Clearance Such C. 10,010.85 Kpa: Determine

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INSTRUCTIONS: Famillarize the following problems.

1 . What load in Newton must be appled to a 25 mm D 10. A 80 solid shaft is to be replaced with a
round steel bar 3.0 m long to stretch the bar 1.3 torsíonal strength. Find percentage of
shaft of equal
hollow shaft is
mm? weight saved, if the outside of the
A. 42,056 C. 55,016 100 mm.
A. 56.53 % C. 48.49 %
B. 52,840 D. 44,031 D. 52.90 %
ANSWER: D B. 67.31%

2. In the LRT I1 project steel railroad rails of 10 meters 11. A centrifugal pump is directly
coupled to a motor.
long are to be installed. If lowest temperature The pump rating is 3,600 liters per minute against
efficiency is
Considered is 20 deg C and a maxlmum temperature total head of 8 meters of water. Pump
Calculate the
of 36 deg C is deslgned for, and the modulus of 65% at shaft speed of 550 rpm. diameter
torslonal stress induced on the
40 mm
elasticity of steel to be 207,000 MPa, determine the
clearance between rails such that adjoining rail wll motor shaft.
A. 11,193.45 kPa C. 10,010.85 kPa
just touch at maximum deslgn temperature.
B. 12,429.72 kPa D. 13,113.83 kPa
A. 2.34 C. 3.41
B. 2.32 D. 1.86
at 900 rpm. If the
12. A lIne shaft ls to transmltt 200 hp
DA 3. What pressure is requlred to punch a hole 3 In. line shaft ls connected with a speed of 1,600 rpm,
diameter through a 1/4 in. steel plate? ind the horsepower transmltted.
C. 30 tonsS A. 493 hp C. 365 hp
A. 45 tons
D. 40 tons B. 465 hp D. 200 hp
B. 20 tons
4. A steel tle rod on bridge must be made to wlthstand 13. A steel shaft Is subjected to a constant torque
a pull of 6,000 bs. Find the diameter of the rod 2,500 N-m. The ultimate strength and yleld strength
of the shaftng materlal are 668 MPa and
400 MPa
assuming a factor of safety of 5 and ultimate stress the yield
of 64,000 psi. respectively. Assume a factor of safety on

C. 0.809 in and endurance strength in shear, determine

A. 0.705 in point
B. 0.891 in D. 0.773 in the diameter of the shaft in inches.
C. 2.321 in
A. 1.980 in
5. An engine parts is being tested with a load of 30,000 B. 1.915 in D. 2.417 in
b. The allowable tensile stress is 10,000 ps,
modulus of elasticity of 40 x 10 psi. If the original DA 14. A steel shaft transmits 40 hp at 1400 rpm.
Considering allowable shearing stress based on pure
length of specimen is 42 inches with elongation not torsion to be 5000 psi, find the torsional deflection of
exceeding 0.0015 inch, what diameter of the
specimen is required? the shaft in degrees per foot.
A 4.2 in C. 2.5 in A. 0.392 degrees/foot C.0.541degrees/foot
B. 3.0 in D. 5.17 in B. 0.246 degrees/foot D.0.435 degrees/foot

6. A steel rod 75 inches long with a cross sectional area 15. A 50 inches diameter diamond saw blade is mounted
of 1/4 in.2 is held vertically firm at one end while a on a pulley driven steel shaft, requiring a blade
load of 3000 Ib is suspended from the other end. If peripheral inear speed of 150 ft/sec. Motor drive is
the rod stretches 0.025 inch, find the modulus of 125 hp at 1,200 rpm, with 6 inches dlameter pulley,
elasticity of the steel. Determine the shaft rpm to attain blade peripheral
A. 36x 10 psi C. 30 x 10 psi speed required.
B. 11.5 x 106 psi D. 27 x 10s psi A. 716.2 rpm C. 539.10 rpm
B. 635.3 rpm D. 687.55 rpm
7. What load P which cause a total deformatlon of
0.036 Inch of a steel rack whlch has a cross-section 16. If the welght of 6" dlameter by 48" long SAE 1030
area of 4 sq. Inches and a length of 5 ft. shafting Is 174.5 kg. then what wll be the welght of
A. 55,000 lb C. 60,000 lb chromlum SAE 51416 of same size?
B. 72,000 lb D. 50,000 lb A. 305.79 Ibs C. 347.96 Ibs
B. 426.70 lbs D. 465.89 lbs
8. A raliroad track Is laid at a temperature of 10
degrees F with gapS of 0.01 feet between the ends 17. A100 mm diameter solid shat is to be replaced with
of the ralls. The rals are 33 feet long. If they are a hollow shaft equally strong ( torsion) and made of
prevented from buckling, what stress will result from the sarne materlal. The outside dlameter of the
a temperature of 11O degrees F? Coefficient of
linear hollow shaft is to bef127 mm. What should be the
expansion = 6.5 x 10s per degree F. inside diameter? The allowable shearing stress is
A. 10,000 psi C. 9,450 psi 41.4 MPa?
B. 8,530 psi D. 10409 psi A. 107.42 mm C. 291.53 mm
B. 105.82 mm D. 109.60 mm
9. A sold transmission shaft is 4.0 inches in diameter.
It is desired to replace it with a hollow shaft of the 18. A steel shaft operates at 188 rad/s and must handle
same material and same torsional strength but its 2 kW of power. The shearing stress is not to exceed
weight should only be half as much as the solid 40 MN/m, Calculate the minimum shaft diameter
shaft. Find the outslde dlameter of the hollow shaft based on pure torslon.
in mllimeters. A. 9 mm C. 13 mm
A. 107.315 mm C. 122.940 mm B. 11 mm D. 15 mmm
B. 112.231 mm D. 131.204 mm
19. A round steel shaft transmits 373 watts at 1800 rpm.
The torsional defiection is not to exceed 1 deg in a
length equal to 20 dlameters. Find the shaft connection. Conslder the shearing stress of the shaft
diameter. to be 40 N/mm2 and the key to be 200 N/mm,
A. 6.53 mm C. 12.84 mm determine the shaft diameter
B. 8.72 mm D. 18.16 mm A. 66.62 mm C. 40.82 mm
B. 53.31 mm D. 44.94 mm
9N 20. What factor of safety is needed for a 2 in. dlameter
shaft with an ultimate strength of 50,000 psi to 29. A cylinder having an internal diameter of 20 in and
transmit 40,000 in-Ib torque. an external dlameter of 36 In is subjected to an
B. 1.95
C. 2.14 internal pressure of 10,000 psi and an extermal
D. 2.62 pressure of 2,500 psi. Determine the hoop stress at
the inner surface of the cylinder.
21. A tubular shaft, having an inner diameter of 30 mm A. 24,705.16psl C. 13,142.86 psi
and an outer dlameter of 42 mm, Is to be used to B. 19,028.52ps D. 11,69643 psi
transmit 90 kW of power. Determine the frequency
of rotation of the shaft so that the shear stress 30. A thin walled cylindrical pressure vessel is subjected
cannot exceed 50 MPa. to internal pressure which varies from 750 kPa to
A. 26.6 Hz C. 97.5 Hz 3550 kPa continuously. The diameter of the shell is
B. 20.6 Hz D. 66.5 Hz 150 cm. Find the required thlckness of the cylinder
wall based on yield point of 480 MPa net endurance
22. Two circular shafts, one hollow and one solid, are limit of 205 MPa an a factor of safety of 2.5.
made of the same material and have diameterss as A. 21.2 mm C. 23.83 mm
follows: hollow shaft inside diameter is one-half of A. 22.21 mm D. 20.72 mm
the external diameter. The external diameter is equal
to the diameter of the solid shaft. What is the ratio 31. A compression ring is to be used at the junction of a
of the twisting moment of the hollow shaft to that of conical head and shell. Determine the required area
the solid shaft? of the compression ring if the pressure is 50 psi and
A. 1/4 C. 9/16 the stress is 13750 psi. Assume efficlency of the joint
B. 1/2 D. 15/16v is 80%.
A. 0.00715d2 C. 0.00721d2
23. Determine the thickness of a hollow shaft having an B. 0.00482d2 D. 0.00682d2
outside diameter of 100 mm if it is subjected to a
maximum torque of 5,403.58 N-m without exceeding 32. A cylindrical vessel measuring (2 ft x 5 f) holds a
a shearing stress of 60 MPa or a twist of 0.5 degree gas at 3,000 psi. Using stainless steel 0QT 12000,
per meter length of shaft. G = 83,000 Mpa. determine the thickness of the plate with a design
15 mm C. 16.8 mm factor of 1.4 yield. Assume efficiency of welded joint
B. 86 mm D. 14.2 mm as 85%.
A. 0.549 in C. 1.2 in
W 24. A hollow shaft with outside diameter of 14 cm, and B. 0.455 in D. 0.3 in
wall thickness of 0.8 cm. transmits 200 kW at 500
rpm. What must be the angular deflection of the 33. A spherical shell of 1.8 m of outside diameter and
shaft if the length is 5 meters? The material of the 1.725 m inside at a pressure of 10.4 MPa. Compute
shaft is C-4140 steel. the stress in the shell.
A. 21.24 rad C. 36.80 rad A. 124.8 MPa C. 96.48 MPa
B. 21.71 rad D. 17.37 rad B. 119.6 MPav D. 88.46 Mpa

25. A 1 4 in. by 7/8 in. key Is to be designed for a 12.7 34. Athin hollow sphere of radius 10" and thickness.0.1"
cm shaft which will transmit power of 150 KW at 360 is subjected to an internal pressure of 100 psig. The
rpm. If the allowable shear stress for the key is 920 maximum normal stress on an element of the sphere
kg/cm2 and the allowable compressive stress is 1300 is
kg/cm, determine the length of key to be used A. 5,000psi C. 14,140psi
A. 2.41 cm C. 442 cm B. 7,07opsi D. 2,500psi
B. 2.73 cm D. 4.79 cm
TA35. Pressurized water at 1.37 MPa is stored in a steel
26. A puley is keyed to a 2 and 1/2 inches diameter cylindrical tank 1.4 meters in diameter. If the
shaft by a 7/16 in x 3 in. flat key. The shaft rotates allowable tangential stress is 8.5 MPa, find the
at 50 rpm. The allowable shearing stress for the key required wall thickness of the tank.
is 22 ksi. The allowable compressive stress for the A. 123.6 mm C. 112.9 mm
key, hub and shaft are 66 ksl. 59 ksi and 72 ksi, B. 130.5 mm D. 135.1 mm
respectively, Determine the maximum torque the
pulley can safety deliver. 36. A mechanical press is used to punch 6 holes per
A. 48398.4 in-lb C.51562.5 In-Ib minute on a 25 mm thick plate. The hole is 25 mm in
B. 54140.6 in-lb D. 67495.2 in-lb dlameter and the plate has an ultimate strength in
shear of 420 MPa. The normal operating speed is
27. A rectangular key was used in a pulley connected to 200 rpm. and it slows down to 180 rpm during the
a lIne shaft with a power of 8 KW at a speed of 1200
rpm. If the shearlng stress of the shaft and key are
process of punchling. The flywheel has a mean
diameter of one meter and the rim width is 3 times
30 N/mm2 and 240 N/mm, respexctively. What is the the thickness. Assume that the hub and arm account
diameter of the shaft? for 5% of the rim welght concentrated at the mean
A. 22.2 mm v C. 25.8 mm diameter and the density of cast iron is 7200 kg per
B. 21.7 mm D. 30.2mmm Cubic meter. Find the power in kW required to drive
the press.
28. A line shaft with a power of 150 kW at a speed of A. 1.310 kW C. 8.92 kWW
1200 rpm, had a rectangular key used in its pulley B. 5.67 kW D. 9.03 Kw
43. What would be the weight of a flywheel in kg if the
37. Find the weight of the flywheel needed by a machine
to punch 20.5 mm holes in 15.87 mmn thick steel weight of the rim is 3 times the sum of the weight of
the hub and arms. Given the outside diameter and
plate. The machine is to make 30 strokes per minute inside dlameter to be 24 in and 18 in respectively
and a hole must be punched every stroke. The hole
is to be formed during 30 degrees rotation of the and the rim width is 4.5 in. (assume steel flywheel)
A. 140.95 kg C. 200.95 kg
puncher's crankshaft. A gear train with a ratio of 12 D. 152.95 kg
to 1 is to connect the filywheel shaft to the B. 160.95 kg
crankshaft. Let the mean dlameter of a flywheel rim
to be 91.44 cm. The minimum flywheel speed is to 44. A cast iron flywheel with a mean diameter of 36
be 90% of the maximum and assume mechanical inches changes speed from 300 rpm to 280 while it
efficiency of the machine to be 80%.Assume an gives up 8000 ft-b of energy. What is the
ultimate stress of 49000 psi of fluctuation.
A. 0.069 C. 0.082
A. 68 kg C. 90 k
D. 92 kg B. 0.015 D. 0.020
B. 97 kg

38. It is found that the shearing machine requires 205 45. A flywheel has a mean diameter of 4 ft and is
Joules of energy to shear a specific gauge of sheet required to handle 2250 ft-lb of kinetic energy.
metal. The mean diameter of the flywheel Is to be flywheel has a width of 8 in. Normal operating speed
76.2 cm. The normal operating speed Is 200 rpm and Is 300 rpm and the coefficient of fluctuation is to be
slows down to 180 rpm during shearing process. The 0.05. Find the weight of the rim assuming that the
arms and hub are equivalent to 10% of
the rim
rim width is 30.48 cm and the weight of cast iron is
7,196.6 kg/m. Find the thickness of the rim, weight.
A. 412 Ib C. 452.4 b
assuming that the hub and arms account for 10% of D. 533 Ib
the rim welght concentrated on the mean diameter. B. 334 b
A. 0.583 cm C. 0.672 cm
D. 0480 cm 46. Find the rim thickness for a cast iron flywheel with a
B. 0.587 cm width of 200 mm, a mean diameter of 1.2 m a

39. A sheet metal working company purchase a shearing normal operating spEed of 300 rpm, a coefficient of
machine from a surplus dealer without a flywheel. It fluctuation of 0.05 and which is capable of handling
is calculated that the machine will use 2380 Jouies of 3000 N-m of kinetic energy. Assume that the hub
and arms represent 10% of the rim weight and the
energy to shear a 1.2 mm thick sheet metal. The specific weight of cast iron is 7203 kg/m3
fiywheel to be used will have a mean diameter of C. 28.25 mm
91.44 cm with a width of 25.4 cm. The normal A. 25.28 mm
operating speed is rpm and slows down to 160 B. 28.82 mm D. 25.25 mm

rpm during the shearing procesS. Assuming that the 47. A cast iron flywheel is rotated at a speed of 1200
arms and the hub will account for 12% of the rim
rpm and having a mean rim radius of 1 foot. If the
weightconcentrated at the mean diameter and that
welght of the rim is 30 Ibs. What is the centrifugal
the material density is 0.26 b/cu. in., compute for force? Use factor C = 41.
the weight of the flywheel.
C. 347 kg A 14 800 Ibs C. 14 860 lbs
A. 296 kg
D. 385 kg B. 70 000 lbs D. 14 760 lbs
B. 306 kg
12 48. Two short shafts having identical diameters of 38.1
40. A 48 in diameter spoked steel flywheel having a
rim rotates at 200 rpm. How mm and rotating at 400 rpm are connected by a
in wide x 10 in deep
long a cut (in inches can be stamped in one inch flange coupling having 4 bolts with 100 mm bott
thick aluminum plate if ultimate shearing strength of
circle. The design shearing stress of the bolts is 12
the aluminum is 40,000 tb/1n2, During stamping, the
N/mm2 and design compressive stress of the flange
force exerted by the stamp varies from a maximum F
is 15 N/mm2. What is the power transmitted by the
Ib at the point of contact to zero lb when the stamp short shaft in KW?
of the A. 30.4 KW C. 29.3 Kw
emerges from the metal. Neglect the welght
and spokes and use 0.28 b/ina density for B. 26.5 KW D. 32.3 KW
flywheel material.
A. 43.2 in C. 44.5 in 49. Two short shaft having identical diameters of 38.1
B. 41.1 in D. 35.9 in mm and rotating at 400 rpm are connected by a
flange coupling having 4 bolts with a 100 mm bolt
of energy to circle. The design shearing stress of the bol 1 12
41. A shearing machine requires 150 kg

shear a steel sheet, and has a normal speed

of 3.0 N/mm2 and the design compressive stress of the
down to 2.8 rev/sec during the flange is 15 N/mm. What diameter of bolt should
rev/sec, slowing
The flywheel of the machine has a be used?
shearing process.
mean diameter of 75 cm and weighs 15.5 kg/cm3. A. 19.30 mm C. 20.40 mm
The width of the rim is 30 cm. If the hub and arms B. 22.37 mm D. 18.32 mm
of the flywheel account for 15% of its total weight
find the thickness of the rim in cm. 50. Two short shaft having identical dlameters of 38.1
A 0.00487 cm C. 0.00363 cim mm and rotating at 400 rpm are connected by a
D. 0.00482 cm flange coupling having 4 bolts with a 100 mm bolt
B. 0.00432 cm
circle. The design shearing stress of the bott is 12
N/mm and the design compresslve stress of the
a shearing machlne the energy is 29,264 ft-Ib,
42. In the
ultimate shearing stress of the steel plate is
flange is 15 N N/mm. How thick should the flange
be In mmn?
40,000psl, the plate thickness is 1 Inch the length of
the plate which can be sheared is: A. 11.51 mm C. 12.49 mm
7055 In C. 12.75 B. 13.60 mm D. 15.65 mm
A D. 17.56
B. 10.55 in
51. A
flange coupling is to be
diameter bolts at designed, using 25 mm 59. A disc clutch has
center of the shaft. distance of 152 mm from the
Allowable shearing stress on the
bolt is 103 MPa. If the surfaces. The frictionalpairs of containing friction
at a speed of shaft is to transmit Coefficient of friction is 0.3.radius is 2-in and the
1,200 rpm, How many bolts 5,800 hp acts on the clutch. The
An axial force of 100
needed in the connection? are shaft speed is 400
much horsepower can the rpm. How
clutch transmit?
B. 3 C. 4 2.28 hp C. 5.2 hp
D.5 B. 3.12 hp
D. 4.51 hp
52. A flange bolt
diameter steelcoupling consist of elght steel 20 mm 60. A cone clutch has
bolts Coefficlent of frictlon angle of 10 degrees and a
clrcle 300 mm In spaced evenly around a bolt of 0.42. Fincd the axial
subjected to a torquediameter. If the
coupling ls required If the capacty of the clutth Is 7.46 kW at
of 15.1 KN-m, 500 rpm. The mean
maximum shearlng stress In determine the diameter of the active conlcal
A. 40450 kPa the bolts? sectlon Is 300 mm.
C. 40054 kPa A. 0.40332 kN
B. 63320 kPa C. 0.2453 KN
D. 31298 kPa B. 0.3928 kiv
D. 0.2384 kN
53. The large diameter and 61. A band brake is installed
face of the disk of a on a drum
disk clutch are 255
and 25 mm mm multiple rpm, and a dlameter of 900 millimeters. rotating at 250
helical compression respectively.
spring used to engage the clutch
The contact is 1.5pi radians and one end The angle of
has 9 and 1/2 effective band is fastened toa fixed of the brake
coils of 10 mm steel wire. pin while
The outer coil diameter is 80
mm. The free the brake arm 150 millimeter the other end to
the spring is 185 mm. length of from the fixed pin. The
When in place with clutch coefficient of fricton is 0.25 and the
engaged, its length is 130 mm. Assuming that arm is 1000 straight brake
is 10 pairs of friction there millimeters long and is placed
surface in contact, that the perpendicular to the diameter
contact. Determine the net beltbisecting
motor runs at 1200 the angle of
rpm, f
force available for the clutch 0.15, determine axial pull in kN applied at

the kilowatts is
being absorbed.
1,588 N C. 1,542 N
A. 4.24
B. 2,493 N B. 3.90
D. 2,783 N D. 3.8
54. An engine of motor vehicle with a wheel
a 62. A simple band brake has a
76 cm drum and fitted
of 712 mm diameter with a steel band 2/5 cm thick
develops 50 kW at 2,000 rpm. The lined with a brake
combined efficiency of the
differentia! and lining having a coefficient if friction of 0.25. The arc
transmission is 75 % with an overall of contact is 245
speed reduction degrees. The drum is attached to a
60 cm. hoisting drum, that sustain a
of 25 is to 1. Determine the
torque to be delivered rope load of 820
by the clutch in N-m. kg. The operating force has a moment arm of 1.50
A. 239 N-m m. and the bard is
C. 432 N-m attached 12 cm. from the
B. 359 N-m D. 471 N-m point. Find a torque just required to support the pivot
A. 2,413.26 N-mn
55. An engine of a motor vehicle with C. 2,453.29 N-m
a wheel diameter B. 3,492.31 N-m
of 712 mm develops 50 kW at D. 1,894.82 N-m
2,000 rpm. The
combined efficiency of the differential and
63. Find the horsepower required to drive a power screw
transmission is 75% with an overall speed reduction
of 25 is to 1. Determine the lifting load of 4000 lbs. A 2 and 1/2 inches
speed reduction of travel square thread with two threads/in. is to be used. The
of the vehicle in km/hr.
A. 10.74 frictional radius of the collar is 2 inches
C. 12.58 and the
B. 11.69 coefficiernts of friction are 0.1 for the threads and
D. 13.80 0.15 for the collar. The
velocity of the nut is 10
56. A mutiple disc clutch of 10 steel disc and 9 bronze ft/min.
A. 5.382 HP C. 3.683 HP
disc. The effective outside and inside dlameters are B. 4.395 HP
20.32 cm and 15.24 cm, respectively. If the axial D. 6.472 HP
force of 540 Newton is applied and the shaft turns at 64. A single square thread
1200 rpm, find the horsepower capacity. Assume a power screw is to raise a load
of 70 kN. The screw has a
Coesficient of friction of 0.27. major diameter of 36 mm
and a pitch of 6 mm. The coefficient of
39.566 hp C. 37.458 kp thread
frlction and collar frictlon are 0.13 and 0.10
B. 40.482 hp D. 35.659 hp respectively. If the collar mean diameter is 90 mm
and the Screw turns at 60 rpm, find the
57. An engine develops 40 kW at 1200 rpm, with a combined
efficiency of screw and collar.
singie plate clutch with two palrs of friction surfaces A. 13.438% C. 14.526%
transmitting the power. Consider the coefficlent of B. 15.530 % D. 12.526%
friction to be 0.30 and mean diarmeter of disc to be
200 mm, determine the axial force required to 65. Determine the diameter of the stud bolt that are
engage the clutch and transmit the power. required to fasten down the cylinder head of a 203
A 4.832 kN C. 3.693 kN mmx 304 mm gas engine. There are ten bolts on
B. 5.305 kN D. 6.922 kN the block. The exploslon pressure is 31 kg/sq cm and
studs are made of ordinary bolts material SAE 1020.
58. The colar of the capstan has an outside diameter of How deep should the bot be drilled?
8 in and an inside dlameter of 6 in. the total load A. 38.1 mn C. 37.3 mm
supports is 2000 Ib. If the coefficient of friction is B. 40.2 mmn D. 35.5 mm
0.1,what is the collar friction torque.
A. 705 in-Ib C. 1012 Inb 66. A single threaded trapezoidal metric thread has a
B. 802 in-lb D. 972 in-Ib pitch of 4 mm, and a mean diameter of 18 mm. It is
used as a translation screw in conjunction with a

B. 1.3275 in D. 1.5276 in
collar having an outslde diameter of 37 mn and an
inside diameter of 27 mm. Find the required torque
at 150
in N-m to raise a load of 400 kg if the coefficient of 75. In a standard bevel gear, the pinlon rotates
Its number of teeth is 14 while the gear has 42
friction is 0.3 for both threads and collar. rpm,
A. 34.6 N-m C. 39.1 N-m teeth, what is the pitch angle of the pinion?
A. 18.4 degrees C. 14.5 degrees
B. 32.6 N-m D. 38.5 N-m
B. 20 degrees D. 20.5 degrees
67. Asafety valve spring having 9 and 1/2 colls has the if the
ends squared and ground. The outslde dlameter of 76. An Internal gearlng requires an ldler gear
of 6 Inches in diameter and the center
the col is 115 mm and the wire Is 13 mm. It has a drlving gear What
free length of 203 mm. Determine the length of the distance of the ldler to the driver is 20 inches.
Is the Inslde dlameter of the drlver gear?
wire to which this spring must be Inltialy C. 74 In
compressed to hold a boller pressure of 1.38 MPa on A. 62 In
the valve seat of 32 mm dlameter. Modulus of B. 70 In D. 81 In
rigidity is taken as G = 80 GN/m2.
A. 172 mm C. 192 mm 77. A Cut gear transmits 25 Hp at a pitch line velocity
is intermittent the
B. 179 mm D. 158 mm 6000 ft/min. If the service
dynamic load ls:
68. An ammonia compressor is driven by a 20 kW motor. A. 244 b C. 274 Ib
B. 264 Ibb D. 284 Ib
The compressor and the motor RPM are 360 and
1750, respectively. The smal sheave has a pitch
a solid
diameter of 152.4 mm. If the belt to be used is 78. Find the torslonal deflection, in degrees of
standard C-120 (L=122.9 in.), determine the center steel shaft 110 mm OD 1.4 m long subjected to 3.1 x
distance between sheaves 106 N-mm. The torsional modulus of elasticity is
A. 709 mm C. 806 mm 80,000 N/mm-mm
B. 865 mn D. 686 mm A. O 22 C. 0.28
B. 0.195 D. 0.24
69. An air compressor is driven by a 7.5 HP electric
motor with a speed of 1750 rpm with standard A-60 79. A sleeve bearing has an outside diameter of 1.5 in
and a length of 2 in, the wall thickness is 3/16 in.
V- belts of length 61.3 in. The pitch diameter of the
The bearing is subjected to a radial load of 450 ib.
smal! sheave is 110 mm and the larger sheave is 200
mm. Senvice factor is 1.2. Determine the arc of Find the bearing pressure.
A. 100 psi C. 200 psi
C. 169.87 degrees B. 150 psi D. 250 psi
A. 173.92 degrees
B. 183.56 degrees D. 212.65 degrees
80. A certain farm equipment which requires 2200
70. A puley 610 mm in diameter transmits 40 kW at 500 Newton mater torque at 500 RPM has a diesel engir
to operate at 1500 RPM as its prime mover. A No. 6
RPM. The arc of contact between the belt and pulley
s0.35 and the safe woIking stress of the belt is 2.1 roller chain with a total length of 60 pitches anda
small sprocket with 23 teeth are to be used with an
MPa. Find the tangential force at the rim of the
operating temperature to remain constant at 45
pulley in Newton C. 2,505 N degree C. Determine the no. of teeth of the larger
A. 2,406 N
B. 4,321N D. 3.321 N sprocket.
C. 8
AB. 79 D. 69
71. A pulley 610 mm in diameter transmits 40 kW at 500
RPM. The arc of contact between the belt and pulley
between 81. A 4 inches diameter shaft is driven at 3600 rpm by a
is 144 degrees, the coefficient of frlction 400 Hp motor. The shaft drives a 48 inches diameter
belt and pulley is 0.35 and the safe working stress chain sprocket having an output efficiency of 85%.
is 2.1 and the safe working stress of the belt
the belt
in Newton The output force of the driving sprocket and the
is 2.1 MPa. What is the effectlve belt pull output of the driven sprocket are:
A. 2,505 N C. 4,528 N
D. 2,823 N A. 200 Ib and 250 hp C. 291.66 Ib and 340 hp
B. 3,931N B. 261.8 Ib and 300 hp D. none of the above
72. Two shafts are con1nected by spur gears. The pitch
82. A 16 mm plate is lapped over and secured by fillet
radii of the gears A and B are 207 mm and 842
weld on the inside and outside to form a penstock
respectlvely. If shaft a makes 350 revolutlons per 1.5 meter in diameter. Determine the safe internal
minute and is subjected to twisting moment of
pressure, assuming an allowable stress of 140 MPa
N.m, what is the tooth pressure of the
two gears?
on the plate and an allowable shear stress of 90 MPa
1177 N C. 890 N
A D. 878 N on the throat side of the 14 mm fillet weld.
B. 1255 N C. 2.843 MPa
A. 2.376 MPa
mounted B. 3.590 MPa D. 1.695 MPa
73. A machinist made two 8 DP spur gear to be
on a center distance of 16 inches with speed ratio of
83. Determine the average time to cut by automatic oxy-
7 to 9.The number of teeth in each gear are:
A. 100 teeth and 78 teeth (machine) crosswise a 4ft. x 8 ftx 4 in
B. 144 teeth and 112 teeth thick steel plate.
A. 6.85 min. C. 10 min
C. 120 teeth and 93 teeth
B. 318 sec D. 360 seec
D. 150 teeth and 117 teeth

74. Two helical gears transmit 500 Hp at 3600 rpm. 84. A link has a load factor of 0.8 the surface factor of
What should be the bore diameter of each gear
be if 0.8 the surface factor is 0.92 and the endurance
in shafts is 12,500 psi? strength is 28000 psi. Compute the alternating stress
the allowable stress gear
C. 1.4568 in
A. 1.252 in
of thelink if it is subjected to a reversing load. 95. Of the following solid shaft diameters, which is the
Assume a factor of safety of 3.
A. 8150 smallest that can be used for the rotor of a 6 hp
C. 9,333 motor operating at 3500 rpm, if the maximum shear
B. 10920 D. 7260 stress for the shaft is 8500 psi?
A. 5/16 in. C. 1/2 in.
85. A drop hammer of 1 ton dead welght
capacity is B. 3/8 in. D. 1in.
propelled downward by a 12 inch
Diameter cylinder. At 100 psi air pressure what is the 96. A 200 meter cable is suspended vertically. At any
impact velocity if the stroke is 28 inches? point along the cable, the strain is proportional to
A. 47.4 f/sec C. 15.8 ft/sec the length of the cable below that point. f the
B. 31.6 ft/sec D. 63.2 ft/sec strain at the top of the cable is 0.001, determine the
total elongation of the cable.
86. Compute how many 3/8 inch diameter set screws A. 0.05 m C. 0.10 m
required to transmit 3 Hp at a shaft speed of 1000 B. 0.10 m D. 0.20 m
rpm. The shaft diameter is 1 inch
A. 1 2 C. 3 97. If the principal stresses on a body are 400 psi, -700
B.2 D. 1 psi, and 600 psi, what is the maximum shear stress?
A. 100 ps C. 550 psl
87. A 10" diameter pulley is belt driven with a net B. 200 psi D. 650 psi
of 250 ft lbs. The ratio of tenslons in the tight to
slack sides of the belt is 4 to 1. What is the 98. A car travels 100 miles to city A in 2 hours, then
maximum tension in the belt? travels 200 miles to cty B in 3 hours. What is the
A. 250 Ibs. C. 83 1bs. average speed of the car for the trip?
B. 800 lbs. D. 500 bs. A. 45 mph C. 60 mph
B. 58.3 mph D. 66.7 mph
88. The maximum moment induced in a simply
supported beam of 20 foot span, by a 2,000 pound 99. A 76.2 mm diameter shafting of SAE 1040 grade cold
load at midspan is rolled, having a yield point of 50 ksi and with a Ax
A. 125,000 ft-lbs C. 30,000 ft-lbs 4x 5 inches key. Compute the minimum yield point
B. 15,000 ft-lbs D. 10,000 ft-lbs in the key in order to transmit the torque of the
shaft. The factor of safety to used is 2 and
89. A thin hollow sphere of radius 10" and thickness 0.1" Sys=0.5Sy.
is subjected to an internal pressure of 100 psig. The A. 39.120 ksi C. 279.20 ksi
maxinum normal stress on an element of the sphere B. 42.130 ksi D. 47.120 ksi

A. 5,000 psi C. 7,070 psi 100.A high alloy spring having squared and ground ends
B. 10,000 psi D. 14,140 psi and has a total of 16 coils and modulus of elasticity
in shear of 85 GPa. Compute the Wahl factor. The
90. A car of mass 2000 slugs accelerates in 10 seconds spring outside diameter is 9.66 cm and wire diameter
from rest at a constant rate to a speed of 20 ft/sec. is 0.65 cm.
What is the resultant force on the car due to this A. 1.058 C. 1.185
acceleration? B. 1.10 D. 1.2
A. 1000 Ibf C.3000 Ibf
B. 2000 Ibf D.4000 Ibf

91. A man weighs himself in an elevator. When the SUBMIT THIS TEST QUESTION SET TO YOUR
elevator is at rest, he weighs 185 pounds; when the WATCHERS. BRINGING THE TEST QUESTION SET
elevator starts moving upwards, he weighs 210 DISCIPLINARY ACTION.
pounds. How fast is the elevator accelerating,
assuming constant acceleration?
A. 1 ft/sec? C. 4.35 ft/sec?
B. 2.17 ft/sec2 D. 9.81 ft/sec?

92. A copper column of annular croSS section has an

Outer diameter d2 of 15 ft and ls subjected to a force
of 45 klps. The allowable compresslve stress Is 300
Ib/f. What should be the wall thickness?
A. 3 C. 4.59
B. 3.52 D. 5.03
93. What can the maxirnum load be on the column, if
the cross sectional area is 144 ft2 and the
Compressive stress cannot exceed 200 lb/ft2?
A. 20 kips C. 28.8 kips
B. 22 kips D. 30 kips

94. A 100 in. long aluminum bar is subjected to tensile

stress of 25,000 psl. Find the elongation. ( E= 10x
105 psi)
A. 0.025 in C.0.45 in
B. 0.25 in D.0.65 In

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