Vision: Environmental Studies For Undergraduate Courses
Vision: Environmental Studies For Undergraduate Courses
Vision: Environmental Studies For Undergraduate Courses
The importance of environmental science and environmental studies cannot be disputed. The
need for sustainable development is a key to the future of mankind. Continuing problems of
pollution, loss of forget, solid waste disposal, degradation of environment, issues like
economic productivity and national security, Global warming, the depletion of ozone layer
and loss of biodiversity have made everyone aware of environmental issues. The United
Nations Coference on Environment and Development held in Rio de Janerio in 1992 and
world Summit on Sustainable Development at Johannesburg in 2002 have drawn the attention
of people around the globe to the deteriorating condition of our environment. It is clear that no
citizen of the earth can afford to be ignorant of environment issues. Environmental
management has captured the attention of health care managers. Managing environmental
hazards has become very important.
Human beings have been interested in ecology since the beginning of civilization. Even our
ancient scriptures have emphasized about practices and values of environmental conservation.
It is now even more critical than ever before for mankind as a whole to have a clear
understanding of environmental concerns and to follow sustainable development practices.
India is rich in biodiversity which provides various resources for people. It is also basis for
Only about 1.7 million living organisms have been diescribed and named globally. Still manay
more remain to be identified and described. Attempts are made to
conserve them in ex-situ and in-situ situations. Intellectual property rights (IPRs) have become
importanat in a biodiversity-rich country like India to protect microbes, plants and animals
that have useful genetic properties. Destruction of habitats, over-use of energy resource and
environmental pollution have been found to be responsible for the loss of a large number of
life-forms. It is feared that a large proportion of life on earth may get wiped out in the near
Inspite of the deteriorating status of the environment, study of environment have so far not
received adequate attention in our academic programmes. Recognizing this, the Hon’ble
Supreme Court directed the UGC to introduce a basic course on environment at every level in
college education. Accordingly, the matter was considered by UGC and it was decided that a
six months compulsory core module course in environmental studies may be prepared and
compulsorily implemented in all the University/Colleges of India.
The experts committee appointed by the UGC has looked into all the pertinent questions,
issues and other relevant matters. This was followed by framing of the core module syllabus
for environmental studies for undergraduate courses of all branches of Higher Education. We
are deeply conscious that there are bound to be gaps between the ideal and real. Geniune
endeavour is required to minimize the gaps by intellectual and material inputs. The success of
this course will depend on the initiative and drive of the teachers and the receptive students.
(2 lectures)
Unit 2 : Natural Resources :
b) Water resources : Use and over-utilization of surface and ground water, floods, drought,
conflicts over water, dams-benefits and problems.
c) Mineral resources : Use and exploitation, environmental effects of extracting and using
mineral resources, case studies.
d) Food resources : World food problems, changes caused by agriculture and overgrazing,
effects of modern agriculture, fertilizer-pesticide problems, water logging, salinity, case
e) Energy resources : Growing energy needs, renewable and non renewable energy sources,
use of alternate energy sources. Case studies.
f) Land resources : Land as a resource, land degradation, man induced landslides, soil erosion
and desertification.
• Role of an individual in conservation of natural resources.
(8 lectures)
Unit 3 : Ecosystems
• Concept of an ecosystem.
• Structure and function of an ecosystem.
following ecosystem :-
a. Forest ecosystem
b. Grassland ecosystem
c. Desert ecosystem
classification of India
• Value of biodiversity : consumptive use, productive use, social, ethical, aesthetic and option
• Hot-sports of biodiversity.
• Cause, effects and control measures of :-
a. Air pollution
b. Water pollution
c. Soil pollution
d. Marine pollution
e. Noise pollution
f. Thermal pollution
g. Nuclear hazards
• Solid waste Management : Causes, effects and control measures of urban and industrial
Unit 6 : Social Issues and the Environment
• Resettlement and rahabilitation of people; its problems and concerns. Case Studies
• Climate change, global warming, acid rain, ozone layer depletion, nuclear accidents and
holocaust. Case Studies.
• Wasteland reclamation.
• Consumerism and waste products.
• Public awareness.
(7 lectures)
• Environment and human health.
• Human Rights.
• Value Education.
• Case Studies.
(6 lectures)
insects, birds.
• Study of simple ecosystems-pond, river, hill slopes, etc. (Field work Equal to 5 lecture
Teaching Methodologies
The core Moudle Syllabus for Environment Studies includes class room teaching and Field
Work. The syllabus is divided into eight units covering 50 lectures. The first seven units will
cover 45 lectures which are class room based to enhance knowledge skills and attitute to
environment. Unit eight is based on field activites which will be covered in five lecture hours
and would provide student first hand knowledge on varios local environmental aspects. Field
experience is one of the most effective learning tools for environmental concerns. This moves
out of the scope of the text book mode of teaching into the realm of real learning in the field,
where the teacher merely acts as a catalyst to interpret what the student observes or discovers
in his/her own environment. Field studies are as essential as class work and form an
irreplaceable synergistic tool in the entire learning process.
Course material provided by UGC for class room teaching and field activities be utilized.
The universities/colleges can also draw upon expertise of outside resource persons for
teaching purpose.
Environmental Core Module shall be integrated into the teaching programmes of all
undergraduate courses.
Annual System : The duration of the course will be 50 lectures. The exam will be conducted
along with the Annual Examination.
Semester System : The Environment course of 50 lectures will be conducted in the second
semester and the examination shall be conducted at the end of the second semester.
Exam Pattern : In case of awarding the marks, the question paper should carry 100 marks.
The structure of the question paper being :
t) Trivedi R.K., Handbook of Environmental Laws, Rules Guidelines, Compliances and
Stadards, Vol I and II, Enviro Media (R)
u) Trivedi R. K. and P.K. Goel, Introduction to air pollution, Techno-Science Publication (TB)
v) Wanger K.D., 1998 Environmental Management. W.B. Saunders Co. Philadelphia, USA
(M) Magazine
(R) Reference
(TB) Textbook
Mmbers of the Expert Committee on Environmental Studies
2. Prof. C. Manoharachary
Department of Botany
Osmania University
3. Prof. S. Thayumanavan
Centre for Environmental Studies
Anna University, Chennai
5. Shri R. Mehta
Director EE Division
Ministry of Environment & Forest
Prayavaran Bhawan, CGO Complex
Lodhi Road, New Delhi-110 003
6. Dr. N. K. Jain
Joint Secretary
UGC, New Delhi
Textbook for
Environmental Studies
For Undergraduate Courses
of all Branches of Higher Education
Erach Bharucha
University Grants Commission
© Copyright
Text – Erach Bharucha/ UGC, 2004.
Photographs – Erach Bharucha
Drawings – Bharati Vidyapeeth Institute of Environment Education and Research
All rights reserved.
Distributed by
University Grants Commission, New Delhi. 2004.
ii Environmental Studies for Undergraduate Courses Preliminary Pages.p65 2 4/9/2004, 5:06 PM
The importance of Environmental Studies cannot be disputed. The need for sustainable
develop ment is a key to the future of mankind. The degradation of our environment is linked
to continuing problems of pollution, loss of forest, solid waste disposal, issues related to
economic productivity and national as well as ecological security. The increasing levels of
global warming, the depletion of the ozone layer and a serious loss of biodiversity have also
made everyone aware of growing envi ronmental concerns. The United Nations Conference
on Environment and Development held in Rio De Janero in 1992, and the World Summit on
Sustainable Development at Zoharbex in 2002 have drawn the attention of people around the
globe to the developing condition of our environment. It is clear that no citizen of the earth
can afford to be ignorant of environmental issues. Environmental management has become a
part of the health care sector. Managing environmental hazards and preventing possible
disasters has become an urgent need.
Human beings have been interested in ecology since the beginning of civilization. Even our
ancient scriptures have included practices and values related with environmental
conservation. It is now even more critical than ever before for mankind as a whole to have a
clear understanding of environmental concerns and to follow sustainable development
India is rich in biodiversity which provides various resources for people. It is also the basis for
bio technological development. Only about 1.8 million living organisms have been described
and named globally. Still many more remain to be identified and described. Attempts are
made to conserve them in ex-situ and in-situ situation. Intellectual Property Rights (IPRs)
have become important in a biodiversity rich country like India to protect microbes, plants and
animals that have useful genetic properties. Destruction of habitats, over use of energy
resources and environmental pollution have been found to be responsible for the loss of a
large number of life forms. It is feared that a large proportion of life on earth may get wiped
out in the near future.
In spite of the developing status of the environment, the formal study of environment has so
far not received adequate attention in our academic performances. Recognisation thus the
Hon’ble Su preme Court directed the UGC to introduce a basic course on environment for
every student. Accordingly the matter was considered by the UGC and it was decided that a
six months compul sory core module course in environmental studies may be prepared and
compulsorily implemented in all the Universities/ Colleges in India.
The Expert Committee appointed by the UGC has looked into all the pertinent questions,
issues and other relevant matters. This was followed by framing of the Core Module Syllabus
for Environmen tal Studies for undergraduate courses of all branches of Higher Education.
The Committee is deeply conscious that there are bound to be gaps between what is
considered ideal and the present syllabus. The Committee has attempted to minimize the
gaps by intellectual and material inputs. The success of this course will however depend on
the initiative and drive of the teachers and their students.
Members of the Curriculum Development Committee
2. Prof. C Manoharachary
Department of Botany,
Osmania University, Hyderabad
3. Prof. S Thayumanavan
Center for Environmental Studies,
Anna University, Chennai
4. Prof. D C Goswami
Head, Department of Environment Science,
Gauhati University,
Guwahati – 781 014
5. Shri R Mehta
Director EE Division
Ministry of Environment and Forests,
Paryavaran Bhavan, CGO Complex,
Lodhi Road, New Delhi – 110 003
UGC Officials
6. Dr. NK Jain
Joint Secretary,
UGC, New Delhi
iv Environmental Studies for Undergraduate Courses Preliminary Pages.p65 4 4/9/2004, 5:06 PM
Teaching Methodologies
The Core Module Syllabus for Environmental Studies includes classroom teaching and
fieldwork. The syllabus is divided into eight units covering 50 lectures. The first seven units
which will cover 45 lectures are classroom teaching based to enhance knowledge skilled and
attitude to environment. Unit eight is based on field activities and would be covered over five
lecture hours and would provide students with first hand knowledge on various local
environmental aspects. Field experi ence is one of the most effective learning tools for
environmental concerns. This moves out of the scope of the textbook mode of teaching, into
the realm of real learning in the field, where the teacher acts as a catalyst to interpret what
the student observes or discovers in his/her own environ ment. Field studies area as
essential as class work and form an irreplaceable synergistic tool in the entire learning
The course material provided by UGC for class room teaching and field activities should be utilised.
The Universities/ colleges can draw upon expertise of outside resource persons for teaching
pur poses.
The Environmental Core Module shall be integrated into the teaching programs of all
undergradu ate courses.
Annual System: The duration of the course will be 50 lectures. The exam will be conducted
along with the Annual Examination.
Semester System: the Environment course of 50 lectures will be conducted in the second
semester and the examinations shall be conducted at the end of the second semester.
Exam Pattern: In case of awarding the marks the question paper should carry 100 marks.
The structure of the question paper being:
Part A, Short answer pattern - 25 marks
Part B, Essay type built choice - 50 marks
Part C, Field Work - 25 marks
Further Readings
2. Bharucha Erach, 2003. The Biodiversity of India, Mapin Publishing Pvt. Ltd, Ahmedabad –
380013, India. Email:
3. Brunner RC, 1989, Hazardous Waste Incineration, McGraw Hill Inc. 480pgs.
5. Cunningham WP, Cooper TH, Gorhani E & Hepworth MT, 2001. Environmental
Encyclopaedia, Jaico Publishing House, Mumbai, 1196pgs.
8. Gleick HP, 1993. Water in Crisis, Pacific Institute for Studies in Development, Environment
and Security. Stockholm Environmental Institute, Oxford University Press, 473pgs.
9. Hawkins RE, Encyclopedia of Indian Natural History, Bombay Natural History Society,
Bombay (R)
10. Heywood VH, and Watson RT, 1995. global Biodiversity Assessment. Cambridge
University Press 1140pgs.
11. Jadhav H and Bhosale VM, 1995. Environmental Protection and Laws. Himalaya
Publishing House, Delhi 284pgs.
12. Mckinney ML and Schoch RM, 1996. Environmental Science Systems and Solutions.
Web en hanced edition, 639pgs.
14. Miller TG, Jr. Environmental Science, Wadsworth Publishing CO. (TB)
15. Odum EP, 1971. Fundamentals of Ecology. WB Saunders Co. USA, 574pgs.
16. Rao MN and Datta AK, 1987. Waste Water Treatment. Oxford and IBH Publishing Co.
Pvt. Ltd. 345pgs.
vi Environmental Studies for Undergraduate Courses Preliminary Pages.p65 6 4/9/2004, 5:06 PM
1.1 DEFINITION, SCOPE AND IMPORTANCE 3 1.1.1 Definition 3 1.1.2 Scope 3 1.1.3
Importance 5
1.2 NEED FOR PUBLIC AWARENESS 8 1.2.1 Institutions in Environment 9 1.2.2 People in
Environment 12
3.1 Concept of an ecosystem 54 3.1.1 Understanding ecosystems 55 3.1.2 Ecosystem
degradation 55 3.1.3 Resource utilisation 56
decomposers 57
3.4 Energy flow in the ecosystem 58 3.4.1 The water cycle 58 3.4.2 The Carbon cycle 59
3.4.3 The Oxygen cycle 60 3.4.4 The Nitrogen cycle 60 3.4.5 The energy cycle 61 3.4.6
Integration of cycles in nature 62
3.6 Food chains, Food webs and Ecological pyramids 62 3.6.1 The food chains 62 3.6.2
The food webs 63 3.6.3 The ecological pyramids 63
3.7 Introduction, Types, Characteristic features, Structure and functions 63 3.7.1 Forest
ecosystem 65 3.7.2 Grassland ecosystem 70 3.7.3 Desert ecosystem 74 3.7.4 Aquatic
ecosystems (ponds, lakes, streams, rivers, estuaries, oceans) 75
Undergraduate Courses
4.8 ENDANGERED AND ENDEMIC SPECIES OF INDIA 94 4.8.1 Common Plant species 94
4.8.2 Common Animal species 99
change 182 6.6.2 Global warming 183 6.6.3 Acid rain 184 6.6.4 Ozone layer depletion 185
6.6.5 Nuclear Accidents and Nuclear Holocaust 186
ACT 196
6.14.1Environment Impact Assessment (EIA) 201 6.14.2 Citizens actions and action
groups 202
6.15 PUBLIC AWARENESS 204 6.15.1 Using an Environmental Calendar of Activities 204
6.15.2 What can I do? 205
growth 214
7.3 ENVIRONMENTAL AND HUMAN HEALTH 220 7.3.1 Environmental health 221 7.3.2
Climate and health 223 7.3.3 Infectious diseases 224 7.3.4 Water-related diseases 227
7.3.5 Risks due to chemicals in food 231 7.3.6 Cancer and environment 232
7.4 HUMAN RIGHTS 233 7.4.1 Equity 233 7.4.2 Nutrition, health and human rights 234 7.4.3
Intellectual Property Rights and Community Biodiversity Registers 235
7.5 VALUE EDUCATION 236 7.5.1 Environmental Values 237 7.5.2 Valuing Nature 240 7.5.3
Valuing cultures 241 7.5.4 Social justice 241 7.5.5 Human heritage 242 7.5.6 Equitable
use of Resources 242 7.5.7 Common Property Resources 242 7.5.8 Ecological
degradation 242
Perhaps no other country has moved so rapidly from a position of complacency in creating
environ mental awareness into infusing these newer pro environmental concepts into formal
curricular processes as has happened in India over the last few years. This has undoubtedly
been accelerated by the judgement of the Honorable Supreme Court of India that
Environmental Education must form a compulsory core issue at every stage in our education
For one who has fought to implement a variety of environment education programs for
schools and colleges and for the public at large, this is indeed a welcome change. The author
is currently con stantly asked to provide inputs to ‘environmentalise’ textbooks and provide
inputs at NCERT, SCERTs and at the UGC level to further the cause of formal environment
This textbook has been rapidly produced as an outcome of a UGC Committee that included
the author and was set up to develop a common core module syllabus for environmental
studies at the undergraduate level, to be used by every University in the country. This rush
job invites comments from just about everyone who wishes to contribute towards its
improvement in the coming years.
Environment Education can never remain static. It must change with the changing times
which inevitably changes our environment.
Each of us creates waves around us in our environment that spread outwards like the ripples
gen erated by dropping a stone in a quiet pond. Every one of us is constantly doing
something to our environment and it is frequently a result of an act that we can hardly ever
reverse. Just as once the stone has hit the water one cannot stop the ripple effect from
disturbing the pond.
Erach Bharucha,
Pune, 2004.
xiv Environmental Studies for Undergraduate Courses Preliminary Pages.p65 14 4/9/2004, 5:06 PM
Natural Resources xv Preliminary Pages.p65 15 4/9/2004, 5:06 PM
I would like at the very outset to thank the residual wilderness of our country that has, since
my childhood, excited in my consciousness a desire to protect nature. For me the wilderness
is a throb bing, living place – the home of the goddess of nature, which is none other than
Mother Earth. One can only bow to her and apologize for what humankind has done during a
short span of time.
This textbook came about from my having been included in a Committee selected by the
UGC to develop a practical and ‘do-able’ syllabus as a Core Module for Environmental
Studies for all under graduate courses. The Committee met several times and had
enthusiastic rounds of discussion as to what should be included and what was unsuitable for
a unique course of this nature. While hoping only to sensitize young people to our
environment, it has also to be as comprehensive as feasible.
I have no words to thank the Chairman of the UGC, Dr. Arun Nighvekar, who has whole
heartedly supported the Committee and gave freely of his valuable time to deliberate the
nature of the course. He has always been as inspiration for me. Dr. (Mrs.) HK Chauhan
began co-ordinating the work of the Committee during the early part of its tenure. This was
further carried out due to the enthusiasm and constant support of Dr. NK Jain, Joint Secretary
of the UGC. I cannot thank them enough for their cooperation and many kind gestures.
All my faculty at the BVIEER have helped in producing this output. Shamita Kumar wrote the
chap ter on pollution, which she has painstakingly developed to suit the needs of
undergraduate stu dents from different faculties. Her expertise as a highly innovative teacher
in environment has given her the background that is necessary to draft a suitable Unit for this
book. Shambhavi Joshi helped me to frame the final chapter on fieldwork. Prasanna Kolte
and Jaya Rai did all the work to develop a CD ROM based on the text to make a more
presentable version of the book. Prasanna also dug up several case studies included in the
book. I must thank our artists Sushma Durve and Anagha Deshpande who have painstakingly
made a large number of drawings. Without them the textbook would have been yet another
drab textbook. One person who has done an excellent job of editing the English, rearranging
bits of the book and removing redundant material is Chinmaya Dunster, a musician by
profession, an editor by calling and an environmentalist at heart. He has spent many painful
hours going over the text with a fine tooth English comb. I cannot thank him enough for his
enormous contribution towards the completion of this book. Finally, for the one person who
has put all her heart and soul into this book, working long hours, and cheerfully making the
constant changes I demanded. I have no words to thank Ms. Behafrid Patel. She has been
the patient, all round support system in this complex task. Without her it could not have been
produced in this brief span of time.
xvi Environmental Studies for Undergraduate Courses Preliminary Pages.p65 16 4/9/2004, 5:06 PM
The Multidisciplinary Nature of
Environmental Studies
1.1 DEFINITION, SCOPE AND IMPORTANCE 3 1.1.1 Definition 3 1.1.2 Scope 3 1.1.3
Importance 5
1.2 NEED FOR PUBLIC AWARENESS 8 1.2.1 Institutions in Environment 9 1.2.2 People in
Environment 12
This textbook deals with major environmental concerns that have been
identified as important areas where background information is essential for a
better understanding of our environment. It stresses on a balanced view of
issues that affect our daily lives. These issues are related to the conflict between
existing ‘development’ strategies and the need for ‘environmental
conservation’. Unlike most other textbooks, it not only makes the reader better
informed on these concerns, but is expected to lead him or her towards positive
action to improve the environment.
There are three reasons for studying the state of the environment. Firstly is the
need for information that clarifies modern environmental concepts such as
the need to conserve biodiversity, the need to lead more sustainable lifestyles
and the need to use resources more equitably. Secondly, there is a need to
change the way in which we view our own environment by a practical approach
based on observation and self learning. Thirdly there is the need to create a
concern for our environment that will trigger pro-environmental action,
including activities we can do in our daily life to protect it.
2 Environmental Studies for Undergraduate Courses Chapter1.p65 2 4/9/2004, 5:07 PM
1.1 DEFINITION, SCOPE AND resources such as water for agriculture, fuel
wood, fodder, and fish. Thus our daily lives
IMPORTANCE 1.1.1 Definition are linked with our surroundings and
inevitably affects them. We use water to
Environmental studies deals with every drink and for other day-to-day activities. We
issue that affects an organism. It is breathe air, we use resources from which
essentially a multidisciplinary approach that food is made and we depend on the
brings about an appreciation of our natural community of living plants and animals
world and human impacts on its integrity. It which form a web of life, of which we are
is an applied science as its seeks practical also a part. Everything around us forms our
answers to making human civilization environment and our lives depend on
sustainable on the earth’s finite re sources. keeping its vital systems as intact as
Its components include biology, geology,
chem istry, physics, engineering, sociology, Our dependence on nature is so great that
health, anthropology, economics, statistics, we cannot continue to live without protecting
computers and philosophy. the
1.1.2 Scope
Activity 3:
How can you reduce the amount of plastic
• Think of all the things that you do in a you use?
day. List these activities and identify
the main resources used during What effects does plastic have on our
these ac tivities. What can you do to environ ment?
prevent waste, reuse articles that you
normally throw away, what recycled Where did the plastic come from/ how is it
materials can you use? made?
What happens to it when you throw it away/
• Think of the various energy sources where does it go?
you use everyday. How could you
reduce their use?
Example – Fossil fuels:
Activity 4: Exercises in self learning How much do you use? Can you reduce
about the environment your consumption?
Attempt to assess the level of damage to What effect does it have on the air we
the environment due to your actions that breathe?
have occurred during your last working
day, the last week, the last year. Then When we leave a motorbike or car running
estimate the damage you are likely to do dur ing a traffic stop, we do not usually
in your life time if you continue in your remember that the fuel we are wasting is a
present ways. part of a non renewable resource that the
earth cannot re form. Once all the fossil
Use the following examples for the above fuels are burnt off, it will mean the end of oil
exer cise: as a source of energy. Only if each of us
contributes our part in con serving fossil
Example – Plastic: Plastic bags, plastic ball based energy can we make it last longer on
pens earth.
Where will the waste water go? Where has it come from? How is it grown?
What chemicals are used in its production?
Do you feel you should change the way you How does it reach you?
use water? How can you change this so that
way in which the Government can perform maga zine, etc. that will tell you more
all these clean-up functions. It is the about our environment. There are also
prevention of environment degradation in several envi ronmental websites.
which we must all take part that must
become a part of all our lives. Just as for • Lobby for conserving resources by taking
any disease, prevention is bet ter than cure. up the cause of environmental issues
To prevent ill-effects on our envi ronment by dur ing discussions with friends and
our actions, is economically more viable relatives.
than cleaning up the environment once it is Practice and promote issues such as
damaged. Individually we can play a major saving paper, saving water, reducing
role in environment management. We can re use of plas tics, practicing the 3Rs
duce wasting natural resources and we can principle of reduce, reuse, recycle, and
act as watchdogs that inform the proper waste disposal.
Government about sources that lead to
pollution and degra dation of our • Join local movements that support activi
environment. ties such as saving trees in your area,
go on nature treks, recycle waste, buy
This can only be made possible through environ mentally friendly products.
mass public awareness. Mass media such
as newspa pers, radio, television, strongly • Practice and promote good civic sense
influence public opinion. However, someone such as no spitting or tobacco chewing,
has to bring this about. If each of us feels no throwing garbage on the road, no
strongly about the environment, the press smoking in public places, no urinating or
and media will add to our efforts. Politicians defecating in public places.
in a democracy always respond positively to
a strong publicly supported movement. Thus • Take part in events organised on World
if you join an NGO that sup ports Environment Day, Wildlife Week, etc.
conservation, politicians will make green
policies. We are living on spaceship earth • Visit a National Park or Sanctuary, or
with a limited supply of resources. Each of spend time in whatever nature you have
us is respon sible for spreading this near your home.
message to as many people as possible.
shikaris and people from all walks of life into environment related publications. It
a major research organisation that published a major document on the ‘State of
substantially influenced conservation policy India’s Environment’, the first of its kind to
in the country. The influence on wildlife be produced as a Citizen’s Report on the
policy building, re search, popular Environment. The CSE also publishes a
publications and peoples action have been popu lar magazine, ‘Down to Earth’, which is
unique features of the multi faceted society. a Sci
Undoubtedly its major contri bution has been ence and Environment fortnightly. It is
in the field of wildlife research. It is India’s involved in the publication of material in the
oldest conservation research based NGO form of books, posters, video films and also
and one that has acted at the forefront of the conducts workshops and seminars on
battle for species and ecosystems. The biodiversity related issues.
BNHS publishes a popular magazine called
Hornbill and also an internationally
well-known Journal on Natural History. Its CPR Environmental Education Centre,
other publications include the Salim Ali Ma dras: The CPR EEC was set up in 1988.
Handbook on birds, JC Daniel’s book of It con ducts a variety of programs to spread
Indian Reptiles, SH Prater’s book of Indian environmental awareness and creates an
Mammals and PV Bole’s book of Indian inter est in conservation among the general
Trees. One of its greatest scientists was Dr. public. It focussed attention on NGOs,
Salim Ali whose ornithological work on the teachers, women, youth and children to
birds of the Indian subcontinent is world generally promote con servation of nature
famous. The BNHS has over the years and natural resources. Its programs include
helped Government to frame wildlife related components on wildlife and biodiversity
laws and has taken up battles such as the issues. CPR EEC also produces a large
‘Save the Silent Valley’ campaign. number of publications.
World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF-I), Centre for Environment Education (CEE),
New Delhi: The WWF-I was initiated in 1969 Ahmedabad: The Centre for Environment
in Mumbai after which the headquarters Edu cation, Ahmedabad was initiated in
were shifted to Delhi with several branch 1989. It has a wide range of programs on
offices all over India. The early years the environment and produces a variety of
focused attention on wildlife education and educational material. CEE’s Training in
awareness. It runs sev eral programs Environment Education {TEE} program has
including the Nature Clubs of In dia program trained many environment educa tors.
for school children and works as a think tank
and lobby force for environment and
development issues. Bharati Vidyapeeth Institute of Environ
ment Education and Research (BVIEER),
Pune: This is part of the Bharati Vidyapeeth
Center for Science and Environment Deemed University. The Institute has a PhD,
(CSE), New Delhi: Activities of this Center a Masters and Bachelors program in
include organising campaigns, holding Environmen tal Sciences. It also offers an
workshops and conferences, and producing innovative Diploma in Environment
Education for in-service teach ers. It of its research initiatives. It develops low
implements a large outreach programme cost Interpretation Centres for Natural and
that has covered over 135 schools in which Architectural sites that are highly locale
it trains teachers and conducts fortnightly specific as well as a large amount of
Envi ronment Education Programs. innovative environment educational
Biodiversity Con servation is a major focus
Zoological Survey of India (ZSI): The ZSI Leopald was a forest official
was established in1916. Its mandate was to in the US in the 1920s. He designed the
do a systematic survey of fauna in India. It early policies on wilderness conservation
has over the years collected ‘type and wildlife management. In the 1960s
specimens’ on the bases of which our Rachel Carson pub lished several articles
animal life has been studied over the years. that caused immediate worldwide concern
Its origins were collections based at the on the effects of pesticides on nature and
Indian Museum at Calcutta, which was es mankind. She wrote a well known book
tablished in 1875. Older collections of the called ‘Silent Spring’ which even tually led to
Asi atic Society of Bengal, which were made a change in Government policy and public
between 1814 and 1875, as well as those of awareness. EO Wilson is an entomolo gist
the Indian Museum made between 1875 and who envisioned that biological diversity was
1916 were then transferred to the ZSI. a key to human survival on earth. He wrote
Today it has over a million specimens! This ‘Di versity of Life’ in 1993, which was
makes it one of the largest collections in awarded a prize for the best book published
Asia. It has done an enormous amount of on environ mental issues. His writings
work on taxonomy and ecology. It currently brought home to the world the risks to
operates from 16 regional centers. mankind due to man made disturbances in
natural ecosystems that are lead ing to the
rapid extinction of species at the glo bal
1.2.2 People in Environment level.
There are several internationally known There have been a number of individuals
environ mental thinkers. Among those who who have been instrumental in shaping the
have made landmarks, the names that are environ mental history in our country. Some
usually men tioned are Charles Darwin, of the well known names in the last century
Ralph Emerson, Henry Thoreau, John Muir, include environmentalists, scientists,
Aldo Leopald, Rachel Carson and EO administrators, le gal experts, educationists
Wilson. Each of these thinkers looked at the and journalists. Salim Ali’s name is
environment from a completely different synonymous with ornithology in India and
perspective. Charles Darwin wrote the with the Bombay Natural History So ciety
‘Origin of Species’, which brought to light the (BNHS). He also wrote several great books
close relationship between habitats and spe including the famous ‘Book of Indian Birds’.
cies. It brought about a new thinking of His autobiography, ‘Fall of a Sparrow’ should
man’s relationship with other species that be read by every nature enthusiast. He was
was based on evolution. Alfred Wallace our country’s leading conservation scientist
came to the same conclusions during his and in fluenced environmental policies in our
work. Ralph Emerson spoke of the dangers country for over 50 years. Indira Gandhi as
of commerce to our envi ronment way back PM has played a highly significant role in the
in the 1840s. Henry Thoreau in the 1860s preserva tion of India’s wildlife. It was during
wrote that the wilder ness should be her period as PM, that the network of PAs
preserved after he lived in the wild for a grew from 65 to 298! The Wildlife Protection
year. He felt that most people did not care Act was formu lated during the period when
for nature and would sell it off for a small she was PM and the Indian Board for
sum of money. John Muir is remembered Wildlife was extremely ac tive as she
as having saved the great ancient sequoia personally chaired all its meetings. India
trees in California’a forests. In the 1890s he gained a name for itself by being a major
formed the Sierra club, which is a major player in CITES and other International
conservation NGO in the USA. Aldo Environ mental Treaties and Accords during
her tenure. BNHS frequently used her good the Government.
will to get con servation action initiated by
S P Godrej was one of India’s greatest drawn battles supported by the Su preme
support ers of wildlife conservation and Court include protecting the Taj Mahal,
nature aware ness programs. Between 1975 cleaning up the Ganges River, banning inten
and 1999, SP Godrej received 10 awards for sive shrimp farming on the coast, initiating
his conservation activities. He was awarded Gov ernment to implement environmental
the Padma Bhushan in 1999. His friendship education in schools and colleges, and a
with people in power combined with his variety of other conservation issues. Anil
deep commitment for con servation led to Agarwal was a jour nalist who wrote the first
his playing a major advocacy role for wildlife report on the ‘State of India’s Environment’
in India. M S Swaminathan is one of India’s in 1982. He founded the Center for Science
foremost agricultural scientists and has also and Environment which is an active NGO
been concerned with various aspects of that supports various environ mental issues.
biodiversity conservation both of cultivars Medha Patkar is known as one of India’s
and wild biodiversity. He has founded the champions who has supported the cause of
MS Swaminathan Research Foundation in downtrodden tribal people whose en
Chennai, which does work on the vironment is being affected by the dams on
conservation of bio logical diversity. Madhav the Narmada river. Sunderlal Bahugna’s
Gadgil is a well known ecologist in India. Chipko Movement has become an
His interests range from broad ecological internationally well known example of a
issues such as develop ing Community highly successful conser vation action
Biodiversity Registers and con serving program through the efforts of
sacred groves to studies on the behaviour of local people for guarding their forest
mammals, birds and insects. He has written resources. His fight to prevent the
several articles, published papers in journals construction of the Tehri Dam in a fragile
and is the author of 6 books. M C Mehta is earthquake prone setting is a battle that he
un doubtedly India’s most famous continues to wage. The Garhwal Hills will
environmental lawyer. Since 1984, he has always remember his dedication to the
filed several Public Interest Litigations for cause for which he has walked over 20 thou
supporting the cause of environmental sand kilometers.
conservation. His most famous and long
The Multidisciplinary Nature of Environmental Studies 13 Chapter1.p65 13 4/9/2004, 5:07 PM
Natural Resources
2.2 RENEWABLE AND NON-RENEWABLE RESOURCES 20 2.2.1 Natural resources and
associated problems 20 2.2.2 Non-renewable resources 22 2.2.3 Renewable resources
a. Forest Resources: Use and over-exploitation, deforestation, case studies. 23 Timber
extraction, mining, dams and their effects on forests and tribal people
b. Water Resources: Use and over-utilisation of surface and ground water, 26 floods,
drought, conflicts over water, dams – benefits and problems.
c. Mineral Resources: Use and exploitation, environmental effects of extracting 30 and
using mineral resources, case studies.
d. Food Resources: World food problems, Changes in landuse by agriculture and 32
grazing, Effects of modern agriculture, Fertilizer/ pesticide problems,
Water logging and salinity
e. Energy Resources: Increasing energy needs, Renewable/ non renewable, 35 Use of
Alternate energy sources, Case studies
f. Land resources: Land as a resource, land degradation, man-induced land-slides, 48
soil erosion and desertification.
the urban sectors. These changes have agricultural areas, domestic animals from
brought about dramatic alterations in pasture lands and timber, fuel wood,
land-use patterns and rapid disappearance construction material and other resources
of valuable natural eco systems. The need from forests. Rural agricultural systems are
for more water, more food, more energy, de pendent on forests, wetlands,
more consumer goods, is not only the result grasslands, rivers and lakes. The result is a
of a greater population, but also the result of movement of natural resources from the
over-utilization of resources by people from wilderness ecosystems and agricultural
the more affluent societies, and the afflu ent sector to the urban user. The mag nitude of
sections of our own. the shift of resources has been increas ing
in parallel with the growth of industry and
Industrial development is aimed at meeting urbanisation, and has changed natural land
growing demands for all consumer items. scapes all over the world. In many cases,
How ever, these consumer goods also this has led to the rapid development of the
generate waste in ever larger quantities. The urban economy, but to a far slower
growth of indus trial complexes has led to a economic devel opment for rural people and
shift of people from their traditional, serious impover ishment of the lives of
sustainable, rural way of life to urban wilderness dwellers. The result is a serious
centers that developed around industry. inequality in the distribution of resources
During the last few decades, several small among human beings, which is both unfair
ur ban centers have become large cities, and unsustainable.
some have even become giant mega-cities. Earth’s Resources and Man: The
This has in creased the disparity between resources on which mankind is dependent
what the sur rounding land can produce and are provided by various sources or
what the large number of increasingly ‘spheres’.
consumer-oriented people in these areas of
high population den sity consume. Urban 1) Atmosphere
centers cannot exist with out resources such • Oxygen for human respiration (metabolic
as water from rivers and lakes, food from re quirements).
• Oxygen for wild fauna in natural complex dynamic sys tem. If its nature is
ecosystems and domestic animals used disrupted it affects all man kind. Most air
by man as food. pollutants have both global and regional
• Oxygen as a part of carbon dioxide, used
for the growth of plants (in turn are used
Living creatures cannot survive without air
by man).
even for a span of a few minutes. To
continue to sup port life, air must be kept
The atmosphere forms a protective shell
clean. Major pollut ants of air are created by
over the earth. The lowest layer, the
industrial units that release various gases
troposphere, the only part warm enough for
such as carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide
us to survive in, is only 12 kilometers thick.
and toxic fumes into the air. Air is also
The stratosphere is 50 kilometers thick and
polluted by burning fossil fuels. The buildup
contains a layer of sulphates which is
of carbon dioxide which is known as
important for the formation of rain. It also
‘greenhouse effect’ in the atmosphere is
contains a layer of ozone, which absorbs
lead ing to current global warming. The
ultra-violet light known to cause can cer and
growing number of scooters, motorcycles,
without which, no life could exist on earth.
cars, buses and trucks which run on fossil
The atmosphere is not uniformly warmed by
fuel (petrol and die sel) is a major cause of
the sun. This leads to air flows and
air pollution in cities and along highways.
variations in climate, temperature and
rainfall in different parts of the earth. It is a
Air pollution leads to acute and chronic hydrosphere. Once land is denuded of
respira tory diseases such as various lung vegetation, the rain erodes the soil which is
infections, asthma and even cancer. washed into the sea.
2) Hydrosphere
• Clean water for drinking (a metabolic re
quirement for living processes).
• Water for washing and cooking. • Water
used in agriculture and industry.
• Food resources from the sea, including
fish, crustacea, sea weed, etc.
• Food from fresh water sources, including
fish, crustacea and aquatic plants.
• Water flowing down from mountain ranges
harnessed to generate electricity in
hydro electric projects.
the world’s population consumes about 25% of protecting nature and natural resources.
of the world’s resources. Land as a resource is now under serious
pres sure due to an increasing ‘land hunger’
Producing animal food for human - to pro duce sufficient quantities of food for
consumption requires more land than an explod ing human population. It is also
growing crops. Thus countries that are affected by deg radation due to misuse.
highly dependent on non-veg etarian diets Land and water re sources are polluted by
need much larger areas for pastureland industrial waste and ru ral and urban
than those where the people are mainly sewage. They are increasingly being
vegetarian. diverted for short-term economic gains to
agriculture and industry. Natural wetlands of
great value are being drained for agriculture
Planning Landuse: Land itself is a major re and other purposes. Semi-arid land is being
source, needed for food production, animal irrigated and overused.
husbandry, industry, and for our growing hu
man settlements. These forms of intensive The most damaging change in landuse is
land use are frequently extended at the cost dem onstrated by the rapidity with which
of ‘wild lands’, our remaining forests, forests have vanished during recent times,
grasslands, wet lands and deserts. Thus it is both in India and in the rest of the world.
essential to evolve a rational land-use policy Forests provide us with a variety of services.
that examines how much land must be These include processes such as
made available for different pur poses and maintaining oxygen levels in the atmo
where it must be situated. For in stance, sphere, removal of carbon dioxide, control
there are usually alternate sites at which over water regimes, and slowing down
industrial complexes or dams can be built, erosion and also produce products such as
but a natural wilderness cannot be food, fuel, tim ber, fodder, medicinal plants,
recreated artifi cially. Scientists today etc. In the long term, the loss of these is far
believe that at least 10 percent of land and greater than the short-term gains produced
water bodies of each eco system must be by converting for ested lands to other uses.
kept as wilderness for the long term needs
Natural Resources 21
• The careful long-term use of natural re • Fresh water (even after being used) is
sources. evapo rated by the sun’s energy, forms
water vapour and is reformed in clouds
• The prevention of degradation and pollu and falls to earth as rain. However,
tion of the environment. water sources can be overused or
wasted to such an ex tent that they
locally run dry. Water sources can be so
2.2.2 Non-renewable resources heavily polluted by sewage and toxic
substances that it becomes impossible
to use the water.
• The output of agricultural land if misman
• Forests, once destroyed take thousands of aged drops drastically.
years to regrow into fully developed natu
ral ecosystems with their full • When the population of a species of plant
complement of species. Forests thus or animal is reduced by human
can be said to be have like activities, until it cannot reproduce fast
non-renewable resources if over used. enough to maintain a viable number, the
species be comes extinct.
• Fish are today being over-harvested until
the catch has become a fraction of the • Many species are probably becoming
original resource and the fish are extinct without us even knowing, and
incapable of breed ing successfully to other linked species are affected by their
replenish the population. loss.
Watershed protection:
• Reduce the rate of surface run-off of water.
• Prevent flash floods and soil erosion.
• Produces prolonged gradual run-off and thus prevent effects of drought.
Atmospheric regulation:
• Absorption of solar heat during evapo-transpiration.
• Maintaining carbon dioxide levels for plant growth.
• Maintaining the local climatic conditions.
Erosion control:
• Holding soil (by preventing rain from directly washing soil away).
Land bank:
• Maintenance of soil nutrients and structure.
Local use - Consumption of forest produce by local people who collect it for
subsistence – (Consumptive use)
• Food - gathering plants, fishing, hunting from the forest.
(In the past when wildlife was plentiful, people could hunt and kill animals for
food. Now that populations of most wildlife species have diminished,
continued hunting would lead to extinction.)
• Fodder - for cattle.
• Fuel wood and charcoal for cooking, heating.
• Poles - building homes especially in rural and wilderness areas.
• Timber – household articles and construction.
• Fiber - weaving of baskets, ropes, nets, string, etc.
• Sericulture – for silk.
• Apiculture - bees for honey, forest bees also pollinate crops.
• Medicinal plants - traditionally used medicines, investigating them as potential
source for new modern drugs.
tween the conservation interests of young people in develop ing countries, this
environmen tal scientists and the Mining and will continue to increase sig nificantly during
Irrigation De partments. What needs to be the next few decades. This
understood is that long-term ecological places enormous demands on the world’s
gains cannot be sacrificed for short-term lim ited freshwater supply. The total annual
economic gains that unfortu nately lead to fresh water withdrawals today are estimated
deforestation. These forests where at 3800 cubic kilometers, twice as much as
development projects are planned, can just 50 years ago (World Commission on
displace thousands of tribal people who lose Dams, 2000). Stud ies indicate that a person
their homes when these plans are executed. needs a minimum of 20 to 40 liters of water
This leads to high levels of suffering for per day for drinking and sanitation. More
which there is rarely a satisfactory answer. than one billion people world wide have no
access to clean water, and to many more,
supplies are unreliable.
b) Water resources
Local conflicts are already spreading to
The water cycle, through evaporation and states. Eg. Karnataka and Tamil Nadu over
pre cipitation, maintains hydrological the waters of the Krishna.
systems which form rivers and lakes and
support in a variety of aquatic ecosystems. India is expected to face critical levels of
Wetlands are intermediate forms between water stress by 2025. At the global level 31
terrestrial and aquatic ecosys tems and countries are already short of water and by
contain species of plants and animals that 2025 there will be 48 countries facing
are highly moisture dependent. All aquatic serious water short ages. The UN has
ecosystems are used by a large number of estimated that by the year 2050, 4 billion
people for their daily needs such as drinking people will be seriously affected by water
water, washing, cooking, watering animals, shortages. This will lead to multiple conflicts
and irri gating fields. The world depends on between countries over the sharing of water.
a limited quantity of fresh water. Water Around 20 major cities in India face chronic
covers 70% of the earth’s surface but only or interrupted water shortages. There are
3% of this is fresh water. Of this, 2% is in 100 countries that share the waters of 13
polar ice caps and only 1% is usable water large rivers and lakes. The upstream
in rivers, lakes and subsoil aquifers. Only a countries could starve the downstream
fraction of this can be actually used. At a nations leading to political unstable areas
global level 70% of water is used for across the world. Ex amples are Ethopia,
agriculture about 25% for industry and only which is upstream on the Nile and Egypt,
5% for domestic use. However this varies in which is downstream and highly dependent
differ ent countries and industrialized on the Nile. International accords that will
countries use a greater percentage for look at a fair distribution of water in such
industry. India uses 90% for agriculture, 7% areas will become critical to world peace.
for industry and 3% for domestic use. India and Bangladesh already have a
negotiated agreement on the water use of
One of the greatest challenges facing the the Ganges.
world in this century is the need to rethink
the overall management of water resources.
The world population has passed the 6 Overutilization and pollution of surface
billion mark. Based on the proportion of and groundwater: With the growth of
human population there is an increasing Overutilization of water occurs at various
need for larger amounts of water to fulfill a levels. Most people use more water than
variety of basic needs. Today in many areas they really need. Most of us waste water
this requirement cannot be met.
during a bath by using a shower or during crocodiles and other flora and fauna of
wash ing of clothes. Many agriculturists use the region.
more water than necessary to grow crops. Global climate change: Changes in climate
There are many ways in which farmers can at a global level caused by increasing air
use less water without reducing yields such pollution have now begun to affect our
as the use of drip irrigation systems. climate. In some regions global warming and
the El Nino winds have created
Agriculture also pollutes surface water and unprecedented storms. In other areas, they
un derground water stores by the excessive lead to long droughts. Everywhere the
use of chemical fertilizers and pesticides. ‘greenhouse effect’ due to atmospheric
Methods such as the use of biomass as pollution is leading to increasingly erratic
fertilizer and non toxic pesticides such as and unpredictable climatic effects. This has
neem products and using in tegrated pest seriously affected regional hydrological
management systems reduces the conditions.
agricultural pollution of surface and ground
Floods: Floods have been a serious
Industry tends to maximise short-term environmen tal hazard for centuries.
economic gains by not bothering about its However, the havoc raised by rivers
liquid waste and releasing it into streams, overflowing their banks has be come
rivers and the sea. In the longer term, as progressively more damaging, as people
people become more con scious of using have deforested catchments and intensified
‘green products’ made by ecosensitive use of river flood plains that once acted as
industries, the polluter’s products may not safety valves. Wetlands in flood plains are
be used. The polluting industry that does not nature’s flood control systems into which
care for the environment and pays off bribes overfilled riv ers could spill and act like a
to get away from the cost needed to use temporary sponge holding the water, and
effluent treatment plants may eventually be preventing fast flowing water from damaging
caught, punished and even closed down. surrounding land.
Public awareness may increasingly put
pressures on industry to produce only Deforestation in the Himalayas causes
eco-friendly products which are already floods that year after year kill people,
gaining in popularity. damage crops and destroy homes in the
Ganges and its tribu taries and the
As people begin to learn about the serious Bramhaputra. Rivers change their course
health hazards caused by pesticides in their during floods and tons of valuable soil is lost
food, pub lic awareness can begin putting to the sea. As the forests are degraded, rain
pressures on farmers to reduce the use of water no longer percolates slowly into the
chemicals that are injurious to health. sub soil but runs off down the mountainside
bear ing large amounts of topsoil. This
blocks rivers temporarily but gives way as
the pressure mounts allowing enormous
quantities of water to wash suddenly down
Water pollution - Nepal
into the plains below. There, rivers swell,
burst their banks and flood waters spread to
The Narayani River of Nepal has been
engulf peoples’ farms and homes.
pol luted by factories located on its bank.
This has endangered fish, dolphins,
periods when there is a serious scarcity of
water to drink, use in farms, or provide for
Drought: In most arid regions of the world urban and industrial use. Drought prone
the rains are unpredictable. This leads to areas are thus faced with
irregular periods of famine. Agriculturists years if the stores have been filled during a
have no income in these bad years, and as good monsoon. If water from the
they have no steady income, they have a underground stores is overused, the
constant fear of droughts. India has ‘Drought water table drops and vegetation suffers.
Prone Areas De velopment Programs’, This soil and water management and
which are used in such areas to buffer the afforestation are long-term measures that
effects of droughts. Under these schemes, reduce the impact of droughts.
people are given wages in bad years to build
roads, minor irrigation works and plantation
programs. Water for Agriculture and Power Genera
tion: India’s increasing demand for water for
Drought has been a major problem in our intensive irrigated agriculture, for generating
coun try especially in arid regions. It is an electricity, and for consumption in urban and
unpredict able climatic condition and occurs industrial centers, has been met by creating
due to the failure of one or more monsoons. large dams. Irrigated areas increased from
It varies in frequency in different parts of our 40 million ha. in 1900 to 100 million ha. in
country. 1950 and to 271 million ha. by 1998. Dams
support 30 to 40% of this area.
While it is not feasible to prevent the failure
of the monsoon, good environmental Although dams ensure a year round supply
manage ment can reduce its ill effects. The of water for domestic use, provide extra
scarcity of water during drought years water for agriculture, industry, hydropower
affects homes, ag riculture and industry. It generation, they have several serious
also leads to food short ages and environmental prob lems. They alter river
malnutrition which especially affects flows, change nature’s flood control
children. mechanisms such as wetlands and flood
plains, and destroy the lives of local people
Several measures can be taken to minimise and the habitats of wild plant and animal spe
the serious impacts of a drought. However cies.
this must be done as a preventive measure
so that if the monsoons fail its impact on Irrigation to support cash crops like
local people’s lives is minimised. sugarcane produces an unequal distribution
of water. Large landholders on the canals
In years when the monsoon is adequate, we get the lion’s share of water, while poor,
use up the good supply of water without small farmers get less and are seriously
trying to conserve it and use the water affected.
judiciously. Thus during a year when the
rains are poor, there is no water even for
drinking in the drought area. Sustainable water management: ‘Save wa
ter’ campaigns are essential to make people
One of the factors that worsens the effect of everywhere aware of the dangers of water
drought is deforestation. Once hill slopes are scar city. A number of measures need to be
denuded of forest cover the rainwater taken for the better management of the
rushes down the rivers and is lost. Forest world’s wa ter resources. These include
cover permits water to be held in the area measures such as:
permitting it to seep into the ground. This
charges the under ground stores of water in • Building several small reservoirs instead of
natural aquifers. This can be used in drought few mega projects.
protect wetlands.
• Develop small catchment dams and
• Soil management, micro catchment devel have built around 57% of the world’s large
opment and afforestation permits dams.
recharg ing of underground aquifers
thus reducing the need for large dams.
Dams problems
• Treating and recycling municipal waste
water for agricultural use. • Fragmentation and physical transformation
of rivers.
• Preventing leakages from dams and
• Serious impacts on riverine ecosystems.
canals. • Preventing loss in Municipal pipes.
• Social consequences of large dams due to
• Effective rain water harvesting in urban displacement of people.
• Water logging and salinisation of surround
• Water conservation measures in ing lands.
agriculture such as using drip irrigation.
• Dislodging animal populations, damaging
• Pricing water at its real value makes their habitat and cutting off their
people use it more responsibly and migration routes.
efficiently and reduces water wasting.
• Fishing and travel by boat disrupted.
• In deforested areas where land has been
degraded, soil management by bunding • The emission of green house gases from
along the hill slopes and making ‘nala’ reservoirs due to rotting vegetation and
plugs, can help retain moisture and carbon inflows from the catchment is a
make it pos sible to re-vegetate re cently identified impact.
degraded areas.
Large dams have had serious impacts on
Managing a river system is best done by the lives, livelihoods, cultures and spiritual
leaving its course as undisturbed as existence of indigenous and tribal peoples.
possible. Dams and canals lead to major They have suf fered disproportionately from
floods in the monsoon and the drainage of the negative im pacts of dams and often
wetlands seriously affects areas that get been excluded from sharing the benefits. In
flooded when there is high rainfall. India, of the 16 to 18 million people
displaced by dams, 40 to 50% were tribal
people, who account for only 8% of our
Dams: Today there are more than 45,000 nation’s one billion people.
large dams around the world, which play an
impor tant role in communities and Conflicts over dams have heightened in the
economies that harness these water last two decades because of their social and
resources for their economic development. envi ronmental impacts and failure to
Current estimates suggest some 30-40% of achieve tar gets for sticking to their costs as
irrigated land worldwide relies on dams. well as achiev ing promised benefits. Recent
Hydropower, another contender for the use examples show how failure to provide a
of stored water, currently supplies 19% of transparent process that includes effective
the world’s total electric power supply and is participation of local people has prevented
used in over 150 countries. The world’s two affected people from playing an
most populous countries – China and India –
Natural Resources 29 Chapter2.p65 29 4/9/2004, 5:07 PM
active role in debating the pros and cons of person? Several international agencies
the project and its alternatives. The loss of and experts have proposed that 50 liters
tradi tional, local controls over equitable per person per day covers basic human
distribution remains a major source of water requirements for drinking,
conflict. sanitation, bathing and food preparation.
Estimate your average daily
In India, a national assessment of dam
projects cleared in the 1980s and 90s
shows that in 90% of cases the project c) Mineral Resources
authorities have not fulfilled the
environmental condi tions under which A mineral is a naturally occurring substance
environmental clearance was given by of definite chemical composition and
the GOI under the EPA of 1986. identifiable physical properties. An ore is a
mineral or com bination of minerals from
which a useful sub stance, such as a metal,
can be extracted and used to manufacture a
useful product.
Minerals are formed over a period of millions
of years in the earth’s crust. Iron, aluminum,
Sardar Sarovar Project zinc, manganese and copper are important
raw ma terials for industrial use. Important
The World Bank’s withdrawal from the non-metal resources include coal, salt, clay,
Sardar Sarovar Project in India in 1993 cement and silica. Stone used for building
was a result of the demands of local material, such as granite, marble, limestone,
people threatened with the loss of their constitute another category of minerals.
livelihoods and homes in the Minerals with special prop erties that
submergence area. humans value for their aesthetic and
ornamental value are gems such as
This dam in Gujarat on the Narmada has diamonds, emeralds, rubies. The luster of
dis placed thousands of tribal folk, whose gold, silver and platinum is used for
lives and livelihoods were linked to the ornaments. Minerals in the form of oil, gas
river, the forests and their agricultural and coal were formed when ancient plants
lands. While they and the fishermen at and animals were converted into
the estuary, have lost their homeland, underground fossil fuels.
rich farmers down stream will get water
for agriculture. The question is why Minerals and their ores need to be extracted
should the local tribals be made from the earth’s interior so that they can be
homeless, displaced and relocated to used. This process is known as mining.
benefit other people? Why should the Mining operations generally progress
less fortunate be made to bear the costs through four stages:
of de velopment for better off farmers? It
is a ques tion of social and economic (1) Prospecting: Searching for minerals.
equity as well as the enormous
environmental losses, includ ing loss of (2) Exploration: Assessing the size, shape,
the biological diversity of the in undated lo cation, and economic value of the
forests in the Narmada valley. deposit.
Activity 4:
This creates a risk to our food security, as techniques, especially on hill slopes,
farm ers can loose all their produce due to a enhancing the soil with organic matter,
rapidly spreading disease. A cereal that has rotating crops and managing watersheds at
multiple varieties growing in different the micro level are a key to agricultural
locations does not permit the rapid spread of production to meet future needs. Most
a disease. importantly food supply is closely linked to
the effectiveness of population con trol
The most effective method to introduce desir programs worldwide. The world needs bet
able traits into crops is by using ter and sustainable methods of food produc
characteristics found in the wild relatives of tion which is an important aspect of landuse
crop plants. As the wilderness shrinks, these management.
varieties are rapidly disappearing. Once they
are lost, their desirable characteristics
cannot be introduced when found necessary Alternate food sources: Food can be
in future. Ensuring long-term food security innovatively produced if we break out of the
may depend on conserving wild relatives of current agricultural patterns. This includes
crop plants in National Parks and Wildlife work ing on new avenues to produce food,
Sanctuaries. such as using forests for their multiple
non-wood forest products, which can be
If plant genetic losses worldwide are not used for food if har vested sustainably. This
slowed down, some estimates show that as includes fruit, mush rooms, sap, gum, etc.
many as 60,000 plant species, which This takes time, as people must develop a
accounts for 25% of the world’s total, will be taste for these new foods.
lost by the year 2025. The most economical
way to prevent this is by expanding the
network and coverage of our Protected CASE STUDY
Areas. Collections in germplasm, seed
banks and tissue culture facilities, are other Israel began using drip irrigation systems
pos sible ways to prevent extinction but are as it is short of water. With this
ex tremely expensive. technique, farm ers have been able to
improve the efficiency of irrigation by
Scientists now believe that the world will 95%. Over a 20-year period, Israel’s food
soon need a second green revolution to production doubled without an increase
meet our future demands of food based on a in the use of water for agriculture.
new ethic of land and water management
that must be based on values which include In India, some traditional communities in
environmental sensitivity, equity, biodiversity urban and semi urban towns used to
conservation of cultivars and insitu grow their own vegetables in backyards
preservation of wild relatives of crop plants. on waste water from their own homes.
This must not only provide food for all, but Calcutta re leases its waste water into
also work out more equitable distri bution of surrounding la goons in which fish are
both food and water, reduce agricul tural reared and the wa ter is used for growing
dependence on the use of fertilizers and vegetables.
pesticides (which have long term ill effects
on human wellbeing) and provide an
increasing support for preserving wild
relatives of crop plants in Protected Areas. Medicines, both traditional and modern, can
Pollution of water sources, land degradation be harvested sustainably from forests.
and desertification must be rapidly reversed. Madagaskar’s Rosy Periwinkle used for
Adopting soil conser vation measures, using child hood leukemia’s and Taxol from
appropriate farming Western Yew
34 Environmental Studies for Undergraduate Courses Chapter2.p65 34 4/9/2004, 5:07 PM
e) Energy resources
No energy related technology is completely take into account the long-term ill ef fects on
‘risk free’ and unlimited demands on energy society of excessive energy utilisation.
increase this risk factor many fold. All
energy use creates heat and contributes to In 1998, the World Resources Institute
atmospheric tempera ture. Many forms of found that the average American uses 24
energy release carbon di oxide and lead to times the energy used by an Indian.
global warming. Nuclear en ergy plants have
caused enormous losses to the environment
due to the leakage of nuclear ma terial. The Between 1950 and 1990, the world’s energy
inability to effectively manage and safely needs increased four fold. The world’s
dispose of nuclear waste is a serious global demand for electricity has doubled over the
concern. last 22 years! The world’s total primary
energy consumption in 2000 was 9096
At present almost 2 billion people worldwide million tons of oil. A global average per
have no access to electricity at all. While capita that works out to be 1.5 tons of oil.
more people will require electrical energy, Electricity is at present the fastest grow ing
those who do have access to it continue to form of end-use energy worldwide. By 2005
increase their individual requirements. In the Asia-Pacific region is expected to
addition, a large pro portion of energy from surpass North America in energy
electricity is wasted dur ing transmission as consumption and by 2020 is expected to
well as at the user level. It is broadly consume some 40% more energy than
accepted that long-term trends in en ergy North America.
use should be towards a cleaner global
energy system that is less carbon intensive For almost 200 years, coal was the primary
and less reliant on finite non-renewable en ergy source fuelling the industrial
energy sources. It is estimated that the revolution in the 19th century. At the close of
currently used methods of using renewable the 20th cen tury, oil accounted for 39% of
energy and non renewable fossil fuel the world’s com mercial energy
sources together will be insufficient to meet consumption, followed by coal (24%) and
foreseeable global demands for power natural gas (24%), while nuclear (7%) and
generation beyond the next 50 to 100 years. hydro/renewables (6%) accounted for the
Thus when we use energy wastefully, we
are contributing to a major environmental Among the commercial energy sources
disaster for our earth. We all need to used in India, coal is a predominant source
become respon sible energy users. An accounting for 55% of energy consumption
electrical light that is burn ing unnecessarily estimated in 2001, followed by oil (31%),
is a contributor to environmen tal natural gas (8%), hydro (5%) and nuclear
degradation. (1%).
Types of energy: There are three main increased drought in some areas, floods in
types of energy; those classified as other regions, the melting of icecaps, and a
non-renewable; those that are said to be rise in sea levels, which is slowly
renewable; and nuclear energy, which submerging coastal belts all over the world.
uses such small quanti ties of raw material Warming the seas also leads to the death of
(uranium) that supplies are to all effect, sensitive organisms such as coral.
limitless. However, this classifica tion is
inaccurate because several of the renew
able sources, if not used ‘sustainably’, can Oil and its environmental impacts: India’s
be depleted more quickly than they can be oil reserves which are being used at present
re newed. lie off the coast of Mumbai and in Assam.
Most of our natural gas is linked to oil and,
because there is no distribution system, it is
Non renewable energy just burnt off. This wastes nearly 40% of
available gas. The pro cesses of oil and
To produce electricity from non-renewable re natural gas drilling, process ing, transport
sources the material must be ignited. The and utilisation have serious envi ronmental
fuel is placed in a well contained area and consequences, such as leaks in which air
set on fire. The heat generated turns water and water are polluted and accidental fires
to steam, which moves through pipes, to that may go on burning for days or weeks be
turn the blades of a turbine. This converts fore the fire can be controlled. During
magnetism into electric ity, which we use in refining oil, solid waste such as salts and
various appliances. grease are pro duced which also damage
the environment. Oil slicks are caused at
Non-Renewable Energy Sources: These sea from offshore oil wells, cleaning of oil
consist of the mineral based hydrocarbon tankers and due to shipwrecks. The most
fuels coal, oil and natural gas, that were well-known disaster occurred when the
formed from ancient prehistoric forests. Exxon
These are called ‘fossil fuels’ because they Valdez
are formed after plant life is fos silized. At sank
the present rate of extraction there is in 1989
enough coal for a long time to come. Oil and and
gas resources however are likely to be used birds, sea
up within the next 50 years. When these ot
fuels are burnt, they produce waste products ters, seals,
that are released into the atmosphere as fish and
gases such as carbon dioxide, oxides of other ma
sulphur, nitrogen, and carbon monoxide, all rine life
causes of air pollution. These have led to along the
lung problems in an enor mous number of coast of
people all over the world, and have also Alaska was
affected buildings like the Taj Mahal and seriously af
killed many forests and lakes due to acid fected.
rain. Many of these gases also act like a
green house letting sunlight in and trapping Oil powered vehicles emit carbon dioxide,
the heat inside. This is leading to global sul phur dioxide, nitrous oxide, carbon
warming, a raise in global temperature, monoxide and particulate matter which is a
major cause of air pollution especially in catalytic converters on all the new cars, but
cities with heavy traf fic density. Leaded unleaded fuel contains benzene and
petrol, leads to neuro dam age and reduces butadene which are known to be
attention spans. Running petrol vehicles with carcinogenic compounds. Delhi, which used
unleaded fuel has been achieved by adding to have serious
38 Environmental Studies for Undergraduate Courses Chapter2.p65 38 4/9/2004, 5:07 PM
Photovoltaic Cells
though the second most abundant element Biomass energy: When a log is burned we
in the earth’s crust, has to be mined. Mining are using biomass energy. Because plants
cre ates environmental problems. PV and trees depend on sunlight to grow,
systems also of course only work when the biomass energy is a form of stored solar
sun is shining, and thus need batteries to energy. Although wood is the largest source
store the electricity. of biomass energy, we also use agricultural
waste, sugarcane wastes, and other farm
byproducts to make energy.
Solar thermal electric power: Solar
radiation can produce high temperatures, There are three ways to use biomass. It can
which can gen erate electricity. Areas with be burned to produce heat and electricity,
low cloud levels of cover with little scattered changed to a gas-like fuel such as methane,
radiation as in the desert are considered or changed to a liquid fuel. Liquid fuels, also
most suitable sites. Ac cording to a UNDP called biofuels, include two forms of alcohol:
assessment, STE is about 20 years behind ethanol and methanol. Because biomass
the wind energy market exploita tion, but is can be changed directly into liquid fuel, it
expected to grow rapidly in the near future. could someday supply much of our
transportation fuel needs for cars, trucks,
Mirror energy: During the 1980s, a major buses, airplanes and trains with diesel fuel
solar thermal electrical generation unit was replaced by ‘biodiesel’ made from vegetable
built in California, containing 700 parabolic oils. In the United States, this fuel is now
mirrors, each with 24 reflectors, 1.5 meters being produced from soybean oil.
in diameter, which focused the sun’s energy Researchers are also developing algae that
to produce steam to generate electricity. produce oils, which can be converted to
biodiesel and new ways have been found to
produce ethanol from grasses, trees, bark,
sawdust, paper, and farming wastes.
high nitrogen content of plan material), already 2.18 million fami lies in India that
carbon monoxide, and particulates. used biogas. However China has 20 million
households using biogas!
Activity 5:
Biogas: Biogas is produced from plant
material and animal waste, garbage, waste What you may throw out in your garbage
from house holds and some types of today could be used as fuel for someone
industrial wastes, such as fish processing, else. Municipal solid waste has the poten
dairies, and sewage treatment plants. It is a tial to be a large energy source. Garbage
mixture of gases which includes methane, is an inexpensive energy resource.
carbon dioxide, hydrogen sulphide and Unlike most other energy resources,
water vapour. In this mixture, methane burns someone will collect garbage, deliver it to
easily. With a ton of food waste, one can the power plant, and even pay to get rid
produce 85 Cu. M of biogas. Once used, the of it. This helps cover the cost of turning
residue is used as an agricultural fertilizer. garbage into energy. Garbage is also a
unique resource because we all
Denmark produces a large quantity of contribute to it.
biogas from waste and produces 15,000
megawatts of electricity from 15 farmers’ Keep a record of all the garbage that you
cooperatives. Lon don has a plant which and our family produce in a day. What
makes 30 megawatts of electricity a year pro portion of it is in the form of
from 420,000 tons of munici pal waste which biomass? Weigh this.
gives power to 50,000 fami lies. In Germany,
25% of landfills for garbage produce power How long would it take you to gather
from biogas. Japan uses 85% of its waste enough waste biomass to make a tankful
and France about 50%. (0.85 cu.m.) of biogas? (Remember one
ton of biomass produces 85 cu.m. of
Biogas plants have become increasingly biogas)
popu lar in India in the rural sector. The
biogas plants use cowdung, which is
converted into a gas which is used as a fuel. Wind Power: Wind was the earliest energy
It is also used for run ning dual fuel engines. source used for transportation by sailing
The reduction in kitchen smoke by using ships. Some 2000 years ago, windmills were
biogas has reduced lung condi tions in developed
thousands of homes.
Wind is an intermittent
source and the intermittency
of wind depends on the geo
graphic distribution of wind.
Wind therefore cannot be
used as the sole resource for
electricity, and requires some other backup
Natural Resources 45 Chapter2.p65 45 4/9/2004, 5:07 PM
Research Center in Mumbai studies and make many others seriously ill,
devel ops modern nuclear technology. India and destroy an area for decades by its
has 10 nuclear reactors at 5 nuclear power radioac tivity which leads to death, cancer
stations that produce 2% of India’s and genetic deformities. Land, water,
electricity. These are lo cated in vegetation are de stroyed for long periods of
Maharashtra (Tarapur), Rajasthan, Tamil time. Management, storage and disposal of
Nadu, Uttar Pradesh and Gujrat. India has radioactive wastes re sulting from nuclear
ura nium from mines in Bihar. There are power generation are the biggest expenses
deposits of thorium in Kerala and Tamil of the nuclear power indus try. There have
Nadu. been nuclear accidents at Chernobyl in
USSR and at the Three Mile Island in USA.
The nuclear reactors use Uranium 235 to The radioactivity unleashed by such an
pro duce electricity. Energy released from accident can affect mankind for generations.
1kg of Uranium 235 is equivalent to that
produced by burning 3,000 tons of coal.
U235 is made into rods which are fitted into Energy Conservation: Conventional
a nuclear reactor. The control rods absorb energy sources have a variety of impacts on
neutrons and thus adjust the fission which nature and human society.
releases energy due to the chain reaction in
a reactor unit. The heat en ergy produced in India needs to rapidly move into a policy to
the reaction is used to heat water and re duce energy needs and use cleaner
produce steam, which drives turbines that energy pro duction technologies. A shift to
produce electricity. The drawback is that the alternate en ergy use and renewable energy
rods need to be changed periodically. This sources that are used judiciously and
has impacts on the environment due to equitably would bring about environmentally
disposal of nuclear waste. The reaction friendly and sustainable lifestyles. India must
releases very hot waste water that damages reduce its dependency on imported oil. At
aquatic ecosystems, even though it is present we are under-utilizing our natural
cooled by a water system be fore it is gas resources. We could develop thousands
released. of mini dams to generate electricity. India
wastes great amounts of electricity during
The disposal of nuclear waste is becoming transmission. Fuel wood plantations need to
an increasingly serious issue. The cost of be enhanced and management through
Nuclear Power generation must include the Joint For estry Management (JFM) has a
high cost of disposal of its waste and the great promise for the future.
decommissioning of old plants. These have
high economic as well as ecological costs Energy efficient cooking stoves or ‘chulas’
that are not taken into ac count when help the movement of air through it so that
developing new nuclear installa tions. For the wood is burnt more efficiently. They also
environmental reasons, Sweden has have a chim ney to prevent air pollution and
decided to become a Nuclear Free Country thus reduce res piratory problems. While
by 2010. over 2 lakh improved chulas have been
introduced throughout the country, the
Although the conventional environmental im number in active use is unknown as most
pacts from nuclear power are negligible, rural people find it to be unusable for several
what overshadows all the other types of reasons. TERI in 1995 estimated that in
energy sources is that an accident can be India 95% of rural people and 60% of urban
devastating and the effects last for long poor still depend on firewood, cattle dung
periods of time. While it does not pollute air and crop residue for cooking and other
or water routinely like oil or biomass, a domestic purposes. Biomass can be
single accident can kill thou sands of people, converted into biogas
Natural Resources 47 Chapter2.p65 47 4/9/2004, 5:07 PM
rapid soil erosion. Soil is washed into and in sects, which help to recycle nutrients
streams and is transported into rivers and in the sys tem. Further losses of our soil
finally lost to the sea. The process is more wealth will im poverish our country and
evident in areas where deforestation has led reduce its capacity to grow enough food in
to erosion on steep hill slopes as in the future.
Himalayas and in the West ern Ghats. 2.3 ROLE OF AN INDIVIDUAL IN
These areas are called ‘ecologically CONSERVA TION OF NATURAL
sensitive areas’ or ESAs. To prevent the loss RESOURCES
of millions of tons of valuable soil every year,
it is essential to preserve what remains of Until fairly recently mankind acted as if he
our natu ral forest cover. It is equally could go on for ever exploiting the
important to refor est denuded areas. The ecosystems and natural resources such as
linkage between the existence of forests and soil, water, forests and grasslands on the
the presence of soil is greater than the Earth’s surface and extract ing minerals and
forest’s physical soil binding fossil fuels from underground. But, in the last
few decades, it has become in creasingly
evident that the global ecosystem has the
capacity to sustain only a limited level of
CASE STUDY utilization. Biological systems cannot go on
re plenishing resources if they are overused
Selenium – Punjab
or mis used. At a critical point, increasing
pressure de stabilizes their natural balance.
In 1981-82, farmers from Hoshirapur and
Even biological resources traditionally
Nawanshehar Districts approached
classified as ‘renewable’ - such as those
scientists of the Punjab Agricultural
from our oceans, forests, grass lands and
University (PAU), Ludhiana, as wheat
wetlands, are being degraded by over use
crops had turned white. Soil analysis
and may be permanently destroyed. And no
indicated selenium (Se) levels in the area
natural resource is limitless.
were above toxic limits. Se is a natu rally
‘Non-renewable’ resources will be rapidly
occurring trace element, essential for
exhausted if we con tinue to use them as
animal and human health, but the gap be
intensively as at present.
tween requirement and excess is narrow.
Soils containing 0.5 microgrammes (ug)
The two most damaging factors leading to
of Se per kg or more are injurious to
the current rapid depletion of all forms of
health. In some areas of Punjab, Se
natural resources are increasing
levels ranges from 0.31 ug/kg to
‘consumerism’ on the part of the affluent
4.55ug/kg. Rice cultivation requires the
sections of society, and rapid population
presence of standing water. Being highly
growth. Both factors are the results of
soluble, Se dissolves and comes to the
choices we make as individuals. As individu
surface. The water then evaporates
als we need to decide;
leaving the Se behind.
• What will we leave to our children? (Are
we thinking of short-term or long-term
function alone. The soil is enriched by the gain?)
leaf litter of the forest. This detritus is broken
down by soil micro-organisms, fungi, worms • Is my material gain someone else’s loss?
countries. In nations such as ours, which are
Greed for material goods has become a way both developing rap idly, and suffering from
of life for a majority of people in the a population explosion, both factors are
developed world. Population growth and the responsible for environmental degradation.
resulting shortage of resources most We must ask ourselves if we have
severely affects people in the developing
perhaps reached a critical flash point, at necessary for our day-to-day lives, but the
which economic ‘development’ affects the soil, water, climate and solar energy which
lives of people more adversely than the form the ‘abiotic’ support that we derive from
benefits it pro vides. nature, are in themselves not distributed
evenly throughout the world or within
countries. A new economic order at the
What can you do to save electricity? global and at na
tional levels must be based on the ability to
• Turn off lights and fans as soon as you dis tribute benefits of natural resources by
leave the room. sharing them more equally among the
countries as well as among communities
• Use tube lights and energy efficient bulbs within countries such as our own. It is at the
that save energy rather than bulbs. A local level where people subsist by the sale
40- watt tube light gives as much light of locally collected resources, that the
as a 100 watt bulb. disparity is greatest. ‘Development’ has not
reached them and they are often unjustly
• Keep the bulbs and tubes clean. Dust on accused of ‘exploiting’ natural resources.
tubes and bulbs decreases lighting They must be adequately compensated for
levels by 20 to 30 percent. the re moval of the sources to distant
regions and thus develop a greater stake in
• Switch off the television or radio as soon protecting natural resources.
as the program of interest is over.
There are several principles that each of us
• A pressure cooker can save up to 75 per can adopt to bring about sustainable
cent of energy required for cooking. It is lifestyles. This primarily comes from caring
also faster. for our Mother Earth in all respects. A love
and respect for Na ture is the greatest
• Keeping the vessel covered with a lid dur sentiment that helps bring about a feeling for
ing cooking, helps to cook faster, thus looking at how we use natu ral resources in
sav ing energy. a new and sensitive way. Think of the
beauty of a wilderness, a natural forest in all
its magnificence, the expanse of a green
2.4 EQUITABLE USE OF RESOURCES grassland, the clean water of a lake that sup
FOR SUSTAINABLE LIFESTYLES ports so much life, the crystal clear water of
a hill stream, or the magnificent power of the
Reduction of the unsustainable and unequal oceans, and we cannot help but support the
use of resources, and control of our conservation of nature’s wealth. If we
population growth are essential for the respect this we cannot commit acts that will
survival of our na tion and indeed of human deplete our life supporting systems.
kind everywhere. Our environment provides
us with a variety of goods and services
Natural Resources 51 Chapter2.p65 51 4/9/2004, 5:07 PM
3.4 ENERGY FLOW IN THE ECOSYSTEM 58 3.4.1 The water cycle 58 3.4.2 The Carbon
cycle 59 3.4.3 The Oxygen cycle 60 3.4.4 The Nitrogen cycle 60 3.4.5 The energy cycle
61 3.4.6 Integration of cycles in nature 62
62 3.6.2 The food webs 63 3.6.3 The ecological pyramids 63