St. Louis College of Bulanao: Title/Topic Technical English I Introduction To Police Report Writing
St. Louis College of Bulanao: Title/Topic Technical English I Introduction To Police Report Writing
St. Louis College of Bulanao: Title/Topic Technical English I Introduction To Police Report Writing
Writing is one of the most indispensable skills that a learner should develop to be able to express his or
her ideas effectively. It is a Skill that every student should master for efficient expression of ideas
Similarly, this skill is needed in all types of professions and jobs especially because communication is a
vital component of any endeavour.
Proficiency in writing is required not only of civilians but also of uniformed personnel such as police
officers who are considered the premier law enforcers in the country. They write police reports during
their day-to-day activity. it is imperative then that they master writing to come up with an effective
police report considered the life blood of police work.
Police report writing is a regular part of an officer's job. Complete, factual, accurate, and detailed
reports can speed up an investigation while incomplete opinionated, inaccurate, distorted, or
misleading reports can impede it or even get it dismissed in the court on the basis of a technicality,
regardless of the facts. Police reports can make the difference between conviction and acquittal. Just
like any other skill in police work, writing effective police reports is a skill that must be learned and
During the Test Construction and Development Seminar held at the Institute Training Group. Police
National Training Institute, Camp Gen. Vicente P. Lim, Calamba City on November 7, 2013, the Vice
President for Academics, PSUPT AMADOR B. NAVARROZA (Ret), MAED of the Philippine Public Safety
College revealed that police report writing in the PNP is problematic. Police officers write
ungrammatical, incorrect, incomplete, inaccurate, and distorted police reports. To be able to address
this concern in the PNP and other public safety agencies and to become instrumental in improving the
writing proficiency of police officers and public safety officers in the country, a study was conducted by
the author in March 2015 at the Institute Training Group entitled "Process Writing and Writing
Performance of Police Trainees in a Large Class Setting" Hence, this Police Report Writing (A Handbook
for Police Officers, Trainees, and Public Safety Students) was conceptualized based on the results of the
said study.
Since not all police officers and trainees who are accepted in the PNP are criminology graduates and
because even criminology graduates lack writing proficiency it is imperative that they are provided
training on how to write effective police reports. Language professors of the Philippine Public Safety
College (PPSC) including higher education institutions (HEls) should take this as a challenge. However,
for them to be successful in helping police officers and trainees become effective police report writers,
these language teachers should cho0se an effective writing strategy that will cover the major steps in
writing and provide learners with ample opportunities to write the various types of police reports. It is
also important to enrich their writing repertoire by providing them comprehensive lectures on what
police report writing is, its different types, elements, characteristics, and uses, among others and
provide them with different types of actual police report writing activities to harness their writing skills
to the fullest
According to the Webster's New Collegiate Dictionary (as cited by Gammage, 1961), a report is
an account of some subject specially investigated or an official statement of Facts. A police report is a
chronological or step-by-step account of an incident that transpired in a given time (Soriano, 2005).
Police reports may be written or oral; detailed or brief, simple or complex. They may be prepared by
anyone in the department from the chief to the patrolman on the beat. in any event, police reporting
has become one of the most significant processes in modern police operations. Reports result from
the fact that someone has asked for them and needs them for immediate or future use. They are
made to be read and used(Gammage, 1961).
Among the several methods of writing, narrative report writing is effective in writing police reports
where it presents the facts what actually occurred. The chronology of actions is properly arranged
according to the order of events. The report writer should follow the standard format prescribed by the
Police officers, trainees, and students should be exposed to the different types of police report writing
to become abreast with the required competencies and standards of the PNP. Aside from the usual
police reports which they usually write, police officers, trainees, and students should also learn other
challenging forms of police report writing which will allow them to analyze places of evidence and
validate authenticity of information in order to prosecute offenders. One type of writing which allows
the police officers, trainees, and students to use higher-order thinking skills to transmit information is
police report writing
Just like other written public documents, police reports should be written efficiently because it has
the following purposes (PNP Standard Operating Procedure No. 2012-01):
1. To serve as the official document and permanent record of incidents in the community
3 To facilitate investigations, prepare and defend court cases including prosecution of offenders; and
Just ike other forms of writing. police report writing has the following important Uses (Soriano, 2005):
1. Serve as records for police administrators in planning, directing. and organizing the unit's duties
and functions;
3. Use as basis by law enforcement agencies and other government and private organizations.
6. Reflect the competence and personality of the police writer regarding his written work.
1. Accurate and Specific-Police reports should be accurate and specific. Accurate means not only being
exact, but also non-commission oft errors. Words presented must be precise and correct. The report
must be tree from mistakes Or errors.
Akin to accuracy is specificity. The use of specific words in conveying ideas most clearly to the readers is
very important.
In order to achieve accuracy and specificity, all forms of correspondences and reports should be
thoroughly edited in spelling, punctuation , standard format, sentence structure, mechanics, and
grammar, and among others.
2. Brief and Concise- Police reports should be brief and concise. This means that reports should be
short or economy of words. Use necessary words only as you retain the natural tone of your sentences.
Superiors are always busy and they do not have the luxury of time reading wordy and long reports.
Conversely, being brief and concise does not mean deleting important words to make your report
short, but write forcefully when using three or more words where only one word is sufficient Good
writers impress their readers with ideas, not words. In order to make your reports brief and concise,
avoid the use of redundant or superfluity, jargons, triteness, and misleading euphemisms, among
others (See Module 2 for reference).
3. Clear and Complete- Police reports should be clear and complete. This means that the report is free
from Conclusion and ambiguity, and is easily understood. The report should include all necessary
information such as the 5Ws and 1H (Who, what, when, where, Why, and how) report including
attachments, enclosures and results of medico-legal and other examinations released by the PNP Crime
Laboratory and other PNP recognize hospitals and organizations.
Moreover, this also means that the idea in the mind of the sender should correspond to the idea
formed in the mind of the message receiver. any incongruence in the interpretation of the message
between the sender and the receiver results to miscommunication.
In order to achieve clarity and completeness, use simple words to assure understanding. Avoid also the
use of general words, abstract words, weak phrases, gender-biased words, unwittingly language
transference, colloquialism, and slang. among others. Finally, provide the necessary information and
pertinent documents required to support the facts.
Police reports should be factual and objective. The report contains only facts, not hearsays. A fact is a
thing that has actually happened or that is really true. Being objective is not injecting his/her own bias
or prejudice into the report. The police writer should be fair and impartial in conducting Investigation
and gathering facts and pieces of evidence. To do this, the police writer may properly quote statements
from sources without adding prejudices and conclusions.
In order to be factual and objective, focus on the facts. Avoid getting opinions and personal judgments
in order not to be partial and subjective.
Police reports should be well-organized and grammatically correct. Chronological order is usually used in
organizing and writing the facts in police
Reports. It is also important to follow the standard format and required specifications prescribed by
the PNP Such as official font style which is Arial and font size is 12 including quality paper, proper and
clean printing, format, spacing margin, and indention, among others.
Police reports, on the other hand, should also be grammatically correct. Aside from the fact that the
report is written using the proper form and arrangement of words and sentence structures, It should
also be edited before submitting to the higher authorities. Avoid also the use of full uppercase or full
lowercase all throughout the document especially IT t is not necessary to do so.
In order to achieve that, follow proper rules in police report writing including standard format
specifications. Before you submit your report, you let someone check the grammar, sentence
structures, spelling, punctuation, capitalization, and content of the report, among others.
This provides the most common types of Polico Reports used in the PNP.
Police Blotter
Police Blotter refers to a logbook that contains the daily registry of all crime incident reports, official
summaries of arrest, and other signicant ovents reported in a police station (PNP Police Operational
Procedures 2013).
Spot Report
Spot Report refers to the initial report written by a police officer after an important incident and
submitted immediately to higher authorities for further investigation and appropriate action.
Progress Report
Progress Report refers to a folloW-up report submitted by a police officer after conducting further
investigation of a paricular incident Progress report can simply be an accomplishment report which may
be analytical and may be comparatively longer than a spot report.
Final Report
Final Repot refers to an accomplishment report written by a police officer after the investigation is
completed and the case has been filed against the suspect/s. In some cases, progress report can also be
the final report especially if the investigation has been terminated at that level.
Investigation Report
Investigation Report refers to a report such as in criminal investigations. The arrangement of the parts
follows a specitic pattern to be easily found and read.
The format is similar to a memorandum format except the text or body should have the following parts:
RECOMMENDATIONS. The parts are capitalized followed by a colon (). Paragraphs are numbered
consecutively using Arabic numbers such as 1, 2, 3, and 4, among others.
The investigator signs the report. On top of the letterhead and on the lower fold of the paper, the word
CONFIDENTIAL is typed or stamped (Soriano, 2005).
Situational Report
Situational Report (SITREP) refers to a report which is done on a need basis. it contains the actual
situation on a particular incident or incidents which are on public interest This is primarily addressed to
the commander or chief for him to know the actual situation before the media and the public is
A SITREP may be done every hour, every 6 hours, or every 8 hours depending on the situation. During
peaceful and ordinary days, a SiTREP is not necessary.
Beat Inspection Report
Beat Inspection Report refers to a report that is submitted daily by any duty officer after his/her routine
check on foot.
After Patrol Report
After Patrol Report refers to a report which is submitted by assigned sector using official vehicles and is
signed by the team leader.
ESSAY: Read each question very carefully. Answer legibly, clearly and concisely. Write
your answer on a yellow pad paper. (30 POINTS) Do not write anything at the back of
your answer sheet. You may use another sheet of paper until completed. Submit it
personally to the CJJE OFFICE/FACULTY on FEB.5, 2022. or contact me in my
messenger account @ EZRAGRAMAJE98@GMAIL.COM if you have a question. Good
1. As a future police officer or public safety officer, in not less than 150 words discuss the
importance of report writing in your career and create a title for your essay?
2. Pass an example of at least 5 types of police report from the internet or from the police station
in your area?
PALIGAT ERIC P. “Police Report Writing (a hand book for Police officers, Trainees, and
Public Safety Students)” FPR Publishing, 2015
This module is a requirement of the St. Louis College of Bulanao in response to the
implementation of the Blended Learning way of Instruction.
This Learning Material is a property of the College of Criminal Justice Education – St.
Louis College of Bulanao, Tabuk City. It aims to improve students’ performance specifically in
the Criminology Education.
General Instruction/s:
The module introduces what Police Report, purposes of police report writing, important uses of
police report writing, and characteristics of effective police report writing. Series of activities
will encourage you to explore and learn about the topic. Through this module, the following
instruction/s should be followed.
Writing is one of the most indispensable skills that a learner should develop to be able to express his
or her ideas effectively. It is a Skill that every student should master for efficient expression of ideas
similarly, this skill is needed in all types of professions and jobs especially because communication is a
vital component of any endeavour.
Proficiency in writing is required not only of civilians but also of uniformed personnel such as police
officers who are considered the premier law enforcers in the country. They write police reports
during their day-to-day activity. it is imperative then that they master writing to come up with an
effective police report considered the life blood of police work.
Police report writing is a regular part of an officer's job. Complete, factual, accurate, and detailed
reports can speed up an investigation while incomplete opinionated, inaccurate, distorted, or
misleading reports can impede it or even get it dismissed in the court on the basis of a technicality,
regardless of the facts. Police reports can make the difference between conviction and acquittal. Just
like any other skill in police work, writing effective police reports is a skill that must be learned and
During the Test Construction and Development Seminar held at the Institute Training Group. Police
National Training Institute, Camp Gen. Vicente P. Lim, Calamba City on November 7, 2013, the Vice
President for Academics, PSUPT AMADOR B. NAVARROZA (Ret), MAED of the Philippine Public Safety
College revealed that police report writing in the PNP is problematic. Police officers write
ungrammatical, incorrect, incomplete, inaccurate, and distorted police reports. To be able to address
this concern in the PNP and other public safety agencies and to become instrumental in improving the
writing proficiency of police officers and public safety officers in the country, a study was conducted by
the author in March 2015 at the Institute Training Group entitled "Process Writing and Writing
Performance of Police Trainees in a Large Class Setting" Hence, this Police Report Writing (A Handbook
for Police Officers, Trainees, and Public Safety Students) was conceptualized based on the results of
the said study.
Since not all police officers and trainees who are accepted in the PNP are criminology graduates and
because even criminology graduates lack writing proficiency it is imperative that they are provided
training on how to write effective police reports. Language professors of the Philippine Public Safety
College (PPSC) including higher education institutions (HEls) should take this as a challenge.
However, for them to be successful in helping police officers and trainees become effective police
report writers, these language teachers should cho0se an effective writing strategy that will cover
the major steps in writing and provide learners with ample opportunities to write the various types
of police reports. It is also important to enrich their writing repertoire by providing them
comprehensive lectures on what police report writing is, its different types, elements, characteristics,
and uses, among others and provide them with different types of actual police report writing
activities to harness their writing skills to the fullest
Standard English is the most widely accepted form of the English language. it is generally used
in media, business and professional correspondence, private and government agencies including
academic institutions. It is usually described by its conventions in the language and rules on grammar
and mechanics such as agreement antecedent, number, correct usage, spelling. punctuation, and
sentence structures, among others.
Police report writing is just like other forms of communication which Is the transmission of
information and understanding from one person or group to another. Therefore, it is not exempted
from the requirement of effectiveness which Is anchored on common understanding. Common
understanding is when both the sender and the receiver involved in the communication have a mutual
agreement not only as to the message, but also to the meaning of the message. As a result, there is a
need to use Standard English in all police correspondence.
The examples below provide variety of examples of standard and non-standard language being used at
the different police stations. In order to avoid the use of nonstandard language, the standard version is
a n/o of A native of
15y/o 15 years old
a res. of A resident of
a res. at # 65 A resident at no. 65
OOA On or about
ICOW In connection with
KIA Killed in action
MIA Missing in action
DOA Dead on arrival
NLT Not later than
MM Metro manila/ metropolitan manila
Can’t Cannot
Isn’t Is not
Ain’t Am not
It’s It is
There’s There is
In may 24, 2015 On, may 24,2015
In May 24 On may 24
On 2013 In 2013
In Monday On Monday
On November In November
On November 2014 In November 2014
18 years of age 18 years old
2:00 PM to 5:00 PM 2:00 to 5:00 PM
In the morning AM/A.M.
In the afternoon PM/P.M.
In the evening PM/P.M.
A native of Quezon City and resident of Brgy. A native and resident of Brgy, Holy Spirit, Quezon
Holy Spirit, Quezon City City
In my political point of view Politically Speakin….,/Politically,….
The Oxford English corpus, is an electronic collections of over 2 billion words of real English,
provides the different rules pertaining to spelling which is very vital component in order to write effective
police report.
lightning no e lightening
privilege no d priviledge
truly no e truely
until -l untill
In writing police reports, observe the proper rules on capitalization.
The arrested suspect is still under the custody of Calamba City Police Station. After the commission of
the crime, the suspect left immediately heading toward unknown direction.
b. Places
Continents: Asia, Australia, Europe, Africa, North America
Countries: Philippines, Singapore, Japan, USA
Regions: National Capital Region, llocos Region
Provinces: iocos Norte, Apayao, Laguna, Batangas
Cities: Laoag City, Quezon City, Calamba City
Municipslities: Pudtol, Los Baños, Paoay, Pagudpud
Barangays: Calayab, Cabatacan, Canlubang, Mayapa
Subdivisions: Villa de Calamba Subd., Maquiling Subdivision
Streets/Avenues: Rizal Street, Taft Avenue, P. Gomez Street, EDSA
English verbs follow the three basic forms: the base form (infinitive), the simple past, and the simple
past participle. Most verbs are regular verbsb are regular verbs where the base form to simple past
are formed by adding –d –ed while the simple past and the past participle are spelled alike and formed
by adding –ed to the base form such as the following:
Add –ed
Add –d
Conversely, irregular verbs do not follow this structure. Their transformations are unpredictable such as
the one below. One of the best things to master this is to memorize these irregular verbs.
NOTE: This activity will be posted on your lms this is only for advance reading and
(Answer eligibly clearly and concisely on a whole sheet of pad paper pass it on Feb.7, 2022
at the CCJE office or on your LMS or contact me in my messenger account @ EZRA
GRAMAJE for any questions.)
Activity II: Without looking at the rules, underline the correct spelling of the
following words.
1. harass haras
2. occured occurred
3. offense offens
4. seige siege
5. supercede supersede
6. successful succesfful
7. accommodate acomodate
8. colleague collegeue
9. arest arrest
10. achieve acheive
Common Misspellings | Spelling | EnglishClub
List of irregular verbs in infinitive past simple and past participle (
St. Louis College of Bulanao
Purok 6, Bulanao, Tabuk City, Kalinga 3800
This module is a requirement of the St. Louis College of Bulanao in response to the
implementation of the Blended Learning way of Instruction.
This Learning Material is a property of the College of Criminal Justice Education – St.
Louis College of Bulanao, Tabuk City. It aims to improve students’ performance specifically in
the Criminology Education.
General Instruction/s:
The module introduces what is criminal investigation, the three tools of criminal investigation, the
four method of investigation, sketching the crime scene and crime reconstruction. Series of
activities will encourage you to explore and learn about the topic. Through this module, the
following instruction/s should be followed.
Writing is one of the most indispensable skills that a learner should develop to be able to express his or
her ideas effectively. It is a Skill that every student should master for efficient expression of ideas
Similarly, this skill is needed in all types of professions and jobs especially because communication is a
vital component of any endeavour.
Proficiency in writing is required not only of civilians but also of uniformed personnel such as police
officers who are considered the premier law enforcers in the country. They write police reports during
their day-to-day activity. it is imperative then that they master writing to come up with an effective
police report considered the life blood of police work.
Police report writing is a regular part of an officer's job. Complete, factual, accurate, and detailed reports
can speed up an investigation while incomplete opinionated, inaccurate, distorted, or misleading reports
can impede it or even get it dismissed in the court on the basis of a technicality, regardless of the facts.
Police reports can make the difference between conviction and acquittal. Just like any other skill in police
work, writing effective police reports is a skill that must be learned and practiced.
During the Test Construction and Development Seminar held at the Institute Training Group. Police
National Training Institute, Camp Gen. Vicente P. Lim, Calamba City on November 7, 2013, the Vice
President for Academics, PSUPT AMADOR B. NAVARROZA (Ret), MAED of the Philippine Public Safety
College revealed that police report writing in the PNP is problematic. Police officers write ungrammatical,
incorrect, incomplete, inaccurate, and distorted police reports. To be able to address this concern in the
PNP and other public safety agencies and to become instrumental in improving the writing proficiency of
police officers and public safety officers in the country, a study was conducted by the author in March
2015 at the Institute Training Group entitled "Process Writing and Writing Performance of Police Trainees
in a Large Class Setting" Hence, this Police Report Writing (A Handbook for Police Officers, Trainees, and
Public Safety Students) was conceptualized based on the results of the said study.
Since not all police officers and trainees who are accepted
in the PNP are criminology graduates and because even
criminology graduates lack writing proficiency it is
imperative that they are provided training on how to write
effective police reports. Language professors of the
Philippine Public Safety College (PPSC) including higher
education institutions (HEls) should take this as a
challenge. However, for them to be successful in helping
police officers and trainees become effective police report
writers, these language teachers should cho0se an
effective writing strategy that will cover the major steps
in writing and provide learners with ample opportunities
to write the various types of police reports. It is also
enrich their writing repertoire by providing them comprehensive lectures on what police report writing
is, its different types, elements, characteristics, and uses, among others and provide them with different
types of actual police report writing activities to harness their writing skills to the fullest
The focus of police report writing is to remove needless repetition such as redundant words that make
writing longer and vaguer, not better. Below are examples of common redundancies used In writing and
correspondence. In a few specific situations, some of the expressions may provIde a purpose.
Nonetheless, these terms may cause miscommunication because of unnecessary words. We may delete
the phrase in parentheses to achieve clarity in writing.
(absolutely) essential (end) result (major) breakthrough
(absolutely) necessary (face) mask (major) feat
(actual) facts fall (down) manually (by hand)
advance (forward) (favorable) approval may (possibly)
(advance) planning (fellow) classmates meet (together)
(advance) preview .(fellow) colleague meet (with each other)
(advance) reservations few (in number) mental) telepathy
(advance) warning filled (to capacity) merge (together)
add (an additional) (final) conclusion (safe) haven
add (up) (Final) end (safe) sanctuary
(added) bonus (final) outcome same (exact)
(affirmative) yes (final) ultimatum (sand) dune
(aid and) abet (first and) foremost scrutinize (in detail)
(all-time) record (first) conceived separated (apart from each
bald (-headed) first (of all) other)
balsa (wood) gather (together) (serious) danger
(basic) fundamentals (general) public share (together)
(basic) necessities GOP (party) (sharp) point
best (ever) GRE (exam) shiny (in appearance)
biography (of his--or her-life) had done (previously) shut (down)
blend (together) (harmful) injuries (single) unit
cacophony (of sound) (head) honcho skipped (over)
cameo (appearance) heat (up tall (in height)
cancel (out) (illustrated) drawing tall (in stature)
(careful) scrutiny incredible (to (temper) tantrum
depreciate (in value) believe) indicted (on ten (in number)
descend (down) a charge) input (into) three a.m. (in the morning)
(desirable) benefits integrate (together) (three-way) love triangle
(different) kinds integrate (with each time (period)
each (and every) other) join (together) (ultimate) goal
earlier (in time) joint) collaboration undergraduate (student)
eliminate (altogether) lag (behind) (underground) subway
emergency later (time) (unexpected) emergency
(situation) (empty) LCD (display) (unexpected) surprise
hole lift (up) vacillate (back and forth)
empty (out) (little) baby (veiled) ambush
(empty) space made (out) (very) pregnant
enclosed (herein) of
(wall) mural weather (conditions)
Warn (in advance) weather (situation)
Homonyms are words that sound alike, but have different meanings. They generally include two
categories of word types: homophones and homographs.
Homographs are words that are spelled the same, but have different meanings.
Homophones are words that sound the same when you pronounce them, but have different
Others say that homonyms are strictly words that are spelled and sound the same, but have different
affect - change
effect - result or consequence
be - to exist
bee- buzzing insect
beat - to pound
beet-type of edible plant
bite nibble
byte - 8 bits (computer data)
cereal breakfast
food serial-
tone cord-rope
deer-w0odland animal
ewe-female sheep
you-second-person personal pronoun
f hare-rabbit-like animal
z halve- Cut in two
e parts have-possess
i heal- mend
m heel- back of foot
a knead-massage
c need desire
p lead metal
h lead was the leader
s loan - lend
e lone solitary
S none-not any
t nun-woman wh0 takes special vows
g oh-expression of surprise or awe
e Owe be obligated
For a common understanding or the terms used, the following definitions taken from the PNP Police
Operational Procedures (POP) 2013 and the PNP Directorate of Investigation and Detective ianagement
(DIDM) Criminal Investigation Manual 2011.
ARBITRARY DETENTION- Arbitrary detention begins not merely from the moment a person is locked up
in prison cell but from the moment such person is deprived of his liberty without legal grounds. And it
ends only when such person is absolutely freed from any restraint on his person.
ARREST- It is the taking of a person into custody in order that he may be bound to answer for the
commission of an offense.
ARSON- Is defined as the intentional or malicious destruction of a property by fire. It is also defined as
the criminal burning of property.
ASSAULT - The tem 'assault in Sec. 87 (b) (2), Judiciary Act, on the original jurisdiction of Municipal
Courts, means physical injuries. It does not refer to the crime of direct assault in Art. 148 of the Revised
Penal Code.
BEAT PATROL-The deployment or officers in a given community, area or locality to Prevent and deter
criminal activity and to provide day-to-day services to the community.
BRIBERY - Bribery and robbery have little in common as regards their essential transaction is neither
mutual nor voluntary but is consummated by the use of force or elements. In the former, the
transaction is mutual and voluntary. In the latter case, the transaction is neither mutual nor voluntary
but is consummated by the use of force or intimidation.
BURDEN OF PROOF- is employed to signify the duty of proving the facts in dispute on an issue between
the parties in a cause. The burden of proof always lies on the on the party who takes the affirmative in
pleading. In criminal cases, as every man is presumed innocent until the contrary is proved, the burden
of proof rests on the prosecution unless a different provision is expressly made by statute.
BUY BUST OPERATION- is an entrapment technique employed by a peace officer as effective way of
apprehending a criminal in the act of the commission of the offense.
CHILD ABUSE - Refers to the infliction of physical or psychological injury, cruelty to or neglect, sexual
abuse or exploitation of a child.
CHILD TRAFFICKING- The recruitment, transportation, transfer, harboring or receipt of a child purpose
of exploitation.
CIRCUMSTANTIAL EVIDENCE- Evidence of circumstances which are strong enough To cast suspicion
upon the defendant and which are sufficiently strong to overcome the presumption of innocence, and
to exclude every hypothesis except that of the guilt of the defendant.
COMPLAINT-A concise statement of the ultimate facts constituting the plaintiff's cause or causes of
COMPLAINANT-A party or person who makesa complaint or files a formal charge in the court of law.
COORDINATION REPORT- A report which is used as a means of formal coordination to be made by the
investigating agency with the police unit or military unit having operational jurisdiction over the place
where a police case operation shall be conducted.
CRIME SCENE A venue or place where the alleged crime/incident/event has been committed.
CRIMINAL INVESTIGATION - It is the collection of facts in order to accomplish the three-fold aims to
identity the guilty party; to locate the guilty party; and to provide evidence of his (suspect) guilt.
CRIMINAL INVESTIGATOR -A public safety officer who is tasked to conduct the investigation of all
criminal cases as provided for and embodied under the Revised Penal Code/Criminal Laws and Special
Laws which are criminal in nature. A well- trained, disciplined and experienced professional in the field
of criminal investigation duties and responsibilities.
CRIMINAL JURISDICTION - The authority to hear and try a particular offense and impose the punishment
for it.
CRIMINAL LAW- One that defines crime, treats of their nature and provides for their punishment.
Punishment, in this sense, refers strictly to the penalty imposed.
CRIMINAL LIABILITY- Requisites Under Art. 4 par. 1 RPC, a person may be held criminally liable even if
the injurious result be greater than that intended, provided these requisites concur: 1) an intentional
felony has been committed; and 2) the wrong done to the victim be the direct, natural, and logical
consequence of the felony committed.
CRIMINAL NEGLIGENCE- It consists in the failure to take such precautions advance measures in the
performance of an act as the most common prudence would suggest, whereby injury is caused to
persons or to property.
CUSTODIAL INVESTIGATION- investigation conducted by law enforcement officers after a person has
been arrested or deprived of his freedom and action. It includes invitation to a person who is being
investigated in connection with an offense.
person who having caught his spouse in the act of Committing sexual intercourse with another, shall kill
any of them in the act or immediately thereafter, or shall inflict upon them any serious injuries, shall
suffer the penalty of destierro.
DETENTION/CUSTODIAL CENTER- an institution secured by the PNP Unit concerned for the purpose
of providing short term custody of detention prisoner thereby affording his safety and preventing
escape while awaiting the court's disposition of the case or transfer to appropriate penal institution.
DETENTION OFFICER -a Police Commission Officer (PCO) or Police Non-Commission Officer (PNCO)
directly responsible for the administration and management of the detention facility and the detainees
housed therein.
DRAGNET OPERATION- is a police operation purposely to seal off the probable exit points of fleeing
suspects from the crime scene to prevent their escape.
DUE PROCESS OF LAW- The requirement that no person shall be held to answer for a criminal offense
without "due process of law simply requires that the procedures fully protect the life, liberty, and
property of the citizens in the State
DYING DECLARATION- Requisites. In order that a dying declaration may be admissible, the following
requisites must concur; 1) it must concern the crime involved in and the circumstances Surrounding tne
declarant's death; 2) at the time of the declaration, the declarant must be conscious o impending death;
3) the declarant must be competent as a witness; and 4) ne declaration must be offered in a criminal
case for homicide, murder, or parricide in which the declarant was the victim.
E-Blotter (Electronic Blotter)-is a computerized system that is now being used
Davao City Police Office which was accepted by the courts, prosecutors' office and the public in general.
Coordination with Supreme Court administrator disclosed that they are amenable to the idea of using e-
blotter for the PNP This is also known as Crime Incident Recording System (CIRS).
ELECTRONIC DATA MESSAGE - Refers to information generated, sent, received or stored by electronic,
optical or similar means, but not limited to, electronic data interchange (EDI), electronic mail, telegram,
telex, or telecopy. Throughout these Rules, the term "electronic data message" shall be equivalent to
and be used interchangeably with 'electronic document."
ELECTRONIC SIGNATURE - Refers to any distinctive mark, characteristic and/or sound in electronic form,
representing the identity of a person and attached to or logically associated with the electronic data
message or electronic document or any methodology or procedures employed or adopted by a person
and executed or adopted by such person with the intention of authenticating or approving an electronic
data message or electronic document.
EMINENT DOMAIN - The right of a government to take and appropriate private property to public use,
whenever the public exigency requires it; which can be done only on condition of providing a reasonable
compensation therefore.
ENTRAPMENT While instigation exempts, entrapment does not; the difference between the two being
that in entrapment the crime had already been committed while in instigation the crime was not yet and
would not have been committed were it not for the instigation by the peace officer.
EVIDENT PREMEDITATION Evident premeditation involves, in its legal sense, not only a determination to
commit the crime prior to the moment of its execution, but that resolve to carry out the criminal intent
must have been the result of deliberation, calculation or reflection through a period of time sufficient to
dispassionately consider and accept the final consequences thereof, thus indicating a greater perversity.
EXPLOITATION - Shall include, at the minimum, child prostitution, child pornography and other forms or
sexual exploitation, child labor, force labor or services, Slavery or practices similar o Slavery, servitude,
removal and sale of organs, use in illegal activities, and participation in armed conflict. The hiring,
employment, persuasion, inducement, or Coercion of a child to perform in obscene exhibitions and
indecent shows, whether live or in video or film or to pose or act as a model in obscene publications or
pornographic materials, or to sell or distribute said materials.
EXPLOSIVES- Any chemical compound, mixture or device, the primary or common purpose of which is to
function by explosion. The term includes, but is not limited to, high explosives, black powder, pellet
powder, initiating explosives, detonators, safety fuses, squibs, detonating cord, igniter cord and igniter.
EXPLOSIVE ORDNANCE DISPOSAL (EOD) PERSONNEL- Refers to personnel of the Armed Forces of the
Philippines (AFP), Philippine Coast Guard (PCG) and the National Bureau of Investigation (NBI).
FIRST RESPONDERS- Are members of the police, military, fire, medical teams, and other volunteer
organizations who are expected to be the first to respond to calls for assistance in cases of incidents
involving explosives.
HASTY CHECKPOINT - is an immediate response to block the escape of lawless elements from a crime
scene, and is also established when nearby checkpoints are ignored or during hot pursuit operations.
It is set up by police personnel conducting mobile patrol on board a marked police vehicle, or those
conducting ISO and foot patrol operations within the vicinity/periphery of the national or provincial
HIGH RISK ARREST is the actual restraint of armed persons following a high-risk stop.
HIGH RISK STOP - is the actual stopping or accosting of armed and dangerous person or persons, aboard
a vehicle or on foot, including the power to use all necessary and legal means to accomplish such end.
HOT PURSUIT (CROSS JURISDICTIONAL PURSUIT) (also termed in the US as fresh pursuit) shall mean an
immediate, recent chase or follow up without material interval for the purpose of taking into custody
any person wanted by virtue of a warrant, or one suspected to have committed a recent offense while
fleeing from one police jurisdictional boundary to another that will normally require prior official inter-
unit coordination but which the pursuing unit cannot, at that moment, comply due to the urgency of
the situation.
HOMICIDE Any person who shall kill another without the attendance of any of the circumstances
enumerated in the crime of murder (Art. 249 RPC).
IMMINENT DANGER the danger is "imminent" if it is on the point of happening. It is not required that
the attack already begins, for it may be too late (The Revised Penal Code, B0ok 1, JBL Reyes). The
elements of imminent danger are the following:
INVESTIGATOR-ON-CASE (IOC) - is the police officer who determines the cause or motive of the crime,
identify and interview witnesses, and effects arrest of suspect/s.
MACRO-ETCHING- The examination of the serial number of engine and chassis of a motor vehicle by a
Crime Laboratory Technician by means of applying chemicals solution on the said serial numbers to
determine whether there is tampering and for possible restoration of the tampered serial numbers.
MAXIMUM TOLERANCE means the highest degree of restraint that the police, military and other peace
keeping authorities shall observe during a public assembly or in the dispersal of the same.
MIRANDA DOCTRINE A principle on the rights of a suspect from forced self- incrimination during police
interrogation as enshrined in the 1987 Philippine Constitution's Bill of Rights (Article lll, Sec. 12).
MUG SHOT (OR BOOKING PHOTOGRAPH) - it is a photograph of the suspect taken after one Is
arrested. The purpose of the mug shot is to allow law enforcement agency to have a photographic
record of the arrested individual to allow for identification by victims and investigators. They may be
compiled into a mug book or rogues gallery in order to help determine the identity of a criminal in high
profile cases, mug shots may also be published by the media. The mug shot shall be taken in four (4)
manners, front View hair body, left side view half body, right-side view half body, and front-view whole
body. it shall be printed in 4R size and attached or printed on the Mug Shot Sheet of the PNP-BF. If a
digital camera is used, the camera should have a resolution of not less than 5 Mega Pxel (MP). (Pro
forma can be downloaded through
MURDER - Any person who shall kill another person with evident premeditation, treachery, superior
strength, aid of armed men, consideration of prize and reward of promise and by means of fire, poison,
explosion and other means involving great waste and ruin (Art. 248, RPC).
NECESSARY AND LEGAL MEANS - as used in the definition shall include, but not limited to, the
employment of appropriate number of troops, armor assets and tactical or special units to effectively
and permanently quell the threat or present danger, or to swiftly restrain or arrest the suspect or
NEGLECT- Failure to provide, for reasons other than poverty, adequate food, clothing shelter, basic
education or medical care so as to seriously endanger the physical, mental, social and emotional growth
and development of the child.
NEGLECT OF DUTY- The omission or refusal, without sufficient excuse, to perform an act or duty, which
it was the officer's legal obligation to perform.
NONFEASANCE or NEGLECT OF DUTY The omission or refusal, without sufficient excuse, to perform an
act or duty, which it was the peace officer's legal obligation to perform,; implies a duty as well as its
breach and the fact can never be found in the absence of duty.
OFFENDED PARTY- In oral defamation or libel, the "offended party" referred to in par. 4 Art 360, RPC,
and in Sec 4, Rule 110, Rules of Court, is the person appearing to have been defamed, discredited,
damaged and prejudiced by the imputation made. The 'offender party" who intervenes in a criminal
action, under Sec 15 Rule 110, Rules of Court, is the person who is entitled to civil indemnity in the civil
action arising Out of the criminal act for which the accused is charged.
PAT-DOWN SEARCH is a "frisk" or external feeling of the outer garments of an individual for weapons
PERSON IN AUTHORITY- Person in authority refers to all those persons who by direct provision of law or
by appointment Or competent authority are charged with the maintenance of public order and tne
protection and security of life and property, as well as all persons Who come to the aid or agents or
authority; it being public functionaries are entitled to be considered as agents of authority, it being
understood, nevertheless that in order that the persons who Come to the aid of an agent of authority
may be considered as agents of authority, it is an essential condition that they lend such assistance, by
virtue of an order or request of such agent of authority.
POLICE BLOTTER - A record or log where all types of operational and undercover dispatches shall be
recorded containing the five "W's (WHO, WHAT, WHERE, WHEN and WHY) and one "H" (HOW) of
an information.
POLICE CHECKPOINT A location where the search is conducted which is duly authorized by the PNP to
deter/prevent the commission of crimes, enforce the law, and for other legitimate purposes.
REASONABLE DOUBT- A reasonable doubt is not a mere guess that defendant may or may not guilty; it
is such a doubt as a reasonable man might entertain after a fair review and consideration of the
RECLUSION PERPETUA- The penalty of life imprisonment. However, the offender is eligible for pardon
after serving the penalty for thirty years.
ROBBERY- The taking of personal property belonging to another with intent to gain, by means of
violence against or intimidation of any person, or using force upon anything.
ROGUES GALLERY (or ROGUES' GALLERY)/MUG SHOT BOOK is a police collection of mug shots
and pictures or photographs of criminals and suspects kept to identification purposes.
SCENE OF THE CRIME OPERATION (SOCO) - s a forensic procedure performed by trained personnel of
the PNP Crime Laboratory through scientific methods of investigation for the purpose of preserving the
crime scene, gathering information, documentation, collection and examination of all physical evidence.
SEARCH WARRANT is an order in writing issued in the name of the People of the Philippines, signed by a
judge and directed to a peace officer, commanding him to search for personal property described
therein and bring it before the court.
SPOT CHECK/ACCOSTING is the brief stopping of an individual, whether on foot or in a vehicle, based on
reasonable suspicion/probable cause, for the purpose of determining the individual's identity and
resolving the officer's suspicion concerning criminal activity.
STOPPING ZONE - s the strategic predetermined area strongly sealed off, barricaded and occupied by
tactical forces in a lawful display of authority to maintain law and order or in defensive response to
an event of criminal nature or of such gravity that occurred or likely to occur calling for a high risk
stop or arrest.
SUBSTANTIVE DUE PROCESS - The constitutional guaranty that no person shall be deprived of his life,
liberty, or property for arbitrary reasons, such as a deprivation being constitutionally supportable only if
the conduct from which the deprivation flows is prescribed by reasonable legislation (that is, the
enactment is within the scope of legislative authority) reasonably applied (that is, for a purpose
consonant with the purpose of the legislation itself).
THEFT- Theft is committed by any person who, with intent to gain but without violence against or
intimidation of neither persons nor force upon things, shall take personal property of another without
the latter's consent.
The following model sentences and examples of police lingo and jargon are provided to serve as guide
especially to the neophyte in the police service and public safety organization. The latter parts of these
sentences were selectively taken from website of the Philippine National Police through the Public
Information Office to illustrate effective police report writing. Some sentences were edited and
improved to achieve its purpose. The names of the suspect/s are not included in order to protect their
identities. Moreover, these sentences serve as a guide to write efficient police reports particularly police
trainees and students. Terms and phrases which have this [ ] symbol means that those words or phrases
can be substituted when one is writing a report to suit his/her information gathered.
1. On [June 10, 2015] at about [7:00 AM], a [shooting incident] transpired along the [National
Highway, Brgy. Batong Malake, Los Bańos, Laguna]
2. On [May 28, 2015], at about [10:00 PM], an [alleged stabbing incident] happened at [69
Lopez Avenue, Villa de Calamba, Brgy. Halang, Calamba City, Laguna].
3. On [June 14, 2015], at about [4:00 PM], this office received a [telephone call from a [concerned
citizen] regarding [an alleged shooting incident] occurred on Rizal St., Brgy. Bucal, Calamba City,
4. Upon receipt of information, the operatives of this station responded immediately to the crime
scene. The victim was identified as [Juan P. de la Cruz, 25 years old, married, driver], and a resident of
[Brgy. Makiling, Calamba City, Laguna]
5. The victim was brought to the nearest hospital at [Calamba Medical Center], but was declared
"dead on arrival" by the attending physician,
6. The unknown suspect left the crime scene immediately using his unidentified motorcycle
without plate number heading toward unknown direction.
8. Through the hot pursuit operation conducted by this office, the suspect was successfully arrested at
about [10:00 AM on June 10, 2015 along the National Highway, Brgy. Paciano, Calamba City] and
identified as also known as] |'Boy Negro"], [38 years old, married
identified as driver, and a resident of Brgy. Halang, Calamba City].
9 The victim's cadaver was brought to the PNP Crime Laboratory, [Police Regional Office 4A, Camp
Vicente Lim, Brgy. Mayapa, Calamba City, Laguna] for autopsy examination.
10. The arrested suspect was also brought to the said Crime Laboratory for paraffin test.
13. Recovered from the possession and control of the suspect were [his 2012 Rusi without plate
number] and alleged caliber .38 revolver with defaced serial number].
14. During the arrest, the suspect was apprised of his Constitutional Rights as mandated by RA
7438. 15.The suspect was brought to the [Calamba City Police Station] for custodial investigation.
16. The arrested suspect is still under the custody of this station.
17. Prior to the inquest proceedings, the suspect underwent the SOP such as booking procedure,
taking of mug shots, examination. fingerprint, and medico-legal
18. The operatives of this office are preparing appropriate charges against the suspect.
19.Arrested suspect was brought to [RID, PRO 4A] for documentation and proper
20. A [knife-wielding] suspect was arrested after [he commandeered a Manila-bound bus (Everlasting
bus)] along the [North Luzon Expressway (NLEX) Toll Plaza] in [Sta. Rita, Guiguinto, Bulacan].
21.The elements of [Malolos CPS], upon receiving the report of the incident, immediately conducted
a (dragnet operation] and sent flash alarm to its entire patrol unit.
22.The personnel of [Bulacan Provincial Crime Laboratory Office Scene of the Crime Operatives
(SOCO)] processed the crime scene and different identification cards of the suspects were collected.
23. Recovered from their possession were [caliber .38 revolver without serial number loaded with three
(3) live ammunition] and [three (3) empty shells], and a [Smith & Wesson caliber .38 revolver without
serial number with two (2) live ammunition] and [four (4) empty shells]
24. The recovered firearms] will be subjected for mandatory [Ballistic/Cross Matching Examination] at
[Quezon PNP-Crime Laboratory Office].
25.The [four (4) arrested policemen] are presently undergoing pre-charge investigation].
1. added bonus
2. advance
forward 3 unique
4. attach together
5. enclosed
herewith 6 exact
7. repeat it again
8. the reason why... is because
9. irregardless
10. 8 AM in the morning
11. moral lesson
12. a pleasant good morning
13. advance warning
This module is a requirement of the St. Louis College of Bulanao in response to the
implementation of the Blended Learning way of Instruction.
This Learning Material is a property of the College of Criminal Justice Education – St.
Louis College of Bulanao, Tabuk City. It aims to improve students’ performance specifically in
the Criminology Education.
General Instruction/s:
The module introduces what is criminal investigation, the three tools of criminal investigation, the
four method of investigation, sketching the crime scene and crime reconstruction. Series of
activities will encourage you to explore and learn about the topic. Through this module, the
following instruction/s should be followed.