Full Report On Friction Stirr Weld
Full Report On Friction Stirr Weld
Full Report On Friction Stirr Weld
Master of Technology
Aakash Sharma
U.ID 15821
April 2017
PROPOSED TOPIC : Friction stir welding of aluminium alloy with a distinct material sandwiched in between.
2 Project Feasibility: Project can be timely carried out in-house with low-cost and available resources in 7.25
the University by the students.
3 Project Academic Inputs: Project topic is relevant and makes extensive use of academic inputs in UG 7.25
program and serves as a culminating effort for core study area of the degree program.
4 Project Supervision: Project supervisor’s is technically competent to guide students, resolve any issues, 7.50
and impart necessary skills.
5 Social Applicability: Project work intends to solve a practical problem. 6.75
6 Future Scope: Project has potential to become basis of future research work, publication or patent. 7.00
PAC Member 1 Name: Dr. Uday Krishna Ravella UID: 18604 Recommended (Y/N): Yes
PAC Member 3 Name: Jasvinder Singh UID: 15854 Recommended (Y/N): Yes
PAC Member 4 Name: Anil Kumar UID: 20296 Recommended (Y/N): Yes
DAA Nominee Name: Kamal Hassan UID: 17469 Recommended (Y/N): Yes
Final Topic Approved by PAC: Friction stir welding of aluminium alloy with a distinct material sandwiched in between.
PAC CHAIRPERSON Name: 12174::Gurpreet Singh Phull Approval Date: 05 Oct 2016
4/20/2017 12:31:22 PM
The friction stir multi-lap welded joint has been created between the sheets of two
aluminium Al5052-H32 alloys and the pure copper foil. The values of the shear strengths
in the multi-lap weld of dissimilar materials, has been evaluated consisting of a sandwich
structure. The sheets used are very thin in terms of thicknesses. The tool material is M2
HSS (High Speed Steel). The design of experiments has been done by following Taguchi
method’s L9 approach. The ultimate shear strength is determined for all the samples.
Microstructure has been evaluated with the scanning electron microscope (SEM) and the
optical microscope for the AlA-Cu-AlA sample found to have the highest ultimate shear
strength. Also, micro-hardness has been found out for the same. The AlA-Cu-AlA weld
having the highest ultimate shear strength was made with the friction stir weld
parameters: 800 RPM of tool rotation speed, 5 mm/min of traverse speed & 0.2 mm of the
plunge depth. It was also found that the AlA-AlA weld had higher strength than the AlA-
Cu-AlA weld for the same set of varying parameters. While dealing with the thin sheets,
clamping plays a significant role. The discussed process could be utilised to create the
copper cladding over the tubes of aluminium alloys which would make them light weight
and excellent heat sinks.
I give a special gratitude to Mr. Prashant Kumar Pandey for mentoring me throughout this thesis
work. Furthermore, I would like to acknowledge all those staff members from “Lovely
Professional University”, who helped be wholeheartedly through the course of my work. The
permission to use various apparatus and machines in the “Lovely Professional University” is
Aakash Sharma
I hereby certify that the work being presented in the dissertation entitled “Friction Stir Welding
Of Aluminium Alloy With A Distinct Material Sandwiched In Between” in partial fulfilment of
the requirement of the award of the Degree of master of technology and submitted to the
Department of Mechanical Engineering of Lovely Professional University, Phagwara, is an
authentic record of my own work carried out under the supervision of Mr. Prashant Kumar
Pandey, C.O.D., Department of Mechanical Engineering, Lovely Professional University. The
matter embodied in this dissertation has not been submitted in part or full to any other University
or Institute for the award of any degree.
Aakash Sharma
This is to certify that the above statement made by the candidate is correct to the best of my
U.ID 15821
The external viva-voce examination of the student was held on successfully _______________.
Signature of Examiner
The friction stir welding process comes under the domain of solid state welding process.
Heat is required only to bring the material in the plastic state without any need to further
supply heat to melt the base metal. The material that is brought in the plastic state is then
deformed using the application of force. The deformation of plasticised material is
pointed at mixing it with the other material or another work-piece of same material. This,
in turn, joins the two or more work-pieces. The heat that is required for plasticising is
generated by the frictional force when the tool surface rubs against the work-piece in a
rotational motion. Then, in order to accomplish the intermixing, the tool traverses. Hence,
an effective joint is achieved. The energy gets saved in the process because the joining
occurred at a temperature lesser than that required to melt the base material. Moreover,
since less heat was generated, the heat affected zone is also minimum, hence keeping the
properties of the joint consistent.
Before the advent of friction stir welding, when arc fusion welding was in fashion, the
defects to welding ratio was considerably higher. The culprit behind that unfavourable
event was the low energy-density fusion welding process which causes the formation of a
large pool molten metal and a large heat affected zone. This led to the formation of
defects that were developed during the weld pool solidification. In return, these defects
led to the distortion of work piece and the welded joint while reducing the strength of the
joint as well. Up until 1990s, fusion arc welding and gas welding had been the prevalent
players in the welding industry.[1]
Not long before the invention of FSW, certain other non-fusion welding processes such as
friction welding, had already been developed. However, the former non-fusion welding
processes could only find a very limited use in the industrial applications. In the case of
friction welding, the two work pieces are made to come in contact with each other and
with the help of linear motion or rotations, relative motion is achieved between them.
Along with the relative motion, there is also simultaneous application of the compressive
force along the two work-pieces. The reason why the geometry of the parts joined by the
friction welding is restricted is due to the availability of only two movements: linear and
rotational, which can be utilized to create the relative motion between the work-pieces.
The principle governing the joining process in friction welding is that due to the relative
motion between the two parts that are to be joined, frictional heat is generated. This
frictional heat in turn, causes the softening of the metal at ends of parts in contact. At this
semi-plastic softened state, when pressure is also applied, the two parts make up a strong
joint at the surface of contact. Friction welding is very much similar to the forming
process. Even though there had been geometrical restrictions for the use of friction
welding and difficulties in clamping varying sections, it proved to be an efficient way for
creating a firm joint between metals, plastics and many other polymers as the area of heat
affected zone created in friction welding is very minimal just as in most of other solid
state welding processes. This new technology involving the frictional heat and the
pressure also unleashed the possibilities of dissimilar material joining.
Another invention that took place during the same period in 1950s when friction welding
was prevailing was the laser welding. Since then and until now the laser welding is
considered to be a very convenient and efficient mode of creating a joint between the
multiples.[2] However, laser beam welding also has a few cost based restrictions and the
restrictions cause due the size of parts that are to be joined. In laser beam welding, a high
concentration welding source with high degree of penetration heats up the region in the
material to be joined very precisely. It is a high density joining process and along with
accuracy, offers the minimal affected zone while creating a very thing section of the heat
affected zone which is, in some cases, negligible.
With the advancement in technology and with the need of more sophisticated joints, the
welding industry could be seen drifting into the pool of the high density joining
processes, which favour less effect on the area in the vicinity of the weld, thus reducing
the defects to welds ratio and thereby giving the joint more strength along with the cross-
sections having trivial unwanted deformations. The research and the development team in
“The Welding Institute (TWI)”, situated in United Kingdom, had been carrying out
extensive researches in the field of friction welding. Apart from studying the effect of
varying rotation speed and torque parameters in friction welding, the researchers also
showed interest in the properties of various materials in the plastic state. The need of
eliminating the geometric restrictions was already being felt by the team. It was not long
after when in 1991 on a very fine day, Wayne Thomas struck an idea of using a probe of a
harder material than those materials to be joined and with the correct rotational speed and
torque, using it to fuse the specimens together. This led to the invention of process named
as Friction Stir Welding. In 1991, Wayne Thomas and his colleagues at TWI patented this
Friction stir welding (FSW) is very similar to the friction welding not just by the name
but also by the working principle. Both of them are solid state thermo-mechanical joining
processes. The significance of the word “stir” in friction stir welding is that the probe of a
harder material than the specimens to be joined causes a stirring action in the material at
the joint and thus highly plasticising the material to a point at which the complete joint is
created. With FSW, the need of clamping the heavy parts to be joined, as per the ‘parts in
motion’ regulations, could be avoided as the parts now need to the clamped in stationary
architecture while only the small probe needs to be clamped as per the ‘part in motion’
guidelines. Another advantage of FSW over friction welding is that the geometrical
restrictions are majorly eliminated. The efficiency of the FSW join depends upon how
well the parts have been clamped and how rigidly the tool has been mounted. Although
the friction stir welding faces a strong competition from the laser welding, it has its own
specialised uses in the industry. In comparison to laser beam welding, the FSW costs less
and its equipment accommodates part variety much better than that accommodated by the
laser beam welding setup.[4]
One of the most beneficial factors that can be noticed in FSW is that it doesn’t add any
mass to the joint since there is no involvement of the filler material in the general use. For
the very same reason, it has found industrial applications in the space equipment industry
and the automobile industry where the volume to weight ratio matters a lot.
Another advantage that the concerned process carries is that it can effectively join the
sum up thickness of up-to 5 mm, depending upon the properties of material and the
temperature conditions. Also, high accuracy can be achieved while welding the sum up
thickness of plates of 0.2 mm
The types of joints that can be formed by friction stir welding are the lap join and the butt
joint. For a fixed setup it is not convenient to make any other kind of joints in the
specimens, however, with the advancement in the technical field where robotic arms are
being employed to achieve various tasks in space with higher degrees of freedom, there is
no limit in possibilities.
As it has already been discussed that the process of friction stir welding has a wide range
of scope in the near future, consider it to be the airplane building industry, the space
industry, making of seam welds in boilers or the supercars. Moreover, it is a well-
established process to join the dissimilar materials too, say plastics such as polythene,
abundant metals such as copper, aluminium and steel, high strength metal such as
titanium and innumerable alloys of the listed metals. However, still the standards are
being set in this industry and in this phase of research, holistic contribution is necessary.
By the repetitive experimentation and the analysis of results, the standards for this type of
solid state welding: Friction Stir Welding Process, could be established. This will enable
the future enthusiasts or the people indulging in this technology for the business to save
their time, material, efforts and hence money, yet get the superior friction stir welds.
The following are the explanations to the terms that are commonly used in this report:
Shoulder:- The should is a part of the tool that prevents the plasticised material to escape
the weld bead. The shoulder penetrates into the work-piece up to some depth.
Plunge Depth:- The maximum depth up to which the tool shoulder penetrates into the
panels of the weld material. The plunge depth is measured normal to the surface of the
weld panels.
Probe:- The probe or the pin is the part attached to the shoulder that makes the first
contact with the work-piece to be welded and penetrates into it. The pin height is slightly
lower than the depth of weld to be required to be penetrated.
Joint Line:- The along which the two work-pieces positioned in a butt-joint get welded.
Advancing Side:- The side along which the rotational direction and the tool travel
direction has the same sense is known as advancing side in case of friction stir welding.
Retreating Side:- The side along which the rotational direction and the tool travel
direction has the opposite sense is known as retreating side in case of friction stir welding.
HAZ:- It stands for the Heat Affected Zone and at this zone the recrystallization takes
TMAZ:- It stands for the Thermo-mechanically Affected Zone and only partial
recrystallization takes place in this zone.
NZ:- It stands for the Nugget Zone and is the area where the actual welding takes place.
Amber Shrivastava et al. [2017][5] worked on developing a method for detecting the
formation of discontinuities during FSW. Friction stir welding is fundamentally price
effective but the need for noteworthy weld examination can make the process
extortionate. A novel method to weld examination is vital in which an in-situ
characterization of weld superiority could be attained, lowering the reqirement for post-
process examination. For this, friction stir welds with subsurface empty areas and without
voids were formed. The subsurface voids were created by lowering the friction stir tool
rotation frequency and upsurging the tool traverse speed to make “colder” welds. Process
forces were determined during welding, and the void dimensions were determined post-
process by electronic tomography: “Three Dimensional X-Ray Imaging”. The 2
parameters, based on frequency field content and time-domain average of the load
signals, were found to be linked with void dimension. Standards for subsurface void
recognition and size forecast were developed and shown to be in decent agreement with
trial observations. With the correct choice of data attainment system and frequency
analyser the incidence of subsurface voids can be spotted in real time.
Pankaj Sahlot et al. [2017][6] concluded that the joining of great strength materials by
making use of friction stir welding (FSW) is hard because of extreme tool wear and
alteration in the form or dimensions of the tool. However, quantifiable understanding of
tool wear at the time of FSW of metallic materials with high melting points is very
limited. The quantifiable wear examination of H13 steel tool at the time of FSW of Cu-
Cr-Zr alloy. More amount of total tool wear is detected for quicker tool rotational speeds,
and gentler traverse speeds. Advanced wear rate shows similar connection with these
process parameters at the time of initial traverse stage. With more tool traverse the wear
rate decreases suggestively and is not much altered by the process parameters. The
quantifiable wear study offers insights about tool-wear during friction stir welding
process and would be beneficial to better estimate and increase tool life. This would also
be beneficial to optimise the process parameters and tool form to reduce tool wear at the
time of FSW of materials with high strength.
Bipul Das et al. [2017][7] have made efforts towards the checking of friction stir welding
(FSW) process by real-time torque indications in this study work. Signals were studied
using separate wavelet transform & arithmetical features namely asymmetry, dispersion
and excess are calculated. The calculated features are further treated to develop effective
procedure for internal defect recognition in FSW process. A new pointer has been
suggested joining the calculated statistical characteristics. The suggested indicator shows
considerable deviances for flawed and defect free welds. Other than flaw detection by the
computed indication features, they are also offered as inputs to a upkeep vector machine
learning based demonstrating tool for the forecast of ultimate tensile strength of the joints.
The forecast accuracy of the model with calculated signal characteristics are found to be
more than the model established with process parameters. The evaluation of the
established support vector regression (SVR) model with artificial neural network (ANN)
model & universal regression model produces that forecast performance of SVR is
grander to ANN and universal regression model. The suggested work can be altered for
its effective use in real-time modelling of FSW process.
Jannik Goebel et al. [2017][8] studied that the aluminium-lithium alloy named AA2198-
T851. They friction stir welded the material with bobbin tool using a tool technique with
one still and one rotating shoulder. Flaw free welds in three millimetre thick sheet were
produced featuring a high excellence surface texture on the still side. The structure at
macrolevel forms an asymmetrical shape with microstructural characteristics known from
standard FSW. Due to only one revolving side a material flow track near the still shoulder
has been observed. A parameter study shows that a WP (weld pitch) of 1 mm/rev coupled
with high pressure between the shoulders lead to decent outcomes. Physical performance
of 77 per-cent of base metal hardness & 82 per-cent of base metal ultimate tensile
strength were achieved. The fracture examination indicates 2 competing fracture styles,
one being in the HAZ and the other at the borderline of the SZ (stirred-zone) on the
advancing side. The first style is made due to thermal cycle impact, while the second
location is affected from weak bonding as an outcome of the thermal cycle and
experienced distortion.
Kush P. Mehta et al. [2017][9] analysed the joint of copper to dissimilar material:
aluminium using the solid state joining process: friction stir welding. The effect of profile
of the tool pin had been researched. The process involved keeping constant all the other
parameters but the design of the tool pin. The frequency of fragmental defects was seen to
increase while increasing the number of edges in the tool pin profile (considering the
surface to be a polygon). A polygonal pin with 4 equal sides all right angles (square)
delivered the highest hardness of the weld having HV283. There were a number of
intermetallic compounds present in stir zone of Al-Cu. The series of tools used were
circular, triangular and hexagonal. Al6061-T651 alloy & electrolytic tough picth (ETP)
copper (>99.99% pure cure) were used in the experiment. The defects generated due to
polygonal pin due to the scratching its edges implied on the copper surface. However,
with the edges of tool probe increasing in number, the tensile strength elevated too. CuAl,
CuAl2 as well as Cu9Al4 and Cu3Al were some of the IMCs (intermetallic compounds
generated) generated. Although, the pin shape having edges gave better hardness to the
weld in comparison to the cylindrical tool, it also made it brittle.
GM Karthik et al [2017][10] have experimented with making an alloy out of copper &
aluminium by using friction stir processing. Later, the group performed the friction stir
welding on the fabricated specimens. The group very well achieved their task with the
alloy of copper and aluminium being created which also responded well to the artificial
aging implied upon it. The selective alloying has been discussed including its future
scope. A one centimetre thick aluminium plate of AA1050 alloy had been used in the
experiment. Along with it, the copper used was in its powder form having particle size of
about 60 micrometre. The powder was pushed into the 3 mm deep & 2 mm wide groove
via H13 tool of 15 mm shoulder diameter. The end result included alloying of the
aluminium with the 2 weight percentage of copper. This was the first time this target was
accomplishes and it significantly could be used to enhance the properties.
Noor Zaman Khan et al [2017][11] made efforts towards finding the microstructural and
macro-structural conduct by the joints created by FSW between similar and dissimilar
materials. The two base materials used in order to accomplish the same were AA2219 &
AA7475, both of which are the alloys of aluminium. The process of FSW was employed
to join dissimilar and similar 2.5 mm thick sheets of AA 7475-T73 & AA2219-O alloys
of aluminium. The alloys AA2219& AA7475 are employed in the machineries of space
shuttles and aeroplane, respectively that need competent fabrication process. Friction stir
welding is a hygienic welding process skilled of joining tough to weld aerospace alloys of
aluminium. The tensile strength, structure at micro-level, micro-hardness as well as
fracture surfaces of the friction stir welded joints had been investigated. Grain
improvement is observed at the stir zone due to active recrystallization triggered by
severe plastic distortion. Least strength for dissimilar joint is detected mostly due to non-
homogeneous drive of base materials consequential to variances in mechanical and
physical characteristics. The least hardness was seen at TMAZ (Thermo-mechanically
Affected Zone) at the retreating side for every joint because of the thermal softening.
Broken surfaces of the similar joints displayed more ductile fracture compared to joint
having dissimilar materials which gave rise to lower elongation of the dissimilar joints.
Wei Zhang et al. [2017][12] had carried out an investigation to know the outcome of
experimenting with the joining of T2 pure copper and the aluminium alloy Al6061. The
special thing in their investigation was the shape of the joint configuration: tooth shaped.
Out of this dissimilar bonding, microstructure and the physical properties were to be
determined. The process used for joining was the solid state welding: FSW. In the
experimentation, dissimilar 6061aluminum alloy and marketable unalloyed copper were
friction stir welded: butt weld, while adopting the configuration of joint having tooth
shape in order to investigate the influence of Al/Cu composition in welding bead (WB) at
the scale of micro-level and mechanical properties of the achieved joint. At initial exams,
optimal welding parameters were found to assurance proper heat input. The experiments
of welding were performed with the sizes of the tooth as variables, which is a unusual
method to tailor Al/Cu composition in weld bead. Macro and the structure at micro-level
of the cross section of the joints were branded via Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM)
which was armed with energy dispersive spectroscopy (EDS) & optical microscopy
(OM). Special band structure(BS) displaying lamellar-like flow property is worthy of
noticing. Moreover, dispersive Cu particles (DP), making composite-like construction,
were caught. Large Cu concentration, however, generated a harsh material flow because
of its high plasticized temperature & the reduced flowability and could not produce
reliable metallurgical bonding. The joint was tested for its micro-hardness and the high
hardness was caused mainly by the hard IMCs. Also, tensile tests were done to calculate
the joint performance. As per the result analysis, this joint form has special advantage in
altering Al/Cu content in the weld bead as well as regulating the microstructure that
imposes noteworthy influence on physical properties of the created joints.
Shude Ji et al. [2017][13] worked on eliminating the tear defects by back heating the
friction stir weld of the alloy: Ti-6Al-4V. Using varied back heating temperatures, the
joint creation and the structure at micro-level were mainly discussed. Results show that
the temperature gradient along thickness plays an important part affecting the tearing
defect. By increasing the back heating temperature, dimensions of the tearing defect
progressively decreases due to lowered temperature-gradient. When using 753K, defect-
free BHAFSW joint with complete lamellar structure along thickness and greater
hardness could be obtained. Moreover, the BHAFSW could effectually lessen tool wear
during welding.
Hui Shi et al. [2017][15] had investigated the IMCs in the banded structure of the joint
welded by friction stir welding. The materials involved were dissimilar magnesium and
aluminium. Various tool rotational speed (TRS) at a pre-set constant travel speed were
used, having the tool offset to Al in order to examine the formation of IMCs in the banded
structure (BS) zone & how they affected the physical properties. Large proportions of
IMCs, in the form of irregular bands of particles or lamellae, had been found in the
banded structure zone, where severe material inter-mixing had taken place during friction
stir welding. The BS microstructural properties were varied with TRS in terms of the
morphology of the bands and the size and spreading of intermetallic compounds particles.
Each weld showed brittle fracture style with their fracture paths spreading mainly in or
along the IMCs in the banded structure. It was displayed that these BS microstructural
properties had the important effect on the physical properties of the joints. Propositions
on modifying the BS microstructure were suggested for optimizing the strength of the BS
zone and the final physical properties of the aluminium and magnesium friction stir
welded joints.
M.M.Z. Ahmed et al. [2017][16] researched on joining the two dissimilar aluminium
alloys: AA7075 and AA5083. The two alloys of aluminium: AA7075-T6 and AA5083-
H111 had been friction stir welded at a pre-set rotation rate of 300 revolutions per minute
the and varied traverse speeds of 50 up-till 200mm/min, with a gap of 50mm/min, in
dissimilar and similar joints. The structures at micro-level and crystallographic surfaces
of base materials (BM) and the welds were inspected by making use of electron
backscatter diffraction (EBSD) technique. The physical properties were found using
Vicker’s hardness testing and tensile testing. The fracture exterior of the tensile tested
specimens was inspected with the use of scanning electron microscope (SEM).
Microstructural examination of AA5083 and AA7075 base metals showed noteworthy
variation in the grain structure of the two alloys having an average grain size of forty
micrometre that was not having substructure in case of aluminium alloy: AA7075, while
AA5083 BM exposed an typical grain size of twenty five micrometre with the high
density of substructure. Apart from it, the type precipitates also are different in these 2
alloys. Even though, the two alloys, which were joined using the same FSW limits the
two alloys showed different response in terms of the recrystallized small grains after
friction stir welding. Noteworthy grain refining happened in the nugget zone of AA7075
having grain size of six micrometre at welding speed of 50mm/min that was reduced to
two micrometre by increasing the speed of welding to 200mm/min. A moderately
recrystallized larger grain structure was obtained in AA5083 joints weld nugget zone with
grain size of nine micrometre at 50 mm/min that is lowered to three micrometre at
200mm/min. It means that the starting material properties have a noteworthy impact on
the ultimate grain structure after friction stir welding. The crystallographic quality in the
nugget zone revealed a simple shear consistency without a noteworthy effect of varying
the welding speed. The dissimilar joints showed ultimate tensile strength stretched
between 245 and 267 MPa and fracture strain stretched between 3 and 5.6 %.A brittle to
ductile fracture style was controlling in the examined fracture exterior of the dissimilar
H. Dawson et al. [2017][17] have evaluated the influence of the welding parameters on the
oxide dispersion having nano size, and the grain size in the matrix of an Oxide Dispersion
Strengthened (ODS) steel upon welding by FSW. Based on collective small angle neutron
scattering and SEM, results revealed a decrease in the “volume fraction” of the elements
smaller than eighty nanometre in the joints, mainly due to particle accumulation. The
upsurge in tool rotation speed or reduction in transverse speed leads to a decrease in
nano-sized particle fraction, and moreover to the happening of melting of the particle.
The requirement of the average grain size in the matrix on the element volume fraction
shadows a “Zener pinning-type” connection. The result leads to the principal role that the
small elements have in pinning grain boundary movement, and thus in controlling the
grain size during FSW.
K.H. Kim et al. [2017][18] in their study friction stir welded a butt joint in very thin
430M2 ferritic SS foils with acceptable joint characteristics. The tool used was a pin-less
WC-Co fabricated. FSBW had been done at a tool rotational speed of nine hundred
revolutions per minute & at a travel speed of ninety six millimetres per minute. The
friction stir welded joints were welded totally without any un-welded zone ocuring from
smooth material flow, in spite of being chosen pin-less tool. The conclusion came out to
be that maximum tensile strength of friction stir welded welds was four hundred and sixty
eight mega-pascals, equal to the base metal’s tensile strength. Particularly, it was
observed that sigma phase creation in FSW welds is repressed associated with that of arc
welds, causing improvement of joint strength. The low input process of friction stir
welding is an operative substitute for the traditional fusion welding GTAW in very thin
ferritic stainless steel foil.
V.C. Sinha et al. [2016][19] made an attempt to compare the microstructure as well as the
mechanical characteristics of the friction stir welded joints between the two cases. The
first case being the joint created between the two samples of similar metal and the other
one being the joint created between the two dissimilar metals. The three pairs of joints
created by the combination of Aluminium Alloy (AlA) and the pure copper (Cu) are AlA-
AlA, AlA-Cu and Cu-Cu. The rotation speeds were varied between 150 rpm to 900 rpm
and in the steps of 150 rpm at 60 mm/min travel speed at a constant angle of 2°, in order
to obtain enough experimental results. Through SEM, the microstructure was determined.
The following were the intermetallic compounds created at the interface of Aluminium
Alloy and pure copper at the friction stir welded joints of these two materials: Al4Cu9,
AlCu, Al2Cu & Al2Cu3. Also, the corresponding values of grain size were obtained
against the different step-values of heat input.
“X-Ray Diffraction” technique was employed in order to measure the residual stresses at
the stir zone. At 750 rpm, the ultimate tensile strength of the AlA-AlA joint is about 75
per-cent of that of AlA. Also, at 300 rpm, the tensile strength of Cu-Cu joint was almost
equal to that of Cu. As per the experimental results, the ultimate tensile strength of Cu-
AlA joint came out to be about 77 per-cent of that ofAlA. It is to be noted that the tensile
strength of Cu-AlA joint at 600 rpm tool rotational speed is higher than that of AlA-AlA
joint at 750 rpm.
The reason why there is creation of the poor joint in case of dissimilar metals by using the
conventional welding techniques is that due to the difference in chemical, mechanical,
thermal properties of the materials and the formation of brittle intermetallic compounds at
the weld interface.
The tool material used for this purpose was high speed steel with 18 mm shoulder
diameter and 2.7 mm pin hight. The bottom diameter of the pin was 2.5 mm
At 150 rpm, in AlA-Cu joint, Cu mixing was only at the shoulder due to low temperature
generated while at the tool rotation speed greater than 150 mm, the better mixing of AlA-
Cu could be observed. At 900 rpm, compressive residual stresses in Cu-Cu joints were
Qixian Zheng et al. [2016][20] made an attempt to join 6061 Aluminium to a dissimilar
metal i.e., 316 stainless steel. The unique thing carried out in this research was that the
filler metal was used coupled with friction stir welding. No other such attempt had even
been made. The introduction of the filler metal ensured the proper and stronger bonding
of the two sheets: 316 stainless steel and 6061 Aluminium. The team of researchers had
made use of Zinc to work as the filler metal. The thin foil of zinc was used. It could be
observed that stainless steel had some mixing with the zinc at the interface. The work was
carried on keeping lap joint in mind. The use of aluminium and steel, both is prominent in
the automobile industry and are coupled together for better strength. The reason why
introduction of the Zn filler metal increased the strength of the Aluminium-stainless steel
join is that zinc has the thermal expansion coefficient value between those values of Al
6061 ans SS 316. Thus, there are lesser gaps generated during the joining process, leading
to a stronger joint. The structure formed as before welding was termed as “sandwich
the study. The reason why they had opted for friction stir welding was that they needed
better ductility and strength balance of the joined which was being obtained the best in
case of FSW. This paper dealt with the specified materials due to their high strength and
corrosion resistance which made them the best fit for the applications in vehicle industry.
The optical microscope and the scanning electron microscope were employed for the
testing of the joint. In SEM, X-ray add-on clarified the results a bit further. The tool
traverse speeds were varied from 160 to 315 mm/min during the collection of multiple
readings. The tensile stress on the material was also carried out to get a reading for the
material’s tensile strength value.
Shude Ji et al. [2016][22] carried out the friction stir welding on aluminium and
magnesium, the two distinct materials in the lap joint configuration. Furthermore, the
assistance of a stationary shoulder was taken, which was placed externally to ease the
process. There had been the effects of this assistance on the cross-section, microstructure
as well as the mechanical properties of the joint. Hence, it was compulsory for this group
to analyse all these effects that were caused due to their introduction of the external
assistance by the stationary shoulder. There was very minute flash formed on employed
on utilizing this technique. Furthermore, not a lot of deformation was observed on the
surface making it decently smooth. However, it was a concern that the configuration of
the sheets here proved out to be the most important perimeter as it affected both the
microstructure and the mechanical strength of the joint.
Toshifumi Kakiuchi et al. [2016][23] carried out their research in order to study how the
crack propagates in dissimilar aluminium and steel friction stir welded joint. It is of great
significance as it help them judge the weak spots in the friction stir welded joint
especially in case of the dissimilar metals. On better understanding of this, various
reinforcement steps were performed for the better strengthening of the joints and
managing the initiated hair-line cracks. The best way to eliminate the effect of a crack in
a joint was to obstruct the path of the crack so that it halts before making further progress
and damaging the joint, causing failure. Another reason for the study was to obtain the
correct values of temperature, load and time after which the crack fails to maximize
safety. The join was created between Al 6061-T6 and SS 304. At 800 rpm rotating speed
and 0.2 mm tool offset, the tensile strength of specimen cam out to be 194 MPa. The
strength was seed reduced at the aluminium side of the joint due to resolution of
precipitates, however, towards the stainless steel side, the strength increased due to work
Tae-Jin Yoon et al. [2015][24] went forward to analyse the geometric shape and the effect
of the onion structure formed during the friction stir welding process. Furthermore, all
those effects were also taken into consideration which paved to the formation of this
onion structure. The type of FSW joint analysed by them was the lap joint. The materials
on which the process was carried out were two dissimilar aluminium alloys. The use of
electron backscattered diffraction (EBSD) was made in order to get the reading of micro-
texture, strain maps and element maps. Various levels of heat input was provided during
the continuous observation process through continuous hole. It was analysed that just
when the threaded probe touched the work piece at low heat input, during that time only
the onion structure formed. It also resulted in the unwanted void formation on the surface.
Florian A. Besler et al. [2016][25] performed the friction crush welding of sheet -metals
with flanged edges. The three materials used for the sheets were copper, steel and
aluminium. After bonding the sheets, they were analysed for the yield strength which
came out to be of parent material: 90 per-cent for EN AW 5754H22, 95 per-cent for
DC01 and 62 per-cent for Cu-DHP. The microstructure testing brought about the
revelations that due to the deformation and recrystallization of the extra material of
flanges, the grain grain-structure that was formed was finer than the previous one. Thus
mostly for welding steel, friction crush welding proved to be a very effective process. The
finer microstructure indicated the low heat input at the welded region and also improved
the joint properties by reducing the distortion and the residual stresses.
7 Counterclockwise 280 0.4 160
8 Clockwise 280 0.8 160
9 Clockwise 280 1 160
Table 1 Welding Parameters[25]
Prakash Kumar Sahu et al. [2016][26] discussed various parameters for the AL/CU FSW
such as tool offset position, tool rotational speed and more significantly the influence of
the plate position on the microstructure as well as the macrostructure of the joint. The
important results obtained by their quest were that the copper must be placed at the
advancing side of the tool if finer microstructure is intended. Moreover, the ultimate
tensile strength of the joint made with dissimilar metals came out to be 95 per-cent of that
of aluminium. The bending angle came out to be 65°. Thus, it also signifies the potential
of revolting process: FSW for joining dissimilar material with very fine properties which
no other process could achieve. The Vicker’s hardness was found out to be higher at the
bottom of the nugget than the hardness at the middle portion and the top portion of the
nugget. Also, from Al to Cu side, the hardness was observed to increase.
Hui Shi et al. [2015][27] experimented and made report on the friction stir welding of
dissimilar Al/Mg joint. The area of significance in this study was the banded structure
zone (BSZ). In BSZ, the formation of the intermetallic compounds was specifically
analysed. The intermetallic compounds have been known to affect the properties of the
joint, say it, microstructural properties or the macro-structural ones. The morphology of
the bands as well as the quantity and distribution of IMCs was based upon the TRS (Tool
Rotation Speed). Throughout the experimentation, the team made sure that the traverse
speed was constant. The end result suggested that the BSZ should be tailored in order to
improve the properties of the AL/Mg friction welded joint.
Landry Giraud et al. [2016][28] studied the dissimilar welding of two heat treatable
aluminium alloys namely AA6060-T6 and AA7020-T651 by using FSW process. As with
all the friction stir welding processes, even here it was observed that the intermixing of
the intermetallic compounds had occurred at the interface very prominently. The advance
speed was kept between 300 mm/min and 1100 mm/min while the tool rotation speed was
kept between 1000 rpm and 2000 rpm. It was nowhere observed that the dissimilar FSW
process induced hotter side but the efforts that were made throughout the practical
research were very much dependant on the process parameters. The end result of the
experimentation left the researchers with the quasi-static tensile values of the specimens.
Y. Gao et al. [2015][29] were engaged in the study of FSLW (Friction Stir Lap Welding)
of the dissimilar Brass/Steel sheets. The motto of their research was targeted to analyse
the microstructural properties and their impact on the mechanical properties of the joint.
The sheets used for the purpose of research were: Cu-40Zn and S25Z. The SEM and
energy dispersive X-Ray spectrometry were employed to analyse the microstructure and
it was found out that it varies along the various limits for the various values of welding
speed. Hence, the target of the further research would be to formulate an optimum value
of the welding speed for the most favourable properties of the joint.
Venkateshkanan M et al. [2014][30] AA2024 and AA5052, the two dissimilar aluminium
alloys were friction stir welded and the joint was analysed for the microstructural and
macro-structural properties. The main parameter considered in their experimentation was
the tool geometry. As discussed in the paper, newly developed steeped tool pin profile
makes better joint than the other commonly used tool profiles for friction stir welding.
Minute discontinuities could be observed in the cylindrical and tapered tool profiles while
in the other tool profiles, there was no such thing.
There has been a lot of research carried on in the field of Friction Stir Welding process.
However, a very few attempts have been made on:
1.) Friction Stir Lap Welding (FSLW) of more than two sheets, i.e., multiple lap welding.
Since very little research has been done on the above two branches of friction stir
welding, there is a research gap which needs to be filled by acquiring analysing data to set
the standards. Besides, there has not been much study done on the effect of the plunge
depth and the pin height even though both of them play a very crucial role especially
when we are dealing with the very thin plates as discussed further in this research.
The scope of the study is oriented at making the leak proof joint between the copper and
Al5052-H32 aluminium alloy sheets while the copper foil is placed in the middle of two
alloyed sheets of aluminium. This would eventually be helpful in making copper cladded
aluminium alloy tubes that have better heat sinking capabilities than the aluminium alloy
tubes without copper cladding. Not only this, the optimum parameters are found in the
study for the thin sheets in a multi-lap joint. It would help the future researchers and
industrialists to refine their parameters for production further. This would eventually save
their precious time as well as the resources which would otherwise be wasted in the failed
1.) To find the optimum parameters: tool rotation speed, traverse speed and plunge depth
for the defect free joint.
2.) To determine the process parameters for the defect free joint having the highest
ultimate shear strength.
3.) To investigate the microstructure of the defect-free welded sample, having highest
ultimate shear strength using optical microscope and scanning electron microscope.
4.) To analyse the micro-hardness (Vicker’s hardness) of the sample that had the highest
ultimate shear strength.
5.) To propose better clamping mechanism in case of the thin sheets which bend easily
under the heavy loads applied during the friction stir welding.
There were a total of three different types of materials involved in the experimentation
work. One of the materials made up the tool. Other two materials constituted the sheets to
be joined and the foil to be inserted.
The material of the friction stir welding tool was M2 (Molybdenum) HSS (High Speed
Steel), also known as the tool steel and is a standard to be used for the tools, in industry.
The M2 HSS tool used for friction stir welding in this experimentation was used without
heat treatment due to the following reasons:
1.) The M2 HSS tool already has a hardness of 60 HRC (Rockwell C Hardness) without
the heat treatment which is much higher than the softer material Al5052-H32, with a
Brinell hardness of 60, which is to be welded.
2.) After annealing, the shocks would prove more harmful for the tool and it might break
under heavy loads as in case of friction stir welding.
3.) Unnecessary hardening the tool would result in superfluous costs and would also
cause wastage of time.
The chemical composition of the FSW tool material: M2 HSS is given below
W 6.15%
Mo 5.00%
Cr 4.15%
V 1.85%
C 0.85%
Si 0.30%
Mn 0.28%
Fe Remaining (81.42%)
Table 3 Chemical Composition Of M2 HSS
The dimensions of the tool were as follows:
The chemical composition of Al5052-H32 is given as:
Element Mass
Mg 2.48%
Fe 0.3%
Cr 0.23%
Si 0.09%
Mn 0.03%
Cu 0.02%
Ti 0.02%
Al Remaining (96.83%)
Table 6 Chemical Composition Of Al5052-H32
The aluminium sheets are of the thicknesses 1 mm each and cross-sectional area 150 mm
* 150 mm each.
Pure copper foil is used as the material that is sandwiched in the two sheets of aluminium
The topic was selected seeing the wide use of friction stir welding in the futuristic world.
Also, another area that was found interesting was copper cladded aluminium tubes.
These kinds of tubes have vast applications in cooling the bigger computer systems and
are also used in super cars which heat up quite quickly when run at their limits, because
of its excellent heat sinking capability. Besides, the inner material is aluminium alloy
(Al5052 H32) which is light weight as well as cheap and only a thin layer of copper
enhances its thermal properties. The copper cladded aluminium tubes could be used as a
radio frequency cable or as the refrigeration tubes. In this thesis work also the
fundamentals of joining two aluminium sheets with a copper foil in middle could be used
to clad copper to aluminium alloy.
Among the different types of aluminium alloys, Al5052 was found to have good
machinability, good weldability, flexibility and also good corrosion resistance. On the
other hand, copper was the best choice available to construct a heat sink. Thus, both of
them made a very good combination.
The Vertical Milling Centre (VMC) which a type of vertical milling machine having a
CNC (computer numeric control) interface was readily available rather than a dedicated
FSW Setup which has not penetrated into the market at a large scale. Moreover, the
clamping modifications and tool mounting was very easy on a VMC. So it was the best
choice to conduct experiments.
Upon going through various research papers, it was clear that the cylindrical pin profile
was giving out best results in terms of ultimate shear strengths in case of tensile strength
for FSWed joints. Also, since the thickness of sheets forming the lap joint was very thin
with the total thickness accounting to 2.1 mm, it was quite difficult to form threading on
the tool. However, only a single tool was used throughout which was straight cylindrical
(not tapered). The tool material was M2 HSS which is a tool standard and a trusted name
in industry having Rockwell hardness of 60 HRC without heat-treatment and 65 HRC
after the heat treatment. For obvious reasons as discussed in section 6.1.1, tool was used
without any heat treatment.
A series of experiments were conducted, some of which failed with the tunnelling defects
in the friction stir weld zone. With this the, favourable limits for the sampling method:
Taguchi were set to obtain samples defect free. Only the shear strengths of defect-free
samples were considered.
Figure 6 FSW at 800 RPM; 0.1 mm Plunge Depth; 5 mm/min Traverse Speed (a)
Front Side Of Weld (b) Back Side Of Weld
Figure 7 500 RPM; 0.4 mm Plunge Depth; 20 mm/min Traverse Speed (a) Front
Side Of Weld (b) Back Side Of Weld
Figure 8 700 RPM; 0.2 mm Plunge Depth; 20 mm/min Traverse Speed (a) Front
Side Of Weld (b) Back Side Of Weld
The design of experimentation has been done in accordance with the Taguchi method,
with the help of “Minitab” software, and is listed below:
Rotational Speed (RSM) Traverse (mm/min) Plunge Depth (mm)
700 5 0.1
700 10 0.2
700 15 0.3
800 5 0.2
800 10 0.3
800 15 0.1
900 5 0.3
900 10 0.1
900 15 0.2
Table 10 Actual Welding Parameters By Taguchi Method
Figure 9 Sample-preparation with Mirror Finish For SEM Image & Optical
There were a total of nine friction stir welded specimens tested for the shear strengths as
per the L9 orthogonal array of Taguchi sampling method, having a sandwich structure
with the two Al5052-H32 aluminium alloy sheets having thickness of 1 mm each on the
outer sides and the copper foil of thickness 0.1 mm, place in the middle. Then, as per two
parameters where the shear strengths came out to be the highest in case of AlA-Cu-AlA
multi-lap friction stir welded joints, two samples of AlA-AlA were friction stir lap
welded and their shear strengths were also determined.
The highest ultimate shear strength came out to be 4.413 MPa in the case of AlA-Cu-AlA
joint with the parameters: 800 rpm, 5 mm/min traverse and 0.2 mm plunge depth. For the
same parameters, the ultimate shear strength came out to be even higher as in the case of
AlA-AlA joint having the ultimate shear strength as 5.955 MPa. Moreover, the second
highest value of the ultimate shear strength came out to be 3.921 MPa, in case of AlA-Cu-
AlA joints at the parameters: 800 rpm, 15 mm/min traverse and 0.1 mm plunge depth. For
the same parameters, the ultimate shear strength for the AlA-AlA joint came out to be
4.922 MPa.
The need of proper clamping was felt during experimenting, especially in case of the thin
sheets which bend quite easily when the sliding load is applied. Moreover, setting the
clamps very tightly over the work-piece material deformed the surface of sheets as
Al5052-H32, the work-piece material used, is a soft metal. So, the resolution of the
problem could be incorporation of more clamps in the middle or bring some modification
in the design of additional clamps such as the use of roller type clamp which is movable
as well.
4 800 (U) 5 (S) 0.2 (U)
5 800 (U) 10 (U) 0.3 (W)
6 800 (U) 15 (W) 0.1 (S)
7 900 (W) 5 (S) 0.3 (W)
8 900 (W) 10 (U) 0.1 (S)
9 900 (W) 15 (W) 0.2 (U)
Table 11 Actual Design Of Experiments By Taguchi Method
2 800 RPM; 2823.318
15 mm/min traverse
0.1 plunge depth
4 800 RPM; 2727.18
10 mm/min traverse
0.3 mm plunge
6 700 RPM; 2159.181
5 mm/min traverse
0.1 mm plunge
8 700 RPM; 1654.947
10 mm/min traverse
0.2 mm plunge
Figure 10 Sample Preparation For Shear Testing
The area of contact between the plates is same as the welded region in prepared sample
for shear strength testing.
Thus, Area = Diameter of tool shoulder * Width of sample = 0.018 m * 0.04 m = 7.2 *
Also, ultimate shear strength (MPa) = maximum load of fracture (N) / contact area (m2)
Hence, the values for the ultimate shear strength are given as:
Level S U W
1 9.053 11.893 13.003
2 14.548 12.004 12.125
3 11.769 11.472 10.241
Delta 5.495 0.532 2.7622.762
Rank 1 3 2
Table 14 Response Table for Means
Level S U W
1 19.06 21.26 22.21
2 23.24 21.34 21.37
3 21.27 20.96 19.98
Delta 4.18 0.38 2.24
Rank 1 3 2
Table 15 Response Table for Signal to Noise Ratios (Larger is better)
3 900 RPM; Smooth
10 mm/min
0.1 mm
plunge depth
6 700 RPM; Smooth
5 mm/min with
traverse scratches
0.1 mm
plunge depth
9 700 RPM; Rough
15 mm/min with flash
0.3 mm
plunge depth
Figure 16 SEM images of the weld surface at 1200X, 2000X, 3500X & 6500X Zoom
Figure 17 SEM images of the weld surface at 12000X, 35000X & 65000X
Figure 19 Vicker's Micro-hardness For The Sample With Optimum Parameters
After carrying out a series of experiments on the friction stir welded specimens, we come
to the following conclusions:
1.) The friction stir lap welded bond of AlA-AlA always has ultimate shear strength
higher than the AlA-Cu-AlA FSWed lap joint for the same parameters.
2.) For the thin sheets, clamping is vital because otherwise the sheets may bend under the
heavy loads.
3.) All the factors: plunge depth, tool rotational speed and the traverse speed play a very
significant role in the surface as well as the strength of the joint.
4.) In case of thin sheets of AL5052, lower values of tool rotational speed cause the
material not to plasticise properly and thus making a weak and irregular joint while the
higher values of tool rotational speeds burn the work-piece material and cause tunnelling
Friction stir welding, the process discussed in this thesis report has potential to be used in
the aerospace industry (since it doesn’t add any extra material to the existing mass), in
heat exchangers as well as in the radio communication industry. Also, as friction stir
welding has the ability to make a leak-proof joint between the dissimilar Al5052-H32 and
pure Cu, the process could be utilised for the AlA-Cu structures based near water bodies,
even though it is not recommended due to electrolytic reaction and thus corrosion, yet is a
better option than other kind of welding processes.
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