"Air Control 2": 1. General

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1. General:

A IR C O N T R O L 2

w w w . a lm i g . d e

The control unit consists of the following functional blocks:

a) Microprocessor logic (with EEPROM memory for data back-up) for all control, monitoring and
display functions;

b) Keyboard with 5 keys for switching the compressor on and off, and for entering recommended
and limit settings;

c) Customized LCD display for showing the current actual and recommended parameters and the
operating status, plus faults/warnings;

d) Analogue processing of network pressure, compressor temperature and air flow;

e) Digital inputs and outputs for selecting a compressor;

f) Serial interface (RS485) for selecting a frequency converter;

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2. Hardware description:

2.1) Micro-processor logic:

Microprocessor controller with Watchdog,
Power failure detection (mains failure > 30 ms),
64 kbyte Flash EPROM,
256 byte EEPROM (for data backup),
4 kbyte RAM.

2.2) Keyboard:
5 keys,
Customized finish.

2.3) Display:
LCD with display area approx. 75mm* 50mm:
- 7-segment A => 3-digit, 7-segment display (top left);
- 7-segment B => 3-digit, 7-segment display (top right);
- 7-segment C => 1½--digit, 7-segment display (left center);
- 7-segment D => 5-digit, 7-segment display (down);
- symbols for units: oC, oF, oK, bar, psi and MPa;
- symbols also for: fault, warning, motor, solenoid valve,
heating, fan, remote operation, restart, automatic (mode),
BLCO (base-load-change-over mode);

1 LED (red);

2.4) Pressure sensor:

The sensor (0-16 bar) is on the board

2.5) Analogue inputs:

1 x temperature sensor input (KTY 11-7);
1 x 2nd temperature sensor input (present on "new" AirControl 2 only)
1 x fan current monitoring (0-16 A)

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2.6) Digital inputs:
1 ×12V DC PTC temperature sensor input;
1 x input for air flow monitoring (only possible on AirControl -2);
5 additional inputs for option cards (only possible on AirControl-2)

2.7) Digital outputs:

3 x relay outputs, closers
1 x relay output, selector

2.8) Networking (Option)

1 x additional RS485 interface

2.9) Power supplies, terminals, casing

Power supply 230V AC (50/60 Hz);

2.10 Wiring:
1 Signal + (A) ) [Frequency Converter: R+]
2 Signal – (B) ) 1st RS485 interface [FU: R-]
3 Earth ) (Frequency converter)
4 NC )
5 Common ) group fault (potential-free)
6 NO )

7 Common ) Heating selection

8 NO ) (potential-free)

9 Mains phase )
10 N ) 230V~ mains feed
11 Protective earth )

12 Motor phase )
13 N ) Fan motor selection
14 Protective earth )

15 Valve phase )
16 N ) solenoid valve selection
17 Protective earth )

18 Earth )
19 Signal - (B) ) Option: 2nd RS485 interface

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20 Signal + (A) ) [Viewing / BLCO]

21 PTC sensor voltage (12V DC) )

22 PTC input ) Motor temperature

23 KTY input ) Compressor temperature

24 KTY earth )

25 KTY 2 input ) heating temperature

26 KTY 2 earth )

27 Sensor voltage (24 V DC) )

28 Digital input “DE 1” ) Fan OK (1=OK)

29 Sensor voltage (24 V DC) )

30 Digital input “DE 2” ) Remote on/off (1=On)

31 Sensor voltage (24 V DC) )

32 Digital input “DE 3” ) Remote load/idle (1=load)

33 Sensor voltage (24 V DC) )

34 Digital input “DE 4” ) BLCO-OK (1=OK)

35 Sensor voltage (24 V DC) ) Temp. restriction,

36 Digital input “DE 5” ) heating (1=OK)

37 Sensor voltage (24 V DC) )

38 Digital input “DE 6” ) Dryer OK (1=OK)

Attention: Terminals 25 to 38 only exist on the “new” AirControl-2, whereby

terminals 18 to 20(!) and 29 to 38 are to be found on the option board!

The inputs on the FU control will not be processed if an option board is


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Terminal assignment on the "new" AirControl-2

20 Schnittstelle 2
19 RS485

Optionsmodul DE 6 (Trockner ok)
steckbar 37
36 steckbares
35 DE 5 (Temp.Begrenz.)) I/O
34 Erweiterungs-
33 DE 4 (GLW ok)
32 DE 3 (Fern Last/Leer)
29 DE 2 (Fern Ein/Aus)

DE 1 (Lüfter ok) 28 28 DE 1 (Lüfter

27 27
26 26
KTY 2 (Heizung)
25 25 KTY 2 (Heizung) Grundplatine








KTY 1 (Ve rdichter

N etzeinspe isun g
Sam melstörung

(Schlau ch 6mm )
Schnittstelle 1

te mp.)
(p oten tia lfrei)

(pot entialfre i)

Ma gnetven til

L üftermot or
(Freque nz-
um richter)

H eizung
RS 485


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Terminal assignment on the "old" AirControl-2



Steckplatz für
optionale Schnittstelle
(R S- 48 5)

(Schlauch 6x1 mm)

X1 X2 X3 X4 X5 X6 X7 X8

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 1 5 16 1 7 1 8 19 2 0 21 22 23 24

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3. Software description:

3.1) Key assignment:

If a key is assigned to multiple use, then the next position is selected each time it is pressed.

, : Editing recommended/limit settings/codes

ENTER : Taking the edited value into the current variable;

* Default display => display/editing of:

7- segment C 7-segment D Parameters

[ 1] [ ##.#] Lower pressure threshold (3.5-15.0 bar)
[ 2] [ ##.#] Upper pressure threshold (3.5-15.0 bar)
[ 3] [ ##.#] Safety pressure (display only)
[ 4] [ ##.#] Min.pressure / BLCO (0,0 - 15,0 bar)
[ 5] [ 05.0] Minimum compressor temperature (display only)
[ 6] [ 110] Maximum compressor temperature (display only)
[ 7] [#####] Total runtime
[ 8] [#####] Runtime on load
[ 9] [#####] Remaining air filter time (display only)
[10] [#####] Remaining time oil/oil filter (display only)
[11] [#####] Remaining oil separator time (display only)
[12] [#####] Remaining lubrication time (display only)
[13] [#####] Remaining compressor time (display only)

0 (1) If compressor ON:

Switch off compressor;
(2) After a fault has occurred:
Clearing the fault report (= RESET key)
(3) Key pressed longer than 3 seconds:
Enter the code (only possible if system OFF);

<red LED> : flashes for warning/service message, steady light for fault;

I : Switch on compressor;

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3.1) Code input:

Press the 0-key in the basic display for more than 3 seconds ...

7-segment A,B cod

7-segment C
7-segment D [ customer code = 1 ]

Using the up-/down-keys, the necessary code (customer-, service-, factory-code) can be input.
By pressing the ENTER-key the actual code will be accepted, pressing the 0-key will abort
the code-input.

3.2) Editing parameters:

All programmable parameters can be reached by selecting the corresponding code-level.

First the adequate code has to be input (see: item 3.1 / code input).
Afterwards the corresponding code-level can be selected, using the up-/down-keys.
Only those code-levels are displayed, which can be altered with the actual code.
Pressing the ENTER-key will activate the selected code-level.
Pressing the 0-key results in returning one level (  selection of code-level  basic screen ).

All parameters, which can be altered in the basic display by pressing the ENTER-key, can only
be edited when code-level “1” is activated before, apart from that only the display can be

3.2.1) Mode: (refer also to: Item. 3.5.2)

Select code-level 2 => 7-segment A,B 000 002 0 = AUTOMATIC

7-segment C # 1 = LOAD/NO LOAD
7-segment D

If the operation mode "AUTOMATIK" is selected, you can see that at the symbol "Automatic"

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3.2.2) Automatic restart after a power cut:

Select code-level 3 => 7-segment A,B 000 003 0 = Restart = Off

7-segment C 1 1 = Restart = ON
7-segment D
If restart has been activated, this is shown using the
Restart symbol.

3.2.3) Monitoring fan power:

Code-level 5 selected => 7-Segm.A,B 000 005

1 1 = max. fan power
7-Segm.C ##.# A
Range: 0,0 – 10,0 A

ENTER => 7-Segm.A,B 000 005

2 2 = Delay
7-Segm.C ##s
Rage : 0 – 99 Sek.

ENTER => 7-Segm.A,B

000 005
7-Segm.C 3 3 = min. fan power
##.# A
7-Segm.D Range : 0,0 – 10,0 A

ENTER => 7-Segm.A,B 000 005

7-Segm.C 4 4 = Switch On temp. fan
7-Segm.D Range : 0 – 200 °C

ENTER => 7-Segm.A,B 000 005

7-Segm.C 5 5 = Switch Off temp.fan
7-Segm.D Range : 0 – 200 °C

If the compressor motor is running and the air end temperature is over the limit „Switching On temp.“
then the fan is switched on. If the compressor motor does not run, or the air end temperature is
sinking under the limit „Switching Off temp.“, then the fan is switched off.
After switching on the fan, first the given delay time (0-99s) is running, before the fan power was
controlled for the given limit.
If the fan power is higher than the given „max. fan power”, after procedure of delay time (and is this
limit > 0), or the input is "DE 1 / fan OK" (clamps 27+28) open, then the compressor is switching
off, with fault [7] „hiCur“.
If the fan power is lower than the „min.fan power“ for a longer time than the delay time
(and this limit is > 0), then the compressor is switching off with fault [8] „LoCur“.

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Adjustment for SOLO / FLEX compressors with 2(!) fans:
SOLO / FLEX: 6 7 11 15
CODE 5 Parameter 1 in A: 2,0A 2,0A 4,0A 4,0A
Parameter 2 in s: 5s 5s 5s 5s
Parameter 3 in A: 0,5A 0,5A 1,6A 1,6A
Parameter 4 in °C: 65°C 65°C 65°C 65°C
Parameter 5 in °C: 50°C 50°C 50°C 50°C

3.2.4 Local control or remote control:

Select code-level 8 => 7-segment A,B 000 008

7-segment C
7-segment D

0 = Local operation ON/OFF only via the keyboard

1 = Remote control ON via the optional RS485 interface
or “S1” input of the FU control
or "DE 2” input of options board
if Local keyed !
OFF via the optional RS485 interface,
or “S1” input of the FU control
or "DE 2” input of options board
or via the 0 key

If remote control has been switched in and the systems is keyed (via the I key), then this is
indicated by the Remote symbol
If the system is switched off using the 0 key, then the Remote symbol in the LCD is
extinguished once more.

ATTENTION: The parameters must be assigned for the“S1” input

on the FU control if they are to be processed by the “AirControl 2”!

The FU control inputs are only processed if there is no option board

present (and only at “frequency converter-type = Yaskawa) !

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3.2.5) Switch On- / Off- and minimum pressure:

Code-level 11selected => 7-Segm.A,B 1 = Switch On pressure

000 011
7-Segm.C 1 mind. 0,1bar under
##,# bar
7-Segm.D Switch Off pressure

ENTER => 7-Segm.A,B 2 = Switch Off pressure

000 011
7-Segm.C 2 (= max. pressure)
##,# bar

ENTER => 7-Segm.A,B 000 011 3 = Min. pressure

7-Segm.C 3 setting “0” =
7-Segm.D ##,# bar no monitoring

3.2.6) Additional heating / Switch Off temperature

Select code-level 15 => 7-Segm.A, B 000 015 0 = without additional heating

7-Segm.C 1 1 = incl. additional heating
7-Segm.D # (procedure: see 3.5.7 )

ENTER => 7-Segm.A,B

000 015
7-Segm.C 2 2 = Switching Off temp.
7-Segm.D Range: 5 – 80°C

This temperature will be used for the switching On / Off, only if „modus = 1“ and
the compressor is in operation (see also 3.5.7).
If the additional heating is deactivated (modus = 0 ), then the 2.KTY-Sensor (heating
temperature / only at “new” AirControl-2 available! ) will not be monitored for wire fault.
In this case the 1. KTY-sensor ( air end temperature) will be used for the control of
rely output for additional heating !

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3.2.7) BLCO-operation (compressor working as BLCO-slave):

Code level 18 selected 7-segment A, B 000 018

7-segment C 1
7-segment D

0 = not BLCO mode, e.g. Load/No load via local pressure sensor
1 = BLCO mode, Load/No load via the optional RS485 interface
or input “S2” on FU control
or input “DE 3” on option board

If BLCO mode has been activated and the BLCO-OK signal from the BLCO control unit
(via RS485 or via input S4 on the FU control or input “DE 4” on the option board) is present,
then this is indicated by the BLCO symbol in the LCD

In BLCO mode, the local pressure sensor is used purely for monitoring the safety pressure

If the data exchange via the interface is interrupted for more than 20 seconds and signal “BLCO-
OK” from input “S4” on the FU control or from input “DE 4” on the option board, then the
control unit switches back to Local mode.
The BLCO symbol, in this case, is again extinguished in the LCD.

Attention! Inputs “S2” and “S4” must be configured correspondingly on the FU

control if they are to be processed by the Air Control-2!
Input “S4” is available from plant type “FLEX-11” for Air Control-2. For
types “FLEX-6/7” this input is permanently configured to “0”!

The inputs from the FU control will only be processed if no option

boards are present (and only at frequency converter-typ = Yaskawa) !

From Version 1.31:

If BLCO mode is activated, and the pressure falls under „minimal pressure“, the BLCO mode
is switched off automatically and reprocessed with the local pressure sensor. Warning [7]
(„minimal pressure“) is displayed. This warning has to be cleared with the 0-key to switch
back to the BLCO mode again.

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3.2.8) Quit all upcoming maintenances:

Code level 21selected => Quitting occur after acknowledgement of

code input with taste '0'

3.2.9) Display fault logger :

Code-level 30 selected :

7-Segm.A,B => Err ### Position: 01 – 20

7-Segm.C => ## Number der fault /Warning
7-Segm.D => #####h and hours of work at occur

If the symbol [Warning triangle] is shown, then the entry is a fault /

If the symbol [tool] is shown, the entry is disruption.

If the current position is not reserved, then the following notice is shown:
7‐Segm.A,B => Err ###

7‐Segm.C =>
‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐
7‐Segm.D =>

The arrow key allows to page

through 20 positionen of fault
logger. Position 1 includes always
the „new“failure ! The individual
positiones of fault logger will be filed
at the EEPROM‐memory and they be
available also after a power failure.

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3.2.10) Editing of set point for
maintenance intervals:

a) Air filter:
Select code-level 41 => 7-segment A,B 000 041
7-segment C 1
7-segment D

b) Oil/oil filter:
Select code-level 42 => 7-segment A,B 000 042
7-segment C 1
7-segment D

c) Oil separator:
Select code-level 43 => 7-segment A,B 000 043
7-segment C 1
7-segment D #####h

d) Motor lubrication:
Select code-level 44 => 7-segment A,B
000 044
7-segment C 1
7-segment D #####h

e) Compressor:
Select code-level 45 => 7-segment A,B
000 045
7-segment C 1
7-segment CD #####h

You can use the arrow keys in steps of 500 to select the relevant recommended value,
and then accept with the ENTER key (range: 0-20,000 hours).

If you accept a recommended setting with the ENTER key, then the relevant
interval (remaining time) is also started afresh with the recommended setting.

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3.2.11) No Load time/Shutdown/Run up time:

Select code-level 51 => 7-segment A,B

000 051
7-segment C 1 1 = No load time
7-segment D ####s Range: 10-1200 seconds

ENTER => 7-segment A,B 000 051

7-segment C 2 2 = Shutdown time
7-segment D Range: 0-120 seconds

ENTER => 7-segment A,B 000 051

7-segment C 3 3 = Run-up time
7-segment D Range: 1 - 60 seconds

3.2.12) Set system type, pressure range and quantity delivered:

Select code-level 60 => 7-segment A,B 000 060

7-segment C 1
7-segment D

System type: Flex

Dependent on the system type selected here, the following parameters: Run- up time, maximum
number of cycles (ABO), No loa d time, speed reduction by (mA), speed reduction (bar),
min. control range (%) and the servicing intervals are preset with the backing table values.

ENTER => 7-segment A,B 000 060

7-segment C 2
7-segment D

Pressure range: 7.0 - 15.0 bar (Standard – compressor)

respectively: 7.0 – 10.0 bar (“10 bar – compressor”)

The upper pressure threshold is preset to the value chosen here and the lower pressure threshold
is preset to 2.0 bar.
The pressure range set here is also used as the upper limit when editing the lower and upper
pressure threshold settings (refer to: Item 3.1 / ENTER key).

See also code 62 for direct access

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ENTER => 7-segment A,B 000 060
7-segment C 3
7-segment D

Pressure range: 7.0 - 15.0 bar

Max quantity delivered 0 – 9999 m³/h

The maximum quantity delivered for the compressor is specified here (in m³/h !)

See also code 69 for direct access

3.2.13) Control parameter for control frequency convertrer:

Select code-level 75 => 7-Segm.A,B

000 075
7-Segm.B 1
7-Segm.C „Speed reduction from:“

The pressure can be regulate, at which the max. set point for the frequency converter is limited.
(Adjustment range : 5.0 to 13.0 bar // Basic setting : 5.0 bar, at „FLEX 15“: 8,0 bar)

ENTER => 7-Segm.A,B 000 075

7-Segm.C 2
7-Segm.D „Speed reduction to:“

The pressure can be regulate, from them the max. set point for the frequency converter is not further
limited (Adjustment range : 5.0 bis 14.0 bar // Basic setting : 13.0 bar )

ENTER => 7-Segm.A,B 000 075

7-Segm.C 3
7-Segm.D „Speed reduction for about:“

The current value can be regulate, which about the max. set point should be lowered at most
( Adjustment range: 3 bis 15 mA // Basic setting: 12 mA // 20mA = FU 100% ! )

ENTER => 7-Segm.A,B

000 075
7-Segm.C 4
7-Segm.D „Proportional set point:“

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The set point can be regulate, inside the current of range of pressure, which is controlled
( Set point : 0 bis 100 % // Basic setting: 50 % )
Example: 0 % => Set point = Switch on pressure ;
50 % => Set point = (Switch on pressure + Switch off pressure) / 2;
100 % => Set point = Switch off pressure ;

ENTER => 7-Segm.A,B

000 075
7-Segm.C 5
7-Segm.D „Control factor:“

Regulate the control factor ( P-part of

(Range : 1 bis 999 // Bassic setting: 110)

ENTER => 7-Segm.A,B

000 075
7-Segm.C 6
7-Segm.D ####s
„Reset time:“

Here you can regulate the reset time ( I-part of controller, at „0“ => no share I-part ! ) .
(Range : 0 bis 9999 Sek. // Basic setting : 8 Sek.)

ENTER => 7-Segm.A,B

000 075
7-Segm.C 7
7-Segm.D „Max. set point“
Here you can give the max. set point witch will be transmitted to the frequency converter.

(Range: 50 to 100 % // Basic setting: 100 %)

ENTER => 7-Segm.A,B

000 075
7-Segm.C 8
7-Segm.D „Min. control range“
Here the percental min. value for the speed at converter compressors can be given
(= „rated no load speed“). The placed value must agree with the given value of the
frequency converter !
(Range : 0 to 100 % )

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ENTER => 7-Segm.A,B
000 075
7-Segm.C 9
7-Segm.D „Frequency converter
max. no load“
Here the proportional max. value for speed can given, as long as the compressor after a change
from no load to full load the given temperature (CT – Min. no load ) have not reached.

ENTER => 7-Segm.A,B

000 075
7-Segm.C 10
7-Segm.D „CT-min. no load operation“
Here you can give the temperature who have to reached after the changing from no load to load
runs, before the max. speed for the frequency converter will get unblocked.

3.2.14) Option set „with dryer“ :

Select code-level 80 => 7-Segm.A,B 000 080

7-Segm.C 1
7-Segm.D #

Range: 0 = without
1 = with dryer

If the value “1” (e.g. “with dryer”) is programmed, then a fault message will be triggered if
signal "dryer OK" on input "S3" of the frequency converter control is missing.

If an option board is installed then a fault message will be triggered if the signal “Dryer OK”
(DE 6) is missing.

Caution: Input “S3” must be configured to the frequency converter control if it is to

be controlled by the “AirControl-2”. This input is available only from plant
type “FLEX-11” up for AirControl-2. For types “FLEX-6/7” this input is
permanently configured to “1”!

The inputs from the frequency converter control will only be

processed if no option boards are available (and only at frequency
converter-typ = Yaskawa“)!

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3.2.15) Backup the RAM-memory, to programming the control new

Select code-level 88 => Cleanup all compressor referring data (RESET)

3.2.16) Change unity for pressure gauge:

Select code-level 90 => 7-Segm.A,B 0 = Pressure gauge in bar

000 090
7-Segm.C 1 1 = Pressure gauge in MPa
7-Segm.D 2 = Pressure gauge in psi

3.2.17) Change unity for temperature :

select code-level 95 => 7-Segm.A,B 0 = Temperature in °C

000 095
7-Segm.C 1 1 = Temperature in °F
7-Segm.D 2 = Temperature in K

3.2.18) Correction value pressure:

Select code-level 105 => Here, the displayed value of pressure can be adapt from
-0,5bar to +0,5bar to get the same value at several displays.

3.2.19 )Initial operation sequence for speed controlled compressors

Select code-level 111 => Initial operation sequence

New from version 1.30:

If the initial operation for the compressor motor has not yet been carried, is not,
at the display the message „-OFF-“ will shown, and the compressor could not start! The initial
operation sequence will be started with the code-level 111. As long as the initial operation
sequence is running, at the 7 segment display the active set point for frequency converter and
the remaining time of the current step will be shown.
(for Example.:„40: 15s“  set point = 40%; remaining time = 15 sec).

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3.2.20) Fault logger reset :

Select code-level 130 => the fault logger will be deleted !

3.2.21) Operating- and load hours reset :

Select code-level 9900 => Press the '0'-button is deleting the operating- and load hours

3.2.22) Edit operating- and load hours :

Select code-level 9919 => Parameter 7 = set operating hours

Parameter 8 = set load hours

3.2.23) Edit operating- load hours (1000th steps):

Select code-level 9929 => Parameter 1 = set operating hours 1000th

Parameter 2 = set load hours 1000th

3.2.24) Set installation adress : (PC-connection / Visualization / BLCO)

Select code-level 9950 => 7-Segm.A,B

009 950
7-Segm.C 1 1 = Address
7-Segm.D ##

00 = The optional RS485-interface is switch off !

01..16 = The compressor can be (for example by PC) connected by
the relevant address !

ATTENTION: You have to make sure that all connected compressors have their own address set !
Additionally the considering interface module (RS485) have to be available at the
control !

ENTER => 7-Segm.A,B 009 950

7-Segm.C 2 2 = Modus

0 = By the interface data could be read out of control

and parameter at the control can be changed also.
1 = By the interface data could be read out of control.

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ENTER => 7-Segm.A,B
009 950
7-Segm.C 3 3 = Baud rate

0 = 4800 Baud (Basic setting)

1 = 9600 Baud
2 = 19200 Baud

ATTENTION: Note that you have to set all connected compressor with the same baut rate
(transmission speed) !

3.2.25) Select the used frequency convertrer type:

Select code-level 9960 => 7-Segm.A,B

009 960
7-Segm.C 1
7-Segm.D #

Frequency converter-typ: 0 = Yaskawa

1 = Emotron (Default!)
2 = Bosch-Rexroth

3.2.26) Test of digital in-/output:

Select code-level 9980 => 7-Segm.A,B 009 980

7-Segm.C 1 1 = PTC-input
7-Segm.D # ( 0 = Off / 1 = On)

ENTER => 7-Segm.A,B 009 980

7-Segm.C 2 2 = Input 1, fan OK
7-Segm.D # ( 0 = Off / 1 = On )

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ENTER => 7-Segm.A,B 009 980
7-Segm.C 3 3 = Input 2, option board
7-Segm.D # (0 = Off / 1 = On)

ENTER => 7-Segm.A,B 009 980

7-Segm.C 4 1 = PTC-Input
7-Segm.D # (0 = Off / 1 = On)

ENTER => 7-Segm.A,B 009 980

7-Segm.C 5 2 = Input 1, fan OK
7-Segm.D # (0 = Off / 1 = On)

ENTER => 7-Segm.A,B

009 980
7-Segm.C 6 3 = Input 2, option board
7-Segm.D # (0 = Off / 1 = On)

ENTER => 7-Segm.A,B 009 980

7-Segm.C 7 7 = Input 6, option board
7-Segm.D # (0 = Off / 1 = On)

ENTER => 7-Segm.A,B 009 980
7-Segm.C 8 8 = Output 1
7-Segm.D (0= Off-/1=Switch on)

ENTER => 7-Segm.A,B 009 980 11 = Output 4

7-Segm.C 11
(0=Off-/1= Switch on)
7-Segm.D #

The input 1 „fan OK“ is existing at the new AirControl-2, only.

The input 2...6 ( option board) exists only, if a corresponding option board is present.
(only possible at „new“ AirControl-2).

At the output signals, the considering output can be switched

On- (-button) or Off- (-button) with the arrow key.

Pressing the ENTER-button is moving on to the next step.

(here the output will switched off first !).
After the last step it will switch back to the basic display.

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3.2.27) Showing softwareversion & random number :

Select code-level 9999 => Confirm with Enter = Installed software version
will be displayed
Confirm again with Enter = Random number will be displayed
(is needed for generating daily code)

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3.3) Depiction on the LCD of the operating/display unit:

Top: - left: 7-segment pressure indicator ("7-segment A");

Symbols for: MPa, psi, bar;
- right: 7-segment temperature indicator ("7-segment B");
Symbols for: °C/°F/°K

Centre: - 7-segment display ("7-segment C");

- Symbols for: fault, warning/servicing, automatic, remote,
restart, motor, solenoid valve, heating, fan;

Bottom: - 7-segment display ("7-segment D");

- Symbols for: BLCO, hours, minutes, seconds;

3.3.1) Default display:

7-segment A: - current network pressure "10.2 bar"

7-segment B: - current compressor temperature "52 °C "

7-segment C: - no display (no Load mode, no fault/warning);

- number of the active fault (if tool on);
- number of the active warning/servicing message (if warning triangle on);

7-segment D: a) if fault/warning: fault/warning text (abbreviation, 5 characters);

b) no fault/warning: running shutdown or tracking time;
or current setting [0-100%] for frequency
converter (in Load mode);

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3.4) Processing faults/warnings:

3.4.1) Fault: The Tool symbol flashes and the relevant number is shown
flashing in the "7- segment C" field.
7-Segm.C 7-Segm.D
[ 1] [Por ] "Incorrect setting" (Change recommended pressure settings)
[ 2] [EPROm] "EEPROM?" (Change all settings)
[ 3] [Lo AC] "Low voltage" (only if detection is activated/refer to: item 3.6)
[ 4] [No AC] "Power cut" (only if Automatic Restart is not set)
[ 5] [DEFEC] "Incor.compens.setting" (Check for repairs / co mpensation)
[ 6] [mot t] "Motor temperature" (PTC )
[ 7] [hiCur] "Fan current too high" Fan current > max. fan current )_ and delay
[ 8] [LoCur] "Fan current too low" Fan current < min. fan current ) cycled
[ 9] [SE t ] "Temp.sensor def." (monitoring: KTY sensor 1 compressor temp.)
[10] [SE P ] "Press. sensor def." (monitoring: pressure sensor)
[11] [hi t ] "Compr.temp.too high" (Temperature > max. compression temperature)
[12] [hi P ] "Network pres. too high" (Network pressure > Safety pressure)
[13] [FU ] "FU fault" Frequency converter does not respond or registers a fault
[14] [dryEr] “Dryer fault” Signal “dryer OK” missing
[15] [SE t2] “Heating temp.sens.fault” (Monitoring: KTY sensor 2 / heating temperature)

If any of these faults appear, then this leads to the compressor switching off.
The red LED stays on until the fault has been cleared. The fault can only be cleared with the 0 key if
its cause has been rectified in the interim.

3.4.2) Warning/Servicing: The Warning Triangle symbol flashes and the relevant
number is shown flashing in the "7- segment C" field.
7-Segm.C 7-Segm.D
[ 2] [hi t ] "Compr.temperature up" (Temperature > max. compression temp. - 5°C )
[ 3] [hi P ] "Network pressure up" (pressure > [safety pressure - 0.3 bar])
[ 4] [Cold ] "Comp. temp. too low" (temperature < +1°C)
[ 5] [oilHE] "Oillevel/Heating" „Heating activated“, and no signal on „DE 5“

[ 7] [min P] "minimal pressure" BLCO mode is activated and

pressure < „minimal pressure“;

[11] [m Air] "Air filter servicing" (Time to service < 100 hours)
[12] [mOilF] "Oil/oil filter servicing" (Time to service < 100 hours)
[13] [m SEP] "Oil separator servicing" (Time to service < 100 hours)
[14] [m mot] "Lubrication servicing" (Time to service < 100 hours)
[15] [m Com] "Compressor servicing" (Time to service < 100 hours)

The compressor is not switched off if a warning or servicing message is displayed.

The red light flashes until the reason for the warning is eliminated or until the relevant servicing
interval has been cleared. Normally, a fault/warning is indicated immediately.
However, if the user has pressed the ENTER key, to enter recommended or limit settings, then
the fault/warning is displayed only when the user has switched back to the default display.

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3.5) Information on the programme:

3.5.1) Modes:

New in Version 1.30:

When the “initial operation” of the compressor motor has not been carried out, the message
„-OFF-“ is displayed and the compressor cannot be started!
The “initial operation” is started with code-level 111.
While the “initial operation” is running, the actual set-value for the frequency converter and
the remaining time of the actual step is displayed in the lower 7-segment indicator
(for example: „40: 15s“ set value = 40%; remaining time = 15 seconds ).

a) the compressor is switched off:

- the Motor and Solenoid Valve symbols are off (LCD)

b) the compressor is switched on, but the current pressure is still higher than the lower
pressure threshold (run-up guard).
- the Motor and Solenoid valve symbols are off
- the text “run” =is flashing in the lower 7-segment indicator

c) The compressor is switched on, but the compressor temperature (or heating temperature if
operated “with heating”) is still less than +1°C
- the Motor and Solenoid valve symbols are off
- the temperature unit symbol is flashing (LCD: °C/°F/K)
- the text “cold” =is flashing in the lower 7-segment indicator

d) The compressor is in operation, but the load valve is switched off, e.g. the compressor is not
compressing. (run -up phase or no load)
- the Motor symbol is on
- the Load Valve symbol is off

If the compressor is in the "Automatic" operating mode, or "Automatic Opt." and the idling
time is active, this is shown in the lower 7-segment display.*

e) The compressor is in operation and the load valve is switched on,

e.g. the compressor is compressing. (Load)
- the Motor symbol is on
- the Load Valve symbol is on
- the current setting for the frequency converter is shown in the bottom line
(7-Segm.D) ("Fu ###" // ### = 0-100%)

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3.5.2) Modes: (refer also to: item 3.2.1)

a) AUTOMATIC mode:

After reaching the upper pressure threshold, the system moves to NO LOAD for the duration of
the tracking time (see: 3.2.6).
After the no load time has elapsed, the motor switches off.
After switching off, the text run flashes => ready for a new start-up.
As soon as the pressure is again less than the lower pressure threshold, the system restarts.

b) LOAD/NO LOAD mode:

The compressor alternates between Load and No Load modes, for example it tracks with no
time restriction.

3.5.3) Switch on process:

If the current network pressure is above the set pressure threshold when the compressor is
switched on, then the text run flashes. Only when the network pressure falls below the threshold
does the compressor start.
If the compressor temperature (or heating temperature if operated “with heating”) when
switching on is below +1°C, then the temperature unit (°C/°F/°K) flashes, as does the text
If the temperature then rises to at least +1°C, then the compressor starts up. (refer to item 3.5.7)

3.5.4) Switch-off process:

If you switch the compressor of using the 0 key (or the optional RS485 interface, then it switches
first into No Load mode. The remaining No Load cycle time is shown in the lower 7-segment
The shutdown time is used as the time here (see item 3.2.6).
Only after this time has elapsed does the system switch off completely.

3.5.5) Shutdown time: (see: item 3.5.11)

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3.5.6) Safety pressure: ("P_ZUL")

The safety pressure is the set pressure range + 0.8 bar.

(For pressure range, refer to: Item 3.2.16)

Example: Pressure range = 10 bar => "P_allowed" = 10.8 bar

If the pressure exceeds the "P_allowed – 0.3 bar", then a warning is registered.
If the pressure exceeds the "P_allowed" threshold, then the compressor is switched off and a fault
message is displayed.

3.5.7) Function "Additional heating" : ( see: 3.2.6 )

a) "no heating"

If the heating temperature falls below the threshold [min. compressor temperature], the
Supplementary Heating output is switched on.
As soon as the heating temperature rises above the threshold [minimum compression
temperature + 2°C], the output is switched off once more.

b) "heating"/compressor is OFF/master switch is ON

If the heating temperature falls below the threshold [minimum compression temperature],
then the Supplementary Heating output is switched on.
As soon as the heating temperature rises above the threshold [minimum compression
temperature + 2°C], the output is switched off again.

c) "heating"/compressor is ON

If the heating temperature is below the - 3°C switch-off temperature threshold

(refer to item 3.2.8), then the Supplementary Heating output is switched on.
As soon as the upper temperature threshold has been reached, or if the compressor is switched
off, then the output switches off again.

If the function “heating” is activated, and the signal “temp. restriction” (“DE 5”) is missing,
then warning [5] (“oil level / heating”) will be displayed.

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The “new” AirControl-2 must have its own KTY filter fitted for heating temperature (b + c).
The “old” AirControl -2 always uses the compressor temperature!

In general, the compressor can only be started when the compressor temperature (or heating
temperature if operated “with heating”) has reached at least the threshold of +1°C.

If the supplementary heating output is switched on, then this is shown in the LCD using the
corresponding symbol.

AirControl ALMiG V1.72_gb Page 29 of 33 07/2015

3.6) Code-levels used in the program:


(+ supplementary settings for OPTIONAL AUTOMATIC mode)

0003 => Selection: automatic restart (Y/N) + time

0005 => Selection: Fan current monitoring settings

0008 => Selection: Local operation or remote control

0011 => Release: Release editing of recommended/limit settings which are called up via the
INFO key

0015 => Selection: Supplementary heating settings

0018 => Selection: BLCO mode (0/1) [1 => System is BLCO slave]

0021 => Call-up: Release COMPRESSOR SERVICING clearance

You then clear with the 0 key)

0030 => Call up: Show fault memory

0041 => Call up: Editing the Air Filter servicing interval
0042 => Call up: Editing the Oil/Oil Filter servicing interval
0043 => Call up: Editing the Oil separator servicing interval
0044 => Call up: Editing the Motor Lubrication servicing interval
0045 => Call up: Editing the Compressor servicing interval

0051 => Call up: Edit No Load, Shutdown time,

0060 => Call up: Select system, pressure range and quantity delivered (refer to: Item 3.2.16).
0062 => Call up: Only select the pressure range (e.g. following a software update)
0069 => Call up: Only enter quantity delivered (e.g. following a software update)

0075 => Call up: Set the parameters for selecting the frequency converter;
(see: Item 3.2.15)

0080 => Call up: Program option “with dryer” (see section 3.2.17)

AirControl ALMiG V1.72_gb Page 30 of 33 07/2015

0088 => Call up: System data default settings (variable parameters)

0090 => Call up: Convert pressure indicator unit

0095 => Call-up: Convert temperature indicator unit

0105 => Call-up: Define pressure measurement correction factor

0111 => Call-up: Start of “initial operation” for the compressor motor
( New in Version 1.30 / see: item 3.5 1 )

0130 => Call-up: Erase fault memory

9900 => Release: Initializing (then press the 0 key.)

- Set runtime/load time to 0;
- Servicing intervals => recommended values;
- Erase fault memory;
N.B.: (only designed for 1 start-up.)

9919 => Release: Edit operating/load hours

Next, call up the relevant settings using the INFO key

9929 => Release: Edit operating/load hours ...

The operating/load hours can be edited in steps of 1000 hrs.

9950 => Call-up Set system address, interface mode, and baud speed [PC link]

9970 => Call-up Set the behavior when power is restored after a "Low Voltage" warning

9980 => Call-up Test of inputs/outputs

9999 => Call-up Show current program version

13.0 AC2 AirControl-2 ( standard: 13 bar )

2  2 = new hardware
P 1.54
Software version 1.54

--- ---
 “random number” for generating
##### the “factory code” (new in V 1.30)

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3.7) Fault in the control unit programming memory

After switching the mains on, if an error in the programming memory (Flash EPROM) has been
detected, the following message then appears in the lower 7-segment indicator:

"FLASH" => In this case, the program must be reloaded into the control unit.

3.8) Transferring a new program to the control unit;

- Switch off the power supply to the control unit;

- Press the ▲ and 0 keys simultaneously and switch on the power supply again at the same

- FLASH now appears in the indicator.

=> The relevant program (hexadecimal file) can now be transferred to the control unit.

To do this, connect the control unit via an RS232/RS485 interface adapter

via the first interface (= FU connection) with the relevant PC (PC software setting:
19200 baud).

3.9) Frequency converter settings:

- You set the following FU interface parameters

* Recommended setting scaling: 0.1%

* control unit and recommended value: MemoBus

* Slave address: 1
* Baud speed: 9600
* Parity: even
* Pause when sending: 10 ms
* RTS control: active

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