Optimal Control and Decision Making: Eexam

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Chair of Automatic Control Engineering

Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering

Technical University of Munich

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Optimal Control and Decision Making

Exam: EI70140 / Retake Date: Friday 24th September, 2021
Examiner: Prof. Dr. -Ing. M. Buss, Dr. -Ing. M. Leibold Time: 09:00 – 10:30

Working instructions
• This exam consists of 18 pages with a total of 4 problems.
Please make sure now that you received a complete copy of the exam.
• The total amount of achievable credits in this exam is 91 credits.
• Detaching pages from the exam is prohibited.
• Allowed resources:

– one non-programmable pocket calculator

– one analog dictionary English ↔ native language
– extra materials in paper form (lecture notes, etc.)

• Subproblems marked by * can be solved without results of previous subproblems.

• Answers are only accepted if the solution approach is documented. Give a reason for each
answer unless explicitly stated otherwise in the respective subproblem.

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• Join your designated Zoom-Session before 08:15. Announcements will start at 08:15. Exam
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Problem 1 Short Questions (12 credits)

Hint: Problems that can be solved without solving previous subproblems first are marked by *.

0 a)* If you have a discontinuous candidate Lyapunov Function V (x), how can you check that it is a Lyapunov
1 Function that proves global stability for the system x+ = f (x) with f discontinuous? Give precise conditions.

0 b)* In an MPC control implementation, how will you see that the MPC is not recursively feasible? Describe
1 two approaches that may make your implementation successful in case of loss of recursive feasibility.

0 c)* Give an example cost function, an example discrete-time dynamical system and one example inequality
1 constraint such that in every MPC iteration, a QP solver can find the constrained minimum (x ∈ Rn and
2 u ∈ Rm ).

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d)* In tube-based MPC, constraints are tightened to make sure that also in presence of disturbances, no 0
constraint violation will occur. Describe, what is the problem if disturbances are large? What can you do to 1
avoid this problem? 2

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Problem 2 Model Predictive Control (29 credits)
Hint: Problems that can be solved without solving previous subproblems first are marked by ∗.

Consider a discrete-time model in the following form:

x+ = Ax + Bu

where x ∈ R2 is the state vector and u ∈ R is the input vector. A and B are system matrices, which are
1 1 0.5
A= , B= .
0 1 1

0 a)* For prediction horizon N = 2, calculate predictions x(1) and x(2) with known initial state x(0) =
1 [x1 (0),x2 (0)]> and control inputs u(0) and u(1).

0 b)* Assuming the feedback control law u = Kx = [2, − 0.5]x, give the corresponding closed loop system in
1 the form of x+ = Ax.
e Is the closed loop system stable? Why?

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c) With the feedback control law in 2b), calculate x(1), x(2) and x(3) with known initial state x(0) = 0
[x1 (0),x2 (0)] = [1, − 2]> . Sketch the trajectory of x1 (k), k = 0,1,2,3. 1

d)* For proving the stability of MPC, choose the necessary 3 parts from the following items: (Notations:

VM P C is the Lyapunov Function in MPC, which is defined as optimal cost to go VM P C = JN . XN represents
the set of feasible initial values.)
Correct crosses give +1 credit, incorrect crosses give -1 credit. Missing crosses do not count.
The discontinuous Lyapunov Function VM P C is bounded by something continuous.

The discontinuous Lyapunov Function VM P C is bounded by something discontinuous.

There is descent in the Lyapunov Function VM P C .

There is ascent in the Lyapunov Function VM P C .

XN is positive invariant.

XN = {0}.

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The cost function is given as
X −1
J= (x(k)> Qx(k) + u(k)> Ru(k)) + x(N )> Sx(N )

where weighting matrices are

1 0 1 0
Q= , R = 2, S= .
0 1 0 1

0 e)* For prediction horizon N = 1, derive the cost function J and the derivative ∂u(0) .
1 Hint: The prediction for x(1) can be used from question 2a).

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f) With the cost function J and derivative ∂u(0) obtained from question 2e), derive the optimal control 0
∗ + 1
u(0) , and then give the closed loop system x = Acl x.

g)* MPC is widely used in autonomous driving. Through designing cost functions, a vehicle can track
reference trajectories xref and make control input u as small as possible. Which of the following cost functions
can meet the two requirements? (Notation: xref represents reference states; uref represents reference control
X −1
J= (xref (k)> Qxref (k) + u(k)> Ru(k)) + xref (N )> Sxref (N )

X −1
J= (x(k)> Qx(k) + u(k)> Ru(k)) + x(N )> Sx(N )

X −1
J= (x(k)> Qx(k) + (u(k) − uref (k))> R(u(k) − uref (k))) + x(N )> S(x(N )

X −1
J= ((x(k) − xref (k))> Q(x(k) − xref (k)) + u(k)> Ru(k)) + (x(N ) − xref (N ))> S(x(N ) − xref (N ))

X −1
J= ((x(k)−xref (k))> Q(x(k)−xref (k))+(u(k)−uref (k))> R(u(k)−uref (k)))+(x(N )−xref (N ))> S(x(N )−
xref (N ))

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Problem 3 LQ control, Optimal Control (27 credits)
Hint: Problems that can be solved without solving previous subproblems first are marked by *.

Consider the following dynamical system

x+ = −2x + u, (3.1)

with state x ∈ R, and input u ∈ R, and the following cost function over the finite horizon N

N −1
1 X 1
J= x(N )2 + u(k)2 . (3.2)
2 2

0 a)* Obtain the optimal LQ controller gain K(k) for k = 0, . . . ,N − 1, for N = 2.


0 b) Considering x(0) a parameter, compute the cost over the full horizon, using two different methods.

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Assume now that the input is constrained u ∈ U = {u| − a ≤ u ≤ a}. Moreover, considering the terminal set
Xf = {0}, let define the set XN of the feasible initial conditions, i.e. if x(0) ∈ XN there exist a feasible input
sequence u(0), . . . ,u(N − 1) ∈ U such that x(N ) ∈ Xf .

c)* Compute XN for N = 2, for each possible fixed a ∈ R, a > 0. 0


d)* For N = 2, applying the system dynamics (3.1) twice, the cost function (3.2) can be written as 0
5 4
J(x(0),u(0),u(1)) = u(0)2 + u(1)2 − 2u(0)u(1) − 8x(0)u(0) + 4x(0)u(1) + 8x(0)2 . (3.3) 5

Find the optimal input sequence u(0)∗ ,u(1)∗ minimizing the cost function (3.3), subject to the simplified
input constraint u(0) ≤ a, with N = 2, x(0) = 3, a = 3.

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Consider now a changed cost function for the infinite horizon
X 1
J= (qx(k)2 + u(k)2 ), (3.4)

with q ∈ R, q ≥ 0.

0 e)* Would an infinite horizon LQ controller ensure the stability of the closed-loop system? Consider all
1 possible values of q.
2 Hint: No computation is needed.

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f)* Describe what is the expected behavior of the closed-loop state trajectory for q → 0 and q → ∞. 0

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Problem 4 Dynamic Programming (23 credits)
Hint: Problems that can be solved without solving previous subproblems first are marked by *.

A robot must approach a target in N steps. The robot dynamics is

x(k + 1) = x(k) + T u(k),
where x(k) ∈ R is the longitudinal position of the robot along the one-dimensional path, and u(k) ∈ R is the
(constant) speed imposed during a sampling interval of length T , i.e. ((k − 1)T,kT ].

u(−1) u(0) u(1) u(N − 2) u(N − 1)

x(0) x(1) x(N − 1) x(N )

0 1 N −1 N

Let the target be in the origin xorig = 0. We want to determine the commanded speed u(k) for each step
k = 0, . . . ,N − 1 by minimizing the following cost function
X −1
J0→N = x(N )2 + (u(k) − u(k − 1))2 . (4.1)
| {z } | {z }
terminal cost stage cost

0 a)* Give an interpretation of the stage cost and the terminal cost, referring to their physical meaning.

Let the robot be initially at position x̃, with a speed equal to v. We can then formulate the following optimal
control problem
min J0→N (4.2a)
u(k),k=0,...,N −1

x(k + 1) = x(k) + T u(k), k = 0, . . . ,N − 1

s.t. x(0) = x̃ (4.2b)

u(−1) = v

where J0→N is defined as in (4.1).


b)* Using Dynamic Programming, determine the first optimal input u(0)∗ and the overall cost J0→2 ,
1 for T = 1, N = 2.

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c) Compute the input sequence and the trajectory of the robot for the full horizon. 0

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Observe that, using the solution from 4b), the robot reaches the target xorig = 0 only for specific values of
the parameters x̃ and v. To ensure that the vehicle reaches the origin, a terminal constraint can be used. We
therefore consider the following optimal control problem

min J0→N (4.3a)

u(k),k=0,...,N −1

x(k + 1) = x(k) + T u(k), k = 0, . . . ,N − 1

x(0) = x̃
s.t. (4.3b)

u(−1) = v
x(N ) = 0

where, again, J0→N is defined as in (4.1). Observe that the terminal cost is identically zero and can be

d)* Let us again consider T = 1, N = 2. Can you guess for which values of the parameters x̃ and v the two
problems (4.2) and (4.3) yield the same solution?
v = 0, ∀x̃.

x̃ = 1, v = 1.

v=− .
x̃ = 0, ∀v.

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0 e) Motivate your choice for 4d).

f)* Which of the following is the optimal solution to (4.3)?

Hint: Remember that x(2) = x(0) + u(0) + u(1).
x̃ x̃
u(0)∗ = , u(1)∗ = .
2 2
v − 2x̃ v + 3x̃
u(0)∗ = , u(1)∗ = − .
5 5
u(0)∗ = 0, u(1)∗ = 0.
v − x̃ x̃
u(0)∗ = , u(1)∗ = − .
3 2

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g) Using the result from 4f), compute the optimal cost J0→N (4.1) associated to the optimal solution to 0
problem (4.3). 1

h) Compare the value of the cost for the two solutions to problem (4.2) and (4.3), respectively, and give an 0
interpretation of the comparison. For which values of the parameters x̃ and v the two costs are equal? Why? 1

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Additional space for solutions–clearly mark the (sub)problem your answers are related to and
strike out invalid solutions.

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