Title of The Program Media (SLE's) : "Am I Not Enough?" Goals
Title of The Program Media (SLE's) : "Am I Not Enough?" Goals
Title of The Program Media (SLE's) : "Am I Not Enough?" Goals
The goal is to make the members share their expectations and gain positive
interpersonal relationship with others and able to reflect their experiences as a
young parent and also learn on Responsible Parenthood/Family Planning.
Materials Needed:
Reading materials
The worker came in the venue earlier and waited for the members to come. He
prepared the needed materials and the PowerPoint presentation for the discussion.
The worker welcomed the group members optimistically to create positive group
environment. It was started by a prayer. After that a short exercise through tiktok dance.
After the group was energized by the tiktok dance. The group started the introduction
proper or the getting to know each other with a twist, simply say their names, age and pick
a song title that describes their life. The group was filled with laughter with all the
responses they had. Also the worker had no exception, so the worker also introduced to
the group and the purpose of creating the group.
Before the discussion, the worker will emphasize the importance of confidentiality
and respect as they will be sharing personal experiences about their life and how they
handle different issues knowing that they are teenage parents in the midst of this Covid-19
pandemic. For the discussion, the worker will instruct the members what will happen
during the whole process of the session.
After all those fun, a serious part of the session happened, the worker distributed
the pretest exam to the each group members to answer. After they answered the pretest.
The worker introduced the topics that would be discussed to the whole duration of the
program. They are amazed and excited. They addressed some concerns regarding the
dates of the sessions and its time. So the worker took record of the said changes and the
final dates were being finalized.
At the start of the session, the worker starts to discuss different issues of parental
problems in the Philippines and the effect of this issues to children. How other parents
handle different struggles in terms of parenting in the midst of this pandemic crisis in such
a young age and lacking of expertise in parenting.
After the discussion, they will go back to their activity and the worker will ask them
the reasons behind their representation. This is where the in depth sharing will happen.
The worker should always remember the importance of controlled emotional involvement
during the whole process. At this time, the worker will allow each members to share their
understanding and what they feel after the learning session, their insights and view about
parenting skills and responsible parenthood.
After the sharing, the worker will review all the topic from the start and answer
different questions from the members related to the session and if there’s something
personal the worker will handle it properly. After those times, they will have a
documentation proper such as getting photos for some record purposes. For the last time,
the worker will repeat the schedule for the next session and then proceed to a dismissal
thru a closing prayer.
- Responsible Parenthood
-Parenting skills
-Family Planning
1. What are your realizations and learnings at the send of the session?
2. Are you capable enough to handle the responsibility being a parent?
3. What do you feel after the session?
4. Are you interested to learn more about the topic in the session?
5. Do you find this session helpful to yourself?
This session aims to develop the member’s group dynamics. This will assist the
worker in building relationship and being resilient in a practical way as their learnings
applied to real life scenario of being a teenage parents and establish a fundamental bases
in the reality of parenting world. Social integration is also considered, with each group
member having a common understanding of the group's purpose and objectives. In
addition, sense of belongingness among
each member will be built for the reason that they have some physical participation
although it is limited. Group cohesiveness is also essential in conducting sessions. Thus,
this set up will improve the group cohesion because it is more on engagement among
other members.
Members of the group become independent in dealing parenting situation and they
can share their knowledge and learnings to other people as well they believed that it will
improved someone’s life condition.
The members of the group will improved their behavior and techniques in terms of
dealing parenting issues to solve their current problems by means of their learnings and
experiences; hence collaborative efforts for the group members will improve them
holistically by means of group discussion and real life application.