Staff Memo LDC 2021-07-2 RVPark

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Staff Report Land Development Code Text Amendment

LDC 2021-07
Copies of the submitted application are available at the Clay County
Administration Office, 3rd floor, located at 477 Houston Street, Green Cove Springs, FL 32043

Applicant: Bourre’ Holdings LLC

3168 Hwy 17 S., Ste. B
Fleming Island, Fla., 32003

Agent: Rogers Towers, PA/ Wyman Duggan, Esq.

1301 Riverside Blvd., Suite 1500
Jacksonville, Fla 32207

This application is a proposed text amendment to Article III Section 3-33, Planned Unit Development (Zone
PUD). Specifically, the proposed text amendment would amend Sec. 3-33(l) Conditional Uses to add
Campground/Recreational Park as an allowable conditional use in Planned Unit Development zoning district.
In addition, the proposed amendment will require any deviation from the conditions provided in Sec. 20.3-5
will require approval through a PUD Zoning District.

Presently, Campground/Recreational Park is only allowed in the Private Services (PS-2) zoning district as a
conditional use. The proposed change would add Campground/RV Park as an allowable conditional use in
the PUD zoning district. As such, a Campground/Recreational Park is required to meet all the requirements
set forth in Sec. 20.3-5(n) of the Land Development Code to be allowed as a conditional use. Any deviation
to the conditions required under the allowable condition uses for a PUD must be approved through the PUD

Applicant’s Proposed Text Amendment and included in red below:


(a) Intent and Purpose. It is the purpose of this Section to permit Planned Unit Developments
which are intended to encourage the development of land as planned communities; encourage
flexible and creative concepts of site planning; preserve the natural amenities of the land by
encouraging scenic and functional open area; accomplish a more desirable environment than
would be possible through the strict application of the minimum requirements of this Regulation;
provide for the efficient use of land resulting in smaller networks of utilities and streets and
thereby lowering development and housing costs; and provide a stable environment character
compatible with surrounding areas.

(b) The following terms, phrases, words, and derivations shall have the following meanings:

LDC 2021-07
(1) Common Open Space. An area of land, or an area of water, or combination of land and
water within the area of a Planned Unit Development which is designated and intended
for the use or enjoyment of residents of the Planned Unit Development in common.
Common open space may contain such recreation structures and improvements as are
desirable and appropriate for the common benefit and enjoyment of residents of the
Planned Unit Development.

(2) Gross Acreage. The total number of acres within the perimeter boundaries of a
Planned Unit Development.

(3) Land Owner. The legal or beneficial owner or owners of all the land proposed to be
included in a Planned Unit Development; the holder of an option or a contract to
purchase or a person having possessory rights of equal dignity will be deemed to be a
land owner for the purpose of this Regulation, so long as the consent to the Planned
Unit Development of the owners of the fee simple title in the land concerned is

(4) Net Acreage. The total number of acres within the perimeter boundaries of a Planned
Unit Development, excluding areas devoted to streets, rights-of-way, easements, lakes,
public and private open space, and recreation areas.

(5) Plan. The proposal for development of a Planned Unit Development, including a plot
of subdivision, all covenants, grants of easement, and other conditions relating to use,
location and bulk of buildings, density development setbacks, common open space, and
public facilities. The plan shall include such information as required by Paragraph (c)

(c) Procedure for Approval of a Planned Unit Development. The procedure for obtaining a change
in a zoning district for the purpose of undertaking a Planned Unit Development shall be as

(1) Planned Unit Development Zoning and Master Plan. The applicant shall submit to the
Board of County Commissioners a request for change to a Planned Unit Development
zoning classification and a proposed Master Land Use Plan containing the following

(i) A vicinity map showing the location of the proposed Planned Unit Development,
relationship to surrounding streets and thoroughfares, existing zoning on the site
and surrounding areas, and existing land use on the site and surrounding areas.
(ii) A boundary survey map indicating with reasonable certainty the location of each
zoning classification.
(iii) A topographic survey. The most recent U.S.G.S. topographic survey may be
utilized if no better topographic information is available.
(iv) A Master Plan showing or describing the proposed land uses, lot sizes (for
residential uses), building setbacks, open spaces, and streets and thoroughfares.
(v) A table showing acreage for each category of land use and total acreage; a table
of proposed maximum and average densities and setbacks for residential land

LDC 2021-07
(2) Thereafter, the application shall be processed as any other zoning application in
accordance with the provisions of these Regulations. The Board of County
Commissioners may approve, disapprove, or modify and approve the proposed Master

(d) Final Development Plan. If rezoning approval for the Planned Unit Development is granted,
within thirty (30) months the applicant shall submit to the Planning and Zoning Department for
approval a Final Development Plan covering all of the approved Master Plan. The thirty month
time period for submittal does not apply to development approved pursuant to a Development of
Regional Impact (DRI) adopted under Section 380.06, Florida Statutes. The Final Development
Plan shall include the following exhibits:

(1) A map drawn to scale of 100 feet to one inch by a registered surveyor and/or engineer

(i) The location of existing property or right-of-way lines, both for private property
and public property, streets, buildings, water courses, transmission lines, sewers,
bridges, culverts and drain pipes, water mains, and any public utility easements.
(ii) Wooden areas, streams, lakes, marshes, and any other physical conditions
affecting the site.
(iii) Width, location, and names of surrounding streets.
(iv) Proposed streets and street names and other vehicular and pedestrian circulation
systems, including off-street parking.
(v) The use, size, and location of all proposed building sites.

(2) Statistical Information:

(i) Total acreage of the site.

(ii) Maximum building coverage expressed as a percent of the area.
(iii) Area of land devoted to recreation purposes expressed as a percent of the total
site area. Recreation space must be equal to or greater than 10 percent of the
gross acreage. Of this 10 percent, 4 percent must be for usable recreation
purposes as defined by the growth management plan.
(iv) Calculated density for the proposed section.

(e) Revision of Planned Unit Development. Any proposed major or substantial change in the
approved Planned Unit Development which affects the intent and character of the development,
the density or land use pattern, the location or dimension of streets, or similar substantial changes
shall be reviewed by the Local Planning Agency and the Board of County Commissions in the
same manner as an application for a rezoning under subsection (c). A request for a revision
requires a written statement demonstrating the reasons the revisions are necessary or desirable.
Changes applied for by the Land Owner which do not affect the intent or character of the
development will be submitted to the Planning and Zoning Department for approval. Any
proposed change submitted for a portion of an approved Planned Unit Development Master Plan
in which the applicant seeking the change does not control all of the real property located within
the Planned Unit Development must be reviewed by the Local Planning Agency and the Board
of County Commissioners in the same manner as an application for a rezoning. In addition to
all other notice requirements that may be applicable, such applicant shall be responsible for

LDC 2021-07
mailing a notice of the public hearings to all other owners of real property located within the
Planned Unit Development not controlled by such applicant, as determined from the records of
the Property Appraiser’s Office. In such cases where the PUD is also a DRI, such notice shall
only be mailed to all owners of parcels of real property within the PUD that are located within
1,000 feet of the property for which the change is being requested. The mailed notice must
include a statement that the Local Planning Agency and the Board of County Commissioners
will be considering the proposed change, that sets forth the time, date and place of the hearings,
the title of the proposed ordinance approving the change, the place within the County where such
proposed ordinance may be inspected by the public, and a summary of the change pre-approved
by the Director of the Planning and Zoning Division, and that advises that interested parties may
appear at the meetings and be heard with respect to the proposed ordinance. One notice
containing the dates, times an place of all hearings before the Local Planning Agency and the
Board of County Commissioners as well as all other required information may be utilized, and
shall be mailed no later than 15 days prior to the date of the hearing before the Local Planning
Agency. Prior to the Local Planning Agency’s hearing, the applicant shall provide to the County
a copy of the mailed notice, a list of property owners who were mailed the notice, and a sworn
affidavit signed by the applicant stating that the notices were mailed out prior to the 15 day
minimum by postage prepaid first class mail. For purposes of this subsection, control means
ownership of title or possession of a dated writing from the owner of title authorizing the
applicant to seek the change on behalf of such owner, provided that the date of such writing
cannot be more than 180 days prior to the date of the application. For purposes of the sentence
immediately preceding, title means fee simple, a life estate or a primary leasehold interest that
has a remaining term, including options, at the time of the application, of 25 years or more. For
purposes of the sentence immediately preceding, a primary leasehold interest is a leasehold
interest from the fee simple owner or the owner’s predecessor authorizing the holder of the
interest to take and hold full possession throughout the term of the interest.

(f) Planned Unit Development Time Limitations.

(1) The following time limitations shall apply to all PUD Zoning Districts other than those
granted for development within a DRI.

(i) If substantial construction, as determined by the Planning and Zoning Director

has not begun within four (4) years after approval of the Planned Unit
Development under Section hereof, the approval of the Planned Unit
Development will lapse.
(ii) At its discretion and for good cause, the Board of County Commission may
extend for one additional year the period for beginning construction. If the
approved Planned Unit Development lapses under this provision, the Planning,
Zoning and Building Administrator shall cause the Planned Unit Development
district to be removed from the Official Zoning Map, mail a notice by registered
mail of revocation to the owner, and reinstate the zoning district which was in
effect prior to the approval of the Planned Unit Development.

(2) The following time limitations shall apply to all PUD Zoning Districts granted for
development within a DRI: Physical development within the site, as determined by the
Planning and Zoning Director, shall occur consistent with the phasing schedule adopted
in the DRI Development Order, as such may be amended from time to time. Should the
Planning and Zoning Director determine that physical development has not occurred

LDC 2021-07
consistent with the time frames adopted in the applicable DRI Development Order, the
approval of the Planned Unit Development shall lapse. If the approved Planned Unit
Development lapses under this provision, the Planning Zoning and Building
Administrator shall suspend the Planned Unit Development district and so note its
suspension on the Official Zoning Map and mail a notice by registered mail of suspension
of the PUD zoning district to the owner. No development shall be allowed within the
PUD parcel until such time as a new PUD is approved consistent with the requirements
of this Section and the conditions in the DRI Development Order, unless the DRI is
abandoned or expires. In such a case, the zoning will revert to that which was in effect
prior to approval of the DRI.

(g) Deviation from the Development Plan. Any unapproved deviation from the accepted
Development Plan shall institute a breach of agreement between the applicant and the County.
Such deviation may cause the Board of County Commission to immediately revoke the
Development Plan until such time as the deviations are corrected or become a part of the accepted
Development Plan.

(h) Minimum Acreage. For residential uses, the minimum size parcel to be considered for Planned
Unit Development shall be five acres. However, if the Planned Unit Development is to include
a combination of non-residential uses and residential uses, the parcel is not required to adhere to
this minimum size standard.

(i) Phase Development.

(1) A Planned Unit Development as defined herein may be developed in phases with the
approval of the Board of County Commissioners. In the event the applicant desires to
develop a Planned Unit Development in phases for other than development within a DRI,
the applicant shall submit a Schedule of Phases in addition to those items required in
Paragraph (c) above with the application for zoning.

(2) The Final Development Plans for the first phase shall be submitted within 12 months of
the approval of the Planned Unit Development. Final Development Plans for each
subsequent phase shall be submitted not later than six months prior to the date of
commencement of each phase for the approval by the Board of County Commissioners.

(3) Multi-County Planned Unit Development. The requirement that substantial construction
begin within two years of approval of the Planned Unit Development shall be satisfied
by commencing substantial construction in either county.

(4) Developments of Regional Impact. A Planned Unit Development approved for

development within a DRI is recognized as phased development not subject to the
requirements of subsubsection (l) above and not subject to the requirement for a Final
Development Plan for phase 1 or any subsequent phases.

(j) Visual Barrier: Proposed non-residential development shall be buffered from adjacent land
within the residential land use categories identified in Section 20.3-8 with a ten (10) foot
landscaped area, minimum six (6) foot high opaque barrier (fence or vegetation) and tree planting
thirty (30) feet on center. For all development commenced on or after January 28, 2003, the
provisions of this subsubsection shall not apply. For developments that commence after this

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date, the provisions of Article VI of the Clay County Land Development Code (the Tree
Protection and Landscaping Standards) will apply. (Rev. 02/08/11)

(k) Permitted Uses.

(i) Any residential use or, in the case of a mixed-use PUD, any nonresidential use, provided
that each proposed use must be approved by the Board of County Commissioners at the
time of zoning approval.
(ii) Garage sales will be allowed up to a maximum of two garage sales within any calendar
year. The duration of each garage sale shall be a maximum of 72 hours and may be
conducted only within daylight hours. No sign advertising a garage sale may be placed
on any public right-of-way. Rev. 04/22/08

(l) Conditional Uses - The following uses are permitted in the PUD Zoning District, subject to the
conditions provided in Section 20.3-5. Any deviation from the conditions provided in Sec. 20.3-
5 will require approval through a PUD Zoning District.
(1) Land Clearing Debris Disposal Facility. (Amended 6/98 - Ord. 98-27)

(2) Public Educational Facilities (Amended 10/99 - Ord. 99-55)

(3) Dwelling unit with kitchen addition for parent, grandparent or child
(Amended 5/03 – Ord. 03-40)

(4) Recreational Vehicle parking for temporary use (amended 11/07 – Ord.2007-66).

(5) Home Occupations. Rev. 04/22/08

(6) Swimming Pools. Rev. 04/22/08

(7) Residential Group Homes. Rev. 04/22/08

(8) Accessory Dwelling Units. Rev. 05/26/09

(9) Medical Marijuana Treatment Center Dispensing Facility

(10) Campground/Recreational Park

(m) Accessory Structure – Within the residential portions of planned unit developments, customary
accessory structures shall be permitted subject to the following:
(Rev. 07/27/2010)

(1) On lots of one acre or less:

(i) no accessory structure shall exceed the height of the primary structure; and,

(ii) all other lot size requirements must be met as established within this Article.

(iii) minimum setbacks for accessory structures shall be five (5) feet from side and

LDC 2021-07
rear property lines; and,

(iv) maximum rear yard coverage by accessory structures shall be 30%.

(2) On lots of more than one but less than two acres:

(i) no accessory structure shall exceed the height of the primary structure within
Urban Core, Urban Fringe or planned community land use; and,

(ii) within Rural Fringe, Rural Residential and Agriculture Residential land use, no
accessory structure shall exceed the height of the primary structure unless the
structure is set back at least fifteen (15) feet from the side and rear property lines.
In no event shall the height of such accessory structure exceed more than twenty
(20) feet measured from the lowest floor of the primary dwelling.

(iii) all other lot requirements must be met as established within this Article.

(iv) minimum setbacks for accessory structures shall be five (5) feet from side and
rear property lines; and,

(v) maximum rear yard coverage by accessory structures shall be 30%.

(3) On lots of more than two acres:

(i) no accessory structure shall exceed the height of the primary structure within
Urban Core (10), Urban Fringe or Planned Community land use; and,

(ii) within Rural Fringe, Rural Residential and Agriculture Residential land use, no
accessory structure shall exceed the height of the primary structure unless the
structure is set back at least fifteen (15) feet from the side and rear property lines.
In no event shall the height of such accessory structure exceed the height of the
primary structure by more than 25%; and,

(iii) all other lot requirements must be met as established within this Article.

(iv) minimum setbacks for accessory structures shall be five (5) feet from side and
rear property lines; and,

(v) maximum rear yard coverage by accessory structures shall be 30%. (Amended
7/03 – Ord. 03-74)

No accessory structure or use may be constructed or established on any lot prior to the
issuance of a building permit for the principal structure. Accessory structures are
prohibited within the side and, with the exception of waterfront lots, front yards. Rev.

(n) All structures shall be set back a minimum of 50 feet landward from the ordinary high water line
or mean high water line, whichever is applicable; for waters designated as Aquatic Preserves or
Outstanding Florida Waters, the setback will be 100 feet. These setbacks shall not apply to

LDC 2021-07
structures on lots or parcels located landward of existing bulkheads permitted by the St. Johns
River Water Management District or Florida Department of Environmental Protection.

(o) Waterfront lot widths shall be a minimum of one hundred feet at the ordinary high water line or
the mean high water line, whichever is applicable. Lot width shall be measured by the chord
terminated by the property corners at the ordinary high water line or the mean high water line as
applicable. (amended 5/05 – Ord. 05-18)

This is a request to amend the Land Development Code to add Campground/Recreational Park as a
conditional use in the Planned Unit Development zoning district and the require any deviation from the
conditions provided in Sec. 20.3-5 to be approved through a PUD zoning district. Staff recommends
approval of the proposed changes shown above.

LDC 2021-07

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