Writing A Story For PET
Writing A Story For PET
Writing A Story For PET
The B1 Preliminary (PET) exam has suffered some changes that become effective
in January 2020. Among the parts most affected are Speaking and Writing.
However, the B1 Writing part we will be reviewing today hasn’t suffered any
changes, except for now belonging in Part 2 instead of Part 3, as there is no Part 3
in the new exam. So today I will teach you how to write a story at B1 level for
your B1 Preliminary (PET) exam. We already saw how to write an email, so it’s
now time to focus writing a story for PET.
In this part of the test, you are given some instructions to write a story in about
100 words. These instructions may involve the title or the first or last sentence of
the story. Why do they give you this prompt? Well, if they asked you to simply
«write a story», you could memorize a story at home and simply write it out in the
exam, which isn’t really fair.
The good thing about choosing the story over the letter is that you have more
freedom to write. But first, let’s take a look at an example taken from Cambridge
English sample papers:
How to write a story for B1 Preliminary
Now, before seeing a sample task, we will focus on what is a story, so we can
understand this kind of task better and have a more accurate expectation of what is
expected of us in this part of the Writing for PET.
What is a story?
According to the Lexico.com (before Oxford Dictionaries), a story is «an account of
imaginary or real people and events told for entertainment«. For this reason,
precisely, you have plenty more freedom to write, as you can make up most of the
story. But just like it happens with every other type of writing, a story must follow a
particular structure which makes sense to the reader. So let’s move on to the different
parts of a story.
Parts of a Story
A story can roughly be divided into the following parts:
Title: The title should either summarize the whole story (without spoilers!) or
have something to do with the main theme.
Exposition: This is the beginning of the story, where the characters and
setting are established. It serves as the introduction to the next part, the
action, and the so-called conflict of our story.
Action: In this part, the characters deal with conflict and do things to solve it.
Resolution: This is where the conflict is resolved and the story concludes
with an ending, normally without any loose ends.
Now that we know the different parts of a story, we should see an example.
Just to be clear, these are only some simple examples which you can use, as
there is no right or wrong way to start a story. That’s the beauty of it!
Time phrases
One of the great differences between writing a letter, essay, article and so on, and
writing a story is the need to pay careful attention to the time over which the
story develops. In order to define the order of the events in the story, we must
use time expressions or time phrases. So let’s see a few:
After that
Not long aftewards
As soon as
Some time later
A little later
____ minutes later
a moment later
Later (that morning/afternoon/day/night…)
Just then
Creating suspense
When writing a story, the aim is not to inform or to convey information; the real
purpose is to entertain the reader, just like when you read a novel you expect to be
entertained. For this reason, a story, even a story for Preliminary (PET) Writing
Part 3 should aim to do so: entertain. And a cool way to entertain is to create
suspense, which we can do by using some of the following expressions:
All of a sudden
Without warning
Just at that moment
Out of the blue
Out of nowhere
Right away
Straight away
Direct speech
In every story there are characters and they usually interact with each other, so it
is always good if you know how to use direct speech, that is, reproduce the words
the characters actually say or think. The tricky bit about this is the punctuation
and the verbs to choose, because it’s good to use some verbs other than «say».
Let’s take a look at some examples:
«I’m coming with you,» she said.
She said, «I’m coming with you.»
«Do you like it?» he asked.
«Don’t do it!» he screamed.
Verb tenses
One of the reasons why stories are particularly challenging for B1 students is
that they tend to take place in the past, which makes it necessary to use a range
of past tenses appropriately. The main three past tenses you should really try to
use are the following:
Past simple (-ed/irregular form)
Past continuous
Past perfect
If you take a look at the example of Writing Part 3 above, you’ll see how I used
these tenses in combination, when possible:
I woke up and got out of bed. Then I went to the kitchen and made some coffee.
It’s not wrong, but it’s just not good enough for a story