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Strychnos potatorum: Phytochemical and

pharmacological review
Kavita N. Yadav, Prasad V. Kadam, Jigna A. Patel, Manohar J. Patil
Department of Pharmacognosy, Marathwada Mitra Mandal’s College of Pharmacy, Thergaon, Pune, Maharashtra, India

Submitted: 22‑06‑2013 Revised: 05‑07‑2013 Published: 20‑01‑2014

In traditional system of medicine, the seeds of Strychnos potatorum Linn. (family: Loganiaceae) are used in the treatment of
gonorrhea, leukorrhea leukeorrhea, gastropathy, bronchitis, chronic diarrhea, dysentery, renal and vesicle calculi, diabetes,
conjunctivitis, scleritis, ulcers and other eye disease. An attempt has been made to highlight this medicinal seeds through
phytochemical and pharmacological study. The present review deals with the phytochemical and pharmacological screening
of therapeutic importance from Strychnos potatorum L., an important medicinal plant. This study includes the collective
information of different medicinal uses of Strychnos potatorum. The generated data has provided the basis for its wide
use as the therapeutant both in the traditional and folk medicines.
Key words: Medicinal plant; phytochemical; Strychnos potatorum

INTRODUCTION from Atropa belladonna, Reserpine from Rouwolfiaserpentina, etc.,

The medicinal plants are rich in secondary metabolites (which
Medicinal plants are used as a source of drugs for the treatment are potential sources of drugs) and essential oils of therapeutic
of various human and livestock health disorders all over the importance. The important advantages claimed for therapeutic
world from ancient times to the present day. They are important uses of medicinal plants in various ailments are their safety
natural wealth. They provide primary healthcare services to besides being economical, effective and their easy availability.[1,2]
people from all walks of life. They serve as important therapeutic The increased global demand for polyherbal formulations is
agents as well as important raw materials for the manufacture of a reflection of positive impact of consolidated efforts aimed
traditional and modern medicines. A total of 250,000 species of at reviving science of phytopharmacy.[3] Strychnos potatorum
flowering plants are referred to as medicinal plants. The World Linn (family: Loganiaceae) is a moderate sized tree found in
Health Organization  (WHO) enlisted some 21,000 medicinal southern and central parts of India, Sri Lanka, and Burma[4]
plant species. The present global herbal market is worth about In traditional system of medicine, the seeds are used in the
US$ 62 billion per annum. The annual growth of herbal market is treatment of gonorrhea, leukeorrhea, gastropathy, bronchitis,
about 15%and the global herbal market by 2050 is expected to be chronic diarrhea, dysentery, renal and vesicle calculi, diabetes,
about US$ 5 trillion. Plants are one of the most important sources conjunctivitis, scleritis, ulcers, and other eye disease. The ripe
of medicines. Today the large number of drugs in use is derived seeds are used for clearing muddy water. The clarification is due
from plants, like morphine from Papaver somniferum, Aswagandha to the combined action of colloids and alkaloids in the seeds[5]
from Withania somnifera, ephedrine from Ephedra vulgaris, atropine Hence in view of immense medicinal importance of the plant
this review is therefore an effort to compile all the information
Address for correspondence: reported on its phytochemical and pharmacological activities, this
Prof. Kavita N. Yadav,
information will be helpful to create interest towards the plant
Marathwada Mitra Mandal’s College of Pharmacy,
Thergaon (Kalewadi), Pune ‑ 411 033, Maharashtra, India. and may be useful in developing new formulations, which are
E‑mail: more effective and have more therapeutic values.

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Quick Response Code:
• Kingdom: Plantae
• Class: Angiosperms
• Subclass: Eudicots
10.4103/0973-7847.125533 • Superorder: Asterids
• Order: Gentianales

Pharmacognosy Reviews | January-June 2014 | Vol 8 | Issue 15 61

Yadav, et al.: Strychnos potatorum: A Review

• Family: Loganiaceae obscurely twolobed. Fruit is a berry, black when ripe, globose,
• Genus: Strychnos. 12 cm in diameter, whitish, shining, with short addressed yellow
silky hairs. Seeds are globose in shape. Population of nirmali is
depleting fast due to self nongenerative mechanism in fruits.
PLANT PROFILE They are often decayed and are prone to fungal attack as soon as
they fall. Flowering occurs in September-October, while fruiting
• Common vernacular name[5,6]
occurs in December [Figures 1 and 2].[5‑9]
• Clearing nut tree: English.

• Ambuprasadanaphala, Ambuprasadani, Chakshushya, PHYTOCHEMICAL INVESTIGATION

Chh edaniya, Guchhaphala, Kata, Kataka, Katakarenu,
Kattha, Khataka, Lekhanatmaka, Payaprasadi, Ruchishya, Phytochemical studies revealed the presence of diaboline (major
Ruchya, Rushya, Shlakshna, Shodanatmaka, Tiktamaricha, alkaloid) and its acetate[10] brucine, loganin, mannose, sucrose,
Tiktaphala, Toyaprasadana: Sanskrit arachidonic, lignoceric, linoleic, oleic, palmitic, and stearic acids.[11]
• Neimal, Nelmal, Nirmali: Hindi On saponification of the oil: b‑sitosterol, stigmasterol (also in
• Chilbing, Chilhara, Gajara, Nirwali: Marathi leaves and bark along with campesterol); oleanolic acid and
• Nirmali: Bengal its 3b acetate, saponins containing acid oleanic, galactose and
• Katakam, Tetta, Tettamparap, Titramparala: Malayalam mannose (seeds) and triterpenes and sterols mannogalactans[12]
• Niemali: Punjabi
• Akkolam, Ilalam, Kadali, Sillam, Tatta, Tettankottai, Teru: The curative properties of medicinal plants are perhaps due
Tamil to the presence of various secondary metabolites such as
• Nirmali: Urdu alkaloids, flavonoids, glycosides, phenols, saponins, sterols
etc., The successive extracts of root, stem bark, and seeds
MORPHOLOGICAL CHARACTERS of Strychnos potatorum have revealed the presence of alkaloids,
flavonoids, glycosides, lignins, phenols, saponins, sterols, and
Strychnos potatorum is a medium‑sized, glabrous tree of height tannins. The lignan glycosides vanprukoside, strychnoside, and
1213 m. Stem is fluted and covered with black, thick, square to glucopyranoside isolated from Strychnos vanprukii have shown
rectangular scales. Bark is 1.32 cm thick, black or brownish‑black, significant antioxidant property. Among the five groups of
corky, with very deep and narrow vertical, thin ridges, which phytochemicals determined from the root, stem bark, and
easily break off. Branches are swollen at nodes. Leaves are about seeds of Strychnos potatorum tannins were found to be the most
57.5 cm long, nearly sessile, subcoriaceous, ovate or elliptic, abundant one followed by saponins and alkaloids. While phenols
acute, glabrous and shining, spuriously three or five nerved, with and flavonoids were low in concentration 20 quenching and
lateral nerves springing from the lower part of the mid rib, nearly fluorescing alkaloids were reported from the various parts of
reaching the tip. The base rounded or acute, petioles 2.5 mm long the plant. However, more number of alkaloids were found in the
flowers large for the genus, in short almost glabrous nearly sessile root and stem bark.[13] The interconversion of these compounds
axillary cymes; peduncles 0.5 mm long; and pedicels very short. into other derivatives owing to the prolonged period of storage
Caly ×2 mm long, fivelobed; lobes 2.5 mm long, oblong, acute and method of processing in case of the market seed. The most
with a tuft of hair inside towards the base of each lobe. Ovary abundant alkaloid diaboline is found in all samples of Strychnos
ovoid, glabrous, tapering into a long glabrous style; and stigma potatorum and identified by matching with authentic sample.

Figure 1: Lorius - The biodiversity conservation society Figure 2: Prelude medicinal plants database

62 Pharmacognosy Reviews | January-June 2014 | Vol 8 | Issue 15

Yadav, et al.: Strychnos potatorum: A Review

Alkaloids are the lead molecules of therapeutic importance from • Powdered stem bark mixed with lime juice given in
Strychnos species[14] These are heterocyclic indole compounds cholera
which have proved to be having pharmacological properties such • Leaves: As poultice over maggot infected ulcers
as hypotensive activity, anticonvulsant activity, antiprotozoal, • Seed: Tonic stomachic demulcentemetic and used in
antimicrobial and antimalarial activities. acute diarrhea, diabetes, gonorrhoea, and eye diseases
like conjunctivitis, lachrymation, or copious watery of
Three flavonoid were reported in the root. Collected and market eyes. The paste of seed is reported to be consumed
seed samples show different color and Rf values. Whilein the internally along with little tender coconut milk in
stem bark four alkaloid were observed. Flavonoids are the
urinary disorder and retention of urine.[17]
phenolic substances and are the largest group of phenols. These
generally occur as a C6‑C3 unit linked to an aromatic ring. Three Toxicological studies
glycosides with similar color and Rf values were observed both The acute and chronic toxicity studies of aqueous extract (SPE)
in the root and stem bark whereas, four glycosides were observed and of Strychnos potatorum Linn. were carried out on Wistar albino
in both seed samples. mice and rats. Both extracts did not produce any signs of toxicity
and mortality up to the dose level of 2000mg/kg body weight
The highest numbers of phenols were reported in the market
orally in mice. The drug is categorized as unclassified. In chronic
seed. However, five phenolic with similar color and Rf
toxicity studies, both SPE and SPP at the dose of 100-200 mg/kg
values (6.67, 16.67, 44.0, 58.67, and 90.0) were found both in
did not produce any significant changes in body weight from day
root and stem bark. Further, it is observed that five alkaloids
0 to 90 when compared with control group. Various parameters
were found to be common for root, stem bark, and collected
are taken into consideration like Red blood corpuscles white
seed. Plants have the limitless ability to synthesize phenols or
blood corpuscles hemoglobin erythrocyte sedimentation
their derivatives. The presence of phenols in all types of tissues
ratebiochemical parameters like blood glucose, urea, and serum
is a characteristic feature of plants. The data of saponins of
creatinineenzyme parameters like alanine aminotransferase,
Strychnos potatorum by thin layer chromatography has revealed the
aspartate aminotransferase, alkaline phosphatase, and acid
presence of five yellow to intense yellow colored saponins in all
phosphatasewere studied.[18]
parts of the plant. Saponins are glycosides of both triterpenes
and sterols generally possessing five sugar units and gluconic
unit as a component. The occurrence of saponins has been PHARMACOLOGICAL INVESTIGATION
reported in over 70 families of higher plants.[14] The data of
sterols of Strychnos potatorum by thin layer chromatography Although many pharmacological studies have been performed on
has revealed the presence of four sterols in the stem bark and the basis of chemical constituents present, a lot more are still to
seeds. While three sterols; which may be isomotiol, sitosterol, be exploited, explored, and utilized. Important pharmacological
stigmasterol, or compesterol were found in the root. The high findings are summarized below:
performance liquid chromatogram (HPLC) has shown 61 peaks.
However, 18 peaks were prominent with significant percent Anti‑diabetic activity
area and height  (>0.5%). The most abundant peak, which is Strychnos potatorum has antidiabetic activity. In Wistar albino
probably diaboline, the prominent alkaloid of this plant as rat, the diabetic state was induced by intraperitonial injection
reported earlier. The total alkaloid fraction isolated from the of alloxan at a dose of 100  mg/kg of body weight. Animals
seeds of Strychnos potatorum when administered in mice and rats were grouped into normal rat (control), diabetic rat (alloxan),
at the doses of 70-100 mg/kg, intraperitoneally (i.p.) produced diabetic but extract treated rat, only extract treated rat, and
restlessness, irritability and tremorsfollowed by convulsions of diabetic but standard antidiabetic drug tolbutamide treated rat
tonic type all over the body and hypotensive action.[15,16] The groups. Animals were screened for the parameters such as body
methanolic extract of the dried seeds was found to have diuretic weight, blood glucose level, total proteins, and cholesterol and
and antidiarrheal activities. The seed powder (SPP) was found enzyme levels such as aspartate aminotransferase (AST), alanine
to possess antidiabetic activity. Mannogalactans isolated from aminotransferase  (ALT), and alkaline phosphatase  (ALP) for
the seeds of Strychnos potatorum showed antihypercholesterolemic deducing the antidiabetic activity of the test plant. The alloxan
activity in experimental rats.[17] treated rat shows reduced body (26%) and liver (40%) weight.
The blood glucose level falls by 53% with extract treatment,
Traditional uses demonstrating the antidiabetic potential of the plant. The serum
According to Ayurvedaseeds are acridalexipharmiclithotriptic enzymes AST and ALT were increased from 24 and 18 IU/1 to 60
and cures strangury, urinary discharges, head diseases etc., Roots and 65 IU/1 respectively whereasALP was decreased to 5 IU/1
cureleukeoderma whereas fruits are useful in eye diseases, thirst, from 14 IU/1. The total serum protein level also increased up
poisoning, and hallucinations. The fruits are emetic, diaphoretic, to 5 mg/ml in the extract treated animal. The insulin level also
alexiteric, etc., According to Unani system of medicine, seeds are increased up to 61 µg/ml within 30 days of extract treatment
bitter, astringent to bowels, aphrodisiac, tonic, diuretic and good compared to control with 51 µg/ml. The plant extract efficiently
for liver, kidney complaints, gonorrhea, colic, etc. decreased the initial cholesterol 219 µg/ml level into 170 µg/ml.

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Yadav, et al.: Strychnos potatorum: A Review

In liver, the AST, ALT and ALP enzymes were decreased to 160, Antinociceptive and antipyretic effect
60, and 140 IU/1 from 178, 79, and 156 IU/mlrespectively.[19] The antinociceptive and antipyretic effect of SPP and SPE
of Strychnos potatorum was evaluated in albino mice and rats
Anti‑inflammatory effect respectively. The antinociceptive activity was studied in both
The anti‑inflammatory effect of SPP and SPE of Strychnos chemical induced writing and thermal models of inducing
potatorum Linn. Seeds was studied in carrageenin‑induced hind nociception. SPP and SPE of Strychnos potatorum were found to
paw edema and cotton pellet granuloma models. Both SPP exhibit antinociceptive activity in both chemical and thermal
and SPE were found to normalize the increased alkaline, acid models indicating their central as well as peripheral mechanism
phosphatases, and lipid peroxide levels indicating their membrane in inhibiting the nociception respectively. Antipyretic activity is
stabilization and free radical scavenging properties, respectively. dose dependent.[25]
Both SPP and SPE exhibited dose dependent anti‑inflammatory
activity in acute and subacute inflammatory models, and its Antidiarrheal activity
effect was also comparable with the standard drug diclofenac The antidiarrheal activity of the methanol extract of the dried
sodium.[20,21] seeds of Strychnos potatorum (MESP) has been evaluated in rats
using different models diarrhea (castor oil‑induced), effects on
Antiulcerogenic potential gastrointestinal motility and on prostaglandin (PG) E2‑induced
The antiulcerogenic potential of Strychnos potatorum Linn seeds gastric enteropooling. It significantly inhibited the frequency
on aspirin plus pyloric ligation (aspirin PL)‑induced gastric ulcer of defecation and reduced the wetness of fecal droppings in
model was studied. The SPP and SPE exhibitantiulcerogenic castor oil‑induced diarrhea, decreased the propulsion of charcoal
activity by both antisecretory and mucoprotective actions. meal through the gastrointestinal tract, and also reduced the
The mucoprotective action of SPP and SPE may be due to PGE2‑induced enteropooling.[26]
the presence of polysaccharides in seeds. The antiulcerogenic
Diuretic activity
potential of SPP and SPE was compared with the standard
(SPSE) was evaluated for its diuretic activity in Wistar albino
antiulcer drug, ranitidine. The antiulcerogenic potential
rats. The parameters which were taken into account during the
was confirmed by the histopathological studies of stomach
experimental on each rat were: Total urine volume (corrected
for water intake during the test period), body weight before
and after the experiment, and the concentration of sodium,
Hepatoprotective and antioxidant activity
potassium, and chloride ions in urine. The total urine volumes
The SPP and SPE of Strychnos potatorum seeds possess
of the SPSE (600 mg/kg)‑treated rats were evaluated nearly two
hepatoprotective and antioxidant activities against CCl4‑induced
and halffold then compared with the control  (saline treated)
acute hepatic injury. Hepatoprotective action is by reducing
group. Excretion of cations (sodium and potassium ions) and
the serum marker enzymes like serum glutamate oxaloacetate
anions (chloride ions) also increased significantly with respect to
transaminase (SGOT) and serum glutamate pyruvate transaminase
the control group. The diuretic effect was comparable with that
(SGPT). They also reduced the elevated levels of ALP and serum
of the standard drug furosemide. The increase of cations in the
bilirubin. Reduced enzymic and nonenzymic antioxidant levels urine on treatment with Strychnos potatorum seed extract (SPSE)
and elevated lipid peroxide levels were restored to normal by was dose‑dependent. This effect supports the use of the Strychnos
administration of SPP and SPE. Histopathological studies potatorum seeds as a diuretic in folk remedies.[27]
confirmed the hepatoprotective activity of SPP and SPE when
compared with the CCl4 treated control groups. The standard Contraceptive efficacy
used for this study was silymarin.[23] The 70% methanolic extract of Strychnos potatorum seeds shows
contraceptive efficacy. The aqueous solution of extract was
Antiarthritic activity administered orally to male rats of proven fertility for 60 days.
The effect of the SPE and the whole SPP of Strychnos potatorum Sperm motility, sperm density, serum testosterone level, biochemical
Linn seeds on the Freund’s complete adjuvant (FCA) induced analysis and testicular cell population dynamics were carried out
arthritic rat paw edema, body weight changes and alterations in to assess the contraceptive effect of Strychnos potatorum. Strychnos
hematological and biochemical parameters in both developing potatorum seed possesses suppressive effects on male fertility and
and developed phases of arthritis was investigated in the could be useful in development of male contraceptive agent.[28]
laboratory on rats. Histopathology of proximal interphalangeal
joints and radiology of hind legs were studied. Both SPP and SPE Surface active agents from the seed oil of Strychnos
at the specified dose level showed reduction in rat paw edema potatorum
volume and it could significantly normalize the hematological and The sodium soaps and sulfonated sodium surfactants prepared
biochemical abnormalities in adjuvant induced arthritic rats in from the seed oil of Strychnos potatorum are found to be better
both developing and developed phases of FCA induced arthritis. critical micelle concentration (CMC), surface active matter and
Further the histopathological and radiological studies confirmed dispersive powers in comparison to the sodium and sulfonated
the antiarthritic activity of SPP and SPE.[24] sodium surfactants prepared from castor oil. Strychnos potatorum

64 Pharmacognosy Reviews | January-June 2014 | Vol 8 | Issue 15

Yadav, et al.: Strychnos potatorum: A Review

detergents also exhibited a good inhibition activity on the growth structure. Very little work has been done on the biological
of Escherichia coli, Staphylococcus aureus, Klebsiella pneumoniae and activity and plausible medicinal applications of these compounds
Pseudomonas aeruginosa that adds to their safe use.[29] and hence extensive investigation is needed to exploit their
therapeutic utility to combat diseases. Although crude extracts
Clarification of turbid water from various parts of nirmali have medicinal applications
In developing countries, ground water, which is contaminated from time immemorial, modern drugs can be developed after
with domestic and industrial waste, is commonly used for extensive investigation of its bioactivity, mechanism of action,
drinking. Color, turbidity and microbial content affect quality pharmacotherapeutics, toxicity, and after proper standardization
of potable water. The seed of nirmali tree Strychnos potatorum and clinical trials. As the global scenario is now changing towards
Linn. shows coagulation properties in clarifying turbid water. the use of nontoxic plant products having traditional medicinal
This property was attributed to the presence of anionic use, development of modern drugs from nirmali should be
polyelectrolytes having ‑COOH and free ‑OH surface groups emphasized for the control of various diseases. Quite a significant
that are present in the seed protein.[30] amount of research has already been carried out during the past
few decades in exploring the chemistry of different parts of
Metal binding properties nirmali. An extensive research and development work should be
The metal binding property of these seeds is of recent interest undertaken on nirmali and its products for their better economic
where some bench scale experiments were conducted in order and therapeutic utilization.
to establish the binding of metal ions from dilute HCl solutions.
The seeds collected from the trees of Strychnos potatorum Linn.
were ground to 0.5  mm size for experimentation purpose.
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Freund’s adjuvant induced arthritic rat model. BMC Complement MJ. Strychnos potatorum: Phytochemical and pharmacological
Altern Med 2010;10:56. review. Phcog Rev 2014;8:61-6.
25. Sanmugapriya E, Venkataraman S. Antinociceptive and Source of Support: Nil, Conflict of Interest: None declared
antipyretic effects of Strychnous potatorum Linn. seeds on

66 Pharmacognosy Reviews | January-June 2014 | Vol 8 | Issue 15

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