Correspondence (F.B.), (J.B.)
In Brief
Mardinoglu et al. use multi-omics to
investigate the effects of a carbohydrate-
restricted diet in obese NAFLD patients.
They show that the diet improves liver fat
metabolism, promotes rapid shifts in the
gut microbiota, increases circulating
folate, and upregulates expression of
genes involved in folate-dependent one-
carbon metabolism in the liver.
d A low-carbohydrate diet (LCD) improves liver fat metabolism
in NAFLD patients
Helsinki, Finland
6Endocrinology, Abdominal Center, Helsinki University Hospital, Helsinki, Finland
7Department of Genetics, Stanford University, Stanford, CA 94305, USA
8These authors contributed equally
9Lead Contact
SUMMARY (Chalasani et al., 2012; Rinella and Sanyal, 2016). NAFLD can
progress from simple steatosis to non-alcoholic steatohepatitis
A carbohydrate-restricted diet is a widely recom- (NASH), which is characterized by the additional presence of an
mended intervention for non-alcoholic fatty liver inflammatory infiltrate and hepatocellular injury with or without
disease (NAFLD), but a systematic perspective fibrosis (Chalasani et al., 2012; Rinella and Sanyal, 2016), and
on the multiple benefits of this diet is lacking. may further progress to cirrhosis, liver failure, and hepatocellular
Here, we performed a short-term intervention with carcinoma (Marengo et al., 2016). Increasing evidence also
indicates that NAFLD is a significant independent risk factor for
an isocaloric low-carbohydrate diet with increased
cardiovascular disease and type 2 diabetes (Lonardo et al.,
protein content in obese subjects with NAFLD
2015; Targher et al., 2016), and the dyslipidemia that is present
and characterized the resulting alterations in meta- in many individuals with NAFLD potentially contributes to the
bolism and the gut microbiota using a multi-omics link between these diseases (Gaggini et al., 2013).
approach. We observed rapid and dramatic The pathophysiology of NAFLD has not been resolved, but it
reductions of liver fat and other cardiometabolic develops when the influx of lipids into the liver exceeds hepatic
risk factors paralleled by (1) marked decreases in lipid disposal (by fatty acid oxidation and triglyceride secretion
hepatic de novo lipogenesis; (2) large increases in as lipoprotein particles) (Stefan et al., 2008). Potential sources
serum b-hydroxybutyrate concentrations, reflecting of lipids contributing to fatty liver include fatty acids released
increased mitochondrial b-oxidation; and (3) rapid into the circulation from peripheral adipose tissue, dietary fatty
increases in folate-producing Streptococcus and acids from intestinal chylomicrons, and lipids synthesized
(mostly from carbohydrates) in the liver by de novo lipogenesis
serum folate concentrations. Liver transcriptomic
(DNL) (Donnelly et al., 2005). In hyperinsulinemic subjects with
analysis on biopsy samples from a second cohort
NAFLD, hepatic DNL accounts for approximately 25% of liver
revealed downregulation of the fatty acid synthesis triglyceride content (Diraison et al., 2003; Donnelly et al.,
pathway and upregulation of folate-mediated one- 2005); thus, carbohydrate restriction, combined with exercise
carbon metabolism and fatty acid oxidation path- and regular follow-up, has emerged as an effective dietary
ways. Our results highlight the potential of exploring intervention for obesity (Astrup et al., 2004; Foster et al.,
diet-microbiota interactions for treating NAFLD. 2003) and NAFLD (Rinella and Sanyal, 2016). In addition to their
effects on liver fat, carbohydrate-restricted diets have been
shown to promote marked shifts in the composition of the gut
INTRODUCTION microbiota (David et al., 2014; Duncan et al., 2007). Further-
more, accumulating evidence suggests that microbial changes
In the past 30 years, we have seen a marked increase in non- are implicated in the development and progression of NAFLD
alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD), and it is now the most (Le Roy et al., 2013; Leung et al., 2016; Loomba et al., 2017),
common cause of chronic liver disease in western countries and fecal microbiota transplantation has been shown to be
Cell Metabolism 27, 559–571, March 6, 2018 ª 2018 Elsevier Inc. 559
able to alleviate high-fat-induced steatohepatitis in mice 1986) and a strong correlation between decreases in the concen-
(Zhou et al., 2017). tration of apoC-III and VLDL-triglycerides over the study period
A systematic perspective integrating dietary intervention, (r = 0.91, p = 0.0015; Figure S2). We also analyzed the composi-
microbial profiling, and in-depth metabolic characterizations in tion of VLDL-triglycerides and observed a decreased proportion
humans with NAFLD is lacking. Given the complexity of NAFLD of saturated fatty acids including myristic acid (14:0) and palmitic
pathogenesis, in-depth multi-omics profiling—an approach acid (16:0) and an increased proportion of unsaturated fatty
that has recently been used in studies of both human wellness acids such as oleic acid (18:1) (Table S1). These data are
and disease (Chen et al., 2012; Price et al., 2017; Wu et al., consistent with a significant increase in the number of double
2015)—would likely offer valuable insights into understanding bonds per fatty acid chain observed by MRS of the liver over
how a carbohydrate-restricted diet promotes reduced hepatic the study period (Table S1).
steatosis. Here we performed a 2-week intervention with an To test whether the marked reductions in liver fat were linked
isocaloric carbohydrate-restricted diet in obese subjects with to the diet intervention, we performed a follow-up MRS in seven
NAFLD and used multi-omics profiling to investigate how the of the ten participants 1–3 months after completing the interven-
diet and associated changes in the gut microbiota contribute tion study and returning to their normal diet. We observed that
to improved liver fat metabolism. In addition, we combined their liver fat content returned to a level similar to that measured
plasma metabolomics and liver transcriptomics in a genome- before the diet intervention (11.3% ± 1.6% at follow-up versus
scale metabolic model to further investigate the metabolic 13.8% ± 2.5% at baseline, p = 0.08).
responses to this diet intervention.
Reduced Carbohydrate Consumption Improves Liver Fat
To investigate the effects of the diet on processes linked to fat
Reduced Carbohydrate Consumption Has Rapid Effects accumulation in the liver, we measured DNL using stable isotope
on Liver Fat technology and b-hydroxybutyrate (a proxy for b-oxidation). We
Earlier studies designed to reduce hepatic steatosis in subjects observed a rapid and dramatic reduction in absolute DNL (Fig-
with NAFLD have usually combined carbohydrate restriction ure 1H), which was paralleled by a rapid increase in hepatic
with calorie reduction and did not separate out the effect of b-oxidation (Figure 1I). At the end of the 14-day diet intervention,
amplified weight loss (Browning et al., 2006, 2011). To investi- DNL was 79.8% lower and b-hydroxybutyrate was 4.9-fold
gate how liver fat metabolism is affected by reduced carbo- higher than at baseline (Figures 1H and 1I). However, there
hydrate consumption without a concomitant reduction in calorie was no significant change in plasma non-esterified fatty acid
intake, we served a pre-prepared isocaloric low-carbohydrate (NEFA) concentrations over the study period (Table S1). Further-
diet with increased protein content (<30 g of carbohydrates more, there was a strong correlation between the reductions in
and an average of 3,115 kcal per day; Figure 1A; Table S1) DNL and liver fat (r = 0.96, p = 0.0001) and a trend toward a
for 14 days to ten subjects with obesity and high liver fat significant correlation between the reductions in DNL and
(mean ± SEM 16.0% ± 2.3%). The study design is shown in Fig- VLDL-triglycerides (r = 0.67, p = 0.07) (Figure S2). Consistent
ure 1B. To minimize the weight loss that is known to occur on a with improvements in liver function and metabolism, we
short-term isocaloric carbohydrate-restricted diet (Kekwick and observed significant reductions in fasting plasma concentrations
Pawan, 1956), the study subjects were in daily contact with a of alkaline phosphatase and aspartate transaminase, markers of
dietician and were instructed to increase their daily energy intake liver damage, as well as significant decreases in fasting insulin
whenever their weight decreased between two study days by and HOMA-IR (homeostasis model assessment of insulin resis-
more than 0.2 kg. tance) values over the study period (Table S1).
There were no changes in waist circumference during the Studies characterizing the pathogenesis of NAFLD have
study (Table S1). Despite good compliance, we observed a slight focused overwhelmingly on the dysregulation of hepatic DNL
weight loss (1.8% ± 0.2% of their body weight; Figure 1C). Body (Chakravarthy et al., 2005; Fabbrini et al., 2010; Petersen et al.,
composition analysis at baseline and after 14 days on the diet 2007; Wang et al., 2015) and increased delivery of NEFAs from
revealed that decreases in fat mass and water were the major adipose tissue to the liver especially in insulin-resistant subjects
contributors to this minor weight loss (Figure 1D). In contrast to (Lewis et al., 2002); according to one estimation (Donnelly et al.,
the small reduction in weight loss, we observed dramatic reduc- 2005), these pathways account for 25% and 60% of liver fat,
tions in liver fat, as measured by magnetic resonance spectros- respectively. In contrast, the roles of the pathways involved in
copy (MRS), in all the individuals over the 14-day study period hepatic lipid disposal (i.e., mitochondrial b-oxidation and
(mean reduction 43.8%; Figure 1E). Of note, the reduction VLDL-triglyceride export) in NAFLD pathogenesis are less char-
was significant just 1 day after the start of the diet intervention acterized. By restricting carbohydrate intake and thus blunting
(p = 0.027) and was paralleled by a significant decrease in total DNL, we observed a dramatic reduction of liver fat paralleled
liver volume (Figure S1). by a rapid increase of mitochondrial b-oxidation and a marked
We observed marked reductions in very-low-density lipo- reduction of VLDL-triglycerides without any change in plasma
protein (VLDL)-triglycerides (mean reduction 56.7%; Figure 1F) NEFA concentrations. Thus, the reduced hepatic lipid accumula-
and in fasting plasma triglyceride concentrations (mean reduction tion could be explained by both blunted DNL and enhanced
48.4%; Table S1) at the end of the study. In addition, we found a mitochondrial b-oxidation; however, as their regulation is tightly
significant reduction of plasma apolipoprotein C-III (apoC-III) connected (McGarry et al., 1977) it is difficult to estimate the rela-
(Figure 1G), an inhibitor of VLDL clearance (Ginsberg et al., tive contribution of these two sources in our study.
p p
p p p
Figure 1. Reduced Carbohydrate Consumption Improves Liver Lipid Metabolism and Reduces Inflammation in Obese Subjects with NAFLD
(A) Percentage of energy from carbohydrate, protein, and fat at baseline (inner circle) and during the 14-day dietary intervention (outer circle).
(B) Study design indicating time points used in the multi-omics analysis. D, day.
(C–E) Boxplots (with median) and individual data showing (C) weight changes across the study period, (D) changes in body composition between day 0 and day
14, and (E) liver fat changes across the study period.
(F–I) Boxplots (with median) showing (F) plasma concentrations of VLDL-triglycerides (TG) (n = 10), (G) plasma concentrations of apoC-III (n = 10), (H) DNL (n = 9),
and (I) plasma concentrations of b-hydroxybutyrate (n = 10) at days 0, 3, and 14.
(J) Heatmap showing statistically significant reductions in inflammatory markers and FGF-21 over the study period (FDR < 0.05; n = 10). Post hoc group
comparisons (D0 versus D3 and D0 versus D14) were performed by paired t test with Bonferroni correction. *p < 0.05; +p < 0.01; #p < 0.001. p or FDR values
across time were obtained by one-way ANOVA with repeated measurements.
See also Figures S1 and S2 and Table S1.
in the macronutrient composition. Our diet had both increased with increased protein content (Figure S4), suggesting that
protein content compared with the baseline diet and very low bacterially produced folate could contribute to the diet-induced
carbohydrate content (<10% energy from carbohydrates). It is increase in serum folate concentrations.
thus likely that the high dietary protein content combined with Our findings thus indicate that the increased circulating folate
the reduction in carbohydrate-dependent bacteria would drive could be a consequence of the altered microbial composition.
the growth of the folate-producing bacteria Streptococcus and In support of this, previous studies have shown that the gut
Lactococcus, resulting in increased bacterial folate production. microbiota can produce large quantities of folate (Kim et al.,
We also observed a trend toward an increase in fecal folate 2004; Rossi et al., 2011; Strozzi and Mogna, 2008; Sugahara
when the participants changed to the low-carbohydrate diet et al., 2015) and that folate is absorbable across the colon in
Figure 3. Reduced Carbohydrate Consumption Promotes Microbial Shifts toward Folate Production
(A) KEGG pathway analysis showing pathways that were significantly altered at the indicated times over the 14-day study period (n = 10). D, day. Pathways that
are reduced or increased are shown in blue and brown, respectively. FDR < 0.1; hypergeometric test. The size of the bubble is proportional to the enrichment
score for each KEGG pathway term.
(B) Bacterial folate biosynthesis pathway showing KOs that significantly increased over the study period (brown boxes).
(C) Boxplots (with median) showing changes in serum concentrations of folate changes over the study period (n = 10). p values across time were obtained by
one-way ANOVA with repeated measurements. S, screen.
See also Figures S3 and S4 and Table S2.
humans (Aufreiter et al., 2009). We thus provide the first analysis between these two variables for each individual in the
evidence indicating that a low-carbohydrate diet with increased first cohort using data collected at seven time points across
protein content can shift the gut microbiota toward increased the study (0, 1, 3, 4, 7, 10, and 14 days). Despite the limited
production of folate that is potentially utilized by humans. How- number of sampling points, we observed significant correla-
ever, we cannot exclude the possibility that the carbohydrate- tions in five of ten of these individuals and a trend toward signif-
restricted diet promoted enhanced dietary folate absorption in icance in a further two (Figure 4A). No correlation between liver
the small intestine, resulting in increased circulating concentra- fat and serum folate was observed in three individuals (Fig-
tions of folate and favoring the growth of bacteria that produce ure 4A), two of whom had the lowest liver fat in the cohort at
folate. baseline (<10%); a lack of correlation in these two is likely
explained by the fact that their liver fat had reduced to normal
Folate and Associated Metabolites Are Linked to levels (<5%) by day 7 and thus plateaued (Figure 1E). However,
Improved Liver Fat Metabolism by performing a partial regression analysis between liver fat
Animal studies have revealed that folate deficiency increases and serum folate based on a linear mixed-effect model, we
expression of pro-inflammatory cytokines such as IL-6 and observed an overall significant association between liver fat
TNF-a (Kolb and Petrie, 2013) and has detrimental effects on and serum folate (p = 0.0001); according to this model, serum
hepatic lipid metabolism (Akesson et al., 1982), leading to folate could explain 35.4% and 19.5% of the variation in liver
accumulation of liver fat (Kelley et al., 1950) and steatosis fat before and after adjusting for BMI, respectively (Figure 4B).
(Christensen et al., 2010; Halsted et al., 2002). Growing To investigate whether there are other metabolites that could
evidence also indicates a role for folate deficiency in the patho- potentially play a role in improved liver fat metabolism in our
genesis of NAFLD in humans (Hirsch et al., 2005; Xia et al., study, we also performed untargeted metabolomics on plasma
2017). We therefore investigated whether serum folate corre- samples from the participants at baseline and after 3 and
lated with liver fat in our study. We first performed a correlation 14 days on the dietary intervention. We observed significant
changes in the relative signal intensity of 202 of 648 detected Liver Transcriptional Changes Reflect Improved Lipid
metabolites over the study period, most of which are involved Metabolism
in lipid or amino acid metabolism (Figure S5; Table S3). We also served the identical isocaloric low-carbohydrate diet with
In particular, we observed significant decreases in metabolites increased protein content to a second cohort of seven subjects
involved in fatty acid synthesis (including those involved in phos- for 7 days. In this second cohort of similar age (p = 0.379) and
pholipid, lysolipid, and diacylglycerol metabolism). Circulating BMI (p = 0.230), we confirmed that the diet reduced DNL, fasting
diacylglycerol concentrations have been repeatedly linked with plasma triglycerides, plasma concentrations of alkaline phos-
insulin resistance (Petersen et al., 2017); thus, reductions in diac- phatase and insulin, and HOMA-IR values (Table S4). Analysis
ylglycerol are consistent with the improved insulin sensitivity of liver biopsies taken from these subjects 7 days before the
observed in this study (Table S1). We also observed significant study start and after 7 days of dietary intervention showed that
increases in metabolites involved in b-oxidation pathways and the diet significantly reduced the hepatic triglycerides by a
plasmalogens, which are known antioxidants (Wallner and mean of 43.9% (Table S4). Notably, we also observed a significant
Schmitz, 2011) (Figure S5; Table S3). Increased oxidative stress increase in serum folate concentrations in this cohort (Table S4).
is considered to contribute to the pathogenesis of NAFLD (Haas To investigate whether alterations in hepatic gene expression
et al., 2016), and antioxidants help to maintain the cellular redox reflected the diet-induced improvements in lipid metabolism, we
balance by neutralizing the oxidative stress produced by fatty also performed a global transcriptomic analysis on the liver sam-
acid oxidation (Gambino et al., 2011), thereby alleviating NAFLD. ples collected from this second cohort. We observed significant
Nicotinamide and its methylation product 1-methylnicotinamide, decreases in 9.1% of genes, whereas only 3.8% of genes
which has been shown to suppress liver triglyceride levels in increased after 7 days on the diet (false discovery rate [FDR]
mice (Hong et al., 2015), were also increased during the dietary adjusted p value < 0.1; Table S5). KEGG pathway enrichment
intervention (Table S3). analysis revealed that 34 pathways were upregulated, including
By using multivariate dimension reduction and discriminant fatty acid degradation, amino acid metabolism, and peroxisome
analysis, we revealed that 48 of the 202 significantly altered proliferator-activated receptor (PPAR) signaling pathways,
metabolites strongly correlated with serum folate (and thus liver whereas only seven pathways were downregulated, such as
fat) as well as with the folate-producing bacteria Streptococcus ribosome and oxidative phosphorylation (Table S5).
and Lactococcus (correlation coefficient cutoff 0.8; Figure 4C; Consistent with the diet-induced reductions in plasma
Table S3). Of note, b-hydroxybutyrate and most of the identified apoC-III concentrations and DNL noted earlier, we observed
plasmalogens associated with folate (Figure 4C; Table S3), decreased hepatic expression of APOC3 and FASN (although
suggesting that folate may improve liver fat metabolism by pro- no significant changes in SREBP-1c) in the second cohort after
moting an increase in mitochondrial b-oxidation and a reduction 7 days on the diet (Table S5). We also observed diet-induced in-
of oxidative stress. In agreement, previous studies have demon- creases in the hepatic expression of PPAR-a and its downstream
strated that folate can confer protective effects against oxidative genes (Figure 5), most of which are known to encode proteins
stress (Sid et al., 2017). However, further efforts are needed involved in the fatty acid oxidation including mitochondrial and
to explore the molecular and cellular mechanisms behind the peroxisomal b-oxidation as well as microsomal u-oxidation (Fig-
multiple potential benefits provided by folate. ure 5) (Kersten, 2014; Pawlak et al., 2015). Intriguingly, both the
gut microbiota (Crawford et al., 2009) and folate (Tryndyak et al., MTRR, SHMT1, SHMT2, MTHFD1, and ALDH1L1 (Figure 6A),
2012) have been shown to be able to regulate hepatic lipid meta- and the proton-coupled folate transporter gene SLC46A1 (Table
bolism via a PPAR-a-regulated lipid catabolic pathway. S5). Serine hydroxymethyltransferase (SHMT) catalyzes the
Expression of CAT, the gene encoding catalase, was also up- interconversion of glycine and serine, and serine is required for
regulated in response to the diet (Table S5). Hepatic expression the generation of glutathione (GSH), an antioxidant that also
of the fatty acid transporter gene CD36 was not significantly plays a role in maintaining b-oxidation (Mardinoglu et al., 2017;
changed (Figure 5), in line with the lack of effect of the diet on Nguyen et al., 2013). We have previously shown that individuals
plasma NEFA concentrations in both cohorts (Tables S1 and with NAFLD have serine deficiency (Mardinoglu et al., 2014,
S4). Notably, consistent with the diet-induced increase in serum 2017) and that de novo GSH synthesis is altered in humans
folate concentrations in both cohorts (Figure 3C; Table S4), we with hepatic steatosis (Mardinoglu et al., 2017).
found diet-induced increases in the hepatic expression of genes Finally, we integrated the liver transcriptomics and plasma
involved in folate-mediated one-carbon metabolism, including metabolomics data using iHepatocytes2322, a functional
Study Limitations
There are several strengths with this study, but there are also
limitations. For example, the study lacks a control group,
in which a normal carbohydrate diet was provided to subjects.
In addition, the types of carbohydrate, protein, and fat provided
during the diet intervention were not matched with the diet the
subjects consumed before the study. Therefore, it is possible
that changes in the types of macronutrients (e.g., refined sugars
versus complex carbohydrates, saturated versus unsaturated
fats, plant versus animal proteins) could have affected the
outcome measures.
In summary, by using a multi-omics approach, we showed that
short-term intervention with an isocaloric low-carbohydrate
diet with increased protein content promotes multiple
metabolic benefits in obese humans with NAFLD. In particular,
we observed a dramatic reduction of liver fat resulting from a
marked decrease in DNL and increase in b-oxidation. Of note,
our data indicate that rapid microbial shifts toward folate produc-
tion paralleled by increased circulating folate concentrations
may be partially behind the improved lipid metabolism, balanced
oxidative stress, and reduced inflammation. Taken together,
these findings are of important clinical interest in understanding
the pathogenesis and prevention of NAFLD. However, although
studies in mice have shown that folate supplementation protects
against high-fat-diet-induced liver steatosis (Sid et al., 2015,
2017), care should be taken before implementing folate supple-
mentation into clinical practice since long-term effects remain to
Figure 6. Integration of Liver Transcriptomics and Plasma Metabo-
be elucidated.
lomics Data
(A) Reactions involved in folate-mediated one-carbon metabolism showing STAR+METHODS
significant increases (red) and decreases (light blue) in genes in liver from
individuals after 7 days on a low-carbohydrate diet with increased protein Detailed methods are provided in the online version of this paper
content (n = 7). FDR < 0.1; Wald test with paired design.
and include the following:
(B) A genome-wide metabolic model for the liver integrating both serum
metabolomics data and liver transcriptomics data. Red lines indicate
increased fluxes, and blue lines indicate decreased fluxes.
See also Tables S5 and S6.
B Clinical Study Design
genome-scale metabolic model of hepatocytes (Mardinoglu B Isocaloric Carbohydrate-Restricted Diet
et al., 2014). As expected, given the diet-induced reduction in B Influence of Gender
DNL, the model predicted a significant reduction of fluxes car- d METHOD DETAILS
ried by the reactions associated with glycolysis, the pentose B Genotyping of PNPLA3 and TM6SF2 Variants
phosphate pathway, and the tricarboxylic acid (TCA) cycle (Fig- B Body Composition, Liver Fat and Liver Volume
ure 6B; Table S6). The decreased fluxes in the reactions B Measurement of Hepatic DNL
involved in glycolysis and the TCA cycle were partly compen- B Lipoproteins and Biochemical Analyses
sated by increased fluxes in b-oxidation and BCAAs, required B Fecal Genomic DNA and Genome Sequencing
to provide sufficient energy as well as substrates for the B Metagenomics Analyses
biosynthesis of essential metabolites. Of note, we observed B Measurement of Fecal SCFAs and Folate
that the fluxes carried by the reactions involved in folate and B Untargeted Metabolomics Analyses
methionine metabolism, serine uptake, as well as in the de B Liver Lipid Analysis
novo synthesis of GSH were significantly increased in response B Transcript Profiling of Liver Biopsies
to the diet. Our data are thus consistent with a central role of B Model Simulation
folate in mediating one-carbon metabolism and its involvement d QUANTIFICATION AND STATISTICAL ANALYSIS
in a number of biosynthetic processes including synthesis of B Statistical Analysis
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found with this article online at 297, E1197–E1204.
Badman, M.K., Pissios, P., Kennedy, A.R., Koukos, G., Flier, J.S., and
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microbiome, and J.B. is responsible for all other parts of the study. All authors Quantitative analysis of biological membrane lipids at the low picomole level
commented on the manuscript. by nano-electrospray ionization tandem mass spectrometry. Proc. Natl.
Acad. Sci. USA 94, 2339–2344.
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The authors declare no competing interests. T., Turk, J., and Semenkovich, C.F. (2005). "New" hepatic fat activates
PPARalpha to maintain glucose, lipid, and cholesterol homeostasis. Cell
Metab. 1, 309–322.
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Further information and requests for resources and reagents should be directed to and will be fulfilled by the Lead Contact, Jan Borén
Influence of Gender
The first cohort consisted of ten obese (BMI 34.1±1.2 kg/m2) middle-aged (54±4 years) subjects (2 women, 8 men) with high liver fat.
The second cohort consisted of seven obese (BMI 32.1±3.8 kg/m2) middle-aged (47±15 years) subjects (2 women, 5 men) with high
liver fat. All subjects were analyzed as their own control, during and after the diet intervention. Subgroup analysis did not reveal
differences between women and men in their responses of liver fat content during the diet intervention.
Metagenomics Analyses
We obtained a total of 151 Gb of raw paired-end reads. The taxonomic and KO composition was obtained by using an updated
version of the MEDUSA pipeline (Karlsson et al., 2014), as described before (Wu et al., 2017). The mean mapping rates for the genome
and gene catalogues were 43.1% and 72.6%, respectively (Table S2). The obtained taxonomic composition and KO profile
matrix were further analyzed by DESeq2 package (Love et al., 2014). Pathway enrichment analyses are based on KEGG annotation
(Kanehisa and Goto, 2000) and hypergeometric test using goseq (Young et al., 2010). The beta diversity and PCoA analysis were
calculated based on the relative abundance of all significant strains (further transformed by square root to reduce the influence of
dominant KOs as suggested previously (Kindt and Coe, 2005) using phyloseq (version 1.19.1) (McMurdie and Holmes, 2013).
Model Simulation
A previously established genome-scale metabolic model for liver, iHepatocyte2322 (Mardinoglu et al., 2014), was used to investigate
the metabolic shifts in response to the diet. The substrate uptake of the model is constrained partly based on a previous study
(Mardinoglu et al., 2017) and the fluxes are provided in Table S6. To investigate the flux change in response to the diet, both tran-
scriptomic and metabolomic changes were integrated as constraints into the model using a previously developed method, RMetD
(Mardinoglu et al., 2015). The flux distribution was calculated based on the average of 10,000 random sampled fluxes as previously
described (Mardinoglu et al., 2013).
Statistical Analysis
All statistical analyses were performed in the R environment (R Core Team, 2015). The Wald test or the Likelihood Ratio Test was used
to analyze differential abundances for all count data (for metagenomics and liver transcriptomics) depending on whether the dataset
contains samples collected at two time points or at more than two time points from each individual. One-way ANOVA with repeated
measurements was used for all other longitudinal datasets (for phenomics and metabolomics). Otherwise, two-tailed Wilcoxon
rank–sum tests or Wilcoxon signed–rank tests were used throughout the study, depending on whether the samples were paired.
The linear mixed effect model was built using lme4 package (Bates et al., 2015) in which liver fat adjusted for BMI was entered as
a response variable whereas serum folate adjusted for BMI was entered for fixed effect and individual IDs as random effect. The
model was visualized by visreg (Breheny and Burchett, 2016) and conditional and marginal coefficients of the model were determined
using MuMIn (Barton , 2016). The residual plot and quantile-quantile plot are shown in Figure S6. The multivariate analysis and
integration of phenomics, metagenomics, and metabolomics are based on mixDIABLO (Singh et al., 2016). The Spearman’s
rank–order correlation was used to determine the strength and direction of the monotonic relationships between two variables unless
strong collinearity was observed, in which case the Pearson product-moment correlation was calculated. Raw P values were
adjusted by the Benjamini–Hochberg method (Benjamini and Hochberg, 1995) with a false discovery rate of 5%, unless indicated
otherwise. Data are shown as mean±s.e.m. unless otherwise indicated.
The clinical trial was registered at with identifier: NCT02558530;
Supplemental Information
Excluded (n=3)
• unable to participate (n=1)
After 1 week diet intervention: Menghini liver
• not returning to normal diet (n=2)
biopsy (n=7)
Figure S7. CONSORT flow diagram for the study. Related to Figure 1B.