Rebuttal Letter For Any Fines or Fees
Rebuttal Letter For Any Fines or Fees
Rebuttal Letter For Any Fines or Fees
Dear ,
Article 61 of the 1215 Magna Carta was invoked according to correct constitutional protocols on
the 23rd March 2001, effectively deposing the head of state dissolving all governments beneath her
of any authority over the people. It is her majesties government, not the government’s her majesty.
The usurped Queen would not have responded to the baron’s petition had she not been
constitutionally required to do so. The 1215 Magna Carta is a forever binding document as clearly
stated in Articles 1, 61 and 63. I lawfully stand under Article 61 of the 1215 Magna Carta, until you
provide evidence that Article 61 has been revoked then you have no authority to make any demands
on me.
Thus, it is unlawful for you to demand payment from me for the sum of without authority
to do so. There has been no crime committed here as there is no victim in this matter. Any further
attempts to extort money or goods from me regarding this issue will result in a claim of tort against
you personally.
I urge you to consider Nuremberg “I was just doing my job” is no defence as evidenced from those
Maxim in Law
Ignorance of the law is no excuse
Autograph: Date: