25 Teacher Interview Questions (And Answers!) - The Muse
25 Teacher Interview Questions (And Answers!) - The Muse
25 Teacher Interview Questions (And Answers!) - The Muse
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Alyse Kalish
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Being a teacher is incredibly rewarding. After all, you get to shape how your students learn, grow, and see the world around
Of course, teachers have things they need to learn, too—like how to answer interview questions in a way that’ll nab you a
job at that amazing school you’ve had your eye on.
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You’ll still get asked the more general interview questions like “What are your strengths and weaknesses?” or “Why do you
want this job?” But you’ll also face more specific queries about, say, working with students or designing a lesson plan.
To help you prepare, check out these common teacher interview questions—with advice on how to answer them and
example answers. Plus, learn what skills and qualities hiring managers are looking for and get some bonus tips for nailing
your next interview.
Teaching skills: Unsurprisingly, how you work with students on a group and individual level is crucial. “Do they
know how to have an effective classroom where all kids are learning and engaged?” says Dan Swartz, Managing
Director at Resolve Talent Consulting, LLC, a firm that specializes in education recruitment.
Data proficiency: In today’s modern school system, data is also incredibly important, Swartz says. He wants to
know: “Have you been able to master or are you proficient at the use of data?” So whenever possible, give examples
of how you used data to guide you. For example, have you gleaned insights from individual test scores or overall class
performance metrics?
Subject matter expertise: Candidates have to show that they’re adequately knowledgeable about the content area
they’re looking to teach, whether it’s history or science. “[A lot] of times there are state standards,” Swartz says. So
when it makes sense, try incorporating “how much you know about the standards or how much you can use the
standards for your instruction,” he says.
Teamwork: Being a team player when it comes to working with other teachers, administrators, aides, and staff means
you’ll help not only students but also the entire school thrive.
Organization and accountability: Candidates who are on top of deadlines and can meet classroom goals will go far.
“As an administrator, I need to know that I’m going to be able to get lesson plans from you,” says Rob Sheppard, an
ESL teacher who started his own online English school, Ginseng English.
Commitment to students: If there’s one thing that can’t be taught, it’s care for students—so interviewers want to
know you have it. “The rest of the stuff, educators can teach.” Swartz says. “They can teach you content, they can
teach you how to be a more effective teacher delivering your lessons, but they can’t teach the belief in students.”
Keep these themes in mind as you prepare for your teaching interview and look for opportunities to communicate them
whenever possible—especially in response to these common questions.
Need some tips for writing your teaching resume? Find a full guide here.
How to answer
Rule #1: Don’t say, “Summer vacations!” But seriously—this one should be easy to answer. There’s probably something that
made you want to get into education. Maybe you enjoy teaching your friends new things, are a facts wizard bursting with
knowledge, or love connecting with children. Focus not just on what you like about teaching but also on what you can bring
to the table.
For example, you might say: “I really admired my third grade teacher, Mrs. Kim, and even after I left her class I still
returned to her for advice and guidance over the years. It’s that sense of warmth and acceptance she provided me that
inspired me to become a teacher. I want to be that person others can lean on as they navigate the rough waters of growing
How to answer
You’ll want to be honest about your specific style and mindset when it comes to teaching. But also consider what this
school’s philosophy is like, and try to emphasize where your values naturally overlap.
For example, you might talk about how you take a community approach to education, which means “knowing that you’re
one piece of this person’s journey,” says Mary Findley, Senior Teacher Success Manager at Skillshare and a former Teach
for America Core Member and elementary school teacher.
You could answer with: “I believe when students are challenged with realistic goals and given the support they need not to
just get the answers right but to be able to use those lessons to solve future problems on their own, everyone comes out on
top. I think that as a teacher, it’s my job to support my students through the lessons I give, but also through the various
challenges they may face at school, and to partner with them as well as other support systems to help them feel motivated,
comfortable, and happy in the classroom.”
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How to answer
A good answer delves into figuring out the cause of a student’s behavior, as that’s often the most important step. “When
students are disengaged, it’s either because the content’s too challenging, it’s too easy, or there could be some outside-of-
school factors,” Findley says.
Your response should show that “you’re meeting the student where they’re at and building on their strengths,” Findley says.
It should also emphasize that you’re “collaboratively discussing” solutions with the student rather than ordering them
If you have an example story to tell, that’s a great way to state your case. Just make sure your story is well structured to
convey the message you want. Consider using the STAR method whenever you’re answering an interview question with a
story—i.e., make sure you cover the Situation you found yourself in, the Task you needed to complete, the Action you took,
and the Result your action had, in that order.
You could say: “For me, the first step would be to pull them aside and talk about the issue privately. My main questions
would get at the root cause of this student’s behavior. Once I know that, I try to work with them to come up with a solution. I
used this strategy in my last classroom, where I had a student who couldn’t seem to stay in his seat during lessons and I
found out that sitting still too long made him feel confined and nervous. We talked about how his behavior affected the rest
of the class, and we agreed that when he was feeling really anxious he could raise his hand and I’d let him take a lap around
the classroom, but only when it was appropriate. I also decided to make some of my lessons more active and hands-on so
that other students could benefit from getting out of their seats every once in a while.”
How to answer
Motivating your class is really about having a personalized approach, Findley says. You’ll want to show that you can engage
a classroom, as well as take into consideration various students’ needs and drivers. Brown adds, “You have to know your
students, you have to know their strong points [and] their weak points.” So make sure that your answer shows an
individualized approach.
Take this sample answer: “Positive reinforcement is super important to keep a student motivated, so one thing I like to do is
throw out rewards or bonuses when they perform especially well. This could be candy, or a star, or a sticker, or even just a
compliment—whatever I can tell students enjoy receiving, and it’s different for everyone. I never want students to feel left
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out or favored, so I always try to be fair and consistent with everyone. But it’s those little moments of recognition I think that
keep them happy and excited to learn.”
How to answer
“I’m looking to see that a candidate will take every opportunity to interact with parents in person,” Brown says. “Ultimately,
I’m looking for candidates that believe parent collaboration is key to a student’s success, and they will take the time to
maintain an ongoing, open conversation.”
To show you take building relationships with family members seriously, you could say: “I think it’s really important to get
to know the important family members in each student’s life. Which is why at the beginning of the school year I like to have
individual meetings with each student’s family. I’ll also send out a survey to get a better understanding of the student’s home
life, needs, and family dynamics. Then, throughout the year, I build on that foundation by touching base to share positive
updates and small wins in addition to discussing any challenges the student might be facing academically or behaviorally.”
How to answer
Hopefully, you’re doing something to help yourself grow—it doesn’t have to be extensive or even career-related! Maybe
you’re reading a series of books about a topic, taking a class, or practicing a new skill. Use this activity to show that you
have an “always learning” mindset and an appreciation for continuing to get better at something.
Here’s what that sounds like: “I used to speak Italian in college, so I’ve recently picked up Duolingo to try to reteach myself
some of the basics. I’d love to continue to become more fluent so I can travel to Italy and talk with locals!”
Tell me about a time when you worked with a team to solve a problem.
Parents and students aren’t the only people you’ll be interacting with. You’ll frequently need to partner with aides, school
staff, and other teachers to help students succeed, so your interviewer wants to know that you can work with just about
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How to answer
Telling a story about a team situation where things didn’t go perfectly is a great way to show you can communicate and
collaborate with others even when times are tough. “But don’t emphasize the conflict—emphasize how you got through the
conflict to have something that was effective,” Swartz says. “Even if you’re not a teacher with experience, you can still
highlight how you go about your work by giving past examples” from another context.
For example, you could reply: “In my last role as a project coordinator, I had to partner with our account managers to meet
a really tight deadline set by a client. We were all a little frazzled because the project required a lot of revisions, but we put
our heads together and divided the work, even staying late a couple days to make sure we finished on time. I definitely don’t
think we could have accomplished it without working together, and I believe the same is true as a teacher working with
other staff—you can’t go it alone if you’re going to successfully foster a learning environment that works for all students and
supports them as individuals.”
Read More: Everything You Need to Know About Answering Behavioral Interview Questions
How to answer
Pick a story where you had to stretch yourself a bit, but ultimately got to a successful outcome. Remember to also talk about
your problem solving process in addition to the results.
Maybe you could say: “When I was in retail, I dealt with one particularly difficult customer who wasn’t satisfied with their
purchase. Most of my team was struggling to connect with them, but I was determined to set things right. So I was patient
and took the time to really listen to their complaints without guessing what the problem was or assuming what the solution
should be. That not only helped me understand the root of their issue, but helped them see I was going to work with them. In
the end, we came up with a solution that seemed like a good compromise for the customer. They left the store in a lot better
of a mood than when they entered, and turning someone’s day around felt truly great.”
How to answer
Share a story that makes it clear you can stay calm, cool, and collected when a situation changes.
You could give the example: “When I was a camp counselor, I often had to keep campers entertained through rainy weather
or a blip in the activities schedule. The first time it happened I didn’t really know how to handle the group, so I decided to
put together a one-sheeter of activities and games and share it with the other counselors so we could refer to it in the future.
I can confidently say no camper was disappointed with the change of schedule—they loved all the games, and the staff was
relieved how smoothly things went after that first time.”
Tell me about a time when someone gave you feedback and how you handled
Receiving and implementing feedback well is important for your growth as an educator. “This is actually most critical for
veteran teachers,” Swartz says. Since they’d be most likely to “communicate a level of, ‘I’ve already gotten this, I’ve
already arrived, I don’t need any extra feedback.’”
How to answer
Consider a time when you got feedback that was tough to take but ultimately made you better at your job. Talk through how
you received it (hopefully with an open mind!) as well as how you made the change.
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For example: “At my last school, one of the teachers on my team shared with me that students had been talking about how
lost they were after a recent math lesson. They were complaining that I went way too fast. It was rough to get this criticism
because I’d thought this class was happy with my teaching style and learning a lot. But I knew I had to take it to heart. So
for all my classes—not just the one that complained—I implemented a color-coded card system. Each student received red,
yellow, and green cards, and I got in the habit of stopping every few minutes to ask for cards. Students would hold up red
cards for me to slow down, yellow if everything was going well, or green if I could speed up. I’d adjust accordingly and over
time, I noticed more and more yellow cards as I discovered the best pace for each class. This also had the added benefit of
me seeing who was holding up a lot of red cards so I could offer them extra assistance or attention outside of the lesson.”
How to answer
You need to show you can “reverse engineer” the problem, Swartz explains. You’ll want to explain your process for
identifying the issue and then your approach for resolving the misunderstanding or difficulty that your students are having in
mastering the material.
Take this example question Swartz gives: “What are some of the common misconceptions students might have when solving
the problem 31.8 + 0.45? How would you address these?”
A good response might be: “One common problem is that students won’t line everything up by the place value or decimal.
They may line the five up right below the eight and therefore get the wrong answer. I would teach them to line the decimals
up and then put zeros as place holders so they don’t get confused. I would also encourage them to draw a line from each
addend all the way down to their sum to make sure all the decimals are in line. I always remind students to read carefully
and double check their work to avoid common mistakes like this.”
How to answer
This question requires a bit more preparation on your part than a typical interview question. If you have an example lesson
from a previous role, that’s great. If not, consider whipping up a quick lesson plan you might like to give. Talk through what
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it’ll look like from start to finish, why exactly you decided to take that approach, and allow the interviewer to ask questions
about your process.
If you’re leaning on a past experience, also highlight the parts of the lesson you would change based on how it went—which
will demonstrate your ability to adapt and grow as you teach.
How to answer
“Don’t just ask, when can I expect to hear something?” Swartz says. If you do have a question about next steps, make it
your last one after you’ve posed others. Until that point, “Ask some serious questions about that school. That’s your
opportunity to interview them as much as they’re interviewing you, and they are going to respect that,” Swartz says. “Any
question that [candidates] ask where I can see that they’ve done their research about the position is a great question to me.”
Here are a few suggestions to get the ball rolling, but be sure to come up with your own *specific* questions about the
school and role:
What do you wish you knew about [role]/[company or school] when you first started?
What qualities make someone successful here?
What are you most excited to work on/accomplish at [company or school] right now?
What drew you to [company or school]?
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Most importantly, “Be confident in what you already know and your experiences prior,” Brown says. Be yourself—or rather,
your professional self—and you’re sure to land the right teaching job for you.
Regina Borsellino also contributed writing, reporting, and/or advice to this article.
Previously an editor for The Muse, Alyse is proud to prove that yes, English majors can change the world. She’s written
almost 500 articles for The Muse on anything from productivity tips to cover letters to bad bosses to cool career changers,
many of which have been featured in Fast Company, Forbes, Inc., CNBC's Make It, USA Today College, Lifehacker,
Mashable, and more. She calls many places home, including Illinois where she grew up and the small town of Hamilton
where she attended Colgate University, but she was born to be a New Yorker. In addition to being an avid writer and reader,
Alyse loves to dance, both professionally and while waiting for the subway.
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