The Raiment of Light by David V. Tansley
The Raiment of Light by David V. Tansley
The Raiment of Light by David V. Tansley
David V. Tansley is a Doctor of Chiropractic (USA) and a leading
authority on radionics and distant healing. He has made an extensive
study of the subtle anatomy of man and its relationship to various
healing techniques, and has conducted workshops on this subject
worldwide. He has also lectured on parapsychology at the
University of Western Australia, and at Murdoch University, Perth,
Western Australia. His previous books include Radionics and the
Subtle Anatomy of Man (C.W. Daniel, 972), Omens of Awareness
First published in 1984
ARKANA edition 1987
ARKANA PAPERBACKS is an imprint of
Routledge & Kegan Paul Ltd
11 New Fetter Lane, London EC4P 4EE
ISBN 1-85063-075-5
Acknowledgments viii
Bibliography 192
Index 195
Michael Bentine
For Daron
to the memory of
Adrian Boshier
aura. Modern science might feel that it has layed the vita-
listtheory to rest, but the truth is that more and more
evidence is coming to the fore which suggests we shall see
a renaissance in this area. Saxton Burr and Northrop's work
and the more recent advent of Kirlian photography has made
people take another look at vitalism, and the great upsurge
of interest in acupuncture that has touched even orthodox
medicine, based as it is upon the manipulation of the life-
force or chi as it is called in China, has further breached
the walls of scientific dogma, bringing to our attention
once again the ancient theories regarding the energy fields
of man. More recently the concepts brought forward in
physics, particularly quantum mechanics, are tentatively
supplying supportive data that appear to have a direct
correlation to the teachings of the mystics regarding the
nature of hfe and the universe, teachings which orthodox
science had dismissed out of hand a long time ago.
Although you may not be able to see auras, just being
aware of them, especially your own, is a most important
aspect of becoming centred. When you are centred you are
in a state of harmony within; this creates a vital aura filled
with the right blend of energies, an aura which extends
outwards with a clarity that excludes negative impressions.
We have all met people who seem literally to sparkle with
energy and radiate vitality. Others, even if we are not
clairvoyant, look as though they are surrounded by dull
clouds. Lethargy, listlessness and a sense of heaviness
pervade their auras, and we hasten to leave their company
before we too are enveloped and affected by their drab-
As members of a modern technological society we are
subjected to many varied influences, a lot of them harmful
to our health. Some affect our physical bodies directly and
then the aura; others permeate the aura directly and have
a profound influence on our psychological and physical
health. Compare for example the auras of such cities as
London, New York, Los Angeles and Tokyo with the aura
16/The raiment of light
you allow your aura to be filled with garbage, you will add
your qualities to it as it circulates and then you will feed
it back into the aura of the planet. On the other hand if
pulsing at nearly the same time they tend to 'lock in' and
synchronize, pulsing at exactly the same time. It has been
observed that people in groups will unconsciously syn-
chronize their breathing. Two women sharing living
accommodation may find that their menstrual cycles
will synchronize. In counselling situations the heartbeats
of the patient and therapist may also synchronize, such
is the powerful influence of the auric field. The Bible
I 21
22/The vital force revisited
Subtle bodies, chakras
and the aura
Subtle bodies, chakras and the aura/43
and mental bodies and their worlds, lies the etheric body.
Symbol of the soul and a body of light, it is like the soul
a mediating, vitalizing body. The Bible calls it 'The Golden
Bowl' and in the fullness of time it does indeed radiate a
golden hued stream of light into the darkness of the
physical realm. The etheric body is the framework upon
which the physical form is built, it is a transmitter of
energies to the physical body which it vitalizes with
prana. There are seven major spinal chakras within the
etheric body; through these the interplay of various
energies build and sustain our endocrine glands and the
nervous system, and galvanize our organ systems into
46/Subtle bodies, chakras and the aura
Figure 3.1 The large ovoid field of efiergy around the head and
shoulders is a manifestation of psychic energy
50/Subtle bodies, chakras and the aura
M' I
long run.' And: 'Joy settles as a bird within the heart but
has winged its way from the secret place within the head.
I am that bird of joy. Therefore with joy I serve.' A further
Corbin goes on to Hst the colours. You will see just how
closely they relate to those listed in Tan trie texts, which
suggests that the chakras are not just the figment of wild
imagination, as some writers have more recently sug-
66/Science and medicine look at the aura
i :
\ I
bo^-shaped bulge
M and (f) auras dorsal
Science and medicine look at the aura/69
The inner aura lies outside and around the etheric double.
Kilner described it as having a finer texture to it. This was
best observed through special screens containing carmine
or methylene blue dye. With these the inner aura could be
seen quite clearly and its outer border defined. In the
process of his experiments Kilner developed a system for
observing the aura with a series of screens, in order to
make its various layers visible. He began his viewing with a
general scan through the dicyanin screen, then switched to
a pale blue one in order to see the differentiation between
the inner and outer auras. The blue screen enabled him to
map out the distal margins of the inner and outer auras but
tended to obscure details of the former. Then, in order to
heighten and clarify the appearance of the inner aura, he
used another screen of light carmine dye. This tended
somewhat to blur out details of the outer aura, but with
various arrangements of Hghting, a balance could be
reached in which details from both auras were more or less
visible. Kilner described what he could see through the
screens in the following words:
70/Science and medicine look at the aura
wide. The
first layer Pierrakos describes as being more
like a dark space around the body. The second or inter-
mediate layer is made up of multiple shapes and forms,
and is particularly around the head. There are
wave-like movements and corpuscular movements
in it
the fact that during his Hfetime Saxton Burr was a very
low key person, who knew the wisdom of this posture.
In any event his attitude has perhaps contributed to the
absence of any real vilification of his work by his peer
group. Better perhaps this way, in that later it can emerge
as perhaps one of the most important discoveries of this
century. The day will come, I am sure, when men of
science will go back to Burr's work and use it as the basis
upon which to build a whole new model of the physical
and subtle anatomy of man.
The similarities between Burr's L-field and the forma-
tive etheric matrix of the Vedic teachings are total and
unassailable. Too much so, in fact; one of the reasons
why many scientists shied away from the electro-dynamic
theory of life is because it had too many mystical impH-
cations for comfort. However, the similarities between
the L-field of science and the etheric body of the ancient
teachings run parallel to each other, and this is a fact
that will bide its time until the more perceptive men of
science admit the connection, and plan their research on
that basis.
The evidence suggests that through the work of Kilner
and Bagnall, and through the researches and experimenta-
tion of physicians like KaraguUa, Brugh Joy and Saxton
Burr, a body of material is gathering. If we add the visual
displays of Kirlian and Schlieren photography with their
similarities to clairvoyant explanations regarding the aura,
then the body of material that is gathering will in the not
too distant future become a critical mass, and we shall
then be witness to a whole change of attitude. The word
aura will move into everyday use, and people will say 'Well,
why didn't I think of that?' and 'Yes, well, it was pretty
obvious, wasn't it?' Thus a vital concept that has been held
at bay by the barriers of the conditioned mind fills the
vacuum of our ignorance and we move forward in our
understanding to a more holistic picture of man and his
inextricable relationship to all Hfe-forms.
Colours of the auric field
The which entails
clue lies in the similarity of colour,
a resemblance in note and rhythm. When, therefore,
a man is on the red and yellow rays, with red as his
primary ray, and meets another human being who is
on the blue and yellow rays, with a secondary resemb-
lance to yellow, there may be recognition. But when a
man on the yellow and blue rays, with yellow as his
primary colour, meets a brother on the yellow and red
rays, the recognition is immediate and mutual, for the
primary colour is the same.
and their colours, but once again we must not get confused
when we read, for example, that the rays have both
exoteric and esoteric colours. Having told us that the first
ray is red, Bailey lists the exoteric colour as orange and
the esoteric colour as red, which tallies; but then you look
at the third ray and find that, having said its colour is
yellow, she then throws us a curve by stating that the
94/Colours of the auric field
Serene temper
Clear intelligence
Poor self-image
Over absorption in study
Contempt of mental limitations in others
Indifference to others
This is the ray of the healer and teacher, sage and re-
former, working through co-operation and persuasiveness,
usually with excellent tact and foresight.
Clear and concise mental concepts
Analytical and logical mentality
Self-opinion over-indulged
Mental body
Physical body
This a predominantly physical colour, the symbol of
Bright orange indicates vitality and health. This colour
when played upon the aura will help to step up the vital
forces of the etheric body, thus imparting a sense of
increased vitality. It often indicates a strong, vital person-
ality, though tfulness, consideration, intel-
lectual development, pride, ambition and selfish goals.
Orange is often looked upon as a symbol of wholesomeness.
This colour indicates intellectual ability, well-being,
friendliness and optimism. In some people the paler
yellows can denote timidity, weakness of will-power and
indecisiveness. Edgar Cayce said that people with yellow
in their aura usually took good care of themselves, were
happy, helpful and friendly, and not inclined to worry.
Yellow is symbolic of clear mental processes, and a golden
yellow can be an indication of developing spirituality.
Yellow is a tonic for the nervous system, vitalizing not
only the physical body but the mind and emotions too,
imparting a sense of optimism.
Green is the colour of nature and of healing, especially
if allied It is beneficial to have a good clear green
to blue.
in the aura, but darker tones can be related to deceit,
cunning and falsehood. A lemony -yellow is said to be a
clear sign of deceitfulness. People with green in their auras
are usually lively, thoughtful, versatile and adaptable.
Green governs the mental levels of consciousness and
indicates a plethora of ideas. It is the colour of regenera-
tion, new life springing up, prosperity and success. Cayce
Colours of the auric field/105
Black indicates malice and hatred, and when linked to
anger appears as coils of heavy poisonous looking smoke
in the aura, according to Leadbeater. It is associated with
bad deeds, discord and evil thoughts. Ouseley says that in
the most devilish and depraved souls the aura is sometimes
seen to glow with crimson-red shot through with black —
the most vicious combination of evil known.
Grey is related to depression, gloom and sadness. A livid
grey indicates fear. Grey people are plodders and often
unimaginative. Grey -green indicates deceit and cunning.
Dull red-brown like the colour of rust denotes avarice, and
this may appear in the form of bars across the substance
of the emotional body. Little more is said of brown, but
its purer shades appear throughout nature in combination
These then are the basic colours which are seen in the
aura; the interpretations are a guideline. Over the years
a few people have made public what they could see in
the aura; many, however, who cannot see, have taken the
writings and utterances of those who could, and presented
them again and again as accurate and factual. While in
some instances the material may be correct, in others
it may be completely erroneous. Colour interpretation
requires great skill bom of high sensitivity on all planes,
and above all an inner knowledge based on fundamental
principles and truth.
For the moment I would like to dwell on the subject
of colour, and try to put the matter into perspective by
looking very briefly at one or two deeper aspects which
will help us to adopt a mental point of view of the subject
rather than an emotional or astral one. Many people are
familiar with the books that make the human aura sound
like Piccadilly Circus or Times Square at night — a sea of
flashing neon signs carrying subUminal messages - replete
with passages that tell you if you have a dull throat chakra,
and an even duller personality, then making love to a
person with a nice bright blue throat will probably brighten
your throat too and also do wonders by greening up your
forehead, whatever that may mean. I'd like to emphasize
that in order to really begin to understand colour in
relationship to the esoteric constitution of man, his subtle
bodies, the chakras and the planes of energy wherein he
lives, it is essential to treat the subject seriously and make
every effort to approach it from the higher mind.
Let us then return to the matter of blinds, the deliberate
presentation of inaccurate information used by wise men
through the ages to guard sacred and secret information.
In her book Letters on Occult Meditation, Alice Bailey is
108/Colours of the auric field
quite open about the use of blinds, and she explains why
they are used:
until he has tuned into the source from where the impres-
sion is coming. The daily pressures of life that we are
subjected to seldom allow such a procedure to be fol-
lowed, even if we are alert enough to register such subtle
impressions in the first place.
The next principle of Kimball's system is to divide
the body in half. Any sensations or itches that occur
on the left side refer to maleness and those on the right
to femaleness. Kimball recognizes that there is a neural
cross-over at the level of the neck and that the left side
of the brain controls the right side of the body and vice
versa; but for simpHcity he just makes a straight division
of it, while pointing out that now and then there are a
few people who are left-handed and might cause you
errors. Most left-handed people can be read as right-
handed but it is important to determine this before the
reading really gets under way. It is essential too that,
Sensing, seeing and reading the human aura/121
when you read a person, you find out if you are picking
up the other person in a straight or mirrored reaction. If
you are a male reading a male, you check to see which side
of the subject expresses authority; if it is the right side
you will know that you are picking up impressions in
the right side of your body from the right side of his.
If it reverses, then the reverse is true.
Kimball points out that it is essential to do this work
with a sense of fun, be enthusiastic and work in a state
of calm and intense concentration. Sitting cold and re-
served does not encourage the ESP function at all. When
you have done some work congratulate yourself, give
yourself a pat on the back, and ask your subconscious
what to do to improve your performance next time.
This will encourage growth and sensitivity. But if you
clamp down and begin to get discouraged or critical
then the subconscious will retreat. As Kimball says,
validate your subconscious and be pleased with what it
presents to you, and don't get discouraged at first, be-
cause it takes time to develop and control sensitivity.
Kimball states that Edgar Cayce taught that you can
increase your ability to see auras by stimulating the
nerves of your fingers by running the fingers of one
hand over those of the other. Kimball does not seem
too sure about the efficacy of this exercise and points
out that we all have our own way of looking at auras
if we will take the time to develop it. He instructs his
to brighten it up.
Normally I have the person sit down to see auras.
Your eyes will seem as if they are playing tricks when
you start. Look just past the person's head, not exactly.
After you learn you can look at it directly. Look past
the subject and you see a little distortion on the side.
Check yourself over before starting to read an aura.
Become totally aware of your body — infections, injuries,
pain, cool or hot, center heart, upper heart. Become
totally aware. Start in usually with physical things and
have the physical communications system, set up the
communication. Then move into the mental things and
soon you are in emotional and spiritual communication.
Approximate age
1 20yrs 13 Third eye area
5 60yrs
17 Helplessness
6 70yrs
18 Partial
7 Congestion conflicts
8 External interest
19Trouble that can
be handled
9 Expressional nature
20 Trouble in the
10 Childish problems near future
43 Reproductive glands
55 Strength and endurance
AA Reproductive glands
54 Weak in the knees
morale or character
53 Knee cap, leg damage
• 52 Religious person
Poisons in body
51 Head and neck
50 Neck to waist
49 Below waist
and makes an excellent guide for reading the aura (a) Some of the
itch points on the head and face (b) Front view of the body show-
ing itch points
124/Sensing, seeing and reading the human aura
in medicine.
Dowsing and the human aura/1 33
Inner aura
J Outer \ \
J^v^aura \ »
Outer aura
(Aurameter) ',
,' Sex \ \ Va
Various aura bands
'sphere/ \
Table 7.1
Distance before Dose given Distance afterwards
dose (inches) (inches)
1 38 Orchitic 100c 45
2 50 Colour red 56
3 43 Orchitic 100c 59
4 38 Aluminium 30c 42
5 32 Strep, vaccine 41
6 35 Coli vaccine 38
Table 7.2
Dowsing and the human aura/141
142/Dowsing and the human aura
colour into his aura, and then measuring the layers to see
ifthey have expanded. Once again note your results. You
may find it a good idea to note the conditions under which
the aura mapping is taking place: indoors or outdoors, the
weather conditions, the state of your subject's health, and
so on. One of the most famous dowsers of all times was
the Abbe Mermet, a Catholic priest. Using a detailed scale
map of an area in South America, he sat in his study in
Switzerland and dowsed the precise location to put down
a bore hole for water. He then added that the drillers
would have to contend with certain geological strata, the
depths of each of which he gave details about. He pre-
dicted the flow in gallons per minute, its potability and
temperature. He was correct in every detail. For amuse-
ment sometimes he would count the number of cars
crossing a certain bridge in Paris from the comfort of his
study. On a more serious note he found missing persons
or located bodies of murder victims for the poHce. On one
occasion he went out with a group of school children to
demonstrate the wonders of dowsing, and try as he might
he could get no reaction at all with his pendulum. He
apologized and told the children that this sort of experi-
ence was most unusual and that there must be some sort
of calamity in the world. It turned out that a tidal wave
had just hit Japan killing many people. This illustrates,
I believe, the need to make brief notes about conditions
tion.Having tuned in, you then mentally ask for the point
on the rule which represents the outer edge of the aura,
and as you hold this thought move your pendulum away
from the photo along the rule. When it detects this point
you should feel a drag on the pendulum as you pass it
and it will begin to swing back towards the point. By
moving the pendulum carefully up and down the rule
in this area you will pin-point the exact position of the
outer edges of the aura. When initially moving your
pendulum from the photo and along the rule it is best
to let beat across the rule at right angles to it, rather
forces, which can either attract or repel the good or the bad,
and it is through contacts thus effected that the whole trend
of a man's life will be determined.
146/Auric pollution — physical and psychic
Inner aura
Outer aura
Outer aura, after electrifying negatively
Inner aura
— Outer aura
Void in
inside aura
solar plexus of the sapper. These sUp into the aura of the
Victim' and draw out energy, leaving the individual feeling
drained. References to tentacle-like structures and the
solar plexus are to be found elsewhere, for example
Castaneda in A Separate Reality describes how brujo
Don Genaro makes a physically impossible climb across
the face of a waterfall with the aid of tentacles that
emerged from the middle of his body. Not all sappers
use this method, however; some use their voice and eyes,
speaking quickly and closely scanning your face seeking
eye to eye contact. Their eyes are often slightly bulging
and held in a fixed stare. Others just sit quietly and look
intently at people. Karagulla describes one such lady at
a party. While everyone arrived in high spirits she was
subdued. Then, taking up a comfortable position, she
proceeded during the evening to stare at one party goer
after another. As their energy levels dropped hers rose
until she was vital and lively and they were all wondering
why they felt so depleted.
Sappers are very difficult to deal with unless you
immediately register their psychic approach to your
aura. For the most part they are unconsciously trying to
draw on your energies, but unconscious or not they are
usually very persistent in their attempt. The moment
they meet resistance and cannot set up the link to begin
their siphoning operation, they will become agitated and
use various ploys to distract your guard. A favourite one
for the lady sapper is handbag
to initiate a search in her
for the car keys which will absolutely refuse to come to
light. She clucks and complains that she can never find
anything in her handbag, and may even tip the entire
contents out on a suitable surface in order to distract
you long enough to gain a hold on your aura. I find this
a very symbolic scenario because these people rarely have
the key to their own energies and feelings, and they need
to feed on others. Another ploy is to make a veiled but
barbed remark about you that sets your astral body into
Auric pollution — physical and psychic/155
160/Cleansing and healing the aura
sary to look beyond the form of the circle and not take
the process of drawing a circle around ourselves hterally.
The deepest form of protection comes from the ability
to step in consciousness into the mandala of the soul.
This of course presupposes a great deal of Self-knowledge
and the ability to recognize and register the quality of
energies that comprise the soul. Clearly this is not an
easy task and certainly it is one that takes a long time
to master. In the meantime there are a number of pro-
cedures that can be followed that will cleanse and enhance
the sensitivity of the aura without creating a rigid barrier
that can only distort reality, and hinder the progress of
the pilgrim on his way.
One of the most interesting series of exercises to cleanse
the auric fields is to be found in two books entitled The
Armour of Light written by Olive Pixley, both of which
contain a wealth of information. It is impossible to go into
all of the exercises and details here, but sufficient can be
Whether you actually see the Light that you will draw
daily into your flesh and blood is immaterial. When you
think of it, it is there, whether you register it consciously
or not, and you are bound to feel different. Feeling and
seeing in Light seem often identical. The feehng is so
vivid, it corresponds to sight.
Cleansing and healing the aura/165
the rest of the day. The next second, send your vision
soaring upwards until you see above you an Infinite
Point of Light, which is God. That point is the station
The influence of gems/1 75
Indian physicians found it a useful remedy for flatulency
and bilious attacks. It shielded the wearer from adverse
fortune in the midst of his enemies, and gave protection
in battle.
Like the emerald its special virtue was its capacity to act as
an antidote to poisons. It was said to afford protection
from pestilence and the plague, and cured insanity. By
wearing a diamond in contact with the skin nightmares
and terrible dreams can be warded off. The diamond brings
victory, strength, fortitude and courage. It wards off the
evil eye and contributes to personal safety.
Najm Kobra
A radiance of light and love and power/185
love and union in similar words but with far more detail:
for these act like points of friction when the high fre-
quency energies of the soul strikes them. The resultant
irritation and inflammation that is set up fills the aura
with darkness that gives rise to physical and psychological
patholog}^ The oldest known prayer in the world reflects
clearly the two fundamental divisions of consciousness.
It goes: 'Lord, lead us from darkness to light, from the
Bailey, A., Letters on Occult Meditation, New York, Lucis Pub-
lishing Co., 1948.
Becker, R. and Marino, A., Electro magnetism and Life, Albany,
State University of New York, 1982.
Bentine, M..,A Door Marked Summer, London, Granada, 1981.
Berndt, R.M., 'Wuradjeri Magic and "Clever Men'", Oceania.
Besant, A. and Leadbeater, C.W., Thought-Forms, Adyar, Theo-
sophical Publishing House, 1905.
Buber, M., The Way of Response, New York, Schocken Books, 1966.
Castaneda, C, A Separate Reality, London, Bodley Head, 1971.
Castaneda, C, Journey to Ixtlan, New York, Simon & Schuster,
Cayce, E., Auras, Virginia Beach, A.R.E. Press, 1945.
Corbin, H., Spiritual Body and Celestial Earth, Princeton, BoUingen
Series XCI-.Z, Princeton University Press, 1977.
Corbin, H., The Man of Light in Iranian Sufism, Boulder, London,
Shambhala, 1978.
Davies, ?., God and the New Physics London, Toronto & Melbourne,
Leonard, G., The Silent Pulse, New York, Bantam Books, 1978.
Long, M.F., The Secret Science behind the Miracles, Marina del
Rey, Calif., De Vorss, 1948.
Moore, C.B., Keely and his Discoveries, New York, University
Books, 1971.
Moskvitin, J., Essay on the Origin of Thought, Ohio, University
Press, 1974.
Ostrander, S. and Schroeder, L., Psychic Discoveries behind the
Iron Curtain, London, Abacus, Sphere Books, 1973.
Ouseley, S.G., The Science of the Aura, London, Fowler & Co.,
Ltd., 1949.
Ouseley, S.G., The Power of the Rays, London, Fowler & Co.
Ltd., 1951.
Pearce, J.C., The Crack in the Cosmic Egg, New York, Julian Press,
Pixley, O., The Armour of Light, vols I & II, Cheltenham, Helios
Book Service, 1971.
Regush, Nicholas M., The Human Aura, New York, Berkley Publish-
ing Corp., 1974.
Von Reichenbach, K., The Odic Force, New York, University
Books, 1968.
Richards, G., The Chain of Life, Rustington, L. Speight Ltd., 1954.
Saxton Burr, H. and Northrop, F., 'The electro-dynamic theory
of life'. Main Currents in Modern Thought, September 1962.
Secret of the Golden Flower, The, tr. E.C.F. Baynes, London,
Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1962.
Tomlinson, H. The Divination of Disease, Saffron Walden, Health
Science Press, 1954.
Veith, I., The Yellow Emperor's Classic of Internal Medicine, Berke-
Weaver, H., Divining the Primary Sense, London, Routledge & Kegan
Paul, 1978.
Winn, M., The Plug-In Drug, New York, Bantam, 1977.
Woodruffe, J., The Serpent Power, Madras, Gonesh & Co (Madras)
Private Ltd, 1958.
Young, L., Earth's Aura, New York, Avon, 1977.
Young, S., Psychic Children, New York, Pocket Books, 1977.
priests, 21
magic, 23 prodigal son, 57
magnet, 31, 116 protective circle, 162
magnetism, 11 psychic, 8, 58
manas, 25 psychic attack, 162
mandarins, 9, 178 psychics, 2, 7, 66
Mars, 177 Pulsors, 182, 183
media, 147, 149, 153 punks, 115
meditation, 18, 26, 47, 50 purification, 19
medulla oblongata, 79 purify, 18
mental body, 45, 48, 94
Mercury, 177 radiance, 184, 185
meridians, 25, 83, 84 radiated, 27
mineral, 2, 37 radiation(s), 27, 149
mistletoe, 5 radiational couriers, 4
monkshood, 5 radiatory field, 10
motor-force, 34 Ravitz, Leonard, 89
Motoyama, Dr H., 53 rays, 71, 75,91-102, 171
muscle test, 87 red, 58, 60, 61, 75, 85, 93, 95, 100,
musk, 160 177
mystic, 33,42,63, 184 Reich, Wilhelm, 29, 36, 37, 39
R^ichenberg, Karl von, 29-34, 39, 65 thought-forms, 48, 50, 51, 145
Richards, Guyon, 136-9 thyroid, 80
Ritual of Light, 165-7 tiki, 176
Roberts, Jane, 130 85
Tiller, William,
sex,150 Vedas, 1
shadow, 20, 186 Venus, 177
shaman, 9, 22, 32, 41, 64, 99, 144, vibrations, 34
175 violet, 75,93,101,177
shimmering, 76, 86 vitalist, 11, 29
singularity, 56 vitality, 15, 27, 160
solar plexus, 23, 60, 153, 167 vitamins, 21, 28
soul, 45, 57, 94, 112, 160, 163, 184, voltmeter, 88
187 vortices, 78, 79
spiritual, 7, 32,46
spleen, 46, 58 warrior, 19
subconscious, 149 Weaver, Herbert, 3, 144
subliminal, 107, 149, 150 white, 26,60, 85, 177
subtle bodies, 52, 64 Winn, Marie, 150
Sufi, 43, 54,92, 184, 186
Yao, George, Dr, 182
tantric, 54, 56, 63 yellow, 43, 50, 58, 60, 93, 96, 101
television, 148, 149 104, 177
temper, 46 yoga, 18
theosophy, 42, 51 yogi, 22, 54
third-eve, 64, 175, 187 Young, Louise, 189
The human aura is
something that most of us hav^ ^^,,^^u un,y unn.y, a,,u y^L
important, as this book shows. David Tansley traces our understanding of the
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