Understanding Basic Principles of Ayurveda
Understanding Basic Principles of Ayurveda
Understanding Basic Principles of Ayurveda
Volume 6 Issue 3, March-April 2022 Available Online: www.ijtsrd.com e-ISSN: 2456 – 6470
Ayurveda is one of the branches of Vedas. It is Ayurveda is conceived as a practical science and the
regarded as upaveda of Atharva veda. Its the Holistic word “Sastra” used to characterize Ayurveda,
system of medicine which is evolved from Brahma indicates a practical knowledge system. ’Sastra’
sages of ancient India, some 3000-5000 years ago. merely give examples so that the intelligent may
The principles & philosophy of Ayurveda view man suitably get appraised and act in a manner most suited
as a whole, with a deep understanding of the unseen to a person’s given circumstances. Every view & each
intelligence of the universe. Ayurveda defines life division in Ayurveda is a logical and correct from its
“Ayuh” As the intelligent co-ordination of our four stand point, Hence understanding of basic principles
parts, the soul, the mind, the senses, and the body, of Ayurveda is very important to understand the
with the totality of nature and cosmos. Health is not concepts explained by our Acharyas and for the
just a state of body. We interact with seasons, practical application to maintain the health and cure
planetary changes of earth, and moons well as the diseases of the human being.
orbiting relationship within our lives, our loved ones
Aims & Objectives
and friends etc. We affect and are affected by every
Understanding basic principles of Ayurveda for
other animate and inanimate thing in existence.
Bringing all of this into Balance is the key to living
healthy. Caraka explains “Siddhanta” or theory as a Materials & Methods
conclusion arrived at using logical reasoning and Materials: Ayurvedic classical texts, journals,
based upon experiments conducted in a systemic internet
manner. So according to Ayurveda, is the conclusion Methods: Literary review
arrived at by the experience gained from various
practical experiments supported by logical reasoning. 1. Panchamahabhuta
2. Trigunas
Any disease where vata-pitta-kapha are involved, the Malas are the various waste products of food and the
vitiated doshas directly affect the dhatus. With insight dhatus produced during the normal digestive and
into governing dosha, the cause of a diseased dhatu is metabolic process. The three primary malas being
accurately determined. The disturbed dosha (vata, Purisha (faeces), Mutra (Urine), and Sveda(sweat).
pitta, kapha) and improper dhatus are always directly Ayurveda clearly states that only a balanced condition
involved in the disease process. Once the root cause of dosas, dhatus, and malas is arogya (good health or
of the illness is known, the corresponding therapies diseased free condition) and their imbalance is the
are used to balance the system through reducing the cause of ill health or disease.
excess element and increasing the deficient one. Purisha is the waste left back after nutrients of
Balance of the dhatus can be maintained by taking digested food have been absorbed in the small
steps to keep the Tridoshas in balance through a intestine. The Tridoshas must be in balance to ensure
proper diet, exercise and recovery program. normal evacuation. Pitta and Kapha help in digestion
The Trimalas and Vata govern the mobility throughout the process.
Mala mutra sakrtsvedadayo api Any imbalance between these can lead to various
ca............................................................ [A. S. 1/20]18 symptoms of abdominal heaviness or pain, flatulence,