Biomaterials Science
Biomaterials Science
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Dong, Biomater. Sci., 2020, DOI: 10.1039/D0BM00788A.
Volume 5
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Number 3
March 2017
Pages 343-602
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Biomaterials margins
antimicrobial agents. Of the various antibacterial polymers that effectively eradicate pathogenic
bacteria, those that are nanoengineered have garnered significant research interest in their design
and biomedical applications. Because of their high surface area and high reactivity, these polymers
show greater antibacterial activity than conventional antibacterial agents, by inhibiting the growth or
destroying the cell membrane of pathogenic bacteria. This review summarizes several strategies for
designing nanoengineered antibacterial polymers, explores the factors that affect their antibacterial
properties, and examines key features of their design. It then comments briefly on the future
prospects for nanoengineered antibacterial polymers. This review thus provides a feasible guide to
developing nanoengineered antibacterial polymers by presenting both broad and in-depth bench
research, and it offers suggestions for their potential in biomedical applications.
polymer depends on the activity of its functionalized group. widely used for fabricating antibacterial materials. For
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For instance, the most widely used polymer, positively charged example, in previous work, we reported the design and
DOI: 10.1039/D0BM00788A
quaternary, is polymerized from quaternary ammonium salt preparation of antimicrobial nanoparticles using colloidal silica
monomer, interacts with the cell wall, and destroys the cell nanoparticles as the support with barbituric acid-based N-
membrane, leading to leakage of the intracellular components halamine immobilized on the surface via seeded
and ultimately, cell death.26 Other examples include povidone copolymerization; the resulting material displayed strong
iodine and N-halamine, whose antibacterial activity arises from antibacterial capacity and long-term stability.39 In addition,
a releasable antibacterial halogen.27 researchers employed the unique properties of templates to
Antibacterial polymers alone or in combination with other realize the multi-functionalization of nanoengineered
nanostructured antibacterial polymers for biomedical use. In efficiency, and easy recyclability.42 The magnetic nanotemplate
this paper, we highlight recent advances in the research and is encapsulated in an antibacterial polymer shell that gives the
application of nanoengineered antibacterial polymers. First, particles stability and biocompatibility. Various polymerization
we will focus on the nanoengineering of antibacterial methods are used, including emulsion, suspension, or solution
polymers, including nanotemplate strategies, emulsion polymerization.41 However, magnetic nanoparticles have some
polymerization, electrospinning, and self-assembly. The major drawbacks, arising from magnetically induced
bactericidal pathways followed by nanomaterials are polymerization, such as surface oxidation, and functional
inherently dependent upon their shape, size and surface group deficiencies. These nanoparticles are therefore always
chemistry, so we will also comment on related factors that encapsulated with silica or polymer using various synthesis
affect the materials’ antibacterial properties. Finally, we will methods, to prevent aggregation and surface oxidation and
highlight key considerations in the design of nanoengineered thereby increase their stability. For example, in one of our
antibacterial polymers, such as avoiding bacterial resistance, previous studies, 42 we fabricated recyclable antibacterial N-
and achieving biocompatibility and biodegradability. halamine nanoparticles by coating magnetic silica
nanoparticles with N-halamine via radical polymerization. The
2. Synthesis of Nanoengineering Antibacterial functionalized nanoparticles maintained 100 % antibacterial
Polymers capability against P. aeruginosa and S. aureus even after five
2.1 Nanotemplating cycles. In another study, Lee et al. prepared bactericidal
The effectiveness of antibacterial agents is highly dependent magnetic nanoparticles by complexing iodine with poly(N-
on their active surface area, so nanoscale antibacterial vinylpyrrolidone) grown on the surface of silica-coated Fe3O4
materials show superior activity due to their smaller size and nanoparticles via surface-initiated atom transfer radical
larger surface area.33 However, in the process of constructing polymerization(ATRP) (Fig. 2).43
nanostructured polymers, additional polymerization and Nanostructured polymers can also be employed as
agglomeration can lessen their special properties, depending templates for antibacterial polymers. Using biocompatible
on the particles size, composition, and structure.34, 35 Most polymer templates eliminates the need for core dissolution,
studies have utilized inorganic/organic nanostructured solid which is a key step in maintaining the integrity of multilayer
templates to control the morphology and size of composite nanoparticles. Tzanov’s group produced a bioinert
nanoengineered antibacterial polymers, thereby preventing polymer nanoparticle, poly(methyl vinyl ether/maleic acid),
additional polymerization and particle agglomeration.34 functionalizing their templates with multilayers of
Nanotemplate strategies present the opportunity not only to biocompatible hyaluronic acid and antimicrobial amino-
fabricate nanoscaled antimicrobial polymer particles but also cellulose using a layer-by-layer coating approach (Fig. 3).44 The
to endow the resulting materials with various additional nanoparticals with amino-cellulose as an outermost layer
functions, such as recyclability, bio-imaging and some others.36 showed strong antibacterial efficiency against both Gram-
Inorganic nanoparticles with an initiator on their surface positive and Gram-negative bacteria. In addition, colloidal
can control the polymerization of target monomers on the polystyrene nanoparticles (PS NPs) are strong candidates for
surface. Among inorganic templates, those made of silica colloidal templates due to their chemical and physical stability,
nanoparticles have several advantages, including and more importantly, the ease with which they can be
biocompatibility, chemical inertness, facile controllability, and modified with various functional groups.45, 46 A typical example
ease with surface functionality.37, 38 SiO2 nanotemplates are is the work of Gao’s group, 45 which involved synthesizing PS
2 | J. Name., 2012, 00, 1-3 This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 20xx
coated silica nanoparticles (PS-SiO2 NPs) in the first step and provide the basis for many future applications,View such asOnline
Article cell
then anchoring cyclic N-halamine onto PS-SiO2 NPs. The as- labelling and capturing. Although glycopolymers may not
DOI: 10.1039/D0BM00788A
synthesized NPs displayed 2-8 times higher antibacterial completely prevent bacterial colonization or completely
activity against both Staphylococcus aureus (S. aureus) and eliminate the negative effects of bacteria on normal cells, this
Escherichia coli (E. coli) than their bulk couterparts. approach is expected to greatly improve antibacterial activity
Given the wide range of nanomaterials available, by introducing bactericidal groups (such as Ag or quaternary
nanotemplate strategies have become increasingly common in ammonium groups). In addition, these glycopolymers show
biomedical applications. But whether a template is inorganic strong bacteriostatic ability and prevent bacteria from harming
or organic, once the nanoparticles enter the body, they normal cells in co-culture experiments. A variety of cells have
applications, as the resulting particles have inherent sensitivity steps, and the pollution caused by these templates during
and specificity.47, 48 practical application. Emulsion polymerization is widely used
As fundamental units of biology, cells carry out a wide to synthesize nanostructured polymers owing to simplicity,
range of functions and have the remarkable ability to interface environmental friendliness, and controllable particle size.56, 57
and interact with their surrounding environment.47 Instead of Driven by technological developments in recent years,
attempting to replicate such functions via tedious technical emulsion polymerization has led to new synthesis strategies —
synthesis methods, it is easier and more effective to directly surfactant-free, core–shell, miniemulsion, microemulsion
leverage naturally derived cell membranes as nanotemplates polymerization and others58-61 — leading some researchers to
for fabricating antibacterial polymers. As seen in Fig. 4, Chen’s use emulsion polymerization to design nanoengineered
group synthesized glycopolymers with high specificity for antibacterial polymers.
binding to bacteria, using bacteria as living templates via The use of a surfactant in traditional emulsion
bacteria–sugar monomer-adaptation polymerization.49 This polymerization leads to low purity and performance in
provides a convenient and general strategy for preparing antibacterial polymers, but surfactant-free emulsion
synthetic glycopolymers with high specificity for the bacteria polymerization without further additives can avoid these
used in their synthesis. It is expected that this technique will drawbacks and make the preparation
process simple and convenient.58, 62 In 2014, our group instance, Cai and coauthors fabricated amine N-halamine
designed nanostructured N-halamine copolymerized copolymerized polystyrene nanoparticles as potent
polystyrene via surfactant-free emulsion copolymerization, antibacterial agents by using the surfactant-free emulsion
then assessed the effect of monomer molar ratio, polymerization.66 The as-synthesized NPs possessed superior
temperature, and copolymerization time on the morphology antibacterial capabilities against both E. coli and S. aureus by
and size of the nanoparticles. The functional groups of destroying bacterial surface structure. In Sun’s study, two
monomers can play a pivotal role in the design of antibacterial polymer beads were prepared by polymerization
nanoengineered polymers by emulsion polymerization.63 N- of styrene with 3-(4’-vinylbenzyl)-5,5-dimethyl-hydantoin
halamine homopolymers, for example, can be difficult to (VBDMH) and 3-allyl-5,5-dimethylhydantoin (ADMH),
obtain because of the radical autoinhibition effect of the allylic respectively, followed by chlorine bleaching. Then their
structure.64 Given the challenges of synthetic nanoparticle antibacterial activities against gram-negative and gram-
strategies, methyl methacrylate (MMA) is a good choice for positive bacteria were evidenced.67 Besides, St-based emulsion
radical polymerization, because the ester group of MMA can polymerization approach is also successful in preparing
stabilize the radicals and promote the reactivity of allyl antibacterial povidone iodine. As typically reported in
monomers towards a chain propagation reaction. In this way, previous, Gao et al., fabricated povidone iodine-conjugated
MMA not only acts as co-monomer but also provides a cross-linked polystyrene resins, i.e., P(St-DVB-NVP)-I2, using
poly(methyl methacrylate) (PMMA) template for amine N- emulsion copolymerization of St, divinylbenzene (DVB) and
halamine functionalized microspheres without using an vinyl-2-pyrrolidone (NVP), coupled with iodination reaction.68
additive colloidal template.65 They found the as-produced P(St-DVB-NVP)-I2 worked as an
In addition to MMA, styrene (St) is another ideal antibacterial additive to remove pathogenic bacteria from
comonomer for achieving antibacterial polymer using water.
emulsion polymerization approach without any additives,
which makes the synthesis simple and convenient. For 2.3 Electrospinning Technique
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Electrospinning is a versatile and viable technique for to biofilm formation, the predominant mode of View microbial life
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generating nanofibres. Over the past few decades, remarkable due its inherent resistance to antimicrobials. 86-88 Hence, when
DOI: 10.1039/D0BM00788A
progress has been made in engineering electrospinning developing antimicrobial electrospun nanofibres, it is crucial to
nanofibres to suit or enable various applications, and it has determine how this interaction can be avoided. To address
proven to be a flexible and convenient technique for preparing such challenges, various modifications have been studied to
antibacterial nanofibres that have large specific surface area, give nanofibres antifouling abilities. Several antifouling
high porosity, and abundant active sites.69 Various polymers polymers, including hydrophobic,89 hydrophilic,90
have been electrospun into nanofibres as scaffolding zwitterionic,91 and amphipathic molecules, 92 have been
materials, such as polyacrylonitrile (PAN),70 poly(vinylidene introduced into electrospun materials.
involves a two-step process: electrospinning to obtain neat polymer, creating a protective hydrated surface that reduces
polymeric fibres from a solution, and followed by deposition of interactions between the foulant and the surface.94
the antimicrobial components. This avoids the loss of Poly(ethylene glycol) (PEG), a common hydrophilic polymer,
antibacterial active components during the electrospinning has shown good antifouling properties in biomedical
process. N-Halamine-containing polymer fibre can be applications.94 Polymer zwitterions have also emerged as a
synthesized in this way. 72 Specifically, the N-halamine promising class of antifouling materials. Charge-neutral
precursor polymer is prepared by electrospinning, then the zwitterionic moieties attract water to the surface, forming a
nanofibres are halogenated (Fig. 5a). In the second technique, hydration layer that is likely responsible for excellent protein
the polymer solution is electrospun together with the adsorption resistance and reduced bacterial adhesion.95
corresponding antibacterial components; this process can Amphiphilic polymers, which are a combination of
include core-shell encapsulation,80 colloid-electrospinning,77 hydrophilic and hydrophobic polymers, have shown effective
and nanoparticle-decorated nanofibres.81 antifouling properties. Typically, the hydrophobic segment
As evidenced in numerous studies, multifunctional prevents biofoulants from adhering, while the hydrophilic
electrospun composite membranes exhibit enhanced segment is able to release biofoulants that have managed to
performance in antibacterial applications. For example, Xu et. be adsorbed.92 Cho et al. described fabricating amphiphilic
al developed nanoengineered membranes with growth-factor triblock terpolymer-based fibres by electrospinning a solution
and antibiotic-delivery capabilities to achieve dual of poly(lactic acid) and synthesizing amphiphilic triblock
functionality for efficient guided tissue regeneration (Fig. 5b). terpolymers. The resulting fibres had amphiphilic polymer
Mesoporous silica nanoparticles with large pores and the groups and exhibited superior antifouling performance
ability to encapsulate and preserve the bioactivity of growth compared to fibres without such groups.96
factors were used as the core, and antibiotics were loaded in
polymer shell nanofibres via coaxial electrospinning.80 Jiang et 2.4 Self-Assembly of Amphiphilic Polymers
al. reported a new class of antibacterial multicompartment Polymer self-assembly has been a hot research topic for
nanofibrous material with a nanocapsule-in-nanofibre several decades because the polymer on its own or hybridized
structure. The design principle of the material consists of first with antimicrobial agents has the potential to increase
synthesizing nanocontainers loaded with functional payloads, antimicrobial activity, has good biocompatibility, and is easy to
and subsequently embedding the capsules in a polymer prepare at the nanoscale level.97, 98 Amphiphilicity refers to a
nanofibre using colloid electrospinning (Fig. 5c).77 A variety of balance between hydrophobicity and hydrophilicity, which is
antibacterial materials have been electrospun into nanofibres, affected by the chemical properties of various molecules. For
such as N-halamine,82 Chitosan,83 silver nanoparticles,84 and antibacterial polymers, hydrophilic or target function polymers
graphene oxide85. These have been incorporated into polymer are more suitable for cell binding, but a hydrophobic domain is
nanofibres by physical blending to achieve strong antimicrobial essential to break through the cell wall and achieve insertion
activity. into the membrane.92, 99 Consequently, the structural design of
Unfortunately, the majority of current polymeric medical these antimicrobial polymers is crucial.
devices are prone to microorganism colonization, and in the There is a wide variety of fabrication strategies for
case of electrospun materials, this propensity can be increased amphiphilic self-assembling polymers, including
by the larger surface area available to interact with homopolymerization,100 random copolymerization,101 and
microorganisms. Adhesion of microorganisms eventually leads block copolymerization.102 Amphiphilic homopolymerization is
4 | J. Name., 2012, 00, 1-3 This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 20xx
a relatively facile method of polymer self-assembly. However, into advanced nanostructures. Encapsulation of View hydrophobic
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the resulting single structure limits its antibacterial properties compounds within the hydrophobic domains of nanomaterials
DOI: 10.1039/D0BM00788A
and applications. To this end, Wang and colleagues prepared allows these water-insoluble molecules to be dispersed in
geminized amphiphilic cationic homopolymers containing both aqueous solutions.
double hydrophilic groups and hydrophobic moieties in each Polymeric micelles also offer opportunities for delivering
structural unit. These geminized amphiphilic cationic hydrophobic antibiotics to fight against bacterial infections.
homopolymers not only had higher charge density, which was bacteria rather than mammalian cells and can insert into the
conducive to adsorption on the cell membrane, but also bacterial membrane, resulting in physical membrane damage
demonstrated strong hydrophobic interactions between the (Fig. 7).106 Li’s group developed a drug-loaded amphiphilic
hydrophilic and hydrophobic groups are spaced generation, and two side chains (phenylboronic acid (PBA) and
unsystematically along the polymer backbone. In comparison, quaternary ammonium (QA)) projecting from the backbone
block copolymers have regular hydrophobic and hydrophilic possessed hydrophilic and bacteria-binding features (Fig. 9).108
distributions along the polymer backbone, and their All in all, nanoengineered amphiphilic polymer fabricated via
hydrophobic/hydrophilic balance is controllable.97 The self-assembly strategy enable to endow antibacterial agents
structure of an amphiphilic copolymer is a key determinant of with multiple functions at the same time, as a result improving
its antibacterial and haemolytic activities. Some of the factors antibacterial efficiency, reducing cytotoxicity and avoiding
affecting the haemolytic activity of synthetic amphiphilic drug resistance.
polymers have recently been explored. Oda et al. examined
the antibacterial and haemolytic activities of a series of 3. Factors Impacting the Antibacterial Properties
amphiphilic block and random copolymers of poly(vinyl ether) of Nanoengineered Polymers
derivatives. Block and random copolymers with similar Nanoengineered antibacterial polymers can be synthesized by
polymer lengths and monomer compositions displayed the a wide variety of methods. To enhance their antibacterial
same level of bactericidal activity. The block copolymers activity, a large number of studies have investigated how to
displayed selective activity against E. coli over red blood cells design ideal antibacterial nanoparticles. Overall, the size and
(RBCs), while the random copolymers did not and were shape of the resulting nanoengineered polymer are important
haemolytic. Liposome dye leakage experiments showed that to consider when trying to achieve high antibacterial
the block copolymers selectively disrupted the bacteria-type effectiveness.
membranes over the erythrocyte-type membranes, whereas
the random copolymer did not show any selectivity.104 3.1 Size
The location and length of the hydrophobic and cationic The size of antimicrobial agents has been demonstrated to be
moieties on a polymer structure determines the antimicrobial a key factor in their efficacy. Specifically, biocidal efficiency
activity and therapeutic selectivity of the resulting depends on the exposed active area of the biocide.11, 109 From
nanomaterial. In 2018, Rotello and co-workers synthesized a this viewpoint, reducing the size of biocidal polymers is a
library of quaternary ammonium poly(oxanorborneneimides) potential solution for enhancing their antimicrobial efficiency.
possessing different degrees of hydrophobicity and assessed During the last decade, nanosized antimicrobial
their antimicrobial and haemolytic activities (Fig. 6). These macromolecules have been reported to display enhanced
polymers form nanoparticles 10-15 nm long in aqueous antimicrobial activity against bacteria when compared with
solution, increasing their overall cationic charge and molecular their bulk counterparts 34, 109 As is generally accepted, the size
mass. This work observed that longer hydrophobic alkyl chains effect on antimicrobial activity is essentially attributed to the
that bridged the cationic headgroup and polymer backbone relationship between specific surface area and activity. Dong
led to greatly enhanced toxicity against planktonic bacteria et al. studied the correlation between antibacterial activity and
while maintaining low haemolytic activity toward RBCs. These surface area. The results show that with the increase of
nanoparticles readily penetrated biofilms and eradicated specific surface area, the antibacterial activity of N-halamine
preformed biofilms while still maintaining high therapeutic modified polystyrene nanoparticles increased, indicating that
indices.105 In all of these cases, the polymer structure has the larger the specific surface area of N-halamines, the
amphiphilicity induced by an appropriate hydrophobic and stronger the antibacterial activity. In their work, the surface
hydrophilic balance, and the polymer chains can self-assemble area calculation was performed according to the following
This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 20xx J. Name., 2013, 00, 1-3 | 5
equation: S = 6 (D∙d)-1, wherein S is the surface area (m2∙g-1); D specific surface area of nanostructured polymers,View and (ii)Online
Article the
is the diameter ( μ m) and d is the density (g∙cm-3) of the mode of interaction between nanostructured polymers and
DOI: 10.1039/D0BM00788A
nanoparticles (Fig. 10).63 Also, the antimicrobial efficacy of bacteria depends to some extent on the polymer’s shape. The
size-controllable quaternary ammonium functionalized silica shape of antibacterial polymers synthesized by different
nanoparticles against Gram-negative E. coli as well as Gram- methods also yields different antibacterial effectiveness.
positive S. aureus and D. geothermalis increased with
decreasing nanoparticle size110. In order to improve 4. Key Factors When Designing Nanoengineered
antibacterial activity, Jang and Kim sought to reduce biocide Antibacterial Polymers
size. They encapsulated colloidal SiO2 NPs with N-halamine
A number of recent studies have pointed out the For instance, antimicrobial peptides, quaternary ammonium
importance of a nanoparticle’s shape in its antimicrobial salt, povidone iodine, and others have been demonstrated to
efficacy, investigating polymers such as spheres, rods, fibres, be more potent and less conducive to drug-resistance because
and sheets. Research has proven that a rough or prickly they act through membrane disruption.114-120 In addition,
surface shows stronger antibacterial ability than smooth different methods can be exploited to reduce the possibility
surfaces.112 Ma and coworkers synthesized poly(o- that microbes will become resistant to the particular weapons
aminophenol) containing phenolic hydroxyl groups and their used against them. Some examples are targeted antibacterial,
microstructures were controlled by tuning polymerization antibiofilm, and on-demand release of antibiotics. Recently,
conditions. The possible formation mechanism of the Rotello and co-workers fabricated bactericidal polymer
microstructures follows the prickly-fluffy-full sphere growth stabilized nanosponges through the self-assembly of
process. The final antibacterial statistic demonstrated that the synthetically engineered polymers around essential-oil-based
microstructures affected their antimicrobial properties. The cores (PONI–GMT). The polymers served to stabilize the
prickly sphere-like structures showed excellent antibacterial emulsion and enhance the interaction with bacteria due to
activity against the bacteria due to their high contact area, the their positive charge. These nanosponges were degradable in
antibacterial properties of phenolic hydroxyl and polyaniline the presence of endogenous biomolecules such as glutathione
molecular chains, and the additional bactericidal effect of and esterase enzymes. The nanosponges (~220 nm) showed
nano-needle-like structure.112 Using spheres and fibres of N- high stability in serum and retained their activity even after
halamine nanoengineered polymer, Kang et al, compared the one year of storage. They disrupted the bacterial membrane,
antibacterial activities of electrospun fibres with those of eventually causing cell death. Notably, the bacteria were
spheres made by emulsion polymerization (Fig. 11).82 The unable to develop resistance against the nanosponges after 20
results demonstrated showed that nanofibres had better passages, whereas the MIC of conventional antibiotics
activity than nanospheres, in part because of the fibres increased more than a thousand-fold in fewer passages (Fig.
“effective” contact time. Fibre products randomly dispersed in 12). 121
bacterial solution can act as a “filter”, thus increasing the In an on-demand release system, an external stimulus
“effective” contact time between bacteria and antibacterial triggers the polymer to release antimicrobial agents on
materials and thereby yielding better antibacterial ability. In demand to avoid unnecessary exposure of the antibacterial
another study, Almeida et al. designed cationic peptide materials to the environment, thus preventing the
amphiphiles that self-assembled into supramolecular development of drug resistance. Bacterial infections generally
nanostructures such as micelles, nanofibres, and twisted feature very low pH (~4.5) values, so the acidic environment of
ribbons. Their results suggested that the peptide amphiphile bacterial infectious sites can be harnessed in the design of pH-
micelles disrupted the bacterial membrane more efficiently sensitive drug delivery systems.122 The increased expression of
than nanofibres, killing bacteria via a mechanism of action enzymes at infectious sites, including esterases and
associated with membrane disruption. This was because the gelatinases, also provides an effective strategy for the delivery
micelles’ lower stability in comparison to nanofibres meant of antimicrobials via an enzyme-triggered mechanism.123 Due
they acted as a monomer reservoir; the micelles’ disassembly to the abundance of pore-forming bacterial toxins at infected
led to lipophilic tail intercalation into the membrane and sites, these toxins can be used to trigger the selective release
subsequent bacterial death.113 Overall, shape-dependent of antimicrobials from nanomaterial-based delivery vehicles at
antibacterial activities arise because (i) shape affects the the target site.124 This approach allows for the release of drugs
6 | J. Name., 2012, 00, 1-3 This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 20xx
to kill toxin-secreting bacteria at the infection site without was functionalized with bacterial membrane anchoring and
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generating harmful side effects for healthy tissues. In 2019, destructive components; it had strongDOI:antibacterial activity
Wu et al. developed a bacterial toxin-targeted and oxygen- against drug-resistant bacteria and connected hydrolytic esters
triggered antibiotic release system utilizing liposome-based together to achieve considerable biodegradability.133 This
nanoreactors (Fig. 13). To ensure biocompatibility, the antibacterial substance was hydrolysed through the action of
components used to fabricate the nanoreactors were obtained ubiquitous lipase, which changed its bactericidal activity from
either from natural sources or from FDA-approved exuberant to inert, thereby avoiding chronic exposure to the
biocompatible polymers. The key mechanism was related to bacteria and minimising the possibility of antimicrobial
the phase change temperature and the gas-triggered resistance developing.
material should not be toxic, injurious, or physiologically grafted onto the PHB/PBAT, producing nanofibrous
reactive, or cause unwanted immune responses. Well- membranes with good antibacterial ability, excellent
designed biocompatible polymers therefore need to further hydrophobicity, environmental friendliness, and good stability,
decrease the cytotoxicity of nanoengineered antibacterial making them useful as food packaging and biomedical
polymers. Antibacterial polymers exhibit varying degrees of materials.134
activity against different bacteria and mammalian cells; those
that show higher selectivity against the membranes of bacteria 5. Conclusion and Perspective
are likely to have higher biocompatibility.126 Haemolytic
activity is conventionally used as a measure of cytotoxicity and In the present era of bacterial drug resistance to conventional
a model for mammalian cells because RBCs are, in general, antibiotics, and escalating concern about a post-antibiotic era,
extremely fragile.127 Gao and Yang’s group reported a there is a pressing need to combat resistance and discover
biohybrid nanomaterial consisting of antibiotics, enzyme, novel antibiotics. This review has provided an overview of
polymers, hyaluronic acid, and mesoporous silica recent developments in nanoengineered antibacterial
nanoparticles, which exhibited efficient in vitro and in vivo polymers for biomedical applications.
antibacterial activity with good biocompatibility and negligible Thanks to the efforts of numerous research groups, a wide
haemolytic side effects.128 In another report, Ren’s group variety of molecular design strategies for nanoengineered
developed novel antibacterial composite sponges from antibacterial polymers have been developed. The
chitosan incorporating N-halamine-modified ZnO nanotemplate strategy endows antibacterial polymers with
nanoparticles via a simple vacuum freeze-drying procedure. In unique properties that facilitate the formation of nanoparticles
both in vitro cytotoxicity assays and skin irritation tests, the with well-controlled size, shape, structure, stability, and
designed composites showed high biocompatibility (Fig. 14).129 additional functions. Commonly used nanotemplates include
4.3 Biodegradability organic and inorganic solid nanoparticles. In addition,
bioinspired nanotemplates are becoming widely used to
Nonbiodegradable drug-loading polymers may persist and design biomedical materials that have specific targeting
accumulate within the body, causing unwanted side effects, mechanisms and good biocompatibility. Compared with the
such as inflammation and carcinogenesis.121, 130 Hence, nanotemplate strategy, emulsion polymerization is simpler,
designing a material that is biodegradable in the presence of more environmentally friendly process. Electrospinning
endogenous biomolecules such as glutathione and enzymes is nanofibres are also widely applied antibacterial materials
very important. In addition, when using nanostructured owing to their large specific surface area, high porosity, and
polymers containing antibiotics, one way to curb the rise of abundant active sites. Self-assembled nanostructures can
antibiotic resistance is to reduce the amount of antibiotics significantly improve the antibacterial efficacy resulting from
while increasing their bioavailability.131 To achieve this, structure-dependent, highly concentrated antibacterial agents.
traditional antibiotics can be coupled with various synthetic Of further interest are “smart,” multifunctional
polymers or encapsulated into polymer nanoparticles. The nanostructured polymers that can be designed using a self-
payload of conjugates or microencapsulated drugs can be assembly strategy.
enriched in the bacterial infection area and then released for The size and shape of nanoengineered polymers are
sterilization to achieve biodegradability.132 Gao’s group important to consider for controlling their antibacterial
designed a biodegradable antimicrobial cationic polymer that properties. Presently, it is more difficult to regulate the size
This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 20xx J. Name., 2013, 00, 1-3 | 7
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Conflicts of interest Mater. Interfaces, 2020, DOI: 10.1021/acsami.9b19921.
There are no conflicts to declare. 19. X. Wang, S. Yan, L. Song, H. Shi, H. Yang, S. Luan, Y. Huang,
Acknowledgements J. Yin, A. F. Khan and J. Zhao, ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces,
This research was supported by the National Natural Science 2017, 9, 40930-40939.
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Qinggele Borjihan is currently pursuing her Doctor’s degree in chemistry under the supervision of
Professor Alideertu Dong at Inner Mongolia University. Her current work focuses on the design and
synthesis of iodine-containing polymer for biomedical applications.
a. College of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Inner Mongolia University, Hohhot 010021, People’s Republic of China
b. Engineering Research Center of Dairy Quality and Safety Control Technology, Ministry of Education, Inner Mongolia University,
Fig. 1 Design of multifunctional nanoagents for detection and photodynamic treatment of bacterial infections. a Synthetic route
of nanoagents of GP-Ce6-SiNPs. GP-Ce6-SiNPs are composed of SiNPs conjugated to GP and loaded with Ce6 molecules. b
Imaging and treatment of Gram-negative and Gram-positive bacterial infections by GP-Ce6-SiNPs. GP-Ce6-SiNPs are robustly
internalized by ABC transporters, which are only present in bacterial cells whilenot present in mammalian cells. Under 405-nm
excitation, GP-Ce6-SiNPs exhibit two typical emission maxima peaks at 520 nm (assigned to SiNPs) and 670 nm (assigned to Ce6).
Under 660-nm irradiation, ROS of 1O2 is produced from Ce6, triggering PDT against bacteria. Ref. 40. Copyright (2019) Nature.
Fig. 2. Schematic illustration of the preparation of bactericidal magnetic nanoparticles MNPs@PVP–I. Adapted with permission
from ref. 43. Copyright (2015) Royal Society of Chemistry.
Fig. 3. Schematic illustration of the polymeric nanoparticle template decoration in an LbL fashion. Adapted with permission from
ref. 44. Copyright (2018) American Chemical Society.
Fig.4. Scheme of the polymerization in the presence of bacteria: two different polymers were obtained: (1) in solution (SP), (2)
on the surface of bacteria (BP). Adapted with permission from ref. 49. Copyright (2019) American Chemical Society.
Fig.5. Scheme of (a) Process of the synthetic strategy to create as-spun N-halamine-containing polymer fibers. Adapted with
permission from ref. 72. Copyright (2016) American Chemical Society (b) Process of Multifunctional Electrospun MSNs-
Encapsulated Core−Shell Nanofibers with Growth Factor and Antibiotic Delivery Ability for GTR. Adapted with permission from
ref. 80. Copyright (2020) American Chemical Society (c) The design consists in first synthesizing nanocapsules loaded with
functional payloads and subsequently embedding the nanocapsules into polymer nanofibers by using the colloid-electrospinning
technique. Adapted with permission from ref. 77. Copyright (2016) American Chemical Society.
Fig.6. (a) Molecular structures of oxanorbornene polymer derivatives. (b) MIC values of polymer derivatives with different
hydrophobic chain lengths. Log P represents the calculated hydrophobic values of each monomer. (c) Schematic representation
depicting self-assembly of P5homopolymers. Characterization of P5 PNPs using TEM imaging and DLS measurement. (d) Graph
for FRET experiments between P5Rhodamine Green and P5-TRITC indicating formation of polymeric NPs. Adapted with
permission from ref. 104. Copyright (2018) American Chemical Society.
Fig.7. The polymeric antimicrobial micelles can physically destroy the integrity of bacterial membrane, resulting in the leakage of
intracellular milieu, synergistically strengthening the photodynamic bacteria eradication upon light irradiation. Adapted with
permission from ref. 105. Copyright (2019) American Chemical Society.
Fig.8. (a) Synthesis procedures of Van-hyd-PECL amphiphilic copolymers. Van-hyd-PECL is obtained by conjugation of CH3CO-
PECL with Van-hyd. CH3-CO-PECL is prepared by ring opening polymerization of ε-CL using acetyl-terminated PEG (CH3-CO-PEG)
as initiator. Van-hyd is synthesized by the reaction of carboxyl group of VAN with hydrazine. (b) Micelle formation, bacterial
targeting, and drug release from VanhydPECL micelles. After VAN-mediated bacterial targeting, the VAN shell is removed from
the micelles via the cleavage of hydrazone bonds under acidic conditions, and the PCL core is degraded by lipase overexpressed
at the infection site, followed by CIP release and bacterial destruction. Adapted with permission from ref. 107. Copyright (2018)
American Chemical Society.
Fig.9. Schematic illustration of saccharide bridge binding between P. aeruginosa and PFPPBA CNPs for enhanced bacterial killing
efficiency. Adapted with permission from ref.108. Copyright (2020) American Chemical Society.
Fig.10 Reduction of bacterial colonies (P. aeruginosa and S. aureus) upon the 60 min exposure to the N-halamine-based PS
nanoparticles with different surface area. ref. 63. Copyright(2014) Elsevier.
Fig.11. (A−C) Formation Process and (D) Morphology Transformation of N-Halamine Fibers Using the Combined
Copolymerization−Electrospinning−Chlorination Technique. Adapted with permission from ref. 82. Copyright (2015) American
Chemical Society.
Fig.12. (a) Cross-linked PONI-GMT-DTDS structure showing linkage points reactive to endogenous biomolecules. (b) DLS
histogram of crosslinked PONI-GMT-DTDS nanosponges loaded with carvacrol. in phosphate buffer saline (150 mM). (c) Chemical
structures of PONI-GMT and (d) DTDS. (e) Confocal micrograph of crosslinked micron-sized biodegradable composites. PONI-
GMT labeled with TAMRA-X (red fluorescence), and the oil core is loaded with DiO (green fluorescence). A composite
morphology is indicated by codistribution of PONI-GMT with the hydrophobic oil core. Scale bar is 3 μm. Adapted with
permission from ref. 121. Copyright (2018) American Chemical Society.
Fig.13. Design and characterization of liposome-based nanoreactors. a The scheme of endogenous stimulus-powered antibiotic
release from RFPCaO2@PCM@Lec nanoreactors for bacterial infection combination therapy. b The solid PCM was dissolved in
melted PCM at 37 °C. c Differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) curves of LA and SA. d A typical TEM image of the RFP-
CaO2@PCM@Lec nanoreactors. e UV absorption spectra of RFP under different conditions. Free RFP (black), RFP in ethanol (red),
in toxin (blue) and in DI water (green). f FI-IR absorption spectra of different materials. g Mapping of RFP-CaO2@PCM@Lec
nanoreactors. Source data are provided as a Source Data file. Adapted with permission from ref. 125. Copyright (2019) Nature.
Fig.14. Schematic interpretation of the design and preparation procedure for the CS/ZnO-PSPH-Cl dressing. Adapted with
permission from ref. 129. Copyright (2019) American Chemical Society.
Table 1. Schematic illustrations for some typical nanotemplate strategy