Scourge of The Howling Horde

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A 1ST- LEVEL ADVENTURE .~ . . .... .4

c R E D I T s
D E S I G ll1 " A R T D IR E CT OR S



"",""""B"""' oe.d on t he origil?!ll DU:-:OEO:l'S & DRAGo~sll r ules created by E. Ga ry Gygax a nd Dave Arn eson and the new D U:o>GEONS & D RAGONS I
g~ .desig ned ,by JO~lt hal1 Tweet , M onte Coo~, Sk ip Wil liams, Richard Baker, and Peter Adk ison . i
Th is p rod uc t uses update d materia l f rom [he v.3.5 revt sron.
r . "
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Scourge of tIll.' Howling Horde is worth 4 Playe r Rewa rd po in ts. Go to www.r m for mo re d etails, and use t he following adven tu re
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ISBN·10: 0-7869-;93 1'·4 Fir st Pr inti ng: November 2006 ISBN-B : 978-0 ~7869 -39 ; 1'- 0

D L!J','Gf-Ol's ~& D ~ ,wo:"s, D&D, DlJ}'GEON l\hsrF-ll, d20, d20 SY:m~.\l, \VlZAIlIlSOF THf COIIST, I'lnyl'T'l H,m.lbook.DHngroll M,ljlrr'l GIII,lt, Mom ler M~IIlI',j , &oll rl:~ of lhe Howl",!: Horde,
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All Wiu nls characters, character names, and th e distinctive likenesses rllCfC"Of are pr opert y of W iu rd, of th e Coa, t, Inc.
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INTRODUCTION Thi s is secret in form ation ju st for th e DM.
Four months ago, th e black dr agon wyrmling Noak
secre tly established a lair in th e Howling Cave, in th e
Th e D UNGEO NS & D RAGO NS game provides a rich rules
wilderness outsi de th e peaceful hamle t of Barrow's Edge.
framework for Dungeon Master s (OMs) to work w ith. Thi s
She dem and ed th e worsh ip and serv itu de of a local tribe
adventure pre sents a new for mat des igned to make it easier
to run each enco u nte r. Comba t encounters feature aids such of goblins an d hobgoblins, ordering the trib e to help her
acquire a treasure hoard to fill her lair.
as tactical maps showing start ing mon ster locat ions, sidebars
Thus, the goblinoid tribe th at once minded its own bu si-
de railing imp ort ant rule s, clearly marked treasure and expe·
rience award s, and easy-to-reference mo ns ter statist ics. ness suddenly be came a th reat to th e people of Barrow's
Edge. Th e Howling Ho rd e goblins (as Noak nam ed them)
W ith th is new forma t, Sco urge of tlu Howling Horde is
att acked outlying farm s, hara ssed t ravelers, and even made
espe cially suited for lise by new OMs. \X/hi le any DM will
find a fun and exciting 1st-level adventure to ru n wi thi n raid s into th e hamlet in an effort to collect tr easure to add
to the dr agon's gro wing hoard. The in cr easingly frequent
these pages, th e form at and advice make it a good tool for
goblin raids were more th an the people of Barrow's Edge
helpin g new OMs get a feel for run ning th e game .
cou ld deal w ith on their ow n, so the y sent out a call far and
wide for adventurers to come to th eir aid.
The adventure begins as the player ch ar acters arr ive to
As Dungeon Master, you need three books to ru n thi s ans wer th at call.. . .
adventure: the D& D Pla yer's Handbook, Dungeon Master's
Guide, an d Mom ter AJanual. We also enco urage the use of
D U NGEON S & D RAGON S mi n iatu res and D&D Dungeo n Tiles
to add a visual element to com bat encou nte rs.
Before you r un, you should review th e adven ture to famil-
iari ze yourse lf wi th th e basic storyline. Th en go back and
~Roll for initiative! ~
read th e op en ing enco unters in more detail; you'll pro bably
on ly need to prepare three or four enco unte rs for your first T bcE'c war d E' bc ralJ t he start of a co m bat enco un ter. Excite-
game session. Feel free to take not es, under line de tails th at me nt lwi lJs as dice clatter to ti le tab le. Once th e battl e begins,
are import ant, or wr ite remi nders in the ma rgi ns or on howeve r, th ings can gel co n fusi ng. H ere a re t hree ways yo u
sticky pads. can kee p tr ack o f ",110 go ct> next in a ro und.
Simple Li st : Somc [) J\'1s jo t down t he in it iati ve o n ler on
a piec e of paper a nd update it an d modify it wit h eve ry new
o Your playershavecreated and equipped characters encoun ter. A typica l Jist mi ght look like th is:
uu, 18
o You've reviewed and appro ved tlte diam eters (keep a copy of MOI1:3 lers 16
ea ch player's charadeI' as a backup or in case a pla ye r misses
a game sesuc u) 1'-1 ial ce 12
o You've reviewed the entireadventure Re gda r 8
o You've ca refully read tilefirst se ries ofCllcotmters [o za n 5
D You have a Player'sHandbook l n il ia tiw Ca rd s: .M ake a n in itiat ive card for eac b player
o You 110VC 11 Duugccn Master's Guide character, us ing com mon index cards or stic ky not es. P ut
D You I1I1ve a Monster Manllal tIle chara ct er',; n ame, Armor Class, hit poin ts, an d mo difiers
o You l1 ave at leastone sel of dice for lccy ski lls (suc h as Listen, S pot, a nd Sense ~lut ive) o n
D Initiative Tracker (Optional, see sidebar) the ca n l.
D D&D M inialur" (O pnouof)
o D&D Du ngeo" Tiles (Optional) Make <1 DM card 'for mo ns te rs . Don' t put any infornl<lt io n
on t h is c<1fd; it' s just use d to kee p tr ack of when t he m on st ers
D Bat lle Grid (Opnounl) ae t to act in it ro u nd.
D Bailic Gri d M arkers (O ptiolla l)
¥ At th e sta rt of a com ba t eucnunter, put the ca rds in in i-
tiative o rde r a nd use th em to track eac h ch <1facter's tur n .
ENCOUNTERS \Vlt it e BOdr<l!B aHle Grid: H ave a player wr ite do wn
A D&D adven ture cons ists of three ty pes of enco unters: tile or der of in iti at ive on a white boar d or on th e sidc of yo ur
combat encounte rs , challenge enco unters , and roleplay ing bat tl c gr id. D isplaying t his in for mati o n pu blicly enco urages
encoun ters. Sometime s the se encounters are comb ined,
players to pre pare fo r tIlt'ir turns allcad of lime.
often one typ e of encounter leads to another. Th e majority
of encou nters are co mbat, where player characters (pe s)
bat tle mon sters or othe r opponent s. Cha llenge enco un-
ters featur e hazards or traps that requ ire skill checks to
overco me . Roleplayi ng encounters involve interact ion and
some skill use.
PART l :
Three goblins remain standing, and rhe last guard falls
just as the PCs reach tbe barrle. Mercbant Sten Goodseller
bides among rhe crares and barrels that baven't spilled from

tbe wagon. She remains hiding until the goblins are defeared
or drive n away.

GO B L I N RA I D E RS (3) CR l
Monster Manual, page 7 3 3
4 • H P: 0 D D D
Notes: ______

N otes: ______
4 H P: D D D D N otes:
The adventure assumes tbe player characters know each N E S m a l l h u m a n o id (gobl i n o i d )
other when the session begins. If this isn't true, create a l n it + l ; Senses darkv i s i o n 6 0 ft . ; Liste n +2 , S pot +2
scene i n which tbe player characters meet a nd receive the Languages G o b l i n , 50% spea k Common as wel l
request for belp from Barrow's Edge before running thís AC 1 5 , to u c h 1 2 , fl at-footed 1 4
encounter. Fort +3 , Ref +l , Will -1
Speed 30 ft. (6 s q u a res)
SETU P Melee morningstar +3 (l d 6)
The advent u re begins as the player characters approach Ranged j avel i n +3 ( l d4)
the hamlet of Barrow's Eclge. As 1s t-level characrers, the Base Atk +l ; Grp -3
PCs have no mounts; they must rely on their own two feer Abi l ities Str 1 1 , Dex 1 3 , Con 1 2 , I nt 1 0 , Wis 9, C h a 6
to get from place to place. The firsc encou nter takes place Feats Wea p o n Focus (morn i n gstar)
on ebe road leading ro the hamlet. Use the map on the Skills H i d e +5, Listen +2 , M ove S i l ently +S , R i d e +4,
inside front cover. Have the players establish a marc h i ng Spot +2
order for their characters. The road is wide enough for two Possessions leath e r a rmor, l i ght wooden shiel d ,
people to walk side by side. Once you know how the PCs m o r n i ngsta r, 3 j avel i n s each
a re positioned, go to the read aloud .
Gobl in Tactics
READ ALOU D The goblins use "shoot and scoot" tactics againsr the PCs ,
throw i ng j avelins and moving 3ü feet away. They spread out
To start, read this out loud to the players:
and surround their opponenrs, keeping a distance unril they
run out ofjavelins to throw. Then they resort to melee, using
The frontier hamlet of Banow's Edge has called far
their morningsrars to fight. Wben they eventually turn ro
advent urers, requesti:i,g help a1·1 d pro m ising reward. Th e
melee, ebe goblins team up ro actack a si ngle PC . Tha nks
requ est did not include any specifics.
ro their victory over the merchant's guards, che goblins are
The di.rt road you travel shows s igns of regular 1m. T)1e1'e
feel i ng pa rricularly brave by time the PCs j o i n the fray.
arc few weeds and fresh grooves show the frequent passage of
They feel they can fighc off the newcomers without too
wagons. The road winds though m odera tely fo rested l.and.
much trouble. This opinion persists until the goblins are
Som ewhere up ahead, you hear th e so und of battle.
reduced to a single combarant; rhen the last goblin stand­
i ng loses his courage and tries to wichdraw (see Playe r's
Terrain: Medium forest terrain lies on either side of the I-Iandbook page 143).
road (see Dungeon Master's Guide page 8 7).
ATTACK ALONG THE ROAD I f the PCs rescue rhe merchant and defeat the goblins, they
This combat encounter kicks off the adventure. get experience points (XP). The number ofXP each character
A b a nd of goblins attacked a merchant's wagon shortly receives depends on the roral number of characters in the
before the PCs arrived. Four elf gua rds and eight goblins party, as shown below. (See Dungeon Mas ter's Guide, pages
fought fi.ercely, and many are dead. The PCs arrive while 36-39, for more details on awarding experience.)
the battle still rages. Read: PCs XP PCs XP
1 300 4 75
As you crest a hse in the road, you see a figh t rnging ahead. A 2 150 5 60
merchant's wagon hes on i.ts side, its horses dead or scatte red. 3 100 6 50
Scveral elves and goblins lay dead, wl1 i!e a few of each
con e to battle.
When the PCs defeat o r d rive off the goblin ra iders, g o to
Roll for iniriarive. You should roll an initiative check the next encounter, "Meeting Mercha nt Goodseller," on
for ebe goblins and for the guard. The PCs start 80 feet page 4.
from the overturned wagon. The road between them is
straight a nd suitable for runni ng (see Player's Handbook
page 144). It should cake them ar least one ful l round to
reach the fi.ght.
ENCOUNTER: Ste n's Goals
Sten first wants to check on the elfwarr iors that guarded her
wagon. Two are dead, but the othe r two migh t be saved.The
The D&D gam e provides a rich fr am ework [or ma ny dif player characters have th ree rounds to try to save them . Sta-
ferenr types of encou nters. "To the Rescue!" starred the bilizing a dyi ng chara cter requ ires a DC 15 Hea l check.
adventure with a combat encou nter. After a combat encoun- Next, Sten want s to get he r wagon tipped back up on its
ter, characters usu ally rake rime to tend to th e wou nded and wheels. This req uires a DC 22 Stre ng th check. Characters
search for tr easure.This encounter starts there and leads ro can use the Aid Another act ion (see Player's Handbook, page
a roleplaying opportunity. 65) or can simply Take 20. Wi th enough time and some help ,
even those ofaverage Strength can succeed , Once rig h ted,
Sten direc ts th e pes to hel p her rearra nge the wagon's con-
TREASURE ten ts to tran sport the wounded or dead.
Th e goblins participating in th is raid carr ied little of value.
Sten fears another attack. She wan ts the player character s
Each of the eight had a suit of leather armor, a light wo oden
to act as guards and escort the wagon back to Barrow's Edge.
sh ield , a morn ing star, and th ree javelins, all sized for use
If th ey h urry, they shou ld be able to arrive before dark.
by Sm all char acters .
The four elf guards each wore studde d leather armor and
carr ied a hgh r wooden shield, longsword, and longbow, all
Ste n's Reward
As a reward to the player ch arac ters , Sten offers each char-
sized for use by Medium characters.They each carry a pouch
acter 100 gp worth of cre dit at her store.
containing Id6 sp. Two are dead , and [WO are unconscious
and bad ly wounded.
Afte r Sten and th e player characters talk for a bit, she appeals
MEETING STEN GOODSELLER to th em to help her get her goo ds and the wou nded gua rds
Thi s en counter give s the player charac ters the opport unity
to Barrow's Edge. "There, I'll introdu ce you to th e ha m let's
to interact with a nonplayer character, the mercha nt Sten
leaders and we can both find ollt abo ut this c. 11 for help tha t
Goodse ller. This is a roleplaying encounter. W h ile the player
seems to have gone out wh ile I was away," Sten says, "I'm
cha racters exa m ine t he dead bod ies, read this aloud.
particularly eager to learn why the gob lin s have turned so
violent. Th is road used to be safe, let me tell you ."
As y OIl check the bodiesof the goblins and the fallcn elves, you
When the wagon is righted , the rema ining horses hitch ed
/lo/icr a frightClled Italfling perr ing at YOll from behind a
up, and everyone is ready to resume the journe y to Barrow's
harrel in tile ovrrtunJed wagon.
Ed ge, go to "Amb ush" on page 5.
"Is it- is it safe to co me out?" she (l5ks. "I'm Stell,Stefl
Goodsellcr, 11 II1l'rchatlt fro m Barrow's Edge. Are you the finc
folk ll, IlO saved mr?"


What the Cha ra cters Can Lea rn fro m St en
"Anythin g wo rt h sayi ng is wortll say ing tw ice-m ore di a n
Sten had been return in g home to Barrow 's Edge from a t rip
to a ha lfling m arket where sh e bought and tr aded for goods on ce, anyway."
to restock her store . Stell is just a simple mercha nt f rom a ti ny ham let. She
Before she left on her trip a cou ple of months ago, gob- h a;; 110 n o t able co m ba t ski ll::; rath er , she sp ec ia li ze s in
li ns in th e ar ea rar ely attacked travelers. She doe sn't kn ow co m merce and n egotiat ion. \When sh e ta lks, Sten tend s t o
anyth ing abo ut recen t atta ck s or a call for he lp. re peat her self. It,h appen ;; m o re fr equently wh en she 's ner vou s
Barr ow's Edge is a growing ham let wit h a cu rren t popu - or ill - at- ease. Thl' gob li n at ta ck d is t u rbed Sten. SIll' had
lation of abou t one hu nd re d ad ults. A front ier settlemen t, n ever be for e bee n £ e rson ally involved in a f igll t ami th iE'
it has limi ted resources (item s cos ting 100 gp or less are eve n t tru ly ::cared her,
available ; sec Dungeon Master's GlIide, page 137), O nc e co nvi need th e d'ln ger h as pas sed . sIll' e me rges from
her h idin g sp ot in t he ov e rtur ne d wa gon . s he fir st chec ks
o n t Ile wo u nded and t h e dea(l, th~n turn s her atten ti on t o
geH ing h er wag on and goo d s to her sh op in Bar ro w's E d ge ,
Ti le playerdluraeten can make DC ]5 Knowledge (local)
c hec k s to see if they' ve heard of tIll:' m er ch ant. A su ccess
re veal s tllat a c1lar'lcl er knows that Sten runs a rcp ut eb ]e
bu ;;incfs in Barrow's E d ge .
S t e n tru Iy live s t h e life of a go od per son. Sh e's hon es t
a n d fa ir in h er d ea ling s. I f she ha s a fault, it is tb at she i s
t oo t r u stin g an d a ssume s tbat otllers ar e ,-liso goo d and
llOn es t folk,
ENCOUNTER: Monster Manual, pa ge 28 3
_---,-,-_.,....-- ..,...,...-,..--~A M B U S I:i 13 HP:D D D D D D DD D D D D D
N Med ium anim al (fe ma le wol f)
Several hou rs of travel lie between th e site where the
Init +2; Sense s low-lig ht vision , scent ; Liste n +3, Spo t +3
pe s came across Ste n's wagon and the h aml et of Barrow's
Ed ge. Th is travel passes u nevent fu lly until th ey reach thi s AC 14, touc h 12, flat-footed 12
location. Fort +5, Ref +5, Will +1
Speed 50 ft. (10 squa res)
Melee bite +3 (ld 6+1)
SETUP Base Atk +1; Grp +2
It's tw iligh t wh en the party arrives at thi s p oin t. A goblin Special Action s t rip
druid waits to ambush anyone wh o sur vived the earlier
Abilities Str 13, De, 15, Ca n 15, Int 2, Wis 12, Cha 6
ra idi ng pa rty and is tr ying to reach the ham let .
Feats Track". Weapo n Focus (b ite)
Skills Hide +2, Li sten +3, Move Silen tl y +3, Spot +3,
A {Vild-looking goblill breaks from the dense woods aHd
Su rviva l +1 (+5 when usin g sce nt)
charges tOlVard you. He holds a spear in Due handl while
the other burns with bright J1ame. A mall gy wolf runs at Trip (Ex) A wolf that h it s with a bite attack can at te m pt t o
trip it s o p po nent a s a free act ion witho ut m aki ng a
h is side.
to uch at ta ck o r p ro vo king an atta ck of op po rtu n ity.
Make a Stre ngt h c heck (l d 20+1). The bit cha rac ter
o p pose s t h is ro ll wit h 1d20 + ei the r Dexte rit y or
G LARR, GOBLIN DRUID CR 1 St rength modi fier (wh iche ver is bette r). Dwar ve s ge t a
12 HP:DD D D D D D D D D DD +4 bon us bec ause t hey're ve ry stab le.
NE Small humano id (goblino id) If the wo lf ge ts a hi ghe r result than the charac ter,
Init +1; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Listen +2, Spot +6 t he characte r falls p ro ne. A pro ne ch a ra cte r takes a - 4
l anguages Comm o n , Dru idic , Gobli n penalty when m aking a m e lee att ack a nd a - 4 pen alty
AC 15, to uch 12, flat-footed 14 to Arm o r Class aga inst m elee (+4 bo nus ag ains t ra nged
Fort +3, Ref +1, Will +4 atta cks) .
Fo r co mplete rule s o n Trip , se e Player's Handbook,
Speed 30 ft. (6 squ ares) with longstrider
Mel ee producefl ame +2 tou ch (ld6+1 fire) o r
page 158.
Melee s pea r +3 (l d6 +2)
Ranged s pear +3 (ld6 +2) Bloodfang's Tactics
Base Atk +0; Grp - 2 C larr 's wolf fight s fiercely for his mas ter, worki ng to set up
Combat Ge ar wand of cu re lig ht wo unds , sc ro ll of ch arm flanks. If Glarr dies, though , Blood fang r uns away.
an im al
Druid Spells Prep ared (CL 1st):
1st- D D
entangle, produceflam e TREASURE
0- D create water, D cure minor wounds, D j7are If the PCs defeat Clarr, they fin d the follo wi ng item s: scro ll
Abilities Str 15, De, 12, Con 12, Int 8, Wis 15, Cha 8 of charm animal,wand of C!I}"C light wounds (20 cha rges), wand
SQ a ni m a l com pan ion , link w it h co m pa n ion , nat u re s e ns e , of long,trider (25 ch arges), 10 pp, 10 g p
s h are s pell s, wild empat hy +0 (-4 m agical beas t s) If a spellcasrer uses a deject magic spe ll , th e wand s and
Feats Tou g hn e ss scroll radiate magic. Th e characters need to cas t an identify
Skills Hand le An imal +3, Knowledge (na t u re) +1, spell on each wan d to determ ine the prec ise spell it con-
Spell c raft +3, Spot +6, Su rvival + 4 tains, th e com m and word, and the number of charges . For
Pos s e ssions combat gea r p lus hide a rm or, s pea r, wand of co mp lete details on Spellcrafr DCs, see Player's Handbook,
longstrider, 10 pp , 10 gp page 82.


C larr h as already cas t h is produce flame spell. It's a tou ch
c ha rac ters get experie nce for defeating th e gob lin dru id
attack, wh ich mean s it hits more frequently.For more details
and hi s anima l compa nion, as sho wn bel ow.
on touch AC, see Player's Handbook, page 136. PCs XP PCs XP PCs XP
C larr and Bloodfa ng work together to set up flanks. If
1 300 3 100 5 60
Bloodfang tr ips a foe, Clar r att acks the p ron e charac ter.
2 150 4 75 6 50
--,---::--_---,->o: ARROW' 5 ED GE
B......,. TEMPLE
Th e information on th ese p ages provides you w ith an over-
This large building's lmpainted exterior dearly S1lOWS it to be
view of the ham let of Barrow's Edge. It has a popu lation of
recen t construction. Olltside, 111(' ca rved lVooden symbols of
approxim ately 100 adul ts,whic h h as grow n stead ily up u nti l
many godsawait their first coat of paint and identify it asa
the onse t of the goblin raids.
place of worship.
A variety of race s in h abit th e town. Slightly mor e th an
half of the popula tio n is hum an, an d the rest is made up
of the othe r core races: dwarves, elves, gn ome s, h alf-elves, The townsfolk worship a wide varie ty of gods. This temple
half-orcs, and hal flin gs. provides a place for th em to worsh ip. A wors h iper of Pelor
You don 't need th e statistics [or the vast m ajority of mig ht p ray here alon gside a devot ee of Wee Ias. The few resi-
nonplaycr ch aracters in your game . Don't wo rry abo ut dents draw n to ev il de ities offer th eir p rayers in private.
the statistics for the town black smith or the cob bler. Th e I f the cha rac ters enter th e temple , read the follow ing.
pop ulation cons ists of 151- and 2nd-level commone rs and
expe rts . As a genera l r ule, if a pe rson dem on strates exper- IllSide, our large room feat ures shrines honoring different
tise or de votion to a call ing, give them up to a +5 modifier gods spaced evenly along tltewal/s. Rowsofbenches fill tlte
on any relevant sk ill ch eck. For all other ch ec k s, assu me J open space, and brightly colored ca rpets edoru thefloor.
+0 modifi er. For in stance, the stableha nd k nows horses and
other an im als. I f it comes up, he m ight have a +4 modifier
List ra, a t sr-level cle ric , m aintain s th e temple. s he wor ships
to Handle Animal checks. The re's n o reason why h e should
th e sam e d eity as on e of the charac ter s, preferably a cleric or
be goo d at Dip lom acy, so just assign a +0 mo d ifier.
palad in. If none ofyour pe s h ave religious incl in ations, h ave
Use thi s ham let as a ba se of operations for th e player
th e cleric lik ewise be u nco m mitte d to a deity. She sh ou ld
charac ters for th e rest of th e advent ure, and perhaps beyon d .
be nonev il, and able to sp ont aneously cast cure spe lls. She
Th is sec t ion de scr ibe s its majo r feat u res. Feel free to add
lives on the seco nd floor, abo ve the worsh ip hall.
d etails or persona lize it to su it your campaig n. If you use it
for charac ters above 1st level, you may wan t to emph asize its Deity Worsh iped: -,- _
grow th an d in crease its size to m atch the player ch arac ters ' Domains Ch osen: an d _
advancemen t. H igher- level pe s n eed larger sett leme n ts to
bu y and sell equipme nt and treasu re.
As a ham let, Barrow's Edge only offers item s for sale of
What list ra Will do for th e Playe r Characters
Lisrra loves the sett lemen t of Barro w's Edge and will ingly
u p to 10 0 gp in value. In add it ion , whe n the ch arac ters
h elps anyone seek ing to serve or protect th e ham let.
sell treasur e, th e town can on ly afford to pu rch ase 500 gp
If the ch aracter s com m it to h elp ing th e town, the cle ric
wort h of th ings from th em at one tim e and h as on ly abo u t
cas ts spells for free . If a spe ll h as a cos tly ma ter ial co mpo-
50 0 gp value of item s to sell. Because the set tlement sees a
nent , such as the 25 gp required for bless water, she ex pec ts
lot of travelers and trade, allow th is to recha rge on a week ly
the pes to cove r those costs .
bas is.
If the ch aracte rs don't agree to aid th e town or if they keep
th eir efforts sec re t, Listra cha rges th em stan da rd rates fo r
STEN GOODSELLER'S EMPORIUM castin g spe lls. As a Ist-Ievel cleric, she cas ts a-level sp ells
for 5 gp and 1st-level spells for 10 gpo
A sign above the door reads "Stew Good'seJler's Ernporturu,' If aske d, she po li tely refuses reque sts to go adve n tu ring.
Little of tile original cabin ca ll still be seen, as numerous Listra is de voted to ma inta in ing the temple an d serv ing as
aadiliot15 j ut off llll siaeslllul up one level. W hat had bee/l a spi ritua l leader in Barro w's Edge.
front porch /lO U! se rves as 11 glassed· in display (lrea. Listra typically prays for these spells. If a spec ial need
Equipment of all descriptions fill s the ma rl Y shelves and cases arises, or if th e pes reques t it, Listra prays for different spe lls
visible through tile display IlJ indows, includi ng kmterus, for th e n ext day. I
torches, bolts of cotta/I, bags of seed, and more.
Cleric Spe lls Prepa red (CL ' lst):
1st- 0 bless water, 0 comprehend languages,
Sten m ana ge s the sho p wit h th e hel p of her partner, Currer.
Th e two d isplay deep fr ien dship an d affec tion for one
o dom ain spe ll: _ = :-:- ,.--,= _:-:-_-,--
0- 0 create water, 0 detect magic, 0 read magic
another. Sten tr usts Gar ret to ru n th e shop whe n she travels
for ne w stoc k. Garre t doesn't have the same love of th e busi-
Since Listra can spon taneously cast cure spe lls , she ca n tu rn
ne ss th at Sten d isp lays, but he cares for Sten an d wa nts th e
any of h er o-level spe lls in to cure minor woundsand either of
sho p to succ eed. Un like Sterr, who is talkative and outgo ing,
h er nond om ain t st-level spe lls into cure light wounds.
Ga rret is qu iet an d shy.
Th e sho p sells gene ra l equipment and sup plies, sp ecial
item s, armor, an d wea pons with values of to o gp or less.
W ith th e onset of th e recent gobli n raid s, she starte d to
BARROW'S EDGE INN gather th e resources ne eded to build a woo den wall around
Barr ow's Edge. Th e town has been maki ng slow, ste ady
A large building sprawlsat the ce nterof the srttlement. Light
progress o n th is project. If the work stays on schedule, th e
spills fro m its windows. A broad sign above the door reads:
wall wi ll be finishe d in about a year. Malli e knows th at a
"Barrow's Edge Inn- Welcome to AIL"
wall provides bett er security for the future , but something
needs to be don e about the goblin threat now. So, in addi-
Wh en th e player ch aracters enter the in n , read: tion to spe arheading the wall project , she pu shed for the
settl ement to send out a call for hel p.
The interiaro! the inn feels as Ivarm and hospitable as it . Mallie has a persona l stake in elim inating th e goblin
seemed from outside. The LVl1YH smells of stew and fresh th reat. About two months ago, her hu sband led a g roup of
baked bread waftfro m the kitchell. A portly woman bustles townsfolk to tr y [Q make peace with the goblins. Malli e's
about, pouring drinks and se rvingfood. husband and several of h is companions never retu rn ed. s he
"Travelers? Welcome. We'vefo od and drink and roo ms. wa nts to see the goblin threat elimina ted, while still work-
All warm and dea n." she ttlrm to a pair of fa rmhands in g toward en surin g the continued safet y of th e haml et.
lounging by the hearth. "Dorf, Dissy movc- give !/u st?
newcomersspace to settle in by thefire." Tlie h VD farmers What Mall ie Will do for the Player Characters
nod amiablyand shift to another lable. Malli e welcom es all pat ron s to her establishment, an d the
"Now, what can I get for you?" player characters are no exception. If they don't agree to help
the hamlet , or if the y keep th eir involvem ent a secret, th en
Mallie charges them her norm al rates for lodging, food, and
Mallie March ess owns th e inn. She act s as th e manager,
dri nk. As an inn of Good qu ality, Mall ie charges 2 g p per
bart en der, and host, and generally does whatever need s to
person per day for lod ging, 5 sp per day for meals, and 4 cp
be done to keep the place running. Ever yon e in th e haml et
per mu g of ale. It is reasona ble for th e player charac ters to
kn ows and respects her. Although Barrow's Edge doesn't
use th e inn as a base of operat ions whi le th ey adve nture in
have a for mal government, Ma llie's word is close to law.
and around th e hamler. Mallie has no problem with this, and
Eminently capable and extremely organized , Mallie pos-
isn't afraid to ask them how th e adventur ing is going and
sesses many leadersh ip qualities.
offeri ng th em advice and opinions as she thin ks of th em .

cc .
C" .
-- <:::.-
Player ch aracters m igh t wan t Thamior to cast the identify
BARROW'S ED GE (CO ID.} spel!.Th is spell requires a 100 gp pearl , so Thamior charges
O th er places of int erest around th e ham ler are described 110 gp to cast it
If g iven a week's t ime, Th am ior can produc e an y arcane
scro ll o r po tion wi th a sale pri ce of 100 gp or less. (Th arntor's
MYSTICALlTY men tor visits him abo ut once a wee k, but the elf never men-
tions hi s m entor or the help the older wizard p rovides h im
You can'1 11 cJp but notice this small,one-sto ry flllilli ing.
with.) Th am ior ch arge s the standard prices for th ese items
Pa inted bright plIrple lVith gold stars spangling the exterior,
(see Dungeon Mnstcr's Guide, page 230 for potions and oils ,
111 is shopdcmrlll£ls/ o be loolu d al. A Sig lll1boLlc the .ioor
page 239 for arcane scro lls).
read s"M)'stica lity." Heavy Jl urple dra pescovcr the lVllldows.
When the ch aracte rs first arrive and on an y typical day,
Tham ior prepares th ese spe lls. I f requested, or a special
The ch arac ter s can ask anyo ne in town abour th e pu rpl e ne ed ar ise s, he prepares differ ent sp ells th e following
bui lding. Ever yon e knows that th e elf wizard Th am ior owns morning.
th e p lace. He tell s for tunes and sells pot ion s and scrolls. If
the pes enter th e magic sh op, read : Wizard Spells Prep ared (CL l st):
1st- D silent image, D
vent riloquism
A 50ft dlimc so undsas tire door opell5. Shadowy 0- D detec t magic , D D prestidigitation,
illumination provided by a few Cll lldics softly lights tlte Dread magi c
insideof tile sJlOp. The 5(('lI t of li'Ll C incense hangs nCllvy i ll Spellbook s pells prepa red plus O-all; 1st- endure
tile air. elements, identify, m ount, unseen servant

If aske d, Thamior is willing ro exchange spells with a fellow

The front room hold s only a sm all table an d three ch airs.
wizard. He allows a character to copy a spe ll out of hi s spell-
Most of Th am ior 's clients com e for one-o n-one con sul ra-
book in exchange for learn ing a spell of equallevel. If the PC
tion s, though occasionally a cus tomer brings a fri end.
has n o new spe ll to offer, Th am ior ch arges a mi nima l fee of
Fit ting mor e than three p eop le in th e place makes it some-
5 gp for a o-Ievel spell or to gp for a rsr-level spel !.
wh at crowded.
Th e player ch aracter wizard still needs to pay for the
A doo r lead s from this co nsu lt ing room to the elfs living
materials requ ired to copy the spe ll into h is or her spe llbook
quarters in the back ro om. Once he h ears th e doo r ch ime,
(see Ar cane Magical Wr iting, Player's Ha lld bo ol~, page 178).
Th ami or passes throu gh th e bead ed arc hway betw een th e
con sulti ng room and hi s h om e. Th e wi zard is very preten-
tious an d talk s in a deep voice, m aking ever y word he speaks OTHER BU ILDINGS
sound myster iou s and fu ll of meani ng. Hou ses, a black smi th and stab le, a ti n ker, a gro cer, a money-
lender, and outly ing far ms, ma ke up the res t of the hamlet
A malc elf, wcaring brig/ltly colo red clothes and bedecked an d the env iro n s aro u nd ir. Ever yone who lives here is
w illi uu utcmn s sca rves, cllil nm, 11I1d lrillkcls, 'oo l~s at you ne rvou s about the recent goblin activity, an d mos t of the
through ltalf-clost,J eycs and smilcs IWOlvingly. ham let 's inhabi tants gre et the playe r cha racters warmly if
"You route willi qucstions. 1, Tl1l1lJ1 ior, senrrh fo r an SH'crs. they identify th em selves as com ing in ans wer to the call for
aile silver piece gives yOIl a glimpseof thefillure." help th at was sent ou r.
In addi tion to Malli e March ess the in nkeeper an d Listra
the cleric, th e other most prom inent membe r of the com-
Th am ior enjoys a tempor ary mo n opoly as the on ly arca ne
mun ity is Arvel Durgc dow n , th e moneylender. Arvel is a
spcllcoster in Barrow's Ed ge. He ea rns a livi ng by tell ing
powe rfu l b ut an cie nt dwarf who b ro ught hi s fort une to
fortunes. He read s palm s and cards, or looks in to a murky
Barrow 's Edg e and set up a mo ne ylend ing b usi ne ss to assist
ball of quar tz crys tal to pro vid e very gen eral adv ice. H is
the com mu n ity an d expand his holdi ngs and in fluen ce. He
ski ll in for tune telling doesn't rely on mag ic, but on Sense
o ften com es down on th e opposite side of arg uments and
Mot ive wi th a +6 mod ifier.
issues from M all ie, bur o n th e que stion of wha t to do about
Thamior, however, really is a tsr-Ievel wizar d .
th e goblins, the two are in total agreement. Arv el, who many
believe was an adventu rer in h is younger day s, never has
Wha t Th amior Will Do for th e anyth ing good to say abou r those who live by the sword or
Player Cha ra cte rs spel L H e ag rees th at the y are a n ecessarily rool in the effort
Th am ior wants to bu ild h is rep utation as a g reat wizard and
to ke ep Barrow's Edge safe , but h e nei ther likes nor tr us ts
fort une teller. He lik es Barrow's Edge, but doe sn't feel civic-
anyone who wears th e mantle of advent urer.
m inded eno ugh to give away h is se rv ices, as Listra m ight.
He also ha s no interest in going on adven tu res or othe rwise
pu tting h im self in ha rm 's way.
Tham ior ch arges stand ard rates for castin g spe lls . As a
t st-lcvcl wizard , he casts u-Ievel spe lls [or 5 gp and rst-level
spe lls for 10 gp, plus cos ts for expensive compo ne nts.
th reat has been elim inated or one month passes without a
ENCOUNTE R: new attac k.

Th is roleplaying en coun ter sets up th e rest of th e adventure.

Motivation s
I f th e player characters can' t be enticed by m on ey alone , use
When the player cha racters accom pany Stell in to the haml et
add it iona l hooks to m oti vate them to actio n.
of Barrow's Edge , read:
Honor : Barro w's Edge th rives as a fro ntier set tleme nt
where good people do th eir best to eke ou t a living, an d help-
As )'0 11 zontnrue along tile wild, the sce nery slowly challges.
in g th e haml et is th e hono rable thing to do. Th e ham let and
Thick fores t gives IVa y tofarm/anti, IHl d 50 0 11 tile handct of
its inhabitan ts haven't done anything to warrant t he atta cks
Barro w's Edge «nncs ill to vicw."We/co llle to Barrow's Edge,
by the goblins. Th e tow nsfolk would even welcome peaceful
adventurers," Sten proclaims. "1 SIIggcs l yO Il hend for Mallie's
trade with th e gobli ns if th e gob li ns were so inclined. In
inn. If she im', behind Hiecall fo r help, she'll b lOW tV JlO is."
the overall conflict bet ween good and evil, th e tow n clea rly
rep resent s good an d the tr ibe of goblins person ifies evil.
The infor rnanon provided on pages 6-8 offer s de tails about Prestige: Barrow 's Edge needs hero es, and th e townsfolk
key locations in Barr ow 's Ed ge. Refer to th at informa tion heap prest ige on any that step forward to help them . Th e
3 5 n ecessary when r u n ning thi s encou n ter. tow nsfolk welcome th e player characters as potenti al saviors.
Ever yon e add resses th e PCs wi th respe ct , usin g ho nor ifics
suc h as "Sir" and "M'am" as app rop r iate.
THE REQUEST FOR HELP, Cu ri o sity: Th e player characters fought th e goblins twice
O nce the player characters en ter th e in n and M allie fini shes
along the road . Wh y did the goblin s att ack? W hy have the y
with her norm al amo u n t of gree t ing an d we lcom ing, she
suddenly turned violen t?\Vhat does th e haml et of Bar row's
gets down to b usi ness, Read:
Edge have that the goblins want? If the players want to figur e
out what's going on and satisfy th eir cur iosity, th e characters
"You Jlcll't'Ii Stell," Mallie says, l'u lJ illg lip a chiliI', "You're
must par ticipate in th e advent ur e.
obviously advcnturcrs /li lt! you're obviously capable. Have
you co me about cur call for lJ d p?"
O nce th e m att er of th e reward is settle d, Arvel Durgedow n
Ler t he players an swer for their cha racte rs. W hile they tell
fixes his iron-g ray eyes on th e pe s. Read :
Mallie abo ut th em selves, Arvel Durgedown en ters the inn
an d moves to stand be side Mal lie.
"Yo u ml/st lakt' tIle fig!lt to lIT e goblins," tl lCtill'llrf mys. "I 1It1l
w011lTt.'ri ng, however, how )'01/ J'la/l tofind their Ill iy."
The po werfully huilt dwarf wcarscxpcllSivc clot hing ana
appears to he /walt/ly bill very ala. He m iffs illdigllantly as
llt' loob you ovcr, tllt'll says, "r im agi ll e thesc It'dl have to do." None of the town sfolk kn ow wh ere th e gobli ns are h idi ng.
Th e PCs mu st decid e on a cours e ofa ction, and Arvel wan ts
to k now what that cou rse ofact ion is. Here are some op rions
M allie int roduces the moneylender, ind icatin g that the
the player s m ight try to p ursue.
two of them have agreed to put up a reward for th e eliruina-
non of th e goblin thre at to Barrow 's Edge.
"\Vehave 110 militia, 110 g lum ls," Mallie cxp/aillS, "a lld we've If th e PCs took any goblin pri soners, they can d iscover th e
lllrcady lost too mOllYgood tlJ CIl and womcn to the goblillS, location of th e lair. The gobli ns all k now how to fin d the
Wc scu! out a ca ll fo r help, fo r advclltllrcrs lib, yourselvesto Howling Cave. There is a 50% chance th at any particul ar
find out why Ihegoblins Ita vc sllddCll ly tUnl cd vi oleHt (m d go blin spe aks Com mo n, and even so a goblin ref uses to
put all cnd to tilt' tl1I"i.'at, We shall Fa)'you 500 gp ourc we co op erate unless innm idarcd int o do ing so.
have proofIhat the goblins «on'r attach I1gaitl." An I ntimidate check of 9 or low er en tices th e gob lin
to lie and m isd irect the PCs away fro m the cave, send ing
th em to an ambush (as per rhe en co unter on page 5).
Negotiation s An Int im idate check of 10 or higher doe s th e job ; th e
The player characters might immediately accept Mallie's offer, goblin pro vid es d irec tio ns to th e Howl in g Cave.
or th ey migh t tr y to negotiate for a bett er dea l. Th is requires
a bit of roleplayin g an d a Diplom acy check. H ave th e player Tracking
cha racter with the best Diplom acy skill make the attemp t.
A characte r with the Track feat ca n pick up th e t rail (DC
A Diplomacy check of 14 or lower ind icates th at Mallie
to) at eithe r C larr's amb ush or the site of the original wagon
won 't budge. 500 gp is fair co mpen sation for the aid the
atta ck. See the r lll)'l'r 'S Handbool" pages 83 and 10 1, for m ore
player cha racters can pro vide. I f the player cha rac ters aren't
informa t ion on track ing and th e Surv ival sk ill.
wi lling to accep t a fair wage, th en th e haml et will wait for
others who are.
A D ip lomacy check of 15 or higher ind icates th at the NEXT
player cha racter has convince d Mallie that a bit mo re co m- I f the PCs success fully used skills to nego tiate, inti m idate ,
pensat ion is warranted. She reluctan tly agrees to increase or track, g ive them X P as per th e table on page 5. W hen th ey
th e reword to 600 g p, payable upon p roof th at th e go bli n reach th e caves, tu rn to page to.
PART 2: The goblin lair is a dynamic place. Like any habitat, activity
levels vary by time of day.The Howling Horde tr ibe sleeps

THE H OWLING at night; the caverns <Ire mo st active dur ing the day. While
gobli ns can see in th e dark <IS well as daylight, their d ark-
vision on ly ex tends to a range of 60 feet. They jus t see an d

HORDE work bett er during the day.

The gobli n tr ibe includes males an d females; goblins of
both genders se rve as guards and sentries. Ther e is also a
In thi s part of the adventure, the player characters track scatter ing of goblin chi ldren in th e co mp lex, but they won't
the goblin raiders to their lair and tr y to di scover the sec ret fight and they ru n at the first sign of t rouble.
of th e Howling Caves. Refer t o t he map on the in s ide The settle men t isn't static. Guards rotate shifts. People
b ack cover w h en running thi s part of the ad venture. move around. They don't just sit in their roo ms waiting for
The tact ical maps for each enco un ter area are specific are as th e adven tu rers to arr ive. Consider the presentatio n of the
from the full lair map. goblin lair as the outline of where the goblins are likely to
be wh en th e PCs arrive. On any given day, goblins fro m
BACKGROUtiQ the Common Room (Encou n ter 7) reg ularly rota te to the
Guard Room (Encounter 2). The goblins occas iona lly gather
Th e black dr agon Noak renamed the gobli n tribe "the
in the Sh r ine (Encoun ter 4) for religious services or in th e
Howling H ord e" when she dem anded their allegian ce. The
Common Room for briefings from Dara x, And some gob-
name is derived from th e caverns they in habit (and wh ich lins are regu larl y out participati ng in raids or scout ing for
th e dragon ha s selec ted a portion to use as its lair). Na rr ow
future raids.
cracks and fissures hon eycomb the hill side around the
Make changes to the enco un ter descr ipt ions in res po nse
caverns. When the w ind blows through these ope n ings , to the actions of the player characters. For in stance, let's say
strange sounds are produced ; on windy days the hillside that the pes defea t th e sentries (Encoun ter 1) and re trea t
seems to moan and howl. back to Barrow's Edge to rest and regain spells.The entrance
It takes th ree hou rs to walk from Barrow 's Edge to the
to the lair won't remain un gua rded for long. Perh aps gua rds
caverns. Townsfolk avoid th e place because of the no ises
from the Guard Room now act as sen tries, or Big Bronk
th at fill th e hill side; most believe th at the are a is haunted
(Encounter 3) take s up guard duty.
(the sou nds remind them of ghostl y moans). In addi tion to cha nging where the creatures are stationed,
The tribe cla imed the caver ns ten years ago, settl ing in to the gob lins may cha nge phy sical aspec ts of the lair: bol ting
exist ing rooms and corr ido rs shaped by unknown masons
doors , pos itioning tables an d boxes to provid e cover, or even
from an ancient age. The once-pe aceful goblins have been p utting in a warning gong to alert those de eper in the
whipped in to a fren zy by th e black dr agon Noak. She
cavern system.
dem and s that they fill her lair with tr easure , for a dra gon 's
hoard reflects its pres tige an d power- Noak is dete rmined
to have a might y hoard well before she reaches the age of -:::;-----;--";'~~:---;,--:::-----'PAC ItKi
Th e task ofclear ing th e H owling Caves complex takes place
ver y young (see MOl1 sterMamw l, page 68 , for more about the
age catego ries of dra gons). over severa l days of game time. Mos t of the encou n ters are
W hy did the goblins agree to help Noak? In trut h , they equal to the pa rt y's level. Big Bronk and Darax are CR 2.
had little cho ice. A wyr m ling might be young, bu t it's still Noak is CR 3. O n average, four encounters of th e part y's
a dragon , and no sane goblin would ever try to oppose a level can be ha nd led before the PCs nee d a break to recover
dra gon .Th e greed y goblins saw an opport u ni ty whe n Noak hit poi nts and spells.
arr ived. Darax, a hobgoblin with a taste for pow er, saw W hen breaks occu r usua lly depends up on the play-
Noak <IS a sign rhar hi s ow n reign was at hand. H e killed ers. However , as DM you have th e ultim ate control of the
the forme r chief, took comman d o f the tribe , and agre ed adventure 's pacing. In a typica l d ay, the PCs should have
to follow No ak. Rut vcn , th e tribe's sha man and a loyal sup~ several encounrers before being allowed to rest. Th e adven -
porter of the form er ch ief, left in shame and anguish. H e ture builds to a co uple of very natural b reak poin ts. Afte r
plans to return after much med itation and soul-searc hi ng, havi ng two figh ts, "To the Rescu e!" an d "Amb ush," the pe s
hoping to win back hi s tribe. arrive in town and can rest an d get situa ted . Another b reak
po int occurs before the encounter with Noak. Since she's
a tough CR 3 monster, the party shou ld be at full streng th
befo re faci ng her.
The PCs may need more b reaks th an this, but how and
when the se occur depends en ti rely upon how well or how
.. poo rly individual encou nters go. Th e characters may choose
to return to town , camp in the wilderness, or try to find a
relativel y safe spo t in the goblin complex when the need
to recove r comes upon th em . There are a few isolated and
unvisited places in the caverns, suc h as the s haman's Room
(Encou n ter 5) or the secret passage bet ween Big Bronk's
room and the Common Room .
You ca n alter th e adventure as you r un it. Perh aps th e PCs
are havin g a tough rim e wit h th e enco unters, so you dec ide
to have a few of the gua rds or Big Bronk out on patrol du ring
a visit to t he lair. If the PCs are ha ving too easy a time of it,
have a goblin (or even hobgoblin) huntin g part y return with
a big elk, some captu red treas ure, and a nasty atti tude.

Any adven tu re, no matt er how det ailed, can't take into
account every possibility.That's where the paper-based game
d rama tically outsh ines compu ter games. Mu ch of this rests
squarely on the DM's sho ulders. You 're the powe r beh ind
all of the action in the adventure. Be reaso nable an d fair,be
cons istent in your rulings, and tru st yo ur in stinct s. And be
<IS creat ive <IS you like.
If th e PCs sneak up and listen at th e door to th e Gua rd
Room, what do th ey hear? Since the goblins are playing dice,
you could say,"You he ar some goblins playing dice." Ifa PC
und erstand s goblin or you have th e ur ge, you could mimic
a goblin voice and say, ;'1 th row now," use anot he r voice to
say, "no, my tu rn ," and a th ird to say, "You mu st be lucky or
W hen ' fight goes badly, you get to do some quick ment al
gy m nastics to decide what ro st ick with and wh at to fudge.
If the pe s r un away, how vigorously do the goblins pursue?
if, fight goes badly forthe goblins, do they flee' If so, where
do they go? w ill they run to the Co mmon Room? To th e
Shr ine?
Dungeon Masters make a lot of decision s on the fly,based
on wh at they know of th e scena rio and the charac ters . Don't
be afraid to w ing it whe n you nee d to.


Most players come up wi th ideas not covere d in the adven -
In a gro up of fou r chc re ct crs, if no one dies, sometime J uring
tu re. That's th e fun of th e D&D game! Award clever ideas
lilC adventure the charaders shou ld gain c noug ll ex pe rience an d good teamwork by letting suc h efforts pay off.
points to il(lvance to 2nd level. Decide when to award experi- Perh aps the PCs defeat Big Bron k and now want to hide
ence poin t s. Eaell encounter show:;; h o w ma ny XP each ou t in th e bugbear's room, bar th e doors, and bluff that th e
dUTaete r receives, so it 's ve ry easy to apportion out after bugbear's in a grumpy mood and want s to be left alone.
eacb fi ght. Should ylHl? Th is quali fies as a goo d idea. H ow do you use it? \Vell , th e
P layer s enjoy getting XP awards, but advanci ng a character goblins aren' t terr ibly perceptive. Ha ve one goblin come
tilkt~S li me: Roll ing Ilit points, choosing new spe lls, and to check on Big Bron k or br ing him food . W ith th e door
It·a m i ng about new cI a ;;::, features a rc a ll f u n - b ut - ti l1l e- co n - closed , how can th e goblin kn ow that it's no t the bugb ear
suming aspects of leveling a character. You don' t want to movin g aroun d in the room? Let a cha racte r make a Bluff
have the genie griml to a ha lt in tIle middl c of the play chec k opposed by goblin 's Sense Motive, per haps award ing
sess ion . th e PC a +2bonus because it's a clever idea (the goblins tend
to avoid Bron k anyway).
T o prevent t his ;;lop-and-slarl-ill1J-;;lop-agai n sit na tion,
ma llY Dj\.h award exper-ience points o n ly at ti l{' end of <1
sess io n, o r at t Ilt' beginn ing of the nex t sessio n. \\'7hen you
award X P is en tire ly up to yo u.
E ven t hose Drvls WllO c1lOosc to give out XP ufler every
encou nte r fin d it u"eful to put a rcsl;iction on 110Wa mI wlle~
a characlerca n level . One rule of tlIllll1 b is to a l low leveling
on ly when t h e pes a re in ,1 safe location , sueb ,15 a town".
D ecid e on how yo u want to t rent XP and leveli n g before you
sla rt play, and sllare your decision ""it ll t Ile playt.'rs so that
they know what to expect and can pla n ac cording ly.

Th e first encou nter once the pe s reach the H owlmg Caves GUARD DOG CR 1/3
occu rs at th e ent rance to the caver n complex, where goblin' Monster Manual, page 271
sentries watch for intruder s.The ligh tin g condinoiis'depend 6HP: D DDDDD
up on what time of day the pe s arrive . The sentrie s use no N Small animal (male dog)
ligh t sources , relying on thei r darkvision at n ight. Init +3; Senses low-light vision, sce nt ; Li sten +5, Spot +5
AC 15, touch 14, flat-footed 12
A IVcll·worn patldcads lip toa cave in tile hillside. The Fo rt +5, Ref +5, Will +1
opening is abollt 90fecl away, andtherloseryou ge t, the
Speed 40 ft. (8 sq uares)
mon' mrcuse the feeli ng y011 JlatlCof beingwatched.
Melee bite +2 (l d4+1)
Base Atk +0; Grp - 3
Abilities Str 13, Dex 17, Con 15, Int 2, Wis 12, Cha 6
RUNNING THIS ENCOUNTER Feats Alertness , Track"
Star t by having th e players tell yo u what their chliracters Skills Jum p +7, Li st en +5, Spot +5, Survival +1 (+5 whe n
are doing from th e m om ent th e cave in th e hillside appears us ing scent)
on th e path ah ead .
Fi rst.Impre ssions Monster Manual, page 133
The pe s get a cha nce to notice th e two goblins an d th eir 6HP:D D DD DD Notes: _
guard dog standing in the shadows within th e cave opening. 4 HP:DO DD Notes :
If a PC makes a DC 20 Spo t check, h e or she sees the gob - NE Sma ll hum ano id (goblinoid)
lins just in side the cave ahead. Th e pe s can take 20 on the Init +1; Sen ses da rkvision 60 ft.; li st en +4, Spot +4
chec k, if they choos e rocarefully obser ve th e path and cave la nguages Go blin, 50% speak Com mo n as well
entrance for tw en ty ro unds (see Pla yer's Halldbool{, page 65). AC 15. to uch 12, flat-foote d 14
A failed che ck indic ates that the pe s don 't notice anyt hing Fort +3, Ref +1. WiII -1
beyond what was in the read-aloud text. Speed 30 ft . (6 sq uares)
Melee morni ngs tar +2 (ld6)
Gua rd Dog's Tactics Ranged javelin +3 (l d4)
The dog is well trained to spot intr uders (any humanoids th at Base Atk +1; Grp - 3
are n't goblins), barking a warning when anything unu sual
Abilities Str 11 , Dex 13, Con 12, Int 10, Wis 9, Cha 6
gets close to the caves. It fight s alongside th e goblin sent ries,
Feats Alertness
standing its ground and fighting to the death . Skills Hide +5, li st en +4, Move Silent ly +5, Ride +4,
Spot +4
Sentry Tactics Posses sions leather armo r, light woode n shield ,
Th ese gobli ns are ded icated to prot ect in g the caver n lair morn ingstar, 3 javelins each
fro m in tru ders and ma king sure th at th e rest of th e com-
. plex is war ned when intruders appear. If at all possible,
on e sentry h eads de ep er inro the cave to issue tb e wartung, SNEAKY PLAYER CHARACTERS
while th e other sentry makes a stan d at the entrancewith Do th e PCs try to sneak up on the cave? H ave them m ak e
th e gua rd do g. ', Hide checks as th ey creep toward the cave, one every 30
If th e sent ries are somehow su rp rised, th ey fight alongside feet . The gobli n ' sen tries m ake Sp ot checks to notice th e
th e gua rd dog wh ile mak in g as much noise as pJ ssib le to in tr u ders. (So, the.PCs make three H ide checks to cover
tr y to aler t the g u ards in th e next are a (see page 14). th e di stance to the cave, and the goblins get to respond w ith
If th e sen tr ies h ave th e op po rtu n ity, they seek h ighe r three Sp ot ch ecks .)
gro un d deeper in th is sec tion of the cave from wh ich to Roll a Spot check for eac h gobli n an d the dog ..Compa re
att ack the PCs. See the ca ll-out boxes on the ne xt page for results to PC Hide chec k s, applying a pe nalty for dis tance
detail s. (-1 per 10 feet of dis tance, see Player's Handbool<r page 83).
If the PCs make no effort to be stealt hy, th e goblin gua rds
notice them easily as they approach th e cave. . J.
I f the dog not ices anyo ne who isn't a gob li n, it starts
.. barking. In thi s case , on e guard and the dog re ma in at the
entra nce while th e ot her goblin goes to the Guard Roo m
for help (p age 14). The se ntry an d two goblin guards from
Enco u nter 2 return in; 4 rounds.
The goblin guards from Encounter 2 can easily becom e ·G ~ ind icat",s where tile two gohl in scn t riea s t n r f thi ~ en -
involved in any figh t that br eaks ou t in th e Sentr y Cave.
Spotted: If the goblin sen tt ies spot the player charac ters
counter. ~ U" i nd icates wlle rc t ile gllarJ J og st,1lld:;: a "; t he
action be gin s.
while th ey are still more th an 30 feet fro m the cave entrance, The ~ o 6 1 j n scn t r.ics usc til e t erra in featurc5' nttbi" loca-
on e sentry runs off to alert th e guards . In this case, th e ti on t 'l l good advant'l ge. Th ey p ref er to f ight from ins ide th e
sen try and two guards return in four rounds.
cave whenever possible. Once li1l'Yspot Lilt' player\:htiradcrs,
Reaching the Door: If th e player ch aracters recch th e
cave entrance witho ut bein g noticed, one of the goblin
• -they fall ha ~k to the alcnvt's Io get o ut of s ight and use cover
against any ranged at bld~ s th e P C sr ni $!htmal"e. Th",n they
sentri es uses its turn each round to try to reach the door
to th e Guard Room . Once th e sentry r~aches th e door and usc -t heir ow n ran ~cd weapo ns (javeli ni<) fr \)1tl tile '11 \"~ove"
uses a m ove action to open it, th e gua rds becom e instantly once the PCs se t cbse (wit hin 3 0 feet).
alert an d m ove to joirf th e battle. (In thi s case , three of the If till' PC s ; nte r tile cave, tile goblin.:; r<.'trea t t o the 1.1rger
g uards rush into th e Sentry Cave while th e fourth gua rd ch a m ber to t'lke i1Jva n ta~c or t.he elevated tcr rain, a s s how n
moves tow ard Big Brook's Room , En counter 3~ to call on on t he map. TI~e elevated tl'rra in is 5 fcd h igh'iTtllan the cave
th e bu gb ear for help .) Hoo r. ~lel ct' attack s m ad e lly a nyo ne sta ndi n~ o n Ili 'gllCr Ier-
Making Nois~: Fighting a battle is noisy work. If th e • rain against tllO!3~ o n th e cave fl l10r gain d + 1 6\)flu s. {Bonus
pe s contain the goblin sen tr ies, th ere 's still a chance th at for hi gher gl"OIlT1J, see PI'lljers Handbook, pa ge 15) .} ,
the gobli n gua rds in the nex t cha mbe r ~vill hear th e noi se C w%in g tlte slo pe " f a St'C Li on o f elevate d terrain (h elm
gene ra ted by th e fight. . low ~wund to bigl1 ground) requires a DC 10 Climb c heck
At th e e.n d of each rou nd, m ake a list en check for th e (see Player's }j,mdbv~lk, page 69) o r a 5 -fool: lo ng jump (D C
goblin guar ds (Listen -e). I f the fight is confine d to th e cave
20 witb a runnin g jump ; sec Players Hmklbl1ok, rd ~e7 7) .
ent rance, th e Listen DC is 15. Once the fig ht m oves into
the lar gest portion of th e Sen try Cave~ th e,List en DC d rops .
to 10. If the fight actually gets to the are a right outside th e
doo r, the Listen DC drop s to 5.



If the pe s d efeat the goblin sentries without aler ting the
rest of the lair, they next get to dea-l wit h the guards in ~,
Encounter 2 (page 14).
If the goblin guar ds were alerted , then th e PCs mu st deal
with th e ex tra goblin forces-c-including, quite po ssibly, Big
Bronk from Encounter 3 (page 15).
. ,

, .,
This ch amber serves as th e Guard Room for the gobli n lair, GOBLI N GU ARDS (4) CR 1
protecting t he entrance and serving as a staginl~rou nd Monster Manual, page 133
should the caverns need to be defend ed. 6HP: DDDDDD Notes: _
5 HP:D DDDD Notes: _
5 HP:DDDD D Notes : _
See Encou nrer 1 for details on how the guards might join
NE Small humanoid (goblinoid)
a figh t in the Sentry Cave. Init +1; Senses darkvi sion 60 ft.; Listen +2, Spot +2
Even if none of the sent ries reached th is room to alert Languages Go blin, 50% speak Comm on as well
the guards or if the guards faded to hear any,Rf the sounds
of battle from the Sent ry Cave. there is still a cha nce that AC IS, touch 12, fiat-footed 14
Fort +3, Ref+l , Will-1
the guards will hear th e PCs when they reach t he door.
When the pe s reach the door to th is area, roll Listen Speed 30 ft. (6 squares)
che cks-for th e goblin g uards (the DC is th e lowest Move M elee mo rningstar +3 (l d6)
Silently check res ult of the player charac ters; the PCs ge t a Ranged javelin +3 (ld 4)
+5bonus [or the closed door).The PCs can also make Listen Base Atk +1; Crp - 3
chec ks to tr y to hear anyth ing beyond the closed door.The Abilities Str u . De, 13, Con 12, Int 10, Wi, 9, Cha 6
Listen DC is 15. • Feats Weapon Focus (mo rningstar)
Skills Hide +5, Listen +2, M ove Silent ly +5, Ride +4, Spot +2
Possessions leat her arm or, light woo den shield,
m ornin gst ar, javeli n

Guard Tacti cs
TH E ROOH , If alert ed by a sentry or because theyJ1t .ard th e sounds of
.Simple Wt.)l1den dOOl E(hurdncs5 6, hp 10, sec DWlgaon Jt.-1aslcr's battl e, th e gobli n gua rds leap to join the light. Thr ee of them
Gllidc, pnge 6 1) bl"'l<.;k t he t~·o entrances to tile Guard Room. head for the Sen try, Cave while the.fouft h rushes to aler~
T hl' trOor~ Ilave no lockE. Torchcl' on the walL; provide Big Bron k (Encounter 3). '
ligk , If th e guards aren't aware of th e PO I; th en tlie PC~ ge t a
~ G~ indic<ltes wllCre tile foUl' gobl in guarJs start t hi" surprise round to take a standard action before the guar s
enc ounter. Jf t ho:' guards iucn' ttlll alert, dlt'll they.arc sitting
can react. After the surpr ise round, the guards get to act in
ini tiative order. (See Player's Handbook, page 1'37 for oeta lls
awu ml <1 tablt.· playing a betting gam e. ThrowiJ1~ dice and
on sur prise .) In this case, one guard tries to reach the door
small piles of coppet'anJ .,il"",r coius arc scatte red in tile that leads deep er into the caves so th at he can warn Big
mi J(Ut: n ftllt' t ahl,->., Bronk, while th e remainin g three-try to hold off or defeat
the PCs.

The money on the.rable totals 10 gp, 5 sp, and 40 cpo
Search ing th e rest ofrhe room tu rns up anoth er 40 sp
wort h o f coins. A matched pair of pewter dishes (wort h 20
gp each) serves as food and water -b owls for the guard dog
(En counter 1).


If the PCs defeat th e goblin guards, award them; the XP
show n below according to the number in the part y.
PCs XP PCs XP PCs , _, X P
1 300 3 100 5 60
2 150 4 75 6 50

If the PCs defeat the gobli n g uards w itho ut alerting th e
rest of th e lair, they can move fart her into the caves. Refer
to the map on the inside fron t cover as the pe s move deeper
into the caves.
Monster Manual, page 29
" . 16 HP: D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D
Notes :
CE Me dium humanoi d (go blinoid)
Init +1; Senses darkvi sion 60 ft., scent ; Listen +4, Spot + 4
Languages Gob li n, Common
AC 18, tou c h 11, flat-footed 17
Fort +2, Ref+ 4, Will +1
Speed 30 ft . (6 s qu a res)
Me lee m orn ings tar +5 (l d 8+2)
Ran ged javelin +3 (l d6+2)
Base Atk +2; Grp + 4
Abilities St r 15, Dex 12, Co n 13, Int 10, Wis 10 , Cha 9
Feat s Alertne ss, Weapon Focus (mornings t ar)
Skills Climb +3, H ide +4, Listen +4 , Move Silent ly +6, Spot +4
Possession s master wor k leat he r a rmor, + 1 fight wooden
shield, morn ingstar, javelin

THE Roon
'S imp le woo dell do or s (hard nt's:3 5 , hp 10 J sec DUllg~'OI1 }.-fasfcr:s
GulJ>l, page 61) bluck lhe~ entrance . The tloors are locked
(1'.lC20 ()pe n LO(tkthccko(TJC 15 :3trf'~t kI;h('ck).:ft)rC'hes
on the- wall S' ,p rtlvitl e light. -
"13" jl1(li cill ~s whe rcJ3 ronk gtur t~ tlt is cuco lin te r.
A secret (loOT co n nects th i's room to til e G lHl1m Oll I(o om
(E ncou nh.'l" 7). NO lle of th e goblins kn ow a bo lit the secre t
door. T~find tl,e secret door, <I PC must l;la ke a Oci20
Sear~kcheck-in that e ree. EMc!laraetcrs get t omakl' a check
eve n i f they a re 110t a ctivel y lo okin g.

YOll see a neat and relatively·tidy room. A largc bugbear. sitson ,

,. 1-- -1
a large bcd, carefullywriting something'~m his shield. He looks'
~Ul" sta!1 ds, andsmiles; strapping h ~s shield onto hisarm. "Big
Broilk" Is freshly writtenon the shield incruae Common ~
letters."Time to fight!" the bugbear sholltshappily.

Bron k wears'rnasrerwork leath er ar mo r, carries a magic +1
; light wooden shield, and wields an ordinary weapon. He has
a pouch with 16 sp.


... r , .60iJ 3 20 0 5 12 0
2 300 4 150 6. 100
r-. t·
Thi s is a cha llenge encounter.This chamber featu res a sh rine Search chec k). From th e seams defin ing the op eni ng, th e
that was on ce a holy place dedicated to Mor adin , th e god compart me nt mu st measure at least 2 feet by 3 feet.
of the dwar ves. The goblins have desecrated th e shrine by A magic trap pr otect s the secret com part ment.
add ing symbo ls and ico ns to th e wall, turning i t i n to an
alta r for Ma glubi yet , th eir vile god. Finding t he Magic Trap
The sh rine featu res two items of interest: An altar and a If the charac ters ope n th e compar tment, the y find the trap
m agic fountai n. the hard way, by act ivating it. O therw ise, they might decide
to check out th at par t of th e altar before d ivin g in.
A detect magic spell shows magical aura.
Heavy stone doors block access from the corr idor to this
A DC 16 Spel lcra ft check reveals thar the aura radiates
chamber. Th ese do ors are no r locked. evocation magic. •
The doors prov ide a stu rdy defen se (see Dungeon Master's Arog ue or ot he r chara"cier"Zvith th e trapfi nd ing class
Cmde, page 61): hardness 8 (subtract 8 from all weapon
featu re can atte mpt a DC 26 Searc h check to not ice th e
dama ge); 60 h ir points. Th e doors can be locked from th e
trap .
inside; a DC 28 Stre n gth chec k is requ ired to break op en
rhe locked doors. Avoiding th e Magic Trap
If the trap is spo tted, th e characters can. try to d isarm it.
Ope ning t he Doors The creato r of th e tr ap insta lled a bypass. If the person
When the player characters op en th e doors, read:
openi ng the com part me nt says th e' phrase "Mora d in is
M ight y" in Dwar ven jus t before touch ing the door, th e
Well-shaped stcuc benchesface a large altar. Along each wall, tr ap d oes not activate.
rllbhlc~filled. alcovcs proVide sheltered recesses. Crude
A DC 26 Disable Device ch eck d isarm s the t rap.
draHlingsdecorate Ihe wallsand mar Ih e allar. c haracters mi ght c ho ose to just th e
co m partment. Th e altar has hardness' is (subtract 8 from
all weapon dam age) and 40 hi r po ints I f the PCs use .
APPROACHING THE ALTAR br ut e force t D open the compar tment, the trap goes off
W hen the player cha racters move towa rd the alta r, read the and th er e is a 50% chance that the po tions inside break.
. followin g out loud: .
Act ivat ing t he Mag ic Trap
The lMgeaUarfills much ofthe western portio n of the O pe ning th e doo r to the compa rt me nt wit hou t disa bling
chamber. lt appcars that the once-grmld altarof finegt'anife or byp assing th e trap causes th e trap to act ivate. When acti-
~1(1 S been ovcrla'irllVitl, patches of rough plas ter. Crude vared, a ,hocldnggra,l' spell is released, dealing I d6 po ints of
pictures and symbols have been carved into the plaster. elec tricity damage to the charac ter opening the compart-
m en r. Once activated, th e trap has no fur ther power. It does.
not rese t and the magic aura fades.
Exarnininqthe Altar ..
Any close examination of the alta r reveals that th e' plaster
can be cleared from th e granite with relat ive ease, using
The hidden compa r tment inside rhe. alta r co ntains some
any sharp tool or weapon. If the characters cho ose to do ancie nt scrolls. The scrolls detail th e dwarf enclave that
so, read th e follow ing. \ was once position ed here to guard the path to the Un der-
.. .. T dark. T he text present s th is dut y am biguous ly. It's uncl ear
Cracking the plaster revealsthefull beauty of Ihe granite whe the r th e dwarves were protect ing what lies below fro m
alta r. Tlteintricate carvings belle'ath the plasler sllOw
~ dwarves 11t work, crafting weapotlS, mining, and SC UlptiHg.
interlop ers from the sur face world or pro tecting the surface
world fro m some 'da nger from below. •
After the plaster is cleared 'away, a Knowledge (relig ion) Excerpt: This passage through the singing stones must be safe-
DC 10 check reveals th at rh e holy symbol of Moradin , the
god of th e dwarves, featu res pro m inently in the orig ina l
altar ca rv ings.
. guarded at a.1I costs. Our state of vigilance must notwaft,C!'. Thai
which/ies beyOltd 111usl
. forever remain separate and apa rt.
Characters who can read Dwarvcn notice tha t the ph rase The com partment also conta ins a mi thral holy symbo l of
"Mora d in is Mi ght y" app ears several t imes on the altar. Morndi n (wor th 250 gp),a fine Medium dwarven waraxe, an
If not iced earlier, the secret compartment can be accessed ornate M ed ium suit of hal f-plare ar mor, and a well-crafted
now. If th e characters hadn't noticed it before, with th e plas- Me d ium heavy stee l shie ld. None of these are magic, bur all
ter removed the secret com par tmen t is easier (0 find (bC 10 of them are masterwork and have the quali ty and appea r-
ance ofdwarf craf ring. A master work weapon pro vides a +J
enhancement bonus on attack rolls. Masterw ork armor and PCs XP XP
sh ields reduce the armor check penalty by - 1. 60 0 150
At the bottom of th e compartment is a sma ll case with 3 30 0 120
porion vials. 200 \, 100


If a spellcasrer uses a detect magic spell, the potions radtite The player cha racters can use this chamber as a resting place,
magic. A DC 25 Spellcraft check reveals th em as a POtiOHof and staging area, but th e desecrated shrine is used by many
cure mcrtemtc wounds, a potion ofbllll's strcJigth, and an oil of ~l
'of the goblins for worship and meditation. ld 4 gobli n guards
magic weapon (+1). For complete inform ation on Spellcraft (use th e statis tics on page 14) wande r'qy .every fqur hours.
De s, see Player's Handbook, page 82 . Since th e doors can be locked , th e chamber can be'secu re(l_ _ ",.
If goblins come by and find the doors locked, l hey think
ENCOUNTER EXPERIENCE nothi ng of it th e first ti me.The second tim e, th e goblins try
As in combat encoun ters, defeating traps or ot her challenge to force the doors open and sound ~he alarm.
enco unters mer its an experience point award.

A detctct magio spe ll sh ows u tl1dg ica ~~lra.

ALTAR: SE AI<CH CHECKS A DC '1 6 Spclkraft chccbreveal" that the' i1Ura~::; doil1Pra-
P jaycr cha;'lCtl~rs ca ll try to gleimi nf ortnatiou about tb e altar
t io n magic.
using Sc .ucb .Aweb-.
S earcll DC 5: TIle pla$tl..r appt'ars to be a recent ildditiQl1 Clearing away tIte ruhblt: n·vcals a sma ll ' fbl'lt of huhbling
a n d ca n be easi ly removed without damaging t ile gra n ite
water. Tlw flow is weak, but the watereEpeai.s dear an d dean.,
un dernea th. A nonevi l:--a l igned charadh sipping 't hc water imme diately'
Seardl D C is . k few seem s in th e l2 1\lIl it e£' tbat experiences th c effects ofa cure jigld woJlInds spell (he-ale IJS+ ~
th(!t"e n1dY \1(> a sec re t com pe rtr u cn t in the altar. Plaster cover s
h p ) . Water n >llhlVed from t-lu;"- spr-jl1~ loses it..- ltHl g:CaIt(>5 cue
m uch of i t a nd would have to be remoYed to acce sS' the
n.lltriJ. Acharactl'r ca n henefit from the ma"icfo untain once
q,pc ning . per'Jay.,$ubsequc nt eips on t he ~ame day 'l;ave n o er"fe,;,-L


Pla yer dl(~t:ad er5 can tr y to glean i nfl-,rmaboll abou t t1l1:: altac
usi n~ Kn (lwl ['J ~e checks.
jZnowIedge (.1.rchiteclurc aml enginccrin¢) DC l (J'~ The ~
~ ra_n i tc alt ar ap pear" to be hundred s ()f years oldlwd is of
dwarvcn design. Th" pla5h~r is a nUh.'h more re-cent
nJd jt i(Jn.
Know ll,.'dgc (religion) DC 10: TIll;: pictures carved ill the
plas ter J,'p id rune!" holy to Maglubi yet , till' ~ oblin d eity.
Knowledge (,·cligion) DC 15: Goblins h onor l\'1aglubiyet-
byi ncrea sing til t' size and strl'n~tll ,A tli ei r tribes. The rl,Jigiol1
va lue;: c!,.'ll)$, evil , anJ hl.:k~iy.

The .ll co vei;once bou;; cd sta t ues of Jwarws. A II tbat remains
t.-, f th ~ sta tues are unreco gni zahl e hit;; oCsmasbeJ rubhle.


A stat ue o f Br u nJorr. i.'l ll'~~ n d<lty dwa rf cleric, once fi lled
thi;;a lcove. One band held a pit cher th .il co nt in ua lly poured
wat er into it sto ne Iw wL Visitors wlluld cup thei.r hand:: uuJ
sip some ()f tile water for il,:; heahll benefi t::, Now t Ile rema in s
of the stat ue a nd othe r hjt:; o f rubble cl()~ the spa ce.

A DC Hi Li st e n clle l1k deteds tlw wund of burbling

wnfe r.
A DC 20 Sea rch c11cck pieces t ogetl1er CI10U gil of the
sta tue fu Jetcrm ihl' that it depicted a fl'male dwarf bald - ...
ing a pitdwr. .
A much-patch'ed,curtain ofmdny CO~Q;S hangsacross a
d~rwt;ly in-the ~on ' do! . ~tc'l ~ ~ l t
Abilities Str 13, De, 15, Con - , Int - , Wis 9, Cha 8
Feats Im proved Init iat ive
, '11 • Possessions chain shirt, longsword
All the goblins in the complex know that the shaman is away.. HO BGO BLI N ZO M BI E CR lf2
No one knows when he will rerum, but they know better Monster Manual, page 265
than to distu rb h is room. 'Even Darax and Big Bron k stay , , 16H P: D DD D D D DD D D D D D D D D
w?yJ!om th e place, rea-ring th~ shaman 's magi~.
,:,;:::::.:;a:;; DR S{slash ing
If the PCs dec ide to check outthis area, they must deal NE Medium undead (goblinoid)
with the '(rap and t he undead guard ians. After that, th e Init +0; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Listen - 1, Spot - 1
place can become a safe and secure location for th e pes to J.
AC 11 , tou ch 9, flat-footed 11
1 rest and recover hit points and spells. . ,
Immune undead immunities : abilitydamage to physical
abilities, ability drain, critical hits, energy drain, death
effect s, disease, exhaustion, fatigue, mind-affecting
spells and abilities, non lethal damage, paralysis,
poison, sleep effects, stunning
Fort +0, Ref +0, Will +2
Spe ed 30 ft. (6 squa res)
Melee slam +3 (ld 6+2)
Base Atk +1; Grp +3
Abilities Str 15, D'e, 11 , Con - , Int - , Wis 9, Cha 8
Special Actions sta ndard actions only
Feats To ughness
O nce th e 'pe s enter the room , read:

The room smelkof incense an~cJ magic: Fetishes mad~:~ith

hair and bone decorate the wall,'and hangfrom theiriling,
1"'T he room contains a bed, a table, anda chair. A hpbgoblin "
.. ,",keleton and a.hobgoblin zombie,tand perfectly sti!!!2 ea,h
~4e of!hedoor, , .. " _
""ti~ ',i/:f~ ..
J .
ter a modified roll of lor 2 tu rn s the skeleton, a ll "Of3 0r"",,;;;;:;;;;:
T he Undea d better gets both the skeleton Jnd the zom bie. •
The undead attack an yone (other th an t he shaman) who
ente rs the roo m. The y do riot)eave the room. They re tur n
Tui ned unde ad flee.from
lthe .
cler ic ' for 1 minute
rounds).The y retreat to the sotither n end of th e room and
to thei r places on each side of th e door if their target exits
the room.
cower until th e effect run s it\ course.
R ~ ~ ..
·z. ._
Th e shaman left a few th ing s,behind when he depar ted,
FIGHTING UNDEAD . inc1udt'ng various compone nts in jars and pouches. The
Unde ad possess many qualities that make them difficult cha racters can find three potions ainof).g the th,ngs on the
oppo nents, includ in g: table; two potions of cure light wound, and on e potlo~ff5hield
Damage Redu ct ion; Both of these und ead creatu res pos- of faith.The re are also several parchme.nt sHeets upon which-,-~.r­
sess damage. redu ction (DR). Thi s means that they ignore Rutven rage s against the arrival of\N~ak. Rutven wrot e in
some of th e damage th~y receive with each att ack un~ess th ar the Goblin language. . .
att ack is made with 3'specific kind of weapon. (See Dungeon ,
Master's Guide, page 291, for complete details on DR.) Emrpt; I hate theday ih, blac"dragon arrived, Thedragon has
Attac ks rnade'wirh slash ing weapons ignore the zombie's · led the tribe away from the holy path of Magiubiyet ~n d even
DR. Att ack s mad e with blud geoning weapo ns ign ore the eats us wh enever she feels like it! I leave now on a holy journey.
ske leton's DR. ' . Maglubiyet guides me and will show mehow toreturn the tribr
Du ring combat, provide descripti on s to clue player s about to tile truepath. I ..

what type of weapons to use. For in stance, if cleric swings •
hi s mace against a zombie and hit s, you might say. "Your ,
mace co n nects w ith a meaty thud, but th e blow Hoesn'r
seem t9 bother the zombie. ver y m uch." This provides one .
flavorful {yayof indicating that th e crearure's DR reduced -
th e we apo n's"dama ge. .'1
Damage dealt by spells is not subject to DR. . ,
Undead -Traits: Undead have many tr aits (see Monster
Manual, page 3172- For this enco unte r" rememb er:
c ha racters ca n't sco re a critic al hit or benefit frcm •
sneak atta cks againsfundeaa . I j.
Und,ad are im m une to all mina·affecting spe lls and
abilities, poison, sleep effec s, paralysis, and stu n n in g.
This means, for example , that J wi zard 's slee p s~ell won 't
work and a monk's stu n n ing fist attack lias no effect.
Cure SHells hurt undead . ~ lst·lev~1 cler ic casting cure
light uiOimds on a skeleton deal sJd8+1- points of damage.
In contra~t.1njJicl spells heal undead . "
I ' 1:$ I
.Ask the players to m akeDGIO Knowled ge (religion) check s '~I'.iiZ'~;.
for their characters. If th ey succe ed, share th e above infer>
mation with th em. . "l'

Turning Undead
Most PC cleri cs tu rn u ndead. (~ee Player's'Handbook,'page
159). A cleric uses a standard action to.present.his or her >".
holy symbo l. It can effect undead within 60 feet.
The cleric 's player rolls a turning check (rdzo+ the cleric's
Cha r isma modifier) to determine how powerful an undead
might be affected. In this enc ounte r, a modified roll of 10
or better is all that's nee ded to turn th e skeleton, a rollof
13 or high er includes the zombie. I f th e tota l is less than
10, there's no.effecr at all'
If the total is 10 or higher, the player roll s 2d6 + cleric level
. + Charis ma modifier for turnin g dam age to determine ho w
many tota l Hit DiCn of undead are turned. In thi s encoun-

The gobli ns avoid this p ortion ofth e lair. It's d ark, it's cree py, THE CAVES
and the monstrous spider tha t hunts within therr- isrs nnd' W he n th e PCs Tln.ter th is areal read,
turns is dangerous. So, the gobli ns just leave thi s area alone.
Th is area makes an ideal place for the pe s to rest after they These natural c{fverns wind deeper into the hill. A hint of
clear out the spider. fresh air wafts[fom somew1lere fartherahead in the
darkncS5, carrying a low, weird ly lJJ elod io u s~ sound fhrol~gh
the caves. The sound rises £I t times lo'becomefrightening
shriel~sJ }vhile at other times if rumbles itlto moa/lS and sobs.
-, ..
Observant char acters (DC 20 Spot check) no tice th at web-
bing coversthe ceiling and walls-in the se tunnels. The
webbing is th icker aro und th e natural air ven ts.

Monster Manual, page 288
Tile a ir Yenl.~ .J.1:e
natura l cbiinnl'Y~ that alllHv fresl1 air tel Notes:
fl(')\v into tbe caves. ~rllt'se vents narrow as thev set clo,;:e r to N Med ium ve rm in
th\:., surf'ttce, connecting to otllCCvent", that lt~Il'eyc['n1I) the Init +3; Senses d ar kvisio n 60 ft., tre mo rsen se ; Lis te n +0,
hill,id•. Sp ot +12
A p it at the soudlern port ion lJf tllC:>t" tunnel,; SllJpl'9 AC 14, tou ch 13, flat-footed 11
4"Wll and 6eCOUll\S a narrow, !ow-<.:t.ilinged pa;;t<agl' (I\lc(iium Im m u ne m ind- affecti ng spe lls and ab ilities
L rorac -!irs mu st crawl to usc it) 1-hat connects to t1w E lite Fort +4, Ref +3, W ill +0
Hobgob lin Room (E ncolll1 ter 10) . Bt'causcof lilt.' spider, Speed 40 ft . (8 sq ua res)
t he goblim: avoi J this poseage. Me lee b ite +4 (l d 6 p lus po ison)
Sp ecia l Att ack poiso n (DC 12 Fort save, l d 4 Str dam age)
Base Atk +1; Grp +1
Abilit ies Str 11, Dex 17, Ca n 12, Int - , W is 10, Cha 2
Fe at s Weapon Fine sse "
Skills Climb +11, H ide +7, Jum p +10, Li st en +0, Sp ot +12
Huntin g Spider Tact ics
The spider im me diately becomes aware of th e_PCs if th ey
tou ch the webs it: th ese tu n nels, or whe n they get wi th in
60 feet of it (due to tremorsense), At tha t point, the spider
begins to hun t the I'Cs. It uses th e tunnels to best advantage.
tr yin g to sne ak up and at tack th e ch aracters from behind.
It tries to bite and deliver its poison to one cha racte r, th en
moves on to do the"same to the next .


If th e PCs defeat th e monstro us spide r, award th en} the XP
show n below according to the number in the part y.
1 300 3 100 5 " 60
2 150 4 75 6 50


1ft !

This large room , along w ith the Kitche n (Encountet -8), TREASURE
serves as th e Common Room for th e trib e. :rhis is 'where • Search ing the Com mon Room turns up 25 gp , 170 SP, and
the bu lk of the tribe eats.. sleeps, and socializes when not oz • • 366 cp.worrh of coins in footlocke rs and poc kets.
.perform ing duti es for Darax, In addition to th e goblins '*' . ; 1
marked on th e map, about h alf a do zen goblin child ren ENCOUNTE R EXPERIENCE
can usually be found here. The goblin ch ild ten don 't fight: If the pe s defeat the goblins, award them th e XP show n
the gobli n ch ildre n r~n in all direct ions, calling for help below according to the number in th e part y.
in the walls. ...
as they qu ickl y disappea r through door s and sma ll cracks
6 50
Coblms in this roo m notice your arrival. Yo ung goblins
scream in tenor at tht: sight of you QllId scatter itJ all
directions. Adult goblins immediately put down craftsthey
are worhitlg en or leap ur1rom resting grab nearby
weapons and co nfront you."Noone hurts the whelps!" one Tun Rom!
angrygobli,l yells as sb..e charges toward yOH.
Simp le wooden daor:; (ha rdness 5, h p l OJset' DWIgeol1 ,M asters
Guide, page 61) block the entrance. T he'door s a re notlo..:ked.
Torches ,:n the wa !Jl; provide light. f

G OB LINS , MALE AN D FE M A LE (4) CR 1 ~G" indicall"-6 whe re die adu lt goblin:; start out. TIll.~ goblin
M onster Manual, pa ge 133 children don't appear on tile map.
6HP:000000 Notes : _
A secret door connects this room to Big Bwnk's Room
5 HP:O O O O O Notes: _
5 HP: O OOO O Notes: _ (Bncollnter 3). NOlle of thc 'gohl in e know a hout thi.;' secret
4 HP:00 0 0 Notes: do or; To fin d tIle secret doo r, a PC m ust makctl D C 20
.... c'ar~h che ck in that area. El f cllaraclers gl·t to make a c1wck
NE Small human oid (goblinoid)
Init +1; Sens es darkvision 60 ft .; Listen +2, Sp ot +2 evert if tbcy 'areriot active ly lo oking.
Languages Goblin , 50% speak Comm on as well Two flimsy doob, on the l1orthwe1t'.w.Jl. It:ad to smull
cllam bt'rs wit b bo le". in the fl oor t b,11 serve as latr in es. TIle
AC 15, touch 12, flat-fo oted 14
Fort +3, Ref +1 , Will -1 "me l! in thesecba lllbe rs is terr ib le. .
BunI.~ Iwds. st'lckeJ three sjeepers hi ~h take up mud, of
Spee d 30 ft. (6 squares)
Melee mornin gstar +3 (l d6) the mom. Footlllckt.·rs and large sa.:ks th'lt l,ola persona]
Ranged javelin +3 (l d4) it ems arc posif ioned in front or1,1r be~wce n the Jnmk ~ bnd

Base Atk +1: erp - 3 cloaks adorn a feW(l( dle milny pegs Il <1l11m er ed into t he
Abilities Str 11, Dex 13, Con 12, Int 10, Wis 9, Cha 6 walk
Feats Weapon Focus (mo rningstar)
Skill s Hid e +5, Listen +2, Move Silentl y +5, Ride +4,
Spot +2
Possessions leather arm or, light woo den shield,
morning star, javelin

Goblin Tactics f
Th e mo~ent th e goblins realize that th ere are intruders in
th e Com mon Room, th ey leap to the attack to protect the
goblin ch ild ren. If th e pe s t hreate n th e goblin ch ildren
in an y way, these goblins become en raged -and gain a '+2
bonu s on att ack rolls for th e rest of th e encou nter (+5 to
attack instead of +3). G
The goblins ru sh to fight as close to th e door th e intr uders
use as possible to give th e gobli n ch ildren rim e to escape.
The goblins work as a team, with all of th em conce ntra ting
th eir attacks on th e:same foe until th at foe falls. and then
moving on to the next.
• '" II ,
Heavy double doors lead into a k itchen, with asmall larder DI RE W EAS EL CR 2
and pantry access ible from the main chamber; D pendi1?g l.
c Monster Manual, page 6S
on how the player charac ters .approach this area can you 13 HP:D D D DDD D DDDD D D
run this as th ree small encounters (the Kitchen! t ne1pantry, Not es :
and the Larder-e ach in turn) or as a more complex enco un- N Medi um anima l
;':;;;= i:erfJ1at;Lcmn~~twa ·or aift1).ree of the sub-eJicou~ters 'r Init +4; Sen ses Low-light vis io n, sce nt; Listen +3, Spot +5
desc ribed below. ~ AC 16, touch 14, flat-footed 12
, '
Fort +3, Ref+7, Will +4
PAR1IONE: ~ I::rC H E N ", ...".... _ Speed 40 ft. (8 squares)
Th~ do~ble doors J ha; separate tlie~kitchen .from othe ~co""'r'\-'''' Melee bite +6 (ld6+3)
I rid or are locked . Sp ecial Actions attac h (latches o n to ta rget after a
Th e doors ha ve t he follow in:gstatis tics (see Dungeoll Mas- successfu l hit, AC dr o ps to 12), blood d ra in (ld4 points
.....::=::i"-.=::,:lcr" Guill" page 61)! hardness 5o{subtrac t 5 from all weapon of Co nst itution damage fo r each ro und it re m ains
d:tmage\; 20 liit p'tints. A DC 2s'Streng th check is required attac hed)
to break ope n th e locked doors;orthey can be opened w ith Base Atk +2; Grp +4
a DC 20 Open'Locktcheck.v Abilities Str 14, Oex 19, Con 10, tnt 2, Wis 12, Cha 11
Th e cook, 'an old , d isagreeable goblin, kee ps the do uble Feat s Alertness, Stealthy, Wea po n Finesse"
doors loc ked to,discourage th exesr of t he tribe from eating Skills Hide +8, Liste n +3, Move Silently +8. Spo t +5
and disturbing him at all hou is of t lie day and night. When
he-hears someo ne t ry t o op en th e doors, he steps into the
pa.ntry to hide and see who h as come to h is kitche n at thi s
unexpected hour. '.' .
Once.the player characters open th e doors, read:

TJic,room qppe~rs to bc ~mp ty. A beat-upircn cau~dron

hangs over afire pit in th e northwest corner ofthe room, a lld
the smellof a slow-simmering stew fills thr air. Wafer drips Kitchen Experien ce
from a decrepit pipe in the west wallinto an ancient slone ' If th e pes defeat the dire weasel, award the I eXP sHown
cistern. A long, crude wooden table ~nd several ~tools occupy below ac cording to th e n umber in the par ty.
the cenlerofthe room . Sacb ofgral~ and piles offur a"4' PCs XP PCs XP PC s
leal herfill the ,outhea,t cornerofthe roo"" Doors in the ~. t.. f'60 0 3 200 5
, . ~ ~ -
north and~fl5t Hla ll might lead deeper1ri10theco';" plex.· .. 2 ~ ' 300
4 150 6


The gobli n cook ("G" on the map) watches ihe kitchen
th rou gh th e slightly ope n door in th e north wall. If the pCs
spot the cook-watc hi ng them, or:if th ey open the pan tr y
door, the goblin cook calls for the di';,e .weasel to attack. If
t he di re weasel attacks on its own, the,goblin coo k r ushe s
out to hel p it.
Crude shelves line the wall s ofi:his room. Crates, sacks,
and a jumble ofloose supplies fill many of the shelve s, but
much of it h as very lit tle value (see Pantr y Treasur e, on the
ne xt page, for deta ils). " .~ •

Goblin Cook Tactics

Th e gobli n cook-hides and waits, watching to see who has
rudely invaded hi s kitchen. He calls for the dire weasel to '-
attack if the PCs find him . If the PCs rous e the dire wease l,
.- the. gobli n cook'i aits for an opportunity to wade into the
battle an d hel p h is pet.
Monster Manual, page 133 Monster Manual, page 202
Notes: Notes:
NE Small humanoid (gob lino id) 1 N M edium ooze
Init +1; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Li sten +2, Spot +2 Init - 5; Senses blindsight 60 ft.
Languages Goblin, Common
AC 15, touch 12, flat-footed 14
Fort +3, Ref +1, WiII -1
Speed 30 ft. (6 squa res)
Melee handaxe +4 (ld4 +1)
Base Atk +1; Grp - 2
Abilities Str 12, Dex 13, Can 12, Inll0 , Wis 9, Cha 6
Feats Weapon Focus (handaxe)
Skills Hide +5, Listen +2, Move Silently +5, Ride +4, Spot +2
Possessions leather armor, light wooden shield, handaxe
Abilities Str 12, Dex 1, Ca n 21, Inl-, Wis 1, Cha 1
I The
hobgoblin wizard Urr rarr lives and work s in this large, SHRIEKER CR 1
divid ed chamber. Urr tar r loves Darax and aids ht[11; in con-" Monster Manual, page 113
trolling th e trib e. She doesn't like Noak or the atten tion 11 HP:DDD D DD D DD D D
that Darax lavishes on the black dragon, but she is wi lling N Medi um plan t
to go along with a lot to maintain her relationsh ip wi th the Init - 5; Senses low-light vision
-=... hobgo blin-warlord . AC 8, touch 5, flat-footed 8
~rrtarr won)t overrl y aid the its against NOJ:K, but she Fort +4, Ref - , Will - 4
might be convinced to provide subtle aid if the pe s come
to her in 'a friendly, non-threaten ing manner. If the pe s Speed 0 ft. (can't move)
off~r to destroy the dr agon while promising t~ spare Dar:ax;' - Melee A shrieker ha s no means of att ack.
Urrtarr might be convinced to negot iate with tnem. {See Spe cial Act ions shriek (this shrieker has bee n trained to
react to movemen t within 5 feet of it; any su ch
Treasur e for demils.)
movem ent elicits a piercing so und for l d3 ro unds ; if the
Of.course,by th e tim e the PCs reach this part of th e goblin elite hob gob lins haven 't been alerted yet. this attracts
:t;ves,ft fendly and rion-threate hing are proba bly out of th e them; if the so und last s for 2 or mo re round s, Darax is
question: also alerted )
Base Atk +1; Grp - 4
URRTARR'S R LE t~ THE TRIBE Abilities Str - , Dex - , Con 13, lnt - , Wis 2, Cha 1
Th e wizard provides for the arca ne~needs of the tr ibe, much
as the shama n provided for the.spir trual welfare of the com-
munity. Sinc ethe com ing of Noak, Ur rrar r has withdrawn Ur rt a r r's Deal
to her private ch amber to conduct alchemical expe riments, If a conversation breaks out and goes well, Urr rarr tells the
study arcane texts, and fume about the cha nges th at h ave PCs about the black drago n: H ow it came to die H owli ng
disrupted he r world. ' Caves, where it can be found, how powe rfu l it is. She agrees
1:1-tgarr refu ses to part icipate,in any of th e plan ning or to help the PCs if they prom ise to spare -Darax's life. "The
tHe actual raids that the goblins have been perpe trati ng. She peace shall ret ur n;"Ur r tar r says, "once th e drag on h as been
strives to fin d a way to get rid of Noa k so rhar she and Darax destro yed ." s he doesn't car e abo ut any thing else except for
can go back to th e simpler, happier li fe they had kno wn saving Darax, an d is even w illi ng to give up most of h er
before. person al treasur e if she believes that the pe s can be tr usted .
, As a lawfu l evil creature , she plans to keep her end of any
ENCOUNTER POSSIB ILITIES bargain th ey str ike.
How this encounter plays out depends a lot on wh at th e Ur rt arr prefers to captu re, rather than kill, th e PCs ifshe
player cbaracfcrshave' been up to. If th e pe s cause a corn- do
can safely so. Her color spray and sleep spells have a good
mo tion in the Commo n Room (Encounter 7) or get inr o a chanc e of neut ralizin g an agg ressive party.
battl e with the'eliteh obgoblins (Enco unter 10), th en Ur rrarr
-;st~ps out prepared for combat. As soon as th e pes en ter her ENTERING THE CHAMBE R
chamber , she casts color spray and prepares to follow it up However you decide to play out thi s encounter, it begin s
w ith burning h a ~ ds (see.Ur r rar r's Tactics for deta ilsY when the PCs ope n th e. door from the Commo n Room
If th e PCs can someho w reach th is chamber witho ut a lot (Encou nter 7).I (t h~y wil1d up approac hing from the Elite
ofnoise and obvious violence, Urr rarr is caught by surprise H obgoblin Barracks (Encounter 10), th ey wind up alerting
atone of her work tables when the meet ing occurs. She calls the sh rteker (see below). Read:
out,"Truce !Who are you and why have you come to Urr tarr's
~h a mberS?" I n th is case; the wi zard fig-;;res that any adven- The room allea d smclls of strangefum es /l ila heady arom as.
tu rers com ing info m e goblin caves have come to stop th e Beakers, candles; potion bo ttles, mortars (Illd pestles, jars,
ra ids~wh ich mean s they'veco me to stop th e dragon. She sc ro lls, and other arwn e eq uipmcllt cl uttcr the lables that
pttempts to negotiate with them in such a situa tion . cYOllId the chanrber. A shimmering curtain that glit~tslthc
If t he PCs and Urr tarr do find a way to talk instead of armor divides tile cl1 amber's main area l1tuf cuts ofT Ihe
fight, the wi zard explain s th at th e tribe isn't responsible for bacl<~ of the room. Directly across from the door, a JlItge
the raid s~a t least no t directly. "It is t he...d ragon," Ur rrarr mushroom fills a hole ill the wall that sectus to lead deeper
proclai riis, "since ved it has poisone d my peop le . . . ,inlo thc caves....
d{iven th em to ~o terrible, un forgivableJhings." .,L J' -_ _ ----:!:!-. '- _

9 HP:D DDDDD D DD A thqrough examinati on of rhe workta bles (DC 15 Searc h
l E Medium humanoi d (goblinoid) c hec~) uncovers/ he following v, lu,bles: a pou c!, of 250 gp
Init +3; Senses darkvision 60 ft .: Listen - 1, Spot-1 In gems, a scroll of magIC weapoh and ~ scroll of tJlagennnor
Languages Common, Draconic, Goblin ., (wh ich she hasn't yer inscr ibed into her spe llbook) Ifrhe
AC 13, touch 13, flat-footed 10 pesstrike a deal, Urrrarr prepares two potionsof r sist cncrgy
Fort +2, Ref +3, Will +1 (acidj'for them to use .
Speed 30 ft. (6 square s) ::r·EiU:·ourtt e r Experi ence ,
Melee staff +2 (l d6+2)
Ranged dagger +3 (1d4+2)
Whether the characters defeat Urrtarri n combat or strike
Base Atk +0; Gr p +2
adeal to overcome the challenge she p~esents , t h~y ecei ve
Combat Gear 2 flasks of acid, 1 flask of alchemist's fire, 1 the followi ng XP. · >;'~'''''''..J,.;,.
smokestick (see Plaver's Handbook. page 128, for details PCs XP PCs XP PCs XP
on this gear), scroll of magic missile, wand of magic 1 300 3 100 5 60
missile (10 charges), potion of cure fight wounds, potion of 2 150 4 75 , 6 50
resist energy (a cid)
Wizard Spells Prepared (Cl 1st]:
(Can cast 3 O- Ievel and 2 1st-level s pells per day)
1st- 0 burning han ds (DC 13), 0 colorspray (DC 13)
0- 0 acid splash , 0 detect magic , 0 ray of fr ost
• Abilities Str 10, Dex 16, Con 15, Int 15, Wis 8, Cha 12
Feats Scribe Scroll, Toughness
Skills Concentration +6, Craft (alchemy) +6, Knowledge
(arcana) +6, Spe llcraft +6
Possessions combat gear plus 100 gp pearl, 50 gp diamond
Spellbook spells prepared plus O-all; 1st- cause f ear,
magic missile, sleep

jl-t th is Urnarrattac~s
or Galls for "a truce,
ingon what the playercharactershave beenr-doing prior to
entering th i s' cham~er. . . ' ~


. ~ ,

Darax h olds ord ina ry goblin~ ' ih,!ldW estee m . !;te muc h
CR 1
p.refer~ to rel\:.,on h is two h obgoblin gu ards , Thus.~Jie keep s ~~ Monster Manual, page 153 . '.
I them close and u ses th em to ca rry messages and Inst r uc:· 9 H P: 0 00 0 0 0 0 0 0
tion s to th e rest of the complex: Like Darax, th e hoogoblins 7 H P: 0000 000
view thems elves supe rior t lall but Big Bronk: h ey n~ve :-
L=- =-:h=u"m=a" n=0"'id7 ':'(g=o"'b7Ii-n-o:-
E"CM:-e"'d"'iu" m )- - - - - - - -- ~
.:;;;:;;::::::aa 'liealthYirespec fort he big]l;1gQear.

~ Init +1; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Listen +2, Spot +2

Languages Gobli n, Comm on

FIRST VIEW _ '. " . AC 15, touch 11, flat-foo ted 14

If the P~s s~meho,w re.ach thi~)i~0ln Wi,ili9.1!L~~ti~g'the/ Fort +4, Ref +1, WiII -l
bobgob lin s ~o t hei r presen ce, they se.e t~e foll ow; ng."""''''';';' Speed 30 ft . (6 squares)
. ,. Melee ma ste rwork lo ngswo rd +3 [+5] (l d8+1) [ld 8+3]
Twohuge hobgoblins a" eengaged ." afronticduel. Ste I Ranged javelin +2 (l d6+1) [1 d6+3]
~-dlttte against slee~ mi~jtt flies freely, al ld insults an~ Base Atk +1; Grp +2 [+4]
·"1:0~pl i.nJ.ent?:n~ ttafle~ as often as{swbllli.hl,ows."Gopd Combat Gear po t ion o f bu ll's st rength , pot ion o f cure light
proctice~" one grow!l asa blot'\iances'off his helmet. "Less . wounds
talk, more fight!" the other respOl1'ds, alnazingly doublinghis Abilities Str 13, Dex 13, Con 14, Int 10, Wis 9, Cha 8
efforts. • . ' • , Feats Ale rt ness
Skills Hid e +3, Lis te n +2, Mo ve Silen tly +3, Spo t +2
Possessions s tudded leathe r armor, light wooden s hield,
m as terwo rk lo ngsword , tw o jave lin s

Elite Hol:lgobHn Tactics , .. > _ <'

,,\:lll;li;~ Once l he' hobgoblins:realiz ,that th ere are lI\trt~ders 'm
'~ tlie caves, the~ iiiini' l1eir sPar(ng session and
. prepare themselv~s, for ~ real bilttle:Each of them drinks
a potion of bull's ,sireng~h, which iI1~ieas~s th eir attack and
d am age rolls for'the,n ex t 10 rotinds.Ione .m in u re). I f th ey
drink the potions,u se th e enh anced statistics shown above
inbrackers. ..

. 1·.~! ; ~f: :'f~':;

If the jhobgob lins are resP~~ding to sou nds elsewhere

in th e caves, t hey hea d out without alerting Darax to th e
,""Lee Experience
If thi player charac ters defeat 't he elite hobgobl ins, th ey
situation'. If th e fight come s rd th em , one of the hobgobl in s
calls to Darax for help and to warn him ofthe danger at th e
rece ive th e followi ng XP. f
PCs XP . PCs \ XP PCs XP
first opportunity.
1 300 3 100 5 60
Th e ho bgobli ns prefer to th row th ei r javelins from a dis-
ranee be fore movin g into me lee range. They try to get nvo
2 150 ~ 4 i 6 'SO"
round s of rang ed atta ck in before: cha rging in <with th eir
longswords. . ~. ~. ~' .
The hobgoblins attempt to fight in coordi natio n with
. each other, sett ing up flanks whenever poss ible.T hey are
strong,smart fighters who enjoy rhe challengeof competing
against other warriors but reali ze th at spellcasters need to
be dealt wi th as qui ckly as poss ible. '
The hobgobli ns l:'l\e. no qu alm s abo ur drin king their
potiotlS of cure light wounds if th ey take dam age du ring th e
battle. '" .

Th e hobgoblins store the ir persona l wealth inside th is large,
wooden che st. Th e chest is tra pped. A false panel in the lid
",,;l~~ un leashes a fusilladeof darts if the chest is tampered with
(someone attempts to ope n it) or jostle d (such as If someo ne
tries to smash it opeJl). ~The' darts attack anyone sta nding in /
tpe three squaresadjacerjj to th e square th at conta ins th e
chest. O ne to four darts atta ck a character occupying any
of th e. tpre~ adjacennqua res. After th is fusillade of darrs.,
tne on ly th ing pro tec ting the chest is th e lock. One of' he
liobgoblins has the key for the lock hidd en in h is belr ~De­
20 Search chec k to find ), Without the key, th e lock mu st
be picked or brolien (see below),,,", • ;
Other statis t!'cs' relat ing to tnis trap are shown in the text
th at follows,

naddition to what th e hobgobl ins have on th em , th e ches t.
con tains tHeir perso nal treasure. If the trap is avoided or _
act ivated, there is still the matt er of the lock th at secures ~
th e chest. '"
Th e padlock securing the chest is a very sim ple lock'rh ar
requ ires a DC 20 Open Lock check to open.The padlock , ,,;
has a hardness of 15 and 15 hp. r(
O nce th e ches t is opened, th e following item s can be
, fou nd: +1 studded leather nrm or (sized for a Me dium char-
acter), +1 IongSlvord, qui ver.of znarrows , qui ver of 10 silver
ar rows, twobedroll s, four bottl es of wine, flint an d stee l, a
small steel mir ror, 50-foot coil of rope , a cracked hourglass,
a pou ch of 8'2 gp , a pouch of 4 7 sp, a po uch of 312 cp,


Darax used the arrival of rhe black dragon as an excuse to INVOLVING DARAX
grab power and take control of the tribe. The alFance he" Darax might bejalerted to tr ouble in eithe r the hobgoblin '
struck with Noak is precarious at best, and Darax:spends room (Encounter 10) or the wizard's workshop (Encou nw r .
as much time being afraid of th e dragon as he spends rev- 9).Thepes must ~roceed with extreme caution ro carch the
eling in h is newfound power as self-proclaimed warlord of hobgobli n wadded unawares.
the tribe~ exchange for helping to build No ak's treasure Alerted by H obgo blins: If the hobgoblins in Encoun-
hoard r Darax Has the nominal supporrofthe dragon-which tel' 10 think to call to Darax for help , the warlord grabs h is
I is good enough to Keep the goblins in line but doesn't really weapo ns and reaches the hobgoblin room in l d4 rounds.
assure Darax of a long and health y relation ship with the He wades into the battle, moving to help th e hobgoblin s
drag on. Even so, Darax lavishes attent ion and complime nt§ ;:;;..:a...~ a nd work with th em to dispatch rhe invaders.
onto Noak at every opportun ity, working haro to cemen t The Shrieker: If the shrieker emits its piercing no ise, .
th e part ners hip so th at it rnighi last for a long ti ~e. ' Darax d oesn't necessarilr.le~'p to action. The hobgobli ns
_ I n. addition to killi ng the previous leader of the n;ibe and sometimes forget and \van der too close to the plant . At
i:lrivingroffi-lie snaman; Darax uses his own combat prow- otller tim es, they like to test the patie nce of the wiz ard by
ess, th e supp Or! of his elite Hobgoblins, and th e threat of purposely setting off the plant, If the soun d lasts for only
the dragon to maintain order and get the tribe to follow his one round, he doesn't even not ice it. If it lasts two or more
commands. He also takes advantage of the wizard Urrtarr's rounds, he does register that the plant has been agitated
feelings for him, Keeping hel arcane powers in chec k and for some reason , He quietly moves to t~e ~op of the stairs
maki ng sure she doesn't interfere with his plans or the plans to peer into th e hobgoblin room. Let the PCs make DC 15
of the dragon by manipulating her emotions. He wants to Spotchecks to see if they notice him skulking in the shad-
use her powers in th e raids agains t the hum an settlements, QWS, fIf h e remains unnot iced, he examines th e situa tion
but he knows he has to proceed cautiously so as not to drive and then retu rn s to his own chamber to prepare to defend
her away. Noak's lair. .
Reach ing t h e Do or: If the player F2-~racters reach th e '
stairs to Darax's room without bein g llbticeo, Darax gets a
-chance to make a Spot check If he failsthe check, th e' PC1
geta sur prise round in which' to act (see PIal'ir'sHandbook,
page 137), If he makes th e check, roll fof initiative normall~
and let th e battle begin !
Making Noise: Even if the hobgoblins don't call for help,
there's a chance rhar Darax hears the sou nds of batt le and
recognizes it for more than just th e usual spari ng that the
:t. hobgoblins engage in. Th is requires a DC20 Listen cReek,
however.Darax can make a check each round that theJ ig ht
in Encou nter 10 goes on. Ifh e makes the check; h~ prepares .
himself for battle and waits for the pe s to enter his area
before attacking.
. ~ . ..-


If th e battle with Darax happens in thi s room (instead of
Darax ru n nin g to help the elite hobgoblin s, for example),
~ the warlord prefers to wait and get the drop on any intrud-
ers. He moves as fa r from th e stairs as he can and readies
an action (see Player's Handbook, page 160) to fire ,h is bow
at the first in tr uder he spots-When ranged comljar is no
longer a viable option, Darax drops his bow and Pulls out
his batt leaxe.
DA RAX , HOBG OBLI N FIG HTE R CR 2 Dara x's Tact ics I
Monster Manual, page 153 Darax uses his longbow, att acking fro m a distance, if the
18 HP 0 00 0000 00 oppor tunity present s itself and he-kn ows th at trouble is
0 0 00 00 0 0 0 h ead in g hi s way. H e isn 't opposed to cl ose -co m bk fighti ng,_ :: ·
Notes : however, and 'wields hi s bartleaxe with great ent husiasm.
CE Medium hum an oid (go blino id) H e p efers te st ing his sk ills again st power ful-lo oking fight-
fnit +1; Senses dark vi sion 60 ft .: List en +1, Spot +1 ers 31, d ot her marti al type~, seeing spellcasters and rogu es
l an gu ages Goblin, Co m mo n, Draconic -or. as.ben eath hi s notice and worthy of nothing 1110re than a
AC 19, touch 11 , flat -footed 18 ' qu ick an d pai n fu l death .
Fort +4, Ref -s'l , Will +1 Darax readily dr inks healin g potions as.he need s them.
If the battle starts to tu rn against him, he tries £9'r,u n. t~
Spee d 20 ft. (4 squ a res)
Melee maste rwork battlea xe +6 (l d8+2j x 3)
Noa k's Lair (Encou nter 12) to warn the dra gon and to en list
Ranged lo ngbow +4 (ld8+1 ) defeating th e player c har~cters.
Base Atk +2; Grp +3
Combat Gear 3 potionsof cure light wounds
Abilities Str 15, De, 13, Con 14, Int 10, Wis 9, Cha 8
Feat s Iron Will, Poin t Bl ank Shot , Wea pon Foc us
(batt leaxe)
Skills Int imi date +6, Listen +1, Spot +1 .
Pos se ssi on s combat gea r plus band ed mail , heav y stee l Tns R OOM
s hie ld, mast er wor k batt leaxe, lon gbow, qu iver with 20 T(lrchc,:: on tlH.' walL; provide light.
a r ro~s
"n-in dic<1l('iO wbere tik 11Obgo bJin warlord DaJ;'ilJf hegins
t bi:;; encou n ter, if t he P Cs reacb d, i<l a rea wil boUl ljreviously
aHrad ing hiS attention .
Darax might encou nter th e pe s in the hobgoblin room Stairs in the stmtll icad up t o tl,e hobgQhlin room. Double
(Encounter to) if alerted to th eir .presence in some way. doors to ,be llQrth l,.,ad to stairs tbat, in turn, lead to Noah,
Convers ely; the hobgoblin warlo rd mi ght retrea t to;N bak 's,
II-Ie blach (Ir<1~on'B lai r. Set' Encoun ter 12 for de tai Ls on I-h is
l air (Encou nter 12) if the bat tle isn't goi ng to do o r. ~
or -if he feels he n eed s to.warn (or re quest th e aid 90 the
-black dragon _ "" - - _ } ThedoHed line "bow!l t he pa th of the tunnel 6'el ween
E ncou nte r ArenO' 6 an d 1\).

Encounter Experience
. . ~, ' ,
tf th e player cha ract er s defeat Darax, they re ceive th e £01-
lowi ng Xf',
pes XP pes XP pes XP
1 600 3 • 200 5 120
2 30 0 \4 150 6 tOO

~ ,



Th e young, in exp erien ced bla~k dragon Noa k canlc to the N OAK, BLACK DRAGON
CR 3
H owling Caves to carve out a place for herself aray from ' Monster Manual, page 70
ot hers of her kind. She h as taken tyran nical contro l of th e 30 HPDDDDDDDD D D D DD D D
goblin tr ibe, demanding th at th e tribe fill her. lair wi th 00 0 00000000000 0
treasure. Noak leaves the detail s to Darax. As long as new Notes:
t~easureappe~rs pn aregular baSIS, th e blackdragon is con- CETiny dragon
tent romore orless ieave the gob~li ns to"'iheir ~\Vn devices Init +0; Senses blindsense 60 ft.. darkvision 120 ft.,
(and Darux's iron- l-!anded rule). superior low-light vision; li sten +7, Spot +7
Languages Draconic, Common
THE DOORS ' . . ~.-~ AC 15, touch 12, fiat-fooled 15
The double doors leading from Darax's Room (~ncounrer
11) to The Dragon 's Lair are bar red from th e hobgobl in's
I Fort +5, Ref +4, Will +4
Speed 60 ft. (12 sq uares), fly 100 ft. (average), swim 60 ft.
~~-,:"side ( h" doesn't completely trust the black dragon any more Melee bite +6 (l d4) and
than the rest of tlle tiibe does),Th ese doors have hard ness 5 2 claws each +1 (l d3)
(subtract 5 point s fro m weapon dam age) and 20 hit points. Base Atk +4; Grp -4
Th e DCs for Listen checks made t hrough th e close d doors Special Actions breath weapon (30 ft. line, damage 2d4
areincreased by 5.The bars"qn easi ly be removed if ch ar- acid, DC 13 Reflex save for half dam age)
acters arei n Darax's Room (standard action to unbar and Abi lities 5tr 11 , Dex 10, Con 13, Int 8, Wis 11, Cha 8
o,pcn th e door s). From th e dr agon's side, the doo rs mus t be Feat s Flyby Att ack (Monster Manual, page 303), Hover
bu sted open (DC 25 St reng th check). (Monster Manual, page 304)
,W hen th e PCs approach th ese doubl e door s, read: Skills Hide +15, listen +7, Move Silently +7, Search +6 ,
Spot +7
A large bar blocks thisironbound doo rfrom this side. A Possessions see Treasure
~~-::::!~1~74~ drawing'on o~le door Sh OlVS what migh t be a dmgolJ
ea ing a. goblilt-;prohably. Crudely rendered letters beneath 't
W he n'the pe s enter .th e lai; 1read:
the dmtvingseem to spell out a. message.
T,hisnaturally ca rvedchamber isdark anadry, ~vith a
,j • An y c haracter who speaks and reads Goblin or Dwarven defil1i1ely sharp,acidic tinge on !he constant breeze that flows
(they use the same alphabet) can' puzzle out the meaning . 'tlirough llie orca. You enteli thegleam ofsilverandgold 01
of the poorly wri tte n message: tlte edge ofwhere your light reaches, and you ha vetlte
aistinct impression that something is movingin the

Noak's Tacti cs
For t st-level .ch aracters, Noak presents an exce ptiona lly
ch alleng ing opponent The closed door and warnings should
encourage the pes to rest up before taking her on. Ideally,
th ey sho uld star"( the enco unter atJu ll hit points and with
all th eir spe lls prepared .
Noak should geta surprise round against th e PCs (DC 25
.... Spot check to no~i ce the Tin y dragon in the shadows). She
starts combat by spitting acid at the first person th at co mes
in to the room who isn't Darax, .~•
As a Ti ny creature, Noak must en ter an ene my's squ are
to m ake a bite attac k, wh ich grants the enemy an attack
of oppor tunity (see Player" Handbook, page 149). .So, No ak
prefe rs to ,use Her breath attack whenever possible. _
~ -Noak's breath weapon takes the form of a li ne of acid.
After she uses her breath weapo n, rolltd- . This tell s you
how many rounds later the breath weapon will once again
be available to use. For example , if she breathes acid in the
first roun d of co mbat land rolls a 2 1 then she can use her
b!~th weapo n again ip the third round ofcom bar.

. .rr-, . I ' ~ • • >-~j
O~ rou ndst~en her breathweapon isn't available, Noak
'TRE{\SURE .. , r- ' -: ==::=:..~
resor ts to her FlybyAttack abilityto move in close, bi"te and
If the' pe s search Noak's lair, they uncover a great deal
m9vea~.ay again. During thes~ attacks, she can onlYj use her ~ of trtbsure--':"m'Qst of it in the'torm of coi ns. There are 12
bite. If Noakis ever sttrround~d or otherwise grou nded for
pp, 754'gp, J ,021 sp, 2,435 cP"a}ing, and a clo'a~ rail 01 the .
around, she makesa full attack agaInst her opponents~her
1 mundane goods .stolen from the people of Barr w's Edge
bite attac k and two d aw attaCkS', ;'!l"'~",,,,
were ~sed by th e goblins). Numerous empty patlan bottles
and torn up scrolls show rhar Noak liaa other gif s that she .
o-i. .~us~d ~ersetf by usmg'or d,esHoying. ~ _ _ ~
.: J • If a "ifetect magic spell iscast, ther 'J}g and cloak radiate

magic. When using detect rnagic, ~ a D..qi 17. cH k deter-

m ines tha t both glow wit h an aura laiht abjuration..An =_"t.~ .'
identify spell will be needed to Uetermine th~ir ·.precisk
properties. . . '
The"ring is a ring ofprotection +1, and the cloak is a cloak of
resistance +1. '"
PART 3: ---,--....,....,....,_---:N OA K.RLTUR~
If Noak did escape and you want to craft a new adventure
using the black dragon, you might want to allow No ak to

AFTER THE gain power and experience just as the pe s have. In that
case, use these advanced statistics the next time No ak
enc ounters the PCs.
Monster Manual, page 70
After the player characters have defeated Darax and No ak, 52 HP:DDD DDDDD D DDDDD
th e goblin s qui ckly beg for peace and go back to th eir old 00 0 00000000000
ways. Rutven the shaman returns and helps negotiate the 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00000
peace betwe en the goblins and the people of Barrow's Edge. 000000 0000 0 000
Ifthe pes decide to help bring about th is peace, award them Notes:
ano ther 100 XP each . CE Sma ll dragon
Letthe pe s return to Barrow's Edge to heal their wounds, Init +0; Senses blindsense 60 ft., darkvision 120 ft. ,
purchase equipment , and train (if any of the pe s reached superior low-light vision; Listen + 8, Spot +8
2nd level). A good rest is called for after such a dange rous Languages Draconic, Common
and challenging adventure. AC 17, tou ch 11 , flat-footed 17
Fort +6, Ref+5, Will +5
_.,..,....--_ _..,...--....,....-REWA fillS. Speed 60 ft. (12 squares), fly 100 ft. (average), swim 60 ft.
Melee bite +9 (ld6+1) and
In addition to whatever the pe s found during their adven-
ture with in the cave complex, the people of Barrow'sEdge 2 claws each +6 (ld4 +1)
makegood on the reward they promised.The pe s earn either Base Atk +7; Grp + 4
500 gp or 600 gp for th eir efforts. See page 9 for detai ls on Special Actions breath weapon PO-ft . line, damage 4d4
acid, DC 14 Reflex save for half damage )
the negotiations for payment thatwent into agreeing to take
on rhi s job. If t he pes act ively work to build about a last- Abilities Str 13, Dex io. Can 13, Int g. Wis 11 , Cha 8
ing peace between the remaining goblin s and the people Feats Flyby Attack (Monst er Manual, page 303), Hover
of Barrow's Edge, Mallie rewards them with another too (Monster Manual, page 304)
gpo Rutven approaches the pes to belp with thi s if the pes Skills Hide +16 , Listen +8, Move Silently +8 , Search +7,
showed any mer cy to the goblins of the Howli ng Horde. Spot +8
Pos sessions None

~--:-----:-_-----:--:--..,..-_lli.XI Noak 's Tacti cs

The player characters might decide to stay in the area for l arger, more confident, and in search of revenge, Noak can't
a wh ile , using Barrow's Edge as a base of operations and decide whether she wants to destroy the goblin tribe for fail-
taking advantage of the honor and prestige the y have ing her, devastate Barrow's Edge for bringing this disaster
accumu lated. upon her, or elimin atethe player charactersfor humili ating
If they didn't defeat Noak but just made the young her and ruining her plans. In the end, whichever direction
black dragon fly off then a rematch can make for another she decides to turn her anger in, the PCs can easily become
adventure, involved. IfNoak hunts the PCs, then the adventure comes
If you want to use another published adventure, TheShat- to them. If the black dragon instead turns her attention to
teredGates ofSiaughtergarde makes an excellent follow up to the goblins or the people of Barrow's Edge, then either of
the even ts depicted herein. It provid es a long er adventure th ose groups can seek out th e pes and beg the m for help
experience andcan be tied to the areaaround Barrow'sEdge against the dragon they once defeated.
with relative ease. However the meeting occurs, Noak won'tplaygames with
Other good adventures to look [or, that are of the appro- th e pes the next time they do battle. She has learned from
priate level for the party, include the E BERRON adventur e her humiliating defeatand has no desire to repeat the lesson.
Shadows of the Last War, the F ORCOTIEN R EALMS advent ure This time she won'ttaunt them, she won'tbe overconfident.
The Twilight Tomb, and any of the Fanta stic Locations m ap/ Instead, Noak attacks with all her powers to destroy the
adventure enco unter products. pe s as quickly and as th orou ghly " po ssible.
Note that you don't have to be participat ing in an E ,BER-
RON or F ORGOITEN R EALMS campaign to use the adventures
or products designed for them. They are fully compat ible
w ith the D U NGEONS & D RAGONS rules andean easily be con-
verted to whatever campaign you happen to be running.
Just change a name or two, addor subtract a detail, and tie
it in to what has gone before and you have a ready-to-use
~. J

r ...


- --:, ,;-

Locatio n Page
t Sentry Cave. 12
2 Guard Room 14
3 Big Bronk . . 15
-I- Shrine to Maglubl ver . 16
5 Shamans Room 18
6 Howling Caves . 20
7 Common Room . 21
8 Kitche n and Larder . 22 ~
9 Wizard's Worksh op . 24 'j
10 Elite Hobgob lins. 26
11 Daraxs Room. 28
12 Dr agon's Lair 30

.• "!o•
1 " jt
• 1. .,,
, , "

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