Maintain Appropriate Kitchen Tools, Equipment, and Paraphernalia
Maintain Appropriate Kitchen Tools, Equipment, and Paraphernalia
Maintain Appropriate Kitchen Tools, Equipment, and Paraphernalia
Read the Information Sheet 1.1 very well the find out how much you can remember and how much you learned
by doing the Self-checked 1.1.
Chemical Advantage Disadvantage
Chlorine 50 ppm in water 7 seconds Effective on a wide Corrosive, irritating to the
between 75 variety of bacteria; skin, effectiveness
and100oF highly effective; not decreases with increasing
affected by hard pH of solution; deteriorates
water; generally during storage and when
inexpensive exposed to light; dissipates
rapidly; loses activity in
the presence
of organic matter
Iodine 12.5-25 ppm in 30 Forms brown color Effectiveness decreases
water that is at that indicates strength; greatly with an increase in
least 75oF not affected by hard pH (most active at pH 3.0;
water; less irritating to very low acting at pH 7.0);
the skin than is should not be used in
chlorine; and activity water that is at 120oF or
not lost rapidly in the hotter; and might discolor
presence of equipment and surfaces.
organic matter.
True or False?
1. Surfaces must be sanitized before they are cleaned.
2. Cleaning reduces the number of pathogens on a surface to safe levels.
3 . Utensils cleaned and sanitized in a three-compartment sink should be dried with a clean towel.
4 . Soaking items for 30 seconds in water at least 171˚F (77˚C) is an acceptable way to sanitize items.
When to Clean and Sanitize
List the four instances when a food-contact surface must be cleaned and sanitized.
• ________________________________________________________________________________
• ________________________________________________________________________________
• ________________________________________________________________________________
• _______________________________________________________________________________
Clean-In-Place Equipment
In what order must the steps for cleaning and sanitizing stationary equipment be completed?
A______Take removable parts off and wash, rinse, and sanitize by hand or in a dishwasher if allowed
B ______Unplug the equipment
C ______Sanitize the equipment surfaces
D ______Rinse the equipment surfaces with clean water
E______ Allow the surfaces to air-dry
F______ Scrape or remove food from the equipment surface
G_____ Wash the equipment surfaces
List the three factors that affect a sanitizer’s effectiveness.
• _________________________________________________________________________________________
• _________________________________________________________________________________________
• _________________________________________________________________________________________
Cleaning and Sanitizing in a Three-Compartment Sink
Place the following steps for cleaning and sanitizing in a three-compartment sink in the correct order. Number it from
A____ Sanitize items in third sink.
B_____ Air-dry items on a clean and sanitized surface.
C_____ Rinse items in second sink.
D_____ Rinse, scrape, or soak items before washing them.
E_____ Wash items in the first sink.