Originating Application: The Administrative and Constitutional Law and Human Rights National Practice Area
Originating Application: The Administrative and Constitutional Law and Human Rights National Practice Area
Originating Application: The Administrative and Constitutional Law and Human Rights National Practice Area
Originating Application
No. of 20
20 To the Respondent
The Applicant applies for the relief set out in this application.
The Court will hear this application, or make orders for the conduct of the proceeding, at
the time and place stated below. If you or your lawyer do not attend, then the Court may
make orders in your absence.
You must file a notice of address for service (Form 10) in the Registry before attending
Court or taking any other steps in the proceeding.
30 Place:
The Court ordered that the time for serving this application be abridged to:
On the grounds stated in the statement of claim, accompanying affidavit or other document
prescribed by the Rules, the Applicant claims:
1. Our Australian Nation is under Criminal attack from an insidious Foreign Power that
is influencing the Federal and State Governments though a False Covid Emergency
to overthrow our Australian Constitution and wreak havoc with our basic Australian
Human Rights under our Constitution.
2. The Victorian Government will be found Guilty or not Guilty of Treason based on
the answering of the Questions of Law and Questions of Fact included in this Writ.
4. The final and paramount purpose of the exercise of federal judicial power is "to do
justice". Sir Isaac Isaacs said so in typically emphatic language in 1923 and added
60 "[a]ll other considerations are means to that end. They are ancillary principles and
rules."[1] The language may have been emphatic but it was not extravagant. It was
quoted with approval by six Justices of this Court in 2011 in Hogan v Hinch[2].
5. The Full Bench of the Federal Court Judges will be called to give expert opinion by
answering 24 important Questions of Law relating to the Australian Constitution and
Federal Law.
6. The Victorian Government will be called to give evidence to support their False
Covid Emergency, evidence including FOI information which they have withheld
70 and not supplied. Here is that application which was due to be answered by the 22nd
April 2021:
Supply under the Victorian Freedom of Information Act 1982 (FOI Act), the
authorisation in writing as defined below under Section 201 of the Public Health and
80 Wellbeing Act 2008 No. 46 of 2008 for the current Covid Emergency in Victoria.
In the FOI response please be sure to include specific written authorisation relating to
Section 201 (3) (b) and (c).
powers for the purposes of section 199 may be given orally or in writing.
(c) if the serious risk to public health has occurred, name or describe the place at
which the serious risk to public health has occurred;
(e) specify any restrictions or limitations to which of the public health risk powers or
emergency powers may be exercised under the authorisation;
(f) specify the period of time for which the authorisation continues in force.
(4) The Chief Health Officer may extend the period of time for which an
authorisation continues in force before the authorisation expires.
7. Statistical and Scientific data will be tabled proving a False Covid Emergency.
8. We the People of Australia insist on the Truth under Good Governance of our Great
Nation Australia and under our Australian and State Constitutions.
9. In addition our Criminal Australian and State Governments are forcing a lethal and
poisonous and completely unnecessary experimental medical procedure on all
Australians under this False Emergency, which is demonstrably killing and maiming
large numbers of Australians. Factual evidence of this is contained in the TGA
Covid19 weekly Safety Report Pages on the TGA website.
10. This State condoned murder and maiming of Australian Citizens has to cease
130 11. The outcome of this Trial will have immediate ramifications for all States and
Territories of Australia.
12. This trial is the biggest class action in the History of Australia.
13. The State of Victoria and its Officers on approximately March 2020 to the current
date have unlawfully forced under penalty and threat of violence (inter alia): mask
wearing, social distancing, curfews, lock-downs, stopped freedom of political speech
and protest, quarantined healthy individuals, restricted peoples movements,
prevented people from conducting their daily business, forced Covid tests prior to
140 medical procedures, forced hand sanitisation, prevented family association, stopped
the free passage of people across State borders, restricted all gatherings including,
social religious, sport, funerals, weddings etc. Thus criminalizing Australians
Constitutional rights. The Australian public have been subject to assault, abuse false
arrested etc. for failing to comply with unconstitutional directives.
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14. The State of Victoria and its Officers have impermissably infringed upon the
protections prohibitions, contained within s51 (xxiiiA), s51 (ix), 52 (ii) 69, 76(ii) and
s92, afforded by the Constitution and have created State Acts that are inconsistent
with a Act (The Biosecurity Act (2015) Cth).
15. Australian Case law supports the invalidation of sections 20, 21, 22, 115, 116, 119,
120, 121, ,143B,143D,143E, 145, 199, 200 and 203. of the Public Health and Act
Victoria (2008) pursuant to s51(xxiiiA) of the Constitution.
16. The subject matter is applicable to all the States and Territories of Australia and
given that a decision of the High Court is binding throughout the Commonwealth.
This matter requires Constitutional Interpretation of the original jurisdiction of the
High Court pursuant to Sect 76 of the Constitution.
160 17. The subject matter and its National significance demands Trial by Jury under Section
80 of the Australian Constitution.
18. Orders of Prohibition Mandamus against the State of Victoria and its Officers for
contravention of the Commonwealth of Australia Constitution Act (1901).
170 19. Orders clearly stating that there is no Covid Emergency in Australia.
20. Arrest of Daniel Andrews (and others as decided by the Jury) for Treason against the
Victorian and Australian People.
23. This can be proved by answering the Questions of Law included below.
24. Supporting case law to invalidate sections 20, 21, 22, 115, 116, 119, 120,
121,143B,143D,143E, 145, 199, 200 and 203. of the Public Health and Act Victoria
190 (2008) pursuant to s51(xxiiiA) of the Constitution is included in the Annexure to this
Writ of Summons.
25. Statistical and Scientific Evidence herewith included below shows the Covid
Emergency is a False Emergency.
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1. What authority do the States have to make and enforce laws for quarantine?
200 2. Does the Commonwealth Parliament have exclusive powers to make laws for
quarantine and has its enforcement been transferred to the Executive Government of
the Commonwealth, thus denying the States of such power?
3. Is the Public Health and Wellbeing Act Vic (2008) inconsistent with the Biosecurity
Act 2015 (Cth) in relation to Quarantine powers and therefore invalid because of the
operation s109 of the Constitution?
4. What authority does the Chief Health Officer have to enforce a medical service based
on his or her opinion, onto any person?
5. Can the Court please define the meaning of medical services contained in
s51(xxiiiA) of the Constitution, and does it include wearing of face masks, social
distancing, vaccinations, Covid 19 testing, contact tracing and other like services,
whether at the direction of a State or the Commonwealth?
6. Do the medical services infringe upon the prohibition contained in s51(xxiiiA) of the
8. Under the Biosecurity Act 2015, are sections: 90, 91, 92 and 93 prohibited pursuant
to s51(xxiiiA) without the genuine understanding and consent of the affected person?
11. Does the Biosecurity Act 2015 (Cth) only apply to an individual with signs or
symptoms of a listed disease and not the population as a whole?
12. What authority does a State Officer have to issue and enforce a biosecurity control
240 order given that the powers of quarantine have been transferred from the States to the
13. Are fines issued under the Public Health and Well Being Act of Victoria 2008 invalid
absent a human biosecurity control order pursuant to the Biosecurity Act 2015?
14. Are the fines issued by a State officer pursuant to the Public Health and Well Being
Act invalid absent a biosecurity control order pursuant to the Biosecurity Act 2015?
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15. Is section 240 of the Public Health and Wellbeing Act Vic (2008) invalid as it
250 expressly removes the ordinary protections inherent in the judicial process and
thereby repugnant to Ch lll of the Constitution?
16. Is the legislation, section 240 of the Public Health and Wellbeing Act Vic (2008)
incompatible with the institutional integrity of the Supreme Court of Victoria and its
Constitutional position as a potential repository of federal judicial power?
17. Is the Public Health and Wellbeing Act VIC(2008), either in its entirety or in part, or
in its operation invalid because it impermissibly burdens the implied freedom of
political communication contrary to the Commonwealth Constitution in particular,
260 public protest?
19. What authority does the Commonwealth, the State or Victoria, any State, or any
person have to prohibit (for example- hard border closure) restrict, require (for
example -a permit) or burden travel, trade, commerce or intercourse among the
States, whether by internal carriage, ocean navigation or by any other means
including air travel, pursuant to s92 of the Constitution?
20. What authority do the States or Territories have to prohibit, restrict or burden any
persons movements in relation to an infectious disease given does not exhibit any
signs or symptoms, a healthy individual?
21. Is the Emergency Management Act VIC (2013) and or the Public Health and
Wellbeing Act VIC (2008) invalid either in whole or in part or in its operation
because it impermissibly infringes s92 of the Constitution?
22. Is there an implication in s92 that covers any and all forms of transport, including air
280 travel, other than the two modes of travel expressly written in the Constitution?
23. Is a permit required to cross State borders for any of the aforementioned?
24. Can the provisions of the Constitution of Australia ever be overridden by State
enactments of “States of Emergency” or extensions thereof which grant extensive
powers to the State to take away human rights (and may not be supported by proper
statistical or scientific data) and if so which provisions of the Constitution can be
overridden and under what circumstances?
26. These extremely important Questions of Fact posed in this matter affects over
25,000,000 Australians, a matter of Global importance, a matter that has brought
Australia to a standstill since around March 2020, destroyed tens of thousands of
businesses, created huge destruction in our Australian Economy, destroyed families,
livelihoods, lives and much more. All based on an utterly FALSE Emergency
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engendered by Corporate and Banking interests seeking Global Control and Slavery
of the Human Race through the World’s largest Pharmaceutical FEAR Campaign
based on a non-existent ‘virus’ Sarscov2 which has never been scientifically isolated,
300 a fake disease ‘Covid19’ that has never been scientifically defined apart from having
‘Cold and Flu’ symptoms, which thus, in fact, is a renaming of Influenza, And a
totally fallacious false positive PCR test that cannot test for infectious diseases.
27. We also note that this false Emergency engendered by a Foreign Power, the World
Health Organisation, has been used to overthrow the Australian Constitution and has
in essence given ‘carte blanc’ to State Governments to institute huge unlawful
invasion of basic Australian Human Rights and overthrow the Australian
Constitution, which of course, is Treason.
28. The most important question of FACT we have is ‘On what statistical and scientific
basis does this false Emergency rest?’.
310 29. And the answer is NONE, but highly inaccurate theoretical mathematical worst case
computer models with no connection to physical reality whatsoever.
30. We await the FOI requests we have made to the Defendant to supply the statistical
and scientific basis of this FALSE Emergency, which so far has not been
31. There is no statistical or scientific basis for an Emergency in Victoria or in fact any
State of Australia.
32. Daniel Andrews is relying on the State of Emergency in Victoria for his extensive
powers to put people in lockdown, to force them to wear masks (which have been
proven scientifically to cause health issues), to close businesses and destroy people’s
320 livelihoods, close borders, arrest people, fine people and use other draconian
measures against our Human and Constitutional Rights.
33. Despite consistently asking, the people of Victoria have never been given the
scientific evidence, or the statistics (deaths) that warrant the decision to call a State
of Emergency, or the extension of one.
34. Why do we need a State of Emergency when Statistics in Australia show that 99.9%
of people under the age of 65 survive the virus, 99.5% of 70 year olds (without the
complication of other co-morbidities) survive the virus. The age group at risk is the
over 80’s?
35. Why do we need a State of Emergency when John Ioannidis of Stanford University –
330 one of the ten most cited scientists in the world has ranked the mortality rate of
Covid19 caused by Sarscov2 in the range of that of influenza as early as March
2020? He demonstrated that the worldwide panic at the end of January 2020
regarding an alleged high mortality rate associated with Sarscov2 infection was
and is simply unfounded. His paper confirms that the majority of people 65 and
under survive the Corona Virus.
36. Why are decisions are being made based on no proper data?
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37. Why is there a need for a State of Emergency when the Statistics show there have
been a small number of deaths in Australia (Australian Bureau of Statistics 2020
deaths from Covid19 are 909). This is the lowest average death rate in Australia
340 from upper respiratory infections in the past 5 years and apparently last year
influenza deaths completely disappeared, Prior to Covid19, the Australian Bureau of
Statistics show that nearly 3,000 people were dying annually from influenza?
38. Why is no data given to people in Victoria about how many of the alleged Covid19
“cases” were properly diagnosed by a doctor apart from having a PCR test since now
the WHO are saying the PCR test should not be used as the sole diagnostic tool but
merely an aid?
39. Please provide the science for your allegation that asymptomatic cases can transmit
the virus?
40. It has been alleged that there is an asymptomatic form of Covid19. Usually doctors
350 cannot make a proper diagnosis unless a person is displaying symptoms. A study of
nearly 10,000,000 people stated that out of the nearly 10 million people in the study,
“300 asymptomatic cases” were found. Contact tracing was then carried out and of
those 300, no cases of Covid19 were detected in any of them. “A total of 1,174 close
contacts of the asymptomatic positive cases were traced, and they all tested negative
for the Covid19.”
41. Why are we not told that the vast majority of cases with Covid19 have survived?
42. Why is the State of Victoria using the PCR test as the sole diagnostic tool and
running it at high amplifications, well over the recommended frequency?
43. The WHO has realized some of the problems with the PCR testing in that many false
360 positives are produced and if the cycles of magnification are too high this test
produces incorrect results. WHO has issued two notifications -- one on 14th
December 2020 and one on 13th January 2021 providing a warning that caution needs
to be exercised in using this test, as it is an aid to diagnosis and not the sole
diagnostic tool. It is a known a fact that the PCR test is not able to diagnose whether
you have an infection from any virus See: Version 1 - 7 December 2020 – Version 2
- 13 January 2021
44. Why is the PCR test still being used as a basis that a person is infected with the
Virus? Our own Therapeutic Goods Administration on their website (for Health
Practitioners only) says “The extent to which a positive PCR result correlates with
370 the infectious state of an individual is still being determined” “There is limited
evidence available to assess the accuracy and clinical utility of available Covid19
45. Why have very few of the purported deaths from Covid19 ever been given an
autopsy to confirm that this is the actual cause of death and not some other
comorbidity or accident?
46. The cause of death in most cases is merely an assumption by one person certifying
the death.
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47. Why are more Courts around the world deciding that these draconian measures are
unconstitutional or unconscionable?
380 48. E.g. the Austrian Constitutional Court declared in October, 2020 that Outlawing
gatherings with more than 4 people (10 for clubs), requiring people to keep a
minimum distance, Requiring people not to enter premises was unconstitutional and
ceased from 31.12.2020 The District Court in Weimar in Germany had a similar
view on the restrictions.
49. German judge Thorsten Schleif calls on citizens to defend themselves against corona
fines, as they are hard to follow logically and often in contravention of existing law.
A restriction on citizen's rights can only be executed with sufficient reason,
especially since these measures can be continued indefinitely.
50. The Appeal Court in Lisbon has stated that a proper diagnosis by a doctor needs to be
390 made that a person is infected. A PCR test (which can create a lot of false positive
results) is not sufficient.
51. Why has the WHO never suggested that there should be lockdowns and arrests for
52. A very serious event (the State of Emergency) has taken place that allows people
enormous power, which can and is being abused. People have had their human rights
taken away. This situation demands that the State of Emergency is fully justified
with statistics that show a high death rate and that if you catch the virus you are
likely to die. Neither of these two things is true. Decisions are being made without
any reliable data and causing damage to people’s lives.
400 53. So to summarise our argument based on FACT:
54. There is no serious deadly infectious disease sweeping the Planet.
55. Covid19 is Influenza renamed.
56. The Sarscov2 ‘virus’ is not real and cannot and has not been scientifically isolated.
57. The PCR test is demonstratably totally deficient of testing for any ‘virus’ or
infectious disease.
58. The ‘scientific’ argument that Lockdowns have saved Australia is as meaningless as
saying Lockdowns are responsible for our hearts beating.
59. A small group of extremely wealthy people and corporations seeking Global Control
and Enslavery and vast profits have taken over the World Health Organisation.
410 60. This group of people is typically referred to as Big Pharma.
61. The World Health Organisation has infiltrated all 192 member countries’
Govenments including Australia, and overthrown our Constitution with a FALSE
62. The Sarscov2 ‘virus’ is a Psyop to create global panic and fear which has been
magnified enormously by a controlled relentless multi-media global fear campaign
and censorship.
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Part IV: [Any reasons why an order for costs should not be made in favour of the
defendant in the event that the writ is refused.]
67. The Court must be accessible to all Australians whether rich or poor. The potential
430 threat of costs cannot be used by the Court to deter, in practical terms any member of
the Australian public from bringing to the Court a matter especially where the
Commonwealth or a State is a party.
68. The Commonwealth or State suffers no financial loss as a result of a Court hearing,
and its Officers, Attorney’s General, are already paid to perform such duties as part
of their employment. Furthermore, should the Commonwealth or State be
unsuccessful in a matter neither their Officers or Attorney’s General suffer any
personal financial loss themselves.
440 69. Therefore the parties to the proceedings are not subject to equal penalties and the
private person is in an inferior position from the beginning. The analogy here that
can be drawn is one of unconscionable conduct in a contract between two parties
where one party is in a far superior position to the other and uses this position to
coerce the weaker party not pursue the matter or submit to their will. (Commercial
Bank of Australia v Amadio (1983) HCA).
70. What relevance does cost have in relation to the proper administration of justice by
the Court? Surely if the Court accepts a matter it must believe there is merit to it and
furthermore, not all decisions by the Court are unanimous, the Court often being
450 divided by opinion and cases decided by majority.
71. The subject matter we are bringing before the Court is unprecedented in that it affects
all Australians and is not some private interest matter, and cannot be subject to costs.
Justice must not just be seen to be done it must be done and the public confidence in
the judicial system cannot be maintained if the system in practical terms is in
accessible to them. (Grollo v Palmer (1995) HCA)
460 Part V: [A list of authorities on which the plaintiff relies, identifying the line at
which the relevant passages appear.]
Part VI: [The particular constitutional provisions, statutes and statutory provisions
applicable to the questions the subject of the application set out verbatim.]
(b) may direct a party to give notice in accordance with that subsection;
(c) may continue to hear evidence and argument concerning matters
severable from any matter arising under the Constitution or
involving its interpretation.
(3) For the purposes of subsection (1), a notice in respect of a cause:
(a) shall be taken to have been given to an Attorney-General if steps
580 have been taken that, in the opinion of the court, could reasonably be
expected to cause the matters to be notified to be brought to the
attention of that Attorney-General; and
(b) is not required to be given to the Attorney-General of the
Commonwealth if he or she or the Commonwealth is a party to the
cause and is not required to be given to the Attorney-General of a
State if he or she or the State is a party to the cause.
(4) The Attorney-General may authorize the payment by the Commonwealth to a
party of an amount in respect of costs arising out of the adjournment of a cause by
reason of this section.
590 (5) Nothing in subsection (1) prevents a court from proceeding without delay to
hear and determine proceedings, so far as they relate to the grant of urgent relief of
an interlocutory nature, where the court thinks it necessary in the interests of
justice to do so.
there is no law possible which a State may pass which can affect the validity and
binding force of a Commonwealth law supported by the Constitution”.
Relevant Acts:
22 Power of delegation
(1) The Chief Health Officer by instrument may delegate to a registered
medical practitioner—
(a) who is an executive within the meaning of section 4(1) of the Public
Administration Act 2004; or
(b) who is a prescribed senior officer—
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any power, duty or function of the Chief Health Officer other than
680 this power of delegation.
(2) A delegation under subsection (1) may be made—
(a) in relation to a person or class of persons specified in the instrument
of delegation; or
(b) in relation to the holder, or the holder from time to time, of an office
specified, or of each office in a class of offices specified, in the
instrument of delegation.
The entire act, is written around the Chief Health Officer (CHO) a registered medical
practitioner which purports to give him/her authority to enforce their medical opinion
690 (civilly conscript) onto the population as a whole, and to delegate this alleged power onto
other authorised persons. Such powers are Constitutionally invalid because of section
51(xxiiiA) and section 69 in concert with section 52(ii) Quarantine. By way of a Federal
Act the Biosecurity Act 2015, quarantine powers only apply to an individual with signs or
symptoms of a listed disease. Section 109 of the Constitution invalidates the Public Health
and Wellbeing Act as a State Act being inconsistent with a Federal Act (Biosecurity Act
Under the Biosecurity Act, quarantine restrictions such as home detention which restricts a
700 person’s movements can only be effected by the issuing of a Biosecurity control order.
Therefore any prosecutor defending fines issued by VICTORIA POLICE must
produce such a control order in proceedings before the Magistrates court. A failure to
produce such a control order deprives the court of jurisdiction and withdraws standing
from the prosecutor. The court must therefore dismiss the matter for lack of jurisdiction.
Division 7—Immunisation
(1)For the purposes of section 143C(1)(g), the Secretary may make guidelines
specifying the circumstances that may apply in relation to a child.
(2)The guidelines made under subsection (1)—
(a) must be published in the Government Gazette; and
840 (b) come into operation on the date they are published; and
(c) may be revoked by the Secretary.
S. 143E inserted by No. 4/2018 s. 21.
143E Periodic production of immunisation status certificate
(1) The parent of a child who attends an early childhood service must provide
to the person in charge of the early childhood service an immunisation status
certificate indicating that the child is age appropriately immunised—
(a) within 2 months after the child attains a prescribed age; or
(b) at intervals not exceeding the prescribed period.
(2) The person in charge of an early childhood centre must take reasonable
850 steps to ensure that a parent of a child who attends the early childhood service
provides an immunisation status certificate in accordance with subsection (1).
(3) A parent of a child attending an early childhood service is not required to
comply with subsection (1) if—
(a) section 143C(1) applies in relation to the child; and
(b) the relevant immunisation status certificate is to be provided during
the 16 week period referred to in section 143C(2).
(c) prevent any person or group of persons from entering the emergency
area; Authorised by the Chief Parliamentary Counsel Part 10—
890 Protection and enforcement provisions Public Health and Wellbeing
Act 2008 No. 46 of 2008
(d) give any other direction that the authorized officer considers is
reasonably necessary to protect public health.
(2) Unless subsection (3) applies, before any person is subject to detention under
subsection (1)(a), an
authorised officer must briefly explain the reason why it is necessary to detain the person.
(3) If in the particular circumstances in which the power to detain the person is to be
exercised, it is not practicable to briefly explain the reason why it is necessary to
900 detain the person before the power is exercised, the authorised officer must do so as
soon as is practicable.
(4) Before exercising any emergency powers under this section, an authorised officer must,
unless it is not practicable to do so, warn the person that a
refusal or failure to comply without a reasonable excuse, is an offence.
(5) An authorised officer must facilitate any reasonable request for communication made
by a person subject to detention under subsection (1)(a).
(6) An authorised officer must at least once every 24 hours during the period that a person
is subject to detention under subsection (1)(a) review whether the continued
detention of the person is reasonably necessary to eliminate or reduce a
910 serious risk to public health.
(7) An authorised officer must as soon as is reasonably practicable give written notice to
the Chief Health Officer—
(a) that a person has been made subject to detention under subsection
(b) that following a review under subsection (6) a person is to continue
to be subject to detention under subsection (1)(a).
Authorised by the Chief Parliamentary Counsel
Part 10—Protection and enforcement provisions
Public Health and Wellbeing Act 2008
920 No. 46 of 2008
(8) A notice under subsection (7) must include—
(a) the name of the person being detained; and
(b) a brief statement as to the reason why the person is being, or
continues to be, subject to detention under subsection (1)(a).
(9) The Chief Health Officer must as soon as is reasonably practicable advise the Minister
of any notice received under subsection (7).
940 A law of the Commonwealth has made in relation to human quarantine is the Biosecurity
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Act 2015 (Cth),whose main method of managing risks to human health is by imposing a
human biosecurity order on an individual, who may have a listed human disease or signs or
symptoms of, and not the population as a whole.
By way of operation of section 109 of the Constitution, where an inconsistency arises
between the law of a State (Public Health and Wellbeing Act VIC 2008) and a law of the
Commonwealth ( Biosecurity Act 2015), the latter shall prevail to the extent of the
An Act relating to diseases and pests that may cause harm to human, animal or plant health
or the environment, and for related purposes
Chapter 2 deals with managing risks to human health. That Chapter only deals with
diseases (listed human diseases) that are listed in a legislative instrument.
The main method of managing risks to human health is by imposing a human biosecurity
960 control order on an individual who may have a listed human disease. However, Chapter 2
also includes requirements in relation to persons entering or leaving Australian territory,
and rules relating to managing deceased individuals.
970 Part 2 gives the Health Minister special powers to deal with human biosecurity
emergencies, including by giving effect to recommendations of the World Health
Disease means:
(a) the signs or symptoms of an illness or infection caused by a disease
agent; or
(b) a collection of signs or symptoms that is clinically defined, for
1010 which the causal agent is unknown; or
(c) a disease agent that has the potential to cause, either directly or
indirectly, an illness or infection. disease agent includes, but is not
limited to, a microorganism, an infectious agent and a parasite.
90 Undergoing an examination
An individual may be required by a human biosecurity control order to undergo, at a
specified medical facility, a specified kind of examination relating to determining the
presence in the individual of:
(a) the listed human disease specified in the order; and
1020 (b) any other listed human disease.
Note: For the manner in which this biosecurity measure must be carried out, see
section 94.
93 Receiving medication
(1) An individual may be required by a human biosecurity control order to receive
specified medication in order to manage the listed human disease specified in the
order, and any other listed human disease.
Note: For the manner in which this biosecurity measure must be carried out, see
section 94.
(2) The order must specify:
1060 (a) how much medication is to be taken; and
(b) how long the medication is to be taken for.
97 Isolation measure
(1) An individual may be required by a human biosecurity control order to remain isolated
at a specified medical facility.
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1110 474 Health Minister to exercise human biosecurity emergency powers personally
A power of the Health Minister under this Part may only be exercised by the Health
Minister personally.
Note 2: The period specified under paragraph (3)(c) is the human biosecurity
emergency period (see section 9).
1180 478 Health Minister may give directions during human biosecurity emergency period
(1) During a human biosecurity emergency period, the Health Minister may give any
direction, to any person, that the Health Minister is satisfied is necessary:
(a) to prevent or control:
(i) the entry of the declaration listed human disease into
Australian territory or a part of Australian territory; or
(ii) the emergence, establishment or spread of the declaration
listed human disease in Australian territory or a part of
Australian territory; or
(b) to prevent or control the spread of the declaration listed human
1190 disease to another country; or
(c) if a recommendation has been made to the Health Minister by the
World Health Organization under Part III of the International
Health Regulations in relation to the declaration listed human
disease—to give effect to the recommendation.
Note 1: A person who fails to comply with a direction given under this subsection
may commit an offence (see section 479).
Note 2: See also section 572 (general provisions relating to directions).
(2) Without limiting subsection (1), the directions that the Health Minister may give under
1200 that subsection include the following:
(a) a direction to a person who is in a position to close premises, or
prevent access to premises, to do so;
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(7) A direction given under subsection (1) ceases to have effect at the end of the human
biosecurity emergency period, unless it is revoked earlier.
Fault-based offences
(3) A person commits an offence if:
(a) a requirement determined under subsection 477(1) applies to the
person; and
(c) the conduct contravenes the requirement.
1250 Penalty: Imprisonment for 5 years or 300 penalty units, or both.
(4) A person commits an offence if:
(a) a direction given under subsection 478(1) applies to the person; and
(b) the person engages in conduct; and
(c) the conduct contravenes the direction.
-26 of 27-
Penalty for contravention of this subsection: Imprisonment for 5 years or 300 penalty
units, or both. b) the person engages in conduct; and
1320 …………………………………………………..
Solihin Millin (self represented)
[Attorneys-General of the Commonwealth, the States, the Australian Capital Territory and
the Northern Territory]