Uas - EFA - Adhi Anoraga - 43219110004.
Uas - EFA - Adhi Anoraga - 43219110004.
Uas - EFA - Adhi Anoraga - 43219110004.
A. Answer the questions below with your own knowledge, the answer might not be found
directly in the text: (score 20)
1. How might the information contained in financial statements be useful to managers?
How might creditors use this information?
The information contained in financial statements might be useful to creditors. It helps
them to find out whether the company will be able to repay the credit on time or not.
2. What is a CPA? Do you have a similar type of position in your country? Explain!
A CPA is a Certified Public Accountant. Yes, we had. Formerly faculty of economic
graduates of 5 elite universities got ‘Drs. AK’ degree.
3. Which type of accounting – public, private, or governmental – appeals to you the most?
The most is a public accounting. Because public accountants provide accounting
services such as auditing and tax computation to companies and individuals.
4. What are some management decisions that might be based on accounting information?
In some companies, financial decision making might be based on accounting
information. For example, the management wants to expands its business to build a
bigger factory to introduce new variety of goods.
F. Structure Test. CPMK 5 (25 points). Make your sentence by using these economic
terms: Example: (shareholder – The shareholders feel that the General Manager has
to step down because the mess in finance he made)
1. Depreciation
a. Depreciation is calculated to write off the cost or valuation of tangible assets
other than freehold land over their estimated useful lives.
b. Each time a company prepares its financial statements, it records a depreciation
expense to allocate a portion of the cost of the buildings, machines or equipment
it has purchased to the current fiscal year.
2. Revenue
a. The gross revenue of all the states is estimated at 50 million dollars.
b. Marvel, who needed large sums to strengthen his military force, set himself with
great energy to increase the empire's revenue.
c. Our company has experienced a decrease in revenue due to the financial crisis.
3. Expenditure
a. In 2020 revenue and expenditure balanced at £125,000.
b. Their expenditure is likewise classed as obligatory and optional.
c. We must try our best to regulate our expenditure.
4. Invoices
a. We will send out reminder letters to follow up outstanding invoices.
b. Your invoice will be sent within 5 working days following commencement of
your event.
c. The company sends invoices to customers for products or services delivered.
5. Profitability
a. Inflation at the present rate has a seriously distorting effect on company
b. Using the analysis carried out within the 5 forces framework we also sought to
explain the variations in profitability across the supply chain.
c. The business profitability will not survive in the long run. So measuring current
and past profitability and projecting future profitability is very important.