Lesson Plan in Grade 11 Practical Research I I. Objective Differentiates Quantitative From Qualitative Research (II. Subject Matter
Lesson Plan in Grade 11 Practical Research I I. Objective Differentiates Quantitative From Qualitative Research (II. Subject Matter
Lesson Plan in Grade 11 Practical Research I I. Objective Differentiates Quantitative From Qualitative Research (II. Subject Matter
Region VIII
Ormoc City Division
Dolores, Ormoc City
I. Objective
Differentiates quantitative from qualitative research (CS_RS11-IIIa-4)
II. Subject Matter
a. Topic: Differences between quantitative research and qualitative research
b. Resources: MELC, Phoenix Book, Teachers Guide
c. Materials: Laptop, PPT Presentation
III. Procedure
a. Preliminary Activities
i. Checking of Attendance
ii. Drill
What is Research?
iii. Review
Deal or No Deal: Characteristics of Research
Directions: Say Deal if the given statement is true and No Deal if otherwise
1. Research must always give correct or accurate data
2. Research must take place in an organized or orderly manner
3. Good research report uses complicated language
iv. Motivation
A picture that Paints a thousand words
Directions: A Picture will be flash in the screen. While the picture is shown, the teacher
will also play a music and pass a paper ball to the students. As the music stops, the one holding
the ball will describe the picture being shown.
b. Activity Proper
i. Activity
Divide the class into 4 groups
3. After differentiating quality from quantity, they will interview three members
from the group
4. The interviewer will ask the following:
Age, height, weight, hobby and favorite color.
The group will classify it if it is qualitative or quantitative
5. Each group will choose a representative and share their insights or output.
ii. Analysis
Teacher facilitates on analyzing students’ responses
Teacher gives further discussion/clarification on the topic.
Guide Questions:
1. In your own understanding, what is qualitative and quantitative research?
2. What are the characteristics of Qualitative and Quantitative Research?
3. Which of the two is subjective? Is objective? Why?
4. Which is analyzed statistically? Which is not?
iii. Abstraction
iv. Application
Problem Scenario (Think, Pair and Write)
1. The pair will explain their answer in a ¼ sheet of paper
2. For the scenarios given, identify whether it would be best to gather qualitative
data, quantitative data or a combination of both to answer the question being
A. You work in an office that has a water cooler. The water cooler holds twenty
gallons of water. Your boss asks you to figure out how many refills your office
will need every month, because she’s trying to do the budget.
1. What type of data collecting method you would use? Why?
2. Briefly describe how would you collect data (ruler or questionnaire)?
IV. Evaluation
1. Identify if it is Quantitative or Qualitative
a. To do with quality
b. Focus on collecting numbers
c. Analysis can be objective
d. Analysis can be subjective
e. Focus on collecting opinions
V. Assignment
Think at least 3 researchable problems related to your specialization and be able to determine
whether it can be solved qualitatively or quantitatively.
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