Rohini Bridge Main Report
Rohini Bridge Main Report
Rohini Bridge Main Report
Devdaha Municipality
Office of The Municipal Executive
Devdaha, Rupandehi
Final Report
Volume I
Main Report & Detailed Estimate
June, 2022
May, 2015
Salient Features
Particulars Required information / number / range / value(s)
Name of the project: Feasibility Study, Detailed Engineering Survey, Soil Investigation,
Hydrological Study and Detailed Design of Banaha-Tilottama Bridge at
Rohini River of Devdaha Municipality
Province Lumbini Province
District Rupandehi
Village/town Ward Number 2, Devdaha Municipality
Name of the Road: Banaha-Tilottama Road
Origin and Destination of the Road Devdaha and Tilottama
Name of the Bridge: Banaha-Tilottama River Bridge
Geographical Location:
Easting 80° 49’ 18.06” E
Northing 27° 36.733'N
Elevation 99.88 m amsl (Bed Level)
Classification of the Road Municipal Road
Type of the Road Surface Earthen/Gravelled Road
Terrain/Geology Plain (Terai)
Information on structure:
Total length of the Bridge 84.1 m
Span arrangement 2×40 m (c/c of bearing)
Total width of the Bridge 11.0m
Width of:
Carriageway: 7.5m
Shoulder: 1.5m both side
Type of superstructure: RCC
Type of Bearings: POT and POT-PTFE
Type of abutments: Rectangular RCC with cantilever return wall
Type of footing: Pile
Sketches: Attached
Design Data:
Live load: IRC Class A /AA Loading
Net bearing capacity of soil See in soil Report.
Design discharge 446.61 m3/sec
Linear waterway 60 m
Page i
Summary of Cost
Bill No. Description Amount (NRs.) Remarks
1 General Items 5,267,660.07
2 Foundation works 63,359,761.38
3 Sub Structural works 18,815,212.26
4 Super Structural works 41,047,193.39
5 Approach Road Works 22,310,636.56
6 Embankment & River Training Works 30,977,867.99
7 Miscellaneous Works 48,000.00
Sub-Total (A) 181,826,331.65
Vat 13% of (A) 23,637,423.11
Physical Contingencies @10% of (A) 18,182,633.17
Price Adjustment Contingencies @10% of (A) 18,182,633.17
Work Charge Staff Expenses @2% of (A) 3,636,526.63
Miscellaneous Other Works @2% of (A) 3,636,526.63
Grand-Total 249,102,074.36
(In Words: Twenty-Four Crore Ninety-One Lack Two Thousand Seventy-Four Rupees and Thirty-Six Paisa only)
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Table of Content
1 Introduction 3
1.1 Introduction 3
1.2 Objectives of the Work 3
1.3 Scope of the work 3
1.4 Location of Bridge Site 4
1.5 Assumptions and Methodologies 4
2 Detailed Engineering Survey 6
4.1 GENERAL 11
5 Geological & Geo-morphological Study 18
Page 1
7 Design of Bridge 21
Hydrological Investigation 30
Bridge Design 30
Appendix – A: Geo-technical Report
Appendix – B: Substructure Design Calculations
Appendix – C: Cost Estimate
Appendix – D: Photographs/Maps
Appendix – E: D-Card
TABLE 1 MUNICIPALITY WITHIN THE ROAD ALIGNMENT............................................................................................................8
TABLE 2 POPULATION STATISTICS OF RUPANDEHI DISTRICT.......................................................................................................9
TABLE 3 LAND USE PATTERN........................................................................................................................................................9
TABLE 4 RETURN PERIOD...........................................................................................................................................................13
TABLE 5 DISCHARGE OF DIFFERENT RETURN PERIODS..............................................................................................................13
TABLE 6 REGRESSION COEFFICIENTS FOR REGIONAL ANALYSIS OF FLOOD PEAKS...................................................................14
TABLE 8 DISCHARGE OF DIFFERENT RETURN PERIODS..............................................................................................................14
TABLE 9 DISCHARGE OF DIFFERENT RETURN PERIODS..............................................................................................................15
TABLE 10 INPUT FOR DISCHARGE CALCULATION.......................................................................................................................15
TABLE 11 DISCHARGE CALCULATION.........................................................................................................................................15
TABLE 12 SUMMARY OF FLOOD DISCHARGE.............................................................................................................................16
TABLE 13 POTENTIAL NEGATIVE IMPACTS AND MITIGATION MEASURES................................................................................20
Table 14 Time V Cost..................................................................................................................................................................27
FIGURE 1 LOCATION MAP OF BANAHA-TILOTTAMA MOTORABLE BRIDGE................................................................................5
Page 2
FIGURE 2 COST V TIME GRAPH...................................................................................................................................................27
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“Feasibility Study, Detailed Engineering Survey, Soil Investigation, Hydrological Study and Detailed Design of Banaha-Tilottama Bridge at
Rohini River of Devdaha Municipality”
1 ...................................................................................................................Introduction
1.1 Introduction
This report has been prepared in accordance with the agreement between Devdaha Municipality, Office of The Municipal Executive,
Rupandehi and Group of Engineer’s Consortium Pvt. Ltd. (GEC), Lalitpur Nepal for the detailed design of Banaha-Tilottama Bridge over Rohini
River. This report describes detailed explanatory notes on detailed design of the Banaha-Tilottama Bridge of Devdaha Municipality, Rupandehi
District, on the basis of field study, desk study, detailed engineering survey, geological investigation and hydrological studies conducted by the
design team.
The scope of work to be carried out by the consultant according to Terms of Reference broadly includes the following:
Desk Study;
Field Visit/Study;
Detailed Engineering Study and Survey;
o Technical Feasibility Study;
o Socio-economic Data;
o Geological and Geo-Morphological Study;
o Bridge Site Selection;
o Topographical Survey:
o Hydrological Study;
o Seismological Study
o Considerations on Environment Protection;
Subsurface Exploration;
o Test pits and auguring;
o Bore-holes, field tests and laboratory tests;
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“Feasibility Study, Detailed Engineering Survey, Soil Investigation, Hydrological Study and Detailed Design of Banaha-Tilottama Bridge at
Rohini River of Devdaha Municipality”
Analysis of Data, Conclusion and Recommendation of Design Parameters
Detailed Design and Drawings
Quantity and Cost Estimates
The Bridge is located over Rohini River at Rupandehi District. Geographically the bridge site is located at 99.445 m above msl (the bed level).
Geographically the bridge site is located at Longitude, 83°32'50.58"E Latitude 27°36'44.05"N. Altitude at centre point of the bridge axis is
99.88 m above msl. Location map shows the location of the bridge site. The Index Map showing location of project area in the country is also
presented in drawing. Three axes were selected during the topographical survey period, Axis 1, Axis 2 and Main Axis for the three alternative
axes as shown in the drawing, with Main axis being most probable bridge location site. The Main Axis has been selected final for the location,
after the study and findings.
Planning of the bridge, connection road, protection is based on the topographical survey map produced from detail survey of the
project area and field visit by the team of expert.
Engineering properties of the soil are used as per the geotechnical investigation findings.
Selections of bridge type, arrangement of the structure are based on the site condition, available of construction materials and
Hydrological Study and Design of the components are carried out according to prevailing codes of practices, literature, researches
and current practices in Nepal.
Rates are adopted as per the prevailing district rates with addition of transportation cost as per the governmental norms while
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“Feasibility Study, Detailed Engineering Survey, Soil Investigation, Hydrological Study and Detailed Design of Banaha-Tilottama Bridge at
Rohini River of Devdaha Municipality”
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“Feasibility Study, Detailed Engineering Survey, Soil Investigation, Hydrological Study and Detailed Design of Banaha-Tilottama Bridge at
Rohini River of Devdaha Municipality”
Figure 1 Location Map of Banaha-Tilottama Motorable Bridge
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“Feasibility Study, Detailed Engineering Survey, Soil Investigation, Hydrological Study and Detailed Design of Banaha-Tilottama Bridge at
Rohini River of Devdaha Municipality”
Existing conditions of the bridge site including principal features are as seen in the photographs in Appendix - B of this report.
Bridge axis has been fixed by bench marks whose locations are tied with some permanent features. Also, temporary benchmark was fixed to
make the location of the bridge axis easy. The site plan prepared from the topographical survey work is presented in Volume-II of this report.
Cross sections of the river were taken one at the bridge axis, and at an interval of 10m both at upstream and downstream. The L-section and
X-section of the river has also attached in Volume-II.
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“Feasibility Study, Detailed Engineering Survey, Soil Investigation, Hydrological Study and Detailed Design of Banaha-Tilottama Bridge at
Rohini River of Devdaha Municipality”
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“Feasibility Study, Detailed Engineering Survey, Soil Investigation, Hydrological Study and Detailed Design of Banaha-Tilottama Bridge at
Rohini River of Devdaha Municipality”
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“Feasibility Study, Detailed Engineering Survey, Soil Investigation, Hydrological Study and Detailed Design of Banaha-Tilottama Bridge at
Rohini River of Devdaha Municipality”
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“Feasibility Study, Detailed Engineering Survey, Soil Investigation, Hydrological Study and Detailed Design of Banaha-Tilottama Bridge at
Rohini River of Devdaha Municipality”
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“Feasibility Study, Detailed Engineering Survey, Soil Investigation, Hydrological Study and Detailed Design of Banaha-Tilottama Bridge at
Rohini River of Devdaha Municipality”
4 Hydrological Study
The hydrological study of the bridge along Banaha-Tilottama as the proposed bridge site has been carried out to find out the hydrological
design parameters required for the design of bridge. Maximum design discharge for 100 yrs return period, Linear water way, Normal and
maximum scour depths, and vertical clearance and afflux are main hydrological parameter required for design and are determined on basis of
in-depth study presented in this section.
The Rohini River is a perineal river. The catchment area at proposed bridge site is found to be 104.24 Km 2 according to basin area delineation
in ArcGIS from 30m × 30 m ASTER DEM. The entire catchment area falls below 3000m in elevation; elevation range is shown in the image
below. Elevation of the river varies from 355 masl to 108 masl along the length of the river and length is about 18.13 Km. The catchment area
is covered with more than 75% of dense forest, agriculture land and urban area. Catchment area landuse is shown in the image below.
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“Feasibility Study, Detailed Engineering Survey, Soil Investigation, Hydrological Study and Detailed Design of Banaha-Tilottama Bridge at Rohini River of Devdaha Municipality”
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“Feasibility Study, Detailed Engineering Survey, Soil Investigation, Hydrological Study and Detailed Design of Banaha-Tilottama Bridge at
Rohini River of Devdaha Municipality”
Catchments Area A = 104.24 Km2 [area below 3000m i.e. total catchment area = 104.24 Km 2]
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“Feasibility Study, Detailed Engineering Survey, Soil Investigation, Hydrological Study and Detailed Design of Banaha-Tilottama Bridge at
Rohini River of Devdaha Municipality”
A is Catchments area in Km2 = 104.24 Km2
Ref: Design guidelines for Hydropower Project
Catchment Area (CA) : 104.24 km2
Fuller's Coefficient (Cf) : 1.03 adopted for Nepal
Where; CT = 2.342*log(0.6T)*log(1185/P)+4
T = Return Period
P = 100(As+6)/A
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“Feasibility Study, Detailed Engineering Survey, Soil Investigation, Hydrological Study and Detailed Design of Banaha-Tilottama Bridge at
Rohini River of Devdaha Municipality”
As = Snow covered catchment = 00.00 km2
A = Total Catchment area = 104.24 km2
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“Feasibility Study, Detailed Engineering Survey, Soil Investigation, Hydrological Study and Detailed Design of Banaha-Tilottama Bridge at
Rohini River of Devdaha Municipality”
1 WECS/DHM 446.61
2 MHSP 372.22
3 Fuller's 198.56
The flood flow for 100 years return flow is considered for design with flow of 446.61 m 3/sec. Hence considering very worse hydrological
environment the discharge calculated by WECS/DHM method is considered as highest discharge and is adopted in design.
B = 4.75*446.610.5 = 100 m
Lacey’s formula for linear waterway calculation is adopted because it is most suitable in alluvium soil.
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“Feasibility Study, Detailed Engineering Survey, Soil Investigation, Hydrological Study and Detailed Design of Banaha-Tilottama Bridge at
Rohini River of Devdaha Municipality”
Hence, provided channel width = 60.00 m
Mean Scour Depth as per IRC: 78-2000; 703.2;
dsm = 1.34*(Db2/Ksf)1/3
Db = Specific Discharge in m3/sec/m
= Q/Effective Linear waterway
Q = Design Discharge in m3/sec = 446.61
Ksf = silt factor for a representative sample of bed material
m = mean diameter of the particles in mm
Db = 446.61/60 = 7.45
m = 2 mm (D50 particle size referring the Soil Report)
Ksf = 2.49
dsm = 3.78 m from HFL
Maximum scour depth for Abutment = 1.27 x dsm = 3.78*1.27 = 4.81 m
Maximum Scour Depth for Pier =2 x dsm =2* 3.78 = 7.56 m
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“Feasibility Study, Detailed Engineering Survey, Soil Investigation, Hydrological Study and Detailed Design of Banaha-Tilottama Bridge at
Rohini River of Devdaha Municipality”
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“Feasibility Study, Detailed Engineering Survey, Soil Investigation, Hydrological Study and Detailed Design of Banaha-Tilottama Bridge at
Rohini River of Devdaha Municipality”
Landslides, floods, traffic safety, drainages, land acquisition etc. are the environmental factors affecting the detailed design of a bridge.
During detailed design of the bridge they should be addressed properly for avoiding costly design and conflict. In the case of this bridge
significant environmental factors were examined and recommended for consideration.
The proposed bridge when constructed is likely to step up the movement of vehicular traffic which may encourage road side settlement
and other development. This, if unplanned, would lead to various environmental problems. The environmental degradation around the
area containing the bridge should be watched and if necessary remedial measures should be taken. To protect the soil erosion and other
adverse effects caused by the construction of the bridge, this project has made provisions for gabion protections and pitching of guide
banks and road embankments. At the same time turfing on embankment slopes have also been proposed. In order to control human
activities leading to aggravation of environmental problems planning of human settlement and their movement should be done.
The construction of proposed bridge does not considerably obstruct the natural flow of river. Approach road also follow the exiting river
crossing. Right and Left banks protection work is required to guide the river flow along the regime. Plantation on both banks is suggested
to protect bank erosion. The River has uneven bed with mild slope. Both bank of river contains silty sandy soils with traces of gravels. As
per the field condition, there is possibility of flood exposure to river banks. Therefore, minimum bank protection has been proposed. For
these, gabion bank protection work is provided.
Bridge deck slab should be drained properly with provision of adequate drainage holes. Traffic signs must be installed with delineator
walls on the bridge approaches from both sides for traffic safety. Diversion work for diversion of traffic is not required. Diversion of river
flow also not required if construction of footing, abutment has completed in dry season.
Construction camps can occupy both banks for construction period. The contractor should restore the occupied land at the time of
There are not land acquisition problem in this bridge site. Bridge crossing has the straight reach from exiting road on both bank of river.
There are adequate lands available for stock piling of construction materials.
Existing landscape of the bridge site shall not be affected much by the construction activities of this bridge. Excavated materials from
foundation and approach road are not much and can be managed properly. Borrow areas and spoils dumping sites are available in
abundance. There will be negligible negative impact. Construction of this bridge shall increase aesthetic vision of the bridge site.
When properly designed and operated, bridge construction can provide local employment opportunities, an outlet for local product, and
increased human settlement and market facilities in the vicinity with minimal effect on the environment. However, facilities that are
inadequately designed and operated can result in adverse impacts on the local resources, because nuisance and health problems reduce
land values as well as degrade air, land and water quality of the river near the bridge. The bridge will encourage roadside settlement,
which will increase the dumping of solid waste around the bridge. Hence, the access to the bridge site must be restricted for the
unconcerned people.
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“Feasibility Study, Detailed Engineering Survey, Soil Investigation, Hydrological Study and Detailed Design of Banaha-Tilottama Bridge at
Rohini River of Devdaha Municipality”
Moreover, controlled and uncontrolled influx of population group such as construction workers and rural people who take advantage of
increased access to the area provided by the road connection from the proposed bridge add more environmental problems, mainly
sanitation and solid waste.
The project has therefore made provisions for gabion protection and pitching of guide banks and road embankments in order to check soil
erosion and related problems. In addition, turfing on embankment slopes has also been proposed.
The following table gives the potential negative impacts due to construction of proposed bridge along with some mitigating measures.
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“Feasibility Study, Detailed Engineering Survey, Soil Investigation, Hydrological Study and Detailed Design of Banaha-Tilottama Bridge at
Rohini River of Devdaha Municipality”
7 Design of Bridge
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“Feasibility Study, Detailed Engineering Survey, Soil Investigation, Hydrological Study and Detailed Design of Banaha-Tilottama Bridge at
Rohini River of Devdaha Municipality”
structural concrete can be taken as 24 KN per cubic meter. Hence, we have adopted the same value as unit weight of
Live Loads (LL)
IRC Class A type of Load Train is considered as design live load. The dimensions and weight of the axel are considered as
per IRC 6. Moreover, the effect of impact on structure, braking effect (BL) of moving loads are taken as per the IRC 6.
Earth Pressure (EP)
Active soil pressure at static (EPS) and seismic (EPSe) conditions are used in designs using Coulomb’s earth pressure
theory. All the calculations are made as per IS 875 Part 3.
The properties of soil are as explained in Soil Investigation report.
Temperature, creep and shrinkage (TS) effect in structure is also incorporated while accessing the loads on the structure.
Frictional Resistance (FR) of the bearing (identical POT bearing) is taken into account as per IRC 6.
Earthquake load (EQ)
It has been taken in accordance with IS: 1893- 1984 and IRC. The designed horizontal seismic coefficient for the location
is taken as 0.17 based on the structural importance factor, Site and foundation details.
Hydrostatic and Hydrodynamic Loads (HS)
Such loads are due to the effect of water current on the structures. Hydrostatic force, i.e. water current and buoyancy effect
are incorporated during design and hydrodynamic effect is not considered.
Wind load (WL) as per IRC 6 is considered in design
PWD Manual
The variation of zoning factor Z in the country is less. It varies from 0.93 to 1.10 as shown in Annex 2 (P.N.27-7, PWD Part IIB). The
variation lies within the range 10% of zoning factor 1.0. For RCC structure, followings seismic data are recommended.
For RCC deck Structural Performance Factor K can be taken as 1 (Page number 27- 8, PWD Part IIB).
Basic Seismic Coefficient C for the severest soil conditions and time period of structure is 0.08 as shown in figure 3.1 (P.N.27-7, PWD
Part IIB.
For Importance factor I=1.0, Design seismic coefficient Cd = CZIK (Page number. 27-5, PWD Part IIB) = 0.08*1.0*1.0*1.0=0.08.
a) IRC codes
All bridges shall be designed for seismic forces in Zone V. Also, Nepal lies in zone V. Both horizontal and vertical seismic forces may also
be taken into account to be acting simultaneously.
According to reviewed Nepal Road standard, Horizontal Load =0.15G and Vertical Load = 0.075G should be considered.
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“Feasibility Study, Detailed Engineering Survey, Soil Investigation, Hydrological Study and Detailed Design of Banaha-Tilottama Bridge at
Rohini River of Devdaha Municipality”
7.4.3 Design
Design calculations are based on working stress method as per IRC Standards Specifications and Codes of Practice for Roads & Bridges.
The minimum grade of concrete is limited to M20 while all reinforcing steel will be Fe500(CTD) grade of steel. Based on general practice
of use of concrete, the grades of concrete used in different elements of bridge are given below.
Foundation - M25
Abutment/Pier Stem - M25
Abutment/Pier Cap - M30
Main and Cross Girder - M45
Deck Slab - M45
Having span 80 m length and the carriage width of 7.5 m, the superstructure is designed with two side footpaths with clear width 1.5 m
and railing. Thus, the overall width of deck becomes 11 m. Standard superstructure for road bridge available from department of roads
with span 40m for two webbed prestressed concrete slab deck is used. Approach slab of 3.5 m length and 300mm thickness is taken for
RCC railing post of 1.0 m high as per DOR standard has been provided. Medium class G.I. steel pipes 75 mm , conforming to IS 1161-
1079 is placed as railing as shown in the drawing.
Deck Slab
The length of cantilever portion of the deck slab is 3 m from the center of outer longitudinal girder up to the edge, in which 0.3 m is
covered by the kerb. The thickness of slab is 300 mm at the outer face of the girder and is reduced to 200 mm linearly at the end of the
railing post.
At the heart, deck slab of 300 mm thickness is supported on all four sides by main girders and cross girders. Fillets of 300 150 are
provided at the transition of the deck slab with girder/beam. The deck slab is designed as per Pigeauds theory.
Surface Drainage
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“Feasibility Study, Detailed Engineering Survey, Soil Investigation, Hydrological Study and Detailed Design of Banaha-Tilottama Bridge at
Rohini River of Devdaha Municipality”
For the purpose of surface drainage 2% cross slope is provided for carriageway. At an interval of 5.0 m, rain inlets are provided to drain off
the water. A slight slope of 0.6 to 1% is provided between two rain inlets along the road. The pipe from rain inlet will drop not less than 200
mm below the soffit of the deck slab.
Main Girders
Refer to drawing.
Cross Beams
Cross beams are provided mainly to stiffen the main longitudinal girders and to reduce the torsion in the main girder. Cross beams are
provided at 10 m c/c. The width of cross beams is adopted as 300 mm. The detail size along with required reinforcements is shown in the
design drawing.
“POT” and “POT-PTFE” bearings is used. Their material specifications, design, acceptance criteria and installation shall be generally
accordance with IRC: 83 part 3 (2002), the AASHTO specifications, and sound engineering practice. The requirement for the
manufacturer is that maximum load coming to one bearing pad including impact of the live load vehicle and seismic load. Having provided
with these loads, the manufacturer will supply the required size of bearing. In this case the size recommended here may be vary as per
actual design.
Structural Arrangement of Abutment
One spanned superstructure is supported over cantilever type abutments at each bank having sufficient depth of foundation for
the scouring of bed and to meet the bearing pressure of the soil strata to transfer the load safely on the ground. The cantilever
type abutment possesses the bearing cap of 1000 mm with dirt wall at the back so as to kept backfill in position. The overall
unsupported height of abutment is 5.60 m including 3.5 m high dirt wall and 1.5 m thick footing. Stem of abutment is designed to
have uniform thickness of 1.5 m. The width of foundation footing is taken 7.7 m.
Load transferred from superstructures which are Dead Load, Live Load, Braking Load, and Frictional Resistance due to Bearing,
and Temperature and Shrinkage effect on main girder. All these type of load has load point at the centre of bearing.
Self-weight of structure and self-weight of retained backfill over the heel slab are also significant loads on abutments.
Also, live load surcharge and approach slab produce both horizontal and vertical force on abutment system.
The retained earth pressure as an active earth pressure is again another crucial loading on the abutment. For the design, the
passive earth pressure is neglected. The amount of earth pressure depends on the seismic activity of soil and abutment wall.
For the calculation of earth pressure coefficient, Coulomb’s Theory is adopted with reference to IS 875 provision.
Ca =
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“Feasibility Study, Detailed Engineering Survey, Soil Investigation, Hydrological Study and Detailed Design of Banaha-Tilottama Bridge at
Rohini River of Devdaha Municipality”
Where, K1 =
K2 =
= Angle which the earth face of the wall makes with vertical
= Angle of friction between wall and earth fill
= Angle of Internal friction
r = Dry density of earth fill
= Slope of the earth fill
λ =
For the normal condition, =λ=0, the earth pressure coefficient will give the normal earth pressure acting at one third of the
height. But if earthquake is considered, the dynamic increment is calculated by deducing earth pressure with coefficient for
seismic effect and normal earth pressure. This dynamic increment will acts from 0.66h.
Seismic force due to self-weight, Superstructure Dead and Live Load has also been included with the seismic coefficient 0.096,
when multiplied by the self-weight gives the horizontal force acting from the CG.
Load combinations
For the analysis of abutment, following cases are defined.
Comb I = G+Q+Fwc+Fb+Ff+Gb+Fep
Comb II = G+Q+Fwc+Fb+Ff+Gb+Fep+Fte
Comb IIB = G+0.5Q+W+Fwc+0.5Fb+Ff+Gb+Fep+Fte
Comb VI = G+0.2Q+Fwc+0.2Fb+Ff+Gb+Fep+Fte
G= Dead load
Q= Live load
Fb=Braking load
FET=Tem. And Shrinkage
Ff=Friction load
W= Wind load
Fwc=Water current
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“Feasibility Study, Detailed Engineering Survey, Soil Investigation, Hydrological Study and Detailed Design of Banaha-Tilottama Bridge at
Rohini River of Devdaha Municipality”
Feq= Seismic Load
Stability Analysis
For all combinations the safety factor against overturning, sliding and bearing pressure due to axial and eccentric loading are kept within
the limits. The bearing pressure at toe and heel are taken as the loadings for the foundation footing slab.
Construction time estimation is an integral part of preparation of an engineer’s estimate. Estimation of construction time is important from
various aspects e.g. for project planning and scheduling, project cash flow forecasting and for efficient contract administration. In
construction contracts provision of bonuses for contractors who finish works earlier or imposing penalty for those delaying the works could
be provisioned if an objective method of calculation of project time is available. The document, Guidelines for Estimation of Construction
For Road and Bridge Works, from Department of Roads is the outcome of the examination of various factors that affect the duration of a
construction contract.
As per DoR,
Mathematically, T=T0*k1*k2*k3
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“Feasibility Study, Detailed Engineering Survey, Soil Investigation, Hydrological Study and Detailed Design of Banaha-Tilottama Bridge at
Rohini River of Devdaha Municipality”
K3 = Work Complexity
From Table of Cost V Time and graph as given in the guidelines, the adopted construction duration of the proposed project as per the cost
is 36 months.
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“Feasibility Study, Detailed Engineering Survey, Soil Investigation, Hydrological Study and Detailed Design of Banaha-Tilottama Bridge at
Rohini River of Devdaha Municipality”
A program of inspection and recording the observation has to be set up. Inspections just before the beginning of monsoon and just after it
are especially important. Inspection after the occurrence of an earthquake in the region is a must. During every inspection the conditions
of the vulnerable elements of the bridge namely bearings, abutments and river training works etc. are to be recorded. These records are to
be scrutinized frequently in order to decide about the elements, which are vulnerable and require close observation.
Damages to the river training work and the approach road are to be attended to in a priority. Pooling of water over the bridge deck and
approaches are not to be allowed.
Program has to be setup so that the comments regarding bridge maintenance and repairs of particular years are remedied in the same
year or at the most before the next monsoon season as it is during monsoon season that most damages are likely to occur.
These are some of the main features of an approach to maintenance of bridges and related works. Further areas requiring attention may
come up as work progresses along the lines indicated above.
Therefore, it is recommended that the maintenance division/Unit should be create under the Transport Infrastructure Directorate, who
supervise the bridges of the provincial level.
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“Feasibility Study, Detailed Engineering Survey, Soil Investigation, Hydrological Study and Detailed Design of Banaha-Tilottama Bridge at
Rohini River of Devdaha Municipality”
From the study undertaken, based on the prevailing codes of practices, design philosophies, published standard norms from government
organizations and needs of site, Feasibility Study, Detailed Engineering Survey, Soil Investigation, Hydrological Study & Detailed Design
of Banaha-Tilottama Bridge at Rupandehi District was completed by our office as per the agreement with the client.
The study Shows,
Banaha-Tilottama Bridge over the Rohini River at Devdaha Municipality of Rupandehi district is found suitable at the U/s of the
existing temporary crossing with double span 40 m simply supported, cast in situ, two webbed prestressed concrete deck slab
The location of bridge axis and the height of abutment/ furnished level of road will improve the connecting roads grades, sharp
bends and length.
The river protection work for the bridge has been selected to be gabions.
The base of the approach road will be supported with toe wall where high embankments are needed.
The existing road of the area should be maintained as per the basic requirement of DOR, i.e. grade and radius of turning.
The total Project cost have been found to be NRs 276.433 million inclusive of VAT and Contingencies which gives the cost of
NRs 34.55 lakh Per meter length of the bridge.
It is expected that the bridge will be upgraded gradually in the following years as per site conditions. This construction of the Bridge helps
for the rapid economic growth of Rupandehi district. Therefore, it is recommended for its immediate construction.
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“Feasibility Study, Detailed Engineering Survey, Soil Investigation, Hydrological Study and Detailed Design of Banaha-Tilottama Bridge at
Rohini River of Devdaha Municipality”
Hydrological Investigation
1. "Climatological Records of Nepal", Department of Hydrology and Meteorology, Government of Nepal, 1971-1990
2. "Methodologies for Estimating Hydrologic Characteristics of Ungauged Locations in Nepal" - GoN, Ministry of Water Resources, Water
and Energy Commission Secretariat, and Department of Hydrology and Meteorology, July 1990
4. "Hydrological Investigation and River Training Works", A report submitted by Hyundai Engineering Co. Ltd., Seoul, Korea, in association
with EAST Consult (P) Ltd., Kathmandu, Nepal to HMG, Ministry of Works and Transport, Department of Roads, Road Improvement
Project, July 1988
5. "Applied Hydrology", Mutreja K., Tata McGraw Hill Publishers, 1989
6. "A Text-book of Hydrology", Jayarami Reddy, Laxmi Publications, 1989
7. "Hydraulics Factors in Bridge Design", R.V. Farraday and F.G. Charlton, Hydraulics Research Station Limited, Wallingford, U.K., 1983
Bridge Design
1. “Nepal Bridge Standard 2067”, DOR Publication.
2. “Essentials of Bridge Engineering”, D. Johnson Victor, Oxford and IBM Publishing Co. 1978
3. “Bridge Engineering”, S. Ponnuswamy, Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing House 1989
4. “Beton - Kalender”, Professor Dr. - Ing. Gotthard Franz, Verlag Von Wilhelm Ernst & Sohn 1969
5. “Influence lines for continuous beams”, Boyer and Abrams, The John Hpokuis Press, Baltimore
6. “Plain and Reinforced Concrete, Vol. I and II”, Jai Krishna and O. P. Jain, Nem Chanda and Bros., Roorkee
7. “Standard Specifications and Codes of Practice for Road Bridges” Pt I and II, Indian Road Congress
8. “Code of Practice for Bending and Fixing of Bars” for Concrete Reinforcement, Indian Standards Institution
9. “Concrete Bridge Practice - Analysis, Design and Economics”, Dr. V.K. Raina, Tata McGraw - Hill Publishing Company Limited, New
Delhi, 1994
10. “Indian Practical Civil Engineers’ Handbook”, P.N. Khanna, Engineers’ Publishers, P.O. Box 725, New Delhi, 1994
11. “Indian Standard Code of Practice for Plain and Reinforced Concrete”, Indian Standards Institutions
12. Standard Specification and Code of Practice for Road Bridges
Section III Cement Concrete (Plain & Reinforcement) - India Road Congress
13. Standard Specification and Code of Practice for Road Bridges
Section VII Foundation and Substructure - Indian Road Congress
14. Design of Bridges by N. Krishna Raju Second Edition
15. Design curves for the effect of concentrate loads on concrete bridge decks by P.B. Morica, G. Little and R.E. Rowe, Cement and
Concrete Association, 52 Grosvenor Gardens, London, S.W.I.
16. Indian Standards for Elastomeric Bearing System IRC: 83-1987
17. IRC 5:2015, IRC 6:2017, IRC 112:2011, IRC SP 105:2015, IRC 78:2014
Page 32
Appendix – A: Geo-technical Report
Appendix – B: Substructure Design Calculations
Appendix – C: Cost Estimate
Appendix – D: Photographs
Appendix – E: D - Cards