PWD e PN 2022 23

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2022 - 2023
Government Central Press, Chennai-1.


E.V. Velu
Minister for Public Works

Government of Tamil Nadu



Introduction 1

1.0 Objectives 3

2.0 Mission 4

3.0 Vision 5

4.0 Wings of Public Works Department 5

5.0 Services 15

6.0 Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) 26

Improving medical infrastructure to help

7.0 fighting the Covid-19 pandemic 28

8.0 Crushed Stone Sand (M-sand) 30

9.0 Hon‟ble Chief Minister Announcements 30

10.0 Outlay for 2022-2023 34

11.0 Department-wise Building Works 36

12.0 Electronic Voting Machine-Warehouses 63

Conclusion 64
"அ஫னிழுக்கா தல்஬வய நீக்கி ந஫னிழுக்கா
நா஦ம் உவைன தபசு."

A good Government should adopt policies

thoroughly understanding the needs of the public and
implement the same with morality and honesty.
Presently, Our State is marching towards numero uno in
all fields under such leadership.
Public Works Department construct Government
buildings with planning & design according to the
requirements and ensuring the soundness of the
buildings within the strategic policy and budgetary control
of the Government and expedite the buildings to usage to
cater to the needs of the public.
Since 1858, Public Works Department with its
unparalleled Engineering Construction expertise has
been rendering services to the people by the way of
developing State Infrastructure.
To facilitate the Governance of Public Works
Department and improving functional specialization of
both building construction and irrigation, the Parent
Public Works Department has been bifurcated into Public
Works Department (for Building Structures) and Water
Resources Department (for irrigation structure).
Public Works Department delivers its prime
service to all Government departments in constructing
buildings, special structures, undertaking their
maintenance and giving technical expertise.
One of the significant activities of the Public Works
Department is conserving our heritage of historical and
cultural values by renovation and restoration of the State
Monuments, Memorials and Heritage buildings.
“நதியூட்டும் கல்விக்கூைங்க஭ா,
நீதிவன நிவ஬஥ாட்டும் நீதிநன்஫ங்க஭ா,
நக்கள் ஥஬ம் ப஧ணும் நருத்துயநவ஦க஭ா,
நாணயருக்கு ய஭ம் பேர்க்கும் நாணய விடுதிக஭ா,
யருயாய்த் துவ஫, விவ஭னாட்டுத் துவ஫,
விண்ணுனர்ந்த கட்ைைங்க஭ா,
நண்ணின் வநந்தருக்கா஦ நணிநண்ை஧ங்க஭ா,
அத்துவ஦ துவ஫களுக்கும்,
அற்புதநாய் யடியவநத்து,
஥னமுைனும் அமகுைனும் ஥வீ஦
மின்஦வநப்பு யேதியுைன் தநருகூட்டி, அமகூட்டி,
கட்ைைங்கவ஭ ஥ல்஬ தபத்துைப஦ கட்டுயத஦ால்,
அபசுத் பதரின் ஒரு அத்தினாயசின அச்ோணினாய்,
஧க஬யனின் கதிதபாளினால்,
புதுப்த஧ாலிவு த஧ற்றுள்஭து ஥ம் த஧ாதுப்஧ணித் துவ஫."
Public Works Department being a part of the
growth of the State‟s economy is constantly striving to
make innovations in the building material technology and
construction activities for creating sound capital assets
and paving way for the sustainable development.

Through the united efforts of various wings of the

Public Works Department viz., Architecture, Planning and
Design, Construction and Maintenance, Electrical,
Quality Control and Public Works Staff Training Institute,
Directorate of Boilers, the department creates long
lasting capital assets for Government departments by
implementing innovative methodologies to obtain safety,
while ensuring economical and optimal utilization of
The funds allocated under various Government
schemes for the welfare of the people are properly
accounted for by maintaining the register for recording of
expenditure incurred.
“யன்கண் குடிகாத்தல் கற்஫றிதல் ஆள்விவ஦பனாடு
ஐந்துைன் நாண்ைது அவநச்சு”.

Thirukkural – Muthamizh Arignar Dr.Kalaignar

Urai: A wise minister must possess five important
qualities such as firmness, protection of public, acquiring
knowledge, ability to do the essential things and
Public Works Department acts accordingly to add
pride to the Government with an able guidance.

Mission of the Department is to work with

Creation of Capital Assets in the shape of

buildings and its maintenance which is the prime
objective of the Department.

Heading towards e-Governance initiatives such as

End to End Computerization for better governance and

Research in the Material Technology and

Construction Methodologies to obtain Optimum Utilization
of Resources, Safety and using alternate materials in
construction to curtail the environmental degradation.

Preserving the Historical and Cultural Values by

restoration, renovation and conservation of Heritage
Buildings and Monuments.

Making a secure Civil and Electrical arrangement

in connection with the VVIP, VIP visits and important
Government events.
To make Tamil Nadu self reliant by improving
Building infrastructure of the State to cater to the needs
of citizens of the State.
The entire department activities for an entrusted
construction work from commencement to completion are
being computerized with the assistance of Tamil Nadu e-
Governance Agency and phases of work flow will be
updated from the site and verified by the competent
authority for improving the administrative efficiency.
Ensuring transparency and better governance
through Complete Digitalization and providing seamless
information about the activities of Government to the



4.1. Architectural wing

Architect wing has been upgraded to Office of the

Chief Architect in the year 1984.

Architect wing is functioning under the control of

Chief Architect. This wing comprises of 40 qualified
Architect wing evolves preliminary drawings,
detailed plans, elevations & cross sections for
construction of buildings, considering the utility aspects
such as office, educational, medical and residential
purposes etc., as per the standard norms. It also includes
rendering of floor plan, site plan, the elevation and
isometric views apart from 2D and 3D views.

This new form of rendered images and digital 3D

modelling enables the user department to have a clear
understanding about the end result of the Construction.

In order to provide this new innovative service of

digital media, the Architect wing uses high speed
software programs such as AutoCAD, Revit, 3ds Max
and Sketchup.

To keep pace with technology changes, Architect

wing Continue to keep adapting all latest softwares
related to digital 3-D design to stay in the forefront for
providing better services to all Government departments.

4.2. Planning and Designs Circle
The foremost role of Planning and Designs circle
is evolving structural design and drawings as per the
requirements for execution of Government buildings in
compliance with the codes of Bureau of Indian Standards
(BIS) to withstand all types of load using latest

It is involved in developing structural designs for

all Government buildings like Medical College and
Hospital buildings, Collectorate buildings, Court
buildings, Government houses and Memorials etc.,

The wing is also involved in issuing Technical

circulars to guide Public Works Department Engineers to
carry out effective and quality construction.

Issuing Structural Soundness Certificate for new

and old Cinema Theatres more than 50 years old.

Issuing Structural Stability certificate to the Public

Buildings such as Schools, Cultural Centres, Cinema
Theatres, Colleges etc.,

In order to usage of better quality in the Crushed
Stone Sand (M-Sand) as an alternative for River Sand
throughout the State, the Superintending Engineer,
Planning & Designs Circle as a Member Secretary of the
Assessment Committee issues Approval Certificate for
the product ( M-Sand).

4.3. Tamizhaga Arasu Buildings Research

To evaluate the innovation in the usage of
Construction Materials & Methodologies, the quality of
the new construction materials (Civil & Electrical) such as
cement, steel, pipes, windows and doors, wires,
switches, fans etc., used in Building Construction are
tested by the Tamilaga Arasu Building Research Station
division and are subjected to approval by the
Assessment Committee which comprises of technical
experts from various Government institutions and
departments such as Indian Institute of Technology,
Bureau of Indian Standards, Anna University, etc.

Conducting Annual Technical Training

Programmes to Assistant Engineers / Junior Engineers
and Assistant Executive Engineers to enhance the

technical skills and for the up-gradation of knowledge to
meet the present day needs in the construction industry
by engaging experts from various Organizations /
Institutions / Department engineers.

Providing Technical Consultancy services to

various Private Organizations & Government
Departments etc.

Conducting laboratory testing for quality in

construction materials such as cement, steel, concrete
etc., in the laboratory established in Taramani,
Chennai- 113.

4.4. Building Center and Conservation


A dedicated wing of Public Works Department

called Building Center and Conservation Division is fully
under functional to Rehabilitate, Restore and Conserve
the Heritage Structures located in Tamil Nadu. Public
Works Department has already restored many such
valuable Heritage Buildings like Kalasa Mahal at
Chepauk, Egmore Court Building, Egmore Museum,
Madras High Court and Public Works Department Chief

Engineer‟s office at Chepauk. Humayun Mahal at
Chepauk known for its Architectural value is now being
rehabilitated by the department. This wing has also
undertaken the restoration of old heritage buildings like
Sub-Registrar Office at Rajaji Salai, Kuthiraivandi Court
building at Coimbatore, Old Labour Court Building at
Salem, Old Collectorate Building (Rani Mangammal
Palace) at Trichy, Governor Palace at Coimbatore (Old
Forest Department Office), Kodaikanal Kohinoor Sheik
Abdullah Palace and the Madras University Building.

4.5. Construction & Maintenance Wing

Main Execution Wing in the Public Works
Department is Construction & Maintenance Wing. It has
43 Divisions having jurisdiction throughout the State. The
foremost role of Construction & Maintenance Wing is
execution of the project as per the Architect plan
prepared by Chief Architect and also Structural drawing
prepared by Planning & Design Circle. It involves
supervision and inspection of the projects carried out by
contractors, preventing deviation of the Plan specified in
the contract by measuring the work periodically and are
well accounted in the measurement book and
maintaining the register for recording of expenditure
4.6. Electrical Wing
For the past 54 years, Electrical wing is entrusted
with the responsibility to light up all the Government
Buildings constructed by PWD.

The Electrical wing was formed for providing

electrical arrangements for the Government Buildings
constructed by PWD in compliance of Tamil Nadu
Electricity Act and Central Electricity Authority

The following activities are carried out by PWD

Electrical wing:

 Internal and External Electrical Works to the

buildings constructed by PWD.
 Maintenance of all Electrical installations in
Government buildings.
 Electrical arrangements for the VVIP visit and
Government functions.
 The Electrical works such as Heating
Ventilation & Air Conditioning, Variable
Refrigerant Flow, Lift, Generator, Transformer,
Public Address system, Intercom, Video
conferencing, Closed-Circuit Television & Fire

alarm arrangements are implemented by
incorporating modern technology.
 Special Lighting arrangements to make
monuments and memorial glitz and glamour.
 Always ensure the electrical arrangements in
buildings to provide barrier free environment as
per Persons with Disabilities (Equal
opportunities, Protection of Rights and Full
Participation) Act, 1995,
 The electrical wing has made successful
implementation of paperless Legislative
Assembly in Kalaivanar Arangam and
Secretariat for the Tamil Nadu Assembly
4.7. Quality Control Wing
Quality Control Division facilitates the process of
establishing a centralized Quality Control System which
ensures the uniformity in quality of the buildings.

Quality Control Divisions are responsible for

regular inspection of the construction sites to ensure that
the execution of project meets the standards specified in
the contract.

There are three Quality Control Divisions at

Chennai, Madurai and Coimbatore.

4.8. Public Works Staff Training Institute
Public Works Staff Training Institute, Trichy
provides periodical training to the Ministerial Staff and
Technical Staff of the Public Works Department to make
them updated to modern technologies and updated
Government Policies.

4.9. Directorate of Boilers

The Director of Boilers is approving the

manufacturing units that manufacture Boilers & Boiler
Components, Valves, Fittings, Castings, Forgings,
Electrodes and Non-Destructive Testing Firms and
Boilers Repairers / Erectors.

The Director of Boilers ensures the safe Design of

the Boilers and Boiler Components as per the provision
of the Boilers Act 1923 and the Boilers Regulations 1950.

The Director of Boilers as an Inspecting Authority

is responsible for the certification of Boilers and boiler
components during manufacturing.

The Director of Boilers as Registering Authority is
responsible for the Registration of the new boilers in
Tamil Nadu.

The Director of Boilers as Chairman of Board of

Examination conducts the Boiler attendants Examination
as per the Boiler Attendants Rules, 2011 and Boiler
Operation Engineers examinations as per the Boiler
Operation Engineers Rules 2011 framed by Central
Boiler Board.

The Director of Boilers represents Tamil Nadu

Government as a Member in Central Boilers Board.

The Director of Boilers as Competent Authority

conducing welder qualification test in different types of
welding processes and certifies the welders.

Deputy Directors of Boilers inspect the boilers with

Heating Surface Area above 465 Square meters.

Senior Assistant Directors of Boilers inspect the

Boilers with Heating Surface Area upto 465 Square


5.1. Standard Schedule of Rates

The Standard Schedule of Rates is prepared
every year based on the prevailing local market rate by
the Schedule of Rates Committee. It is used in the
preparation of Estimates (Only Basic Rates) for the
construction of all Government Buildings. This Standard
Schedule of Rates is being used by other construction
departments such as Highways, Tamil Nadu Housing
Board, Tamil Nadu Electricity Board, Tamil Nadu Water
Supply And Drainage Board, Greater Chennai
Corporation and other Government organisations.

5.2. Plinth Area Rate

Plinth Area Rate is the approximate cost per
Square metre of the build-up area. Plinth Area Rate is
prepared based on the Standard Schedule of Rates. It is
used in the preparation of rough cost estimates per
square meter for construction of buildings. Plinth Area
Rate is published by the Public Works Department every
year and this has been used by all other engineering
5.3. Building Valuation Rate for Registration
Department (Plinth Area Rate)
The building valuation rate is prepared by the
Public Works Department every year. This has been
used by the Registration Department for the purpose of
fixing Stamp Duty.

5.4. Structural Stability Certificate

Public Works Department issues Structural
Stability Certificate for various Public Buildings such as
Schools, Colleges, Cinema Theatres and Cultural

5.5. Rent Reasonableness Certificate

Public Works Department issues Rent
Reasonableness Certificate for the Government Offices
functioning in the private buildings.

5.6. Technical Guidance

Public Works Department imparts technical

guidance and training to the students from various
Engineering Colleges to enrich their technical knowledge
and career growth.
5.7. Recommendation for Private Panel of
Engineers at District Level
Based on the approval of the Board of Engineers
of Public Works Department, necessary recommendation
is issued to District Collector for registering in the panel of
private practicing engineers in the district concerned for
rendering private engineering services.

5.8. Inspection Bungalows and Circuit

There are 65 Inspection Bungalows & 61 Circuit
Houses under the control of Public Works Department
with a total of 516 rooms. Inspection Bungalows and
Circuit Houses are intended for the comfortable stay for
VVIPs/VIPs and Government Officials during site
inspection and for the tourists stay.

5.9. Technical Consultancy Services

Providing consultancy services such as
preparation of structural design & drawings, Scrutiny of
detailed estimates received from departments or
agencies such as Hindu Religious & Charitable
Endowments, Police Housing Corporation, Tourism
Department, Museum Department, etc.
5.10. Government Staff Quarters
During the discussion on the Public Works
Demand for the year 2010-11 in the Legislative
Assembly, the then Hon'ble Chief Minister of Tamil Nadu,
the Dr. Kalaignar M. Karunanidhi accepted the request of
the Government employees and made an announcement
for the construction of 1500 new quarters at a cost of
Rs.184.06 Crore in Todhunter Nagar, Saidapet, Chennai.
Accordingly, 940 quarters have been constructed and
occupied by Government Servants. Construction of
190 „B‟ type quarters at an estimated cost of
Rs.88.49 Crore are in progress.

5.11. Maintenance of Heritage Buildings

Heritage buildings such as the Kalasa Mahal
Building in Chepauk, Egmore Court Building and
Museum Building, the Madras High Court Building and
the Public Works Department Headquarters have already
been renovated by the Public Works Department.

Renovation Works are in progress at Humayun

Mahal in Chepauk, Chennai, University of Madras
Building and Deputy Registrar's Office Building in Rajaji
Road, Chennai, Kuthiraivandi Court Building,

Coimbatore, Old Labour Court Building, Salem, Old
District Collector's Office, Governor's House, Coimbatore
and Kohinoor Sheik Abdullah House, Kodaikanal.

The Building Center and Conservation Division,

Chennai is functioning to maintain and renovate
archeological and heritage buildings in the best possible
manner without altering its antique look.

5.12. Construction & Maintenance of Tamil

Nadu House, New Delhi
Tamil Nadu House is a prestigious Guest House
of the Government of Tamil Nadu in New Delhi providing
boarding, lodging and transport facilities to the State
Guests, Ministers, People‟s Representatives and
Government Officials.

The primary purpose of the guest house is to

provide quality facilities to the guests coming from Tamil
Nadu to make them feel at home.

Tamil Nadu House has 2 premises and both are

located in the diplomatic area of Chanakyapuri in New
Delhi. The first Guest House, Vaigai-Tamil Nadu
House was built in the year 1962 on a piece of land

measuring about 1.757 acres at No.6 Kautilya Marg,
Chanakyapuri. It was originally called „Madras
House‟. In order to accommodate the increasing number
of guests, another Block was constructed in the year

Subsequently, an additional Guest House was

constructed in a plot of land measuring about 1.966 acres
at No.9 Tikendrajit Marg, Chanakyapuri and was
inaugurated on 16.09.2004. This Additional Guest House
is called Podhigai-Tamil Nadu House.

Tamil Nadu Home Section Buildings Construction

(Sub Division-IV) New Delhi looks after the Construction
and Maintenance of Vaigai -Tamil Nadu House and
Podhigai-Tamil Nadu House.

5.13. Keezhadi New Excavation Museum

An Archaeological site with ancient urban
civilization and industrial area have been discovered
spreading in about 110 acres under the Tamil cultural
extension at Keezhadi near Madurai and thousands of
Archaeological materials have been unearthed by the
Tamil Nadu Archaeology Department.

The Tamil Nadu Public Works Department is in
the process of setting up a museum with world-class
modern facilities to display the artifacts found in the
Keezhadi excavations.

The excavation Museum buildings work is being

carried out at a cost of Rs.11.03 Crore with total built up
area of 31,919 square feet covering 6 major building
blocks. The Museum will display artifacts such as stone,
metal, beads, ivory, animal artifacts and terracotta pots.

The design of excavation buildings is being set up

with courtyards, porches and halls to express the artistry
of the houses in the area. In addition, it will showcase the
artistic and craft talents of the local people.

5.14. Rain Water Harvesting

“த஥டுங்கைலும் தன்நீர்வந குன்றும் தடிந்ததழிலி
தான்஥ல்கா தாகி விடின்”

Knowing the significance of rain water harvesting

as said in the above Thirukkural, intensive steps are
taken by the Public Works Department to promote
rainwater harvesting by providing necessary structure in
all Government buildings. Different types of
arrangements are adopted depending on different sites
and soil conditions.
In 50,601 Government Buildings, 62,855 numbers
of Rain Water Harvesting Structures have been provided
by Public Works Department. In the newly constructed
buildings, the rain water harvesting structures are
included as a mandatory arrangement.
The existing rain water harvesting structures are
subjected to periodic inspection and maintenance to
ensure the quality of structures before the Monsoon for
effective rain water harvesting.
5.15. Disaster Management
Disaster Management involves engineering
intervention in buildings and structures to make them
strong enough to withstand natural hazard so that the
exposure of the society to hazard situation could be
avoided or minimized.
Disaster Risk Reduction during the monsoon,
Cyclone period is a major challenge necessitating
meticulous planning and extensive preparedness at
3 stages viz., pre-disaster, during disaster and
Public Works Department provides the framework
for responding to disasters such as Cyclone, Flood inside
building and preparedness for evacuation.

Public Works Department preparedness includes
intensive survey and inspection of all Government
Campus and Government Buildings maintained by the
Public Works Department, ensuring the power backup
arrangements specifically to ICU/CCU in Government
Hospitals, adequate safety measures in Government
buildings to prevent seepage of water, stability of roof
terrace and buildings, Identifying weak and dilapidated
structures should be improved then and there.

5.16. Natural Disasters Mitigation Measures

Every building is so planned, designed,
constructed, equipped, maintained and operated so as to
provide not only adequate comfort to the occupants but
also to take meticulous care to avoid undue danger to the
life and safety of the occupants from Fire, Earthquake,
Tsunami, Cyclone, Flood and other hazards.

The Government buildings are constructed based

on the Codes published by the Bureau of Indian
Standards including the National Building Code, 2016.
Public Works Department ensures the stability of the
buildings and structures, in design and construction with
respect to Fire, Earthquake, Tsunami, Cyclone, Flood
and other hazards.

5.17. Creation of Barrier Free Environment for the
Differently Abled Persons

Public Works Department works for improving the

accessibility and barrier free construction for Differently
Abled Persons in compliance with the Persons with
Disabilities (Equal opportunities, Protection of Rights and
Full Participation) Act, 1995 by building barrier free
environment in construction and maintenance works in all
categories of buildings and facilities used by the public by
making them accessible to and functional for Differently
Abled Persons following the general guidelines and
space standards for barrier free builtup environment.
The goal of barrier free design is to provide an
environment that supports the independent functioning of
individual so that they can get to and participate without
assistance in everyday activities.
Public Works Department provides the following
facilities in existing buildings and newly constructed
5.17.1. Signage
Signs are provided at junction of circulation routes
and key destinations such as doorways, reception points,
toilets, drinking water facility, etc. A clear indication of
the existence of steps or ramps on route shall be
provided at both ends of the route.
5.17.2. Accessible Entrance
Accessible identification signages to identify the
accessible entrance are provided. Difference in floor
finish that is made identifiable by visually impaired
persons at the door entrance and proper tactile tiles shall
be provided.

5.17.3. Ramp with handrails

Every Government building under Public Works
Department maintenance is being made at least one
entrance accessible to the differently abled persons and
shall be indicated by proper signage. Ramp with hand
rails are being provided with anti-skid tiles to enter the

5.17.4. Toilets
Toilets Floor finishing is done with anti-skid
surface without any level difference. Light weight PVC
door are being provided as a sliding door. Provision of
vertical and horizontal hand rails. The toilet bowls are
being preferably as a stool type. The toilet bowls to have
a handrail installed. Also an indication is being provided
on the outside of the wall to show that the toilet is
5.17.5. Lift
Lifts with accessibility features are being provided
in every building. A hand is fixed adjacent to the control
panel of the lift. The interior of the car is provided with
audio device telling which floor the car has reached and
whether the door of the car is either open or close.

5.17.6. Braille / Raised Letters for Visually

Impaired persons.
In the Lift buttons Braille raised letters are being
embossed for easy operation by the visually impaired

5.17.7. Barrier free environment for differently

abled in the election booth
All polling booths are being set up with a variety of
functions such as ramp and reclining chairs so that the
differently abled can easily vote during the election.


The 17 Sustainable Development Goals and
169 targets are part of the Sustainable Development
Goals-2030 Agenda adopted by 193 Member States at

the United Nations General Assembly Summit. This
department deals with construction and maintenance of
Government Buildings.

Target 9.1: Develop quality, reliable sustainable and

resilient infrastructure, including regional and transborder
infrastructure, to support economic development and
human well being, with a focus on affordable and
equitable access for all.
(i) Buildings constructed by the department are in
line with the Sendai Framework for Disaster
Risk Reduction 2015-2030, which looks after
inclusion of resource efficiency, mitigation and
adaptation to climate change and resilience to
(ii) To reduce the environment degradation, new
methodologies have been adapted by the
Tamizhaga Arasu Building Research Station,
Public Works Department such as using
Crushed Stone Sand in major infrastructure
projects instead of River Sand, promoting the
usage of Fly Ash bricks in Government
buildings and Strengthening of the quality of
M-sand by giving approval to quality of M-sand
by manufactures. Promoting the usage of
M-sand in construction of Private buildings.
Target 11.4 : Strengthen efforts to protect and safeguard
the World‟s cultural and natural heritage.

In order to preserve and conserve Heritage

Structures, Separate Division – Building Centre and
Conservation Division, Chennai was formed in the year
2017 by Public Works Department.

The Public Works Department is constantly working

towards accomplishment of Sustainable Development


To fight Covid-19, emergency works were taken
by the Public Works Department for immediate creation
of required infrastructure to reduce the sufferings of
corona affected persons and increase the recovery rate
of Covid-19 Patients.

Oxygen pipeline installation and related works for

providing additional beds in Corona wards were
completed by the Public Works Department in the
shortest possible time.

Created isolated wards and provide separate
facilities such as toilets, water facilities, drinking water,
septic tanks and electrical facilities.

Provided facilities for Doctors and Paramedical

staff. Setting up guide boards and erecting barrier fences.

To face the corona pandemic situation, out of

44,098 beds for corona patients, 37589 beds have been
provided with oxygen facility in all the Medical College
Hospitals, District Head Quarters Hospitals and Primary
Health Centres in Tamil Nadu in a short period of time by
the Public Works Department and put into use.

Under Tamil Nadu Emergency COVID

Rehabilitation Project -2, 2096 ICU Beds with Oxygen
facilities are provided with an estimated cost of
Rs.60.784 Crores in 50 Government Hospitals, 37 District
Head Quarters Hospitals and 116 Sub District Hospitals.

In addition, the foundation stone was laid by the

Hon'ble Chief Minister of Tamil Nadu on 23.05.2021 for
upgrading the Periyar Nagar Government Peripheral
Hospital in the Kolathur Constituency of Chennai to a 300
bedded Government Hospital and the work was
completed and inaugurated on 13.08.2021 at a cost of
Rs.19.42 Crore.
The quality of crushed stone sand as an
alternative to river sand used in construction is being
approved by the Public Works Department.

The crushed stone is approved for its quality only

by the Technical Assessment committee based on the
test results and regulations of the required machinery
and samples. So far, 358 companies have been certified
for quality.


9.1. Muthamizh Arignar Dr.Kalaignar
Memorial Library
On 3.6.2021 the Hon'ble Chief Minister of Tamil
Nadu announced that an international standard public
library will be constructed in Madurai in memory of
Muthamizh Arignar Dr.Kalaignar.
The estimate for the construction work of
“Kalaignar Memorial Library” at Madurai has been
prepared and sanctioned at a cost of Rs. 114.00 Crore as
per the requirements of the Directorate of Public
The foundation was laid for the Kalaignar Memorial Library , Madurai
on 11.01.2022 by the Hon’ble Chief Minister of Tamil Nadu Thiru.M.K.Stalin through
Video Conferencing at Secretariat

The library building will cover an area of
approximately 2,00,250 square feet, including the
basement floor, ground floor and additional six floors. At
present, the Roof slab of the Basement floor has been
laid, and further works are in progress.
The library will have a variety of sections such as
Rare Books Section, Competitive Exam Books Section,
and Children Section, Digital Library, Sections for the
visually-impaired and the differently-abled. A good
learning environment with modern technology for all
sections of the community will be created. Also, facilities
such as elevators, escalators, and ramps make it easy for
the elderly, children, and the disabled to access all floors
of the Library building.


The foundation stone for the Anna Centenary
Library was laid by the former Hon‟ble Chief Minister
Muthamizh Arignar Dr.Kalaignar on 16.08.2008 at
Kotturpuram, Chennai. Accordingly, the construction work
had been completed by Public Works Department and
put in to use by public.
This is a globally acclaimed and South Asia‟s
largest Library of international standards with modern
facilities to cater ordinary, poor students and it is also
provided with Braille section for visually-impaired.
Subsequently, after the assumption of charges by
the new Government, as per the orders of the Hon'ble
Chief Minister of Tamil Nadu, renovation and restoration
of this library building has been taken up for a sanctioned
amount of Rs.32.48Crore. At present, the work is in


On 24.08.2021 the Hon'ble Chief Minister of Tamil
Nadu announced that a memorial will be constructed for
former Chief Minister Dr.Kalaignar . Accordingly the
Government have accorded Administrative Sanction for
construction of memorial to former Chief Minister
Dr.Kalaignar for an area of 2.21 acres in the Perarignar
Anna Memorial campus at Kamarajar Salai, Chennai at a
cost of Rs. 39.00 Crore. The work is under progress.


On 03.06.2021 the Hon'ble Chief Minister of Tamil
Nadu announced that a Memorial with a library will be set
up for the renowned Tamil writer and folklorist
Mr. K.Rajanarayanan. Accordingly, the Government have
accorded Administrative Sanction for construction of a
The foundation was laid for the Multi Super Speciality Hospital , Guindy, Chennai at
an estimated cost of Rs.230 Crore in the premises of Kings Institute of Preventive Health & Medicine
on 21.03.2022 by the Hon’ble Chief Minister of Tamil Nadu Thiru.M.K.Stalin through Video Conferencing.

memorial with a library for an area of 227 square meter in
Taluk office complex in Kovilpatty at Thoothukudi district
at a cost of Rs. 1.50 Crore. The work is under progress.


On 03.06.2021 the Hon'ble Chief Minister of Tamil
Nadu announced that a Multi Super Specialty Hospital
will be set up in the premises of the King Institute of
Preventive Medicine and Research, Guindy, Chennai.

In the premises of the King Institute of Preventive

Medicine and Research Centre, Chennai, approximately
4.89 acres of land has been selected for the construction
of the Multi Super Specialty Hospital with a capacity of
1000 beds, at an estimated cost of Rs.230.00 Crore and
it is to be set up on an area of 51,429.00 square meter
with ground floor and six floors with all kind of facilities.
The Agency for the work is settled and the work is to be
commenced. The Hon‟ble Chief Minister of Tamil Nadu
Thiru.M.K.Stalin has laid foundation for this building on

10.0. OUTLAY FOR 2022-2023
During the Financial Year 2022-2023, it is
proposed to carry out works under the following heads of
account to the tune of Rs.1582.61 Crore in Public Works
Department-Demand No.39.

Sl. Description
[Rs. in
1 Capital Account

(a) Capital Works


(b) Accounts Transfer


2 Revenue Account

(a) Maintenance

(b) Establishment
(including Secretariat-PWD)
3 Loan Account


10.1. SECTOR-WISE OUTLAY 2022-2023
Sl. B.E. % with reference
Name of Department 2022-2023 to total outlay
No (Rs. in Crore)
1 Public Works 154.48 14.64
2 Health & Family Welfare
132.52 12.56
3 Home (Judicial & Law) 243.30 23.05
4 Revenue and Disaster
284.16 26.93
5 Commercial Taxes 36.20 3.43
Registration 9.97 0.94
7 Conservation of
135.48 12.84
Heritage Building
8 Other Departments 59.17 5.61
Total 1055.28 100.00


In the Budget Estimate for 2022-2023 under
Public Works Department – Buildings, Demand No.39, an
amount of Rs.161.03 Crore is allotted towards
maintenance and repair works in Government Bungalows
occupied by the Hon‟ble Ministers, Inspection
Bungalows, Circuit Houses, Public Works Department
Office Buildings and Government Staff Quarters.
In the Budget Estimate for 2022-2023 under other
Demand Heads, an amount of Rs.417.45 Crore is allotted
towards maintenance and repair works in the Hon‟ble
Governor‟s Bungalow, Secretariat Buildings, High Court
Buildings, District and other Subordinate Court Buildings,
Government Bungalows occupied by the Hon‟ble High
Court Judges, M.L.A. Offices, Hospitals, Medical
Colleges, Primary Health Centres, Health Sub Centres,
Schools, Revenue and Disaster Management
Department Buildings, Agriculture Buildings, Registration
Office Buildings and other Government Buildings. The
works are to be taken up on priority basis.


Construction Works of 3 Hostel Buildings for
Adi Dravidar Welfare Post Graduate College Girls at
Vellore district and Adi Dravidar Welfare college Boys
Hostel Building at Tindivanam in Villupuram District and
Maravaneri in Salem District at an estimated cost of
Rs.10.75 Crore to be taken up shortly.
In Agriculture and Farmers Welfare Department,
out of 5 building construction works at a total estimated
cost of Rs. 12.40 Crore, 1 work is in Progress at an
estimated cost of Rs.2.40 Crore and 4 construction works
at an estimated cost of Rs.10.00 Crore are to be taken



Under NABARD assistance, the Construction of

Veterinary Hospital, Veterinary Dispensaries, Clinician
Centers and Animal Diseases and Intelligence Unit for
Veterinary & Animal Husbandry Department at Various
places across Tamil Nadu done by Public Works

Establishment of Advanced Institute for Integrated

Research Livestock & Animal Sciences (AIIRLIVAS) at
Thalaivasal Koot road in Salem District for 10 works at an
amount of Rs. 194.84 Crore sanctioned by the
In that premise, Construction of Providing
Boundary Protection arrangements for an amount of
Rs.1.56 Crore is completed and 9 works are in progress.

In Animal Husbandry Department, 395 building

construction works including Veterinary Dispensaries,
Veterinary Hospital, Clinician Centers and Animal
Disease Intelligence Units are Completed at an estimated
cost of Rs. 130.49 Crore and out of
139 building construction works at a total estimated cost
of Rs.424.27 Crore, 96 works are in progress at an
estimated cost of Rs.394.75 Crore and 43 works at an
estimated cost of Rs.29.52 Crore are to be taken up.


Out of 654 building construction works including
works such as Hostel Buildings with Solar Energy System
for Backward Classes, Most Backward Classes,
De-notified Community and Minority Students,
Construction work of Additional Class Rooms, Additional
Toilets, Compound Wall and Bore well to (13 works)
Kallar Elementary / Middle / High / Higher Secondary
Schools under NABARD Scheme, Retaining wall on Four
sides of Nagore Dargah Pond at Nagore and New Head
office for Tamil Nadu WAQF Board and Zonal Office
Buildings at 8 Places at a total estimated cost of
Rs.245.05 Crore, 22 works are completed at an
estimated cost of Rs.39.46 Crore, 32 works are in
progress at an estimated cost Rs.61.80 Crore and
600 works are to be taken up at an estimated cost of
Rs.143.80 Crore.


Construction Works of co-operative bank,
co-operative master plan complex and co-operative
training institute are carried out by the Public Works
Department on their request.

Construction Work of Central Co-operative Bank

at Royapuram, Chennai at an estimated cost of
Rs.1.45 Crore is completed and Construction of office
and Warehouse Complex for Tamil Nadu Consumer
Co-operative Federation Limited at Saligramam, Chennai
at an estimated cost of Rs.7.30 Crore is in Progress.

Buildings for Commercial Tax offices, Integrated
Commercial Tax offices, Integrated Registration
offices and Sub Registrar offices are constructed and
maintained by Public Works Department.

In Commercial Taxes and Registration

Department, out of 54 building construction works
including works such as Integrated Commercial Taxes
Office Building, Renovation of Heritage Building for
Registration Department, Integrated Sub Registrar office
building, Integrated Registration office complex and
Deputy Inspector General Camp office building and
Integrated Registration office building with District
Registrar at a total estimated cost of Rs.163.47 Crore,
17 works at an estimated cost of Rs.91.59 Crore are in
progress and 37 Construction works at an estimated cost
of Rs.71.88 Crore are to be taken up.


Construction Works pertaining to Forest
Department are being carried out by the Public Works
Department for all the Districts in Tamil Nadu such as
Forest Department for all the districts in Tamil Nadu such
as Forest Department Head Office, Wild life Laboratory
and International Standard Accommodation (Research
and Education).

In Environment and Forest Department, out of

3 building construction works at a total estimated cost of
Rs. 15.46 Crore, 2 works such as Construction of District
Environmental Engineer‟s Office and Laboratory for Tamil
Nadu Pollution control Board in Thalavaipatti at Salem
District and Protection of Wildlife Studies and setting up of
International Standard Hostel facilities in Advanced
Institute for Wildlife Conservation (Research Training &
Education) Vandalur, Chennai at an estimated cost of
Rs.14.77 Crore are in progress and 1 work regarding
Modernization of Conference Hall in Environment, Climate
Change and Forest Department, Chennai at an
estimated cost of Rs.69.00 Lakh is to be taken up.


Construction Works of New Government Medical
College and Hospital Buildings in the 11 District of
Dindigul, Ramanathapuram, Virudhunagar, Namakkal,
Krishnagiri, Nagapattinam, Tiruppur, The Nilgiris,

Tiruvallur, Ariyalur and Kallakurichi are in progress at an
estimated cost of Rs. 4089.97 Crore.

In the above mentioned 11 New Government

Medical Colleges and Hospitals, inspection were made
by the National Medical Council (NMC) and in the
academic year 2021-2022 each college had enrolment of
1650 Medical students.
Our Honourable Prime Minister of India
Inaugurated the 11 New Government Medical College
and Hospitals through Video conferencing on

With the financial assistance of Japan (JICA), the

3 new Tertiary Care Hospital Buildings and 4 New
Secondary Care Hospital Buildings in Chennai,
Coimbatore, Madurai and Tiruvallur, Salem, Tiruppur,
Tirunelveli respectively are being constructed with
International Standards at an estimated cost of
Rs.477.70 Crore. These works are expected to be
completed by December, 2022.

Other Medical Buildings

141 Construction works such as Rehabilitation
Home at Institute of Mental Health, Chennai, New Eye
Block at Government Rajamirasudhar Hospital at
Newly constructed 11 New Medical Colleges at a cost of Rs.4080 Crore was inaugurated by the
Hon’ble Prime Minister of India in the presence of the Hon’ble Chief Minister of Tamil Nadu
through Video Conferencing at New Delhi

Kallakurichi Government Medical College – Institution
Inaugurated on : 12.01.2022

Kallakurichi Government Medical College – Auditorium
Inaugurated on 12.01.2022

Kallakurichi Government Medical College –Student Hostel (Boys)
Inaugurated on : 12.01.2022

Thanjavur, 24 Bedded Male ward, 24 Bedded Female
ward with 4 Bedded ICU and General Surgery, Operation
Theatre Complex in Government Hospital at Edappadi in
Salem District and Primary Health Centre, Health Sub
Centre and Government Hospitals at an estimated cost of
Rs.220.85 Crore are completed, 15 Construction works
are in progress at an estimated cost of Rs. 623.10 Crore
and 12 Construction Works are to be taken up at an
estimated cost of Rs.304.89 Crore.


Construction of Primary Health Centers, Health
Sub Centers, Maternal and Child Health Wing Buildings
(MCH), Comprehensive Emergency Obstetric and New
Born Care Centre (CEMONC), Staff Nurse Quarters,
Outpatient ward and Emergency Care Unit Buildings are
being carried out in Tamil Nadu under the funds of the
National Rural Health Mission.

Under this scheme, 526 Government Hospital

buildings are being constructed at an estimated cost of
Rs.375.87 Crore and 248 Buildings at an estimated cost
of Rs.341.83 Crore are to be taken up.


In District Town and Country Planning, construction

work such as District Town and Country Planning Offices
in the districts of Tiruvallur, Kancheepuram, Thoothukudi,
Chenglepet, Ariyalur, Kallakurichi, Karur, Nagapattinam,
Namakkal, The Nilgiris, Pudukottai, Ramanathapuram,
Ranipet, Tenkasi, Theni, Tirupathur, Tiruvannamalai and
Virudhunagar at an estimated cost of Rs.60.00 Crore are
to be taken up.



In Human Resources Management Department,

construction work of Up-gradation of Infrastructure
facilities at Civil Service Training Institute, Bhavanisagar
in Erode District is in progress at an estimated cost of
Rs.10 Crore. Two New Buildings for Hostel, Smart Class
Rooms for Anna Institute of Management at Chennai are
completed at an amount of Rs.8.74 Crore.


In Geology and Mining in Industries Department

out of 3 Numbers of building construction works at a total
estimated cost of Rs. 9.00 Crore, 2 works are in progress
at an estimated cost of Rs.7.00 Crore and 1 work at an
estimated cost of Rs. 2.00 Crore is to be taken up.


All types of judicial building works including Court

buildings / Combined Court buildings, residential quarters
for Judicial officers, vulnerable witnesses and child
witnesses deposition center buildings, POCSO buildings
and Mahila court buildings are built and maintained by
the Public Works Department.

Out of 47 works for Construction of Court buildings

and Judge‟s quarters at an estimated cost of
Rs.602.58 Crore, 31 works are in progress, at an
estimated cost of Rs.334.44 Crore and 16 works are to be
taken up at an estimated cost of Rs.268.14 Crore.


Labour Welfare and Skill Development

Department buildings such as Integrated Labour Office,
Industrial Training Institutes and Hostels are constructed
and maintained by Public Works Department.

In Labour Welfare and Skill Development

Department, out of 36 building construction works at a
total estimated cost of Rs.122.86 Crore, 25 works are in
progress at an estimated cost of Rs.96.98 Crore and
11 Works are to taken up at an estimated cost of
Rs.25.88 Crore.


Construction of 13 Law Colleges and Law

College Hostel works at an estimated cost of
Rs.443.36 Crore, 4 works are in progress
at an estimated cost of Rs.266.86 Crore and 9 works
are to be taken up at an estimated cost of
Rs.176.50 Crore.


Buildings for Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises

like District Industries Centers are build and maintenance
done by Public Works Department.

Construction of Building for providing Test facilities

for LED lamps and fittings at Central Electrical Testing
Laboratory at Kakkalur in Tiruvallur District at an
estimated cost of Rs.1.35 Crore is in progress.


In Public Works Department, out of 53 building

construction works and Computer Purchase &
Modernization and Improvement works for total estimated
cost of Rs.325.23 Crore, 27 works are in progress at an
estimated cost of Rs.252.42 Crore. The details are as

Sl. No. Details of work Amount
(Rs. In Crore)
Work in progress
Construction of New Building for
the Office of the Chief
1 Engineer,(Buildings) Public Works 23.05
Department, Chennai Region at
Chepauk, Chennai.
Construction of 50 Nos. of
Government Staff Quarters at
2 11.87
Udhagamandalam in The Nilgiris
Providing Road and other
Additional Amenities in the
Government PWD Employees
3 23.49
Residential Complex at
Todhunter Nagar, Saidapet,
Construction of “B” type Quarters
for the Government Servants at
4 88.49
Todhunter Nagar, Saidapet,
Heritage Buildings
Renovation of Fire affected and 41.12
distressed Heritage Building
Humayun Mahal, Chepauk,

The Office of Public Works Department Buildings (Construction & Maintenance) Division and
Sub Division at Katpadi, Vellore was inaugurated on 16.11.2021 by the
Hon’ble Tamil Nadu Chief Minister Thiru.M.K.Stalin through Video Conferencing at Secretariat

Sl. No. Details of work Amount
(Rs. In Crore)
Conservation, Renovation and
Restoration of Government
Printing Press, Heritage Building
at Old mint, Chennai.
Conservation, Renovation and
Restoration of Old District
Collectorate Heritage Building
(Rani Mangammal) in the District
Collectorate Campus in
Conservation, Renovation and
Restoration of Grand Anaicut
8 canal Executive Engineer quarters
building at Thanjavur in Thanjavur
Conservation, Renovation and
Restoration of Heritage Building
9 now functioning as a Collector
Office Building at Madurai in
Madurai District.
Conservation, Renovation and
Restoration of Heritage Buildings
10 District Institute of Education and
Training Center at Palayampatty
in Virudhunagar District.
Sl. No. Details of work Amount
(Rs. In Crore)

Conservation, Renovation and 0.51

Restoration of Heritage Building of
11 Travellers bungalow at Thiruvettar
in Kalkulam Taluk of Kanyakumari
Renovation of Heritage Structure 0.82
District Munsif cum Judicial
Magistrate Court, Vandavasi in
Tiruvannamalai District.
Renovation of Heritage Structure 1.38
(Old Court Building) District
13 Munsif cum Judicial Magistrate
Court at Cheyyar in
Tiruvannamalai District.
Conservation, Renovation and 1.34
Restoration of Heritage Building of
Chief Judicial Magistrate at
Conservation, Renovation and 3.05
Restoration of Old Munsif Court
Heritage building at Paramakudi
15 in Ramanathapuram District and
Principal District Munsif Court at
Manamadurai in Sivagangai
Inspection was carried out by the Hon’ble Minister for Public Works at the site of Fire
affected and distressed ‘Humayun Mahal ‘ Heritage Building Renovation Work at
Chepauk in Chennai

Inspection was carried out by the Hon’ble Minister for Public Works
at Registrar Office at the Sowcarpet, Davidson Road, Chennai

Sl. No. Details of work Amount
(Rs. In Crore)

Conservation, Renovation and 0.80

Restoration of Existing Sub
Magistrate Court (Judicial
16 Magistrate) building located
nearby Periyakulam Taluk office
campus at Periyakulam in Theni
Conservation, Renovation and 2.45
Restoration of Portion of Senior
17 Prince‟s Quarters Heritage
Building in Thanjavur Palace at

Conservation, Renovation and 0.85

Restoration of Heritage Building of
Travellers Bungalow at
Puliyoorkurchi near Udayagiri fort
complex in Kalakulam Taluk of
Kanyakumari District.

Conservation, Renovation and 4.43

Restoration of Heritage building
19 Sethu Lakshmi Bai English School
at Nagercoil in Kanyakumari

Sl. No. Details of work Amount
(Rs. In Crore)

Conservation and Restoration of 0.29

Old Heritage building of
Inspection Bungalow at Balamore
in Kanyakumari District.

Conservation, Renovation and 10.25

Restoration of Governor‟s
21 Bungalow Heritage Building (Old
Forest Office Building) at

Conservation, Renovation and 0.52

Restoration of Heritage Building
22 now functioning as a Taluk Office
at Keeranur in Pudukkottai

Conservation, Renovation and 1.46

Restoration of Heritage Building
23 now functioning as a Collector
Office in Pudukkottai at
Pudukkottai District.

Conservation, Renovation and 0.97

Restoration of Heritage Building
24 now functioning as a Taluk Office
Building at Alangudi in
Pudukkottai District.
Sl. No. Details of work Amount
(Rs. In Crore)

Conservation, Renovation and 3.43

Restoration of Heritage Building
25 now functioning as a Taluk office
Building at Thirumayam in
Pudukkottai District.

Conservation, Renovation and 1.98

Restoration of Old Heritage
Building of Rani Mangammal
26 Palace now functioning as office
of the Superintending Engineer
PWD/WRD Periyar-Vaigai Basin
Circle in Madurai District.

Conservation, Renovation and 0.58

Restoration of Heritage Building
27 now functioning as a Collector
Residence at Pudukkottai in
Pudukkottai District

Details of 26 works to be taken up at an estimated cost of
Rs.72.81 Crore, are as below: -
Sl. No. Details of work Amount
(Rs. In Crore)
Works to be taken up
1. Construction of Circuit House at
Ranipet in Ranipet District. 6.91
2. Construction of Circuit House at
Tirupathur in Tirupathur District 6.98
3. Construction of New Circuit House
in Mayiladuthurai District 6.48
4. Construction of Quarters for Chief
Engineer, Assistant Engineer and
Assistant Engineer at
Tiruchirappalli District. 2.84
5. Construction of Electrical Sub
Division Office building at Dindigul
in Dindigul District. 0.45
6. Construction of Additional Circuit
House at Cheyyar in
Tiruvannamalai District. 3.26
7. Construction of Additional Circuit
House Buildings at Jawadhu Hills in
Tiruvannamalai District. 2.99
8. Construction of Circuit House
Building at Sathur in Virudhunagar
District. 2.43
Sl. No. Details of work Amount
(Rs. In Crore)
9. Construction of Public Works 4.43
Department Division Office building
including 3 (Three Sub Division
Offices and 5 (Five) Section Offices
at Cuddalore in Cuddalore.
10. Construction of Dinning Hall for 0.67
Working Women at Public Works
Department Campus, Chepauk,
11. Special Repairs to 9 Blocks 1.32
comprising of 54 Houses and
improving the surrounding
infrastructure in PWD Workshop
Staff Quarters at Tondiarpet,
12. Modernization and Improvement of 1.49
the Seating Arrangements and
Storage Units and purchase of
Computers, Laptops, Heavy Duty
Printers, Laser Printers and Heavy
duty Scanners printers,15 Normal
printers and 10 No‟s Fax machines
at Secretariat Chennai.

Sl. No. Details of work Amount
(Rs. In Crore)

13. Construction of Sub Division 0.40

Office in Public Works Department
Campus at Thoothukudi in
Thoothukudi District at an
estimated cost of Rs. 40.00 Lakh.

14. Construction of Buildings 0.75

(Construction & Maintenance) Sub
Division No-1 with Section Office in
Public Works Department Campus
at Tallakulam and Madurai District.

15. Construction of New Quarters for 0.99

Engineers in PWD at Thiruvarur in
16. Construction of Sub Division 0.93
Office Buildings at Karaikudi in
Sivangangai District.
17. Improvement work such as 4.67
Rainwater, Drainage Works
Repairs to Internal Roads
Compound Wall and Other Works
in PWD Campus at Tharamani,

Sl. No. Details of work Amount
(Rs. In Crore)
18. Construction and Maintenance 2.73
Division Office Buildings
(Medical Works) with Sub Division
and Section and Sections at
Kallakuruchi in Kallakuruchi District.
Heritage Buildings
19. Conservation, Renovation and 1.21
Restoration of Heritage Building of
Old People Co-Operative Bank at
Nagercoil in Kanyakumari District.
20. Conservation and Renovation of 3.12
the Collector's Camp Office
Building at Cuddalore.

21. Conservation and Renovation of 0.47

the Old District Court Building in
three Combined Court campus at
22. Conservation, Renovation and 7.90
Restoration of Heritage Building
Now functioning as District Court
and Munsif Court at Nagapattinam
in Nagapattinam District.

Sl. No. Details of work Amount
(Rs. In Crore)
23. Conservation, Renovation and 2.23
Restoration of Heritage Building
functioning as Judicial Magistrate
Court Building at Harur in
Dharmapuri District.
24. Conservation and Renovation of 1.35
Kohinoor Sheik Abdullah Bungalow
at Kodaikanal in Dindigul District.
25. Conservation, and Restoration of 3.57
District Munsif Court at Dharmapuri
in Dharmapuri District.
26. Conservation, and Restoration of 2.24
Judicial Magistrate court at
Dharmapuri in Dharmapuri


Revenue buildings such as District Collectorates,
Taluk Offices and Tashildar Quarters, Revenue Divisional
Office, Revenue Inspector Office and Quarters are
constructed and maintained by Public Works Department.

Construction of District Collectorate in Tirupathur

In Revenue and Disaster Management
Department, out of 359 works for an amount of
Rs.1021.84 Crore, 163 works are in progress at an
estimated amount of Rs.701.41 Crore and 196 Works at
an estimated cost of Rs.320.43 Crore are to be taken up.


“Tamil Nadu excels in Education” stated the
patriotic poet „Mahakavi Subramaniya Bharati‟. The
Government of Tamil Nadu is constantly focusing on
providing free world-class education to all sections of the

School Buildings with well-ventilated Classrooms,

Emergency Exits, Modern Science Laboratories, General
Knowledge and Culture-Developing Libraries, State-of-
the-art Computer Rooms, Arts and Crafts Rooms and
Protective walls of School campus are being constructed
in Government High and Higher Secondary Schools of
Tamil Nadu by the Public Works Department.

In School Education Department, out of

3410 building construction works at a total estimated cost
of Rs.494.41 Crore, 633 works are in progress at an
estimated cost of Rs.304.67 Crore and 2777 works are to
be taken up at an estimated cost of Rs.189.74 Crore.
Working Women‟s Hostel, Social Welfare Office
Building, Children‟s Observation Home, Juvenile Homes
are constructed and maintained by the Public Works

In Social Welfare and Women Empowerment

Department, 6 building construction works at a total
estimated cost of Rs.30.20 Crore, 2 Works are completed
and 4 Works are in progress.


Renovation and Special Repair works of Komari
Building located at Government Central Press, Chennai
is in progress at a total estimated cost of Rs. 4.52 Crore.
Renovation works are in progress at Central Press
(Tiruchirappalli and Madurai).


73 Memorials, 4 Stadiums, 6 Commemoration
Pillars, 1 Monument, 20 Statues, 2 Memorial Arches
under the Department of Tamil Development and

Information are constructed and maintained by the Public
Works Department.

In Tamil Development and Information

Department, 13 building construction works at a total
estimated cost of Rs.50.91 Crore are in progress.


Government Music Schools, Museums, Yatri
Nivas, Marriage hall and Auditorium for important temples
are constructed and maintained by Public Works

In Tourism, Culture and Religious Endowment

Department, out of 12 building construction works at a
total estimated cost of Rs.68.11 Crore, 1 work is
completed, 10 works are in progress and 1 work is to be
taken up.


Construction of office buildings such as the
Regional Office, Driving Testing Track and Motor Vehicle
Inspector's Office required by the Department of
Transport for all the districts in Tamil Nadu are being
carried out by the Public Works Department.

In Transport Department, out of 4 building
construction work at a total estimated cost of Rs 44.21
Crore, 3 works are in progress at an estimated cost of
Rs.41.79 Crore and 1 construction work such as
Regional Transport Office Building at Tiruvallur District at
an estimated cost of Rs.2.42 Crore is to be taken up.



Buildings for Integrated Treasury offices and

Sub–Treasury offices of Treasuries and Accounts
Department (under the administrative control of Finance
Department) are constructed and maintained by Public
Works Department.

In Treasuries and Accounts Department, out of

9 building construction works at a total estimated cost of
Rs.6.78 Crore, 4 works are in progress at an estimated
cost of Rs.3.48 Crore and 5 works are to be taken up at
an estimated amount of Rs.3.30 Crore.

In Welfare of the Differently Abled Persons
Department, out of 12 building construction works at a
total estimated cost of Rs.24.34 Crore, 2 works are
completed, 2 works are in progress and 8 works are to be
taken up.


In Youth Welfare and Sports Development
Department, out of 3 building construction works at a
total estimated cost of Rs.5.32 Crore. 1 Work is in
progress at an estimated cost of Rs.4.62 Crore and 2
works are to be taken up at an estimated cost of
Rs.70.00 Lakh.


Construction of Warehouse for proper storage
of EVMs and VVPATs in 31 Districts of Tamil
The Public Works Department has been entrusted
with the prestigious work of Construction of
warehouses in 31 Collectorate Campus to store
EVMs (Electronic Voting Machines) and VVPATs
(Voter-Verified Paper Audit Trails) for an amount of
Rs.127.06 Crore. The facilities in the warehouse include
secured First and Second Level Checking Room,
Storage Unit, Guard Room and Loading, Unloading
Areas, Lift Arrangements, AC facilities, CCTV facilities
and backup facilities for uninterrupted supply of Electricity
etc. Out of 31 works, 28 works have been completed in
all aspect to the fullest satisfaction of user department
and works in the remaining Districts are nearing
Completion. Also in the 6 newly created districts,
Estimate for the Construction of Warehouse for proper
storage of EVMs and VVPATs are under consideration.


Public Works Department has added pride to the

Tamil Nadu Government by constructing Secretariat,
District Collectorate Office Buildings with aesthetic value
involving Dravidian Architecture Technics including
Buildings for various departments such as Revenue and
Disaster Management Department and Judicial
Department, etc.,
On the above lines, the details of Building works
planned for the Financial Year 2022-2023 are included in
this Policy Note of Public Works Department. This
department will implement all these works within the time
limit and ensure that it will continue to add pride to this
present Government under the Chairmanship of Hon‟ble
Chief Minister of Tamil Nadu, who is achieving innovation
every day by his thought, speech and action.



2022 - 2023
Government Central Press, Chennai-1.


E.V. Velu
Minister for Public Works

Government of Tamil Nadu


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