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Journal of CO₂ Utilization 27 (2018) 223–237

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Promising catalytic synthesis pathways towards higher alcohols as suitable T

transport fuels based on H2 and CO2

Steffen Schemmea, , Janos Lucian Breuera, Remzi Can Samsuna, Ralf Petersa, Detlef Stoltena,b
Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH, Electrochemical Process Engineering (IEK-3), 52425 Jülich, Germany
Chair for Fuel Cells, RWTH Aachen University, 52072 Aachen, Germany


Keywords: To address the pressing challenges of energy security and global warming, the coupling of the energy generation
Power-to-Fuel and transport sectors using Power-to-Fuel (PtF) technologies is an attractive strategy. PtF means the synthesis of
Electrofuels transport fuels based on CO2 from industrial exhaust gases and H2 produced from renewable electricity via
Synthetic fuels electrolysis.
Renewable energy storage
This paper provides a comprehensive overview of the synthesis possibilities and potentials of H2 and CO2-
CO2 utilization
based methanol and higher alcohols (C1–C8; from methanol up to octanol) as alternative transport fuels by
adapting established and novel alcohol synthesis pathways to the PtF concept and assessing their technical
maturity using the Technology Readiness Level (TRL) method. A literature review reveals that among the al-
cohols, methanol, ethanol, 1-/2-/iso-butanol and 1-octanol have the highest relevance for fuel blending. With
the aim to give a first impression, we roughly estimated and discussed the production costs depending on the H2
costs. We estimated the TRL of promising synthesis pathways towards alcohols at 8 for methanol and at 4 for
ethanol, 1-butanol and iso-octanol. For 1-octanol, no suitable synthetic pathway is currently known.

1. Introduction increasingly referred to as electrofuels [9–12] or e-fuels [7,9,13,14].

In a sustainable system, CO2 can for instance be sequestrated from
In the process of transitioning towards a sustainable energy system biogas or industrial exhaust gases, e.g. from cement, steel and chemical
(in German: the Energiewende), the replacement of conventional energy industry. Also CO2 sequestration from air can be considered. In cement
sources with renewable ones, as well as the reduction of CO2 emissions plants for instance, 70% of the emitted CO2 is chemical reaction [15]
across all sectors, are fundamental objectives. Since renewable energy related. According to Harp et al. [16], for an integrated steelwork, the
sources are subject to natural fluctuations and thus may not always only economically feasible way to de-carbonize in the short term is to
match with demand, suitable energy storage technologies must be de- use the CO2 emissions as a feedstock, e.g. for a Power-to-Methanol
veloped to ensure the security of supply. A promising storage option to process. In an integrated steelworks, the use of coke oven gas can also
harness the energy that cannot be used directly in the system is the be a source for the required H2 [16]. In Germany, around 19Mt CO2
production of H2 by means of electrolysis. The secondary energy carrier were emitted by the cement industry in 2016 [15]. This amount of CO2
H2 can then be used in the currently fossil fuel-based transport sector, is more than 8 times higher than the CO2 demand which Power-to-Fuel
for instance in fuel cell vehicles. Aside from use in fuel cell cars, an processes would have been required to cover Germany’s fuel ethanol
attractive strategy to surmount the challenges arising from the consumption in 2016 of 1485 million liters [17].
Energiewende is coupling the energy generation, industrial and trans- Beside the catalytic conversion based on H2 and CO2, the conver-
portation sectors using Power-to-Fuel (PtF) technologies: the synthesis sions via biocatalytic systems [18,19], bioelectrocatalytic systems [20]
of transport fuels based on CO2 and H2 produced from renewable and electro-reduction [21] towards fuels and chemicals are emerging
electricity by electrolysis [1–8]. In the literature, these fuels are fields.

Abbreviations: BuOH, butanol; CI, compression-ignition; EtOH, ethanol; EC, European Commission; DME, dimethyl ether; FT, Fischer-Tropsch; MAS, mixed-alcohol-
synthesis; MeOH, methanol; MON, motor octane number; MTD, methanol-to-DME; OME, polyoxymethylen dimethyl ether; PrOH, propanol; PtF, Power-to-Fuel; RFS,
renewable fuel standard; RON, researched octane number; rWGS, reverse water-gas shift; SI, spark-ignition; SoA, state-of-the-art, TRL > 9; STD, synthesis gas-to-
DME; TRL, technology readiness level

Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (S. Schemme).
Received 6 February 2018; Received in revised form 9 July 2018; Accepted 24 July 2018
2212-9820/ © 2018 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
S. Schemme et al. Journal of CO₂ Utilization 27 (2018) 223–237

The use of non-food based feedstocks (lignocellulosic, algal biomass emissions. It thus can be concluded, that fine chemicals do not offer an
and CO2, CO/H2 from industrial flue gases or from waste or biomass avoidance option for large amounts of CO2 [35]. Bulk chemicals other
gasification) is an emerging field [22]. Potential advantages of bioca- than urea, which already uses CO2 as a feedstock, have a CO2 avoidance
talysis and bioelectrocatalysis are moderate temperatures and pres- potential of ∼20 million tons CO2, which corresponds to ∼0.43% of
sures, toleration regarding trace amounts of contaminants in feed gas, the EU’s greenhouse gas emissions [35]. In contrast to that, the trans-
decreased sensitivity to syngas component ratio, higher conversion due port sector accounts for ∼23% of the global anthropogenic CO2 emis-
to irreversibility of biological reactions and high yield due to high en- sions [36].
zymatic specificity [20,23]. Especially bioelectrocatalytic processes In order to give a first impression, the production costs are roughly
show high economic potential [20]. Syngas fermentation is still a re- estimated and compared with the current resale price of bioethanol,
latively immature technology but may play a role in future energy methanol from natural gas and the refinery wholesale price of fossil
systems [23,24]. Main challenges of biocatalytic processes are the up- gasoline.
scale from laboratory-scale, the unclear sustainability and the many
examples of slow and resource intensive development [18]. 2. Methods
According to Qiao et al. [21], beside low catalyst activity, low
product selectivity, insufficient fundamental understanding, and non- A future fuel produced with PtF technologies will need to fulfill two
optimized electrode/reactor and system design for practical applica- key criteria: suitability as a fuel with easy integration into the existing
tion, insufficient catalyst stability/durability is probably the biggest fuel systems and an economically-viable synthesis [3,4]. The focus of
challenge of electro-reduction processes. The CO2 reduction product this contribution is the development of synthesis pathways by adapting
strongly depends on the electro catalyst material [25]. Mixtures of low known and novel processes to the PtF concept. At the same time, in this
hydrocarbons and oxygenates can be produced with Cu catalyst. Using step the technological maturities of the pathways are estimated to make
Cu catalyst, direct electro-reduction of CO2 to ethene seems to be a a closer selection in favor of the most promising synthesis pathways.
competent pathway [26]. In this contribution, the technical maturity of the process steps and
The principles of sector coupling are described in detail by Robinius synthesis pathways is evaluated via the technology readiness level
et al. [27]. The roles of the transport sector and alternative fuels in the (TRL) method which ranks the maturity of a technology on a scale from
context of the Energiewende for a carbon-neutral economy are also 1 to 9. This method was developed by the United States Department of
outlined in detail in the literature [4,11,27,28]. Since electrofuels offer Defense [37] and adopted by the European Commission in the Hor-
a convenient storage option for renewables from all sources and can at izon2020 program [38]. Since the adaption of the original TRL method
the same time be added to the existing infrastructure and used in to other research fields lacks in clear definition, the European Com-
conventional vehicles, these fuels have great potential to harness re- mission developed a guidance which is consistent among energy related
newable energy for the transport sector in the near future. Furthermore, research fields [39]. This guidance does not replace existing definitions,
as outlined in the literature, especially for heavy duty vehicles, there is but rather clarifies the definitions to be consistent all energy related
a long-term need for liquid fuels [4]. The main conceivable electrofuels research fields.
can be subdivided into three groups [4]: The adapted TRL steps from 1 to 9 referring to the guidance prin-
ciples for renewable energy technologies of the European Commission
1. Hydrocarbons [39] are listed in Table 1 Commercial industrial processes are defined
2. Alcohols (methanol, ethanol, …) as state-of-the-art (SoA) in this work.
3. Ethers (DME, OMEn)
3. Suitability of alcohols as transport fuels
In their recent review regarding the production costs of electrofuels,
Brynolf et al. [9] consider hydrocarbons, methanol and DME. This can This section provides an overview of investigations regarding the
be accounted for by the gap in the literature concerning the production suitability of alcohols as blend partners for conventional gasoline and
of higher alcohols via the PtF concept. However, the suitability of al- diesel fuels. Due to their oxygen content, alcohols are in general not
cohols as fuels is discussed in detail in the literature [29–34]. Apart suitable for usage as aviation fuels. One reason for this is the lower
from methanol, synthesis processes for the selective production of calorific value compared to hydrocarbons [40]. This would reduce the
C1–C8 alcohols are biomass or petrochemistry-based. Based on the in- vehicle’s range and the fleet’s efficiency. According to the standard for
terest in PtF on the one hand and alcohols as transport fuels on the synthetic jet turbine fuels, ASTM D7566, oxygen-containing compo-
other, the aims of this contribution are to: nents must be hydro-processed to remove essentially all of the oxygen
[41]. Besides the thermal stability, another reason for this is that oxy-
• Deliver a comprehensive overview regarding the suitability of me- genated species can impact ground handling equipment by attacking
thanol and higher alcohols (C1–C8; up to octanol) as transport fuels the materials [42].
and corresponding possible synthesis pathways based on H2 and Their physical properties limit or qualify alcohols as blending ad-
CO2. mixtures for conventional gasoline and diesel fuels. For European
• Develop synthesis pathways by adapting known and novel processes countries, the requirements to be met by automotive diesel and gasoline
to the PtF concept. are described in the standards EN 590 [43] and EN 228 [44], respec-
• Estimate the technical maturities of the adapted processes. tively. Leitner et al. [45] state that the impact of each property relates
• Make a first selection regarding the most promising synthesis to their various technical and environmental impacts, as well as to the
pathways. tendencies of the desired values of each property to enable a clean and
• Identify further research gaps for further investigation. efficient combustion.
The basic physical properties of gasoline [46,47] and diesel
It is worthwhile to note, that the discussed synthesis pathways also [4,47,48] fuels are extensively discussed in the literature. The funda-
offer promising syntheses for chemicals. This is especially the case for mentals of compression-ignition (CI) and spark-ignition (SI) engines,
methanol, since it is the one of the most important industrial bulk including their respective combustion processes, are for instance de-
chemicals. However, this paper is focusing on fuels since the transport scribed in detail by Bergthorson and Thomas [49]and Leitner et al.
sector offers a big market volume. [45].
According to Otto et al. [35], the potential of CO2 consumption for Alcohols from methanol (C1) through to octanol (C8) are also ex-
fine chemicals in the EU corresponds to ∼0.029% of EU greenhouse gas tensively discussed. The most frequently discussed alcohols are

S. Schemme et al. Journal of CO₂ Utilization 27 (2018) 223–237

Table 1
Definition of the Technology Readiness Level (TRL) according to the EC Horizon2020 programm [38] and the EC TRL guidance [39].
TRL Definitions according to the EC Horizon2020 program [38] Clarified definitions according to EC TRL guidance [39]

1 Basic principles observed Identification of new concept, application and barriers

2 Technology concept formulated Definition of application, consideration of interfaces and commercial
3 Experimental proof of concept Proof of concept prototype ready: concept is laboratory tested
4 Technology validated in lab Integrated small-scale prototype with auxiliary system laboratory
5 Technology validated in relevant environment (an industrially-relevant environment in the case Large-scale prototype completed with auxiliaries, refined commercial
of key enabling technologies) assessment
6 Technology demonstrated in relevant environment (an industrially-relevant environment in the Technology pilot in relevant environment, manufacturing strategy
case of key enabling technologies) defined
7 System prototype demonstration in operational environment Pilot demonstrated in operational environment, manufacturing
approach demonstrated
8 System complete and qualified Technology in its final form, low-rate production
9 Actual system proven in operational environment (competitive manufacturing in the case of key System fully operational and ready for commercialization
enabling technologies; or in space)

methanol, ethanol and butanol. A detailed discussion about the appli- renewable fuels that must be used annually as a blending partner for
cation of methanol and ethanol as drop-ins or pure fuels can be found in conventional fuel in the United States. This was created by the Energy
Menrad and König [29]. An overview of methanol as a drop-in or pure Policy Act of 2005 and was enhanced by the Energy Independence and
fuel is also given by Zhen and Wang [50]. Yusri et al. [30] reviewed Security Act of 2007 [66,67].
engine performance and the exhaust emissions of the alcohols me-
thanol, ethanol, and butanol in CI and SI engines. A systematic review
4. Analysis of synthesis pathways and technical maturity
of the use of methanol, ethanol and butanol in SI engines concerning
the effects of performance, emissions, combustion characteristics and
This section provides an overview of conventional and novel
required car modifications was given recently by Awad et al. [51].
synthesis pathways, which present conceivable pathways for the
Reviews of the usage of butanol and pentanol are given in Vinod
synthesis of alcohols utilizing the PtF concept. Additionally, the tech-
Babu et al. [31], Trindade and Santos [32], as well as Rajesh Kumar and
nical maturity is estimated. Based on the technical maturity, as well as a
Saravanan [33]. The review by Rajesh Kumar and Saravanan [33] also
further estimation of the potential, the most promising synthesis
includes hexanol, octanol, dodecanol (C12) and phytol (C20). Octanol is
pathways are selected. The result of this selection is depicted in Fig. 3.
identified as a promising alternative diesel fuel, for instance by Hoppe
et al. [52], Cai et al. [53], Kerschgens et al. [54] and Janssen et al. [55].
Analytical assessments for octanol as SI and CI engine fuels were carried 4.1. Conceivable reactions and processes
out by Wallner et al. [34] and Rajesh Kumar et al. [56,57], respectively.
Rajesh Kumar et al. [56] indicate 1-octanol to be an excellent next Conceivable processes for the synthesis of higher alcohols are the
generation diesel fuel. For comparison, the physical properties of the modified methanol and Fischer-Tropsch (FT) syntheses, Ziegler alcohol
primary C1-C8 alcohols can be found in Table A1 in the Appendix A. synthesis, aldol (aldehyde + alcohol) condensation and oxo synthesis.
Additionally, a brief evaluation of the influence of the molecular Oxo synthesis is also known as hydroformulation and is today’s SoA
structure on the physical properties is given in the Appendix A. The technology for selective alcohol synthesis.
differences in the energy content are negligible, while isomers have a An overview focusing on the catalysts of modified methanol and FT
higher potential as drop-in for the Otto engine due to their higher oc- syntheses for alcohol synthesis including conversion and selectivity is
tane number and the primary alcohols having a higher potential as given in Surisetty et al. [68]. Modified FT syntheses include, for in-
drop-in for the diesel engine with their higher cetane number. stance, the Synthol and Synol processes. A short critical review of re-
Referring to their properties, which more closely resemble con- cent developments regarding alcohol synthesis on cobalt-copper cata-
ventional gasoline, Wallner et al. [34] note higher alcohols to be more lysts via the FT reaction is given by Xiang and Kruse [69]. The chain
interesting than shorter alcohols like ethanol. Amongst others, Trindade growth reactions of both the modified methanol and Fischer-Tropsch
and Santos [32] confirm this statement by comparing ethanol with n- syntheses are dictated by the Schulz-Flory distribution [68,69] or
butanol and pointing out its advantages and disadvantages. Gaussian distribution [70], depending on the catalyst and reaction
According to many studies [32,33,52,53,57–62], alcohol-blended conditions. Based on the presence of pilot plants for the synthesis of
fuels can improve the combustion process in engines and have the alcohols with modified methanol and Fischer-Tropsch catalysts [71],
potential to decrease pollutant emissions compared to pure fossil ga- the technical maturity of these processes is estimated with a TRL of at
soline or diesel. In general, soot emissions are also significantly de- least 8.
creased. NOx, CO, and HC emissions depend on the test engine running The Ziegler alcohol synthesis, like the Alfol process, is based on
conditions, which are indicative of engine optimization potential. One oligomerization reactions of ethylene on aluminum catalyst with oxy-
optimization, for instance, could be advanced injection timing [63]. To genation of the resulting alkyl group [72]. The result is a broad range of
summarize, the literature reveals that methanol, ethanol, 1-/2-/iso- linear alcohols with a distribution corresponding to a Poisson curve
butanol and 1-octanol have the highest relevance with regard to the use [73]. The product distributions of the modified methanol and FT
of alcohols as alternative fuels. syntheses, as well as of the Ziegler alcohol processes, lead to insufficient
Methanol, ethanol and butanol are already commonly used as drop- selectivity for a specific alcohol. Since the chain growth reaction is
in fuels. Methanol is regulated as a fuel for the USA in the Energy Policy completed when the product stream leaves the reactor, it is not rea-
Act of 1992, while ethanol and butanol are regulated and defined by the sonable to recycle the unwanted products after separation. Therefore,
Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS) [64,65]. In European gasoline, a 3% the modified Fischer-Tropsch and methanol syntheses are not con-
blend is standard [44]. In Sweden and China, unblended methanol is sidered in the following. In contrast, the aldol condensation and oxo
used in some instances. The RFS prescribes a legally-defined quantity of synthesis are explained. Fig. 1 shows the aldol condensation via the
example of the synthesis of butanol from ethanol.

S. Schemme et al. Journal of CO₂ Utilization 27 (2018) 223–237

4.2. Reverse water-gas shift reaction

In the PtF concept, synthesis pathways start from H2/CO2. However,

as stated above and also as the following shows, some processes require
a process step wherein the reverse water-gas shift (rWGS) reaction
appears upstream to convert CO2 and H2 into CO and H2O to provide
synthesis gas (H2/CO). Thermodynamically reasonable temperatures
are above 900 °C [86,87]. These temperatures are technically realistic
[88]. Unde [89] proved a commercial Ni/Al23O16-catalyst to be stable
Fig. 1. Aldol condensation of ethanol to n-butanol. under these conditions. Schmidt et al. [90] estimate a TRL of 6 for the
rWGS technology.

During conventional aldol condensation, an unsaturated Cn+1 al-

4.3. Methanol synthesis
dehyde is formed from two Cn aldehydes with the elimination of water.
The Cn aldehydes are formed by the dehydrogenation of Cn alcohols
The synthesis of methanol is conceivable via two different path-
(compare Fig. 1: ethanal). To transform unsaturated Cn+1 aldehydes
ways: synthesis from H2/CO2 [91–95] and synthesis from H2/CO
(see Fig. 1: crotonaldehyde) into Cn+1 alcohols (see Fig. 1: butanol),
[96–98]. The SoA is the synthesis from H2/CO via the “low-pressure
either a Cannizzaro reaction or hydrogenation with H2 is carried out. In
methanol process” [99]. According to Ott et al. [99], the production
the Cannizzaro reaction, the aldehyde reacts in a strongly basic medium
volume of methanol was 47 Mt in 2011, of which the largest part was
to alcohol and the salt of a carboxylic acid [74], whereas in the hy-
synthesized with H2/CO. The estimated TRL of methanol synthesis from
drogenation only alcohol is produced. The Cannizzaro reaction is used
H2/CO2 differs in the literature. Referring to Schmidt et al. [90] and
in the Guerbet process [75–77], while hydrogenation is used in the
Buddenberg et al. [100], the TRL of the methanol synthesis from H2/
Alfol process [72].
CO2 is 9 and 8, respectively. Perez-Fortes et al. [101] estimate a TRL of
Fig. 1 shows the pathway via hydrogenation with the product n-
6–7. The TRL estimation can be justified with the presence of two pilot
butanol. The aldol condensation is carried out with two identical al-
plants: one operated by the company CRI in Iceland opened in 2012
cohol molecules, as mentioned before, or with two alcohol molecules of
with 1300 t/yr capacity and expanded in 2014 to 4000 tMeOH/yr, which
different chain lengths. In the literature, the availability of data for the
is today’s worldwide largest plant [102], and the other operated by
condensation of alcohols with different chain lengths is worse, which is
Mitsui Chemicals Incs. in Osaka since 2008 producing 100 tMeOH/yr
caused by low selectivities and yields. An example of the comparatively
[103]. Table 1, Since the existing synthesis process is stable enough for
poor selectivities and yields for alcohols of different chain length is the
a low-rate production and the company CRI sells the H2/CO2 based
aldol condensation of propanol from ethanol and methanol, which is
methanol to customers, we estimate the TRL at 8, referring to the de-
described by Ueda et al. [78].
finitions given by the European Commission (see Table 1).
The dehydrogenation of ethanol to ethanal is a SoA process carried
According to the company’s website of CRI [104], commercial scale
out over Cu-catalysts with 90% yield. An alternative is the oxidation of
plants with 50 MtMeOH/yr are actively planned in projects (FreSMe
ethanol [79]. Although process like the Veba-Chemie process show
project and MefCO2 project). The projects aim to demonstrate the
yields of 97–99%, the loss H2 due to water formation would sig-
technology’s readiness for commercialization, which would lead to a
nificantly decreases the process efficiency in the Power-to-Fuel concept.
TRL of 9.
Oxo synthesis, also known as hydroformylation, is the second way
The commercially used catalyst for methanol synthesis based on H2/
to expand the carbon chain in alcohols [80–82]. It was developed in
CO/CO2 is the CuO/ZnO/Al2O3 system [105]. However, these catalysts
1938 by Otto Roelen [83] and is the SoA for the production of alcohols,
suffer from low selectivity and insufficient stability when using H2/CO2
whereby over 50% of worldwide production is the result of the synth-
[106]. Moreover, the presence of water resulting from the CO2 hydro-
esis of butyraldehyde from propanol [80,83,84]. According to Todic
genation leads to catalyst deactivation [105]. Rodriguez et al. [107]
et al. [85], who discuss the development of hydroformylation in
provide an overview for the CO2 hydrogenation on Cu and Au centers
1980–1995, hydroformylation is most often used in industrial pro-
and state that metal-oxide and metal-carbide interfaces are promising
cesses, such as the UCC or BASF processes. Industrial processes can be
to increase the synthesis efficiency.
subdivided in such, which use rhodium based catalysts and such, which
Reviews regarding the experimental or theoretical CO2 conversion
use cobalt based catalysts. A more detailed discussion of the different
and selectivity of various Cu-, Ag-, Au-, Pd- and LaCr0.5Cu0.5O3 and
industrial processes, including process selectivities and catalyst systems
regarding Cu-based, Pd-based and other catalysts including CO2 con-
is given by Bahrmann et al. [80].
version and selectivity and technological advances are published by
Fig. 2 shows the oxo synthesis of propene to butanol. During hy-
Saeidi et al. [108] and Jadhav et al. [105], respectively.
droformylation, a Cn olefin (Fig. 2: propene) reacts with H2/CO
Martin et al. [106] unveiled that In2O3 supported ZrO3 could be a
(synthesis gas) and an unsaturated Cn+1 aldehyde (Fig. 2: butanal),
promising alternative. We estimate the TRL at 3 since Martin et al.
which is then converted into a Cn+1 alcohol (Fig. 2: butanol) via hy-
[106] did successful catalyst screening in a micro reactor. Although the
drogenation. The required olefins are currently obtained exclusively
TRL is relatively low, Martin et al. [106] state that In2O3/ZrO2 catalysts
through petrochemical processes [83].
show a high efficiency, remarkable stability, 100% selectivity and
outstanding activity under industrially relevant conditions and thus
could pave the way for new technologies for methanol synthesis via
CO2 hydrogenation.

4.4. Ethanol synthesis

Ethanol is industrially produced via fermentation of sugar (from

grain starches, sugar beets or sugar crops) using microorganisms
[68,109]. Another bio-based pathway is the fermentation of non-sugar
lignocellulose. The development of this process is on the demonstration
Fig. 2. Oxo synthesis of propene and synthesis gas to 1-butanol. level and has a TRL of 7 [109]. An overview of production pathways

S. Schemme et al. Journal of CO₂ Utilization 27 (2018) 223–237

Fig. 3. Overview of synthesis pathways developed.

towards ethanol from sugar, lignocellulosic and algal biomass including estimated to be 4, since tests have already been carried out at the la-
advances and future direction in syngas fermentation is provided by boratory scale [127]. The synthesis gas, which is required for direct and
Devarapalli and Atiyeh [22]. Synthetic ethanol is industrially produced indirect synthesis, can be produced via the reverse water-gas shift re-
by means of the hydration of ethylene from the petrochemical industry action from CO2 and H2.
[110,111]. These pathways however do not match with the PtF con- Since ethanol cannot be synthesized via oxo synthesis from methane
cept. and synthesis gas, in 1951 Wender et al. [151] presented a special case
Direct ethanol synthesis via CO2 hydrogenation is complex and of the ethanol synthesis pathway via the homologation of methanol
suffers from a low selectivity and conversion rate [71,112]. A com- with synthesis gas. Due to the poor data availability and low selectivity
prehensive review regarding thermodynamics, catalyst and reactor for ethanol, this pathway is not considered in the following. However,
development, as well as the status of the technology underlying various referring to Subramani and Gangwal [71], this approach might be
catalytic pathways from H2/CO to ethanol, is given by Subramani and promising in terms of yield and selectivity.
Gangwal [71]. According to their analysis, the commercial success of
the direct synthesis from H2/CO is thermodynamically- and kinetically-
limited by low yields and selectivity. In 2011, the TRL of the direct 4.5. Propanol synthesis
synthesis of ethanol from H2/CO was at a maximum of 4, since there
were no prototype plants at that time [113], but the reaction has al- The SoA process for the industrial production of propanol is the oxo
ready been successfully carried out in a laboratory setting [114,115]. synthesis using H2/CO and petrochemical ethene [152]. As explained in
Other possible synthesis pathways are direct syntheses (Mixed- 4.1 before for the oxo synthesis in general, industrially used catalyst for
Alcohol-Synthesis (MAS) or Fischer-Tropsch synthesis) from H2/CO the oxo synthesis of ethane to propanol are mainly rhodium- or cobalt
[71,110,113–126], or synthesis from DME and H2/CO [118,127–130]. based [152]. A global player in this synthesis is, for instance, OXEA
In the latter case, DME and CO are converted to methyl acetate which is [153]. A novel approach is direct synthesis from ethene, CO2 and H2
then hydrogenated to ethanol and methanol [130]. As stated in Section [154–156]. Since there are already suitable catalysts and tests have
4.1, direct syntheses have insufficient selectivity. The intermediate been carried out in the laboratory, the TRL is estimated to be 4.
product DME can be synthesized directly by means of a bifunctional Besides production via oxo synthesis, the hydrogenation of propanal
catalyst from H2/CO (Synthesis gas-to-DME; STD) [131,132] or H2/CO2 is the most important pathway in the industry [152], whereby the
[93,133–141] or indirectly via the intermediate product methanol propanal is supplied by the petrochemistry. The hydrogenation of
(Methanol-to-DME; MTD [98,142–148]) [149]. propanal corresponds to the hydrogenation of the aldehyde in the scope
The non-biomass-based SoA processes for DME comprise the in- of oxo synthesis (see Fig. 2). Both process pathways are SoA.
direct synthesis via methanol and direct synthesis via H2/CO, where the An uninvestigated alternative pathway is the aldol condensation
indirect route is used more frequently [150]. An example for MTD is the from ethanol and methanol [78,152]. The TRL of this pathway is esti-
Lurgi MegaDME process using standard γ-Al2O3 with typical per pass mated at 2, since no catalyst has been investigated thus far.
methanol conversion of 70–85 % [148]. The synthesis gas (H2/CO) used The ethene needed for the oxo synthesis can be produced by cata-
in conventional plants mostly comes from the petrochemical industry. lytic dehydration from ethanol [157–161]. This process is particularly
The TRL of direct synthesis of DME from CO2 and H2 is estimated to be relevant for the production of ethylene from bioethanol, for which
4, since suitable catalysts already exist and tests have been carried out several plants already exist [161]. According to Mohsenzadah et al.
at the laboratory scale [133]. A current challenge is to increase the [161], the used catalyst can be subdivided in the four main categories
selectivity and durability of the catalysts [133]. phosphoric acid-, oxide-, molecular sieve- and hereropoly acid catalyst.
The TRL of the synthesis of ethanol from DME and H2/CO is In their work, Mohsenzadah et al. [161] give a detailed overview of
already existing industrial plants and catalyst systems. On the basis of

S. Schemme et al. Journal of CO₂ Utilization 27 (2018) 223–237

the already existing plants, the TRL of the ethene synthesis from ethanol mentioned at this point, is the production of butanol with the so-called
is estimated at 9. Industrial ethene is produced from naphtha derived ABE (acetone, butanol, ethanol) fermentation [163]. However, this
from the petrochemical industry [162]. fermentation cannot be used in the defined methodology of the PtF
4.6. Butanol synthesis 2-butanol, favored as a drop-in for gasoline, can be hydrated from
butene [83,163]. This petrochemistry-dependent process is SoA
Until mid-1950, 1-butanol was industrially produced by the croto- [163,189]. Aside from the petrochemistry, butene can be synthesized
naldehyde hydrogenation of acetaldehyde. The crotonaldehyde hydro- via the dehydration of 1-Butanol [189–192]. This dehydration is esti-
genation is subdivided in the aldolization of acetaldehyde to acetaldol mated with a TRL of 3–4, since on the one hand catalysts are being
over alkaline catalysts, the acidification of acetaldol to crotonaldehyde researched [191] and on the other, laboratory tests have already been
and the hydrogenation of crotonaldehyde to Butanol over copper cat- carried out to determine suitable synthesis conditions [190,192]. Re-
alysts [163]. According to Eckert et al. [79] the appropriation of ferring to the investigation of Geilen et al. [189] regarding the in-
acetaldehyde strongly depends on prices and availability of raw mate- dustrial synthesis of butene, the dehydration of butanol has shown no
rials. At that time, acetaldehyde was mainly produced from acetylene or industrial significance up until now.
petrochemically produced ethanol [79]. The crotonaldehyde hydro-
genation was replaced in the mid-1950s by the hydroformylation (oxo 4.7. Pentanol synthesis
synthesis) of propene, which was invented through Otto Roelen in 1938
[164] and gained industrial attention in the mid-1950s. Until 1970 the Pentanol is produced industrially by oxo synthesis from butene and
oxo synthesis was done over cobalt-based catalysts at high pressures synthesis gas [193]. An alternative is aldol condensation from ethanol
[80,163]. From mid-1970s to today, the oxo synthesis is done as low- and propanol [194]. The technical maturity of this synthesis pathway is
pressure oxo (LPO) process over rhodium catalysts, which was jointly estimated with a TRL of 3 due to a current challenge in the development
developed by Union Carbide, Davy McKee, and Johnson Matthey [80]. of suitable catalysts [194].
A detailed overview of the industrially used catalysts of the oxo
synthesis, including working conditions and process developers, can be 4.8. Hexanol synthesis
found in Tuta and Bozga [165]. Today, the low-pressure oxo process
from H2/CO and propene is the SoA process for 1-butanol production Cyclohexanol can be produced via the intermediate products of
[166–170], whereby the propene is supplied by petrochemistry [171] cyclohexene or phenol [195], both of which are SoA. Iso-hexanol can be
or as a by-product from ethene production [171]. However, this creates produced via aldol condensation from propanol [196]. Since tests have
a direct correlation of the butanol price with the oil price [159]. Widely already been carried out in a laboratory setting [196], the TRL of this
uninvestigated alternative propene syntheses are the dehydration of process is estimated to be 4. Industrially, 1-hexanol is produced via the
2propanol [172–174] and 1-propanol [171]. Since no suitable catalysts Ziegler process from ethene or from coconut or palm oils [73]. A the-
with sufficient selectivity and yield have been identified thus far, the oretical possibility more selective processwould be the synthesis of 1-
TRL of the propanol dehydration is estimated to be 2. The products of hexanol via hydroformylation based on pentene and synthesis gas,
the oxo synthesis are 1-butanal and iso-butanal, which must subse- whereby the TRL of this synthesis path is conservatively estimated to be
quently be hydrogenated to butanol (see Fig. 2). Besides the propene 1 due to lack of evidence in the literature.
hydroformylation (oxo synthesis) and crotonaldehyde hydrogenation
(aldol condensation), the Reppe process developed in 1942 has 4.9. Heptanol synthesis
achieved industrial importance for 1-butanol production [163]. In the
Reppe process (also called carbonylation) olefins, carbon monoxide and Pure 1-heptanol has very little commercial importance and can be
water react under pressure to butanol [175]. However, the process produced by oxo synthesis from petrochemical 1-hexene [73]. In pre-
technology is more expensive, and as a result the oxo synthesis with Co sence of Rh-catalyst, the intermediate heptanal is produced highly se-
catalyst has been more successful [163]. A novel direct synthesis en- lective. The oxo synthesis towards 1-heptanol is a SoA process
ables both hydroformylation and hydrogenation, in parallel, in one [153,197]. Greish et al. [197] discovered promising Ni-Cr-Pt-catalysts
reactor over Shvo catalyst [176]. Catalysts and kinetics have already for selective hydrogenation of heptanal into 1-heptanol.
been researched [176], and so the TRL of this synthesis is estimated to
be 4. 4.10. Octanol synthesis
Caused by improved bioethanol production and the already men-
tioned strong dependence of the butanol price from the oil price, there 1-Octanol does not belong to the industrially-important alcohols
is an increased research activity [177–184] in using the aldol con- and is currently mainly used in the perfume industry [73]. Today, 1-
densation to produce butanol from ethanol in one reactor. According to octanol is predominantly produced from petrochemical ethylene via
Dowson et al. [178] and Pang et al. [180], the aldol condensation is a Ziegler alcohol synthesis and petrochemical n-heptene via oxo synthesis
perfect possibility to upgrade from biomass produced ethanol to bu- [56]. Both processes yield mixtures of alcohols. Examples for industrial
tanol for utilization as drop-in for gasoline. Beside the use as drop-in for 1-octanol produced by means of Ziegler alcohol synthesis are Alfol 8 by
gasoline, Iso-butanol can be used to produce renewable jet fuels Condea and Lorol C 8 by Henkel [73]. As a biomass-based pathway, 1-
[185,186]. This is beside Fischer-Tropsch one of the few possibilities to octanol can be synthesized from biomass-produced furfural [45,198]. In
produce jet fuels based on renewable electricity. the literature, there is no process for the synthesis of 1-octanol either on
A current challenge is the achievement of a higher selectivity a laboratory, prototype or industrial scale to be used in the PtF concept.
[178–180]. Since most researchers are working on laboratory scale with Iso-octanol (2-ethyl-hexanol) can be synthesized via oxo synthesis
micro-reactors [177,179,180], the TRL of the aldol condensation of 1- [199] or via aldol condensation [167,200–202] from n-butanol.
butanol from ethanol is estimated to be 3–4. According to Sasol North America Inc. [202], there has been an
Other research activities to produce butanol are the synthesis of iso- industrial plant for octanol production via aldol condensation in the
butanol directly from synthesis gas, which is limited due to low se- USA since 1962 and other plants in Germany (1964), Russia (1981) and
lectivity [187] and the aldol condensation of ethanol and methanol to China (1998). With regard to the molecular structure of the octanol
iso-butanol, for which suitable catalysts have not been found yet [188]. produced, no statement is made in the reference. However, based on the
For that reason, the TRL of the aldol condensation of ethanol and me- general data, it is assumed that iso-octanol is produced in these plants.
thanol is assumed to be 2. Another possibility, which has to be The required butanol for the aldol condensation is produced from

S. Schemme et al. Journal of CO₂ Utilization 27 (2018) 223–237

ethanol, whereby this process ends at butanal, since it is the required pathways results in the synthesis pathways shown in Fig. 4. Ad-
educt for the aldol condensation (see Fig. 1). The hydrogenation of ditionally, our estimated technical maturity (TRL, SoA) is also pre-
butanal to butanol is therefore omitted in the scope of this process. sented.
As is shown in Fig. 1, in the conventional process the aldol con- Fig. 5 illustrates the technical maturity of a complete route shown in
densation and subsequent hydrogenation are carried out stepwise in Fig. 4 limited by the lowest TRL occurring along the route.
separate reactors. Industrially used catalysts are e.g. sodium hydroxide The presented synthesis pathways to produce higher alcohols based
for the aldol condensation of n-butanol and Cu- or Ni-catalyst for the on H2 and CO2 provide a basis for further investigations regarding
hydrogenation to iso-octanol [196]. process evaluation and goal-oriented catalyst research. As highlighted
A novel process investigated by Patankar and Yadav [196] and by Saeidi et al. [108], not only the catalyst, but also the reactor con-
Liang et al. [203] is the direct synthesis of iso-octanol from n-butanol figuration has significant influence on the synthesis performance. Thus,
via aldol condensation. In this synthesis approach, both reactions take innovative reactor designs are also necessary.
place in parallel in one reactor over bi/tri-functional catalysts (e.g. Co/ Compared with Power-to-Fuel synthesis pathways relating to hy-
Al2O3, Ru/Al2O3, Cu/Al2O3 [203]). Direct synthesis would simplify the drocarbons (Fischer-Tropsch) and ethers (DME, OME3-5), the synthesis
process design. pathways of higher alcohols generally show lower degrees of technical
The technical maturity of the direct synthesis in one reactor to iso- maturity. Fischer-Tropsch is already a globally-established technology
octanol is evaluated with a TRL of 4, since catalysts have already been and can be adapted to the synthesis from H2 and CO2 with the rWGS
successfully tested with conversions of 100% [203] and one pot technology. OME3-5, meanwhile, is industrially-produced in China from
synthesis on a laboratory scale with selectivities of 90% [196]. coal, with the intermediate product of methanol. A comparative as-
sessment regarding various aspects such as, for example, techno-eco-
4.11. Alkenes nomic analyses, process efficiencies, further potential and in-vehicle
fuel suitability, as well as integration in a holistic assessment of the
The alkenes needed for the oxo syntheses presented are synthesized transport sector, would reveal the potential of a future fuel system.
by the dehydration of the next lower alcohols (see Fig. 2). Alternative
alkene syntheses include the Methanol-to-Olefins process [204], pro- 6. Economical aspects
duction via the Fischer-Tropsch process [205,206] or the DME-to-Ole-
fins process [207]. In these processes there is always a product dis- With the aim to give a first impression, the production costs de-
tribution and selectivity regarding a particular alkene cannot be pending on the H2 costs [$/kgH2] are roughly estimated and compared
guaranteed, so these processes are not considered in the subsequent with the current resale prices of bioethanol, methanol from natural gas
analysis. and the refinery wholesale price of fossil gasoline.
Since the different substances vary in their lower heating value (see
5. Results and discussion Tables A1 and A2 in the Appendix A), the term liter gasoline equivalent
(lGE) was used. 1 lGE represents the amount of alternative fuel it takes to
The assessment of the technical maturity and analysis of possible equal the energy content of 1 liter gasoline (32.2 MJ/l [217]).
synthesis pathways in the context of the Power-to-Fuel concept result in To determine the required H2 demand, we used the net reaction
the developed pathways shown in Fig. 3. equation and assumed a product selectivity of 100%, which means that
The dotted lines mark the synthesis pathways, which are neglected the only byproduct is water. The availability of data for methanol en-
from further consideration due to inadequate product selectivity or ables us to make a more detailed cost analysis. A detailed description of
technological maturity. The alcohols pentanol, hexanol and heptanol the evaluation of production costs of methanol based on H2 and CO2
are also not considered further in the following, since according to can be found in the Appendix A.
Section 3, the alcohols methanol, ethanol, butanol and octanol have the Fig. 6 shows the productions costs [$/lGE] dependent on the raw
highest fuel drop-in potential and should therefore be further in- material costs for H2 [$/kgH2]. In the case of methanol, also CAPEX and
vestigated. Additionally, synthesis is barely possible via oxo synthesis other OPEX are considered to deliver a more realistic value. Detz et al.
with many intermediate products for the excluded fuels. Furthermore, [218] calculated the costs for a Power-to-Fuel pathway towards me-
the technological maturity of the hexanol synthesis and heptanol thanol. In their case, an intermediate H2 cost of 7.1 $/kg leads to me-
synthesis is very low. Branched and unbranched alcohols are sum- thanol production costs of 1.5 $/kg. For comparison, this value was
marized in Fig. 3 with the name of the respective primary alcohol. To added to the diagram. It can be seen, that the costs for CAPEX and other
provide a complete overview, the technical maturity, process descrip- OPEX have marginal impact on the production costs. The production
tion, educts and references of the developed synthesis pathways to- costs are mainly dominated by the costs for H2. A comprehensive
wards the intermediate products and alcohols are listed in Tables 2 and comparison of cost ranges of biofuels is given by Brynolf et al. [9]. In
3, respectively. comparison, the production costs of electrofuels are in the upper range,
In a direct comparison, the oxo synthesis generally offers a higher or more expensive than most biofuels.
selectivity than the aldol condensation. However, a recent publication For ethanol, butanol and octanol, the plant investment costs are
showed increased selectivity of the aldol condensation [196], wherein expected to be notably higher. However, it can be expected that costs
the carbon chain length is doubled in one process step, unlike in the oxo for H2 still dominate. Using base cost assumptions from literature,
synthesis, in which the carbon chain grows only by one carbon atom per Brynolf et al. [9] calculated electrofuel production costs of 2.17–3.04
two process steps. Therefore, for the examples described in Figs. 1 and $/lGE for 2015 and 1.73–2.23 $/lGE for 2030. According to the calcu-
2, the synthesis of 1-butanol from ethanol via oxo synthesis requires lations of Detz et al. [218], in 2050, beside electricity costs also costs for
four process steps, while the synthesis via aldol condensation requires CO2 become crucial for the electrofuel production, representing
only one. It can be concluded that for the oxo synthesis, many more 32–48% of the total production costs.
process steps are needed, thus increasing the energy input, for example Comparing electrofuel price in dependency of the H2 costs with the
by separating columns and recycling loops. market prices excluding taxes of gasoline from crude oil [219], me-
According to Atsonios et al. [118], the ethanol synthesis via the thanol from natural gas [220] and bioethanol [221], represented as
intermediate DME offers a higher selectivity, is more effective and less horizontal lines in Fig. 6, it can be concluded, that electrofuels can
cost-intensive compared to the ethanol synthesis from synthesis gas become competitive with cheap conventional fuels, if the costs for H2 is
produced using the rWGS reaction. The latter is therefore not con- around 2 $/kg. The price of iso-butanol produced from corn was as-
sidered in the following. Simplifying Fig. 3 with the non-promising sumed to be 1.21 $/lGE [222]. This value can be met with a H2 price

S. Schemme et al. Journal of CO₂ Utilization 27 (2018) 223–237

Table 2
Overview of alcohol synthesis, including estimated technological maturity.
Alcohol TRL Synthesis Educts Reference

Methanol 9 Direct synthesis CO2, H2 [91–94]

SoA Direct synthesis CO, H2 [96–98]
Ethanol 4 – DME + CO, H2 [118,127–129]
5–9 Direct synthesis, CO, H2 [71,110,113–125]
Propanol SoA Oxo synthesis Ethene, CO, H2 [152]
4 Direct synthesis Ethene, CO2, H2 [154–156]
SoA – Propanal [152]
2 Aldol condensation Ethanol, methanol [78,152]
Butanol SoA Oxo synthesis, Reppe process Propene, CO, H2 [85,163,166–170,208]
4 Oxo direct synthesis Propene, CO, H2 [176]
3–4 Aldol condensation Ethanol [177–184,209]
Iso-butanol 2 Aldol condensation Ethanol, methanol [188]
3 Direkt synthesis CO, H2 [187]
2-butanol SoA Hydration Butene, H2O [83,163]
Pentanol SoA Oxo synthesis Butene, CO, H2 [193]
2-pentanol 3 Aldol condensation Ethanol, iso-propanol [194]
Cyclohexanol SoA – Cyclohexene [195]
Iso-hexanol 4 Aldol condensation Propanol [196]
Hexanol 1 Oxo synthesis Pentene, CO, H2 –
Heptanol SoA Oxo synthesis Hexene, CO, H2 [153]
Octanol 1 – – –
Iso-octanol (2-Ethyl-Hexanol) SoA Oxo synthesis Heptene, CO, H2 [199,210]
SoA Aldol condensation Butanal [167,200–202]
4 Aldol condensation Butanal [196,203]
(direct synthesis)

Table 3 7. Conclusion
Synthesis pathways of intermediate products.
Product TRL Comments Educt Reference
The syntheses of methanol and higher alcohols via Power-to-Fuel
technologies offer an alternative that is petrochemically-independent
CO, H2 8–9 ATR Hydrocarbons [211] and does not compete with food production or land use. Alcohols can be
CO, H2 6 rWGS reaction CO2, H2 [90] used as transport fuel blend partners with the potential to increase
DME SoA MTD Methanol [98,142–147]
4 – CO2, H2 [93,133–141]
engine efficiency and decrease emissions.
SoA STD CO, H2 [131,132] As is indicated in Section 3, the most preferred alcohols for use as
Ethene 9 Dehydration Ethanol [157–161] blend partners in transport fuels are methanol, ethanol, 1-butanol, 2-
Propene 2–3 Dehydration Propanol [171,212] butanol and 1-octanol. Methanol and ethanol are already used con-
2-3 Dehydration 2-propanol [172–174]
ventionally as fuel blend partners. Within the framework of the Power-
Butene 3–4 Dehydration 1-butanol [189–192]
Butanal 4 Dehydrogenation 1-butanol [213] to-Fuel (PtF) concept, the syntheses of these alcohols based on H2 and
Penten 3–4 Dehydration 3-pentanol [214] CO2 vary in their preferable pathways and technical maturity.
Hexene 3 Dehydration Hexanol [215] The direct synthesis of methanol from H2 and CO2 has already
Heptene 3 Dehydration Heptanol [216] achieved a high level of technical maturity (TRL 8). The high technical
Alkenes SoA Methanol-to-Olefins Methanol, H2, CO [204]
(mixture) SoA Fischer-Tropsch H2, CO [205,206]
maturity and probably high efficiency of this synthesis allows for a
Olefins simple adaption to commercial-scale plants.
SoA DME-to-Olefins DME [207] Starting at H2 and CO2, the most promising synthesis pathway to-
wards ethanol is via the intermediates DME and synthesis gas. We es-
timate a TRL of 4 for this synthesis pathway.
around 4 $/kg. Octanol was neglected in the market price comparison Conceivable synthesis pathways for butanol in the context of the PtF
since it is a fine chemical nowadays. concept are via aldol condensation and oxo synthesis. Since the re-
It is worthwhile to note, that the cost comparison with conventional quired propane for oxo synthesis is currently a petrochemical product,
fuels does not consider the benefits of electrofuels (CO2 reuse, use of the aldol condensation has a higher potential with respect to the PtF
surplus electricity, fossil independency, de-fossilization, CO2 mitiga- concept. For both pathways, process engineering analyses can provide
tion, carbon footprint etc.). The answer regarding the difference be- conclusions about techno-economic potential. We estimate a TRL of 4
tween a single process efficiency and impact on the effectivity of a for the aldol condensation of ethanol to 1-butanol.
whole energy system requires further investigations, e.g. greenhouse According to the investigations described in Section 4.10 (see
gas analyses, life cycle analyses, energy system analyses. Table 2), no suitable synthetic pathway is currently known for the
The main objective of Power-to-Fuel technologies is not to be fully synthesis of 1-octanol. That is why we estimate a TRL of 1 here. The
competitive on the market, but more to help to effectively counteract stepwise oxo synthesis is discouraged at this point due to the dis-
climate change. Beside Bio-to-Fuel technologies which might suffer proportionate number of necessary process steps. A possible synthesis
from land usage and food production competition, Power-to-Fuel pathway could be the aldol condensation of 1-butanol. This is the
technologies are the only technologies that can lead to de-fossilization current state of the art (SoA) process for iso-octanol. At this point,
of liquid fueled transport modes. targeted catalyst tests can provide information about potentials for the
synthesis of 1-octanol by means of aldol condensation. As a first

S. Schemme et al. Journal of CO₂ Utilization 27 (2018) 223–237

Fig. 4. Most promising pathways towards higher alcohols based on H2 and CO2 and their technical maturity.

for H2 is around 2 $/kgH2. However, the aim of electrofuel production is

not to be cost competitive with conventional fuels. Benefits such as CO2
reuse and mitigation, use of surplus electricity, fossil independency, de-
fossilization as well as impact on the effectivity of a whole energy
system need additionally be considered.
To summarize, although alcohol synthesis via aldol condensation
was replaced by oxo synthesis in the 1950s, which is the current SoA
process, we conclude from our investigations that the aldol condensa-
tion pathway is preferable within the PtF concept due to its having
fewer necessary process steps. However, catalysts still show insufficient
selectivity. There is therefore a need for research, especially in catalyst
Fig. 5. Technical maturity of complete synthesis routes towards higher alcohols and reactor development, to increase the selectivity, on the one hand,
based on H2 and CO2. and process design and techno-economic assessment of the novel syn-
thetic pathways, on the other.


The authors would like to thank Joachim Pasel, Maximilian Decker,

Stefan Weiske – all Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH, Institute of
Energy and Climate Research, IEK-3 – Electrochemical Process
Engineering – for valuable input. Further thanks are addressed to the
members of the JARA Energy seed fund, “Power to Fuel,” and its suc-
cessor - The Competence Center Power to Fuel. JARA (Jülich-Aachen
Research Alliance) is an initiative of RWTH Aachen University and the
Forschungszentrum Jülich. Additionally, this work was performed
Fig. 6. Production costs of alcohols as electrofuels depending on H2 costs. partly in the frame of the project house TESYS (Technology based en-
ergy systems analysis) of RWTH Aachen University financed by the
impression, methanol and ethanol based on H2 and CO2 can compete in Excellence Initiative of the German federal and state governments to
terms of production cost with cheap conventional fuels when the price promote science and research at German universities.

Appendix A

Influence of the molecular structure on the physical properties

To evaluate the influence of the molecular structure of alcohols on physical properties and fuel suitability, the physical properties of 1-butanol, 2-
butanol, iso-butanol, tertiary butanol, 1-octanol and iso-octanol are compared in Table A2. The differences in the lower heating value are negligible,
while the isomers have a higher potential as drop-in for the Otto engine due to their higher octane number and the primary alcohols having a higher
potential as drop-in for the diesel engine with their higher cetane number. Amongst the butanol isomers, tertiary butanol is least suitable for fuel

S. Schemme et al. Journal of CO₂ Utilization 27 (2018) 223–237

Table A1
Physical properties of the primary C1-C8 alcohols.
Fuel Property n-methanol n-ethanol n-propanol n-butanol n-pentanol n-hexanol n-heptanol n-octanol
Formula CH3OH C2H5OH C3H7OH C4H9OH C5H11OH C6H13OH C7H15OH C8H17OH

Lower heating value [MJ/kg] 19.92 26.81 30.68 33.11 34.76 35.97 36.88 37.59
[223] [223] [223] [223] [223] [223] [223] [223]
Boiling point 64.7 78.3 97.1 117.5 137.9 157 175 195
[°C] [224] [224] [224] [224] [224] [225] [225] [225]
Flash point 11 13 22 35 49 59 71 81
[°C] [50] [226] [227] [30] [228] [225] [225] [225]
Self-ignition temperature [°C] 465 423 371 343 300 304 275 253
[50] [226] [225] [225] [225] [225] [225] [225]
Research Octane Number (RON) 108.7 108.6 [229]; 102.6 96 78 – – –
[50,229] 111.2 [230] [230] [230]
Motor Octane 88.6 89.7 [229] – – – – – –
Number (MON) [50,229]
Cetane Number 3 8 12 17 20 23.3 29.5 39.1
[50] [231] [232] [232] [232] [233] [233] [233]
Vapor pressure 168 79 28 9 3 1 < 10−3 < 10−3
[kPa] [223] [223] [223] [223] [223] [223] [223] [223]
at 25 °C
Heat of evaporation [kJ/kg] 1169 924 798 722 648 625 599 555
[223]; [223]; [223]; [223]; [223]; [223]; [223]; [223];
1109 918 728 585 509 605 575 545
[50] [30] [30] [30] [225] [225] [225] [225]
Viscosity 0.07 0.14 0.24 0.32 0.42 0.55 0.71 0.89
[mm/s²] [223] [223] [223] [223] [223] [223] [223] [223]
at 25 °C, 1 bar
Density 790 786 800 804 812 816 821 826
[kg/m³] [223] [223] [223] [223] [223] [223] [223] [223]
at 25 °C, 1 bar
Solubility in water 1000 1000 1000 68 22 5.9 1.67 0.54
[g/L] [225] [225] [225] [225] [225] [225] [225] [225]
25 °C

Table A2
Physical properties of primary butanol and octanol, as well as their isomers.
Fuel Property 1-butanol iso-butanol 2-butanol tert-butanol 1-octanol iso-octanol
Formula C4H9OH C4H9OH C4H9OH C4H9OH C8H17OH C8H17OH

Lower heating value 33.11 33.04 33.00 32.70 37.59 37.57

[MJ/kg] [223] [223] [223] [223] [223] [223]
Boiling point 117.5 107.9 [234] 99.6 82.4 195 183
[°C] [224] [234] [234] [225] [225]
Flash point 35 [30]; 28 24 11 81 81
[°C] 29 [235] [235] [235] [235] [225] [225]
Self-ignition temperature 343 415 405 478 253 270
[°C] [225] [235] [235] [235] [225] [225]
Research Octane Number (RON) 96 105 105 105 – –
[230] [46,236] [46] [237]; 103 [236]
Motor Octane Number (MON) 85 90 93 89 – –
[46] [46] [46] [237]
Cetane number 17 – – – 39.1 34
[232] [233] [238]
Vapor pressure 9 1.4 2.3 5.6 < 10−3 < 10−3
[kPa] [223] [223] [223] [223] [223] [223]
at 25 °C
Heat of vaporization 722 702 680 629 555 559
[kJ/kg] [223]; [223] [223] [223] [223]; [223]
585 545
[30] [225]
Viscosity 0.32 0.42 0.38 0.58 0.89 0.91
[mm/s²] [223] [223] [223] [223] [223] [223]
at 25 °C, 1 bar
Density 804 798 802 783 826 830
[kg/m³] [223] [223] [223] [223] [223] [223]
at 25 °c, 1 bar
Solubility in water 68 66,5–90.9 181 1000 0.54 0.88
[g/L] [225] [225] [225] [225] [225] [225]
at 25 °C

S. Schemme et al. Journal of CO₂ Utilization 27 (2018) 223–237

blending due to the high solubility of 1000 g/L in water.

Details of economic assessment of methanol production based on H2

In general, production costs [€/lGE] depend on capital expenditures (CAPEX) and operational expenditures (OPEX). Since the plant investment
costs depend on the plant size, a plant size needs to be determined for the comparison. Referring to the values given by the IPCC [239], the
worldwide average cement plant emits 0.79 Mt CO2/a. The assumptions that 80% of the emitted CO2 is used as a feedstock for fuel production with
100% conversion and a plant operating time of 8000 h/a leads to a plant size of around 300 MWFuel output. 300 MWFuel output is a realistic value since it
is in the upper range of FAME and expected Biomass-to-Liquid plants [109]. Based on this rough calculation the plant size for the case study in this
S d
contribution is determined to be 300 MWFuel output. Plant investment costs can be calculated with the equation FCI = FCI0 ∙ ( ) , where FCI = fixed
capital cost, CO = reference fixed capital cost, S = capacity, S0 = reference capacity and d = degression coefficient [240]. The described calculation
approach leads to an AACE class 5 estimation [241]. For the reference fixed capital cost of a 200 MW methanol plant, we chose 300€2015/kWFuel [9].
This leads to plant investment costs of 76.5 M€ for a 300 MW methanol plant. Using the annuity method, the annual capital costs (ACC) can be
qn ⋅ (q − 1)
calculated with ACC = FCI ⋅ qn − 1 , with q being the interest factor. With the approach from Turton et al. [242], which is similar to that presented
by Peters et al. [243] and Ulrich [244], the direct and indirect operational expenditures (OPEX) can be calculated with Eq. (1).
(CRM + CUT ) + 2.265∙COL + 0.307∙FCI
0.99 (1)
Here, costs for operating labor COL and utility costs CUT are not considered. Eq. [1] includes the following direct and indirect operational ex-
penditures according to Turton et al. [242]:

• Maintenance and repairs: 0.1 * FCI

• Operating supplies: 0.1 * FCI
• Patents and royalties: 0.01 * OPEX (for OPEX, see Eq. [1])
• Insurance: 0.032 * FCI
• Plant overhead costs: 0.6 (C + C + C )

• Administrative costs: 0.15 (C + C + C )


With OPEX and ACC, production costs are calculated with.

Production costs ⎡ ⎤ =
⎢ kg
⎣ ⎦ ⎥ m˙ Produkt (2)


Value / Note Reference

Plant operating life time 20 years –

Interest rate 8% –
Plant operating time 8000 h/a –
Calculated depreciation annuity –
Exchange rate 1.21 US$/€ [245]
Costs for CO2 50 $/tCO2 [218]

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