Adolescents: Problems and Solutions

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Some of the key takeaways from the passage are that adolescence is a sensitive period involving physical and mental changes, and adolescents face issues like stress, bullying, peer pressure, substance abuse, etc. A multidisciplinary approach is needed to understand and address adolescent problems.

Some common issues faced by adolescents mentioned in the passage include stress, bullying, depression, cyber addiction, substance use, teenage pregnancy, peer pressure and competition.

The passage mentions that parents should approach their children carefully and supportively to discuss problems, and understand symptoms to help address issues. Good communication and a caring relationship between parents and children can help adolescents deal with problems better.


UGC Notification No. 62981

A Multidisciplinary International Peer Reviewed/Refereed Journal
Vol.X No.1 ISSN 2319-7129 Feb 2018

Adolescents: Problems And Solutions

Shikha khare
Head, Department of Home Science
Nehru Gram Bharti Deemed to be University Prayagraj

The aim of inscribing this analysis article is to grasp downside|the matter of adolescent and the way we
will facilitate to short out their problem. As we have a tendency to all apprehend that adolescence may be
a sensitive associated vital introduce an individual’s life throughout that a multidisciplinary approach
should be taken to each understanding and finding his/her issues. Adolescence may be a stage that
involves the transition from childhood to adulthood, during which considerable physical and mental
changes manifest itself. throughout this part of development, teens area unit exposed to some
overwhelming external and internal struggles. Teens undergo, and area unit expected to deal with
secretion changes, puberty, social and parental forces, work and faculty pressure, likewise as
encountering several conditions and issues. the foremost common issues that teenagers face these days
include- shallowness, stress, bullying, depression, cyber addiction, drinking and smoking, young
gestation, underage sex, peer pressure and competition etc. astonishingly, all of those issues area unit
connected to at least one another, sort of a chain reaction. once the kids face shallowness and body image
issues, they will become pissed off, leading to consumption disorders. likely problems|the issues} that
teenagers face these days vary however these issues may be prohibited simply if oldsters and alternative
guardians will perceive the symptoms of their problems. oldsters got to approach their youngsters,
fastidiously and in a very friendly manner to debate the problem(s). it's a amount of vulnerability for the
teenagers, which needs support and understanding. Issues that teenagers two-faced with these days area
unit multifaceted however reticulated in several cases. Parents, academics and alternative guardians ought
to be responsive to the issues that today’s teenagers face and be prepares to eliminate the issues to their
best skills. Key words: Adolescent, issues of Adolescent, solutions and suggestion.

Introduction Adolescents (from Latin: adolescere which means “to grow up” may be a shift
stage of physical and psychological human development usually occurring between pubescence
and legal adulthood (age of majority). the amount of adolescence is most closely related to the
immature years though its physical, psychological and cultural expression will begins earlier and
finish later. it always happens between the age of twelve and nineteen years. action that happens
throughout now is understood as pubescence. owing to pubescence, teenagers might typically
feel over-sensitive and lack sureness as they are available to terms with the changes they're going
throw problems with independence, identity, sexuality, and relationships outline this biological
process stage. psychological state issues, like mood disorders (such as schizophrenia) likewise as
psychological disorders; might develop or initial become apparent throughout adolescence.
consumption disorders, like eating disorder nervous and bulimia nervous, most typically develop
throughout adolescence and area unit additional common among women. several unhealthy
behaviors that begin throughout adolescence, like intense a poor diet, smoking, substance use
and violence will cause immediate ill health, future disorders, or poor health later in life.. Mood
stitching and timorousness area unit a number of the foremost common options related to
adolescence. it's a amount of vulnerability for the teenagers, which needs support and

Problems of Adolescents Adolescent face real issues on a each day throughout the foremost
awkward growth stages of their lives; between twelve and nineteen years previous. throughout
now, teens are exposed to some overwhelming external and internal struggles. Teens bear, and
are expected to address secretion changes, puberty, social and parental forces, work and college
pressure also as encountering several conditions and issues. Here are some common issues that
almost all in all probability additional and fewer, visage by each adolescent.

Physical problems - Physical problem happens thanks to modification within the teenager’s
endocrine levels. Teenagers bear and got to address various body changes like ladies begin their
periods, modification of voice and look of facial hair in boys, growth of bush in ladies and boys,
skin condition and malodorous then on. Development of full breasts in ladies may be awkward
within the starting. Some teenagers feel too fat, too skinny, too tall, too short, etc. and that’s why
they begin to feel aware concerning their figure.

Solution: The best way you can do to help your teenager get through the stage is to make them
aware of these changes.
 Explain that it is normal for the body to change as every teenager goes through it!
 Help them adapt to these changes – acknowledge the change and help them accept it.
 Enable them to stay healthy and fit through a nutritious diet and exercise.
 Tell them about the physical changes that occur in adolescent in advance.

Emotional changes and problems - Hormones affect your teenager not only physically
but also emotionally. Hence the Adolescence is the age between adulthood and childhood,
teenagers are often confused about their role. They torn between their responsibilities as growing
adults and their desires as children. They tend to feel overly emotional. Just about anything and
everything can make them happy, excited, mad or angry. Mood swings are common among
teenage boys and girls. Feelings of inferiority or superiority may arise at this time. Adolescent
girls are vulnerable to crying. Feelings and thoughts about sex can trigger a sense of guilt.

Solution: Puberty can be an emotional roller-coaster ride. And it is normal. Here is how you
can help your kid deal with these emotional problems of adolescence.

 Assist them to take care of themselves.

 Tell your teenagers that it is okay to feel the way they are feeling.
 Encourage them to exercise as physical activity helps keep the serotonin (creates good
feelings and happiness) levels up.
 Let them talk and listen to them without judging and avoid giving them advice when they
are not ready for it.
 Share your experiences of puberty or let them talk to an older sibling who has gone through
the same.
 It will emphasize that it is okay to feel the way they do.
 Indulging in a creative activity can help them channelize their emotions.

Behavioral Problem - Overwhelming emotions can lead to impulsive behavior, which can
be harmful to your child as well as others. Adolescence is the time when kids develop and
exercise their independence. This can give rise to questioning the parents’ rules (seen as
argumentative) and standing up for what they believe is right (seen as stubbornness). They would
also want to listen to loud music. As a part of their new-found independence, adolescents may
also want to try new things and take risks, resulting in careless behavior. Sometimes, peer
pressure and the need to ‘fit in’ can make them behave in a certain way or develop certain habits
that are hard to break. The teen’s dressing, hairstyle, and sense of fashion also change. Substance
use and lying is one of the common teen behavioral issues. Teens may lie to avoid confrontation
with parents or out of fear. Mostly, it is just teen behavior that will last as long as their


 Behavioral problems in adolescence can make life difficult for parents. But remember that it
is a passing phase, and is entirely normal.
 Gaining your child’s trust is important if you want to help him with behavioral issues. Talk
to them and listen to what they have to say. Do not judge or criticize them, as it could
worsen their behavior.
 Let them know that you love them just as they are. Encourage them to be true to themselves
and not take on a personality just to please others.
 You will have to intervene if you see them falling into bad company. Remember that
adolescents are sensitive and may not take criticism well.
 Adolescents whose behavior is dangerous or otherwise unacceptable despite their parents’
best efforts may need professional intervention.

Substance Use and Abuse – substance use is common as adolescents get older, and about
75% of adolescents will try alcohol before high school to graduation. Teenagers are vulnerable
and can be easily swayed to the wrong side. Substance abuse is one of the biggest problems that
parents of adolescents around the world have to deal with. Peer pressure and poor self-esteem
and the need to be ‘cool’ is one of the significant factors that drive adolescents to take up
smoking and drinking or to do drugs. The tendency to take risk is also encourages most teens to
try smoking or drinking even before they are of legal age.

 Keep an eye on your child’s behavior. Look for erratic behavior and change in his or her
appetite, sleep patterns, and moods.
 Do not spy on them or accuse them of any wrongdoing. Encourage them to talk and be
honest. Tell them what your concerns are and discuss the problem with them.
 If your child is not willing to talk to you, the doctors can ask confidential questions to know
if they are abusing any substances. Avoid going as far as a drug test, as that may come
across as confrontational and threaten the kid.
 If necessary, get your adolescent the appropriate treatment.
 The parents who find drugs paraphernalia (such as pipes, syringes, and scales) should
discuss their concerns with their child.

Educational Problem- Adolescent have a lot of educational activities on their plate.The

pressure drives the students to an extreme point. This might rebound as stress for the student and
he or she may not be able to focus on the things they are supposed to be doing at the moment.
Pressure to perform academically and obtain college admission can be stressful and make your
teenager moody. Juggling school work, extra-curricular activities (must for college admissions)
and chores at home can be tiring.


 Support your kid’s aspirations for college education as what they need is the encouragement
to do well.
 You could cut down their household chores to enable them to focus on their school projects
when needed.
 Nutrition and exercise can help them get the strength and endurance they need to get through
the hectic high school period.

Health problems -Adolescents are vulnerable emotionally and physically. Without proper
nutrition and healthcare, they are susceptible to illnesses. Teenagers have a hectic schedule as
they hop from one activity to another with little time to eat or rest properly. Unhealthy eating
habits prevent them from getting the nutrition they need. Consciousness about their body can
lead to eating disorders, especially in girls. Adolescent girls who worry about their weight and
appearance can develop disorders like anorexia or bulimia. Stress can also lead to loss of appetite
and sleeplessness in young children. Unhealthy eating habits and a less active lifestyle could also
lead to obesity – this is often the case when your child consumes a lot of empty calories through
fast food and sodas.


Parental guidance can help abate health problems in adolescence to maintain a healthy lifestyle.
Lead by example and encourage your children to eat healthy food, exercise right and sleep on
 Ensure they get nutrition through their meals. Give them a balanced diet.
 Be there for them emotionally and physically as this will help them deal with any possible

Psychological problems - Research has revealed that around 50% of mental health disorders
that adults have, begin at the age of 14. In fact, one-third of adolescent deaths are suicides
triggered by depression. Depression is one of the common psychological problems associated
with adolescence. Poor performance in academics and low IQ can also demotivate them. They
develop the ‘I’m not good enough’ attitude towards life. The stress and pressure of adolescence
can create anxiety related issues, while mood swings can lead to conduct disorder or op-
positional defiant disorder.


While moodiness and temper tantrums are normal in teenage girls and boys, they may not always
be what they seem. Identifying symptoms of psychological problems in adolescence is not easy
and needs the eye of an expert.

 Most of the time, talking about the problems and maintaining a healthy lifestyle can prevent
the onset of depression.
 If your child is overly moody and cynical, it is time to intervene and seek professional help
if necessary.
 Sometimes, your teenage girl or boy may be unhappy only at home, and doing fine outside.
Talk to the child’s teachers and friends to know if they are moody and disoriented at school
as well. If they are, then it is a cause for concern.
 Do not brush away their feelings, as that can make things worse.

Social problems – dating and relationships - Adolescence is the time when their sexual or
reproductive organs start developing. This is the time they start dating. Your adolescent may not
be comfortable talking to you about it and may go with little information or misinformation they
have about it. Adolescents also start thinking about what is ‘right’ and ‘wrong’ and question your
take on certain things. Competition is another important aspect of a teenager’s social life. Your
child may compete with her peers in about anything and everything. Their spirit of competition
speaks a lot about their perception of self – whether they have a positive self-esteem or a
negative one. Their social circle expands during this time as they seem occupied interacting with
friends on social media sites, through their phone and outside.


Psychological and social problems, particularly involving behavior and school issues, are more
common during adolescence than at any other time during childhood. Here is how you can deal
with social problems of adolescence –

 Dating, romance, and sex are delicate issues that your teenager may not be comfortable
talking about. Don’t make it more awkward for your child. Be confident and rational when
discussing the subject.
 Your child may seem to spend more time outside than with you. Accept that your
adolescents are discovering a whole new world. Just let them know you are there when they
need you.
 Sharing your dating and social life experiences in school can put them at ease sometimes.
 When misbehavior becomes severe and frequent, adolescents should be evaluated for a
psycho-social- disorders by a mental health professional.
 As a guardians we need to encourage males to express their feeling and encourage females
to assert themselves more than they have in the past.
Problem of Sexual health – unplanned pregnancy and STI - The development of secondary
sexual characteristics during adolescence gives rise to new feelings in teenagers and pushes them
to experiment with their bodies. Many adolescents engage in sexual activity but may not be fully
informed about contraception, pregnancy, and sexually transmitted diseases, including human
immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection. Without proper guidance, teenagers may become
sexually active before they are ready. This could result in unwanted pregnancies. Unwanted
pregnancy is the biggest risk that adolescent girls face. Pregnant adolescents and their partners
tend to drop out of school or job training, thus wording their economic status, lowering their self-
esteem, and straining personal relationship.


 Have ‘the talk’ with your kids as they may already be learning about sexual health and
reproduction at school. Your duty as a parent is to ensure that they understand the
importance of safe sex.
 The hormonal changes in teenagers may make them act impulsively. Your teen may not like
it but it is important that you talk to them about the consequences of unprotected sex and
how it can change their life.
 A pregnant adolescent may choose to give up a child voluntarily or raise the child herself or
together with the Child’s father, often with support of family members.
 It is important for parents to express their support and willingness to help the adolescent to
sort out their problem.

Addiction to cyberspace - The advent of social media has changed the way we interact with
each other. It has affected teenage lifestyles the most. The latest edition of bullying is cyber
bullying. Cyber addiction can be just as harmful as addiction to drugs or drinking alcohol.
Addiction to cyberspace also cuts short their physical activities, resulting in an unhealthy and
sedentary lifestyle and it also adversely impacts academic performance.Adolescents addicted to
the internet tend to have fewer friends and a less active social life. They lead solitary lives and
are happy browsing the internet for hours. Those who have IAD conditions may experience
distress, withdrawal symptoms including obsessive thoughts, tremors, and other mental and
physical problems.


 Do not assume that your child is addicted to the internet just because he or she spends a lot
of time in front of the computer. They could be doing more productive things on the system
other than surfing the net.
 Do not say ‘no’ to the Internet. That will only make them adamant. Instead, talk about your
concerns and help them work on other things that do not require a computer.
 You could use parental controls, but that may not be taken well by your teen – remember
that they are not kids anymore. At the same time, they may also not have the judgment to
make the right choices. So guide them as a parent, but never decide for them.
 Enroll them in activities that encourage them to interact with others. Have family activities
that will make them want to spend less time at the computer.

Aggression and violence – During adolescence, the frequency and severity of violent
interactions may increase. Aggression is especially a concern with adolescent boys. Young boys
start to develop muscles, grow tall and have a coarser, manly voice. In addition to that, they are
moody and vulnerable and can let others get under their skin. Worse, they could start bullying
others, which is a major problem that adolescent boys and girls have to deal with. Factors
contribute to an increased risk of violence for adolescents, including Gang membership,
substance use, poverty etc. Impulse acts of violence can lead to serious consequences, including
death. Teenage girls are likely to suffer violence or aggression by a partner.

Children tend to imitate what they see at home. The following remedies for problems of
adolescence will help abate aggression, violence and related issues.

 Teach your children to be kind and considerate. Nurturing relationships at home can help
them become less aggressive.
 Prevent access to firearms and alcohol early to prevent violence.
 Teach them life skills and the importance of compassion. Lead them by being their model.
 Avoid exposing them to violent stories, games or movies at an age when they cannot
differentiate between what is right and wrong.
 Violence prevention begins in early childhood with violence free discipline.

Conclusion: In my final thought I conclude, Problems that teenagers are faced with today are
multifarious but interrelated in many cases. One problem invites another, then to more problems.
There are many reasons behind it like parents expectations, peer pressure, over scheduling,
relationship, college work pressure, keeping up, puberty, hormone changes etc. It is seen that
adolescents who have good communication and are bonded with a caring, supervise with their
parents are less likely to engage in risky behaviors. But on the other hand, the children of
families living in poverty are more likely to have health conditions and poorer health status.
Those adolescents who have absentee parents are exposed to more unfavorable states of life. The
sad fact is, even in solid and stable family units, teenagers may face with uncertainly, confusion
and wrong directions involving their lives. The issues that teenagers face today vary but these
can be dealt with easily if parents and other guardians can understand the symptoms of their
problem. Parents need to approach their children, who have been suffering from one or more
teenage problems, carefully and in friendly manners to discuss the problem(s). So it is a humble
duty of parents, teachers and other guardians to resolve the adolescent problems. Parents should
be well aware of the problems of adolescent that they are facing and be prepare to eliminate the
problems of their best abilities.


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