Dealer's Satisfaction Maihar Cement

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2014- 2015

This is to certify that MR. PUSHPENDRA KUMAR KOL has satisfactorily

completed the Summer Training Project work on “Dealer’s Satisfaction towards

Maihar Cement” under my guidance for the partial fulfillment of MBA (Semester-

III) submitted to Awadhesh Pratap Singh University, Rewa during the academic year

To best of my knowledge and belief the matter presented by him is original

work and not copied from any source. Also this report has not been submitted earlier

for the award of any Degree of Awadhesh Pratap Singh University, Rewa.

Place: Satna PROF. K. P. TRIPATHI

Date: / 01 / 2015 (Project Guide)



I undersigned, hereby declare that this Summer Training Project Report

entitled “Dealer’s Satisfaction towards Maihar Cement” prescribed by AWADHESH

PRATAP SINGH UNIVERSITY, REWA during the academic year 2014-2015 under the

guidance of PROF. K. P. TRIPATHI is my original work.

The matter presented in this report has not been copied from any source. I

understand that any such copying is liable to be punishable in any way the

university authorities deem to be fit. Also this report has not been submitted earlier

for the award of any Degree or Diploma of Awadhesh Pratap Singh University, Rewa

or any other University.

This work humbly submitted to Awadhesh Pratap Singh University for the

partial fulfillment of Master of Business Administration (Sem-III).


DATE: / 01 / 2015



Whenever we are standing on most difficult step of the dream of our life, we
often remind about The Great God for His blessings & kind help and he always
helps us in tracking off the problems by some means in our lifetime. I feel great
pleasure to present this project entitled “Dealer’s Satisfaction towards Maihar
I am grateful to those people who help me a lot in preparation of this project
report. It is their support and blessings, which has brought me to write this project
report. I have a deep sense of gratitude in my heart for them.
I would give sincere thanks to our faculty members Prof. Sankalp Shukla,
Prof. R.P.Singh, Prof. Prashant Mishra, Prof. Neeraj Saxena, Dr. Fahim Siddiqui, Prof.
Priti Dwivedi, Prof. Neelam Bajpai, Prof. Pooja Pandey who is been & will be source
of inspiration to us.
I am very thankful to my project guide Prof. K.P.Tripathi for his whole-
hearted support and affectionate encouragement without which my successful project
would not have been possible.
Finally, I am very grateful to Mighty God and inspiring parents whose loving
& caring support contributed a major share in completion of my task.

Mr. Pushpendra Kumar Kol


S.N. Contents Page No.

1 Introduction of Project 6-12

2 Company Profile 13-28

3 Review of Literature 29-33

4 Objectives 34-35

5 Research Methodology 36-38

6 Data Analysis & Interpretation 39-55

7 Findings & Suggestions 56-58

8 Limitations 59-60

9 Conclusion 61-62

10 References 63-64

11 65-68


Cement is recognized as one major the building block for the development of nation and a
key contributor for infrastructure development.

Cement production commenced in India as early as 1914. Right from the beginning, this
industry faced severs competition from importer followed by price and distribution controls till
1982. The easing of control and the liberalization process put the cement industry in vibrant
growth path.

In this present cut-throat market competition and current recession in Indian economy, it
is quite pertinent to review the existing operating methodology in terms of financial activities. In
last few years Satna cement works & Birla Vikas Cement kept the flag of Birla Corp. Ltd. Quite
high & were showing a good performance in terms of sales & profit, but the large capacity
addition to this industry forced the management to rethink about the work culture & style of
functioning, so that the company may face the competition & not only retain there market share
but also show a consistent growth over previous year.

To take a holistic view on inflow of funds, we conducted a study which was based on
actual monitoring of cash management product provided by State Bank of India and monitoring
of deposits at depots located at different places like Allahabad, Kanpur, Patna & many others.
We are happy to present the report of the analysis which highlights the current status, problem,
prosperity & puts forth suggestion to improve the performance of the company.



Marketing is a communication process that has the purpose of individuals or groups - that
are directly or indirectly able to purchase - aware of products and services that may satisfy their
existing or newly-identified needs and wants.

Marketing is defined by the American Marketing Association as the activity, set of institutions,
and processes for creating, communicating, delivering, and exchanging offerings that have value
for customers, clients, partners, and society at large. The term developed from the original
meaning which referred literally to going to market, as in shopping, or going to a market to buy
or sell goods or services.

Any person who carries on business in purchasing, selling, supplying or distributing
goods and also includes works contractor, company, Co-operative Society, Broker, Commission
Agent, Auctioneer or any other mercantile Agent for the consideration of cash, commission and
deferred payment.

There are two types of dealer such as:

1) Registered dealer.
2) Casual dealer


A wholesaler buys goods in large quantities from their manufacturers or importers, and
then sells smaller quantities to retailers, who in turn sell to the general public.

Many shops are part of a chain: a number of similar shops with the same name selling the same
products in different locations. The shops may be owned by one company, or there may be a
franchising company that has franchising agreements with the shop owners.


A retailer buys goods or products in large quantities from manufacturers or importers,

either directly or through a wholesaler, and then sells individual items or small quantities to the
general public or end user customers, usually in a shop, also called store. Retailers are at the end
of the supply chain.


Satisfaction in level of persons felt state resulting from company’s products perceives
performance in relational to the person’s expectations. Satisfaction is a function of the difference
between the perceived performance and expectations. Company seeks to win in today’s market.
The must track their declares expectations, perceive company performance and dealers
satisfaction. While assessing the satisfaction level a company must not conclude that it can get
full picture of dealer satisfaction and dissatisfaction by simply running complaints and
suggestions. As some times
dealers may feel that their complaints are minor or that they will be made to feel stupid , or that
normally will be offered the results is that the company has need Lesley lost dealers.

Therefore companies instead of using complaints level as measure of dealer’s satisfaction,

obtaining a direct measure of dealer satisfaction of conducting periodic survey would provide
more appropriate measures. The questionnaire can be made to a random sample of their recent

To find out how they fell about various aspects of the company’s performance. They can also
solicit dealers view on the competitor’s performance.

The respondents can be asked to list out problems they have, had with the offer and to list
out improvements they could suggest companies would also ask the respondents to rate various
elements of the offer in terms of the importance of each element and how well the company has

Exclusive dealers needed to bring dealers satisfaction. Many dealers like to develop
exclusive channels for their products. The strategy in which the producer allows only certain
concepts to carry its products is called exclusive design when the producer requires that these
dealers should not handle expeditor products its strategy is called exclusive dealing, both parties
benefits from exclusive arrangements.

Cement industry is one of the major industries in India. Today there are 130 large
cement plants and more than 300 mini cement plants operating in India, producing cement under
different brands and grades. Though most of the companies are restricted to surrounding states,
some spread throughout India. A local market to a city, a district, or a state is composed of a
variety of brands leaving to the customer a wide range of choice.

‘In the market, the movement of cement largely depends on the dealer’s promotion,
constructor or contractor’s awareness and advice to the customer and to an extent on the
awareness of the customer. Dealer is one of the key persons who can affect the movement of a
particular brand of cement. A marketer needs the information regarding the dealer’s satisfaction
on different factors like product quality, service, price, supply and satisfaction of company’s
promotional activities so as to estimate his willingness to push the brand.

The study attempts to analyze the satisfaction of the dealer regarding various factors
corresponding to MAIHAR CEMENT and the brand preference by the dealers. This helps the
marketers of MAIHAR CEMENT to estimate the market position of MAIHAR CEMENT and
take steps for their expansion of business.

Individual or firm that buys goods from a producer or distributor for wholesale and/or retail
reselling. Unlike a distributor, a dealer is a principal and not an agent.

The dealer came in to existence when communications were difficult with consumers and
it is found necessary to have a point of distribution. The dealers help the manufactures by
formulating the policy of manufacturers according to the demand and assist them in securing the
markets for their goods. The dealers are also relieving the manufactures from the necessity of

having sales organizations. The manufactures are not put to the task of collecting and securing
orders and the numbers of accounts they have to open are smaller compared to dealing directly
with the consumer.
Dealer generally enters in to forward contracts for supply of goods with the results the
manufactures do not accumulate heavy stocks. The dealers are being close touch with consumers
so they are in position to advice the manufacturer by giving proper feedback about the
customer’s requirements. The dealer occupies a very important specialized position. He not only
assist to the manufacture that also acts as the link in the chain of distribution between the
manufacturer and consumers for which purpose the dealer maintain efficient and comprehensive
organization. The dealer can asses the public demand and see that marketable goods or
manufacturer thus protecting the manufacture from wasteful and indiscriminate production as
well as the consumer against goods which are neither satisfaction nor dissatisfaction of good


Large manufacturers depends on dealer to sell their products, therefore good relations are
most important to them , every manufactures thus wants to motivate his distribution channel to
sell more of his own products. Here the manufacturer must realize that dealers are themselves
business men and must be viewed as customers and human beings rather than mechanical
entities for flow of his products

The dealer interested in maximizing their profits thus good dealer relations can be
promoted if the manner is fair to his dealers in his behavior for example- salesmen of some
manufactures dump products on dealers through aggressive selling. Thereafter, the dealer finds
stocks are laying at heavy on his hands and he cannot sell those products by adequately.
Advertising products in the area concern the manufacturer should provide his dealers with
promotional literature; he should correspond them as frequently as necessary to show that the
manufacturer is there to help the dealers to sell all and thus makes profit for them. He may offer
adequate trade discount, provided display facilitate and even arrange contests among the dealers
to motivate them towards better results. The manufacture should realize that the company
dealers are more important assets. If they are assisted with promotional help. They will

appreciate effort and would be more in demand to support the company campaigns in


Satisfaction in level of persons felt state resulting from company’s products perceives
performance in relational to the person’s expectations. Satisfaction is a function of the difference
between the perceived performance and expectations. Company seeks to win in today’s market.
The must track their declares expectations, perceive company performance and dealers

While assessing the satisfaction level a company must not conclude that it can get full
picture of dealer satisfaction and dissatisfaction by simply running complaints and suggestions.
As some times dealers may feel that their complaints are minor or that they will be made to feel
stupid , or that normally will be offered the results is that the company has need Lesley lost

Therefore companies instead of using complaints level as measure of dealer’s satisfaction,

obtaining a direct measure of dealer satisfaction of conducting periodic survey would provide
more appropriate measures. The questionnaire can be made to a random sample of their recent

To find out how they fell about various aspects of the company’s performance. They can also
solicit dealers view on the competitor’s performance.

The respondents can be asked to list out problems they have, had with the offer and to list
out improvements they could suggest companies would also ask the respondents to rate various
elements of the offer in terms of the importance of each element and how well the company has

Exclusive dealers needed to bring dealers satisfaction. Many dealers like to develop
exclusive channels for their products. The strategy in which the producer allows only certain
concepts to carry its products is called exclusive design when the producer requires that these

dealers should not handle expeditor products its strategy is called exclusive dealing, both parties
benefits from exclusive arrangements.




Maihar Cement (Maihar gold gold Gold) is well-established brand in Bihar region, besides it has

market in Madhya Pradesh, Uttar Pradesh, Orissa and other parts of the Country. One of the

major section, which requires or purchases cement in bulk quantity are engineers, architect,

builders and contractors. This section or segment is known as the non-trader segment. And the

retailers, stockists, whole-sellers are known as trader segment.

The project was carried out in the organization of Maihar cement. There are five major market

players in cement industry of these areas. They are Jaypee, Maihar gold gold Gold, Ultratech,

ACC, and Maihar gold. Apart from these there are few local brands such as Maihar gold gold

Gold (M.P. Maihar gold gold group) in Madhya Pradesh which is selling in the market. The

information about the market was gathered by visiting retailers in the market. Interview of

retailers was taken depending upon there accessibility. Also opinion of engineers, contractors,

architects and builders (who posses knowledge regarding different brands available in the

market) has been taken. Survey was done for both trade and non-trade segment to get the right

picture about the market scenario. While doing the project attempt was made to collect maximum

information about the market. To get actual and correct information, it was not told retailers that

the survey is conducted by Maihar Cement for confidentiality reasons. Large numbers of retailers

were visited to get the actual picture of the market. Again, the retailers of each grade (according

to the performance) were visited, to get each and every detail about the market.

Century Textiles and Industries Ltd. was incorporated in 1897 as a Public Limited Company

with its Registered Office at Mumbai. Till 1951, the Company operated only one Cotton Textile

Mill in Mumbai. Thereafter, the Company has made rapid progress in expanding and diversifying

its activities and today it is a well diversified conglomerate. The details of activities presently

being carried on by the Company are as under:-

(I) Business Segment – Textiles

(a) Cotton Textiles, Yarn and Denim

The Company's Yarn Division situated at Satrati, near Indore, (Madhya Pradesh) is equipped

with 24960 spindles for manufacture of Yarn and produced about 4,541 tones of yarn during

2008-2009. The Denim Division of the Company situated at the same location i.e. Satrati, near

Indore, (Madhya Pradesh) can produce 21 million meters of denim fabrics per annum.

(b) Century Rayon - VFY, CSY & Rayon Tyre Yarn

In 1956, Company began its Rayon Division at Kalyan, near Mumbai to manufacture Viscose

Filament Rayon Yarn and today it is one of the largest producer of Viscose Filament Yarn (VFY)

in India. In 1963, it also commenced production of Viscose Tyre Yarn / Industrial Yarn followed

by production of Caustic Soda in 1964 and other chemicals.

(II) Business Segment – Century Pulp and Paper

Rayon and/or paper Grade Pulp and Writing & Printing Paper Unit with an installed capacity of

20,000 tones each per annum was established in the year 1984 at Lalkua near Nainital

(Uttarakhand). The Company presently is producing over 39,000 tones of Writing & Printing

Century Pulp & Paper– Paper (Wood based) and about 37,000 tones of Rayon and/or paper

Grade Pulp per annum.

(III) Business Segment - Cement

In 1974, the Company diversified into production of Cement by establishing its first cement plant

at Baikunth, near Raipur (Chhattisgarh) to produce 0.60 million Tones Per Annum (TPA) of

Portland cement. The present capacity is 2.10 million TPA.

In 1980, the Company established its second Portland cement plant at Maihar (Madhya Pradesh)

with a capacity of 0.80 million TPA. The present capacity is 1.80 million TPA. In 1985, the

Company established its third Portland cement plant at Gadchandur, Dist. Chandrapur

(Maharashtra) with a capacity of 1 million TPA. The present capacity is 1.90 million TPA.

In 1995-96, the Company's fourth Portland Cement Plant with a capacity of 1 million TPA

adjacent to the existing plant at Maihar started commercial production. The present capacity is

2.00 million TPA. Thus, the total present cement manufacturing capacity is 7.80 million TPA (of

all 4 plants).

Century Cement - Maihar Cement - Manikgarh Cement -


Cement is the preferred building material in India. It is used extensively in household and

industrial construction. Earlier, government sector used to consume over 50% of the total cement

sold in India, but in the last decade, its share has come down to 35%. Rural areas consume less

than 23% of the total cement. Availability of cheaper building materials for nonpermanent

structures affects the rural demand. The Indian Cement industry is the second largest cement

producer in the world. The industry has undergone rapid technological upgradation and vibrant

growth during the last two decades, and some of the plants can be compared in every respect

with the best operating plants in the world. Although the newer plants are equipped with the

latest state-of-the-art equipment, there exists substantial scope for reduction in energy

consumption in many of the older plants adopting various energy conservation measures. There

are around 11 different types of cement that are being produced in India. The production of all

these cement varieties is according to the specifications of the BIS (Bureau of Indian Standards).

Some of the various types of cement produced in India are:

Clinker Cement, Ordinary Portland Cement

Portland Blast Furnace Slag CementPortland Pozzolana Cement

Rapid Hardening Portland Cement,Oil Well Cement

Prop. Century Textiles and Industries limited

B.K. Maihar gold gold


Century Textiles & Ind. Ltd.

Chairman’s Message

“I believe that the Fortunes of Century Textiles & Industries Limited rest solely on its continuing

ability to evolve and successfully implement new techniques and systems to anticipate future

trends and zero in on to them, to be in short, a company that is plugged into tomorrow..”

“Complete Customer Satisfaction and fulfilling the expectations of society is the key to

success of any business enterprise in Global Economy”.

The City of the Goddess and Music

Maihar’s fame emanates from the Sharda Devi Temple, located at a distance of about 6 km. from

the town. Thousands of pilgrims from all over the country , coverage at this temple, climb

hundreds of its steps and pass through the narrow passage leading to Devi’s idol for her audience

and blessings, admit and chanting of the mantras and changing of the bells.Maihar has also been

the auction centre of one of greatest

musicians of modern, “Late Ustad Allauddin khan” fondly remembered as Baba. “

Sarlanagar – the Cementing Community

Maihar Cement, A division of century Textiles & Industries ltd. Located at Sarlanagar Maihar-

dhanwahi road in Satna district of Madhya Pradesh on north—eastern slope of Rewa — Kymore


Its towering silos, silent chimneys, serpentine conveyor belts multistoried preheaters, concrete

roadways, provide avisual extra vaganza. A modern industrial temple carved out of what was

previously a sprawling, barren and bare rock – information.


Maihar Cement is a division of Century Textiles & Industries Ltd., belonging to the BK Maihar

gold gold Group of Companies, a leading Business House with its presence in Core Industries

like Textiles, Rayons, Chemicals, Paper & Pulp and Cement, which has been at the vanguard in

generating wealth for the Nation.  Our heritage of being a part of this group carries with it a

commitment to quality. All our Products meet the most stringent and exacting standards of our

growing list of loyal customers who are engaged in building Modern India.


Our Group’s Core Value of Quality has built for us an invincible reputation and for this, the

finest technology was sourced from world renowned manufacturers and state-of-the art

equipment installed for energy efficient and pollution free large scale cement production. The

presence of superior technology is also evinced in our various quality initiatives which have

fetched for us the coveted ISO-9001, an International Certification for “Quality Management

System”. We have also got the ISO-140001 Certification for “Environmental Management

System” which amply reflects our commitment to the environment.


Our Customer is the focal point for all our endeavors and what we value most is their trust in us,

whether that be in the aspect of reliability of supply or in the aspect of quality assurance.  An

extensive distribution network and a retail chain of thousands of outlets stretching across the

length and breadth of regions, play a vital role in taking our cement units closer to the customer’s

doorsteps.  Further, our efficient and responsive technical staff excel in providing quick and

expert care so as to enable thousands of users to keep smiling and ever wanting our products.

Plants of Century Textiles & Industries Limited:




Figures in Million

Units TPA


Century Cement 2.1

Maihar Cement 4.2

Manikgarh Cement 1.9

Total 8.2

Maihar Cement is pioneer in producing Blended Cement i.e. Portland

Pozzolana Cement .  The motivation for the production of blended

cement has been primarily with the aim of preserving limestone reserves

and environment.


 low Heat of hydration resulting in resistance to cracking.

 Resistance to corrosive water and chemical attacks and thereby longer life to

steel/iron structure underneath.

 High degree of impermeability and workability for the concrete mix.

 Higher ultimate strength at longer duration

 Higher degree of fineness, resulting in - Complete chemical reaction

 Easy workability

 Increased plasticity

 Reduced Alkali aggregate reaction  as also free lime expansion and thereby

resistance to cracking.

 Lower drying shrinkage and low leaching value.

Maihar Cement has been bestowed upon several awards both at the National as well as Regional

Levels. Some of the Important Awards won till date:


 Best Improvement in Energy Performance 1991-92

 Best Improvement in Thermal Energy Performance 1991-92

 Best Improvement in Electrical Energy Performance 2000-01 & 2003-04

 Best Improvement in Energy Performance in manufacture of Blended Cement 2003-04


 Abheraj Baldota Environment Award for 1995-1996 from FIMI

 National Safety Award for outstanding performance in Industrial Safety

 Lowest average frequency rate as runner up for the award year 1998

 Longest accident free period as runner up for the award year 2001

 Longest accident free period as runner up for the award year 2003

 Accident free year as runner up for the award year 2005

 Accident free year - Best for the performance year 2005

 National Energy Conservation Award for 2001 from Govt of India

 Social Awareness Award for 2002-03 from FIMI


 First Prize for lowest electrical energy consumption per tonne of cement & clinker

produced amongst modern plants using VRM Technology situated in Chhattisgarh &

Madhya Pradesh for the year from 1998-99 to 2005-06.

 First prize for the lowest electrical energy consumption per tonne of cement production

for the year 2006-2007 amongst modern cement plants using VRM technology situated in

the State of Madhya Pradesh and Chhatisgarh.

 First Prize for Minium Auxiliary Power Consumption with respect to Captive Thermal

Power Generation for the year 2005-06.


 IS/ISO 9002:1994

 IS/ISO 9001: 2000


Maihar Cement is managed by board of directors comprising of: -

1. Shri B.K.Maihar gold gold

2. Shri Kumar Managalam Maihar gold gold

3. Shri P.K.Daga

4. Shri E.B.Desai.

5. Shri Arvindp C. Dalal

6. Shri Amal Ganguli.

7. Shri B.L. Jain (whole time director)


Unit 1

Shri Kamal Kishore President (co-ordination)

Shri R.S.Doshi Executive President (Finance)

Shri R.K. Vaishnavi Executive President (plant)

Shri P.M. Intodia Joint President (Marketing)

Shri Vijay Kumar Sr. Vice President (Process and Quality Control)

Shri Ajay Kumar Jain Vice President (Production)

Shri M.P. Joshi Vice President (Electrical)

Shri. O.P. Moondra Vice President (Instrumental)

Shri A.S. Thakkur Vice President (Store)

Shri P.K. Agrawal Vice President (Purchase)

Unit 2

Shri B.P.Jain President (Technical)

Shri V.K.Bhandari Executive President (Commercial)

Shri Rakesh Sharma Joint President (Personnel and Administration)

Shri S.K.Tiwari Sr Vice President (Mines)

Shri Arvind Kumar Jain Vice President (Mechanical)


Recruitment and selection


Training and Development

Performance appraisal


Administration of contract labour

Industrial relations

Event management

Canteen upkeep

Grievance handling

Transportation upkeep

Estate Management

Hospital administration

School/College management

Thrift / Co-operative society management

Yoga & Naturopathy centre administration

Guest house/ recreation centre management

Handling legal cases

Safety & security

Structural Chart of Personnel & Administration Department

Rakesh Sharma
Joint President (P&A)

(VP P&A Admin.)


Paras C. Jain
Dy Mgr.(Adm.)
Mgr. (Adm.)

B.L .Agrawal
Mgr (Admn) 29
R.P.Tiwari Mgr.(Welf)


Marketing is “The management process which identifies anticipates and supplies customer
requirements efficiently and profitably”.
“Marketing is a total system of interesting business activities defined to Plan, piece, promote and
distribution want satisfying products & services to present and potential consumers”
“Marketing is the performance of business activities that direct the follow of goods and services
from the producer to the consumer or user”

A social and managerial process, by which individuals and groups obtain what they need and
want, through creating and exchanging product and value with others.
Customer satisfaction begins with a difficult faith; it starts with a commitment to deliver the
result for each customer which is also a concern of the dealers. Hence for a manufacturing
company, in order to satisfy its customers, it is highly important to satisfy its dealers, as they are
the direct customers to them. Establishing satisfaction as the ultimate goal is like the other
ultimate goals of business pursuit of higher profits or shareholders wealth. Perfect dealer service
or satisfaction is one that meets the combined need satisfaction is a systemized service that
involves the entire organization.
But many organizations have yet to develop this kind of awareness of dealer satisfaction strategy.

Dealer Satisfaction begins with the following specific assumptions about company’s
relationship with the customers.
1. The dealer service activities focus mainly on existing dealers.
2. Some dealers are more important than others
3. They are the assets.
4. The dealer is always specific.
The dealer needs and value should influence every aspect of the organization strategy, employee
safety and performance, product and organization strategy, employee safety and performance,
product and service development, sales and marketing programs, operational procedures and
information and measurement system.

Understanding the dealer is critical to the success of any customer focus initiative, the first step
in understanding the dealers is to listen to them.
A company needs to hear what its dealers are saying about its people, product service and vision.
Their information helps to develop meaningful product and service.

Organizations need to listen to their dealer satisfied, dissatisfied neutral and prospective. As one
company executive said, “talking to a satisfied customer is talking to me”. In the past, dealer
satisfaction and service was the responsibility of a separate organization that supported the dealer
primarily after the sale.
Today, service is also likely to be interested with the every product accompany offers.
High dealer satisfaction comes from providing effective services. But giving that service is a
continuous activity. It means being efficient, reliable, courteous, curing and professional every

Marketing is a communication process that has the purpose of individuals or groups -

that are directly or indirectly able to purchase - aware of products and services that may satisfy
their existing or newly-identified needs and wants.

The Chartered Institute of Marketing, which is the world's largest marketing body, defines
marketing as "The management process responsible for identifying, anticipating and
satisfying customer requirements profitably."

Any person who carries on business in purchasing, selling, supplying or distributing
goods and also includes works contractor, company, Co-operative Society, Broker, Commission
Agent, Auctioneer or any other mercantile Agent for the consideration of cash, commission and
deferred payment.

There are two types of dealer such as:

1) Registered dealer.
2) Casual dealer


A wholesaler buys goods in large quantities from their manufacturers or importers, and
then sells smaller quantities to retailers, who in turn sell to the general public.


A retailer buys goods or products in large quantities from manufacturers or importers,

either directly or through a wholesaler, and then sells individual items or small quantities to the
general public or end user customers, usually in a shop, also called store. Retailers are at the end
of the supply chain.

A brand is a name or trademark connected with a product or producer. Brands have
become increasingly important components of culture and the economy, now being described as
"cultural accessories and personal philosophies

Brand identity

A product identity, or brand image are typically the attributes one associates with a brand,
how the brand owner wants the consumer to perceive the brand - and by extension the branded
company, organization, product or service. The brand owner will seek to bridge the gap between
the brand image and the brand identity. Effective brand names build a connection between the
brand personalities as it is perceived by the target audience and the actual product/service. The
brand name should be conceptually on target with the product/service (what the company stands
for). Furthermore, the brand name should be on target with the brand demographic. Typically,
sustainable brand names are easy to remember, transcend trends and have positive connotations.
Brand identity is fundamental to consumer recognition and symbolizes the brand's differentiation
from competitors.

Brand identity is what the owner wants to communicate to its potential consumers. However,
over time, a products brand identity may acquire (evolve), gaining new attributes from consumer
perspective but not necessarily from the marketing communications an owner percolates to

targeted consumers. Therefore, brand associations become handy to check the consumer's
perception of the brand.

Brand Image

Brand Image is not something you have or you don't! A brand is unlikely to have one
brand image, but several, though one or two may predominate. The key in brand image research
is to identify or develop the most powerful images and reinforce them through subsequent brand
communications. The term "brand image" gained popularity as evidence began to grow that the
feelings and images associated with a brand were powerful purchase influencers, though brand
recognition, recall and brand identity. It is based on the proposition that consumers buy not only
a product (commodity), but also the image associations of the product, such as power, wealth,
sophistication, and most importantly identification and association with other users of the brand.
In a consumer led world, people tend to define themselves and their Jungian "persona" by their
possessions. According to Sigmund Freud, the ego and superego control to a large extent the
image and personality that people would like others to have of them.

Good brand images are instantly evoked, are positive, and are almost always unique among
competitive brands.

Brand image can be reinforced by brand communications such as packaging, advertising,

promotion, customer service, word-of-mouth and other aspects of the brand experience.

Brand images are usually evoked by asking consumers the first words/images that come to their
mind when a certain brand is mentioned (sometimes called "top of mind"). When responses are
highly variable, non-forthcoming, or refer to non-image attributes such as cost, it is an indicator
of a weak brand image.



 To find the Dealer’s Satisfaction Level with Maihar Cement.

 To find the factors influencing the dealers to deal with Maihar Cement.

 To study various areas that needs improvement in Maihar cement from dealer point of


 To study the impact of sales promotion on sales.

 To find the dealer’s suggestions if any with respect to Maihar Cement.


Research Methodology
Research methodology is a systematic and scientific method to know the truth and reality behind
phenomena. Research methodology is the way to systematically solve the problem. When we talk
about research methodology we not only talk about the research method but we also consider the
logic behind methods we use in the context of our research study and explain why, we use a
particular method or technique and why we are not using other, so that research result are capable
of being evaluated either by the researcher himself or the others.

The aim of result is a process recording and analyzing the critical and relevant facts about
the problem in any branch of human activity.

In this study descriptive type of research design has been used.

Sample Designing
The research must decide the method of selecting a sample of what is properly known as the
sample design.

In any field in inquiry all the items under consideration constitute a universe or population. A
complete enumeration of all the items in the population is known as census inquiry. It can be
presumed that in such an inquiry when all the item are covered no element of change is left and
highest accuracy is obtained. But in practice this may not be true. Even the slightest element of
bias in such an inquiry will get large and larger as the no. of observation increase.

Sample units:
The sampling units used by the researcher for this research, are those who are dealing
Maihar Cement.

Sample size:

The number of samples collected by the researcher is 80 dealers

Sampling procedure / Sampling method:

The sampling method used for this study is non-profitability convenience sampling,
which is selected according to the easy and convenience of the researcher.

Research Method

Collection of data
The dealing with the real life problem it is often found that data collected at
the end are inadequate, and hence, it become necessary to collect the appropriate data, which
differ considerably in context of money cost, time and other resources of disposal of other

Primary data
The data that are the current nature of and are collected from the Dealers and
customers at the time of survey are called as primary data. These data are very important part of
data analysis and interpretation.

Secondary data
Data that are already available i.e. they refer to the data which he/she already
being collected and analyzed by someone else. It may either be published data or unpublished


1. Experience in dealership:

a) 1-3 Years b) 4-7 Years

c) 8-10 Years d) Above 10 Years


S.No Criteria No. of respondents % of respondents

1. 1-3 years 06 7%
2. 4-7 years 20 25%
3. 8-10 years 38 47%
4. Above 10 years 16 20%
Total 80 100



Of about 80 dealers 20% are having above ten years experience and 47% are
in the business of about 8-10 years. The other 25% have 4-7 years of experience
and the rest 7% of the dealers have 1-3 years experience.

2. How long you are dealing with MAIHAR CEMENT?

a) 1-3 Years b) 4-7 Years

c) 8-10 Years d) Above 10 Years


S.No Criteria No. of respondents % of

1. 1-3 years 15 19%
2. 4-7 years 15 19%
3. 8-10 years 22 26%
4. Above 10 years 28 36%
Total 80 100



This table shows the experience of the dealers in dealing with Maihar Cement.
Most of the dealers, who have experience in their dealership, have the experience
in dealing with Maihar Cement. 36% of the dealers have Maihar Cement dealership
for above ten years. 8-10 years experienced dealers are up to 26% and 19% have 4-
7 years experienced and the rest 19% have up to 3 years experience

3. What do you feel about Quality of MAIHAR CEMENT?
a) Very good b) Good
c) Satisfactory d) poor


S.No Criteria No. of respondents % of

1. Very good 27 34%
2. Good 32 40%
3. Satisfactory 19 24%
4. Poor 02 02%
Total 80 100



About 34% of the dealers rated very good toward the quality of Maihar
Cement,40% of dealers rated good,24% of dealers rated satisfied and remaining
02% rated poor toward quality of Maihar Cement.

4. Which factors enable you to be the dealer of MAIHAR CEMENT?
a) Promotional scheme b) Quality
c) Company Policy d) Margin
e) Demand


S.No Criteria No. of respondents % of respondents

1. Promotions 06 8%
2. Quality 20 25%
3. Company Policy 12 15%
4. Margin 04 04%
5. Demand 38 48%
Total 80 100



About 48% of the dealers are dealing with Maihar Cement for its demand,
25% for quality, 15% for company policy, 8% of dealers are dealing for
promotional activities and remaining 4% are dealing by seeing Margin

5. What do you feel about Credit Period given by MAIHAR CEMENT?
a) Very good b) Good
c) Satisfactory d) poor


S.No Criteria No. of respondents % of

1. Very good 02 02%
2. Good 19 24%
3. Satisfactory 27 34%
4. Poor 32 40%
Total 80 100



About 02% of the dealers rated very good toward the Credit period of Maihar
Cement,24% of dealers rated good,34% of dealers rated satisfied and remaining
40% rated poor toward Credit period of Maihar Cement.

6. What do you think about promotional activities given by MAIHAR CEMENT?

a) Very good b) Good

c) Satisfactory d) poor


S.No Promotional No. of respondents % of

Activities respondents
1. Very good 05 06%
2. Good 25 31%
3. Satisfactory 31 39%
4. Poor 19 24%
Total 80 100



The promotion activities carried out by Maihar Cement is found to be satisfactory.

About 39% of the dealers satisfied and 31% of the dealers found are good. 24%
dealers are Poor and the rest 06% of the dealers are reporting Very good. The
promotion activities are can be still improved according their opinion.

7. What do you feel about the Price of MAIHAR CEMENT?
a) Very High b) High
c) Average d) Low


S.No Criteria No. of respondents % of

1. Very High 32 40%
2. High 27 34%
3. Average 19 24%
4. Low 02 02%
Total 80 100



About 40% of the dealers rated Very high toward the price of Maihar Cement, 34%
of dealers rated High price, 19% of dealers rated Average and remaining 02% rated
Low toward quality of Maihar Cement.

8. What type of promotional activity do you prefer with MAIHAR CEMENT?

a) Discount b) Gift
c) Prize d) Offers


S.No Promotions No. of respondents % of

1. Discounts 34 43%
2. Gifts 16 20%
3. Prizes 21 26%
4. Offers 09 11%
Total 80 100



Most of the dealers are influenced by the discount offering to them. Hence the 43%
of the dealers are influenced by Discounts, 26% are influenced by Prizes, 20% are
influenced by Gifts, and 11% are influenced by Offers provided by Maihar

9. Whether the expected quantity of MAIHAR CEMENT is supplied to you
In time?

a) Yes b) No


S.No Criteria No. of respondents % of

1. YES 54 68%
2. NO 26 32%
Total 80 100



Of about 80 dealers, 68% of dealers are satisfied with the supply of Maihar
Cement with in time and remaining 32% are dissatisfied.

10. Are you dealing with any other cement?

a) Yes b) No


S.No Criteria No. of respondents % of

1. YES 62 77%
2. NO 18 23%
Total 80 100



About 77% of the dealers are dealing with other companies and 23% deal
only Maihar Cement.

11. What are the factors that you expect from MAIHAR CEMENT?
a) Promotional scheme b) Sales follow up
c) Service d) Credit facilities


S.No Criteria No. of respondents % of respondents

1. Promotional 29 36%
2. Sales follow up 12 15%
3. Service 16 20%
4. Credit facilities 23 29%
Total 80 100



Most of the dealers want the support of promotional activities, about 36% of
dealers want the support of promotional activities, 29% of dealers wants the
support of credit facilities, 20% of dealers wants the support of Service, and
remaining 15% of dealers wants the support of sales follows.

12. Do you recommend your customer about MAIHAR CEMENT?

a) Yes b) No


S.No Criteria No. of respondents % of

1. YES 76 95%
2. NO 04 05%
Total 80 100



About 95% of dealers recommend to their customers about Maihar Cement

and remaining 5% of dealers do not recommend Maihar Cement to their customers.

13. Do you have any complaints about MAIHAR CEMENT?

a) Yes b) No


S.No Criteria No. of respondents % of

1. YES 23 29%
2. NO 57 71%
Total 80 100



About 71% of dealers are not having any complaints with Maihar Cement and
remaining 29% or dealers are having some complaints with Maihar Cement

14. How do you feel about the Maihar Cement transportation?
a) Highly Satisfied b) Satisfied
c) Moderate d) Dissatisfied


S.No Criteria No. of respondents % of respondents

1. Highly Satisfied 32 40%
2. Satisfied 27 34%
3. Moderate 19 24%
4. Dissatisfied 02 02%
Total 80 100



About 40% of the dealers are Highly Satisfied toward the Transportation of Maihar
Cement, 34% of dealers are satisfied, 19% of dealers are Moderate and remaining
02% are dissatisfied towards Transportation of Maihar Cement

15. What do you feel about after sales service given by Maihar Cement?
a) Highly Satisfied b) Satisfied
c) Moderate d) Dissatisfied


S.No Criteria No. of respondents % of respondents

1. Highly Satisfied 19 24%
2. Satisfied 36 42%
3. Moderate 21 28%
4. Dissatisfied 04 06%
Total 80 100



About 42% of the dealers are satisfied toward the after sales service of Maihar
Cement, 24% of dealers are highly satisfied, 21% of dealers are Moderate and
remaining 06% are dissatisfied towards after sales service of Maihar Cement.

16. Do you have any suggestions to improve the packing, promotional
Activities, Quality, price of MAIHAR CEMENT?
a) Yes b) No


S.No Criteria No. of respondents % of

1. YES 36 45%
2. NO 44 55%
Total 80 100



About 45% of the dealers have suggestions to improve their packing. Their
suggestions are wider about promotional activities, gifts, special offers, in time
delivery of cement bags. The rest 55% of the dealers are satisfied with what they
are offering in Maihar Cement.


It has been found that:

 Most of the dealers have 8-10 years of experience in dealership among that
they are dealing with Maihar Cement above 10 years.

 Most of the dealers’ rated that the Quality of Maihar Cement is very good

 The major promotional factor which influenced the dealers to choose Maihar
Cement is Discounts.

 Most of the dealers also deal with other brands to satisfy the need of various

 According to dealers outdoor advertisement and electronic media are

consider to be more effective to promote Maihar Cement.

 The major supports required to dealers are Promotional schemes and service
from the company.

 Overall 85% of the dealers rated Maihar Cement as Good.


 Dealers should be encouraged through arranging special meetings.

 Most of the dealers suggested for non-sticky cement packing.

 Promotional activities should be improved like discounts, gifts, prizes etc.

 As media impact is more, so company should go for more advertisements in

mass media and out door advertisements to promote their brand.

 In time delivery (service) should be improved.

 Improve awarding the dealers who make the highest turnover yearly

 Regular feedback should be improved.

 Most of the dealers report price is below the satisfactory level for the

The company should have the credit period given to each dealer, because most
dealers are well satisfied with good credit period.



Though the research was administered with dedication but there may be some error
that is practically unavoidable.

 Quality of the information highly dependent on the knowledge of the


 The results may not be accurate because the survey is on Maihar Cements
dealers and hence there is a possibility of bias in their responses.



MAIHAR CEMENT is one of the fast moving brands in Andhra Pradesh.

The company is holding a good market share which is the result of efforts made by
the company management and the executives.

From the market survey we can conclude that:

 Supply and quality factors are fetching to the movement of brand.

 The company is having a good dealer network and it is maintaining

good relations with them i.e., the service rate of the company is good.

 The price of Maihar Cement is matching with the quality of the


 With the ideal promotional strategies and increasing the satisfactory

level of the dealers the company can grow and become a market
leader in the future.




Book Name Author Publisher

Marketing management Philip kotler Tata McGraw Hill
Marketing research C.R. Kothari Pearson Education
Principles of Marketing V.S.RamaSwamy Prentice Hall India
Marketing management Rajan Saxena Prentice Hall India





1. Name:

2. Address:

3. Experience in dealership:
(a) 1-3 years (b) 4-7 years
(c) 8-10 years (d) above 10 years
4. How long you are dealing with Maihar Cement?
(a) 1-3 years (b) 4-7 years
(c) 8-10 years (d) above 10 years
5. What do you feel about Quality of Maihar Cement?
(a) Very Good (b) Good
(c) Satisfactory (d) Poor
6. Which factor enables you to be the dealer of Maihar Cement?
(a) Promotional Scheme (b) Quality
(c) Company Policy (d) Margin
7. What do you feel about credit period given by Maihar Cement?
(a) Very Good (b) Good
(c) Satisfactory (d) Poor

8. What do you think about Promotion Activities given by Maihar Cement?
(a) Very Good (b) Good
(c) Satisfactory (d) Poor

9. What do you feel about the Price of Maihar Cement?

(a) Very High (b) High
(c) Average (d) Low
10. What type of promotional activity do you prefer with Maihar Cement?
(a) Discount (b) Gift
(c) Prize (d) Offers
11. Whether the expected quantity of Maihar Cement is supplied to you in time?
(a) Yes (b) No

12. Are you dealing with other companies?

(a) Yes (b) No
If Yes, specify
13. What are the factors that you expect from Maihar Cement?
(a) Promotional Schem (b) Sales follow-up
(c) Service (d) Credit Facility
14. Do you have any complaints about Maihar Cement?
(a) Yes (b) No
If Yes, specify the reason,

15. Do you recommend your customers about Maihar Cement?

(a) Yes (b) No
If Yes/No, specify the reason,

16. Do you have any suggestions to improve the quality of Maihar Cement?
(a) Yes (b) No
If Yes, specify,
17. What do you feel about after sales service given by Maihar Cement?
(a) Highly Satisfied (b) Satisfied
(c) Moderate (d) Dissatisfied
18. How do you feel about Maihar Cement transportation?
(a) Highly Satisfied (b) Satisfied
(c) Moderate (d) Dissatisfied
19. What is overall rating you give to Maihar Cement?
(a) Very Good (b) Good
(c) Satisfactory (d) Poor
20. Comparative to KCP which brand is better in promotional activity?
(a) Sager priya cement (b) Raasi cement
(c) Parashakthi cement (d) Kakathiya
(e) None
21. Which of the following media advertising are considered to be more effective?
(a) Print media (b) Electronic media
(c) Radio (d) out door advertisement


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