Aircraft Communication, Adressing and Reporting System (Acars)
Aircraft Communication, Adressing and Reporting System (Acars)
Aircraft Communication, Adressing and Reporting System (Acars)
• ACARS operates in two modes
• Demand mode
• Polled mode
Demand Mode
• The flight crew can initialize communication.
• The MU determines whether the channel is free.
• If the channel is busy, the MU waits until the channel is
• The ground station replies to the message
• If error or no reply is received, from the ground
station, the MU will alert the flight crew after six
Polled mode
• only operates when interrogated from the ground
• The MU formats flight data prior to transmission and
upon request, it transmits.
• The ground station relays/switches this data to the
ARINC control center.
• This data is organized and sent to Operators’ control
ACARS System
ACARS system in the A/C
FUTURE Air Navigation Systems (FANS)
• ICAO defined a standard for FANS systems that is
referred to as Communication, Navigation,
Surveillance/ Air Traffic Management (CNS ATM).
• For better exploitation of airspace capacity which
will make flying more economic and ecologically
compatible without degrading safety level
• Boeing system:- FANS 1, FANS 2 (Further
improvements of FANS 1)
• Airbus system:- FANS A, FANS B (Further
improvements of FANS A)
• CNS/ATM is designed to use various levels of
automation, digital technology and satellite systems
to give a Seamless Global Air Traffic Management
• Communications, Navigation and Surveillance (CNS)
Systems refer to the facilities offered by an ATSU.
• Air Traffic Management (ATM) refers to the facilities
offered by an Aircraft Operational Centre (AOC). This
is basically the airline, or company, operating the
• Before introduction of the FANS concept, position reports
on oceanic routes were, for example, given by the pilot
• HF voice (hence delayed position reports to ATC).
• The inertial position from an INS or IRS- inaccurate with time
• The sum of both facts demanded a greater separation of
• FANS A specified that the aircraft position be determined
by GPS rather than inertial systems and sent to the ground
station by VHF or satellite (INMARSAT) ACARS connection.
• Employment of GPS improves the accuracy of aircraft
position, and therefore reduces the risk of dangerous
close encounters or even collisions of aircraft.
• FANS A is used over oceanic and remote
airspace, and is transmitted over the ACARS
network, operated by ARINC.
• Its improvement FANS B will also be used on the
continental routes with their dense traffic.
• Use of different additional sensors is meant to
further improve additional accuracy compared
to the GPS based position reports.
• All medium-range airliners certified from 2011
onwards have to be equipped with FANS B
• FANS B is very similar to FANS A but operates
within High Density airspace having good VHF
• FANS B is operated over the Aeronautical
Telecommunications Network (ATN), which is
operated by SITA.
• The ATN is an internetwork architecture that
allows ground/ground, ground/air and avionic
data sub-networks to inter-operate.
FANS A Consists of three sub-functions:
1. ATS Facility Notification (AFN): which ensures that every
aircraft is always in contact with the appropriate ground
2. Automatic Dependent Surveillance (ADS): which is
responsible for aircraft position reports to the ground
3. Controller Pilot Datalink Communications (CPDLC): which
replaces voice communication via VHF or HF between an
aircraft and a ground facility for example for the purpose
of delivering clearances.
1. ATS Facility Notification (AFN)
• This function is also referred to as “log-on”,
• At the boundary of a sector, a handover to the next sector
become necessary; hence the ground station tells the aeroplane
to report to the next sector.
• The aeroplane transmits a log-on request to the ground facility
• The ground station thereafter checks if the aeroplane is qualified
to log-on and send a positive or negative answer.
• For positive answer, the aeroplane stays in contact with the new
facility and transmits a message to the former station that a log-
on to the next sector has been accomplished.
• After successful log-on the air traffic controller can make use of
both the ADS and CPDLC functions, or only one of them if
2. Controller Pilot Data-link Communication(CPDLC)
The types of messages:
• Clearance requests
• The corresponding clearances from the ground facility to
the aircraft (example: “fly to reach <flight level> at or
befre <time>)
• Conditions for the passage of certain air-spaces
• “Mayday” messages from the aeroplane
• Request for voice communication from both ends
• Instructions to the pilot to check the status of certain
• Free text messages in both directions
• The Controller Pilot Data-link Communication(CPDLC):-
✓ replaces voice communication between an aircraft
and ground facility
✓ It facilitates the exchange of messages between the
pilot and ATC, who is currently in control of the
✓ clarifies dialogue between the ATC and aircraft crew
who speak different languages (removes human
✓ It allows the crew to review ATC instructions.
3. Automatic Dependent Surveillance (ADS)
• FANS A uses the so-called “ADS-Contract” or ADS-C.
• In ADS-C, aircraft transmit their determined GPS position
as well as desired additional information for air traffic
surveillance on demand .
• This is done only to the appropriate ground facility.
• The system thereby replaces the Secondary Surveillance
Radar (SSR) transponder function
• ADS-C is an automatic function that does not require any
crew interference.
• The contracts are “controlled” by the ground end
• Due to its higher accuracy in comparison to positions
determined by radar antennas, ADS enables a reduction
of separation values.
• The ground end can choose between three
types of contracts: periodic, on demand
and on event.
• A change between those contracts can be
completed without crew notification.
• But the emergency mode is triggered by the
crew. This is the CPDLC downlink “Mayday”
I. Periodic contract:
• the aircraft ACARS repetitively transmits the
requested information to the ground station via
downlink when a defined time has passed.
• Such a contract lasts until it is either terminated
or replaced by another periodic contract.
• The time span after which the information is
transmitted can be adapted to the current
situation (e.g. traffic density) by the ground
II. Event contract:
• A downlink message is sent whenever a certain
“event” occurs.
• Vertical speed change
• Lateral displacement change from the FMS flight
• Departure from the altitude band
• FMS switch over to the next waypoint in the flight
III. Demand contract:
• It is used, for example, in climb or descent.
• It is a one-time report transmitting only the basic data
(flight number, latitude and longitude, altitude, time and
navigational accuracy).
• The indicated altitude with an ADS-C contract only
changes when a new report is received.
IV. The emergency mode:
• This can only be activated or cancelled by the crew.
• ADS-C automatically changes to emergency mode if a
“Mayday” message is sent via the CPDLC.