MorphoManager 15.4.3
MorphoManager 15.4.3
MorphoManager 15.4.3
Copyright © IDEMIA 2022. All rights reserved.
Fixed issues
The task to retrieve logs from terminals may block the execution of other tasks.
Write Lock Exceptions (internal errors).
When two users login at the same time, a display refresh issue may give the feeling
MorphoManager is unresponsive.
Internal issue in API between MorphoManager Client and Server.
Custom parameters with "MorphoWave Compact" device type are not
Issues while running Compatibility Check utility.
Upgrade of systems with MA2G devices in database.
Supported Firmware Versions
VisionPass requires firmware 2.6.2 (or newer)
MorphoWave Compact (XP) requires firmware 2.6.2 (or newer)
MorphoWave SP requires firmware 1.0.0 (or newer)
MorphoAccess SIGMA Series requires firmware 4.9.4 (or newer)
MorphoAccess SIGMA Lite Series requires firmware 4. 9.4 (or newer)
MorphoAccess SIGMA Lite+ Series requires firmware 4.9.4 (or newer)
MorphoAccess SIGMA Extreme Series requires firmware 4.9.4 (or newer)
MorphoWave Tower requires firmware 2.3.0 (or newer)
MSO 300 requires firmware 10.00.g-C (or newer)
MSO 1300 requires firmware 10.00.g-C (or newer)
MSO Finger VP requires firmware 1.11.0 (or newer)
Morpho 3D Face requires firmware
MorphoAccess 100 Series requires firmware 3.2.10
MorphoAccess 500 Series requires firmware 3.9.0
Outdoor MorphoAccess 500 Series requires firmware 3.9.0
MorphoAccess J Series requires firmware 3.8.0
MorphoAccess VP Series requires firmware 3.11.0
Known issues
IDEMIA recommends to use Microsoft SQL Server instead of the CE database.
SQL CE to SQL Server Migration – please contact our support group
Very poor performance for remote contact fingerprint enrollment.
Transaction log time incorrect for 2G and 3DF when MorphoManager server is in
a different time zone.
Duplicate check previously enabled and then disabled is not applied until server
Card encoding logs are not created when card is encoded on MA5G devices.
Encoding iClass Cards using a MorphoWave Compact is not always operational;
please contact support teams in case of issues.
Null reference exception when editing an imported key policy in extreme mode.
BioBridge Caching engine and BioBridge Sync Engine get into a deadlock under
unknown conditions.
Mifare Classic 4k Card encoding can sometimes fail on an Omnikey 5427 G2
Desktop encoder.
Could not generate a consolidated template with MSO Finger VP.
MorphoAccess VP MD cannot be used as an enrollment device.
Duplicated transaction logs could be observed sometimes because transaction
logs are not deleted from MM after a disconnection of the network.
Failed task is observed when setting the device password to default.
Device wallpaper is randomly not updated while switching Biometric Device
MM hangs when enrolling users at the same time from different enrollment
stations (terminals)
Previous Software revision: 15.3.2
New Features / Improvements
Utility to check the compatibility of existing MorphoManager database with the
new version before the actual upgrade. This utility is available in the Installation
zip file of MorphoManager.
SQL Server is the recommended database provider.
OSDP Baud rate can now be configured in express mode.
Fixed issues
In Biometric Device Configuration, Show Administration Menu does not work
when unchecked in case of Vision Pass
Change the terminal password is impossible if it was previously changed by other
than MorphoManager
When we change the KeyPolicy into the Biometric Device Configuration, it is not
updated into the terminal
Not Applicable parameter keys for some terminal present in Biometric Device
Wallpaper not updated when changing biometric device configuration
Same Wiegand profile gives different data when used in Biometric Device
Configuration and User configuration
Password doesn't update when Biometric device configuration change
Failed to set the parameter error for gpio.func_mode with VisionPass
MorphoManager doesn't give warning if user enters a PIN longer than 15 digits
Distant session remains open when getlogs task is started and VisionPass has a
No mask was detected logs.
LCD setting in MorphoManager doesn't apply to VisionPass
Disabling 'Show Date & Time' doesn't work on VisionPass
Installation / Upgrade issues
Previous Software revision: 15.3.1
New Features / Improvements
It is now possible to configure OSDP via MorphoManager.
Introduction of resilience & extensive logging between MorphoManager and the
connected terminals.
Some internal fixes to enhance the security of the application.
MA2G devices are supported the same way they were in version 14.6.
Fixed issues
"In progress" stucked tasks prevent MorphoManager from sending others tasks
to a device.
Distant session remains open on devices.
Distant session can remain open indefinitely after cancelling many time an
encoding command to a device.
Not setting OSDP Device Address.
Impossible to encode a SEOS card using custom keys.
Biobridge client stuck at login screen when launched from cmdline.
Enrollment error using VisionPass MDPI-M.
Failure to load user into VisionPass after enrolment.
Express configuration search for VisionPass MDPI-M and MorphoWave Compact
MDPI-M creates an error.
SQL CE to SQL Server Migration tool removed due to data inconsistency issues.
Installation and upgrade issues.
Fixed issues
Bio-Bridge with Privacy Mode causing card to be requested twice to encode card
Exception while using enrolling card only user using Bio-Bridge
Installation and upgrade issues
Previous Software revision: 15.2.4
JCI C•Cure 9000: BioBridge supports version 2.90 (new version of the specific
enrollment button)
Login screen now displays the content of webpage
in case the workstation is connected to the Internet
MA2G features are disabled from menus
Some internal fixes to enhance the security of the application.
Fixed issues
Paxton Net2 BioBridge: wrong folder name for WebAPI License
Paxton Net2 BioBridge: Please Enter First Name error message
Specific case of migration issue with data inconsistency for exception logs
Fixed issues