Analysis For Soil Reinforcement With Bending Stiffness

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spas inti ot were mtn ern ears a i ra Cees Miia dasa Be ot mn ie rth tana Rt Sateen te Tht At a EP eee a ge ioe ference ne aoe Sry ee ee BET Ree a en 0 tg coment Tl ahs Any aa [Appenooc Il. NoraTions, The following symbols are used in this paper: percent clay fraction (<2 jum): Eoefficient of concavity oefficient of uniformity: ‘degree of compaction ~ lau, X 100% na ~ Cm ~ Emin X 100% specific gravity pressure at wetting, in kPa or Mpa; percent sand (4.75 mm~75 jam); Erica water cootent, in percent; Initia! water content, in percent; dy unit weight, in KN ‘maximum dry unit weight ‘inimom dry unit weight. in kN: ‘maximum packing dry unit weight, in kN? and minimum packing dry unit weight, in KN ANALYSIS FOR SOIL REINFORCEMENT WITH BENDING STIFENESS, By R.A. Jewell! and ML J. Paley? Aosrucr, Sl ang 23 met of dope stabi nd it nd wie ‘peat lcd he tence ar amd us en sproch Th ‘Bi Poavaik to ee tester snengh by tng wal combines ‘ip ror ty urctul member ere ba enionnip betmce te am ‘ithe sear force nthe member The magnitude of tnsbear Foxe can be deed tibet or tpl wt he ona tron Thea smn nepal ot ge ad enpvted nan greg TE saasmn ee sven oe a San be made cre ound abut be moat when compared wi tha de Co teal once ne “barnooucrion Soitstructure interaction isa complex aspect of sol mechanics analysis "A-solution for the inleraction between Sift reinforcement and soil, which {8 important for silnaing design, ws first outlined by Schlosser (1983). ‘This provided the bass for the subsequent design guidance on soll nailing shen Michel and Vt (17) inthe salting sen mal bing laped by Elias and Juran (1988) and discussed by Juran eta (1990). Th avrecent paper, Jewell and Pedley (1990) suggested that there may be lan error inthe current work concerning the ability of soil nail to support Ombined axial tension, bending moment, and shear force. If this ts the ‘ise, the matter wil be of immediate importance to engineers involved with Soibnailing projects, To faciitate 2 cleat and useful discussion, the analysis for ihe interaction between soil and reinforeement with bending stifiness i feviewed herein, and revised equations are presented for desi “The finding that reinforcement bending stiffness fr sol naling appears eal pring # modest addon improvement os Sabity compared tnth that du to the axial tension in the reinforcement. The conclusion is that bending siiness is not the correct focus forthe design of soil nailing in routine excavation and steep slope applications, ass eurrently suggest Renwroncemenr UNDER Comawes LOADING ‘The relation between the combination of forces that a structural member or reinforcement bar can support may be summarized as follows Taswe,, Geoayatce Constants A 66 rue Guillaume Sto, Brus 1050, um; frmerty Res, Ase.» Oxford Unie, Oxford, UK. ‘Bese Eazy Cement Ping ond ndaton Lad Comepation Hows Denham Way. Rickmansworth WD3 5W, UK Former, Oxford Unit, Oxford, UK ‘Note, Discussion open uni March 199. To extend the dosing date one month, a yren request ust be ied with the ASCE Manager Sours. The manasa fortis paper was submited for review and pose publication oa Apr 23, 1990 ‘Ths paper part of the Journal of Geotechnical Engineering, Vol. 118, No. 10 (ane DASCE, SGN (732 9IDSIVNIOASOSSEOD © 3.18 per page. Papel 1805 The presence of axial force Tin a bar reduces the maximum bending ‘moment Ma that can be supported s Moon = f(T). @ Ta tur, the maximum shea force 7. that can be developed in a bar depends on the maximum bending moment Ma. sal T. = frMon) P @ Ths, there isa direct link between the maximum values of the ax shea force that a reinforcement bar can support T= fur) @ and Aaa Force and Moment “fwotntnecoations of axl rc and maximum bending moment, agen Gacthin nan ee ay i fd {spl ora barn pr enon or pur Deng. The ter Guadiir 0 reduces the maximum moment that the reinforcement can support, Mz, /M, = 1, and hence reduces the ratio (1 Dy, This can be seen from the rigbrows expressions piven for the plastic dais of ungrouted and grovted nals, respeetively (5) = Yee(+-7) replaces (13) for ungrouted nails; and G)EQ)ES ™ replaces (25) for grouted nals. @ 1524 ‘The plastic mit to combined axial and shear Loading inthe grouted nai ata depth of 10 m considered earlier, the central casein Fg. 0, shown inFig 14, calculated using (3). While the rigorous and simpiified analyses agree at the two extremes TIF, = 1 and 0, the shear force that can be Aenerated in the nal signfcantly increased in the intermediate range 3c effect of this on the envelope of improved shearing resstance in the Soils rather small, however, as €an be sen by comparing Figs. 12 and 15, 3c difleence hetween the results from the simplified and igourous plastic Analyses does not change the conclusions that have been reaches. Concwusions General equations have been presented to desribe the influence of te Inforcement with bending siines onthe improvement of shearing ress tance in reinforced soil ‘The agreement found between entirely separate tlastic and plastic solutions hs provided confidence inthe analysis Detailed Consideration as been given tothe benefit that could be safely assumed from grouting the reinforcement bars nto the sol It as argued that without special consiraction contrast would be pradet to ignore the Potential ietease in the bending stifnes ofthe sol al dae t the grout “The result of the work is summarized in the theoretical curves in Fig. 13 fo he pati aaa leant to growted mals pal dimension aa depth of about 10 m inan excavation or steep slope where = 35" The improvement in sel shearing resistance Is plotted Jo the yaa ina suitable ondimensiona form. The improvement in soil shearing resistance stemming only from the axial fore inthe na Inte by the stag sa ey Fg 1S. The ‘maximum possible improvement iacuding the additional bene from the al bedi inc, ad fo th al ont fnerabeeintaton ='or} with respec to the potential shear surface, given byte upp line inthe figure. This additional benefit i not omly rather smal, but reduces Iarkedl for more usual orientations between the nal and the pote shear surace inthe Si, 6 5-45, 8 shown by the oted tines n i ‘This result leads to the central conclusions ofthe paper, which is tha the improvement in soil shearing resistance duc to reinforcement bending stiff fess is small in comparison to the improvement due to axial force sn the {einforcement and i i also highly variable. Soil-naling design analysis is ified by ignoring the effects of bending stiffness, athe expense inal conservatism, and this approach is recommended Acknow-enauents “The experimental research at Oxford University into the behavior of soi feinforced with bars having significant bending stiffness was: jointly the United Kingdom Seience and Engineering Research Council and the asport Research Laboratory, and was caried out by the second write, ‘Aprenox | Denivanion oF PLasnc ANALYSIS Usina HANSEN AND Linooren Lavenat Loaoina The limiting lateral loading for a pile across a rupture surface in soi suggested by Hansen and Lundgren (1960) was iustrated in Fig. 4. The dimensions, the distance Between the points on the reinforcement expe fiencingmaxmm moment, and fy the distance fom the point of maximum Jom to he edge othe lateral ioading onthe reinforcement, ate marked fon the fire "The moment a the inerscton between the reinforcement and the shear plane is equal to zero because of symmet), and the maximum moment Seite of ro shear a tance fom the ono the reinforgenten. The geometry for the loading may be found by taking tmoments about the cenline for one aff the problem (8) B[G-9) Ge Dene hich gives 3) hoa VE ‘The maximum moment is then found for @ nail of width D by taking moments for ane ofthe ends = ThD (3), 1),) = oid sta = 242 (34-44) «28 aa Bes CRESS ok mc oe roti o ‘The length /, required to cause plastic bending in the nail in the absence of aad force, Muay = M,. can be determined from (32), (34), and (38), {nd recalling that Mf, ~ 0, D6 for eieular bar aiLD _ My Zane, ce 66) o “This equation is for the simple nays ofan ungrovted nal Trike fal Syroted ito Shoe of damcter By” Bat, or the reasons cies cae te iting plastic momeat (8 sme fora the are routed ar the (3) shuld We mode a follows: 4). D (s) “Se, x oe Finally, in the rigorous plastic analysis its necessary to take into account 1526 ‘the effect ofthe axial force Tin the reinforcement on the maximum moment, ‘Mex = M,, (5) the paper, 10 give () -Ba6-7 ‘Avpenonx REFERENCES co) Bruce, and Jewel R. A (1980) “Sol ming: aplton and pacts, part Braces Band el RUA. (1987), “Sol aaling: apiation and 2.” Ground Engre., Yaa. 21-3. ee Sir of tring (985) Pa 8 BSL Mo Key, ag nie C98), any for engines Ea Hor Chih, Eon ‘Bian sd fran 1: (198) Manual of price for soll naling, Contac BT FH (185-0014 Federal Highway Admit, Westington, D.C Hansen. J.B. (i961). "The ulunate Testance of Hp ples again! transversal iS Gcotech, lst. Bal, (12), Copenhagen, Benmarh 3. 5 wand Lunigen, H. (190). Heuprobleme der Bodenmchaik, pinge-Verig, erin, tran. sHelengt hn Dk. Beuins on eat foundation. University of Michigan Press SA Aton bch is SEE Hi ve sg an 9 meme Te llr eget boas? an sen Serie BEE Ee Boy sama tere a en es co ec hn Cars rs dt ene Baliemte ater oe Be Se Hepa eure ate ea ern st SO Oe gn aes eee Sat tee ee cee ha Sot tr Fotdenane Tet, Annales TTBTP, No. 416 Ox. 8-23. (Eee ey aw Toh al ea oP ‘Appevon.Il. NOTATION The following symbols are wsed inthis paper: constant in elastic and plastic analyses; Siameter of reinforcement; fiameter of grouted n Young's modulus, second moment of areas felive earth pressure coefficient of soil; ‘modulus of subgrade reaction of sol: ‘minimum length of reinforcement measured ftom shear 1, = minimum required length beyond point of maximum bend: ‘ng moments 4p = clastic transfer length; 2, = distance between points of maximum moment on either Side of shear plane; hormalized length for elastic equilibrium: formalized length for plastic equilibrium; ‘maximum available bending moment in reinforcement; elastic bending moment for piven axial force: bending moment at elastic limit of reinforcement: ‘maximum elastic bending moment limited by sol bearing lly plastic benng moment of reinforcement; ct Pending moment for given axial foree; breatngeapocty factor; ‘normal fore ating on shear surfaces rows shearing restance of unrenforced sol tional shearing estan dc to Tenforements dial fore in reinforcement, maximum avalable shear force in reinforcement; itn oraz sea fore fom Sas aa fully plastic ail force in reinforcement; parameter corresponding to elastic anal; and parameter corresponding to plastic analy St wera of soi, Inelnation of reinforcement wits respect o normal to shear ane; Tint bearing stress between wil and reinforcement; design vale of init bearing tres: maximum bearing stes for ease equim; Iavmatn bearing ste for plastic equim ‘rll efetve sree in sol Yield stent of renforecment; and Inge of rton of sit 1520 Errects OF MULTIPLE MobES ON RAYLEIGH WAVE DisPERSION CHARACTERISTICS 3% Kai Takia! Avert Mater, ASCE, Sha Tar, Aosrnact: The os of mui moles om Raith wane Speion ne dy feed fee at) coe eee re Tae pea eee ak Sethe ee sare ee cee arsenic Pesriauli eens ang soc tnt ey oe ea eee ee ane Shes ee eS eno Silt a Si Ste hr aa Intmooueron niin: vane os been mas rent yar in lio cic ‘exploration based onthe observation of dispersion characters of sie fates [ea Jone G98) Nain and okoe (obs ugh Se Razarian i089), Gabe et a (1987). The dispersion ehsracerisie ‘haracterized bythe tond in which surtace waves of afferent equencia fr wavelengths propagste with diferent velocities, The inverse aly of this variation of phase vslocty with wavelength or frequcncy reals in shear wave veloc profile ‘Asimple method of inversion to asume that the shear wave velocity Isapproximately equal about 110% ofthe phase velocity. and ie elects Sampling depth for cach wavelength seq to clin ove thd or hall hat wavelength. Stokoe and Nazarian (1985) indicated tha the use of is simple inversion method normaly eases some degree of error ih the ‘wave velocity pris. ‘Thus, most of the inversion processes in mote advanced, methods onthe theoretical formulation of wave PrOpagation ina layed me: fum (Thomson 1980: Haskell 1953). asuming tht the observed depron racers that ofthe fundamental Rayletgh mode-In ely. however, ieee rset dn ean hve scant fe c overall propagating pattern of Rayeigh waves (Navan and Stokoe 85: Sanchez Salner ct a, 987; Gucunski and Woods 1991) The ok sNed dpersion characteris in ich eases may ot necessarily correspond the fundamental mode, but to higher mode, or cven mulipe meses TAs Pol Toyo Fest of Tec., O-okayans, Meguroku, Tokyo 1S Tapan, Grud Stade, Tokyo lst of Tech, O-oksyums, Megur- ks, Tokyo 13. Joey ‘Grud Student, Tokyo Inst of Tech: O-okayuma, Mepuroku: Tokyo 132 apn Note Dscussion open anil March i 195" Separate discasion sould be ok ited forthe vidual papers tn ths Symposit. To extend the chy dtc oe nh, a writen request mst e fied bth the ASCE! Manager of Journals The usp for this paper was submited for review ad pose pbliention an TW This paper fe par of the Journal of Geolechcal Engineering, Vol Ho, ocak, 9. GASCE, ISSN UTS OHOEOTOHSSIST OO 1S pet per No. 228,

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