Animal Fat Bact To Table
Animal Fat Bact To Table
Animal Fat Bact To Table
William Barendse
CSIRO Animal, Food and Health Sciences, 306 Carmody Road, St Lucia, Qld 4067, Australia.
School of Veterinary Science, University of Queensland, Gatton, Qld 4343, Australia.
Abstract. Humans hunt or raise a wide variety of animals for meat, which vary from free-range to intensively reared. These
animals form a valuable part of human nutrition. Their tissues, including the fat, contain vitamin and other essential nutrients
necessary for health. However, animal fat from ruminants and other land mammals is usually regarded as saturated. The
purpose of this review is partly to examine the basis for the saturated fat hypothesis of cardiovascular disease given more
recent research, to examine the human health effects of animal fats, and partly to draw into one place the diverse knowledge
about animal fat and the effects of fat on metabolism. Mechanistic understanding of the initiation of the fatty streak and
atherosclerosis calls into question the avoidance of ruminant or porcine fat. Due to high levels of oleic acid, a low n-6 : n-3
fatty acid ratio in some groups, and the presence of specific micronutrients including vitamins and essential fatty acids, animal
fats are of benefit in human nutrition. Animal fats can be obtained in minimally processed form making them a convenient
source of energy and micronutrients.
Additional keywords: cardiovascular disease, docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), ketogenic, obesity, saturated fat.
Submitted 13 December 2013, accepted 27 March 2014, published online 5 May 2014
Introduction agents in chronic disease. Many observers have noted that the
What butter and whiskey will not cure there’s no cure trend of usage of animal fats has been in the opposite direction to
for – Irish Proverb the rise in CVD or obesity (Yudkin 1957; Antar et al. 1964;
Kritchevsky 1976; Enig et al. 1978; Blaxter and Webster 1991;
‘For example, in Framingham, Mass, the more saturated fat one Eisenmann 2003; Carlson et al. 2011; Chapman et al. 2011).
ate, the more cholesterol one ate, the more calories one ate, the Furthermore, with the discovery of the effects on CVD of
lower the person’s serum cholesterol.’ – William Castelli, 3rd industrial trans fats, animal fats have made a resurgence in the
Director of the Framingham Heart Study (1992). popular literature, on the internet, and in low carbohydrate diet
Humans have used animals and animal products for food books (Taubes 2001, 2007). The diet wars of the 1960s and 1970s
including fish, seafood, insects, birds, reptiles, and mammals have reappeared (Yudkin 1964; Keys 1971), with a renewed focus
since time immemorial. These are either caught wild, are on the effects of sucrose and fructose in obesity, CVD, cancer and
harvested as free-range animals, or are raised at varying type 2 diabetes as opposed to fat (Miller et al. 2011; Hoenselaar
degrees of intensity for a wide range of markets. They are a 2012; Lustig et al. 2012; Basu et al. 2013). There is a renewed
source not only of nutrition but also of gustatory pleasure, and popularity of low carbohydrate high fat diets, as well as the
many are symbols or are eaten during special occasions. But, with scientific study of them (Foster et al. 2003; Volek et al. 2003;
high rates of cardiovascular disease (CVD) and, more recently, Yancy et al. 2004). Indeed, it now appears that genes contribute
high rates of obesity in the West, first fat of all kinds and then to whether one will drop out of a low calorie diet depending on
saturated fat have been put under the microscope as aetiological whether it is low fat or high fat (Grau et al. 2009). Despite these
William Barendse is a senior principal research scientist at CSIRO Animal, Food and Health Sciences and an adjunct Professor in the School of
Veterinary Science, the University of Queensland. Bill was born in Cape Town, South Africa, came to Perth as a teenager, and finished a Bachelor’s
Degree in Science in the Zoology Department of the University of Western Australia. That led to a PhD in the same department, in Genetics and Systematics of
the species Mygalopsis, with Mike Johnson. A Macquarie University Fellowship followed, to study the human disorder pre-eclampsia with Des Cooper,
which introduced him to Molecular Genetics and Linkage Analysis. That led to a position in Rockhampton with CSIRO Tropical Animal Production to
make a linkage map of the cow, in Jay Hetzel’s group. The cow maps acted as the seed for the genome sequence and genetic history of the cow, to which he
contributed. He and his group have been involved in the mapping of genes affecting production traits of cattle. These include the Calpastatin gene for
meat tenderness. Since 1994, he has been studying marbling of beef and fatness of cattle, which has led almost inexorably to this review. He has authored
or co-authored more than 140 refereed articles in the primary scientific literature.
changes in society, high quality food has always featured animal CISFA (Couvreur et al. 2006) and would raise serum cholesterol
fats because of their taste and during the past 40 years there has despite butter having a total of more than 60% SFA. Butter differs
been no deviation from that practice (Escoffier 1921; Bocuse from other animal fats in having a large amount of short- and
1988; Carluccio and Contaldo 2012). The purpose of this review medium-chain SFA, which are rapidly oxidised by the liver
is to investigate whether there are any health benefits in putting instead of being stored in adipose tissue or transported by
animal fats back on the table. lipoprotein cholesterol particles (Bach and Babayan 1982;
One justification for the unrestricted use of animal fats is DeLany et al. 2000) – the amount of palmitate in butter is
the archaeological, ethnographic, and historical evidence that similar to other animal fats. The distinguishing features of
for 1–2 million years before the invention of agriculture humans most animal fats, compared with most plant oils, is the low
were omnivorous hunter-gatherers consuming animal tissues variability in proportion of palmitate to the total amount of
including fat (Richards and Trinkaus 2009; Sponheimer and FA, compared with the large range in proportion of other FA,
Dufour 2009; Stiner and Munro 2011; Ungar and Sponheimer the relatively large proportion of FA with odd number of carbons
2011). Some humans still occupy this niche, and their hunting and in the acyl backbone or with variable numbers and locations of
gathering habits have been documented (Murdock 1967; Cordain unsaturated bonds, and the low to very low levels of n-6
et al. 2002a; Rouja et al. 2003). Organs and fat were generally polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA), especially in ruminant fat.
preferred to lean meat by these hunter-gatherers who were well
aware of the value of eating animal fat: the side effects of eating
only lean meat have been replicated in the laboratory and they The effects of fat on human blood lipids
include diarrhoea and unsatisfied hunger (Stefansson 1912; Fat and cholesterol are carried by chylomicrons and lipoprotein
McClellan and Du Bois 1930; Phinney 2004). During human cholesterol particles in circulation, and because serum cholesterol
evolution, how much fat was eaten on a daily or yearly basis is a has been associated with risk of CVD, fat intake has been
matter for speculation, and would depend on a host of factors. implicated in CVD, although detailed analyses show results
Given the nausea limit in human responses to large amounts of fat contrary to this expectation. The effect of different FA on the
(Man and Gildea 1932), one suspects as much fat as could be average TSC of the sample, its sub-fractions, fasting
stomached. These ancestral patterns of food use do not prescribe triacylglycerides (FTG) and the number and size of low
any particular modern diet or lifestyle but they do show the likely density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-C) particles have been
human nutritional adaptations and responses to food, and point to determined on largely inactive people in studies in metabolic
the nutrients that need to be obtained from food (Cordain et al. wards. The description of these average changes in TSC and FTG
2005; Lindeberg 2009). have been studied for more than 50 years, they are well known and
are predictable using the Keys equation (Man and Gildea 1932;
Saturated fat and cardiovascular disease Havel et al. 1955; Ahrens et al. 1957; Havel 1957a, 1957b; Keys
et al. 1957, 1965; Albrink and Man 1959; Kuo and Carson 1959;
The degree of saturation of animal fat Grande et al. 1970; Acheson et al. 1988; Tholstrup et al. 1994a,
Although animal fats are described as saturated and containing 1994b; de Roos et al. 2001; McDevitt et al. 2001; Mensink et al.
cholesterol, apart from butter and some fatty fish, animal fat 2003; Matthan et al. 2004; Chapman et al. 2011; Miller et al.
is best described as monounsaturated either by content or by 2011). These changes can be summarised by saying, first, that
function (Table 1) for its effect on serum cholesterol. First, dietary substituting MUFA and stearic acid for starch causes no change
cholesterol makes a second order contribution to serum in the average serum cholesterol of a population sample,
cholesterol, that is, its effect is proportional to the square root although LDL-C concentration decreases while high density
of dietary intake, leading to minor changes in serum cholesterol, lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL-C) concentration increases.
its importance has been debunked, and it has long been ignored in Second, average serum cholesterol is increased as the
prediction of CVD risk (Keys et al. 1965, 1974). Second, as can be proportion of CISFA increases and is decreased as the
seen from the table, the major component of the triacylglycerol proportion of PUFA increases. The increases due to CISFA
(TAG, triglycerides) of animal fat is monounsaturated fatty acid are twice the size of decreases due to PUFA for each unit of
(MUFA), mostly oleic acid, irrespective of how solid the fat is at CISFA or PUFA. Third, HDL-C and FTG of an individual are
room temperature, and in some cases oleic acid consists of more inversely related, so high FTG is usually correlated with both
than 50% of all fatty acids (FA). Even when oleic acid is less than low HDL-C and a pattern of low fat plus high carbohydrate
50% of all the FA, there are other MUFA and FA that do not affect intake. High FTG is strongly correlated with small dense LDL-C,
overall serum cholesterol. As an example from one of the hardest to expanded waistlines and to other features of the metabolic
animal fats, approximately only 27% of tallow from pasture-fed syndrome, which is strongly predictive of increased risk of CVD
beef is cholesterol-increasing saturated fatty acid (CISFA) (Castelli 1986; Boerwinkle et al. 1994; Gardner et al. 1996;
(Yang et al. 1999b), i.e. chain length of 12–16 carbons, and Stampfer et al. 1996; Lamarche et al. 1997; Barrows and Parks
which would raise serum cholesterol, 1% is polyunsaturated, ~4% 2006; Roberts et al. 2008). While serum cholesterol and,
is conjugated linoleic acid (CLA), and the rest is either MUFA or particularly, LDL-C concentrations of the individual are used
is the saturated fatty acid (SFA) stearic acid that causes the same to calculate risk of CVD, of more importance to the mechanistic
effect on total serum cholesterol (TSC) as MUFA (Keys et al. development of CVD is the size and number of LDL-C particles in
1965; Grande et al. 1970; Bonanome and Grundy 1988; Tholstrup circulation and the composition of cholesteryl-esters (cf. below).
et al. 1994a, 1994b; de Roos et al. 2001; Mensink et al. 2003). By An overview of fat and cholesterol transport is shown in Fig. 1
comparison, in butter from pasture-fed cows, 42% of the fat is and shows five major phases that are each affected by dietary and
Table 1. Percentage fatty acid composition of a range of fats and oils
SCF, subcutaneous fat. Other, dependent on species, mainly other monounsaturated fatty acids and small amounts of long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA) and odd-numbered SFA in land animals,
conjugated linoleic acid in ruminants, and long-chain n-3 PUFA in salmon
Animal fats back on the table
Fatty acid <C12:0 C12:0 C14:0 C16:0 C18:0 C18:1 C18:2 (n-6) C18:3 (n-3) Other Reference
Butter pasture 10.8 3.5 10.9 24.3 11.2 21.6 1.26 0.70 15.74 Couvreur et al. (2006)
Butter corn silage 11.9 3.8 11.8 31.0 10.3 19.4 1.55 0.22 10.03 Couvreur et al. (2006)
Beef SCF pasture – – 3.3 23.4 11.1 43.6 0.70 0.42 17.48 Yang et al. (1999b)
Beef SCF feedlot 100 days – – 3.4 26.2 13.7 41.7 1.00 0.13 13.87 Yang et al. (1999b)
Deer bone marrow – – 0.8 16.3 4.7 54.1 2.35 1.49 20.20 Cordain et al. (2002b)
Antelope SCF – – 3.6 24.0 34.3 24.1 1.73 1.14 11.13 Cordain et al. (2002b)
Elk SCF – – 5.5 34.7 23.3 17.5 1.61 1.12 16.18 Cordain et al. (2002b)
Free-range pig backfat – – 1.1 19.0 8.1 56.4 8.73 0.56 6.11 Rodríguez-Sánchez et al. (2010)
Wild boar intramuscular fat – – 0.9 24.0 10.3 41.1 12.04 0.42 11.24 Razmaite et al. (2011)
Free-range chicken – – 0.8 26.5 6.3 39.6 14.40 1.64 10.76 Givens et al. (2011)
Intensive chicken – – 1.1 21.3 6.0 36.8 22.87 3.75 8.18 Givens et al. (2011)
Intensive duck intramuscular fat – 0.4 0.5 23.4 7.5 43.5 13.49 0.64 10.57 Chartrin et al. (2006)
Atlantic salmon (farmed-fed fish meal) – – 4.2 12.6 2.4 12.0 2.39 1.19 65.22 Sanden et al. (2011)
Corn/soy stick – – – 10.5 7.8 48.4A 27.8 2.5 3.0
635/2 (verified 20 March 2014)
Canola Harvest soft spread – 1.5 0.1 9.2 2.3 54.3 18.0 8.4 6.2
10038/2 (verified 20 March 2014)
Canola oil – – – 4.2 1.5 58.6 21.4 10.9 3.4 Ackman and Sebedio (1981)
Cocoa butter – – – 26.2 35.8 33.6 2.7 0.8 0.9 Lipp et al. (2001)
Coconut oil 21.3 48.2 14.6 6.9 2.0 4.5 1.4 0.1 1.0 Bézard et al. (1971)
Olive oil – – – 12.1 2.7 71.8 10.2 0.7 2.5 Van Niekerk and Burger (1985)
Palm oil – – 1.1 43.7 4.5 39.3 10.1 0.2 5.3 Van Niekerk and Burger (1985)
Peanut oil – – – 11.2 3.7 41.1 35.5 0.1 8.4 Van Niekerk and Burger (1985)
Shea butter – – – 3.4 40.8 46.3 6.6 0.1 2.8 Di Vincenzo et al. (2005)
Soybean oil – – – 9.5 4.9 21.9 52.6 7.9 3.2 Van Niekerk and Burger (1985)
Sunflower oil – – – 6.1 5.6 19.3 67.0 0.1 1.9 Van Niekerk and Burger (1985)
One-third of this was trans C18:1.
Animal Production Science
834 Animal Production Science W. Barendse
Fig. 1. The main dietary influences on the transport of fatty acids in the body. Bold arrows represent transport of lipids, either in lipoprotein cholesterol particles or
bound to albumin. Narrow arrows represent transport of carbohydrate or polar lipids dissolved in serum. Blue arrows represent increases in proteins or particles
relevant to blood cholesterol resulting from dietary manipulation. SFA, saturated fatty acid; MUFA, monounsaturated fatty acid; PUFA, polyunsaturated fatty
acid; NEFA, non-esterified fatty acid; UFA, unsaturated fatty acid; LC, long-chain; CLA, conjugated linoleic acid; CHO, carbohydrate; DNL, de novo lipogenesis;
TRLR, triglyceride-rich lipoprotein remnant; TAG, triacylglycerol (triglycerides); FTG, fasting triglycerides; apo, apolipoprotein; HDL-C, high density
lipoprotein cholesterol; LDL-C, low density lipoprotein cholesterol; VLDL-C, very low density lipoprotein cholesterol; LDLR, low density lipoprotein receptor;
LRP1, low density lipoprotein receptor-related protein 1; SCARB1, scavenger receptor B1; LPL, lipoprotein lipase.
genetic factors. These phases are (1) the entry of FA into remnants and from that synthesised in the liver, requires apoB-
enterocytes and the formation of chylomicrons, (2) the 100, apoC, and apoE for transport (Utermann 1988). As these
transport of fat and cholesterol via chylomicrons in the mature to LDL-C, the apoC and apoE proteins and cholesterol are
circulation to tissues, (3) the processing of chylomicron lost to HDL-C, leaving only apoB-100 as well as progressively
remnants by the liver and the formation of very low density depleted LDL-C (Chapman et al. 2011). The longer the LDL-C
lipoprotein cholesterol (VLDL-C) in the liver, (4) the transport particle stays in circulation the smaller and denser it becomes.
of fat and cholesterol via VLDL-C and its remnant, LDL-C, to HDL-C is part of the reverse transport of cholesterol, carrying it
tissues, and (5) the release of FA from adipocytes to be carried on back to the liver where it is recycled (Fielding and Fielding 1995).
albumin to tissues via the blood (Chapman et al. 2011). Starting Particles with apoE are taken up faster than particles with only
with the enterocytes, for cholesterol and fat transport, the HDL-C apoB, because apoB can only be processed by the LDL receptor
fraction requires apolipoprotein (apo) A series molecules and the (LDLR) (Ishibashi et al. 1994). Thus chylomicrons and VLDL-C
huge chylomicrons require apoB-48, apoC and apoE (Utermann have a faster level of clearance from the circulation than
1988; Chapman et al. 2011). After being carried to all tissues via LDL-C. Finally, when insulin levels decline, fat stored in
the circulation the remnants of chylomicrons are processed by the adipocytes is released as non-esterified fatty acids (NEFA, also
liver. Dietary FA shorter than 12 carbons are not carried by free fatty acids) transported on albumin (Cahill 2006; Hodson
chylomicrons but are dissolved in blood and carried to the liver via et al. 2008; Marinou et al. 2011).
the Portal vein (Bach and Babayan 1982). At the liver, the VLDL- The characteristic LDL-C particle number and LDL-C particle
C fraction, composed of fat and cholesterol from chylomicron size distribution of an individual are affected by both genetics and
Animal fats back on the table Animal Production Science 835
diet. Each LDL-C particle has a single apoB molecule associated concentration of LDL-C per mL of blood is a combination of
with it, and apoB expression is affected by insulin flux and the both the number of LDL particles per mL and the amount of
amount of lipid in the liver (Elam et al. 1999; Veniant et al. 1999), cholesterol contained in each particle. That is, a particular LDL-C
and so APOB gene expression and hence the number of LDL-C concentration of the blood could be made up of many particles
particles is partly driven by carbohydrate intake. It is also each containing a small amount of cholesterol or few particles
inversely related to the amount of apoE in circulation (Smit each containing a large amount of cholesterol. However, what
et al. 1988; Utermann 1988), and although there is a major counts for heightened risk of CVD is the number of LDL particles
genetic effect on apoE expression due to variation at the per mL in circulation rather than LDL-C concentration per se
apolipoprotein E (APOE) coding sequence, apoE expression is (Sniderman et al. 2012). Two individuals with the same LDL-C
positively correlated with dietary cholesterol, oestrogen and SFA can have vastly different risks for CVD if one has many small
(Utermann et al. 1979; Srivastava 1996; Srivastava et al. 1996). dense particles with small amounts of cholesterol while the other
There are three overall patterns of LDL-C particle size has far fewer particles each carrying much larger amounts of
distribution in humans, stable pattern A is biased to larger less cholesterol. LDL-C particles come in a range of densities. The
dense particles, stable pattern B is biased to smaller denser larger the LDL-C particle the higher the concentration of free
particles, and unstable pattern A, where individuals have cholesterol and lipid, the lower the concentration of protein and
pattern A at high fat levels and pattern B at low fat levels cholesteryl-esters, the younger it is, and the longer it takes either
(Campos et al. 1995; Krauss and Dreon 1995; Dreon et al. for the apoB on the surface of the particle to be glycosylated, or
1999). Stable pattern B is governed by mutations at the LDLR for the particle to cross the vascular endothelium or to oxidise
(Austin et al. 1988; Nishina et al. 1992; Zhu et al. 2007), which (Tribble et al. 1992; Reaven et al. 1994; Younis et al. 2013).
causes delays in LDL-C clearance resulting in smaller, denser
particles. Unstable pattern A is due to variation at the APOE locus,
where the e4 allele requires high fat levels to show pattern A The development of cardiovascular disease
(Dreon et al. 1995; Krauss and Dreon 1995), and reductions in Plaque formation and atherosclerosis, which is at the heart of
LDL-C due to low fat diets are not accompanied by reductions in CVD, is mechanistically initiated by the peroxidation of PUFA in
number of LDL-C particles. This is partly because the apoE*E4 the cholesteryl-esters of LDL-C, and the first evidence of this was
protein has a higher affinity for low-density lipoprotein receptor discovered 60 years ago (Glavind et al. 1952). The favoured
related protein 1 as well as for VLDL-C than the E2 and E3 PUFA for incorporation into cholesteryl-esters is linoleic acid
proteins (Egert et al. 2012), so chylomicrons are cleared at a (C18:2 n-6), the most common n-6 PUFA (Esterbauer et al.
faster rate and VLDL-C matures to LDL-C at a faster rate and so 1992). Restricting PUFA in the diet and providing high levels of
over its lifespan a lipoprotein cholesterol particle will be in the oleic acid results in its replacement in cholesteryl-esters by oleic
LDL-C form for longer for carriers of this allele. acid, the latter of which does not peroxidise (Nestel et al. 1992;
High levels of CISFA cause the strongest increase in LDL-C Abbey et al. 1993; Sandker et al. 1993; Reaven et al. 1994). The
particle size but unsaturated lipids also appear to maintain PUFA-based cholesteryl-esters of LDL-C are peroxidised when
increased LDL-C particle size but to a lesser extent (Dreon they cross the endothelium, resulting in stepwise damage to
et al. 1998; Kratz et al. 2002). Stable pattern B individuals apoB-100 on the surface of the LDL-C particle, which results
respond to an increase in CISFA by increasing the number of in the LDL-C particle being taken up by macrophages, where the
small dense LDL-C particles in circulation, as seen by an increase cholesterol accumulates (Brown and Goldstein 1983; Steinberg
in apoB levels (Krauss and Dreon 1995), because the genetic et al. 1989; Esterbauer et al. 1992; Stocker and Keaney 2004).
lesion is a reduction in recycling of LDL-C particles. Discordance The resulting foam cells form the basis of the atherosclerotic
between LDL-C and apoB concentrations in the blood is plaque. HDL-C particles act as antioxidants in this cascade, and in
an indicator of these differences in LDL-C pattern, and addition, do cross the vascular endothelium and accept
discordance in apoB and LDL-C affects strongly the risk of cholesterol from foam cells, reversing the process, returning
CVD, with apoB level being the more accurate indicator cholesterol to the liver where it is converted to bile salts
(Dreon et al. 1995, 1998; Sniderman et al. 2012). (Brown and Goldstein 1983; Fielding and Fielding 1995). The
Unsaturated fatty acids (UFA) are known to increase the smaller HDL3 particles are most efficient at this process, and
expression of the LDLR gene and, in addition, long-chain n-3 their numbers are increased through consumption of CISFA
and n-6 PUFA and CLA increase the availability of the LDLR (Nestel et al. 1992; Kontush et al. 2003). This mechanism
protein compared with CISFA (Fernandez and McNamara 1989; explains to some extent why HDL-C is an independent risk
Yu-Poth et al. 2005; Dorfman and Lichtenstein 2006). This is factor to LDL-C for CVD (Castelli et al. 1986; Stampfer et al.
consistent with the well known reduction of LDL-C concentration 1996; Chapman et al. 2011; Miller et al. 2011). Antioxidants such
with increased UFA. A similar effect is expected for dietary as Vitamins E and C can slow the damage, but they only delay
stearic acid because its effects on serum cholesterol fractions are the peroxidation on the scale of minutes not hours (Esterbauer
not statistically significantly different to that of oleic acid, it is et al. 1992), consistent with the demonstrated weak effect of
associated with a reduction in concentration of apoB-100, and it antioxidant use in cohort trials and the failure of antioxidant
is rapidly converted to oleic acid in the liver where the LDLR gene therapy to control atherosclerosis in random control trials (Jha
is expressed (Bonanome and Grundy 1988; Tholstrup et al. et al. 1995; Knekt et al. 2004). Once the plaque forms,
1994a; Mensink et al. 2003). inflammatory immunological processes are engaged (Stocker
Although LDL-C concentration of the blood is the most and Keaney 2004), and anti-inflammatory and anti-platelet
common risk factor used in prediction of CVD, the treatment can reduce the risk of vascular death (Bousser et al.
836 Animal Production Science W. Barendse
2011). The tendency for LDL-C to cross the vascular endothelium et al. 2011). Average longevity, a key statistic in comparisons of
is increased if it is small dense LDL-C. High levels of CISFA are different diets and lifestyles, does not increase when SFA is
important when they increase the number of small dense LDL-C replaced by either carbohydrate or UFA (Hooper et al. 2011).
molecules, otherwise the damage is done by peroxidation of Nevertheless, these surveys have extra-ordinary statistical power,
PUFA, and both factors can be rescued by having MUFA as covering many hundreds of thousands of people. Any association
the dominant FA. to SFA that is seen is variable and only at the very highest levels of
consumption, which is consistent with the known mechanisms of
the effect of CISFA on LDL-C structure in some individuals.
The epidemiology of cardiovascular disease On the other hand, very high body mass index (BMI: kg/m2) is
and saturated fat reliably and consistently linked within populations to all forms
These factors help to explain the success of the traditional of CVD (Keys et al. 1980; McGee and Diverse Populations
Mediterranean diet and lifestyle, which has been described as Collaboration 2005), a marker of increased food consumption or
largely lacto-vegetarian (Keys 1995). The Mediterranean diet and decreased movement. Indeed, waist circumference and waist to
lifestyle as originally described, is a high lipid (40% of total hip ratio are stronger physical correlates to CVD than BMI by
calories) low protein (10%) diet based on olive oil, vegetables, itself (de Hollander et al. 2012) and the relative risk of a large
fruit, whole-grain cereals and legumes, wine, nuts, full fat cheese, waist circumference easily exceeds the relative risk found for high
fish, and meat, especially pork fat and offal (Keys et al. 1970; consumption of SFA and is similar to being in the top quintile
Keys 1995). The fat in this specification is dominated by MUFA, for non-HDL-C or the bottom quintile for HDL-C (Chapman
with low levels of linoleic acid (2% of total calories), a ratio of n-6 et al. 2011; Hooper et al. 2011). In food overconsumption
to n-3 PUFA of ~2, and with modest levels of SFA (8% of total studies, excess fructose rather than excess glucose leads to an
calories) (Keys and Kimura 1970; Keys et al. 1970, 1980). Given increase in intra-abdominal fat and hence expanded waist
the composition of olive oil and other plant oils, this suggests a circumferences (Stanhope et al. 2009).
substantial part of the lipid (perhaps a third) was from animal The within-cohort argument against animal or saturated fat
sources. What counts is degree of adherence to that traditional became much weaker once the effects of trans fats in margarines
Mediterranean diet and lifestyle (de Lorgeril et al. 1994, 1999; derived from partial hydrogenation of C18 PUFA in vegetable
Trichopoulou et al. 2003; Scarmeas et al. 2006; Féart et al. 2009; oils were separated from animal fats. Animal fats and margarines
Sofi et al. 2012), no single food group is the magic bullet, although had initially been grouped together in analyses, as representatives
there was evaluation of which particular factors are critical that of fats that were solid at room temperature. These margarines
might alleviate the effects of a Western diet and lifestyle (Keys contained substantial amounts of elaidic acid (C18:1 trans 9)
1980; Hertog et al. 1993; Sandker et al. 1993; Evans et al. 1995; (Hunter 2001; Hayes and Pronczuk 2010). The effect of industrial
de Lorgeril et al. 2002). trans fat on risk of heart disease is powerful, the dose response
Altering the effects of large amounts of SFA on serum predictable (Hu et al. 1997), the results marked (Willett et al.
cholesterol by replacing it with large amounts of PUFA to 1993; Dorfman et al. 2009; Mozaffarian et al. 2009), and
control TSC and reduce CVD, which was the subject of a industrial trans fats are the only fat to double the risk of
large random controlled trial (Multiple Risk Factor CVD, all other fats change the risk by a small percentage.
Intervention Trial Research Group 1982), was not envisaged Consequently, cities in the United States have banned trans
as an option to control CVD and was explicitly criticised fats from publically prepared food (http://www.nbcnews.
before it was performed (Keys et al. 1974). The trial was com/id/16051436/ns/health-diet_and_nutrition/t/new-york-city-
unsuccessful because it showed no significant change in rates passes-trans-fat-ban/#.UVpxVBm8yTw, accessed 1 April 2014).
of CVD in the trial versus the control sample. Worryingly, this In effect, C18 trans MUFA, derived from the partial
trial showed increased rates of cancer in the test group compared hydrogenation of C18:2 and C18:3 PUFA, show decreased
to the control (Blaxter and Webster 1991). Indeed, although HDL-C but similar LDL-C levels to CISFA (de Roos et al.
treatment of CVD has greatly improved over the last 50 years, 2001; Matthan et al. 2004), which explained to some extent
the incidence has stayed the same over that time and reductions the previously observed emergence of a pattern of low HDL-C,
in serum cholesterol have played a small (11%) role in postponing high LDL-C and high FTG seen in some populations (Castelli
deaths from CVD (Hunink et al. 1997; Ford et al. 2007; 1986). Many margarines have a large amount of PUFA, which
Gouda et al. 2012). Smaller trials showed some progress in would contribute to peroxidisable cholesteryl-esters, providing
treating CVD where the lipid composition approximated that a double hit. Indeed, once trans fats were controlled, risk of
of the Mediterranean diet by providing to participants rapeseed CVD declined with increased number of beef, lamb, and pork
(canola) oil hydrogenated to a margarine that was dominated by stews consumed per week, implying a beneficial effect of
MUFA, with more SFA and a lower ratio of n-6 to n-3 PUFA than these animal fats on CVD (Willett et al. 1993). Many
olive oil (de Lorgeril et al. 1994, 1999). manufacturers now create margarines with lower trans fat
Although they can be flawed, nutritional surveys have found levels through interesterification of completely hydrogenated
little evidence to link reported fat consumption of any kind and fats and unhydrogenated oils (Hunter 2001; Hayes and
CVD within countries (Siri-Tarino et al. 2010), and meta- Pronczuk 2010). But there is always some level of trans fat
analyses of random controlled trials have shown small or due to the refinement of vegetable oils, while there would still
no benefit to replacing saturated fat with carbohydrate or be a high level of linoleic acid (Table 1).
unsaturated fat (Multiple Risk Factor Intervention Trial Most of the epidemiological evidence for the role of fat in
Research Group 1982; Micha and Mozaffarian 2010; Hooper CVD comes from comparisons between countries and from the
Animal fats back on the table Animal Production Science 837
changes in food usage over time within countries. As noted above, of the year while the West Finland cohort was centred near Turku
if one were to use the evidence of changes in food usage, then and included a substantial proportion of Swedes (Karvonen et al.
animal fat consumption declined and plant oil consumption 1970). During winter the rations were reduced to milk and other
increased as CVD and obesity rates increased, which argues dairy products, bread, and potatoes with small amounts of other
against the role of animal fat in CVD or obesity (Yudkin foodstuffs (Roine et al. 1958), hardly well balanced but hardly a
1957; Antar et al. 1964; Oddy and Yudkin 1969; Kritchevsky death sentence, given the benefits of dairy product consumption
1976; Enig et al. 1978; Eisenmann 2003; Carlson et al. 2011; for CVD and the metabolic syndrome (Evans et al. 1995; Elwood
Chapman et al. 2011). Comparisons between countries are et al. 2010; Livingstone et al. 2013). Indeed, there was little
controversial, called ecological comparisons, because many difference between East and West Finland in their diets, apart
factors change from one country to the next, and such from a small increase in diversity in the West, and reduced vitamin
comparisons result in incorrect inferences due to correlations C, vitamin E, and iodine in the East. Finnish researchers in the
based on mean values (Robinson 1950; Evans 2011). Moreover, 1950s suspected differences in iodine and subsequent goitre as a
the early ecological comparison of six countries was criticised for likely cause of the difference in CHD between the two Finnish
biased selection of countries, which had led to the reporting of samples (Roine et al. 1958; Uotila et al. 1958). Hypothyroidism is
very strong relationships between fat and CVD (Keys 1953; a known cause of elevated FTG with decreased particle size of
Yerushalmy and Hilleboe 1957; Yudkin 1957). Nevertheless, the VLDL fraction (Nikkilä and Kekki 1972; Abrams et al. 1981;
much of the prestige of the argument against SFA is based on a Castelli 1986), although these days vitamins C and E would also
later version of that ecological comparison, the Seven Countries be thought important due to their antioxidant effects (Esterbauer
study, in which individuals within 16 cohorts were evaluated, et al. 1992). Fourth, the East Finland cohort was centred on the
which showed that within each cohort, smoking, blood pressure, town of Ilomantsi, 3 km from the Finno-Russian border in an area
and serum cholesterol were each important risk factors for CVD in which Russians had seized territory and displaced Karelians
(Keys et al. 1980). Importantly, however, food intake of each had been repatriated by the Finnish government to other parts of
individual was not measured, but gross food composition was Finland (Karvonen et al. 1970). While the report stated that the
determined for a representative sample of 30–50 households, cohort itself consisted of a minimum of displaced persons, the
and then cross-cohort correlations were made between average stress associated with such events, which may have involved
nutrient composition and average rates of CVD (Keys et al. 1980). family members, should not be underestimated. Stress is a well
This was justified on the basis of the known relationship between known factor in CVD, especially stress where one is powerless to
average fat composition of a ration and average serum cholesterol alter events (Marmot et al. 1997). None of the other cohorts
of individuals consuming that ration – that individual cholesterol experienced a similar event associated with the Second World
values are too variable for accurate inference (Keys et al. 1980). War. Last, Karelians are a minority ethnic group and have one of
Indeed, the first study of serum cholesterol and atherosclerosis the highest frequencies of the APOE e4 allele in Europe (Fullerton
at autopsy had shown no correlation between individual values et al. 2000). The APOE gene shows a North/South cline in the
for these two variables (Lande and Sperry 1936). The Seven frequency of the e4 allele in Europe, evidence of natural selection,
Countries study is the basis for the Mediterranean diet and while the lowest frequencies of e4 of any population are found on
lifestyle. the islands and shores of the Mediterranean (Corbo and Scacchi
What are the alternative explanations for the extremely high 1999; Singh et al. 2006; Lappalainen et al. 2010). Carriers of
rates of CVD that occurred in the East Finland cohort in the Seven the e4 allele have a 40% increased risk and homozygotes for this
Countries study (Keys et al. 1980), if one were to assume that they allele have approximately double the risk of CHD compared
were not due to SFA. There, the East Finland cohort had the with the APOE e3 homozygotes in Western countries (Menzel
highest proportion of saturated fat in the diet and nearly twice the et al. 1983; Song et al. 2004; Mooijaart et al. 2006). While it may
incidence of coronary heart disease (CHD) compared with any be coincidental that the age-adjusted death rates for CHD in
other cohort, the SFA derived mainly from milk fat. The overall East Finland and Crete were very similar to the frequencies of
ration also had low levels of linoleic acid as a proportion of homozygotes for APOE e4 in these two cohorts, APOE genotype
calories and a low ratio of n-6 to n-3 FA (Keys and Kimura 1970; has been shown to affect CHD in the East and West Finland
Keys et al. 1970). First, the West Finland cohort had the same populations of the Seven Countries study (Stengard et al. 1995).
median TSC value as the East Finland cohort (Keys et al. 1970; The response of APOE e4 to SFA versus MUFA is significantly
Stengard et al. 1995) but had only a third the rate of age adjusted different to the response of APOE e3, with SFA-dominated fats
CHD compared with the East Finland cohort. Furthermore, West resulting in a substantially elevated LDL-C profile for this allele
Finland had a higher average TSC than the Zutphen (Netherlands) (Moreno et al. 2009; Egert et al. 2012). Given that APOE e4 is
or US Railroad cohorts, and the same or more SFA as a proportion ancestral (Hanlon and Rubinsztein 1995; Fullerton et al. 2000),
of calories than either of those, but less CHD than either may be a thrifty allele (Corbo and Scacchi 1999) and that the East
Zutphen or US Railroad. Second, the East Finland cohort had Finland population was actually consuming the most calories per
the most calorie intake per kilogram bodyweight, but this was kilogram bodyweight, there is evidence of a genetic component to
not substantially greater than West Finland. East Finland did the observations and the differences between cohorts. Obviously,
consume 32% more calories per kilo bodyweight than the Crete there would be other genes involved in blood lipids and response
cohort (lowest CHD rate), and although both consumed ~40% of to fat consumption, not just APOE but would also include
calories as fat, this implies substantially more fat in total (Keys mutations such as the Karelian form of the LDLR gene
et al. 1970). Third, the East Finland cohort was located in Karelia (Vuorio et al. 1997), which would have a role in differences
(Keys et al. 1958), then an isolated and icebound region for most between populations (Teslovich et al. 2010). Taken together, any
838 Animal Production Science W. Barendse
or all of these factors could be working to explain this ecological importance of fat soluble vitamins is extremely well known, with
comparison. recommendations to consume less fat and less animal tissues
Perhaps the final word on fat and cholesterol should be given to on the one hand or absence of these foods in some developing
William Castelli (see quote at the beginning) on individuals living countries on the other hand, vitamin supplementation is often
in the real world. In the real world there is only a tenuous link at needed.
best between consumption of SFA and serum cholesterol, with The fat and other tissues of a wide variety of land animals, not
other factors overriding the relationship. For example, ‘The just oily fish, contain long-chain n-3 PUFA (Table 2). Given the
two factors that jump to mind are exercise and weight. In pollution of the ocean by methyl mercury, ocean fish consumption
Framingham, for example, we found that the people who ate needs to be modulated to achieve the benefits of eating oily
the most cholesterol, ate the most saturated fat, ate the most fish (Mozaffarian and Rimm 2006). These PUFA are part of
calories, weighed the least, and were the most physically active’ the phospholipid fraction, hence their presence in substantial
(Castelli 1992). As noted at the start, the more SFA consumed the amounts in tissues such as brain, liver, and egg yolks. Long-chain
lower the serum cholesterol, and in the Framingham Heart study n-3 PUFA have a wide range of well attested health
(Castelli et al. 1986), not only did lower serum cholesterol and benefits, primarily in brain development in young children and
lower BMI equate to lower risk of CVD, but higher HDL-C, as an important modulator of immune system function, especially
consistent with higher consumption of SFA, was shown to have the inflammatory response (Simopoulos 1991). As inflammation
protective effects. is central to many chronic disorders of aging and obesity, this
subject is important and is regularly reviewed (MacLean et al.
2006; Schmitz and Ecker 2008; Simopoulos 2008; Nicholson
Components of animal fat with known health benefits et al. 2013). Although a-linolenic acid (C18:3 n-3) is found in
The most important health benefit of fat is that it is a carrier for the leafy green vegetables, some nuts and some oil seed, it appears
vitamins A, D, E, and K and the precursors b-carotene and that only animals or algae can synthesise the long-chain n-3
cholesterol. The transport of these into the body partly through PUFA docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) and eicosapentaenoic acid
active transport and passive diffusion in fat has been recently (EPA) (Sprecher 2002). The sequence of reactions and rate-
reviewed (Reboul and Borel 2011). Deficiency disorders for limiting steps are shown in Fig. 2. The human metabolism has
these vitamins are well known, blindness, rickets, and bleeding a trivial ability to increase DHA given extra a-linolenic acid in
disorders are the well attested results of frank deficiency, but the diet (Bézard et al. 1994; Brenna 2002; Burdge and Calder
low levels of these vitamins are associated with bone weakness, 2005; Harper et al. 2006), although levels of DHA in the serum of
osteoporosis, calcification of the arteries, CHD, type 2 diabetes, self-reported vegans is higher than expected, which if accurate
depression and other mental disorders (Rimm et al. 1993; suggests regulation of DHA levels and enhanced endogenous
Schaafsma et al. 2000; Holick 2007; Beulens et al. 2010; synthesis of DHA in the absence of dietary intake (Welch et al.
Flore et al. 2013). Animal tissues, especially organs such as 2010). The starting ratio of shorter-chain n-6 to n-3 PUFA in the
the liver and adipose tissue, and dairy products are a valuable diet largely determines the ratio of longer-chain PUFA that are
source for several of these fat soluble vitamins. Although the synthesised, and the ratio stored in tissues or cholesteryl-esters is
Table 2. Amount of tissue from a range of representative animal sources to provide 250 mg of essential long-chain n-3 fatty acids
Amount is the amount of tissue required to obtain 250 mg of long-chain n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids in the diet consisting of varying ratios of docosahexaenoic
acid (DHA), eicosapentaenoic acid and n-3 docosapentaenoic acid depending on species and tissue
n-3 synthesis n-6 synthesis and inflammatory diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis and
inflammatory bowel disease (Godley et al. 1996; Harvei et al.
ALA 18:3 (9,12,15) LA 18:2 (9,12) 1997; Gogos et al. 1998; Simonsen et al. 1998; Yang et al. 1999c;
delta-6 desaturase
rate limiƟng step
Simopoulos 2008; Murff et al. 2011). Intake of many types of fat
18:4 (6,9,12,15) GLA 18:3 (6,9,12) have been examined, with a suggestion of a threshold of n-6
elongase PUFA, and reduced rates of disease for fats or oils low in n-6
20:4 (8,11,14,17) 20:3 (8,11,14) PUFA, including animal fat (Zock and Katan 1998; Freedman
delta-5 desaturase
et al. 2008; Alexander et al. 2010; Brennan et al. 2010; Dong et al.
EPA 20:5 (5,8,11,14,17) AA 20:4 (5,8,11,14) 2011; Gilsing et al. 2011; Liu et al. 2011; Psaltopoulou et al.
2011; Chajes et al. 2012). Moreover, supplementation with long-
DPA 22:5 (7,10,13,16,19) 22:4 (7,10,13,16) chain n-3 FA fails where there are high rates of consumption of
n-6 PUFA. Many plant oils have OMR >10, some with OMR
24:5 (9,12,15,18,21) 24:4 (9,12,15,18)
delta-6 desaturase
>100 (Table 1). It has been estimated that the general
rate limiƟng step? consumption in Western countries is OMR ~15, while more
24:6 (6,9,12,15,18,21) 24:5 (6,9,12,15,18)
peroxisomal traditional diets have much lower OMR, and the traditional
-oxidaƟon Greek diet, on which the Mediterranean diet was modelled,
rate limiƟng step DPA 22:5 (4,7,10,13,16)
DHA 22:6 (4,7,10,13,16,19) had an OMR of 2–4 (Keys and Kimura 1970; Keys et al.
Fig. 2. The steps in synthesis of long-chain n-3 and n-6 polyunsaturated fatty 1970; Simopoulos 2008). In general, for the shorter 18-carbon
acid (PUFA) in mammalian tissues. Humans have a trivial ability to synthesise n-3 and n-6 FA, animal fat can have much lower OMR than plant
DHA from ALA (see text). The main rate-limiting steps apply to both n-3 and oils, especially if their rations are low in n-6 PUFA. For longer-
n-6 PUFA. The last rate-limiting step involves the translocation of PUFA chain n-3 and n-6 FA the ratio also depends on the tissue and the
from the endoplasmic reticulum to the peroxisomes. Degradation usually species. Ruminant fat has low PUFA due to bio-hydrogenation in
occurs backwards to the previous PUFA in the pathway, except for 24 : 6 (n-3) the rumen, and from animals on pasture has OMR 2 (Table 1)
and 22 : 6 (n-3), the latter of which degrades to either 22 : 5 (n-3) or 20 : 5 (n-3). and increased levels of a-linolenic acid, which suggests that
ALA, a-linolenic acid; LA, linoleic acid; GLA, gamma-linolenic acid; EPA,
ruminant fat has a role in reducing not just the amount of n-6
eicosapentaenoic acid; AA, arachidonic acid; DPA, docosapentaenoic acid;
PUFA but also the OMR. However, the West and other countries
DHA, docosahexaenoic acid. Information taken from Sprecher (2002).
with high rates of obesity have high rates of these diseases, and
being obese greatly increases the risk of these disorders including
therefore a reflection of the intake ratio of these fats (Zock et al. increased rates for higher levels of intra-abdominal fat (Connolly
1997). Nevertheless, there is human genetic variation in the genes et al. 2002; Key et al. 2004; Pischon et al. 2008; Renehan et al.
of these pathways, which bias processing towards n-3 PUFA over 2008). In overfeeding, it is primarily dietary fat that is stored, due
n-6 PUFA (Tanaka et al. 2009). High levels of circulating long- to the high metabolic cost of converting dietary glucose to lipid
chain n-3 PUFA, especially DHA, therefore, generally requires a in humans, ~0.33 Mj per Mj of lipid deposited, although some
dietary source in humans, essentially from fat of other animals, samples of obese people showed a greater ability to convert
with evidence of little additional benefit beyond a threshold carbohydrate to fat than non-obese people (Acheson et al.
intake of ~250 mg per day (Mozaffarian and Rimm 2006). 1988; Pasquet et al. 1992; McDevitt et al. 2001; Stanhope
EPA is interconverted to DHA via the intermediate n-3 et al. 2009). So analyses of the fat of obese individuals will
docosapentaenoic acid (DPA) but not from n-6 DPA, and n-3 usually show a high ratio of n-6 to n-3 fat in countries where seed
DPA is a long-chain PUFA found in ruminant tissues. However, oils are the dominant source of lipids. This acts to confound the
the ratio of the n-6 to n-3 PUFA in the tissue depends largely on analysis. Is it just that increased food consumption has resulted in
the food source of the animal, with grass-fed ruminants having higher BMI, which of itself predisposes the individual to these
approximately a 2 : 1 ratio of n-6 to n-3 FA, much lower than for disorders, or is it truly the type of fat? Mechanistic studies of
grain-fed ruminants (Yang et al. 1999b; Couvreur et al. 2006; n-3 and n-6 fats show their role in respectively inhibiting and
Sinclair 2007), compositional effects seen in other species as well promoting inflammation and tumour growth (Xia et al. 2005;
(Sinclair et al. 2010). Given the decline and pollution of fisheries Kobayashi et al. 2006), while high levels of n-6 fats may inhibit
(Costello et al. 2012; Halpern et al. 2012) there are other ways of the action of delta-9 desaturase (Yang et al. 1999b), critical for
ensuring a sufficient amount of long-chain n-3 PUFA, especially desaturating SFA. So while controlling bodyweight may be the
since many populations, perhaps under the advice to cut back on more important strategy, reducing the level of n-6 PUFA to bring
saturated fat have reduced their consumption of animal fat and down the OMR of the diet appears worthwhile.
are deficient in DHA and EPA (Givens 2010). Better data on In addition to long-chain n-3 PUFA, ruminant fat contains
DHA, n-3 DPA, and EPA concentrations in a variety of animal various types of CLA, a series of bioactive compounds with well
tissues under different management systems would be welcome. known positive effects on human health. CLA are derived
The ratio of n-6 to n-3 PUFA (OMR) in animal fats may make from PUFA in animal feed that had been bio-hydrogenated in
an important contribution to human health although it is not the rumen. Most of the CLA in the animal’s tissues are from
clear whether these are all direct effects or whether they are partial vaccenic acid (C18:1 trans-11) absorbed from the rumen that is
effects due to food overconsumption and obesity. Several studies converted to the CLA rumenic acid (C18:2 cis-9 trans-11) by the
have shown that a high OMR in tissues or cholesteryl-esters is host through the action of delta-9 desaturase, and a minor
associated with several diseases including cancers such as component of the CLA is produced by the rumen flora and
prostate, bowel and breast cancer, CVD, autoimmune diseases absorbed by the host as one of a range of CLA (Griinari and
840 Animal Production Science W. Barendse
Bauman 1999; Pariza et al. 2001). The richest source is ruminant result of improved diet quality may reduce risk of colon cancer
milk fat (Parodi 1997), but CLA are found in all ruminant fat (Steinmetz and Potter 1991; Van Munster et al. 1994; Mathers
depots including substantial amounts in bone marrow (Cordain et al. 2012). Although most butyrate from dairy fat is absorbed
et al. 2002b), a traditional source of food for pre-agricultural from the small intestine and metabolised in the liver, there is clear
humans (Morin 2007). CLA is produced from both n-6 and n-3 speculation about the potential role of dairy butyrate in not just
PUFA, so animals on grain versus pasture do not produce less colon but other cancers, not by surviving into the large colon
CLA, just the kind of CLA is altered. On grain compared with but by increased levels delivered via the circulation (Parodi
pasture, most of the CLA is still cis-9, trans-11 C18:2 but there is a 1997, 2004). The human health effects of dairy derived
reduction of trans-11, cis-13 C18:2 and an increase in trans-7, cis- butyrate, ceramide, and sphingomyelin, as well as other minor
9 C18:2, trans-10, cis-12 C18:2, and cis-9, cis-11 C18:2 (Daley components of animal fat, have not been extensively studied.
et al. 2010; Aldai et al. 2011). This is apparently due to changes in
the bacterial composition of the rumen in response to changes in
pH as a result of the amount of fibre and energy density of the feed Health effects of fat as a macronutrient
(Daley et al. 2010). These CLA isomers have different 3-D and energy source
structures and there is some evidence for different biological Calorie restriction, not lipid restriction, has been shown to affect
activities, with the cis-9, trans-11 C18:2 isomer seen as the most longevity in a wide range of species (Fontana et al. 2010) but
beneficial (Pariza et al. 2001). This CLA isomer is synthesised longevity studies of humans by humans are obviously impractical
directly by humans from vaccenic acid (trans-11 C18:1), through (Hursting et al. 2010), the benefits are questioned relative to
the action of delta-9 desaturase in the liver and other tissues. CLA sanitation and modern medicine (Everitt and LeCouteur 2007),
came to prominence in screens to find carcinogenic molecules and a recent trial in primates failed to find an effect (Mattison
in grilled steak (Ha et al. 1987), and they were targeted because et al. 2012). It is well known that a low fat, low protein whole-
they are trans fats. However, it proved to be one of the most anti- plant diet, when supplemented with the essential nutrients
carcinogenic molecules in cell culture assay. In addition, due to vitamin B12 and long-chain n-3 PUFA, has been associated
the concern with trans fats of industrial hydrogenation, especially with reduction of the thickness of cardiac arteries (Ornish
elaidic acid, any trans fat receives a great deal of interest, and the et al. 1998). While this gives enormous prestige to low fat
health benefits of CLA have been thoroughly studied and whole-plant diets, reduction of the thickness of cardiac arteries
intensively reviewed (Parodi 1997; Pariza et al. 2001; Dilzer can also be achieved using calorie restriction of a high quality
and Park 2012). A wide range of favourable health outcomes diet, including meat, eggs, and dairy products, thereby consuming
have been found, including anti-cancer and anti-obesity effects, animal fat (Fontana et al. 2004, 2007). Furthermore, starvation
improvements in glucose tolerance, cardiovascular health, bone itself also causes a reduction in thickness of cardiac arteries
density, immune system function and inflammation, and gut in addition to generalised tissue wasting, as was found in the
health. Much of this work is now focussed on CLA as a Minnesota Semistarvation Experiment of humans. There, a more
pharmaceutical preparation or food additive, consisting of the than 50% reduction in calories to an extremely low fat ration of
main isomers cis-9, trans-11 C18:2 and trans-10, cis-12 C18:2, root vegetables, cabbage, cereals, and a few grams of animal
with dosages from 0.5 to 7 g per day (Dilzer and Park 2012). Given protein per week also showed substantial negative physical
the concentration of CLA in dairy foods or ruminant fat, and physiological effects (Keys 1950; Taylor and Keys 1950).
therapeutic doses of CLA could be obtained from moderate In calorie-restricted individuals, when protein was reduced to
consumption (e.g. 100 g of full fat matured cheese) of dairy maintenance levels and replaced isocalorically with other
products or ruminant fat (Fogerty et al. 1988; Mushtaq et al. macronutrients, the level of insulin-like growth factor-1
2010). (IGF-1) dropped substantially (Fontana et al. 2008). This
There are minor components of animal fat that have unverified longevity marker, which is associated with cancer, diabetes,
human health benefits (Parodi 1997, 2004). In animals, fat is a and dementia, including Alzheimer’s disease (Paolisso et al.
metabolically active energy store, as adipose tissue, or a nutritive 1997; Arai et al. 2001; Carro et al. 2002; Trejo et al. 2002;
substance, as in milk. Apart from the major TAG and NEFA that Longo and Finch 2003; Pollak et al. 2004; Carro and Torres-
constitute the fat, there are minor components of the fat such as Aleman 2006; Fontana et al. 2010; Guevara-Aguirre et al. 2011;
phospholipids and sphingolipids that constitute part of the lipid Duron et al. 2012; Rajpathak et al. 2012), is raised the least by
structural element of cell membranes, the non-fat components lipids and most by protein consumption (Thissen et al. 1994).
of the adipocyte, or the fat micelles that constitute milk fat. A study of raw food enthusiasts consuming 40% of calories as
Few health benefits have been identified for these except that lipid and a maintenance level of 0.7 g/kg of protein (Rand et al.
phospholipids and sphingolipids do include long-chain n-3 2003), ~10% of calories, showed similar low levels of IGF-I
FA (Lehninger 1982). Pathways involving ceramide and without apparent calorie restriction (Fontana et al. 2008). This
sphingomyelin, components and downstream metabolites of macronutrient composition is similar to the original description of
sphingolipids, are known to be involved in several pathogenic the Mediterranean diet on Crete (Keys et al. 1970).
metabolic processes involved in cancer cell proliferation as well Although calorie restriction is a niche activity in the West,
as insulin resistance (Holland et al. 2007). Butyrate (C4:0), a there is some evidence of increased longevity for communities
short-chain SFA, forms a substantial part of dairy fat. Butyrate is that eat less food not less fat. Studies of the ‘Blue Zones’, areas of
generated by fermentation from plant fibre and resistant starch in the world with proven enhanced aging, increased proportions of
the colon of humans and is the preferred source of fuel for colon centenarians, and reduced morbidity from aging (Fraser and
cells (Scheppach 1994), and increased levels of butyrate as a Shavlik 2001; Poulain et al. 2004), show first a huge range in
Animal fats back on the table Animal Production Science 841
average fat consumption, from <10 to >40% of calories (Willcox (Hunter 2001), and the presence of long-chain PUFA. Second, in
et al. 2007, 2009; Appel 2008; Pes et al. 2013), relatively low a study of a large number of Swiss citizens, the small percentage
levels of protein, a diet that is plant-based but not vegan, with of individuals with great difficulty in passing faeces were
differences in staple foods and wide variations in the amount of statistically more likely to have a high fibre diet than a low
saturated fat consumed. The individuals generally consume fibre diet (Curtin et al. 1998). Although individuals on a high
substantially fewer calories than in the West, and have fat diet were less likely to report difficulty in passing faeces this
traditions of eating until one was not quite full. There is little was not statistically significant. Third, animal fat also contains a
evidence of deficiency in essential nutrients (Polidori et al. 2007; substantial proportion of stearic acid. Up to 20% of stearic acid,
Willcox et al. 2007; Buffa et al. 2010). It is by no means certain depending on the stereoisomeric location of the FA, is not
that the individuals are calorie restricted, and claims to that absorbed by the enterocytes compared with 0–2% for other FA
extent are a source of controversy, because the calorie and (Bracco 1994). The unabsorbed stearic acid will crystallise in the
protein intake in some of these groups is consistent with their lumen of the gut as the pH increases and be excreted as a calcium
smaller size (Keys and Kimura 1970; Willcox et al. 2007; Pes soap (Owen et al. 1995). This reduces the energy of the diet, and
et al. 2013). Nevertheless, these individuals consume on changes the consistency and increases the mass of the faeces
average substantially fewer calories than in the West, and less (Dougherty et al. 1995). This is not to argue that dietary fibre
than individuals in surrounding regions (e.g. Sardinia vs Italy, is unimportant, rather that dietary fibre is often not sufficient to
Okinawa vs Japan). Furthermore, despite the lower calorie intake, cure constipation and other ailments of the colon and rectum.
the individuals were far more physically active than the average in Constipation underlies many of the diseases of the bowel, and it is
the West, although their activity is not usually associated with long known to be a precursor to diverticulitis, varicose veins,
particularly hard work but instead represents activity all day long and haemorrhoids, among other disorders (Burkitt 1973; Cleave
(Fraser and Shavlik 2001; Willcox et al. 2009; Pes et al. 2013). Fat 1974). Colorectal cancer is related to diet quality, risk is reduced
appears not to be important in explaining increases in longevity in through the consumption of vegetables, fruit and resistant starch
these Blue Zones. Moreover, a study of Ashkenazi centenarians (Macquart-Moulin et al. 1987; Steinmetz and Potter 1991; Van
in the US showed that a non-significant smaller proportion of Munster et al. 1994; Archer et al. 1998; Topping and Clifton
the centenarians reported eating a low fat diet (Rajpathak et al. 2001; Mathers et al. 2012), and fat consumption has not been
2011) compared with an age-matched cohort from NHANES I – shown to be linked to its occurrence in large meta-analyses
the only statistically significant difference was that fewer of (Nelson et al. 1999; Liu et al. 2011). As an aside, colorectal
the men smoked. Eating less in the English-speaking West is cancer has been linked to red meat, preserved meat and beer
an unpalatable recommendation that goes against centuries old consumption, which may implicate methods of preparation
traditions of ‘eat, drink and be merry, for tomorrow you die’, and preservation of food involving known factors such as
entrenched overconsumption of food, and the social prestige of nitrosamines and heterocyclic amines (McMichael et al. 1979;
large amounts of lean meat (Dickson Wright 2011). Potter 1999; Aune et al. 2013; Egeberg et al. 2013).
While fat per se is not negatively associated with longevity, The macroscopic structure of a fat and its stereoisomeric
it is positively associated with digestion and gut performance. composition of TAG and their abundances makes a substantial
Low fat high carbohydrate diets of a high glycemic index have difference to the organoleptic and processing characteristics of
been associated with symptomatic gall bladder disease (Tsai that fat (Bracco 1994), there are differences between species and
et al. 2005) likely due to reduced cycling of cholesterol between plants and animals (Hunter 2001), but whether these
through bile salt release. Although fat or oil are often stated make a substantial difference to health is not clear. A TAG is
as affecting gastrooesophagial reflux disease, a systematic review composed of a glycerol molecule covalently bound to three FA,
of the literature failed to find an effect of fat consumption numbered sn-1, sn-2 and sn-3 from the bottom to the top – which
(Dent et al. 2005). In addition, fat has a unique ability to can be imagined as a glycerol molecule displayed vertically on
stimulate colonic contraction, not found for carbohydrate or the left-hand side of a visual image with the three FA displayed
protein, and these contractions are essential to the voiding of horizontally, bound to the hydroxyl groups of the glycerol
faeces (Wright et al. 1980). Indeed, remedies for constipation molecule. The specific sn-x structures and varieties of TAG
before the Second World War recommended, in addition affect the properties of a fat. For example, beef tallow and
to ‘roughage’, water and the avoidance of diuretics, the cocoa butter have similar but not identical mouthfeel, and the
consumption of fat such as bacon fat, butter, or olive oil, property of melting on the tongue is due mainly to the reduced
especially if the faeces was small and dry (Hutchison 1936), types of TAG and their specific combinations in cocoa butter
and for spastic colon no fibre and large amounts of the above (Bracco 1994). During digestion, lipases hydrolyse the bonds at
listed fat was recommended. This is not a recommendation that the sn-1 and sn-3 position, resulting in a monoglyceride and two
is in any current medical guideline. Yet several pieces of evidence free FA, and the monoglycerides are taken up more efficiently.
show that it is valid. First, infants take in no fibre, so amount of However, this preference is only likely to affect monoglycerides
fibre is not a variable. Animal fats in the formula result in stools of stearic acid (Bracco 1994), since >99% of all the other FA
that are softer, larger, and that are easier to pass than plant fats are taken up irrespective of the sn-x position that they occur in.
(Forsyth et al. 1999), and babies also grow better when the source These monoglycerides preferentially form the backbones for new
of the fat is from animal rather than plant sources (López-López TAG in the host (Zock et al. 1996). Plant oils tend to have more
et al. 2001). The exact reasons for these effects are not known, but PUFA in the sn-2 position than animal fat (Hunter 2001), which
these effects are thought to be due partly to the characteristic would then result in PUFA being preferentially incorporated into
stereoisomeric structure of animal fats compared with plant fats reformed TAG in the individual. Given the discussion on a high
842 Animal Production Science W. Barendse
OMR and reactive oxygen species (see above and below) this addition, measurements on Western volunteers of both sexes
may have unfortunate effects on stored and structural lipid in the show the generation of ketone bodies a few hours after moderate
individual. Stereoisomeric modifications of palmitic acid in a to high fat meals if no snacks are taken (Marinou et al. 2011).
normal diet in adults appeared to make no significant difference to As blood glucose and insulin levels gradually decline after a
the HDL-C or LDL-C concentrations in the blood (Zock et al. meal, levels of NEFA increase in the circulation, and the
1995). However, in a review of the literature on interesterification, ketone bodies acetoacetate and b-hydroxybutyrate start to rise
(Hayes and Pronczuk 2010) report that a large amount of stearic (Cahill 2006; Hodson et al. 2008; Marinou et al. 2011). The
acid in the sn-2 position had negative effects on the relative HDL- metabolism of ketone bodies requires less oxygen to generate
C and LDL-C profile. As stearic acid is generally not found at high the same physiological output and generates fewer free radicals
frequency in the sn-2 position in natural fats, and is usually (Sato et al. 1995), so is less damaging to tissues (Halliwell
considered as hypocholesterolemic (see above), they considered 2006), than the metabolism of serum glucose. In the presence
this a concern for manufactured fats. Furthermore, they report of both serum glucose and ketone bodies, less glucose is used
that interesterified fats alter the HDL-C and LDL-C ratios and (Kashiwaya et al. 1994) suggesting that the body will protect
concentrations in the serum of both infants and piglets away from its glucose sources in the presence of ketone bodies. In these
the pattern seen when they are fed their mother’s milk (Hayes and mild ketotic states, the amount of acetocarnitine and ubiquinone-
Pronczuk 2010), which generally has SFA at the sn-2 position 10 (Coenzyme Q10), the latter through its obligate relationship to
(Hunter 2001). This is a concern given the known improvement the uncoupling proteins, are increased in tissues including the
in growth of infants on animal versus plant fats (López-López liver, heart, brain, and skeletal muscle (Pearson and Tubbs 1967;
et al. 2001). Finally, the overall structure of a fat may affect McGarry et al. 1975; Echtay et al. 2000; Sullivan et al. 2004).
its digestion. For example, butter is a water-in-oil emulsion, These are two important anti-oxidants in the body whose levels
compared with the lipid contents of the gut, which after appear to decline with age and are associated with the decline of
secretion of bile, becomes an oil-in-water emulsion. This has function of mitochondria due to age-related oxidative damage
been hypothesised to explain the result of a shorter period of (Shigenaga et al. 1994; Hiatt 2001).
elevated lipemia after a meal using butter compared with olive High fat low carbohydrate low to moderate protein diets, often
or sunflower oils, with an increased number of chylomicrons called ketogenic diets, have been shown to reverse the metabolic
and faster processing of chylomicron remnants, a positive syndrome and non-alcoholic fatty liver disease without
physiological result (Mekki et al. 2002). The alternative medication and address a range of other biological indicators
explanation is that the cholesterol and SFA in butter increased (Hite et al. 2011; Peréz-Guisado and Munoz-Serrano 2011a,
the expression of apoE (see above), resulting in more 2011b). These diets have not only led to weight loss without
chylomicrons that were processed more efficiently by the direct calorie restriction they have resulted in improvement in
body. Animal fats as a constituent of adipose or muscle tissue the risk factors associated with CVD when animal and other
or dairy products and plant fats or oils in the form of nuts, seeds or fats are used (Foster et al. 2003; Volek et al. 2003; Herron et al.
oily fruits are absorbed slowly compared with refined cooking 2004; Sharman and Volek 2004; Volek and Sharman 2004;
oils or fats added to food, due to the structures and digestibility of Yancy et al. 2004, 2010; Brinkworth et al. 2009; Sacks et al.
the items (Berry et al. 2008; Damasceno et al. 2011; Michalski 2009). Moreover, trials of ketogenic diets in the treatment of
et al. 2013; Garcia et al. 2014). final stage cancer patients and in experimental systems (Tisdale
Where lipids are the overwhelming energy source then there et al. 1987; Breitkreutz et al. 2005; Zuccoli et al. 2010; Ho et al.
is substantial generation of ketone bodies, and there are 2011; Klement and Kaemmerer 2011; Schmidt et al. 2011; Chang
some benefits to be had from the metabolism of ketone bodies et al. 2013) have occurred, with some interesting results of
(Veech et al. 2001; Volek et al. 2008). The ketone bodies reduction in tumour size, reduction of cachexia, or delay of
b-hydroxybutyrate and acetoacetate are deliberately generated initiation of cancer. Ketogenic diets continue to be used to
from FA and are not a consequence of incomplete glucose treat some classes of epilepsy (Freeman et al. 1998; Kossoff
metabolism via the tricarboxylic acid cycle (Krebs 1966; et al. 2006; Neal et al. 2008), and have been suggested for other
Krebs et al. 1971). These are a form of energy from fat that is mental disorders or dementias including Alzheimer’s disease
directly soluble in aqueous solution rather than either being and Parkinson’s disease (VanItallie and Nufert 2003; Kim
carried as NEFA attached to albumin or TAG carried via et al. 2007; Kossoff and Hartman 2012). A random controlled
serum cholesterol or chylomicrons, and are the only metabolite trial of an additive to the normal diet, AC-1202, consisting of
from FA that can be directly metabolised by the brain (Cahill short- and medium-chain TAG derived from coconut oil and
2006). In a further parallel to serum glucose, levels of ketone that are metabolised to ketone bodies, has shown some
bodies are regulated by insulin, so that a pulse of higher levels improvement in Alzheimer’s disease sufferers from ketone
of ketone bodies increases insulin thereby reducing release of body production (Henderson et al. 2009). Therapeutic doses
lipid from adipocytes (Hawkins et al. 1971). It is thought that were 20 g per day, which generated similar levels of ketone
ancestral human diets would have generated ketone bodies for bodies to a low carbohydrate diet. Butter fat consists of >10% of
parts of the day or for days (Krebs et al. 1971; Veech et al. 2001; short-chain FA and a further 15% of the medium-chain SFA
Volek et al. 2008), because they are metabolites associated with of C12:0 and C14:0, which are rapidly oxidised in the liver
starvation (Cahill 2006). Although levels of serum ketone bodies (Bach and Babayan 1982; MacDougall et al. 1996; DeLany
have not been measured in traditional hunter-gatherers, there is et al. 2000) and would therefore generate increased levels of
evidence from contemporary study of some hunter-gatherers of ketone bodies in a high fat but not necessarily low carbohydrate
absence of food for days (Stefansson 1912; Marlowe 2005). In diet.
Animal fats back on the table Animal Production Science 843
Finally, at the opposite extreme, consumption of large combinations of fish meal. Some research suggests that farmed
amounts of sugar, refined carbohydrate and food fish such as salmon have the ability to generate their own long-
overconsumption in general can lead to obesity, high serum chain n-3 PUFA when the diet is limiting (Sanden et al. 2011).
glucose and hyperinsulinaemia. The effects of high serum Approximately 35–45% of chicken and other poultry fat is
glucose and hyperinsulinaemia, hall marks of type 2 diabetes, MUFA, between 22 and 27% of the fat is CISFA, 13–26% of
are well known and are associated with a wide range of chronic fat is PUFA depending on species and method of rearing, but there
diseases of Western civilisation (Kuusisto et al. 1997; Xu et al. can be large changes in long-chain n-3 PUFA if the ration contains
2004; Friberg et al. 2007; Xue and Michels 2007; Johnson et al. higher levels of a-linolenic acid (Chartrin et al. 2006; Jia et al.
2009; Orgel and Mittelman 2013). High serum glucose is 2010; Givens et al. 2011). In pigs there are smaller changes in
functionally related to the glycosylation of protein, which stearic acid, MUFA and PUFA with different rations and
increases the rate of aging of tissues. High serum glucose is genotypes than in chickens but CISFA are ~27% of the fat and
also functionally related to the increased glycosylation of small can as low as 21% for free-range pigs (Rodríguez-Sánchez et al.
dense LDL-C and subsequent damage to apoB-100 molecules 2010; Razmaite et al. 2011; Barea et al. 2013). The value of the
within the blood stream (Younis et al. 2013), contributing OMR is dependent on the food source. Interestingly, genetic
to atherosclerosis. Serum glucose is needed for cancer cell modification of pigs with the nematode delta-3 desaturase results
growth, as cancerous cells are switched to obtaining energy in animals with a lower OMR even if fed diets high in n-6 PUFA
from aerobic glycolysis, the Warburg effect. Cancerous cells (Ren et al. 2011). This has not yet been reported in other food
use the intermediates of the glycolytic pathway to generate animal species.
FA and other biosynthetic intermediates within the cell so as Ruminants have low levels of PUFA in their fat due to bio-
to generate cell membranes and organelles and thereby allow cell hydrogenation of dietary PUFA (Doreau and Ferlay 1994)
growth and division, and this is what most of the glucose is although there are differences in ruminants in the amount of
used for (Warburg 1956; Wang et al. 2012). Paradoxically, these oleate depending on genetics and feed source (Yang et al. 1999a).
cells do not derive much energy from either ketone bodies or One of the major effects on ruminant fat is the ratio of stearate to
b-oxidation of FA, irrespective of the circulating level of oleate, which depends on the location of the fat within the body:
FA. Carbohydrate sources vary in their ability to maintain high the closer to the surface the higher the oleate and the lower the
serum glucose and promote insulin resistance, with recent stearate (Meng et al. 1969; West and Shaw 1975; Morin 2007;
research showing that fructose, and by association sucrose, Staerfl et al. 2011). Despite the difference in total SFA between
have a much higher ability to promote insulin insensitivity free-range chicken, pig and ruminant fat, they contain very similar
and, consequently, a prolonged elevation in serum glucose levels of CISFA, in a range ~25%. Although the level of PUFA in
than glucose itself (Stanhope et al. 2009). Individuals respond ruminant fat is much lower than in monogastric fat, the OMR is
differently to these two factors, leading to correlations between still dependent on the ration or type of feed, with lower OMR
disorders. For example, diabetic individuals are more likely achievable on feed if higher levels of n-3 fats are used (Bobe et al.
to have CVD, or a cancer, or either vascular dementia or 2007). Changing the OMR in ruminant feed will affect the OMR
Alzheimer’s disease (Stamler et al. 1993; Luchsinger et al. of PUFA available for human consumption, and this would be a
2001). Non-diabetic individuals with Alzheimer’s disease are benefit. Whether the feeding of cattle in feedlots will grow or
more likely to have high serum glucose and hyperinsulinaemia, decline in the future will be affected by a range of factors including
even though BMI is not associated to Alzheimer’s disease. Some amount of methane produced per kilogram meat produced, the
of these disorders have historically been blamed on high fat cost of feedlot rations compared with the cost and requirement
consumption using evidence from ecological comparisons, but for biodiesel and other fuels, and the availability of rangeland for
the evidence from high fat ketogenic diets (cf. above) suggests pasture for ruminants.
instead that these disorders are due to food overconsumption The palatability of animal foods is affected by the amount and
rather than fat overconsumption. Obviously, animal fat is not a composition of its fat, but at present, in Western countries like
panacea for all ills, but avoidance of animal fat is no panacea Australia, a lot of emphasis is placed on reducing the amount of
either. fat in livestock. Palatability and eating quality of meat is related
to increased fat content, as reported in tests of consumers, but
consumers in many Western countries actively select leaner cuts
Recommendations for animal industries when meat is presented raw (Wood et al. 1999; Thompson 2004;
If humans are to consume animal fat then the best quality fat Dransfield et al. 2005; Polkinghorne and Thompson 2010; Utrilla
should be produced (Kelly et al. 2001; Tume 2004; Givens 2005; et al. 2010). Although it is suggested that this reduction in meat fat
Shingfield et al. 2013). This review suggests that this results in will improve human health, as this review has shown, this claim is
some clear selection and production/nutrition goals for animals. dubious. This demand for leaner meat has led to some distortions
These goals are that where possible animals should be produced in selection and production goals. From poultry to cattle, animals
with a low OMR, that long-chain n-3 PUFA should be increased, are selected for more meat and less fat (Abasht et al. 2006;
that higher levels of oleate or stearate and lower levels of palmitate Lagarrigue et al. 2006; Givens et al. 2011), and meat is presented
should be encouraged, but that increased n-6 PUFA content need with more fat trimmed from the cuts. This has led to fat being
not be encouraged. discarded and, in some cases, excess animal fat burned for fuel
The composition of the fat of monogastric animals is changed (Fairlie 2010), which is wasted production. Selecting animals
by the feed they eat. Farmed fish are known to have lower levels of for more meat, greater efficiency, greater productivity, and less
long-chain n-3 PUFA and many of the most valuable fish are fed fat has occasionally resulted in negative consequences for the
844 Animal Production Science W. Barendse
animals themselves, such as reductions in fertility and fecundity, Albrink MJ, Man EB (1959) Serum triglycerides in coronary artery disease.
dystocia, porcine stress syndrome, Rendement Napole, or skeletal Archives of Internal Medicine 103, 4–8. doi:10.1001/archinte.1959.
problems (Carlson et al. 1980; Hanset et al. 1982; Enfält et al. 00270010010002
1997; Grobet et al. 1997; Pitchford 2004). Changing the selection Aldai N, Dugan MER, Kramer JKG, Martinez A, Lopez-Campos O,
Mantecon AR, Osoro K (2011) Length of concentrate finishing affects
goal of more meat and less fat may well be intractable, however, as
the fatty acid composition of grass-fed and genetically lean beef: an
it is partly a response to consumer preference, and consumer
emphasis on trans-18:1 and conjugated linoleic acid profiles. Animal 5,
preference can take decades to change. 1643–1652. doi:10.1017/S1751731111000607
Nevertheless, it is not impossible for consumer sentiment to Alexander DD, Morimoto LM, Mink PJ, Lowe KA (2010) Summary
change, a newspaper article titled ‘Butter crisis spreads in and meta-analysis of prospective studies of animal fat intake and breast
Norway’ (Anonymous 2011) reported that due to a high fat cancer. Nutrition Research Reviews 23, 169–179. doi:10.1017/S0954422
low carbohydrate diet craze Norway ran out of butter in the 41000003X
lead in to the Christmas period. New formulations of products, Anderson KE (2011) Comparison of fatty acid, cholesterol, and vitamin A
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including animal fats and margarines made from edible animal ps.2010-01289
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2013) that previously had potato starch as stabiliser or
Antar MA, Hodges RE, Ohlson MA (1964) Changes in retail market food
vegetable shortening only. Prominent medical professionals supplies in the United States in the last seventy years in relation to the
are starting to say that it is better to control sugar, especially incidence of Coronary Heart Disease, with special reference to dietary
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controlling dietary saturated fat is irrelevant, so it may be that Nutrition 14, 169–178.
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these trends and need to take advantage of them when they arise, Circulation 118, 214–215. doi:10.1161/CIRCULATIONAHA.108.
because changing selection goals or production practises does not 788497
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from animals, not just from fish, but also from livestock of all Y (2001) Serum insulin-like growth factor-1 in centenarians: implications
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Archer SY, Meng SF, Shei A, Hodin RA (1998) p21(WAF1) is required
for butyrate-mediated growth inhibition of human colon cancer cells.
Acknowledgements Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, USA 95, 6791–6796.
I thank J. Henshall, D. Topping, and A. Yang for critically reading the doi:10.1073/pnas.95.12.6791
manuscript. Although the author has been supported by funds from Meat Aune D, Chan DSM, Vieira AR, Rosenblatt DAN, Vieira R, Greenwood DC,
& Livestock Australia, Dairy Australia, and the Beef Cooperative Research Kampman E, Norat T (2013) Red and processed meat intake and
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