] wastage. Furthermore, this study proposed and discussed
Increasing the Safety [4, 26-28, 31, 39] the IBS variety of definitions, advantages and
Enhancing the Flexibility in Construction
Projects [12, 40] disadvantages. Successful and effective implementation
Increasing Environmental and Construction of IBS in Malaysia construction industry can offer
Site Cleanliness [28, 35-36] various benefits compare to conventional in-situ systems.
Enhancing the Efficiency of Construction Those are: the speed of construction, less wastage of
Projects [4, 26, 33]
materials which means cost savings, reduction of
Optimizing the Site Work and Site Location [31]
unskilled workers, faster and better quality control of
According to Table 2 the most five significant construction, increased site cleanliness and safety to
advantages of IBS which has been identified are: construction projects. These are very important aspects in
achieving high quality, faster construction time, high cost achieving the efficient and effective construction industry
saving, increasing the safety and enhancing the social which will enhance the market share of construction
benefits [4, 12, 28-32, 33-37, 38-39]. industry, enhancing the competitive advantages,
preparing the construction industry for Intenationalisation
Table 3: Disadvantagesof Industralised Building Systems. and Globalisation as well as contributing to the
Malaysian economy.
Disadvantages of IBS Authors
IBS Requires an Initial Immense The government of Malaysia has done a lot of efforts
Investment Cost [12-13,17, 32, 39, 41-43] to enhance the current conventional, labor-intensive
Prefabrication Elements are activities to a more technologically advanced method of
Considered Inflexible [12, 44]
construction such as by developing the Industrialised
Negative Impact on Social
Perception [16] Building Systems (IBS) through the Construction
The Industry is Uncompetitive Due Industry Development Board (CIDB). Finally, the study
to Lack of Open Collaboration [12, 29, 31] presented in this paper is a preliminary survey and is a
part of an ongoing research, which will eventually
Requires Highly Skilled Workers [5-6, 13, 43] attempt to further enhance the practices and
IBS is Unattractive Choice [32]
implementation of successful IBS implementation along
Lack of Information in IBS [5-6, 12-13, 16-17, 34, 45-46] with introducing the collaborative technologies in
Implementation construction industry, particularly in the IBS project
It will Cause to Transportation delivery in Malaysia. Additionally, it is hoped that the
Related Limitations: [44]
results of the main research will hopefully provide and
Lack of Contractor Expertise and form the basis of a valuable coordination with in the IBS
Competence Manufacturer: [44]
Investment in IBS Construction
construction supply chain and project stakeholders in
Projects are More Risky [12, 17] order to support the Malaysian Construction Industry
Moreover, the significant five disadvantages of IBS Master Plan and the IBS 2011-2015 Roadmap along with
based on Table 3 have been stated by [12-13, 16-17, 31, strengthen the value chain in the Malaysian construction
Management in Construction Research Association (MiCRA)
Postgraduate Conference
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Industrialized Building System, PhD thesis, Universiti
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ACKNOWLEDGMENT (ASPEC 2006), Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
[18] A.K. Marsono, M.M. Tap, N.S. Ching, A.M. Mokhtar,
This work was financially supported by UTM Razak Simulation of Industrialized Building System (IBS)
School of Engineering and Advanced Technology, Components Production, Proceedings of the 6th Asia-Pacific
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niversiti Teknologi Malaysia, under research grant 2006), Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
4B012. [19] N.A. Haron, S. Hassim, M.R.A. Kadir, M.S. Jaafar, Building
Cost Comparison Between Conventional and Formwork
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