Introduction To C++ by DK Mamonai 09CE37
Introduction To C++ by DK Mamonai 09CE37
Introduction To C++ by DK Mamonai 09CE37
OBJECT 1: INTRODUCING C++ ENVIRONMENT The C++ environment is the graphical user environment as it offers the capability of the mouse. Like many application environments C++ environment is a window with work area and formatting tool bar at the top. The blue area in the environment is the text editor where the user writes source code (program). The cyan colored area below the text editor is the message window in which the compiler shows the list of errors, messages and warnings. The green button at the left top of the text editor is the close button, which when pressed closes the current source file and the green arrow at the right top is the minimize/maximize button. The name at the top-center is the name of the source file with extension of the current activated source file. The formatting bar at the top works same as in many other applications. To open a new source file open File menu and click New, to open an existing source file click Open, to save a source file click Save, to make a duplicate copy of the source file click Save As, to quit from the C++ environment click Exit or press Alt+X. To compile the current source program open Compile menu and click Compile or press F9 key while holding down the Alt Key. To run the current source program open Run menu and click Run or press F9 while holding down the Ctrl key. In C++ text editor you can copy, paste, cut or delete certain block of code with some hotkeys. Hotkeys for copy, paste, cut and delete are Ctrl+Insert, Shift+Insert, Shift+Delete, Ctrl+Delete respectively.
Whenever you start any objective you first deal with the basics because the basics are roots through which you can gain command on that objective. So here also we will start with a basic source program. You can write any C++ source program into the C++ editor or any other text editor like, Notepad or WordPad. Remember one thing that all the C++ source files have the extension .cpp. let us examine this simple C++ source program named (basic.cpp):
Program (basic.cpp)
#include <iostream.h> #include <conio.h> void main() { clrscr(); cout<<My name is Ali Asghar; getch(); }
The program starts with the two lines containing a pound sign (#) and the keyword include. These are known as preprocessor directives. The preprocessor directives are the instructions to the part of the compiler known as preprocessor which includes some extra files (codes) to the basic source program. The files iostream.h and conio.h are known as the header files which contain the definitions of some functions. The iostream.h header file contains the definition of standard input/output streams like, cout and cin where as conio.h header file includes the definitions of function getch(), getche() and others. As the computer is just a dumb machine and can not understand any thing until you instruct it and the keywords cout, cin are not understandable to the computer so the header files tells the compile that cout is this thing and whenever used do this. The words clrscr(), cout, and getch() are not known to the computer but the definitions of these codes are written in header files and these definitions tell the computer how to deal with the words clrscr(), cout, and getch(). Simply speaking the preprocessor directive #include is responsible for including the contents of the header files into the source file. The main() is the function as the function is always along with the parentheses. The main() function is the first executable function in any C++ program. No matter where the main() function is located always the first precedence goes to the main() function and its contents. The contents of main function are enclosed in curly braces. The void before the main function says that the function main has no return type value and at the end of the function main() will not return any value. The braces { and } also known as curly braces, enclose the block of code present in any function. { is known as the opening brace and } is known as closing brace. Opening brace shows the starting of the main or any function and closing brace shows
the ending of the main or any function. The code of each and every function is always enclosed in the curly braces. The function clrscr() is used to clear the console screen. As you work repetitively with the console screen and output your results continuously with out rubbing the previous output your console screen would be filled with a lot of text and your console screen will not fit your new output correctly and you also will not be able to examine your output clearly. So the clrscr() function helps to clean the console screen. The cout<<My name is Ali Asghar tells the computer to print the string constant My name is Ali Asghar on the console screen. However a computer cannot understand what cout is but the coding written in iostream.h header file for cout makes the computer understand what does cout mean. The cout is the standard output stream which directs the flow of data to the console screen. What ever written in the double quotations in cout statement is printed as it is on the console screen. The getch() (get character) function waits to get the character from keyboard. If you run your program without using getch() your program will show the result in just one blink and will vanish out quickly. So to make the output console screen stop in order to examine the results clearly we use getch() function. The definition of the function getch() is present in the header file conio.h. The output of basic.cpp on the console screen may look like as shown in below figure;
The basic definition of the variable says that the variables are those memory locations whose value can be varied/altered according to the particular situations. Like in other programming languages variables are one of the major building blocks of C++ programming language. The variables set the location into the memory and give it certain name so you can store certain value and access the particular location of memory. The name given to the variable is known as identifier. It is so called because it identifies/indicates certain memory location. In C++ programming language there are certain rules for identifiers so, being in the boundary of those you can declare an identifier. Some of the rules are given as: 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) The identifier can contain letters form a-z, numbers form 0-9 and an underscore sign. The identifier can be in upper or lower case but the variable in upper case will differ from the variable in lower i.e. ANS is not same as ans or Ans. The first character of the identifier must be letter or an underscore sign. The identifier should not contain any space (white space) within it. You can also give underscore sign in the middle of the identifier as an space for your ease for example, square_inch. The identifier must not be same as the keywordsthe words predefined in C++ which have their own specific meaning and function. Like, main, void, return, cout, cin etc. are keywords so the identifier should not be like them. 7) 8) The identifier can be as long as you like, but only the first 247 characters (in Visual C++) or 250 characters (in C++ Builder) will be recognized. The identifier must be unique through out the program i.e. if you have declared the identifier Var1 so, to access or call it you must give its same name i.e. Var1. Some valid identifiers are: Var, var, VAR, Var1, VAR1, Var_one, _Var1, _Var_one_of_one etc. Some of invalid identifiers are: 1Var, 1_var, void, cout, etc.
You might think that the two words declaring and defining are equivalent but in fact there is a lot of difference between both of them. The declaring is the process of giving a name to the variable and its data type. The data type means that which type of value will be stored in that variable where as the name of the variable must follow the identifier rules of C++.
int var1;
The above line is an example of declaring a variable in which the variable is given the name var1 and integer data type declared for it which tells the computer that the value stored in the variable var1 must be an integer. Where as the process of initializing certain value to the variable at the time of declaration is referred to as defining a variable. The line below illustrated the concept of defining a variable:
int var1=50;
In above line the variable var1 is initialized with the integer value 50. In defining a variable we set/initialize some values to the variable before the compiling.
var1 Variable Declared int var1; var1 Variable Defined int var1=50;
Examine the below program (Var.cpp) which initializes and declares some variables:
Program (Var.cpp)
#include <iostream.h> #include <conio.h> void main() { clrscr(); int mixture; int ethane=5, methane=8, propane=2; mixture=(ethane + methane + propane); cout<<There cout<<There cout<<There cout<<There getch(); }
The above program starts with two preprocessor directives which include two header files which contain definitions of some functions and keywords as, cout and getch(). Then in main function one variable mixture is declared and three variables ethane, methane and propane are defined. The first variable mixture is only declared as it is only given the name and its data type and no value is set in the memory location of the variable. Where as in the second variable initialization statement the memory location is set for the three variables and a certain value is initialized to the memory location of the variables. The last four cout statements prints the values of the variable stored in to them on the console screen with some strings.
<<ethane<< dm cube of ethane<<endl; <<methane<< dm cube of methane<<endl; <<propane<< dm cube of propane<<endl; <<mixture<< dm cube cubes of mixture;
The variables are the fundamental building blocks of C++ as discussed earlier, which set the memory location by giving them certain names. The variables can store certain data/values into those memory locations but the data/values stored in to the variables are of different types and occupy different sizes of memories. INTEGER
The numeric data having no fractional/decimal part is known as integer data. The integer data type variables can only store and represent integer data. The integer data type is of three types i.e. type int, type short and type long. Type int occupies 4 bytes (32 bits) of memory. In type int you can store the integers with in the rage of -2,147,483,648 to 2,147,483,647. To define or declare a type int variable use the keyword int before the variable name like,
short var1=10;
Type long occupies 4 bytes (32 bits) of memory. In type long you can store the integers with in the rage of -2,147,483,648 to 2,147,483,647. To define or declare a type long variable use the keyword long before the variable name and place the letter L after the integer constant like,
long var1=100000000L;
Program (integer.cpp)
#include <iostream.h> #include <conio.h> void main() { int a=10000; long b=20000; short c=5; cout<<Integer = <<a<<endl; cout<<Long = <<b<<endl; cout<<Short = <<c; getch(); }
The numeric data having fractional/decimal part is known as floating point data. The floating point data type variables can store and represent floating point data. The floating point data type is of three types i.e. type float, type double and type long double. Type float occupies 4 bytes (32 bits) of memory. In type float you can store the floating point values with in the range of 3.8 x 10-38 to 3.8 x 1038 with the precision of seven (7) digits. To define or declare a type float variable use the keyword float before the variable name and place the letter F after the floating point constant like,
double PI=3.141592654;
Type long double occupies 10 bytes (80 bits) of memory. In type long double you can store the floating point values with in the range of 1.2 x 10 -4932 to 1.2 x 104932 with the precision of nineteen (19) digits. To define or declare a type long double variable use the keyword long double before the variable name and place the letter L after the floating point constant like,
double atoms=6.02E-7;
If you want to define a floating point variable then in type float place a letter F in the end of the constant number, in type double you dont have to identify the complier that it is a constant value it considers it as default but in type long double you have to place the letter L after the constant number. But placing F and L is optional.
You can also make the value of the floating point variable constant through out the function by using the constant qualifier i.e. const. To define a constant floating point variable place the keyword const before the data type of the variable as in:
const float PI=3.1415F; const double PI=3.141592654; const long double PI=3.141592654546845348645454L;
Examine the following program:
Program (area.cpp)
#include <iostream.h> #include <conio.h> void main() { const float PI=3.14F; int radius; float area; cout<<Enter the radius of the circle: ; cin>>radius; area=PI*(radius*radius); cout<<The area of the circle is: <<area; getch(); }
This program defines the constant value of the variable PI and declares the integer variable radius and a type float variable area. The program gets the value of radius during the run-time in integer type and then puts it in the expression area=PI*(radius*radius) and calculates the value of area and finally shows the value of area.
The data containing individual characters is known as character data. The character data type variables can only store and represent the characters. The character data type variables can only store single character at a time in a single variable. Type char occupies 1byte (eight bits) of the memory. In type char you can store the characters within the range of integers -128 to 127, where as the integers -128 to 127 represent the ASCII equivalents to the characters. To declare a character data type use keyword char before the variable name as in,
char ch;
The above declaration indicates that the variable ch is a character type data variable and in the program it will only store the characters. And to define a variable you can either give the character in single quotation marks or you can give the ASCII equivalent to that character. For example if we want to store the character A (capital A letter) in the variable ch then we can write as in,
Program (char.cpp)
#include <iostream.h> #include <conio.h> void main() { char ch; cout<<Enter any character: ; cin>>ch; cout<<you have entered: <<ch; getch(); }
Table 1.1, Data types and their ranges.
Digits of Precision
Bytes of Memory
1 2 4 4 4 8 10
1.7 x 10-308
1.7 x 10308
The data types int, short, long and char have their range with in which they can store certain values and these ranges start from some negative number to positive number. So by eliminating negative numbers we can extend the size of the data types. Doing this will make the data types to store large values as twice as the signed data types do. The unsigned data types are used when we are dealing with only positive numbers. To convert a signed data type into an unsigned data type place the keyword unsigned before the data type as in,
09ce.blogspot.comcdsfsd unsigned long var1=10000; Table 1.2, Unsigned data types and their ranges.
Keywords Numerical Range Low High Bytes of Memory
0 0 0 0
1 2 4 4
THE CONST QUALIFIER The keyword const is known as the constant qualifier. It specifies that the value of the variable will remain constant and will no be altered through out the function. If any attempt is made to alter the value of the variable the compiler will give the error. It is always placed before the data type of the variable as in,
Program (const.cpp)
#include <iostream.h> #include <conio.h> void main() { const int a=15; int b=10,c; b=b+1; c=a+b; cout<<c; getch(); }
ARITHMETIC OPERATORS The arithmetic operators are those who perform some arithmetic operations on the numbers. There are five arithmetic operators +, -, *, / and %. These are used for addition, subtraction, multiplication, division and remainder respectively. They have the same purpose in C++ as in other languages. The first four operators have the same functionality as they posses in algebra. The fifth operator is known as remainder operator it finds the remainder when one number divides another. It is also known as modulus operator. It is denoted by % percentage sign. The first four arithmetic operators work on all data types but the remainder operator only works on integer variable (type short, type int, type long).
Program (arith.cpp)
#include <iostream.h> #include <conio.h> void main() { int a=10, b=5; cout<<(a+b)<<endl; cout<<(a-b)<<endl; cout<<(a*b)<<endl; cout<<(a/b)<<endl; cout<<(a%b)<<endl; getch(); }
In the first cout statement the variables a and b are added, in second the variables are subtracted, in third the variables are multiplied, in fourth the variables are divided and in fifth the variable are remaindered. The output of this program is: 15 5 50 2 0 ARITHMETIC ASSIGNMENT OPERATORS
// // // // //
15 5 50 2 0
The operators used in assignment statements to shorten and clarify the code are known as arithmetic assignment operators. They are +=, -=, *=, /= and %=. In some situation probably you would have faced some statements like,
+= -= *= /= %=
1; 1; 1; 1; 1;
is is is is is
as as as as as
Program (arithassign.cpp)
#include <iostream.h> #include <conio.h> void main() { int boxes=40; cout<<boxes<<endl; boxes += 10; cout<<boxes<<endl; boxes -= 20; cout<<boxes<<endl; boxes *= 2; cout<<boxes<<endl; boxes /= 5; cout<<boxes<<endl; boxes %= 5; cout<<boxes; getch(); }
The relational operators are the operators which compares the operands. There are only two possible values that the relational operators can give after performing the operation on the operands i.e. 0 or 1. If the condition becomes true when the operands are compared with relational operators we get the value 1. On the other hand if the condition becomes false when the operands are compared with relational operators we get the value 0. There are six relational operators they are, Greater than >, Less than <, Equal to =, Not equal to !=, Greater than or equal to >=, Less than or equal to <=.
Program (relat.cpp)
#include <iostream.h> #include <conio.h> void main() { int a=10, b=5; cout<<a>b cout<<a<b cout<<a==b cout<<a!=b cout<<a>=b cout<<a<=b getch(); } is is is is is is <<(a>b)<<endl; <<(a<b)<<endl; <<(a==b)<<endl; <<(a!=b)<<endl; <<(a>=b)<<endl; <<(a<=b)<<endl; // // // // // // 1 0 0 1 1 0
Greater than Less than Equal to Not equal to Greater than or equal to Less than or equal to
Logical operators logically combine the Boolean variables (0 and 1). There are three logical operators And &&, OR || and Not !. They have wide scope when used with relational operators. They combine the Boolean value obtained by relational operators. Like in relational operators we can only compare two operands and get the true or false value of only single comparison but if we want to make the condition satisfied only when the two or more comparison are satisfied then we use logical operators. And && operator combines the Boolean values and makes the condition satisfied only when all the comparisons are satisfied as, (a>b && a>c && a>d) OR || operator combines the Boolean values and makes the condition satisfied when atleast one comparison becomes true as, (a>b || a>c || a>d) Not ! operator combines the Boolean values and makes the condition satisfied only when all the comparisons become false as, (!(a>b)&& !(a>c)&& !(a>d))
Program (logic.cpp)
#include <iostream.h> #include <conio.h> void main() { int a=2, b=3, cout<<(a>b && cout<<(a>b || cout<<(b>a || cout<<(!(a>b) getch(); }
// // // //
0 0 1 1
&& || !
Write a program that will compute the area of a circle. The user must enter the radius of the circle. Use the following formula for area A=3.14*R^2?
2) Write a program that will solve for the power dissipation of a resistor when the voltage across the resistor and the current in the resistor are known. The relationship for the power dissipation is: P=I^2*R? 3) Write a program that calculates the memory size of variable of different data type? Develop a program that will convert the temperature from degree Celsius to degree Fahrenheit. User input the temperature in Celsius. The relation is F=5/9*C+32?
(a): Execute the following code step-by-step using F8 key and observe how the integer variables are declared, initialized and modified in the program.
#include <iostream.h> void main() { int i=0; int j=1; cout<<i=<<i<<j=<<j<<endl; i=10; j=20; cout<<i=<<i<<j=<<j<<endl; }
(b): In the above code change
int i=0; int j=1; to const int i=0; const int j=1;
now compile it and find out the errors and try to understand the cause of the errors.
Program #01
#include <iostream.h> #include <conio.h> void main() { const float PI=3.14; int radius; float area; cout<<Enter the radius of the circle: ; cin>>radius; area=PI*(radius*radius); cout<<The area of the circle is <<area; getch(); }
Program #02
#include <iostream.h> #include <conio.h> void main() { float V, I, R, P; cout<<Enter the voltage across the resistor: ; cin>>V; cout<<Enter the current through the resistor: ; cin>>I; R=V/I; P=(I*I)*R; cout<<The power dissipation is <<P<< watts; getch(); }
Program #03
#include <iostream.h> #include <conio.h> void main() { char a; short b; int c; long d; float e; double f; long double g; cout<<Size cout<<Size cout<<Size cout<<Size cout<<Size cout<<Size cout<<Size getch(); }
of of of of of of of
a: b: c: d: e: f: g:
Program #04
#include <iostream.h> #include <conio.h> void main() { float Ctemp, Ftemp; cout<<Enter the temperature in Celsius: ; cin>>Ctemp; Ftemp=(9/5)*Ctemp+32; cout<<endl<<The temperature in Fahrenheit is: <<Ftemp; getch(); }
Program #05(a)
#include <iostream.h> void main() { int i=0; int j=1; cout<<i=<<i<<j=<<j<<endl; i=10; j=20; cout<<i=<<i<<j=<<j<<endl; }
In this program the variable i is initialized with the value 0 and the variable j is initialized with 1. So in the first cout statement the values of the i and j are printed and then the values of the variable i and j are altered i.e. i is now given the value 10 and j is given the value 20. Now in the second cout statement the value of i and j are printed. ====================================================
Program #05(b)
#include <iostream.h> void main() { const int i=0; cont int j=1; cout<<i=<<i<<j=<<j<<endl; i=10; j=20; cout<<i=<<i<<j=<<j<<endl; }
In the above program the constant values are set to the variables i and j this means that the values of the variable can not be altered. Now if the compiler compiles the program it will give the error message that the values of the constant objects can not be modified which is a fact. This is because the const qualifier is used which qualifies the value of the variable constant through the function so any attempt made to alter the variable will cause the error. ====================================================