Voltage Profile
Voltage Profile
Voltage Profile
132/33 KV (2x50MVA) GSS at Palasi
1. Section Project
2. GTR
3. LT Switchgear
4. LT Transformer
5. Surge Arrestor
6. Power & Control Cables
7. Control & Protection Panels
9. Circuit Breaker
10. Isolator
11. 33 KV Equipment Specification/ System Parameters
12. Air Conditioning System
13. Diesel Generator Set
14. Lighting System
15. Battery & Battery Charger
16. Switch Yard Erection
17. Instrument Transformers
18. Sub-station Structures
19. Clamps and Connectors
20. Hardware Fittings
21. Post Insulator
22. 132/33 KV, 50 MVA Power Transformer
23. 220/132/33 160 MVA / 200 MVA Auto Transformer
24. Civil Work
25. Fire fighting system
26. Tender drawings.
27. Sub Station Automtion System(SAS)
1.1 SCOPE:
Construction of 132/33KV Grid sub-station at Palasi (District Araria) of capacity 2x50
MVA at 132/33 KV level.
1.1 Connectivity :
The Proposed 132/33 KV Grid Sub-Station, at Palasi (District Araria) will have
connectivity as detailed below :-
(A) At 220 KV Level – N/A
(B) At 132 KV level- LILO of One circuit of 132 KV D/C Kishanganj (Old)- Forbisganj
transmission Line at Palasi GSS
(B) At 132 KV level - LILO of One circuit of 132 KV D/C Kishanganj (Old)-
Forbisganj transmission Line at Palasi GSS
(h) Air conditioning system with all accessories for connectivity with 5 years
(i) LT switchgear (AC/DC Distribution boards)
(j) 100kVA capacity DG Set (silent type) with additional 5 years AMC.
(k) 220V VRLA battery (500AH) & battery charger(60A/50A), 48V VRLA
battery (300AH) and battery charger(45A/30A)
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(l) 1.1 kV grade FRLS Power & Control cables along with complete accessories.
(m) Lattice and pipe structures(galvanised) for towers, beams, LM and
equipment support structures (excluding CB support structure which will be as
per manufacturer’s design). LM, 132kV Towers, Beams and equipment
support structures shall be as per BSPTCL Standard drawings.
(n) Bus post Insulators(including requirement for wave traps), insulator (Antifog)
strings and hardware, clamps & connectors suitable for Bus and Bays,
Aluminium tube, conductor, Bus bar and earthing materials, Bay marshalling
box, cable supporting angles/channels, Cable trays, Junction box, buried cable
trenches for lighting, PVC pipes for cabling etc.
(o) Complete lighting and illumination of the switchyard area, Control Room
building,Fire fighting pump house and street lighting including lighting for
approach road outside switchyard fencing and boundary wall etc.
(p) Complete earthmat including all associated works.
3.0 Before proceeding with the construction work of the new substations the Contractor
shall fully familiarize himself with the site conditions and General arrangements &
scheme etc. Though the Employer shall assist the contractor to the extent possible in
obtaining the required information, it shall not be binding for the Employer to provide
the same. The bidders are advised to visit the substation sites to acquaint themselves
with the topography, infrastructure, design philosophy and to collect required inputs
so as to assess the total requirement for completion of specified scope. The bidder
shall be fully responsible for providing all equipment, materials, system and services
specified or otherwise which are required to complete the construction and successful
commissioning, operation & maintenance of the specified scope in all respects.
All materials required for the Civil and construction/installation works shall be
supplied by the Contractor. The cement and steel shall also be supplied by the
The complete design (unless specified otherwise in specification elsewhere) and
detailed engineering shall be done by the contractor based on conceptual tender
4.0 The Contractor shall also be responsible for the overall co-ordination with
internal/external agencies, project management, training of Employer’s manpower,
loading, unloading, handling, moving to final destination including Employer
supplied material for successful erection, testing and commissioning of the
5.0 Design of substation and its associated electrical & mechanical auxiliaries systems
includes preparation of single line diagrams and electrical layouts, erection key
Technical Specifications for Construction of New Grid Sub-Stations Page | 5
diagrams, electrical and physical clearance diagrams, design calculations for Earth
mat, Direct Stroke Lighting Protection (DSLP), Bus Bar & Spacers, control and
protection schematics, wiring and termination schedules, design of firefighting
system, designs and drawings of civil works and structures including proto corrected
drawings for structures, indoor and outdoor lighting/illumination and all other
relevant drawings & documents required for engineering of all facilities to be
provided under this contract, are covered in the scope of the Contractor.
6.1 Any other item not specifically mentioned in the specification but which are required
for erection, testing and commissioning of the specified scope and satisfactory
operation of the substations are deemed to be included in the scope of the
specification unless specifically excluded.
7.0 Employer has standardised its technical specification for various equipments and
works for different voltage levels. Items which are not applicable for the scope of
these packages, the technical specification for such items shall not be referred to.
12.1 Mandatory Spares
Details of mandatory spares of major items has already been mentioned in Price
Schedule. The additional mandatory spares shall be included in the bid proposal by
the bidder. The prices of these additional mandatory spares shall be given by the
Bidder in the relevant schedule of PRICE SCHEDULE (Vol. I) and shall not be
considered for evaluation of bid. It shall not be binding on the Employer to procure
all of these additional mandatory spares.The bidder is clarified that no mandatory
spares shall be used during the commissioning of the equipment. Any spares required
for commissioning purpose shall be arranged by the Contractor. The un-utilized
spares if any brought for commissioning purpose shall be taken back by the contract.
The bidder shall include in his proposal the deployment of all special tools and
tackles required for erection, testing, commissioning and maintenance of equipment.
In addition to this, the Contractor shall also furnish a list of special tools and tackles
for the various equipment in a manner to be referred by the Owner during the
operation of these equipment.
14.0 Facilities to be provided by the Employer
14.1 Contractor has to obtain Auxiliary HT (33 or 11 KV) power supply from concerned
Discom at new sub-stations and LT supply (415 V) at existing sub-stations will be
made available on chargeable basis at a single point in the sub-station. The prevailing
energy rates of the state shall be applicable. All further distribution from the same for
construction supply shall be made by the contractor. However, in case of non
availability or failure of power due to any unavoidable circumstances, the contractor
shall make his own necessary arrangements like diesel generator sets etc. at his own
cost so that progress of work is not affected and Employer shall in no case be
responsible for any delay in works because of non-availability of power.
Note: 1. * indicates Sa 2 ½ as per Swedish Standard SIS 055900 of ISO 8501 Part-1.
2. Painting details of RTCC panels shall match with control and relay panels.
ii) 1 no. Under frequency relay (range: 47.5Hz to 52.5Hz) with df/dt feature shall
be provided for each line protection panel for 220kV, 132kV and 33kV. (If
under frequency relay function is provided in the E/F & O/C relay, then
separate U/f relay is not required.)
iii) One no. ABT type DLMS compliant Energy meter (suitable to operate as
non ABT or ABT mode at the descretion of BSPTCL/Employer) for each line
feeder, HV side & LV side of each Power transformer. The active energy (Wh)
measurement shall be carried out on a 3-phase, 4-wire principle with an
accuracy as per class 0.2 S of IEC-62053-22:2003. For reactive power(VAR)
and reactive energy(VARh) measurement, IEC-62053-23:2003 shall be
complied with. The accuracy of measurement of reactive energy shall be as per
class 2.
1 no. data collection device alongwith necessary software suitable for
commonly available PC shall be provided for each Sub-station.
g) 132kV Wave traps shall be suspension mounting type. 220kV Wave traps shall
be pedestal mounting type. However, this will be decided during final
h) In case of LILO lines, the scope includes shifting of existing PLCC equipment
from one end to the new sub-station as per requirement for one section of the
LILO line and provision of additional carrier terminal and protection coupler as
required for other section.
i) All HPSV/HPMV/Metal halide lamp fixtures shall be provided with wire-wound
ballasts. All fluorescent fixtures shall be provided with high frequency electronic
ballasts. The Ballasts shall be designed, manufactured and supplied in accordance
with relevant standard and function satisfactorily under site condition specified.
The ballasts shall be designed to have a long service life and power loss.High
frequency electronic ballasts shall be capable of satisfactory performance in
adverse environment like that of EHV substation. Ballasts shall cosist of AC/DC
convertor, high frequency power oscillator and low pass filter. The ballasts shall
be suitable for use of nominal voltage of 240V +/- 10%, 50 Hz supply. The filter
circuit shall suppress the feedback of high frequency signals to the mains. The
ballast shall be rated for 36/40W fluorescent fixtures. The ballasts shall confirm to
IEC 68-2-6FC, IEC 929 for performance, IEC 928 for safety and EN 55015, EN
55022A for RFI and EN 61003.
i. Power factor of fluorescent lamp fixtures with HF electronic ballast shall
not be less than 0.90 and that of High pressure Sodium Vapour, Mercury
Vapour and Metal Halide lamp fixtures shall not be less than 0.85.
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ii. The lighting fixtures for switchyard lighting shall be mounted on LMs
wherever LMs are provided. Where LMs are not available, the fixture may
be mounted on Gantry structures.
j) 2 nos. LT transformer of rating 315KVA, 33/0.433kV shall be used to feed the
substation auxiliaries These LT transformers should not be used for construction
k) At 132/33kV(new) sub-stations, the Lightning mast height shall be 40m (Lattice
structure: 37.5m; Spike:2.5m) irrespective of the height indicated in the model
l) Plinth height of gantry and equipment structures in case of extension of existing
sub-stations shall match with the existing foundations.
m) At existing sub-stations which are being extended under present scope, earthmat
design shall be based on measurement of soil resistivity to be taken in the
adjoining / nearby vacant area since correct soil resistivity value cannot be
obtained in the existing switchyard. In case of existing sub-stations, earthmat
design shall be done for entire switchyard area. However, earthmat shall be laid
only in the present bay area based on the design for entire switchyard and should
be connected to the existing earthing system.
n) In case of existing sub-stations, cutting in the floor, provision of channel/angle
frame for installation of C&R and PLCC panels including making good the floor
after the works shall also be in the scope of the contract.
o) Dismantling of existing structures and equipment including
interconnection/stringing wherever required are deemed to be included in the
scope of the contractor without any additional cost implication to BSPTCL even
though the same is not specifically mentioned in the bid document.
p) Wherever quantity and unit are indicated, the actual quantity erected shall be
considered for payment purpose; Wastage shall not be considered.
i) Civil construction drawings for the following shall be as per BSPTCL
ii) 220kV tower, LM and equipment foundations
iii) Fire fighting pump house except Fire water tank
iv) Concrete and Bitumen roads, road culverts
v) Cable trench section and cable trench crossings
vi) Cable trench sump pit
vii) Details of drain
viii) Fence and Gate (Structure & foundation)
ix) Rain water harvesting
x) Control room building for 132/33kV new sub-stations.
xi) Control room building for 220/132kV new sub-station .
All the civil design and drawings are in the scope of contractor.
q) One no. Marshalling kiosk shall be provided for two nos. of 33kV bays and one no.
marshalling kiosk shall be provided for each 220KV and 132KV Bays separately.
r) 50x6mm GS Flat shall be used in case of 33kV column, equipment & auxiliary
structures in place of 75x12mm GS flat specified at clause no. 8.4(b) & (c), Section-
Switchyard erection of model technical specification.
s) 4” IPS (EH type) Aluminium tubular bus conductor shall be used for equipment
interconnection wherever required as per layout drawing.
t) The HVW spray system shall be designed to have a pressure of 5.5 kg/sq.cm at 180
cu.m/hour (instead of 350 cu.m/hour indicated in the model technical specification) at
the farthest transformer location as per tender drawings. The total storage capacity of
two nos. water storage tanks shall be 320 cu.m above the pump casing instead of 420
cu.m indicated in the model technical specification. Only 4 nos. (instead of 10 nos.
indicated in the model technical specification) spare annunciations shall be provided
Technical Specifications for Construction of New Grid Sub-Stations Page | 10
for annunciation panels both in control room and pump house.The HVW spray pump
capacity required shall be 273 cu.m per hour instead of 410 cu.m per hour indicated
in the data sheet for Horizontal Centrifugal pumps under Section-Fire protection of
technical specification.
u) Soak pit capacity for transformers shall be 130% of volume of oil in the transformer.
Further, one 0.5 H.P. pump shall be supplied and installed by the contractor for each
transformer (220/132kV & 132/33kV) soak pit to evacuate firefighting/rain water
and oil from the sump pit to the nearest drain.
v) One 3 H.P. pump for cable trench sump pit and drain sump pit shall be supplied
and installed by the contractor.
w) The contractor shall submit LT switchgear single line diagrams ,scheme and GA
drawings fulfilling the same and other requirements as per Section-LT Switchgear
for Employer’s approval during detailed Engineering.
x) Supervision of erection, testing and commissioning of Transformers, Circuit
Breakers, Isolators, Control, relay & protection, PLCC, Battery Charger, and
SAS shall be done by service engineer of respective manufacturers.
y) Floor details for ACDB, DCDB, toilet and pantry shall be as per details in the
relevant clauses of Technical Specification.
The SAS network shall be designed with sufficient redundancy in the network to
avoid any problem in operation or data communication in case of outage of any
component of the SAS network viz. Ethernet switch / any element / component etc. or
due to malfunctioning. Although the SAS will not be affected due to outage of any of
the component as sufficient redundancy is being provided, the defective component/
segment shall be rectified / replaced within a week of the intimation.
Technical Specifications for Construction of New Grid Sub-Stations Page | 11
The Ethernet switch shall be managed type /Level-2 type with at-least 20% extra port.
The gateway shall be suitable for communication with multiple protocol i.e. Modbus,
IEC-61850 Edition-2, 101, 104, GPRS etc.
Auxilliary BCU shall be provided for other items viz. Battery Charger, ACDB,
DCDB etc.
Provision shall be made for cyber security of the complete system as per the
standards and the prevailing rules/ directives. Any other item (including VPN server
etc.) required for making provision of cyber security shall be provided by the
contractor without any extra cost.
All Software installed for SAS shall be tested as per the IEC/ Standards.
1.6 Frequency 50 Hz 50 Hz
1.8 Impedance
HV/LV impedance at 750 C :
Core-2 - - - -
d) Application
e) Max. magnetization
Current (at knee point
Core-2 - - - -
The Contractor shall provide a RCC Rail cum road system suitable to cater the load of
installation and the replacement of any failed unit . The transfer track system shall be suitable to
permit the movement of any failed unit fully assembled (including OLTC, bushings) with oil.
This system shall enable the removal of any failed unit from its foundation to the nearest road. If
trench/drain crossings are required then suitable R.C.C. culverts shall be provided in accordance
The Contractor shall provide a pylon support system for supporting the fire fighting
Each Autotransformer/Reactor including oil conservator tank and cooler banks etc.
shall be placed in a self-sufficient pit surrounded by retaining walls (Pit walls). The
clear distance of the retaining wall of the pit from the Autotransformer/Reactor shall
be 20% of the Autotransformer/Reactor height or 0.8m whichever is more. The oil
collection pit thus formed shall have a void volume equal to 130% volume of total oil
in the Autotransformer/Reactor. The minimum height of the retaining walls shall be
150 mm above the finished level of the ground to avoid outside water pouring inside
the pit. The bottom of the pit shall have an uniform slope towards the sump pit. While
designing the oil collection pit, the movement of the autotransformer must be taken
into account.
The grating shall be made of MS flat of size 40mmx 5mm placed at 30mm center to
center and 25mmx5mm MS flat at an spacing of 150mm at right angle to each other.
Maximum length of grating shall be 2000mm and width shall not be more than
500mm. The gratings, supported on ISMB 150mm, shall be placed at the formation
Technical Specifications for Construction of New Grid Sub-Stations Page | 17
level and will be covered with 100mm thick layer of broken/crushed/non-crushed
stone having size 40mm to 60mm which acts as an extinguisher for flaming oil.
Each oil collection pit shall be drained towards a sump pit within the collection pit
whose role is to drain water and oil due to leakage within the collection pit so that
collection pit remains dry.
Complete foundation shall be made of reinforced cement concrete and shall be
designed as per guidelines for design of foundations given in the specification.
The firewall shall have a minimum fire resistance of 3 hours. The partitions, which
are made to reduce the noise level, shall have the same fire resistance. The walls of
the building, which are used as firewalls, shall also have a minimum fire resistance of
3 hours.
The firewall shall be designed to protect against the effect of radiant heat and flying
debris from an adjacent fire.
The firewall shall extend 600 mm on each side of the Autotransformer/Reactors and
600 mm above the conservator tank or safety vent.
These dimensions might be reduced in special cases, as per the approval of owner
where there is lack of space. A minimum of 2.0meter clearance shall be provided
between the equipments e.g. Autotransformer/Reactors and firewalls.
The building walls, which act as firewalls, shall extend at least 1 m above the roof in
order to protect it.
The firewall will be made of reinforced concrete (M-20 grade), as per the system
Note : 1. Cabling with control and relay panels shall be carried out for current bays(132kV) as per
single line diagram of the substation, however all analogue and digital points shall be wired
to terminal blocks in the RTU for external interface.
2. Except isolator contact all other contacts shall be initially defined as SOE.
Note : 1. Cabling with control and relay panels shall be carried out for current bays(220kV and
132kV) as per single line diagram of the substation, however all analogue and digital points
shall be wired to terminal blocks in the RTU for external interface.
2. Except isolator contact all other contacts shall be initially defined as SOE.
3. The total point counts shall be minimum 512 nos.
The 220KV, 132KV & 33KV Isolators shall be provided with moving contacts manufactured
completely with only Hard Drawn Electrolytic Copper only. Moving contacts of Aluminium
shall not be acceptable in any case.
All current carrying parts of the Isolators shall be designed for maximum current
density not exceeding the limits as indicated below:
a) Hollow tube Sections --- Copper – 2.0A/sq mm
The ACDB and DCDB shall be suitable for feeders of complete grid substation with 20%
spare feeders, with provision for incoming AC power from two no’s. of SSTs and also with
provision for incoming DC power from two no’s. of Battery banks. Arrangement shall be
made in the ACDB and DCDB for provisions to use either of AC source or both the AC
Sources at a time in ACDB and also provisions to use either of DC source or both the DC
Sources at a time in DCDB.
The provision shall also be made for incoming power from generator in case of
failure of power from SST’s.
The buses of ACDB and DCDB shall be made of Hard Drawn Electrolytic Copper
only. All other provisions shall also be made as per provisions of Technical specifications.
4. Circuit Breakers
The type of 220KV & 132KV circuit breakers is C-2, M-2, E-2 type and 33KV circuit
breakers is C-2, M-2, E-2 type. The 220KV, 132KV and 33KV breakers shall be necessarily
required to be offered with total break time of 60 msec maximum only. The minimum
guaranteed operations at full load current for 33KV circuit breakers shall not be less than
10000 operations. The breaker of the above type and duly type tested with the above model
only shall be acceptable.
The current rating of the circuit breakers shall be equivalent to the highest current
rating for which breakers have been type tested and type test reports are furnished by
tenderer / contractor for vendor approvals.
In case of turnkey contracts the operating platform shall also be constructed by the
contractor for breakers as and where applicable.
7. Battery set
Battery set shall be of Exide/Amara Raja make only.
All battery chargers shall be suitable for charging the specific type of battery sets installed at
the respective Grid substations.
IMPORTANT: The new Control & Relay Panels to be delivered against this tender
shall also match with the existing protection schemes, colour and sizes of existing C&R
Panels as and where applicable. All other equipments shall also match in symmetry etc
with the existing equipments as far as possible.
3.2 The equipment to be furnished under this specification shall conform to latest
issue with all amendments (as on the date of bid opening) of standard
specified unless specifically mentioned in the specification.
3.3 The Bidder shall note that standards mentioned in the specification are not
Technical Specifications for Construction of New Grid Sub-Stations Page | 24
mutually exclusive or complete in themselves, but intended to compliment
each other.
3.4 The Contractor shall also note that list of standards presented in this
specification is not complete. Whenever necessary the list of standards shall be
considered in conjunction with specific IS/IEC.
3.5 When the specific requirements stipulated in the specifications exceed or differ than
those required by the applicable standards, the stipulation of the specification shall
take precedence.
3.6 Other internationally accepted standards which ensure equivalent or better
performance than that specified in the standards specified / individual sections
for various equipments shall also, be accepted, however the salient points of
difference shall be clearly brought out in additional information schedule of
Vol. III along with English language version of such standard. The
equipment conforming to standards other than specified / individual sections for
various equipments shall be subject to Purchaser’s approval.
3.7 The bidder shall clearly indicate in his bid the specific standards in
accordance with which the works will be carried out.
4.1 The equipment furnished under this specification shall perform all its functions and
operate satisfactorily without showing undue strain, restrike etc under such over
voltage conditions.
4.2 All equipments shall also perform satisfactorily under various other electrical,
electromechanical and meteorological conditions of the site of installation.
4.3 All equipment shall be able to withstand all external and internal
mechanical, thermal and electromechanical forces due to various factors like wind
load, temperature variation, ice & snow, (wherever applicable) short circuit etc for
the equipment.
4.4 The bidder shall design terminal connectors of the equipment taking into account
various forces that are required to withstand.
4.5 The equipment shall also comply to the following:
a) To facilitate erection of equipment, all items to be assembled at site shall be
“match marked”.
i) Full wave impulse withstand voltage 1050 KVp 650 kVp 170 kVp
(1.2/50 microsec.)
(for BIL-
170 kVp)
The insulation and RIV levels of the equipments if applicable shall be as per values given in
Note : the respective chapter of the equipments.
Seismic acceleration
Rating of Auxiliary
1. Rated voltage 36 KV
2. Rated current As per price sehedule
3. Standards IS 9921/IEC 129
4. Rated short time withstand (inKA) 25 KA for 3 sec.
12.3.3 After application of the primer, two coats of finishing synthetic enamel
paint shall be applied, each coat followed by stoving. The second finishing coat
shall be applied after inspection of first coat of painting.
12.3.4 The exterior and interior colour of the paint in case of new substations shall
be RAL 7032 for all equipment, marshalling boxes, junction boxes, control
cabinets, panels etc.
unless specifically mentioned under respective sections of the
equipments. Glossy white colour inside the equipments /boards
/panels/junction boxes is also acceptable. The exterior colour for panels
shall be matching with the existing panels in case of extension of a
substation. Each coat of primer and finishing paint shall be of slightly
different shade to enable inspection of the painting. A small quantity of
finishing paint shall be supplied for minor touching up required at site after
installation of the equipments.
12.3.5 In case the Bidder proposes to follow his own standard surface finish and
protection procedures or any other established painting procedures, like
electrostatic painting etc., the procedure shall be submitted alongwith the Bids
for Purchaser’s review & approval.
12.3.6 The colour scheme as given below shall be followed for Fire Protection and
Air Conditioning systems
S.No. PIPE LINE Base colour Band
Fire Protection System
1 Hydrant and Emulsifier system FIRE RED -
2 Emulsifier system detection line FIRE RED Sea
– water Green
3 Emulsifier system detection line FIRE RED Sky Blue
4 Pylon support pipes FIRE RED
Air Conditioning System
5 Refrigerant gas pipeline – at Canary -
compressor suction Yellow
6 Refrigerant gas pipeline – at Canary Red
compressor discharge Yellow
7 Refrigerant liquid pipeline Dark -
8 Chilled water pipeline Sea Green -
9 Condenser water pipeline Sea Green Dark Blue
16.1 The equipment support structure shall be suitable for equipmentconnection at first
level. All equipment support structure supplied alongwith brackets, angels, stools,
etc. for attaching the operating mechanism, control cabinets & marshelling box
(wherever applicable) etc.
16.2 The support structures should be hot dip galvanised with minimum 610
gram/sq.m net of zinc.
16.3 In case of any deviation in this regard the bid is liable to be considered
technically non responsive and shall be liable to be rejected.
16.4 Support structure shall meet the following mandatory requirements:
16.4.1 The minimum vertical distance from the bottom of the lowest porcelain part
of the bushing, porcelain enclosures or supporting insulators to the bottom of
the equipment base, where it rests on the foundation pad shall be 2.55 metres.
17.1 All power clamps and connectors shall conform to IS:5561 & NEMA CC1
and shall be made of materials listed below :
a) For connecting Aluminum alloy casting,
ACSR conductors conforming to
designation A6
of IS:617 and all test shall
conform to IS:617
b) For connecting Bimetallic connectors made
equipment from aluminum alloy
terminals made of casting conforming to copper
with designation A6 of thick
ACSR conductors IS:617 with 2mm
bimetallic liner and all test shall
conform to IS:617
c) For connecting G.I Galvanised mild steel shield
17.11 Tests
17.11.1 Clamps and connectors should be type tested as per IS:5561 and shall also
be subjected to routine tests as per IS:5561. Following type test reports on
samples of similar type shall be submitted for approval
i) Temperature rise test (maximum temperature rise allowed is 35°C
over 50°C ambient)
ii) Short time current test
Iii) Corona (dry) and RIV (dry) test for 220 KV and above voltage
And clamp
iv) Resistance test and tensile test
18.1 All types of boxes, cabinets etc. shall generally conform to & be tested in
accordance with IS-5039/IS-8623, IEC-60439, as applicable, and the
20.8 The terminal blocks shall be fully enclosed with removable covers of
transparent, non-deteriorating type plastic material. Insulating barriers
shall be provided between the terminal blocks. These barriers shall not
hinder the operator from carrying out the wiring without removing the
20.9 Unless otherwise specified terminal blocks shall be suitable for connecting the
following conductors on each side.
a) All circuits except Minimum of two of 2.5 sq mm
CT circuits copper flexible.
b) All CT circuits Minimum of 4 nos. of 2.5 sq mm
copper flexible.
20.10 The arrangements shall be in such a manner so that it is possible to safely
connect or disconnect terminals on live circuits and replace fuse links
when the cabinet is live.
20.11 Atleast 20 % spare terminals shall be provided on each panel/cubicle/box and
these spare terminals shall be uniformly distributed on all terminals rows.
20.12 There shall be a minimum clearance of 250 mm between the First/bottom row
of terminal block and the associated cable gland plate. Also the clearance
between two rows of terminal blocks shall be a minimum of 150 mm.
20.13 The Contractor shall furnish all wire, conduits and terminals for the
necessary interphase electrical connections (where applicable) as well as
between phases and common terminal boxes or control cabinets. For
equipments rated for 400 kV and above the wiring required in these items
shall be run in metallic ducts or shielded cables in order to avoid surge
overvoltages either transferred through the equipment or due to transients
induced from the EHV circuits.
20.14 All input and output terminals of each control cubicle shall be tested for
surge withstand capability in accordance
with the relevant IEC Publications, in both longitudinal and transverse
modes. The Contractor shall also provide all necessary filtering, surge
protection, interface relays and any other measures necessary to achieve an
impulse withstand level at the cable interfaces of the equipment.
21.1 Lamps
All LED lamps shall use a socket base as per relevant IS, except in the case
of signal lamps.
21.2 Sockets
All sockets (convenience outlets) shall be suitable to accept both 5 Amp &
24.1(ii) The manufacturer(s) whose SF6 Circuit Breaker are offered who have
recently established production line in India for the specified system
voltage or above class, based on technological support of a parent
company or collaborator for the respective equipment(s) can also be
considered provided the parent company (Principal) or collaborator meets
qualifying requirements stipulated under clause no 24.4. (a) & (b) given below.
The manufacturers, whose PVC control cables are offered, should have
designed, manufactured, tested and supplied in a single contract at least
100 Kms of 1.1 KV grade PVC insulated control cables as on the date of bid
IS:13947 (Part-3) - Air break switches, air break disconnectors & fuse
combination units for voltage not exceeding 1000V AC
or 1200V DC
IS:2147 - Degree of protection provided by enclosures for
low voltage switchgear and controlgear.
IS:6005 - Code of practice for phosphating of Iron and Steel IS:3231
- Electrical relays for power system protection IS:3842 -
Electrical relay for AC Systems
IS:5 - Colours for ready mix paint
IEEE-484 - Recommended Design for installation design and
installation of large lead storage batteries for
generating stations and substations.
IEEE-485 - Sizing large lead storage batteries for generating
stations and substations
IS-802 (P1 to 3:) - Code of practice for use of structural steel in overhead
transmission line towers.
IS-806 - Code of practice for use of steel tubes in general
building construction
IS-808 - Dimensions for hot rolled steel beam, column
channel and angle sections.
IS-814 - Covered electrodes for manual arc welding of carbon of
carbon manganese steel.
IS-816 - Code of Practice for use of metal arc welding for general
construction in Mild steel
IS-817 - Code of practice for training and testing of metal
arc welders. Part 1 : Manual Metal arc welding.
IS-875 (P1 to P4) - Code of practice for design loads (other than earthquake)
for buildings and structures.
IS-1161 - Steel tubes for structural purposes.
IS-1182 - Recommended practice for radiographic examination of
fusion welded butt joints in steel plates.
IS-1363 (P1 to P3) - Hexagonal head bolts, screws & nuts of products
grade C.
IS-1364 - Hexagon headbolts, screws and nuts of product
grades A and B.
IS-1367 (P1 to P18) - Technical supply condition for threaded steel fasteners.
IS-1599 - Methods for bend test.
IS-1608 - Method for tensile testing of steel products.
IS-1893 - Criteria for earthquake resistant design of structures.
IS-1978 - Line Pipe.
IS-2062 - Steel for general structural purposes.
IS-2595 - Code of practice for Radiographic testing.
IS-3063 - Single coil rectagular section spring washers for
bolts, nuts and screws.
IS-3664 - Code of practice for ultrasonic pulse echo testing
by contact and immersion methods.
IS-7205 - Safety code for erection of structural steel work. IS-9595
- Recommendations for metal arc welding of
IS:8828 Circuit breakers for over current protection for house hold
and similar installations.
IS:5 Ready mix paints IS:2551
Danger notice plates
IS:2705 Current transformers
IS:9224 HRC Cartridge fuse links for voltage above 650V(Part-2)
(7)IS:5082 Wrought aluminium and Al. alloys, bars, rods, tubes and
sections for electrical purposes.
(8)IS:8623 Factory built Assemblies of Switchgear and Control Gear for
voltages upto and including 1000V AC and 1200V DC.
(9)IS:1248 Direct Acting electrical indicating instruments
Electrical Installation
IS:1293 3 pin plug
IS:371 Two to three ceiling roses
IS:3854 Switches for domestic and similar purposes
IS:5216 Guide for safety procedures and practices in electrical
IS:732 Code of practice for electrical wiring installation (system
voltage not exceeding 650 Volts.)
IS:3043 Code of practice for earthing.
IS:3646 Code of practice of interior illumination part II & III. IS:1944
Code of practice for lighting of public through fares.
IS:5571 Guide for selection of electrical equipment for hazardous
IS:800 Code of practice for use of structural steel in general
building construction.
IS:2633 Methods of Testing uniformity of coating on zinc coated
IS:6005 Code of practice for phosphating iron and steel.
Technical Specifications for Construction of New Grid Sub-Stations Page | 76
IS:8623 (Part-I) Specification for low voltage switchgear and control gear
IS:13947 (Part-I) Specification for low voltage switchgear and control gear,
Part 1 General Rules
IS:13947 (part-2) Specification for low voltage switchgear and control gear,
Part 2 circuit breakers.
IS:13947 (part-3) Specification for low voltage switchgear and control gear.
Part 3 Switches, Disconnectors, Switch-disconnectors
and fuse combination units
IS:13947 (part-4) Specification for low voltage switchgear and control gear.
Part 4 Contactors and motors starters.
IS:13947 (part-5) Specification for low voltage switchgear and control gear.
Part 5 Control-circuit devices and switching elements
IS:13947 (part-6) Specification for low voltage switchgear and control gear.
Part 6 Multiple function switching devices.
IS:13947 (part-7) Specification for low voltage switchgear and control gear.
Part 7 Ancillary equipments
IS:12063 Degree of protection provided by enclosures
NOTE : For a new make other than above approved list of sub vendor, type
test reports & performace test report as per relevant standard shall
be submitted for Purchaser’s approval.
1.1.2. All board frames, shall be fabricated using suitable mild steel structural sections or
pressed and shaped cold-rolled sheet steel of thickness not less than 2.0 mm. Frames
shall be enclosed in cold-rolled sheet steel of thickness not less than 1.6 mm. Doors
and covers shall also be of cold rolled sheet steel of thickness not less than 1.6
mm. Stiffeners shall be provided wherever necessary.
1.1.3. All panel edges and cover/door edges shall be reinforced against distortion by rolling,
bending or by the addition of welded reinforcement members.
1.1.4. The complete structures shall be rigid, self-supporting, free from flaws, twists and
All cut-outs shall be true in shape and devoid of sharp edges.
1.1.5. All boards shall be of dust and vermin proof construction and shall be provided with
a degree of protection of IP: 52 as per IS 13947 (Part-1). However, the busbar
chambers having a degree of protection of IP: 42, in accordance with IS 13947 (Part-
1), are also acceptable where continuous busbar rating exceeds 1000 Amp. Provision
shall be made in all compartments for providing IP: 52 degree of protection, when
Circuit breaker or module trolley, has been removed. All cut-outs shall be provided
with neoprene gaskets.
1.1.6. Provision of louvers on boards would not be preferred. However, louvers backed
with metal screen are acceptable on the busbar chambers where continuous busbar
rating exceeds 1000 Amps.
1.1.7. All boards shall be of uniform height not exceeding 2450 mm.
1.1.8. Boards shall be easily extendible on both sides, by the addition of the vertical
sections after removing the end covers.
1.1.9. Boards shall be supplied with base frames made of structural steel sections, alongwith
all necessary mounting hardware required for welding the base frames to the insert
1.1.10. All boards shall be of double front construction and shall have
(i) A completely enclosed busbar compartment for running horizontal busbars and
vertical busbars. Busbar chambers shall be completely enclosed with
metallic portions. Bolted covers shall be provided for access to horizontal and
(ii) Completely enclosed switchgear compartment(s) one for each circuit for housing
circuit breaker or MCCB or motor starter.
(iii) A distinct compartment or alley for power and control cables on each side of panel.
Cable alley compartment shall have a through metallic partition for segregating
cables on both sides. Cable alley door shall preferably be hinged. Cable alley shall
have no exposed live parts. Any live terminals shall be fully shrouded/insulated
from safety aspects. However It shall be of at least 350mm width.
(iv) A compartment for relays and other control devices associated with a circuit
1.1.11. Sheet steel barriers shall be provided between two adjacent vertical panels running to the
full height of the switchboard, except for the horizontal busbar compartment. Each
shipping section shall have full metal sheets at both ends for transport and storage.
1.1.12. All equipments associated with a single circuit except MCB circuits shall be housed in a
separate compartment of the vertical section. The Compartment shall be sheet steel
enclosed on all sides with the withdrawal units in position or removed. The front of the
compartment shall be provided with the hinged single leaf door, with locking facilities.
In case of circuits controlled by MCBs, group of MCB feeders can be offered in common
compartment. In such case number of MCB feeder to be used in a common compartment
shall not exceed 4 (four) and front of MCB compartment, shall have a viewing port of
toughen glass sheet for viewing and sheet steel door of module shall be lockable with
star knob/panel key.
1.1.13. After isolation of power and control circuit connections it shall be possible to safely
carryout maintenance in a compartment with the busbar and adjacent circuit live. Neces-
sary shrouding arrangement shall be provided for this purpose over the cable terminations
located in cable alley.
1.1.14. The minimum clearance in air between phases and between phase and earth for the entire
run of horizontal and vertical busbars, shall be 25 mm. For all other components, the
clearance between "two live parts", " A live part and an earthed part" and isolating
distance shall be atleast ten (10) mm throughout. Wherever it is not possible to maintain
these clearances, insulation shall be provided by sleeving or barriers. However, for
horizontal run of busbar minimum clearance of 25 mm should be maintained even if they
are sleeved.
1.1.15. The temperature rise of horizontal & vertical busbars when carrying rated current along
its full run shall in no case exceed 55°C, with silver plated joints and 40°C with all other
type of joints over an outside ambient temperature of 50°C.
1.1.16. All busbar chambers shall be provided with removable bolted covers. The covers shall
be provided with danger labels.
1.1.18. All Circuit breaker boards shall be of Single Front type, with fully drawout
circuit breakers, which can be drawn out without having to unscrew any
connections. The circuit breakers shall be mounted on rollers and guides for
smooth movement between SERVICE, TEST and ISOLATED positions and for
withdrawal from the Switchboard. Testing of the breaker shall be possible in the
TEST position.
1.1.19. Wherever two breaker compartments are provided in the same vertical section,
insulating barriers and shrouds shall be provided in the rear cable compartment to
avoid accidental touch with the live parts of one circuit when working on the other
1.1.20. All disconnecting contacts for power circuits shall be of robust design and fully
self aligning. Fixed and moving contacts of the power drawout contact system
shall be silver plated. Both fixed and moving contacts shall be replaceable.
1.1.21. All AC & DC boards shall be of double Front type.
1.1.22. All module shall be fixed type except air circuit breaker module, which shall be
drawout type.
1.1.23. The connections from busbars to the main switch shall be fully
insulated/shrouded, and securely bolted. The partition between the feeder
compartment and cable alley may be non-metallic and shall be of such
construction as to allow cable cores with lugs to be easily inserted in the feeder
compartment for termination.
1.1.24. All equipment and components shall be neatly arranged and shall be easily
accessible for operation and maintenance. The internal layout of all modules
shall be subject to PURCHASER approval. Bidder shall submit dimensional
drawings showing complete internal details of Busbars and module components,
for each type and rating for approval.
1.1.25. The tentative power and control cable entries shall be from bottom. However,
Purchaser reserves the right to alter the cable entries, if required, during
detailed engineering, without any additional commercial implication.
1.1.26. Adopter panels and dummy panels required to meet the various busbar
arrangements and layouts required shall be included in Bidder's scope of work.
1.2.1. The current ratings of all equipments as specified in the `Bill of Materials
are the minimum standards current ratings at a reference ambient temperature of
50°C as per relevant Indian Standards.
1.2.2. The Bidder shall indicate clearly the derating factors employed for each
component and furnish the basis for arriving at these derating factors duly
considering the specified ambient temperature of 50°C.
1.3.1. All AC Distribution Boards shall be provided with three phase buses and a
neutral bus bars and the DC Distribution Boards shall be provided with two
1.3.2. All busbars and jumper connections shall be of high conductivity HDEC copper
of adequate size the bus bar size calculation shall be submitted for approval.
1.3.3. The Cross-Section of the busbars shall be uniform through out the length of
Switchgear and shall be adequately supported and braced to withstand the
stresses due to the specified short circuit currents.
1.3.4. All busbars shall be adequately supported by Non-hygroscopic, non-combustible,
track- resistant & high strength type Polyester fibre glass Moulded
Insulators. Separate supports shall be provided for each phase and neutral
busbar. If a common support is provided anti-tracking barriers shall be provided
between the supports.
1.3.5. All busbars joints shall be provided with high tensile steel bolts.
Belleville/spring washers and nuts, so as to ensure good contacts at the joints.
1.11.1 Control & Selector switches shall be of rotary type with escutcheon plates clearly
marked to show the function and positions. The switches shall be of sturdy
construction suitable for mounting on panel front. Switches with
shrouding of live parts and sealing of contacts against dust ingress shall be
1.11.2 Circuit breaker selector switches for breaker Controlled motor shall have three
stay put positions marked `Switchgear', `Normal' and `Trial' respectively. They
shall have two contacts of each of the three positions and shall have black shade
1.11.3 Ammeter and voltmeter selector switches shall have four stayput position with
adequate number of contacts for three phase 4 wire system. These shall have
oval handles Ammeter selector switches shall have make before break type
contacts to prevent open circuiting of CT secondaries.
1.11.4 Contacts of the switches shall be spring assisted and shall be of suitable material to
give a long trouble free service.
1.11.5 The contact ratings shall be at least the following :
1.12.2 The Bidder shall ensure that all switches are adequately rated so as to be fully
protected by the associated fuses during all abnormal operating conditions such as
overload, locked motor, short circuit etc.
1.12.3 Switch operating handles shall be provided with padlocking facilities to lock
them in
`OFF' position.
1.12.4 Interlocks shall be provided such that it is possible to open the cubicle door only
when the switch is in `OFF' position and to close the switch only when the door
is closed. However suitable means shall be provided to intentionally defeat the
interlocks explained above.
1.12.5 Switches and fuses for AC/DC control supply and heater supply wherever
required shall be mounted inside and cubicles.
1.13.1 Push-buttons shall be of spring return, push to actuate type. Their contacts shall be
rated to make, continuously carry and break 10A at 240V and 0.5A (inductive) at
220V DC.
1.13.2 All push-buttons shall have one normally open and one normally closed contact,
unless specified otherwise. The contact faces shall be of silver or silver alloy.
1.13.3 All push-buttons shall be provided with integral escutcheon plates marked
with its function.
1.13.4 The colour of the button shall be as follows :
1.13.5 All push-buttons on panels shall be located in such a way that Red-push-buttons
shall always be to the left of green push-buttons.
1.14.1 Indicating lamps shall be of the panel mounting cluster LED type. The lamps
shall have escutcheon plates marked with its function, wherever necessary.
1.14.2 Lamps shall have translucent lamp-covers of the following colours, as warranted
by the application :
1.14.5 When associated with push-buttons, red lamps shall be directly above the green
push button, and green lamps shall be directly above the red push-button. All
indicating lamps shall be suitable for continuous operation at 90 to 110% of their
rated voltage.
1.15 FUSES
1.15.1 All fuses shall be of HRC cartridge fuse link type. Screw type fuses shall
not be accepted. Fuses for AC Circuits shall be of class 2 type, 20 kA (RMS)
breaking current at 415 AC, and for DC circuits Class 1 type 4 kA breaking current.
1.15.2 Fuses shall have visible operation indicators.
1.15.3 Fuses shall be mounted on fuses carriers, which are mounted on fuse bases,
wherever it is not possible to mount fuses on carriers fuses shall be directly
mounted on plug in type of bases. In such cases one set of insulated fuse pulling
handles shall be supplied with each switchgear.
1.15.4 Fuse rating shall be chosen by the Bidder depending upon the circuit
requirements and these shall be subject to approval of PURCHASER.
1.16.1 Terminal blocks shall be of 750 volts grade and have continuous rating to carry
the maximum expected current on the terminals. It shall be complete with
insulating barriers, clip-on-type/stud type terminals for Control Cables and
identification strips. Marking on terminal strip shall correspond to the terminal
numbering on wiring on diagrams. It shall be similar to `ELEMEX' standard type
terminals, cage clamp type of Phoenix or WAGO or equivalent
1.16.2 Terminal blocks for CT and VT secondary leads shall be provided with test links
and isolating facilities. CT secondary leads shall be provided with short
circuiting and earthing facilities. It shall be similar to `Elem.' `CATD' - Type.
1.16.3 In all circuit breaker panels at least 10% spare terminals for external connections
shall be provided and these spare terminals shall be uniformly distributed on all
terminal blocks. Space for adding another 10% spare terminals shall also be
1.16.4 All terminal blocks shall be suitable for terminating on each side, two (2) Nos. of
2.5 mm square size standard copper conductors.
1.16.5 All terminals shall be numbered for identification and grouped according to the
Engraved white-on-black labels shall be provided on the terminal
1.16.6 Wherever duplication of a terminal block is necessary it shall be achieved by
solid bonding links.
1.16.7 Terminal blocks shall be arranged with at least 100 mm clearance between two
sets of terminal block. The minimum clearance between the first row of terminal
block and the associated cable gland plate shall be 250 mm.
1.17.1 All switchgears, AC/DC distribution boards, shall be provided with prominent,
engraved identification plates. The module identification plate shall clearly give
the feeder number and feeder designation. For single front switchboards,
similar panel and board identification labels shall be provided at the rear also.
1.17.2 All name plates shall be of non-rusting metal or 3-ply lamicoid with white
engraved lettering on black back ground. Inscriptions and lettering sizes shall
be subject to PURCHASER approval.
1.17.3 Suitable plastic sticker labels shall be provided for easy identification of all
equipments, located inside the panel/module. These labels shall be positioned
1.18.1 Space heater shall be provided in all the boards for preventing harmful
moisture condensation.
1.18.2 The space heaters shall be suitable for continuous operation on 240V AC, 50 Hz,
single phase supply, and shall be automatically controlled by thermostats.
Necessary isolating switches and fuses shall also be provided.
1.19.1 All switchboards shall be supplied completely wired internally upto the terminal
blocks ready to receive Purchaser's control cables.
1.19.2 All inter cubicle and inter panel wiring and connections between panels of
same switchboard including all bus wiring for AC and DC supplies shall be
provided by the bidder.
1.19.3 All internal wiring shall be carried out with 1100 V grade, single core, 1.5 square
mm or larger stranded copper wires having colour coded, PVC insulation. CT
circuits shall be wired with 2.5 square mm copper wires. Voltage grade and
insulation shall be same as above. The cable shall be F.R.L.S. type.
1.19.4 Extra-flexible wires shall be used for wiring to device mounted on moving parts
such as hinged doors.
1.19.5 All wiring shall be properly supported, neatly arranged, readily accessible and
securely connected to equipment terminals and terminals blocks.
1.20.1 Cable termination compartment and arrangement for power cables shall be
suitable for stranded aluminium conductor, armoured XLPE/PVC insulated and
sheathed, single core/three core, 1100 V grade cables.
1.20.2 All necessary cable terminating accessories such as Gland plates, supporting
clamps and brackets, power cable lugs, hardware etc. shall be provided by the
successful bidder, to suit the final cable sizes which would be advised later.
1.20.3 The gland plate shall be of removable type and shall cover the entire cable alley.
Bidder shall also ensure that sufficient space is provided for all cable glands.
Gland plates shall be factory-drilled according to the cable gland sizes and number
which shall be informed to the Contractor later. For all single core cables, gland
plates shall be of non-magnetic Material.
1.21.1 Type tests reports on Panels (Switchgear and Control gear assemblies) as per IS 8623
Part- I shall be submitted for the following tests in line with clause 9.0 of Section
GTR before the fabrication of switchgear is started:
i) Verification of temperature rise
limits ii) Verification of the dielectric
properties iii) Verification of short
circuit strength
iv) Verification of the continuity of the protective
circuit v) Verification of clearances and creepage
vi) Verification of mechanical
operation vii) Verification of degree
of protection
1.22.1 The Contractor shall unload, erect, install, test and put into commercial use all
electrical equipment included in this specification.
1.22.2 Equipment shall be installed in a neat, workman like manner so that it is level,
plumb, square and properly aligned and oriented. Tolerance shall be as
established in Contractor's drawings or as stipulated by purchaser. No equipment
shall be permanently bolted down to foundations until the alignment has been
checked and found acceptable by the purchaser.
1.22.3 Contractor shall furnish all supervision, labour tools equipment rigging materials,
bolts, wedges, anchors, concrete inserts etc. in proper time required to completely
install, test and commission the equipment.
1.22.5 Contractor shall move all equipment into the respective room through the regular
door or openings specifically provided for this purpose. No part of the structure
shall be utilised to lift or erect any equipment without prior permission of
1.22.6 All boards shall be installed in accordance with Indian Standards IS:3072
and at Purchaser's instructions. All boards shall be installed on finished
surfaces, concrete or steel stills. Contractor shall be required to install and align
any channel sills which form part of foundations. In joining shipping sections of
switchboards together adjacent housing of panel sections or flanged throat
sections shall be bolted together after alignment has been completed.
Power bus, enclosures ground and control splices of
conventional nature shall be cleaned and bolted together being drawn up with
torque spanner of proper size or by other approved means. Check control wiring for correctness of connections, continuity and IR values. Check on spring charging motor, correct operation of limit switches, and
time of charging. All functional checks. Ratio identification checking of all ratios on all cores by primary injection of
current. Each wire shall be traced by continuity tests and it should be made sure that the Functional checking of all control circuit e.g. closing, tripping control,
interlock, supervision and alarm circuit.
1.23.6 Relays Check CT and VT connections with particular reference to their polarities for
directional relays, wherever required.
1.23.7 Meters Check CT and VT connections with particular reference to their polarities for power
type meters.
1.24.1 The Bidder shall include in his proposal any special tools and tackles required
for erection, testing commissioning and maintenance of the equipments offered.
1.24.2 The list of these special tools and tackles shall be given in the bid proposal
sheets alongwith their respective prices.
1.24.3 The total price of the special tools and tackles shall be included in proposal sheets.
1.25.1 The Bidder shall quote for various AC/DC distribution boards in accordance with
this specification
1.25.3 The Bill of Materials for each type of module shall be as under. These are
minimum indicative requirement of the system. The necessary auxiliary relays, push
buttons and indicating lamps shall be provided as
per scheme requirement. Any other item/component required
with in a module for efficient and reliable operation shall be deemed to be included
in bidder's scope. The scheme shall have provision for remote annunciation for the
a) Station LT (415V) AC incomer supply unhealthy
b) 220V DCDB U/V, O/V & Earth leakage relay operated
c) 50V DCDB U/V & O/V relay operated
d) DG set start
e) DG set protection operated.
(vi) One (1) Triple pole instantaneous over-current relay having the
setting range of 200-800% or 500-2000% of CT secondary
and adjustable definite minimum time.
(vii) One (1) Instantaneous earth fault relay having an adjustable setting range
of 10-40% or 20 - 80% of CT secondary current and adjustable
definite minimum time. The earth fault relay shall be provided
with a stabilising resistor.
1.25.5 Module Type - M1 (Circuit Breaker Controlled Motor Feeder)
(i) One (1) Triple pole Air Circuit Breaker complete with accessories,
and power operated mechanism as specified.
(ii) One (1) Three position 6 pole selector switch
(iii) Three (3) Current Transformer for metering.
(vi) One (1) Triple pole instantaneous over-current relay for providing
positive sequence current protection in all the three phases.
The relay setting range shall be continuously adjustable
between 200-800% or 400-1600% of CT secondary rated
current as required.
(vii) One (1) Double pole inverse definite minimum time over current
relays connected in R & B phases for over current protection
of motor rated 110 kW - 200 kW. The relay shall have an
adjustable setting range of 50% - 200% of CT Secondary
current and time setting range of 0-30 Second. The relay
shall be CDGM-22 of EE or equivalent.
(viii) One (1) Single pole adjustable definite time delay relay for motor
overload alarm connected in Y-phase only. The relay shall
have resetting ratio of not less than 90%. The relay shall have
continuously adjustable time delay range of 2.5 to 25 Sec.
(i) Three (3) 415 / 110 volts single phase voltage transformer star/star
√3 √3
connect with star point solidly earthed mounted on common
draw out chassis. Accuracy Class 0.5 for protection and
metering with 50VA Burden.
(v) One (1) Double pole instantaneous under voltage relays with
continuous variable setting range of 40-80% of 110 Volts.
(vi) One (1) Time delay pick up relay having a time setting range of 0.5
to 3 secs. with 3 `NO'. Self reset contacts, suitable for 220V
(vii) One (1) Auxiliary relay 220V DC with 2 NO. self reset contacts.
(viii) Three (3) Indicating lamps with series resistor and colour lenses (Red,
Blue & Yellow).
(iii) One (1) Voltmeter selector switch four position (R-Y, Y-B, B-R
1.25.9 Module Type H & H (BC) (Isolating Switch Controlled Incoming Circuit)
(ii) One (1) Red Indicating lamp to indicate isolating switch closed
1.25.10 Module Type S : (DC Metering and Protection Module)
(iii) One (1) Instantaneous under voltage relay with 95% of 220V DC.
The resetting ratio of relay of relay should not be more than
1.25. The relay shall be provided with a series resistor and
a push button across if for resetting (pick up) the relay at
about 105% of the drop out voltage.
(iv) One (1) Instantaneous over voltage relay with setting range of 110%
of 220V DC. The resetting ratio of relay should not be less
than 0.8. The relay shall have a push button in series of
resetting the relay at about 95% of the operating voltage.
(v) One (1) Earth leakage relay only for 220V DC system having
adjustable pick up range between 3 to 7 milliamps the relay
shall be suitable for 220V DC/240V AC Auxiliary supply.
(ii) One (1) DC ammeter with shunt and range of 90-0-400 Amps. For
220V DC DB and 90-0-200 Amp for 50V DC DB.
(iii) Two (2) Double pole 250V DC MCCB/MCB
(iv) One (1) Double pole single throw 250V DC air break switch
connecting battery & charger sections to DC DB.
1.25.13 Module Type DG-1 (Electrically Controlled Circuit Breaker for Incomer from DG
a) One (1) Triple pole circuit breaker complete with all accessories
and power operated mechanism as specified.
b) One (1) Frequency meter.
k) One (1) Three pole voltage controlled definite time delay relay
having current setting range of 50-200% of CT secondary
current and adjustable time delay 0.3 to 3 secs.
l) One (1) Watt hour meter with six (6) digits and minimum count of
one (1) kwh.
m) One (1) Single pole definite time over current relay having a
continuous setting range of 50-200% of CT secondary current
and a time delay of 2.5-25 secs connected in CT of Y phase
for overload alarm. The relay shall have a setting ratio of
not less than 90%.
n) One (1) Three pole differential protection relay having an operating
current setting range of 10-40% of generator full load
current. The relay shall be of high impedance type, with
necessary stabilizing resistors.
o) Two (2) Push buttons for Remote starting & stopping of DG Set (Red,
1.25.14 Module Type H1
One (1) Double pole DC Switch with pad locking facility in off position.
1.25.15 Module Type EL
(iii) Electronic Timer suitable for continuous operation, push button and selector
switch be as per scheme requirement
1.26.1 Power Supply AC System 3 phase, 4 wire, solidly earthed
j) Short Circuit
I. AC Component 20 kA (RMS)
a) No. of poles 4 2
b) Voltage & Frequency 415 ± 10%, 250V
50 HZ + 5%
g) Short Circuit
I. AC Component 20 kA (RMS) As per IS
I. Current 20 kA (RMS)
b) Rated Voltage
Primary 415/√3 V
Secondary 110/√3 V
Primary Star
Secondary Star
1.26.9 Relay
1.27.1 EL-type module of 415V Main lighting distribution board and Emergency lighting
distribution board and shall be controlled by timer and contactor module to facilitate its
operation automatically.
(i) Under normal conditions i.e. when supply is available in both the incomers,
incomers I&II of 415 V Main switchboard, ACDB shall be in closed condition
and Bus couplers and DG set breaker shall be in open condition.
(ii) In case of failure of either of the sources, the incomer of that source shall trip and
Bus-coupler shall get closed. On restoration of supply, normal conditions
described above are to be established automatically.
iii) In case of failure of supply in both the sources, both incomers, incomers of
ACDBs and ACDB Bus coupler shall trip and DG set breaker switched on.
On restoration of one or both sources, DG set breaker shall trip, DG set stopped
and conditions described in paragraph (i) /(ii) shall be restored.
This specification is intended to cover outdoor type oil filled 33/0.433KV 315 KVA &
33/0.433kV, 630 kVA transformers.
- Transformers as listed above, with insulating oil, all materials and accessories,
and complete in all respects.
The scope includes but is not limited to the following items of work to be performed for
all equipment and materials furnished under this section:
d) Civil Works
3.1 All temperature indicators, Buchholz relays and other auxiliary devices shall be suitable
220 V DC Control supply. All alarm and trip Contacts shall also be suitable for
connection in 220V DC Circuits.
4.1 Core
The core shall be constructed from high grade, nonaging, cold rolled grain-oriented
silicon steel laminations. The maximum flux density in any part of the cores and yoke
at normal voltage and frequency shall be such that the flux density at any tap position
with 10% voltage variation from the voltage corresponding to the tap shall not exceed 1.9
Technical Specifications for Construction of New Grid Sub-Stations Page | 104
4.2 Windings
The oil supplied with transformer shall be unused and have the parameters for unused
new oil conforming to IS:335 while tested at oil Contractor's premises, No inhibitors
shall be used in oil. Ten percent extra oil shall be supplied for topping up after
commissioning in nonreturnable containers suitable for outdoor storage.
b) The neutral terminals of 433V winding shall be brought out on a bushing along with
433 volt phase terminals to form a 4 wire system for the 415 volt. Additional
neutral bushing shall also be provided for earthing.
The tap change switch shall be three phase, hand operated for simultaneous switching
of similar taps on the three phases by operating an external hand wheel.
A metal enclosed, weather, vermin & dust proof marshalling box shall be provided with
each transformer to accommodate temperature indicators, terminal blocks etc. It shall
have a degree of protection of IP 55 as per IS: 2147
Whenever cable connections are required, suitable cable boxes shall be provided and
shall be air insulated. They shall be of sufficient size to accommodate Purchaser's
cables and shall have suitable removable side/top cover to facilitate cable termination
and inspection. Cable boxes shall be dust & vermin proof.
a) The Contractor shall draw up and carry out a comprehensive inspection and testing
program during manufacture and commissioning of the transformer. The programme
shall be duly approved by the Purchaser.
b) The Contractor shall submit copy of all type tests and carryout routine tests on
the transformers as per relevant standards. Routine tests shall be carried out on all
Technical Specifications for Construction of New Grid Sub-Stations Page | 105
6.0 Inspection
6.2 Core
c) Check on completed core for measurement of iron loss and check for any hot spot
by exciting the core so as to induce the designed value of flux density in the core.
d) HV
6.4 Winding
a) Sample check on winding conductor for mechanical properties and
electrical conductivity and on installation covering.
6.6 Oil
All standard tests in accordance with relevant Standards shall be carried out on oil
samples taken from the transformer before and after testing of the transformer.
The contractor shall also prepare a comprehensive inspection and testing programme for
all bought out sub-contracted items and shall submit the same to the Purchaser for
approval. Such programme shall include the following components:
a) Buchholz Relay
b) Winding temperature Indicator
c) Bushings
d) Marshaling Box
e) Tap changer switch
f) Oil temperature indicator
7.1 All standard routine tests in accordance with latest issue of IS : 2026 shall be carried out
on each transformer.
7.2 Report for all the type tests in accordance with latest issues of IS : 2026 shall be
7.3 In addition to all type and routine tests, following additional type tests shall also be
carried out on one transformer of each rating as per IS : 2026.
a) Tem p R i se t est .
b) Measurement of capacitance and tan delta of transformer winding.
Sequence of testing shall be mutually agreed between Purchaser and Contractor after
7.4 All auxiliary equipment shall be tested as per the relevant IS Test Certificates shall be
submitted for bought out items.
7.5 High voltage withstand test shall be performed on auxiliary equipment and wiring
after complete assembly.
b) Type Tests:
7.7 In addition to the above, the following checks should be carried out at manufacturer's
works before despatch for all transformers:
c) Check for proper provision of bracings to arrest the movements of core and winding
assembly inside the tank.
d) Test for gas tightness and derivation of leakage rate. To ensure adequate reserve gas
capacity during transit and storage.
7.8 The Contractor shall submit a detailed inspection and testing programme for field
activities, covering areas right from the receipt of material stage upto commissioning
stage as per IS :86 - Code of practice for installation and maintenance of transformers.
The indicative checks and tests are given below.
8.0 Fittings
The following fittings shall be provided with each transformer covered under
this specification.
i) Conservator with drain plug and oil filling hole with blanking plate
ii) Plain oil Gauge
iii) Silica gel Breather
iv) Pressure Relief vent
v) Pocket on tank cover for Thermometer
vi) Valves
vii) Earthing Terminals
viii) Rating & Terminal Marking Plates
Technical Specifications for Construction of New Grid Sub-Stations Page | 108
ix) Lifting Lugs
x) Rollers
xi) Air Release Plug
The fittings listed above are only indicative and any other fittings which generally
are required for satisfactory operation of transformer are deemed to be included.
9.1 The list of spares for outdoor type transformers covered under this section shall be as
per .
9.2 In addition, the Bidder shall also recommend optional spare parts and
maintenance equipment necessary for three(3) years of successful operation of the
equipment. The prices of these shall be indicated in respective schedules and these shall
not be considered for the purpose of evaluation.
-- S.No. Description Parameters
a) Type Two Winding
b) Service Outdoor
c) Number of phases Three
d) Frequency 50Hz
e) Type of colling ONAN
f) Rating 315 kVA , 630 kVA
Ratio 33/0.433 kVA
g) Impedance at 75oC with tolerance 0.05+10%
h) Duty Continuous
i) Overload As per IS:6600
j) Maximum Temp. rise
over 50o C ambient
i) Oil (Temp. rise 50o C
measurement by
ii) Winding (Temp. rise 55o C
measured by
resistance method)
k) Windings 33 KV 0.433 KV
630 KVA/315 kVA
i) System Apparent short ------------------------ As per IS:2026 (Part-I) ----
circuit level (KA)
ii) Winding connection Delta Star
iii) Vector Group ------------------------- Dyn1 ------------------
iv) Insulation ----------------------------Uniform ---------------
v) Insulation level (KV) 36 0.433
Technical Specifications for Construction of New Grid Sub-Stations Page | 109
a) Power frequency 70 2
test level (KV rms)
b) Basic impulse level 170 --
(KV peak)
vi) Highest voltage (KV) 36 --
for each winding
vii) Method of earthing ----------------------- Solidly earthed ----------
-- S.No. Description Parameters
-- l) Tap Changer
i) Tap range ---- +5% / -10% in steps of 2.5% on HV side -------
ii) Tap control Off circuit tap
change switch
o) Terminal details
i) High Voltage Suitable for 33 KV
cable or O/H
ii) Low Voltage phase Cable box
and neutral
1.1 The bidder shall offer surge arresters of gapless type without any series or shunt gap.
1.2 Arresters shall be hermetically sealed units, of self supporting construction, suitable
for mounting on structures.
1.3 The surge arrester shall be designed for use in this geographic and meteorological condition
as given in the chapter GTP.
2 Duty Requirements
2.1 The surge arresters shall be of heavy duty station class type.
2.2 The surge arresters shall be capable of discharging over voltage occurring during switching
of unloaded transformers and reactors.
2.3 Surge arresters shall be capable of spark over on severe switching surges and multiple
2.4 The surge arresters shall be able to withstand wind load calculated at 195 kg/sq.m.
2.5 The gapless arrester, if provided, shall meet following additional requirements.
2.5.1 It shall be fully stabilized thermally to give a life expectancy of 100 years under site
conditions and shall take care of the effect of direct solar radiation.
2.5.2 The reference current of the arrester shall be high enough to eliminate the influence of
grading and stray capacitance on the measured reference voltage.The duty cycle of CB
installed in 245/145 KV system shall be 0-0.3 sec-co-3min-co.The surge arrester should be
suitable for such current breaker duties in the system.
3 Constructional Features
The features and constructional details of surge arresters shall be in accordance with
requirement stipulated hereunder:
3.1 Gapless Type Surge Arrester
3.1.1 The non linear blocks shall be of sintered metal oxide material. These shall be provided
in such a way as to obtain robust construction, with excellent electrical and mechanical
properties even after repeated operations.
3.1.2 The surge arresters shall be fitted with pressure relief devices and arc diverting parts
suitable for preventing shattering of porcelain housing and providing path for flow of
rated fault currents in the event of arrester failure.
3.1.3 The arresters shall incorporate anti-contamination feature to prevent arrester failure
consequent to uneven voltage gradient across the stack in the event of contamination
of the arrester porcelain.
3.1.5 Outer insulator shall be porcelain used shall be homogenous, free from
laminations, cavities and other flaws or imperfection that might affect the
mechanical or dielectric quality and shall be thoroughly vitrified, tough and
impervious to moisture. Glazing of porcelain shall be of uniform brown colour, free
from blisters, burrs and other similar defects. Porcelain housing shall be so coordinated
that external flashover will not occur due to application of any impulse or
switching surge voltage upto the maximum design value for arrester.
3.1.6 The end fittings shall be made of non-magnetic and corrosion proof material.
3.1.7 The name plate shall conform to the requirement of IEC incorporating the year of
3.1.8 The arrester shall be supplied with suitable support structure either of tubular GI
pipe or lattice steel galvanised.
3.1.9 The heat treatment cycle details along with necessary quality checks used for individual
blocks along with insulation layer formed across each block to be furnished.
Metalised coating thickness for reduced resistance between adjacent
discs to be furnished along with procedure for checking the same. Details of thermal
stability test for uniform current distribution of current on individual disc to be furnished.
3.3.1 Each arrester shall be complete with insulating base, support structure and terminal
connector. The height of the support structure shall not be less than
2500 mm. The structure would be made of galvanized steel generally conforming to
IS:802. The surge arrester can also be mounted on the neutral grounding reactor in
lieu of separate support structure.
3.3.2 Self contained discharge counter, suitably enclosed for outdoor use and requiring
no auxiliary or battery supply for operation, shall be provided for each unit. The
counter shall be visible through an inspection window from ground level. The counter
terminals shall be robust and of adequate size and shall be so located that incoming and
outgoing connections are made with minimum possible bends.
3.3.3 Suitable milliammeter on each arrester with appropriate connections shall be supplied to
measure the resistor grading leakage current. The push buttons shall be mounted such that
it can be operated from ground level.
3.3.4 Discharge counter and milliammeter shall be suitable for mounting on support structure
of the arrester.
3.3.5 Grading/Corona rings shall be provided on each complete arrester unit as required for
proper stress distribution.
.4 Tests4.1 The surge arresters shall conform to type tests and shall be subjected to
1.1.1. Aluminium conductor XLPE insulated armoured cables shall be used for main
power supply purpose from LT Aux. Transformers to control room, between
distribution boards.
1.1.2 Aluminium conductor PVC insulated armoured power cables shall be used for
various other applications in switchyard area/control room except for
control/protection purposes.
1.1.4 BSPTCL has standardised the sizes of power cables for various feeders.
The sizes of power cables to be used per feeder in different application shall
be as follows
1.1.5 Bidder may offer sizes other than the sizes specified in clause 1.1.4. In such
case and for other application where sizes of cables have not been indicated in
the specification, sizing of power cables shall be done
keeping in view continuous current, voltage drop & short-circuit
consideration of the system. Relevant calculations shall be submitted by bidder
during detailed engineering for purchaser’s approval.
1.1.6 Cables shall be laid conforming to IS : 1255.
1.1.8 For different cores of CT & CVT separate cable shall be used
1.1.9 Atleast one (1) cores shall be kept as spare in each copper control cable of 4C,
5C or 7C size whereas minimum no. of spare cores shall be two (2) for control
cables of 10 core or higher size.
1.1.10 For control cabling, including CT/VT circuits, 2.5 sq.mm. size copper
cables shall be used per connection. However, if required from voltage
drop/VA burden consideration additional cores shall be used. Further for
potential circuits of energy meters separate connections by 2 cores of 2.5 sq.mm.
size shall be provided.
1.1.11 Standard technical data sheets for cable sizes up to and including
1100V are enclosed at Annexure. Cable sizes shall be
offered/ manufactured in accordance with parameters specified in standard
technical data sheets. Technical data sheet for any other cores/sizes required
during detailed engineering shall be separately offered for owner’s approval by
the contractor/supplier.
1.2.1. General The cables shall be suitable for laying in racks, ducts, trenches, conduits and
underground buried installation with uncontrolled back fill and chances of
flooding by water. They shall be designed to withstand all mechanical, electrical and thermal
stresses under steady state and transient operating conditions. The XLPE
/PVC insulated L.T. power cables of sizes 240 sq. mm. and above shall
withstand without damage a 3 phase fault current of at least 45 kA for at least
0.12 second, with an initial peak of 105 kA in one of the phases at rated
conductor temperature ( 70 degC for PVC insulated cables and
90 degC for XLPE insulated cables). The armour for these power The Aluminium/Copper wires used for manufacturing the cables shall be true
circular in shape before stranding and shall be uniformly good quality, free from
defects. All Aluminium used in the cables for conductors shall be of H2 grade.
In case of single core cables armours shall be of H4 grade Aluminium. The fillers and inner sheath shall be of non-hygroscopic, fire retardant
material, shall be softer than insulation and outer sheath shall be suitable for the
operating temperature of the cable. Progressive sequential marking of the length of cable in metres at every one
metre shall be provided on the outer sheath of all cables. The cables shall have outer sheath of a material with an oxygen index of not
less than 29 and a temperature index of not less than 250°C. All the cables shall pass fire resistance test as per IS:1554 (Part-I) The normal current rating of all PVC insulated cables shall be as per
IS:3961. Allowable tolerance on the overall diameter of the cables shall be plus or minus
2 mm. The PVC (70°C) insulated power cables shall be of FR type, C1 category, conforming
to IS: 1554 (Part-I) and its amendments read alongwith this specification and shall be
suitable for a steady conductor temperature of
70°C. The conductor shall be stranded aluminium. The Insulation shall be extruded
PVC to type-A of IS: 5831. A distinct inner sheath shall be provided in all multicore
cables. For multicore armoured cables, the inner sheath shall be of extruded PVC. The
outer sheath shall be extruded PVC to Type ST-1 of IS: 5831 for all cables. The PVC (70°C) insulated control cables shall be of FR type C1 category conforming to
IS: 1554 (Part-1) and its amendments, read alongwith this specification. The
conductor shall be stranded copper. The insulation shall be
extruded PVC to type A of IS: 5831. A distinct inner sheath shall be provided in all
cables whether armoured or not. The over sheath shall be extruded PVC to type ST-1 of
IS: 5831 and shall be grey in colour . Cores shall be identified as per IS: 1554 (Part-1) for the cables up to five (5) cores and
for cables with more than five (5) cores the identification of cores shall be done by
printing legible Hindu Arabic Numerals on all cores as per clause 10.3 of IS 1554 (Part-
2.5 Progressive sequential marking of the length of cable in metres at every one metre
shall be provided on the outer sheath of the cable.
2.6 The cables shall have outer sheath of a material with an Oxygen
Index of not less than 29 and a Temperature index of not less than
2.7 Allowable tolerance on the overall diameter of the cables shall be plus or minus 2
3.1 Cables shall be supplied in returnable wooden or steel drums of heavy construction.
Wooden drum shall be properly seasoned sound and free from defects. Wood
preservative shall be applied to the entire drum.
3.2 Standard lengths for each size of power and control cables shall be
500/1000 meters. The cable length per drum shall be subject to a tolerance of
plus or minus 5% of the standard drum length. The owner shall
have the option of rejecting cable drums with shorter lengths. Maximum, One (1)
number non standard length of cable size(s) may be supplied in drums for completion
of project.
3.3 A layer of water proof paper shall be applied to the surface of the drums and over the
outer most cable layer.
3.4 A clear space of at least 40 mm shall be left between the cables and the lagging.
3.5 Each drums shall carry the manufacturer's name, the purchaser's name, address and
contract number and type, size and length of the cable, net and gross weight stencilled
on both sides of drum. A tag containing the same information shall be attached to the
leading end of the cable. An arrow
and suitable accompanying wording shall be marked on one end of the reel indicating
the direction in which it should be rolled.
4.1 All cables shall conform to all type, routine and acceptance tests listed in the relevant
4.2.1 XLPE INSULATED POWER CABLES ( For working voltages up to and including
1100V ):-
4.2.1 Following type tests ( on one size in a contract) as per IS: 7098 (Part 1)
– 1988 including its amendments shall be carried out as a part of acceptance
tests on XLPE insulated power cables for working voltages
up to and including 1100 V:
4.2.2 Contractor shall submit type test reports as per t echnical Specification, Section:
GTR for the following tests-
4.3.1 Following type tests ( on one size in a contract) as per IS: 1554 (Part 1) -
1988 including its amendments shall be carried out as a part of acceptance
tests on PVC insulated power & control cables for working voltages up to and
including 1100 V:
4.3.2 Contractor shall submit type test reports as per Technical Specification, Section:
GTR for the following-
a) High voltage test (water immersion d.c. test as per clause no. 16.3.2 of IS: 1554
(Part 1) - 1988).
b) Ageing in air oven.
c) Loss of mass in air oven.
d) Short time current test on power
cables of sizes 240 sqmm and above on
i) Conductors. ii)
e) Test for armouring wires/strips.
f) Oxygen and Temperature Index test. g)
Flammability test.
4.4.1 Contractor shall submit type test reports as per clause no. 9.2 of Technical
Specification, Section: GTR for XLPE insulated HV power cables ( as per IS 7098
Part-II including its amendment or as per IEC).
4.5.1 Contractor shall submit type test reports as per of Technical Specification for
Terminating/jointing accessories as per IS 17573:1992/ IEC 60840:1999/ IEC62067.
Name of manufacturer : As per approved list
Cable Sizes 1 C x 630 3½ C x 300
1 Manufacturer's type designation : A2XWaY A2XWY
2 Applicable standard : ----------------------IS: 7098/PT-I/1988 & its referred specifications----------------------
3 Rated Voltage(volts) : -----------------------1100 V grade------------------------------------------------------
4 Type & Category : FR & C1 FR & C1
5 Suitable for earthed or unearthed system : -----------------------for both-------------------------------------------------------------
6 Continuous current rating when laid in air in a ambient temp. of 50 oC and
for maximum conductor temp. of 70 oC of PVC Cables[ For information : 732 410
7 Rating factors applicable to the current ratings for various conditions of
installation: : -------------------------------As per IS-3961-Pt-II-67--------------------------------------
b) Maximum Conductor temp. allowed for the short circuit duty (deg
C.) as stated above. : --------------------------------------250 o C------------------------------------------------
9 Conductor
a) Material Stranded Aluminium as per Class 2 of IS : 8130
b) Grade : ------------------------------------- H 2 (Electrolytic grade) -------------------------
c) Cross Section area (Sq.mm.) : 630 300/150
d) Number of wires(No.)minimum : 53 30/15
e) Form of Conductor Stranded compacted
Stranded and compacted circular
circular/sector shaped
f) Direction of lay of stranded layers : -------- Outermost layer shall be R.H lay & opposite in successive layers --------
10 Conductor resistance (DC) at 20 oC per km-maximum 0.0469 0.1 / 0.206
11 Insulation
a) Composition of insulation : -------------------------------------Extruded XLPE as per IS-7098 Part(1)-----------------
b) Nominal thickness of insulation(mm) : 2.8 1.8/1.4
c) Minimum thickness of insulation : 2.42 1.52/1.16
12 Inner Sheath
a) Material : --------------------------------Extruded PVC type ST-2 as per IS-5831-84-----------------
b) Calculated diameter over the laid up cores,(mm) : NA 52
c) Thickness of Sheath (minimum)mm : N.A 0.6
d) Method of extrusion NA Pressure/Vacuum extrusion
13 Armour
a) Type and material of armour Al. Wire[ H4
: Gal. Steel wire
b) Direction of armouring : ----------------------------------left hand--------------------------------------------------
c) Calculated diameter of cable over inner sheath (under armour), mm
: 33.9 53.2
b) Non standard drum lengths : Maximum one(1) non standard lengths of each cable size may be supplied in
drums only over & above the standard lengths as specified above.(if required
for completion of project).
17 Whether progressive sequential marking on outer sheath provided at
1 meter interval : ----------------------------------------- YES -------------------------------------------------
18 Identification of cores
a) colour of cores As per IS 7098 Part(1)
b) Numbering : ----------------------------------------- N.A ---------------------------------------------------
19 Whether Cables offered are ISI marked : ----------------------------------------- YES ---------------------------------------------------
20 Whether Cables offered are suitable for laying as per IS 1255
: ----------------------------------------- YES -----------------------------------------------------
Name of manufacturer : As per approved list
Cable Sizes 1 c x 150 3.5 cx 70 3.5 cx 35 4 c x 16 4c x 6 2cx6
1 Manufacturer's type designation : AYWaY AYFY AYFY AYFY AYWY AYWY
2 Applicable standard : ------------ -------------------------IS: 1554/PT-I/1988 & its referred standards----------------------------
3 Rated Voltage(volts) : -----------------------1100 V grade----------------------------------------------
4 Type & Category : FR & C1 FR & C1 FR & C1 FR & C1 FR & C1 FR & C1
5 Suitable for earthed or unearthed system : -----------------------for both------------------------------------------------------
6 Continuous current rating when laid in air in a ambient temp. of
o o
50 C and for maximum conductor temp. of 70 C of PVC Cables[ For : 202 105 70 41 24 28
information only]
7 Rating factors applicable to the current ratings for various
conditions of installation: : x-------------------------------As per IS-3961-Pt-II-67---------------------------------------------------------
9 Conductor
a) Material : -------------------------------------STRANDED ALUMINIUM ---------------------------------------------------
b) Grade : ------------------------------------- H 2 (Electrolytic grade) ----------------------------------------------------
c) Cross Section area (Sq.mm.) M-70 M-35
: 150 16 6 6
N-35 N-16
d) Number of wires(No.) : ------------------------------------------- as per Table 2 of IS 8130 ------------------------------------------------
e) Form of Conductor Non-compacted shaped shaped shaped Non-compacted Non-compacted
Standed circular conductor conductor conductor Standed circular Standed circular
f) Direction of lay of stranded layers : -------- Outermost layer shall be R.H lay & opposite in successive layers --------
10 Conductor resistance (DC) at 20 oC per km-maximum
0.206 0.443/ 0.868 0.868/ 1.91 1.91 4.61 4.61
11 Insulation
a) Composition of insulation : -------------------------------------Extruded PVC type A as per IS-5831-84--------------------------
b) Nominal thickness of insulation(mm) : 2.1 1.4/1.2 1.2/1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0
c) Minimum thickness of insulation : 1.79 1.16/0.98 0.98/0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8
12 Inner Sheath
a) Material : --------------------------------Extruded PVC type ST-I as per IS-5831-84----------------------------------
b) Calculated diameter over the laid up cores,(mm) : N.A 27.6 20.4 15.7 11.6 9.6
c) Thickness of Sheath (minimum)mm : N.A 0.4 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3
13 Armour : -------------------------- as per IS 3975/88 ---------------------------------------------------------------------
a) Type and material of armour Gal.steel Gal.steel Gal.steel
: Al. Wire[H4 grade] Gal. Steel wire Gal. Steel wire
strip strip strip
b) Direction of armouring : ----------------------------------left hand-----------------------------------------------------------------------
d) Nominal diameter of round armour wire/strip : 1.6 4 x 0.8 4 x 0.8 4 x 0.8 1.4 1.4
e) Number of armour wires/strips : -------------------Armouring shall be as close as practicable------------------------------------------
f) Short circuit capacity of the armour along for 1 sec-for info only : --K x A√ t (K Amp)(where A = total area of armour in mm 2& t = time in seconds), K=0.091 for Al & 0.05 for steel
g) DC resistance at 20 C (Ω/Km) : 0.44 2.57 3.38 3.99 3.76 4.4
14 Outer Sheath
a) Material ( PVC Type) : ST-1& FR ST-1& FR ST-1& FR ST-1& FR ST-1& FR ST-1& FR
b) Calculated diameter under the sheath : 21.2 30.1 22.6 17.9 15 13
c) Min.thickness of sheath(mm) : 1.4 1.56 1.4 1.4 1.4 1.24
d) Guaranteed value of minimum oxygen index of outer sheath at
Min 29.0 Min 29.0 Min 29.0 Min 29.0 Min 29.0 Min 29.0
27o C
e) Guranteed value of minimum temperature index at 21 oxygen index
Min 250 Min 250 Min 250 Min 250 Min 250 Min 250
b) Non standard drum lengths Maximum one(1) non standard lengths of each cable size may be supplied in drums only over & above the standard
: lengths as specified above.(if required for completion of project).
17 Whether progressive sequential marking on outer sheath provided : ----------------------------------------- YES -------------------------------------------------------------
18 Identification of cores
a) colour of cores Red R,Y,Bl &Bk R,Y,Bl &Bk R,Y,Bl &Bk R,Y,Bl &Bk Red & Bk
b) Numbering : ----------------------------------------- N.A -------------------------------------------------------------
19 Whether Cables offered are ISI marked : ----------------------------------------- YES -------------------------------------------------------------
20 Whether Cables offered are suitable for laying as per IS 1255
: ----------------------------------------- YES -------------------------------------------------------------
control, signaling, lighting and space heater circuits. The incoming and sub-
circuits shall be separately provided with Fuses. Selection of the main and sub-
circuit Fuses rating shall be such as to ensure selective clearance of sub-circuit
faults. Voltage transformer circuits for relaying and metering shall be protected
by fuses. All fuses shall be HRC cartridge type conforming to IS: 13703
mounted on plug-in type fuse bases. The short time fuse rating of Fuses
shall be not less than 9 KA. Fuse carrier base shall have imprints of the fuse
'rating' and 'voltage'.
9.4. Space Heater : Each panel shall be provided with a thermostatically
connected space heater rated for 240V , single phase , 50 Hz Ac supply for the
internal heating of the panel to prevent condensation of moisture. The fittings
shall be complete with switch unit
10.1. All panels shall be equipped with an earth bus securely fixed. Location of earth
bus shall ensure no radiation interference for earth systems under various
switching conditions of isolators and breakers. The material and the sizes of
the bus bar shall be at least 25 X 6 sq.mm perforated copper with threaded
holes at a gap of 50mm with a provision of bolts and nuts for connection with
cable armours and mounted equipment etc for effective earthing. When
several panels are mounted adjoining each other, the earth bus shall be made
continuous and necessary connectors and clamps for this purpose shall be
included in the scope of supply of Contractor. Provision shall be made for
extending the earth bus bars to future adjoining panels on either side.
10.2. Provision shall be made on each bus bar of the end panels for connecting
Substation earthing grid. Necessary terminal clamps and connectors for this
purpose shall be included in the scope of supply of Contractor.
10.3. All metallic cases of relays, instruments and other panel mounted equipment
including gland plate, shall be connected to the earth bus by copper wires of
size not less than 2.5 sq. mm. The colour code of earthing wires shall be
10.4. Looping of earth connections which would result in loss of earth connection to
other devices when the loop is broken, shall not be permitted. However,
looping of earth connections between equipment to provide alternative paths to
earth bus shall be provided.
10.5. VT and CT secondary neutral or common lead shall be earthed at one place
only at the terminal blocks where they enter the panel. Such earthing shall be
Technical Specifications for Construction of New Grid Sub-Stations Page | 135
made through links so that earthing may be removed from one group without
disturbing continuity of earthing system for other groups.
13.3. The control switch of breaker and isolator shall be of spring return to
neutral type. The switch shall have spring return from close and trip
positions to "after close" and "after trip" positions respectively.
13.7. The contacts of all switches shall preferably open and close with snap
action to minimise arcing. Contacts of switches shall be spring assisted
and contact faces shall be with rivets of pure silver or silver alloy.
Springs shall not be used as current carrying parts
Break for:
Resistive load 3 20 7
14.1. Indicating lamps shall be of cluster LED type suitable for panel mounting
with rear terminal connections. .Lamps shall be provided with series
connected resistors preferably built in the lamp assembly. Lamps shall
have translucent lamp covers to diffuse lights coloured red ,green, amber
,clear white or blue as specified .The lamp cover shall be preferably of
screwed type ,unbreakable and moulded from heat resisting material.
14.3. Lamps and lenses shall be interchangeable and easily replaceable from
the front of the panel. Tools ,if required for replacing the bulbs and
lenses shall also be included in the scope of the supply.
14.4. The indicating lamps with resistors shall withstand 120% of rated voltage
on a continuous basis.
16.3. The synchronising panel shall be draw out and swing type which can
be swivelled in left and right direction. The synchronising panel shall be
placed along with control panels and the number of synchronising panel
Technical Specifications for Construction of New Grid Sub-Stations Page | 142
shall be as indicated in PRICE SCHEDULE. The incoming and running
bus wires of VT secondary shall be connected and run as bus wires in the
control panels and will be extended to synchronising panel for
synchronisation of circuit breakers. The selector switch provided for each
circuit breaker in respective control panels shall be lockable type with a
common key so that only one selector switch is kept in synchronising
mode at a time.
16.4. Alternatively, the trolley shall be of mobile type with four rubber-
padding wheels capable of rotating in 360 degree around the vertical
axis. Suitable bumpers with rubber padding shall be provided all
around the trolley to prevent any accidental damage to any panel in
the control room while the trolley is in movement. The trolley shall have
two meter long flexible cord fully wired to the instruments and
terminated in a plug in order to facilitate connecting the trolley to
any of the panels. The receptacle to accept the plug shall be provided on
the panel.
17.4. The protective relays shall be suitable for efficient and reliable operation of
the protection scheme described in the specification. Necessary auxiliary
relays and timers required for interlocking schemes for multiplying of
contacts suiting contact duties of protective relays and monitoring of
control supplies and circuits, lockout relay monitoring circuits etc. also
required for the complete protection schemes described in the
17.5. All protective relays, auxiliary relays and timers except the lock out relays
and interlocking relays specified shall be provided with self-reset type
contacts. All protective relays and timers shall be provided with
externally hand reset positive action operation indicators with inscription.
All protective relays which do not have built-in hand-reset operation
indicators shall have additional auxili- ary relays with operating indicators
(Flag relays) for this purpose. Similarly, separate operating indicator
(auxiliary relays) shall also be provided in the trip circuits of protections
located outside the board such as Buchholtz relays, oil and winding
temperature protection, sudden pressure devices, fire protection etc.
17.7. No control relay which shall trip the power circuit breaker when the relay
is de- energised shall be employed in the circuits.
17.8. Provision shall be made for easy isolation of trip circuits of each relay
for the purpose of testing and maintenance.
(b) Seal-in-unit shall obtain adequate current for operation when one
or more relays operate simultaneously.
17.10. All protective relays and alarm relays shall be provided with one extra
isolated pair of contacts wired to terminals exclusively for future use.
17.11. The setting ranges of the relays offered, if different from the ones
17.13. The bidder shall include in his bid a list of installations where the relays
quoted have been in satisfactory operation.
17.14. All relays and their drawings shall have phase indications as R-Red, Y-
yellow, B-blue
17.15. Wherever numerical relays are used, the scope shall include the following:
18.1. The line protection relays are required to protect the line and clear the
faults on line within shortest possible time with reliability,
selectivity and full sensitivity to all type of faults on lines. The
general concept is to have two main protections having equal
performance requirement specially in respect of time as called Main-I
and Main-II for 400KV and 220KV lines. The general concept is to have
Main and back up protection for 132 KV lines.
18.2. The Transmission system for which the line protection equipment
are required is detailed inspecification . The length of lines
and the line parameters (Electrical Constants) are also indicated there.
18.3. The maximum fault current could be as high as 40 kA but the minimum
fault current could be as low as 20% of rated current of CT
secondary. The starting & measuring relays characteristics should be
satisfactory under these extremely varying conditions.
18.4. The protective relays shall be suitable for use with capacitor
voltage transformers as well as Potential Transformers/ Voltage
Transformers having non-electronic damping and transient response as
Technical Specifications for Construction of New Grid Sub-Stations Page | 145
per IEC.
18.7. The following protections shall be provided for each of the Transmission
For 400 KV & 220KV
For 132KV
18.9. Further, if specified, back up Over current and Earth fault protection shall
be provided instead of Main -II protection scheme for
220KV lines to match with requirements at the remote ends.
18.10. The detailed description of the above line protections is given here under.
(e) shall have following maximum operating time (including trip relay
time , if any) under given set of conditions and with CVT being used on
line (with all filters included) .
(i) for 400 KV & 220 KV lines:
Source to Impedance ratio 4 15
Relay setting (Ohms) (10 or 20) and 2
Fault Locations (as % of relay setting) 50 50
Fault resistance (Ohms) 0 0
Maximum operating time 40 for all ph. 45 for 3 ph.
(Milliseconds) faults faults &
60 for all
other faults
(ii) for 132 KV lines :
A relaxation of 5 ms in above timings is allowed for 132 KV lines .
Note: However, the setting shall be finalised during detailed engineering,
testing & commissioning.
(f) The relay shall have an adjustable characteristics angle setting range of 30
75 degree or shall have independent resistance (R) and reactance (X)
(g) shall have two independent continuously variable time setting range of
0-3 seconds for zone-2 and 0-5 seconds for zone-3.
(k) shall have memory circuits with defined characteristics in all three phases
to ensure correct operation during close-up 3 phase faults and other adverse
conditions and shall operate instantaneously when circuit breaker is closed to
zero-volt 3 phase fault
(n) shall have a continuous current rating of two times of rated current. The voltage ci
(p) shall be suitable for use in permissive under reach / over reach
/blocking communication mode .
(q) shall have suitable number of potential free contacts for Carrier
aided Tripping, Auto reclosing, Event Logger, Disturbance / Fault
recorder & Data acquisi- tion system.
(r) include power swing blocking and out-of-step protection which shall
(s) include fuse failure protection which shall monitor all the three fuses
of C.V.T. and associated cable against open circuit.
inhibit trip circuits on operation and initiate annunciation.
have an operating time less than 7 milliseconds
remain inoperative for system earth faults
(x) In case the numerical distance relay is not having the built in feature as
per above clause (t), the same can be supplied as an independent relay.
Technical Specifications for Construction of New Grid Sub-Stations Page | 148
18.10.2 Line Differential Relay protection scheme (If applicable)
The line current differential relay with built-in distance protection function
shall be capable of being selected to differential function with back up
distance function or shall activate back up distance automatically when the
differential relay is out of service. The relay shall fulfil the requirement
specified above at clause 18.9 for distance relay function.
Further, the line current differential function shall conform to the following
main requirements:
i. The current differential shall be a unit system of protection.
ii. The line Current differential Protection shall comprise a wellproven
high-speed phase segregated numerical current differential protection
scheme, which shall be designed for the selective protection of the
EHV network.
iii. The High speed numerical current differential protection shall be
suitable to work through directly connected fiber optics and the relay
shall have the requisite teleprotection communication capability.
iv. Shall have built-in signalling modules for communication with the
remote end relay via direct optical fiber cables.
v. The contractor shall coordinate the requirements of the current differential
relay with the communication system in order to ensure compatibility
between the two.
vi. The relay shall incorporate inter-tripping, VT Supervision functions and
heavy duty contacts for tripping of the feeder circuit breaker as well as
provide all flagging, alarms etc.
vii. Shall have high-speed fault detection capability with typical relay operation
time of less than 30 ms for 765kV/400kV/220kV line faults and less than 40
ms for 132kV & below.
viii. Shall have high sensitivity for all types of faults.
ix. Shall detect and clear faults along the whole length of the feeder within the
specified operating time when the remote end breaker is open or there is a
weak in feed.
x. Shall remain stable for fault on a parallel feeder under subsequent current
reversal in the healthy feeder due to slow opening of one of the faulty
feeder's circuit breakers.
xi. Shall not be affected by heavy load transfer, power swings, CT saturation,
distorted primary currents and voltages, VT fuse failure, line charging
currents external switching, arc or tower footing resistance, sudden power
reversal, zero sequence mutual coupling, fault resistance and out of phase
source at the two line terminals producing misleading apparent fault
reactance, power frequency variations, collapse of voltage on the faulted
phase(s), etc.
xii. Shall have features to clear close in faults at high speed in the event of
failure of signalling channel.
xiii. Shall have features to test at one end all the functions associated with the
protection, without the presence of personnel at the remote end.
Technical Specifications for Construction of New Grid Sub-Stations Page | 149
xiv. Shall have features to block relay in case of signalling channel failure or
remote relay out of service / block or setting mismatch or dc failure etc., to
avoid inadvertent tripping and shall produce alarm during blocking.
xv. Shall have inter-tripping compliant with IEC60834-1 and IEC60834–2
respectively for signalling as appropriate.
xvi. The line differential device address shall be settable and shall be suitable to
set for no. of feeders shown in SLD.
xvii. CT supervision / VT Supervision shall be configured to initiate alarm
locally and to sub-station automation system or event recorder as per
xviii. Shall have single pole/three pole tripping feature.
xix. Shall have built-in SOTF logic feature.
xx. Shall have features to block auto-reclose internally or externally at local end
and facility to send blocking signals to remote end relay internally (through
FO communication channels) during SOTF trips.
xxi. Shall have facility to configure signal transferred between local and remote
end relays in the internal event recorder and disturbance recorder.
xxii. Shall have configurable time delayed thermal protection element and back
up earth fault protection element.
xxiii. Shall have following features:
• Satisfactory Performance of relay under CT saturation during through
• Satisfactory Performance of relay under conditions of CT saturation
for in zone faults.
• Satisfactory Performance of relay during transient (jitter) and
permanent changes in signalling propagation delays.
xxiv. Shall include necessary Optical fibre cable & associated accessories for
connection between the current differential relay panel and existing Fibre
optic distribution panel (FODP).
18.10.3. Back-up Directional Over Current and Earth fault protection scheme
(a) shall have three over current and one earth fault element(s) which shall
be either independent or composite unit(s)
(b) Numerical type
(c) The scheme shall include necessary VT fuse failure relays for
alarm purposes
(d) Directional over current relay shall
have IDMT characteristic (normal inverse as per IEC)
have a variable setting range of 50-200% of rated current
have a characteristic angle of 30/45 degree lead
include hand reset flag indicators /LEDs .
18.10.3. All trip relays usedin transmission line protection scheme shall be
of self/electrical reset type depending on application requirement.
(a) have single phase and three phase reclosing facilities (as
(b) have a continuously variable single phase dead time range of 0.1-
2 seconds.
(e) Incorporate a two position selector switch, from which single phase
auto-reclosure and non-auto reclosure mode can be selected.
Alternatively, the mode of auto reclosing can be selected through
HMI of the relay or BCU & SAS.
(g) have priority circuit to closing of both circuit breakers in case one
and half breaker arrangements to allow sequential closing of
• have two sets of relays and each set shall be able to monitor the
three phase voltage where one set shall be connected to the line
CVTs with a fixed setting of 20% of rated voltage and the
other set
all be connected to the bus CVTs with a fixed setting of
80% of rated voltage.
(h) provide separate out-put contacts for each 'Phase' and stage
for breaker trip relays, event logger and other scheme
20.1 All trip relays used in transmission line protection scheme shall be of self -
electrical reset type depending on application requirement.
(e) have a suitable non-linear resistor to limit the peak voltage to 1000 Volts.
(f) Separate relay shall be provided for 1-phase spare reactor unit (if
(b) be single step polarised 'mho' distance/ impedance relay suitable for
measuring phase to ground and phase to phase faults.
(e) have a definite time delay relay with a continuously adjustable setting
range of 0.2-2.0 seconds.
(f) include VT failure relay which shall block the tripping during VT fuse
failure condition.
(g) have Back-up over current and earth fault protection as built in
21.4. Further, Reactor auxiliary protections contacts (Buchholz, PRV, Oil Temperature,
Winding Temperature etc.) as applicable can be wired suitably in above protections
or provide separate Flag relays/Auxiliary relays as per scheme requirements.
Further reactor protections shall be grouped such that Differential protection,
Buchholz-I trip and Winding temperature trip are on DC-A while REF protection,
Back-up Impedance protection, PRD-I and Oil temperature trip are on DC-B. In
case multiple trip contacts for Buchholz relay / PRD relays are available, then their
contacts shall be wired to both Group of Protection.
(b) have an operating time not greater than 30 milli seconds at 5 times the
rated current .
(d) be bias differential type having an adjustable bias setting range of 10-50%
(e) be suitable for 04 nos. of 3-ph CT input with rated CT secondary current of 1
(f) have second harmonic or other inrush proof features and also should be
stable under normal over fluxing conditions. Magnetising inrush proof
feature shall not be achieved through any intentional time delay e.g use of
timers to block relay operation or using disc operated relays
(h) include necessary separate interposing current transformers for angle and
ratio correction or have internal feature in the relay to take care of the
angle & ratio correction
(i) shall be numerical type and shall have continuous self monitoring and
diagnostic feature
Necessary hardware and software for automatic up-loading the data captured
by disturbance recorder to the personal computer (DR Work Station) available
in the substation shall be included in the scope.
(k) be acceptable with built in features of definite time over load protection
(alarm) relay provided the technical requirements of these relays
specified under the relevant clauses are met.
(a) operate on the principle of Voltage to frequency ratio and shall be phase to
phase connected
(b) have inverse time characteristics, matching with transformer over fluxing
withstand capability curve
(d) tripping time shall be governed by 'v/f' Vs. time characteristics of the
(e) have a set of characteristics for Various time multiplier settings. The
maximum operating time of the relay shall not exceed 3 seconds and 1.5
seconds at 'v/f' values of 1.4 and 1.5 times, the rated values,
22.4. Back-up Over Current and Earth fault protection scheme with high
set feature
(a) Shall have three over current and one earth fault element(s)
which shall be composite unit(s).
(c) The scheme shall include necessary VT fuse failure relays for
alarm purposes
(d) have one adjustable time delay relay for alarm having setting
range of 1 to 10.0 seconds, continuously.
(g) be provided with suitable non linear resistors across the relay to
limit the peak voltage to 1000 volts
These shall
(b) The relay shall have adequate contacts for providing connection
to alarm and event logger.
(c) The relay shall have time delay on drop-off of not less than 200
milli seconds and be provided with operation indications for each
(c) The relay shall have a 'time delay on drop-off' of not less than
100 milli seconds and be provided with operation indicator/flag.
28.1. Redundant (1+1) numerical low impedance biased differential Bus Bar
protection scheme for each Main bus (Bus1 / Bus2) & Transfer Bus (as
applicable) for 400kV shall be provided. The scheme shall be engineered
so as to ensure that operation of any one out of two schemes connected to
28.2. Single busbar protection scheme shall be provided for each main
and transfer bus for 220KV and 132 KV voltage levels
(e) not give false operation during normal load flow in bus
(f) not cause tripping for the differential current below the load current
of heaviest loaded feeder. Contractor shall submit application check
for the same.
28.6. The test terminal blocks (TTB) to be provided shall be fully enclosed
with removable covers and made of moulded, non-inflammable plastic
material with boxes and barriers moulded integrally. All terminals shall
be clearly marked with identification numbers or letters to facilitate
connection to external wiring. Terminal block shall have shorting,
disconnecting and testing facilities for CT circuits.
(b) The panel shall be sheet steel enclosed and shall be dust,
weather and vermin proof. Sheet steel used shall be at least 2.0
mm thick and properly braced to prevent wobbling.
(e) The panel shall be provided with double hinged doors with
padlocking arrangement.
(f) All doors, removable covers and panels shall be gasketed all
around with synthetic rubber gaskets Neoprene/EPDM generally
conforming with provision of IS 11149. However, XLPE gaskets
can also be used for fixing protective glass doors. Ventilating
louvers, if provided shall have screens and filters. The screens
shall be made of either brass or GI wire mesh
(h) All sheet steel work shall be degreased, pickled, phosphated and
then applied with two coats of zinc chromates primer and two
30.1.8. Acquisition units shall acquire the Disturbance data for the pre fault and
post fault period and transfer them to Evaluation unit automatically to
store in the hard disk. The acquisition units shall be located in the
protection panels of the respective feeders.
30.1.9. The acquisition unit shall be suitable for inputs from current transformers
with 1A rated secondary and capacitive voltage transformers with 63.5V
(phase to neutral voltage) rated secondary. Any device required for
processing of input signals in order to make the signals compatible to
the Fault recorder equipment shall form an integral part of it. However,
such processing of input signals shall in no way distort its waveform.
30.1.10. The equipment shall be carefully screened, shielded, earthed and
protected as may be required for its safe functioning. Also, the Fault
recorder shall have stable software, reliable hardware, simplicity of
maintenance and immunity from the effects of the hostile environment of
EHV switchyard which are prone to various interference signals typically
from large switching transients.
30.1.11. Void
30.1.12. Evaluation software shall be provided for the analysis and evaluation of
the recorded data made available in the PC under WINDOWS
environment. The Software features shall include repositioning of
analog and digital signals, selection and amplification of time and
amplitude scales of each analogue and digital channel, calculation of
MAX/MIN frequency, phase difference values, recording of MAX/MIN
values etc. of analogue channel, group of signal to be drawn on the
same axis etc, listing and numbering of all analogue and digital
channels and current, voltage, frequency and phase difference values at
the time of fault/tripping. Also, the software should be capable of
carrying out Fourier /Harmonic analysis of the current and voltage wave
forms. The Disturbance records shall also be available in COMTRADE
format (IEEE standard- Common Format for Transient data Exchange
for Power System)
30.1.13. The Evaluation unit shall be connected to the color printer to obtain the
graphic form of disturbances whenever desired by the operator.
30.1.14. Fault recorder acquisition units shall be suitable to operate from 220V
DC or 110V DC as available at sub-station. Evaluation unit along with
the printer shall normally be connected to 230V, single phase AC
supply. In case of failure of AC supply, Evaluation unit and printer shall
be switched automatically to the station DC through Inverter of
adequate capacity which shall form a part of Fault recorder system. The
inverter of adequate capacity shall be provided to cater the requirement
specified in section - sub-station automation and DR evaluation unit.
30.1.15. The acquisition unit shall have the following features
(a) Facility shall exist to alarm operator in case of any internal faults
in the acquisition units such as power supply fail, processor /
Technical Specifications for Construction of New Grid Sub-Stations Page | 163
memory fail etc and same shall be wired to annunciation system
30.1.16. The colour laser printer (A4 size) shall be provided which shall be
compatible with the desktop PC and shall use Plain paper. The print out
shall contain the Feeder identity, Date and time (in hour, minute and
second up to 100th of a second), identity of trigger source and Graphic
form of analogue and digital signals of all the channels.
30.1.17. Each Fault recorder shall have its own time generator and the clock of the
time generator shall be such that the drift is limited to +0.5 seconds/day, if
allowed to run without synchronisation. Further, Fault recorder shall have
facility to synchronise its time generator from Time Synchronisation
Equipment having output of following types :
Voltage signal : (0-5V continuously settable, with 50m Sec.
minimum pulse duration)
Potential free contact (Minimum pulse duration of 50 m Sec.)
The recorder shall give annunciation in case of absence of synchronising
within a specified time.
30.1.18. Substations where Time Synchronisation Equipment is not available, time
generator of any one of the Fault recorders can be taken as master and
time generators of other Fault recorders and Event loggers in that station
shall be synchronised to follow the master.
30.2.4. Acquisition units shall acquire the fault data for the pre fault
and post fault period and transfer them to Evaluation unit
automatically to store in the hard disk. The acquisition units
shall be located in the protection panels of the respective
30.2.5. The acquisition unit shall be suitable for inputs from current
transformers with 1A rated secondary and capacitive voltage
transformers with 63.5V (phase to neutral voltage) rated
secondary. Any device
required for processing of input signals in order to make the
signals compatible to the Disturbance recorder equipment shall
form an integral part of it. However, such processing of input
signals shall in no way distort its waveform.
30.2.13. Each disturbance recorder shall have its own time generator and
the clock of the time generator shall be such that the drift is
limited +0.5 sec/day, if allowed to run without synchronisation.
Further, Disturbance recorder shall have facility to synchronise
its time generator from Time Synchronisation Equipment
having output of following types
31.4. The event logger shall have stable software, reliable hardware,
simplicity of maintenance. The equipment shall be carefully
screened, shielded, earthed and protected against severe
hostile electrical environment of EHV switchyard which are
prone to various interference signals typically from large
switching transients.
(e) The operator shall be able to change the date and time
from the key board and allow normal inputs of Accept,
demand log , Plant state demand log and date & time.
31.6. Event Logger shall its own time generator and the clock
of the time generator shall be such that the drift is limited
to ±0.5 seconds/day, if allowed to run with out synchronisation.
Further, Event Logger shall have facility to synchronise
its time generator from Time Synchronisation Equipment
having output of following types
31.7. The printer shall be compatible with event logger and VDU/
desktop personal computer and shall use plain paper. Two
packets of paper (500 sheets in each packet) suitable for printer
shall be supplied.
31.8. The printout of the events shall contain at least the station
date& time (in hour, minutes, seconds & milliseconds), event
and event description (at least 40 characters).
a) be electronic or microprocessor
based type.
b) be 'On-line' type
of 2 cycles
• Line length
• Presence of remote end in-feed
• Series compensation
• Non-uniform line (having Cable & Over head line both)
• Mutual coupling
• Transposition of line
• Fault resistance
• Severe CVT transients
vii. have facility to transmit the fault record to the Central unit
by dialing mode, IEC60870-5-103 or IEC60870-5-104 or
TCP/IP net protocol etc. Scope shall include dialup modem,
if required with each Acquisition unit.
ii. have all necessary hardware & software for data download
from Acquisition units, storage, processing, device
(acquisition unit) creation and configuration, and
comprehensive viewer for manual analysis of waveform. It
will also have diagnostic feature to check the healthiness of
connected devices & communication link.
iii. calculate & report the fault location based on the traveling
wave data acquired from acquisition units of both end of the
line. However, Central data processing unit shall have the
facility to calculate the fault location even with only one end
acquisition unit data of the line.
33.8. The output signal from each port shall be programmable at site
for either one hour, half hour, minute or second pulse, as per
33.9. The equipment offered shall have six (6) output ports. Various combin
detailed engineering, from the following :
33.12. Equipment shall have real time digital display in hour, minute,
second (24 hour mode) & have a separate time display unit to be
mounted on the top of control panels /SAS panel having display
size of approx. 100 mm height.
34. Bay Control Unit (BCU): BCU supplied shall meet the
requirements mentioned under technical specification Section-
Substation automation.
b) All control wiring from switchyard except CTs & CVTs shall be
terminated in the interface panel. CTs and CVTs wiring shall be
directly connected to the relay panel as per scheme requirements.
36.1. One relay test kit shall comprise of the following equipment
as detailed here under
IV) BREAKER RELAY PANEL: The breaker relay panel shall consist of
the following:
Sl. No. Description With A/R Without A/R
Breaker failure Protection Scheme
1. * 1 No. 1 No.
2. DC supply Supervision relay 2 Nos. 2 Nos.
Transmission Line/Transformer/Reactor as
* In case of bay extension in existing half diameter, breaker failure
Note- 3) relay
for main CB / Tie CB shall be supplied only if BFR built-in
Bus Bar
protection bay unit is not available or Tie CB standalone BFR relay
not available in the existing protection scheme.
1 For transformer feeders, all equipments of control panel
shall be provided separately for HV and MV sides.
2. In case of incomplete diameter (D and I type layouts),
control panel shall be equipped fully as if the diameter is
complete, unless otherwise specified. Annunciation relays
shall also be provided for the same and if required, necessary
panel shall be supplied to accommodate the same.
3. The above list of equipments mentioned for control panel
is generally applicable unless it is defined elsewhere and
in case of bay extension in existing substations, necessary
Control room/ Panel room will be normally air-cooled/air-
conditioned. All equipments shall however be suitable for
installation in a tropical monsoon area having hot, humid climate
and dry and dusty seasons with ambient conditions specified in the
specification. All control wiring, equipment and accessories shall be
protected against fungus growth, condensation, vermin and other
harmful effects due to tropical environment.
1.1 This specification covers the design, engineering, manufacture, assembly, inspection and
testing before supply and delivery at site/ FOR destination of class 0.2S accuracy static
HT tri-vector CT/ VT operated meters, along with other associated equipments as per
details given in this specification. The meters shall be used for commercial/ tariff metering
for inter utility power flows/ bulk consumers application.
1.2 The meter shall have wide secondary current range support i.e. same meter shall be put
up for 1A or 5A rating as per field availability of CT’s. The meter shall support 200%
Ibasic. Meter required to be commissioned at each substation shall be of 3 phase 4 wire
or 3 phase 3 wire.
1.3 It is not the intent to specify completely herein all the details of the design and construction
of material. The material shall, however, conform in all respects to the best industry
standards of engineering, design and workmanship and shall be capable of performing for
continuous commercial operation in a manner acceptable to the purchaser The offered
equipment shall be complete in all respects including all components/ accessories for
effective and trouble free operation according to the specifications. Such components
shall be deemed to be within the scope of this specification irrespective of whether those
are specifically brought out or not.
1.4 The metering system shall be wall mounted. Current terminal connection must be shorted
when the CT terminal connections at metering terminal been open. The meter can be
installed in the panel by using panel mounting kit.
The equipment shall conform (for testing, performance and accuracy) in all respects the
relevant Indian/ International metering standards with latest amendments thereof unless
otherwise specified.
The energy meter shall be indoor type connected with the secondary side of outdoor
current and voltage transformers and mounted in suitable panel/ cubicles.
The meter should be suitable for working with above supply variations without damage
and without degradation of its metrological characteristics.
The meter shall have Graphical LCD with backlight for proper depicting of values in
user friendly manner like values with unit, OBIS codes, negative signs, favourite page etc.
The metering system shall be suitable for full power factor range from zero (lagging)
through unity to zero (leading). The meter shall work as an active energy import and
export meter along with reactive (lag and lead) meter. The energy measurement should
be true four quadrant type.
Class of accuracy of the metering system shall be 0.2S for energy measurement. The
accuracy should not drift with time.
The meter must be capable to operate with the power drawn from the Auxiliary Power
supply (AC/DC) and station VT power supply.
The meter should start registering the energy at 0.1% Ib and unity power factor.
5.7 The meter shall work accurately irrespective of phase sequence of the mains supply.
Meters shall be designed and constructed in such a way so as to avoid causing any
danger during use and under normal conditions. However the following should be
All the materials and electronic power components used in the manufacture of the meters
shall be of highest quality and reputed make to ensure higher reliability, longer life and
sustained accuracy.
The meters shall be designed with application specific integrated circuits. The electronic
components shall be mounted on the printed circuit board using latest Surface Mount
Technology (SMT).
All insulating materials used in the construction of meters shall be non-hygroscopic, non-
aging and of tested quality. All parts that are likely to develop corrosion shall be effectively
protected against corrosion by providing suitable protective coating.
The metering system when mounted in panel shall conform to the degree of protection
IP54 in the normal working condition for protection against ingress of dust and moisture.
Meter should be manufactured using SMT (Surface Mount Technology) components and
by deploying automatic SMT pick and place machine and reflow solder process; the
Bidder should own such facilities.
The marking on every meter shall be in accordance with IEC. The basic marking on the
meter name plate shall be as follows:
5.12 The connection diagram of the connecting 3P4W/3P3W meter shall be depicted on meter.
The meter terminals shall be properly marked to identify voltage, Current and Auxiliary
5.13 The meters shall be suitable for being connected directly through its terminals to VT’s
having a rated secondary line- to- line voltage of 110 V, and to CTs having a rated
secondary current of 1A or 5A. Any further transformers/ transducers required for their
functioning shall be in-built in the meters. Necessary isolation and/or suppression shall
also be built-in, for protecting the meters from surges and voltage spikes that occur in the
VT and CT circuits of extra high voltage switchyards.
5.14 The meters shall compute the active energy and load import; active energy and load
export from the substation bus bars during each successive 15/30 minute integration
period block and store it in its non volatile memory.
5.15 The meter shall compute the average frequency during each successive 15 minute block
and store in its memory.
5.16 The meter shall have Inputs/ Outputs pulsing pins availability. This shall help in
transferring the same Energy parameters being recorded inside the meters on pulse
output as well for SCADA application at remote distance. Also, the pulse input shall be
used for time synchronization pulse input. The meter shall have 7 fixed pulse outputs and
4 configurable as pulse input/output.
5.17 The meter shall compute the reactive power, with an accuracy as per relevant IS/ IEC
standards, and integrate the reactive energy algebraically into two separate reactive
energy registers, one for the period for which the average RMS voltage is greater than
103% (Reactive High), and the other for the period for which the average RMS voltage is
below 97.0% (Reactive Low). When lagging reactive power is being sent out from
substations bus bars, reactive registers shall move forward. When reactive power flow is
in the reverse direction, reactive registers shall move backwards.
5.19 Active and Apparent energies shall also be made available by meter in separate energy
registers as –
i) Active energy Import total
ii) Active energy Export total
iii) Active energy Import fundamental
iv) Active energy Export fundamental
v) Net active energy (import – export)
vi) Active energy import total (Phase wise)
vii) Active energy export total (Phase wise)
viii) Apparent energy (while active import)
ix) Apparent energy (while active export)
5.20 Meter shall have provision to compute apparent energy based on lag only or lag+lead.
The same shall be configured at factory end.
5.21 The meters shall be compatible with ABT tariff as well as TOD tariff.
5.22 For reactive power and reactive energy measurement, limits of errors all the four
quadrants shall be in accordance to IEC 62053-23/ IS14697.
5.23 Each meter shall have two calibration LEDs (visual) for checking the accuracy of active
energy and apparent/reactive energy measurement. Further, it shall be possible to switch
over the same test output device to apparent or reactive energy via suitable means
provided on the metering system. This LED shall be visible from the front side.
5.24 The metering system shall normally operate with the power drawn through the auxiliary
AC or DC supply. The metering system design should enable the auxiliary supply to be
switched automatically between the AC and DC voltage, depending upon their availability.
5.25 Meter shall have a built-in calendar and clock, having an accuracy of Accuracy: <2
min/year or better. The calendar and clock shall be correctly set at the manufacturer’s
5.26 TOD (Time of day registers): The meter shall have TOD registers for active energy
import and export, apparent energy import and export and apparent MD import and
export. Maximum eight time of day registers including universal (0-24 hrs) register can be
defined. It shall be possible to program number of TOD registers and TOD timings through
suitable high level software/ MRI as an authenticated transaction.
5.27 Maximum Demand (MD) Registration: The meter shall continuously monitor and
calculate the average demand of configured parameter during the integration period set
and the maximum, out of these shall be stored along with date and time when it occurred
in the meter memory. The maximum demand shall be computed on fixed block principle.
The maximum registered value shall be made available in meter readings. The integration
period shall be set as 15 minutes that shall be capable to change to other integration
period (30/ 60 minutes), if required, through suitable high level software/ MRI as an
authenticated transaction.
5.28 Maximum Demand Reset: Following provisions shall be available for MD reset in meter –
5.29 The display shall be of Graphical LCD type with colored back-lit and soft push button.
The display shall indicate direct values (i.e. without having to apply any multiplying factor)
of measured/ computed parameters as per the meter commissioning. It should be possible
to easily identify the single or multiple displayed parameters through legends on the
metering system display like OBIS codes etc.
The register shall be able to record and display starting from zero, for a minimum of 1500
hours, the energy corresponding to rated maximum current at reference voltage and unity
power factor. The register shall not roll over in between this duration.
5.30 Each meter shall display on demand & in Auto scroll mode the following quantities/
5.31 Load Survey: Each meter shall have a non-volatile memory in which the configured
energy parameters and instantaneous parameters shall be automatically stored for each
successive fifteen (15) minute block. Meter shall have capability to store 9600 parameter-
days load survey data, not exceeding 1000 days/parameter.
It shall be possible to select either energy or demand view at Base Computer Software
(BCS) end. The load survey data should be available in the form of bar charts as well as in
spreadsheets. The BCS shall have the facility to give complete time synchronized load
survey data both in numeric and graphic form.
5.32 Billing parameters: The predefined date and time for registering the billing parameters of
shall be 00.00 hours of the first day of each calendar (billing) month. Each meter shall
store the configured billing parameters corresponding to defined bill dates. Up to max 53
billing dates can be configured
5.33 Daily midnight parameters: The meter shall store the configured energy parameters at
predefined time in a day. Maximum 100 days data can be stored
The meter shall have following communication ports for local/remote reading:
i) IEC 1107 optical port
ii) RS485 port (should be configurable on DLMS/MODBUS)
iii) RS232 port (for remote communication)
iv) TCP/IP Ethernet (should be configurable on DLMS TCP/MODBUS TCP)
Meter shall have GPRS modem inside the terminal cover which shall be connected with
RS232 port.
RS232, RS485 ports shall be hot swappable modular.
5.35 Each meter shall have a unique identification code i.e. serial number, which shall be
marked on name plate as well as in its memory.
5.36 Each meter shall have a non volatile memory in which the parameters as mentioned in
this specification shall be stored. The non volatile memory shall retain the data for a period
not less than 10 years under un-powered condition; battery back up memory shall not be
treated as NVM.
5.37 Meter shall have the capability and facility to compensate for errors of external
measurement transformers i.e. CT and VT:
i. Linear compensation for measurement PT errors (ratio and phase); there shall be
linear adjustment which shall be applied across the complete measurement range
of the transformer.
5.38 Meter shall have capability and facility to compensate power transformer losses;
percentage iron and copper losses shall be configured in the meter for compensation.
5.39 The meter display should depict the total harmonic distortion (THD) of current and
voltages up to 31 level of power quantity for providing the feature of supply monitoring to
6.1 The meter shall have features to detect and log the occurrence and restoration of
following anomalies, along with date and time of event:
i) Phase wise Missing Potential – The meter shall detect missing potential (1
or 2 phases) provided the line current is above a specified threshold. The
voltage at that stage would be below a specified threshold.
ii) Phase wise Current Circuit Reversal – The meter shall detect reversal of
polarity provided the current terminals are reversed. This shall be
recorded for 1 or 2 phase CT reversal.
iii) Voltage Unbalance – The meter shall detect voltage unbalance if there is
unbalance in voltages.
iv) Current Unbalance – The meter shall detect current unbalance if there is
unbalance in load conditions. Meter should ensure true system conditions
before going for current unbalance checks.
v) CT Miss – The meter shall detect current miss if the current is below a
defined threshold, provided the phase voltage is above a specified
6.2 Compartment wise event logging should be available in the meter. Total 11 compartments
with 100 events /compartment should be stored in meter. The events (occurrence +
restoration), in total, shall be stored in the meter memory on first in first out basis.
6.3 There shall be atleast eleven separate compartments for logging of different type of
Once one or more compartments have become full, the last anomaly event pertaining
to the same compartment shall be entered and the earliest (first one) anomaly event
should disappear. Thus, in this manner each succeeding anomaly event shall replace the
earliest recorded event, compartment wise. Events of one compartment/ category should
overwrite the events of their own compartment/ category only. In general persistence time
of 5 min. for occurrence and restoration respectively need to be supported in meter.
6.4 Anomaly count should increase as per occurrence (not restoration) of anomaly events.
Total no. of counts shall be provided on BCS.
The meters shall be fully type tested as per relevant standards IS 14697.
The type test report of the meters shall be submitted by bidder along with the offer. Type
test reports shall not be more than 2 years old.
1.1 All the PLCC equipment covered under the package shall
conform to the requirements of the latest edition of the
relevant IEC/IS Specifications or equivalent National Standards,
3. Location of Equipment
3.1 The PLCC Equipment and Line traps as specified shall be installed at
the respective ends of the transmission lines. The Contractor
shall be responsible for integrating the equipment supplied by
him with the already existing carrier equipment at the respective
sub-stations, if any. Contractor shall also be responsible for survey
for collecting all the necessary information/data from the
respective sub- stations for the installation of the equipment.
4. Frequency Planning
5. Proposed Arrangement
5.4 The equipment for protection signals shall have high degree of
reliability and speed. It shall be guaranteed to function reliably in
the presence of noise impulse caused by isolator or breaker
operation. The equipment shall be suitable for direct tripping of
remote end breaker for fault in unswitched Shunt Reactor &
Operation of Buchholz relays of reactor etc. It shall also be possible
to effect direct tripping of breaker at one end when the other end
breaker opens out either manually or by relays such as Bus fault
relay etc.
5.7 For reasons of security and reliability, phase to phase coupling shall
be employed. Double differential coupling shall also be
considered for double circuit lines. Bidders must furnish
detailed write-up on methods of coupling and recommend
suitable coupling mode for double-circuit lines along- with the
5.8 The Contractor shall have to check and prove through the results of
5.9 The Bidder shall submit curves illustrating ‘incorrect tripping’ and
“Failure to trip” probability plotted against corona noise level, in
the presence of impulse noise due to switching of isolator and
circuit breaker etc. Details of field tests and laboratory tests for
successful operation of his equipment, under such adverse
conditions shall be furnished by the Bidder. These are to be related
to end-to-end signaling and shall take into account the type of
communication link e.g. account shall be taken of transpositions in
the phase to phase coupled H.T. line. Details of field tests and
laboratory tests for successful operation of the equipment under
the above circumstances shall be submitted by the Bidder
illustrating the above parameters.
6.1 Line trap shall be broad band tuned for its entire carrier
frequency range. Resistive component of impedance of
the line trap within its carrier frequency blocking range shall not be
less than 570 ohms for 220kV and 132 kV systems.
6.2 Line trap shall be provided with a protective device in the form of
surge arrestors which shall be designed and arranged such that
neither significant alteration in its protective function nor physical
damage shall result from either temperature rise or the magnetic
field of the main coil at continuous rated current or rated short
time current. The protective device shall neither enter into operation
nor remain in operation, following transient actuation by the
power frequency voltage developed across the line trap by the
rated short time current. The protective devices in the form of
lightning arrestor shall be shunt connected to the main coil and the
tuning device.
6.3 The lightning arrestor provided with the line trap of each rating shall
fully comply with the requirements of IS:3070 Part-I/IEC-60099-I
Part-I. It shall conform to type tests as applicable and type test
certificate for the same shall be submitted by the Bidder.
6.4 The lightning arrestor provided with the line trap shall be subject
to routine and acceptance tests as per IEC-60099-1 (Part-I).
6.7 Line trap shall conform to IEC 60353 (latest) fulfilling all the
technical requirements.
6.8 The Bidder shall indicate continuous current rating of the line trap at
65 deg. C ambient.
6.9 Short duration current rating of the wave trap is the maximum rms.
values of the current in KA whose thermal effect, the wave trap shall
withstand for a period of one second following a continuous loading
at normal rating under standard thermal conditions. The
asymmetrical peak value of the first half wave of the rated short
time current shall be assumed to be 2.55 times the rms value. Line
traps should conform to the following short time ratings: -
400KV 220KV 132KV
(a)Normal rating in (for One & a Half
Amps. Breaker GIS) 1600 1250
(b)Short duration
current in KA 50 40 31.5
(c)First current
amplitude in KA 125 100 100
6.10 Reports for the following type tests on each type of line trap shall
6.11 The Bidder must enclose with his bid the reports of type and
routine tests conducted on similar equipment earlier as per IEC-
6.12 Welding
6.13.1 The Line Trap shall be suitable for outdoor pedestal or suspension
mounting and shall be mechanically strong enough to withstand
the stresses due to maximum wind pressure of 260 kg/square
meter. The type of mounting of wave trap i.e pedestal or suspension
shall be decided during detailed engineering. In case of suspension
type wave trap the Gantry Structure shall be designed suitably.
Wherever the proposal for pedestal type wave trap is considered,
the supply of structure and construction of the foundation for the
same alongwith all materials required for commissioning of wave
traps shall be done by the contractor/bidder.
6.14.1 The line traps shall be suitable for connecting to 4” IPS Aluminium
tube or 3” IPS Aluminium tube or ACSR single/twin/Quard bundle
conductor with horizontal or vertical take off. However, it is
Contractor’s responsibility to visit the site and provide suitable
6.14.6 Bidders are required to submit along with their bid typical
drawings clearly indicating the above mentioned features of the
line traps, line trap mounting arrangement and terminal
connectors. For suspension mounted line traps, Bidder shall submit
drawings showing single point as well as multi point (normally 3
point) suspension arrangements.
7.2 The coupling device, in conjunction with the CVT shall from an
electric filter of band pass type :
7.3 Two numbers ‘phase to earth’ type coupling filters shall be used to
achieve ‘phase to phase’/ ‘inter-circuit coupling’. Connection
between secondaries of the two phase to earth type coupling
7.4 Coupling device shall conform to IEC-60481 and shall have the
following carrier frequency characteristics as applicable to a phase
to earth type coupling device:
a) Nominal line side impedance i) 240 ohms for 765kV and 400
kV Quad/triple bundle
conductor line.
ii) 320 ohms for 400kV twin
conductor line.
7.8 The coupling device including the drainage coil, surge arrester
and earthing switch shall conform to type tests and shall be subject
to routine tests as per IEC-60481/IS:8998.
7.9 Reports for the following type tests on coupling device shall be
submitted as per GTR .
5)Tests on Arrestors
Bidder shall furnish, alongwith his bid copies of all type and
routine test conducted earlier on similar coupling device in
accordance with relevant standards.
8.1 High frequency cable shall connect the coupling device installed in
the switchyard to the PLC terminal installed indoor.
8.2 The cable shall be steel armoured and its outer covering shall be
protected against attack by termites. Bidder shall offer his
8.7 The H.F. cable shall conform to type tests and be subjected to
routine tests as per IS 11967(Part 2/Sec 1): 1989/IS 5026:1987.
8.8 All HF cables within the scope of this specification shall be laid
through cable trench and termination shall be carried out by the
8.10 Laying of HF cable along with its termination have to be done by the
(a) The coupling capacitor / CVT shall be of single-phase type and shall
include necessary terminal connectors.
(b) CC/CVT shall be suitable for high frequency coupling required for power
line carrier communication. Carrier signal must be
prevented from flowing into potential transformer (EMU)
circuit by means of a RF choke/ reactor suitable for
effectively blocking the carrier signals over the entire carrier
frequency range. HF terminal of the CVT shall be
brought out through a suitable bushing and shall be easily
accessible for connection to the coupling filters of the
carrier communication equipment, when utilised. Further, earthing
link with fastener to be provided for HF terminal.
(e) The damping device, which shall be permanently connected to one of the
secondary windings, should be capable of suppressing the ferro-
resonance oscillations.
The Coupling Capacitor /CVT mounting structure shall have provision for
the following:
(b) An earthing switch capable of being operated from ground level. It shall
include a facility to enable the capacitor-coupling unit to
be earthed via the drain coil while simultaneously
isolating the carrier equipment for test purposes.
(c) A surge diverter connected between the coupling capacitor and earth to
protect the matching unit, drain coil, etc.
10.2 PLC terminal shall use Amplitude Modulation and shall have single
side band transmission mode. These shall be equipped for fixed
frequency duplex working.
10.4 All the PLC terminals shall be of multipurpose type. The Bidder
shall confirm that the total transmission time for tele protection
shall not exceed 20 ms for permissive and 30 ms for direct
tripping signals. Speech and tele protection channels shall
independently fulfill the SNR requirements out of the power
allocated to its channel from the total power of the PLC terminals.
10.5 In the input circuit of the PLC terminal protective devices shall be
provided in the form of zener diodes or surge suppressers in order
to eliminate any surge transfer through the coupling device or the
surge induced in the connecting path of H.F. cable.
10.6 To improve voice transmission characteristics for the system,
compressors and expanders shall be provided. The companders
shall have at least 2:1 compression ratio with a corresponding
expansion ratio of 1:2. The operating range of compander shall
be compatible with the audio power levels specified for 4 wire
operation. The improvement gained by companders shall however
not be taken into account for power allocation and shall be in-hand
10.7 Sudden changes in input level to the receiver shall not cause false
tripping. The Bidder shall clearly indicate in his offer the methods
adopted to ensure above phenomenon. The receiver design shall
also provide protection against false tripping from random noise.
10.9 The PLC set shall be designed to give guaranteed performance from
0 deg. C to
50 deg. C ambient temperature. The thermal capability of the
equipment shall be so designed that the equipment remains
operational successfully upto 60 deg. C ambient temperature. Any
ventilation fans provided for circulation of air inside the cabinets
shall conform to relevant Indian Standards.
10.12 All the panels shall be protected against moisture ingress and
corrosion during storage. Panels shall be properly dried before
they are installed and energized.
Bidder shall indicate measures adopted to prevent ingress of
moisture during operation.
10.13 All cabinets having PLC terminals shall be provided with lamps of
sufficient wattage for interior illumination with switch. Each panel
shall be provided with
240 V AC single phase socket with switch to accept 5 & 15A
standard Indian plugs.
a)Voltage variation
f)Harmonic distortion
g) Selectivity
j)Balance to ground
n)Attenuation distortion
r)Conducted noise
t)Speech levels
j) All the terminals for speech shall be with Transit Band Pass
Filter suitable for tuning at site and shall be wired for
addition of VFTs in future.
11.2.2 'EPAX' shall also be provided with two (2) additional interface units
and operate exclusively with OWNER's leased subscriber
lines, of Department of Telecommunication (DOT) and
compatible with 2 wire full duplex, voice grade mode of
operation.The details of communication protocol, for interfacing of
'DOT' leased lines, shall be coordinated by the Contractor, with the
licensing authority (DOT).
11.3 Remote End Four Wire 'E/M' Interface & Subscriber Unit or
EPAX (4x4)
11.3.1 Remote End Four Wire 'E/M' Interface & Subscriber Units, wherever
specified, shall be of electronic type and be suitable
for working on fixed frequency power line carrier systems with E &
M signalling. This shall be housed in the carrier set and be fully
wired to the power line carrier terminal equipment.
11.3.2 This unit shall receive and register various signals, on PLCC Channels,
from remote exchanges or other remote end subscriber
units and associated four wire interface unit.
11.3.3 The Four wire interface unit shall be equipped for routing transit calls
and shall be supplied pre-wired to handle calls for minimum eight
11.3.4 The bidder shall also indicate the total number of trunk-line capacity,
available with four-wire interface unit. The unit shall be suitable for
connecting two-wire telephone sets. Further, the associated
telephone cables for locating two subscriber lines, within the control
room is in the scope of this specification.
(b) It shall also monitor the healthiness of the link from one end
to the other and give alarms in case of any abnormality.
(d)It shall be possible to carry out the above tests from either end of
the carrier link.
All the above tests (except temperature & humidity tests) shall be
as per IEC 60834-1 and the test standards mentioned therein.
11.4a.8 Relays:
a) Impulse voltage withstand test as per IEC 60255
b) High frequency disturbance test as per IEC 60255
a) Transmit side
Contact Rating:
Maximum voltage :
660 Volts Maximum current rating :
5 amps Maximum power rating
b) Receive Side
Contact Rating:
Rated voltage :
Technical Specifications for Construction of New Grid Sub-Stations Page | 221
250 Volts DC Rated current :
0.1 A DC
Other Parameters : As per IEC-
60255-25 c) Alarm
Rated voltage :
250 volts DC Rated current :
0.1 A
Other Parameters : As per IEC-60255-25
11.4b.12 Reports for the following tests as per GTR shall be submitted for
approval for protection coupler and the relays associated with
PLCC equipment for network protection signaling equipment and
a)Power supply
variation b)Power
supply interruption
d)Reverse polarity
f)Transmission time
h)Alarm function
withstand test
1.0 The circuit breakers and accessories shall conform to IEC: 62271-100,
IEC: 60694 and other relevant IEC standards except to the extent explicitly
modified in the specification and shall also be in accordance with
requirements specified in specification.
1.1 The 245 Kv/ 145 kV circuit breakers offered would be of Sulphur
Hexafluoride (SF6) type only and of class C2-M2-E2 as per IEC. The
bidder may also offer circuit breakers of either live tank type or dead tank
type of proven design.
1.2 The circuit breaker shall be complete with terminal connectors, operating
mechanism, control cabinets, piping, inter pole cable, cable accessories
like glands, terminal blocks, marking ferrules, lugs, pressure gauges,
density monitors (with graduated scale), galvanised support structure for
CB and control cabinets, their foundation bolts and all other circuit breaker
accessories required for carrying out all the functions the CB is required to
1.3 All necessary parts to provide a complete and operable circuit breaker
installation such as main equipment, terminals, control parts, connectors
and other devices whether specifically called for herein or not shall be
1.4 The support structure of circuit breaker as well as that of control cabinet
shall be hot dip galvanised. All other parts shall be painted as per shade
697 of IS -5.
1.5 The circuit breakers shall be designed for use in the geographic and
meteorological conditions as given in specification.
1.6 Standard
The circuit breakers shall conform to the latest revisions with amendments
available at the time of testing of relevant standards, rules and codes, some
of which are listed herein for ready reference. Equipment meeting with the
requirements of any other authoritative standards, which ensures equals or
better quality than the standards mentioned herein may also be offered. In
that case, salient points of difference between the standards adopted and
the specified standards shall be clearly brought out in the bid and shall be
considered acceptable, if found justified after due technical evaluation.
It is proposed to electrically interlock the circuit breaker with Purchaser's
associated air break isolating switches in accordance with switchyard safety
interlocking scheme. All accessories required on breaker side for satisfactory
operation of the scheme shall be deemed to be included in the scope of supply
of this Specification.
All ferrous parts including all sizes of nuts, bolts, plain and spring washers,
support channels, structures, shall be hot dip galvanised conforming to latest
version of IS:2629 or any other equivalent authoritative standard.
The operating mechanism housing, control cabinets, dead tanks, support
structure etc., shall be provided with two separate earthing terminals suitable
for bolted connection to 50x8mm. Galvanised MS flat to be provided by the
Purchaser for connection to station earth mat.
2. The coils of operating devices shall have a reference mark permitting the
data to be obtained from the manufacturer.
3.The rating plate shall be visible in position of normal service and installation.
The rating plate shall be weather proof and corrosion proof.
i) When applying the temperature rise of 55 deg.C. care should be taken to
ensure that no damage is caused to the surrounding insulating materials.
ii) The quality of the silver facing shall be such that a layer of silver remains at
the points of contact after the mechanical endurance test. Otherwise, the
contacts shall be regarded as "bare".
iii) The values of temperature and temperature rise are valid whether or not the
conductor connected to the terminals is silver faced.
iv) The temperature shall not reach a value where the elasticity of the material
is impaired. For pure copper, this implies a temperature limit of 75 deg.C.
1. All acceptance and routine tests as stipulated in the relevant standards shall
be carried out by the Supplier in the presence of Purchaser/Purchaser's
Once the breaker is installed, purchaser on his discretion can perform one
full current shot of 50kA at 245kV TRV and 5kA at 245kV TRV will be
taken on the breaker using the synthetic test facility, the breaker should
not show any restrikes, any restrike supplier has to replace the breaker
free of cost.
1. The inspection may be carried out by the Purchaser at any stage of
manufacture. The Supplier shall grant free access to the Purchaser/Purchaser's
representative at a reasonable time when the work is in progress. Inspection
and acceptance of any equipments under this specification by the Purchaser
shall not relieve the Supplier of his obligation of furnishing equipment in
accordance with the specification and shall not prevent subsequent rejection if
the equipment is found to be defective.
2. The supplier shall keep the Purchaser informed in advance, about the
manufacturing programme so that arrangement can be made for inspection.
3. The Purchaser reserves the right to insist on witnessing the
acceptance/routine testing of the bought out items.
4. No material shall be dispatched from its point of manufacture unless the
material has been satisfactorily inspected and tested.
5. The supplier shall give 15 days (for local supplies)/ 30 days. (In case of
foreign supplies) advance, intimation to enable the purchaser to depute his
representative for witnessing acceptance and routine tests.
37 Rated voltage & pick up range for trip coil 70%-110% of rated 70%-110% of rated
(VDC) control (Rated voltage current control (Rated
220V DC) voltage 250V DC)
38 Rated voltage & pick up range for closing 85%-110% of rated 85%-110% of rated
coil (VDC) control (Rated voltage control voltage.(Rated
220V DC) voltage 250V DC)
39 Rated pressure and limits of pressure of NA NA
operating mechanism
40 Rated pressure and limits of pressure of Rated pressure Rated pressure
extinguishing medium 6.1kg/cm2 at 20deg.C 6.1kg/cm2 at 20 deg.C
Limits of pressure Limits of
5.1Kg/cm2 to 6.1kg/cm2 pressure.5.1Kg/cm2 upto
at 20deg.C 7.6Kg/cm2 at 20deg C
41 Maximum dead time for
(i) Three Phase reclosing (ms) 300msec 300msec
(ii) Single phase reclosing (ms) 300msec NA
42 Dielectric Withstand of complete breaker
One minute dry & wet power frequency
withstand voltage
(i) Between line terminal and ground (kV 460KV 275KV
(ii) Between terminals with breaker contacts 460KV 275KV
open (kV rms)
43 1.2/50micro sec impulse withstand test
(i) Between live terminal and ground (KVp) (+-)1050kVp (+/-) 650KVp
(ii) Metal to porcelain joints Neoprene gasket ('O' ring Neoprene gasket (O ring)
for stationary joints for stationary joints
65 Method of housing SF6 gas compressors and
(i) At circuit breaker Not applicable Not applicable
(ii) In Control Cubicle. Not applicable Not applicable
66 Type and make of
(i) Density meter COMDE Germany COMDE Germany
(catalogue enclosed)
(ii)Pressure gauge Wika Wika (catalogue
67 Density meter settings
(i) Lockout 5.1kg/cm2 @20deg.C 5.1kg/cm2 @20deg.C
(ii) Alarm 5.3kg/cm2 @20deg C 5.3kg/cm2 @ 20deg.C
69 Whether OGA Drawing enclosed Yes Yes
70 Weight of complete 3 phase breaker for 3000Kg w/o structures 1500Kg w/o structures (
foundation design (kG) (each support structure- each support structure-
315kg approx.) 150kG approx.)
94 Standard to which the design of support IS 800 & IS 816-1969 1S 800& IS 816-1969
structure conforms.
95 Whether foundation bolts for breaker and Yes Yes
cabinets included in scope of supply
Detailed literature
96 Whether the following are enclosed
(i) Type test as per IEC-62271-100 Yes Yes
(ii) Type test report & field test report in NA NA
case of reactor switching duty
(iii) Details of the operating mechanism Yes (Part of GA Drg.) Yes (Part of GA Drg.)
(iv) Drawing of breaker support structure Yes (Part of GA Drg.) Yes (Part of GA Drg.)
(iv)Calculations for compressed air plant NA NA
(vi) Details of SF6 gas filling evacuating
(vii) Details of SF6 gas leak detector
(viii) Precautions in use of SF6 gas
(ix) Leaflets & literature bringing out salient
features of equipment offered
x) Schematic diagrams of switching NA NA
mechanism for closing resistor showing the
duration of insertion along with calculations
for thermal rating of closing resistors
xi) Whether drawings enclosed Yes (Refer O&M Yes (Refer O&M
Manual) Manual)
(xii) Method of checking of voltage NA NA
distribution devices at site enclosed
(xiii) Details along with a complete
catalogue of operation analyzer
(xiv) Data on capabilities of circuit breaker At50% rated load At50% rated load current
in terms of time & no. of operations at duties current-upto6000 (3150A)-upto6000
ranging from 100% fault currents to load At 100 rated load At 100 rated load current
currents of the lowest possible value w/o current-upto 6000 (3150A)-upto 6000
requiring any maintenance or checks. At 50% rated breaking At 50% rated breaking
current-upto90 current (40kA)-upto30
At 100% rated breaking At 100% rated breaking
current-upto 30 current (40kA)-upto 18
99 Manufacturer's Name
100 Type Hollow Porcelain Hollow porcelain
101 Applicable standards IEC 60233 IEC 60233
(i) Height As per enclosed drawing AS per drawing
(ii) Diameter (top)
(iii) Diameter (bottom)
102 Total creepage distance 6125mm 3625mm
103 Rated Voltage (KV) 245KV 145KV
104 Power frequency withstand voltage for 1 460kVrms 275kVrms
min (kV rms) dry & wet
105 1.2/20 micro sec. Impulse withstand voltage 1050KVp 650KVp
106 250/2500 micro sec. Switching impulse NA NA
withstand voltage (KVp)
(i) Dry
(ii) Weight
107 Corona Extinction voltage 156KV 92KV
108 Weight (Kg) As per enclosed drawing As per drawing
109 Maximum allowable span (mm) As specified As specified
110 Cantilever strength 30.1kN-M 30.1kN-M
111 OGA drawing enclosed. Yes Yes
Motors for Circuit Breakers
112 Manufacturer's Name & Address
113 Equipment driven by Motor Closing spring Closing spring
114 Motor type Universal motor Universal Motor
115 Country of Origin India India
116 Frame size NA NA
117 Type of Duty Short time delay Short time duty
118 Type of Enclosure and method of cooling Air natural Air natural
119 Applicable standard to which motor IS 996 IS 996
generally confirms
120 Type of mounting Vertical Vertical
121 Direction of rotation as viewed from non- Unidirectional Unidirectional
driving end (Clockwise) (Clockwise)
122 Standard continuous rating at 40deg.C 750Watts 750Watts
ambient temp. As per Indian standard (KW)
123 De rated rating for specified normal Not applicable NA
conditional i.e.50 deg. C ambient temp.
124 Rated voltage 220V DC/240V AC 250V DC/ 240V AC
1.1 The Isolators and accessories shall conform in general to IEC: 62271-102 (or
IS: 9921) except to the extent explicitly modified in specification and shall be
in accordance with requirement of specification.
1.2 Isolators shall be outdoor, off-load type. Earth switches shall be provided on
Isolators wherever called for.
1.3 Complete isolator with all the necessary items for successful operation shall
be supplied including but not limited to the following:
1.3.1 Isolator with complete Support Insulators, operating rod insulator, base frame,
linkages, operating mechanism, control cabinet, interlock, interpole cables etc.
1.3.2 All necessary parts to provide a complete and operable isolator installation,
control parts and other devices whether specifically called for herein or not.
1.4 The isolator shall be designed for use in the geographic and meteorological
conditions as given in specification.
a) Isolators and earth switches shall be capable of withstanding the dynamic and
thermal effects of the maximum possible short circuit current of the systems
in their closed position. They shall be constructed such that they do not open
under influence of short circuit current.
Each single pole of the isolator shall be provided with a complete galvanised
steel base provided with holes and designed for mounting on a supporting
3.3 Blades :
a) All metal parts shall be of non-rusting and non-corroding material. All
current carrying parts shall be made from high conductivity electrolytic
copper/aluminium. Bolts, screws and pins shall be provided with lock washers.
Keys or equivalent locking facilities if provided on current carrying parts, shall
be made of copper silicon alloy or stainless steel or equivalent. The bolts or pins
used in current carrying parts shall be made of non-corroding material. All
ferrous castings except current carrying parts shall be made of malleable cast
iron or cast-steel. No grey iron shall be used in the manufacture of any part of
the isolator.
b) The live parts shall be designed to eliminate sharp joints, edges and other corona
producing surfaces, where this is impracticable adequate corona shield shall be
provided. Corona shields/rings etc., shall be made up of aluminum/aluminum
c) Isolators and earth switches including their operating parts shall be such that
they cannot be dislodged from their open or closed positions by short circuit
forces, gravity, wind pressure, vibrations, shocks, or accidental touching of the
d) The isolator and earth switch shall be designed such that no lubrication of any
part is required except at very infrequent intervals. i.e. after every 1000 operations
or after 5 years whichever is earlier.
3.4 Insulator :
a) The insulator shall conform to IS: 2544 and/or IEC-168. The porcelain of the
insulator shall conform to the requirements stipulated in specification and shall
have a minimum cantilever strength of 600 Kg. for 145 kV insulators and 800 kg
for 245 Kv isolator.
Pressure due to the contact shall not be transferred to the insulators after the main
blades are fully closed.
b) The parameters of the insulators shall meet the requirements specified in
c) Insulator shall be type and routine tested as per IEC-168. Besides following
additional routine/acceptance tests shall also be conducted:
(i) Bending load test in four directions at 50% of minimum
bending load guaranteed on all insulators, as a routine test.
(ii) Bending load test in four directions at 100% of minimum
bending load as a sample test on each lot.
(iii) Torsional test on sample insulators of a lot.
(iv) Ultrasonic test as a routine test.
a) The main Isolator and earth switches shall be individual pole operated
gang operated in case of 145 kV. The operating mechanism of the three
poles shall be well synchronized and interlocked.
9.0 TESTS:
9.1 In continuation to the requirements stipulated under Section-GTR the
isolator alongwith its earthing switch and operating mechanism should
have been type tested as per IEC/IS and shall be subjected to routine
tests in accordance with IEC-62271-102. Minimum 1000 Nos.
mechanical operations in line with mechanical endurance test, M0 duty,
shall be carried out on 1 (one) isolator out of every lot of Isolators,
assembled completely with all accessories including insulators, as
acceptance test for the lot. The travel characteristics measured at a
suitable location in the base of insulator along with motor current/power
drawn, during the entire travel duration are to be recorded at the start
and completion and shall not vary by more than (+/-) 10% after
completion of 1000 cycles of operation. After completion of test,
mechanical interlock operation to be checked.
Sl. Description Unit 420kV ISO 245kV ISO 145kV ISO 36kV ISO
1 Rated voltage kVrms 420 245 145
2 Rated frequency Hz 50 50 50 50
7 Rated short time withstand kA 40 /50 /63for 40 / 50 for 1 31.5 for 1 25 KA for 3
current of withstand 1 sec (as sec (as sec sec
current of isolator and applicable) applicable)
earth switch
8 Rated dynamic short time kAp 100 kAp / 100 kAp / 125 80kAp 62.5 kAp
withstand current of 125 kAp / kAp (as
isolator and earth switch 157.5 kAp applicable)
9 Temperature rise over As per Table-3 of IEC-62271-1
design ambient
10 Rated mechanical As per table III of IEC-62271-102 or as per value
terminal load
11 Mechanical Isolator-M2
Endurance Class E/S-M0
12 Operating A.C. Motor operated
mechanism of
13 No. of auxiliary Besides requirement of this spec., 5 NO + 5 NC contacts wired
contacts on each on each isolator to terminal block exclusively for Employer’s
isolator use in future.
Number of terminal in All contacts & control circuits are to be wired up to control
16 control Cabinet (Interpole cabinet plus 24 spare terminals evenly distributed.
shall be supplied by
17 Rated Insulation levels
22 Thermal Rating of A 10 A 10 A 10 A 10 A
Auxiliary Contacts at 220 V DC at 220 V DC at 220 V at 220 V DC
* The values indicated are for specific creepage of 25mm/kV. In case of specific creepage of
31mm/kV is specified, the Minimum Creepage distance values shall be considered
Note: The above insulation levels are applicable for altitude up to 1000 meters above M.S.L. For higher
altitudes, suitable correction factor as per relevant IEC shall be applied.
12.1 Contractor shall perform any additional test based on specialties of the items as per
the field Q.P./Instructions of the equipment manufacturer or Employer without any
extra cost to the Employer. The Contractor shall arrange all instruments required for
conducting these tests alongwith calibration certificates at his own cost.
12.2 An indicative list of tests on isolator and earthswitch is given below. Contractor shall
perform any additional test based on specialties of the items as per the field
Q.P./instructions of the equipment Supplier or Purchaser without any extra cost to the
Purchaser. The Contractor shall arrange all instruments required for conducting these
tests along with calibration certificates and shall furnish the list of instruments to the
Purchaser for approval.
(a) Insulation resistance of each pole
(b) Manual and electrical operation and interlocks
(c) Insulation resistance of control circuits and motors
(d) Ground connections
(e) Contact resistance
(f) Proper alignment so as to minimize vibration during operation
(g) Measurement of operating Torque for isolator and Earth switch
(h) Resistance of operating and interlocks coils
(i) Functional check of the control schematic and electrical & mechanical
(j) 50 operations test on isolator and earth switch
12. 3 The Contractor shall ensure that erection, testing and commissioning of
Isolators shall be carried out under the supervision of the Isolator
manufacturer's representative and the cost of the same shall be included in the
erection price of the respective equipment.
B. 33kV Isolator
(a) Type Outdoor (Double Break)
(a) Temperature rise over design As per table V of IEC 694
ambient temperature
(b) Rated mechanical terminal load As per table-III of IEC 62271-102 IEC
129(1984) or as per value calculated in
Specification whichever is higher
B.1 The porcelain of the 36 kV insulators shall have minimum cantilever strength
of 450 kgs
B.2 33 kV Isolator shall be gang operated for main blades and earth switches.
C. Surge Arresters
Equipment to BIL of the equipment to be protected
be protected 33 kV system (kVp)
Power Transformer + 170
Phase to ground + 195
Across open contacts + 195
D. 33 KV Current Transformers
1.(a).Rated Primary current 600/1200A(as applicable)
2 Metering 600- 20 0.5 - - -
3 Trafo. 600- - PS 600/3
Diff. 300/1 00
4 Spare
5 Spare
All Relaying CT shall be accuracy class PS as per IS: 2705
B. Current Transformer (1200A)
4 Spare
5 Spare
All Relaying CT shall be accuracy class PS as per IS: 2705
75 VA
12. A a
p t 13. A
11. .Vol p i c
tage l o c
Rati i n u
o c r
Technical Specifications for Construction of New Grid Sub-Stations Page | 272
acy Secon- Secon- Secon-
14. Outp dary I dary II daryIII
burd 33/0.11 33/0.11 33/0.11
) Protec- Protec-
(min tion tion Meter-
imu ing
3P 3P
50 50
1.00.00 General
2.00.00 Air Conditioning System For Control Room Building
3.00.00 Air Conditioning System For Switchyard Panel Rooms
1.00.00 GENERAL
2.02.00 Air conditioning requirement of rooms indicated at clause no. 2.01.00 shall
be met using split AC units. High wall type split AC units of 2TR capacity
each with high wall type indoor evaporator unit shall be used for all
2.03.00 Scope
2.03.01. Required number (as per heat load calculation) of high wall type split AC
units of 2TR capacity each complete with air cooled outdoor
condensing unit having hermetically sealed compressor and high wall type
indoor evaporator unit with cordless remote controller.
2.03.02 Copper refrigerant piping complete with insulation between the indoor
and remote outdoor condensers as required.
2.03.03 PVC drain piping from the indoor units upto the nearest drain point.
2.03.04 Power and control cabling between the indoor unit and outdoor unit
2.04.01 The split AC units will be complete with indoor evaporator unit,
outdoor condensing units and cordless remote control units.
2.04.03 The indoor units shall be high wall type. The indoor unit shall be
compact and shall have elegant appearance. They shall have low noise
centrifugal blowers driven by special motors and copper tube aluminium
finned cooling coils. Removable and washable
polypropylene filters shall be provided. They shall be complete with multi
function cordless remote control unit with special features like
programmable timer, sleep mode and soft dry mode etc.
2.04.04 Cooling capacity of 2TR AC units shall not be less than 22000 btu/hr. and
shall have energy efficiency rating of 3star or above.
2.04.05 The Split AC units shall be of Carrier, Voltas, Blue Star, Hitachi,
Daikin, LG, National, O’ General or Samsung make.
2.05 Warranty
All compressors shall have minimum 5 years Warranty from the date of
The scope covers supply, erection, testing and commissioning of Diesel Generator set of
stationary type. The D.G. Set shall have a net electrical output as specified in the Price
Sheet/BOQ, under the site conditions of 40o C ambient temperature & 1000 meters
altitude. This net electrical output shall be measured after reducing all power consumptions
for D.G. Set auxiliaries.
(a) Diesel engine complete with all accessories such as Engine Cooling and lubrication
system, Engine air filtering system, Exhaust silencer package, Fuel Intake System
(b) An alternator directly coupled to the engine through coupling, complete with all
accessories including Automatic voltage regulator etc.
(c) Complete starting arrangement, including two sets of batteries & SMPS based
battery chargers
(d) Base frame, mounting pads, foundation bolts, etc (as required)
(e) Fuel Tank (Outside the Acoustic Enclosure)
(f) Set of MS pipes, valves, strainers, unloading hose pipes as required for fuel transfer
system from storage area to fuel tank including electrically driven fuel pump
(g) All lubricants, consumable, touch up paints etc. for first filing, testing &
commissioning at site. The fuel oil for first commissioning will also be provided by
the contractor
(h) AMF panel & Microprocessor based controller (As per Annexure-B) for control,
metering and alarm
(i) Enclosure for silent type D.G. Set enclosing Engine & the Alternator to make it
work silently (with in permissible noise level as per CPCB norms) and suitable for
outdoor installation.
(a) Design, manufacture, shop testing including assembly testing of engine &
(b) Despatch & transportation to site
(c) Erection, testing & commissioning with all equipments/materials required for the
(a) The Fuel tank (as per Annexure-A) shall be provided on a suitably fabricated steel
platform. Fuel Tank shall be kept outside acoustic enclosure & fuel piping shall be
carried out to connect the D.G set kept inside the acoustic enclosure.
(b) For transferring fuel from bulk storage to fuel tank, transfer pump is envisaged. The
capacity of transfer pump shall be adequate to fill the fuel tank in about 30 minutes.
Fuel pump shall be electrically driven.
(a) Two sets of Lead-acid batteries (capacity & quantity as per Annexure-A) complete
with all leads, terminals and stand shall be provided. Arrangement shall be made
inside the acoustic enclosure for housing the Battery set in a tray.
(b) The battery charger (230V, 1-Ph, 50 Hz) shall be SMPS based (rating as per
Annexure-A) with provision for trickle/boost charge and complete with D.C.
current & voltage display, battery charge status & loading indications, charger
failures annunciation. Float charge mode shall have built-in current limiting
(c) One set of Battery & Battery Charger shall form an independent system, thus there
will be two such systems i.e., Main + Standby systems for Engine Starting. In case
of failure of main system, it should be possible to switchover the engine starting on
the Standby system.
(a) Each D.G. Set shall be provided with suitable instruments, interlock and protection
arrangement, suitable annunciation and indications etc. for proper start up, control,
monitoring and safe operation of the unit. One local AMF control panel along with
each D.G. set shall be provided by the Supplier to accommodate these instruments,
protective relays, indication lamps, annunciations, battery chargers etc. The AMF
Panel shall have IP-52 degree of Protection as per IS:12063.
(b) The D.G. sets shall be provided with automatic start facility to make it possible to
take full load within 30 seconds of Power Supply failure.
(c) Testing facility for automatic operation of D.G.Set shall be provided in AMF panel.
(d) Microprocessor based controller shall be supplied for DG Set monitoring, metering
and control system. A summary of all basic functions to be available in the DG Set
Microcontroller are specified at Annexure-B.
8) Any other item required for completion of Control scheme shall be deemed to
be included.
(b) Fresh air intake for the Engine should be available abundantly; without making the
Engine to gasp for air intake. A chicken mesh shall be provided for air inlet at
suitable location in enclosure.
(c) The Enclosure and the layout of the equipment inside shall be designed in such a
way that there is easy access to all the serviceable parts.
(d) Engine and Alternator used inside the Enclosure shall carry their respective
manufacturer’s Warranty and this shall not degrade their performance.
(e) Exhaust from the Engine shall be let off through Silencer arrangement to keep the
noise level within desired limits. Interconnection between silencer and engine
should be through stainless steel flexible hose/ pipe. Stack Height shall be governed
as per CPCB guidelines.
(f) All the Controls for Operation of the D.G. Set provided in AMF Panel &
Microprocessor based controller shall be easily accessible. There should be
provision for emergency shutdown from outside the enclosure.
(a) The enclosure shall be fabricated from at least 14 Gauge CRCA sheet steel and of
modular construction for easy assembling and dismantling. The sheet metal
components shall be pre-treated by Seven Tank Process and Powder coated (PURO
Polyester based) both-inside and outside – for long life. The hardware and
accessories shall be high tensile grade. Enclosure shall be given a lasting anti-rust
treatment and finished with pleasant environment friendly paint. All the hardware
and fixtures shall be rust proof and able to withstand the weather conditions.
(b) Doors shall be large sized for easy access and provided with long lasting gasket to
make the enclosure sound proof. All the door handles shall be lockable type.
(c) The Enclosure shall be provided with anti-vibration pads (suitable for the loads and
vibration they are required to carry) with minimum vibration transmitted to the
surface the set is resting on.
(e) Provision for Neutral/Body earthing shall be available. Points shall be available at
two side of the enclosure with the help of flexible copper wires from alternator
neutral, and electrical panel body respectively. The earthing point shall be isolated
through insulator mounted on enclosure.
(a) Following drawings and data sheet shall be submitted for approval/information:
1) Data sheet for Engine, Alternator, Battery, DG Set Controller, AMF panel
and Enclosure
2) GA drawing of DG set
3) Layout of DG set in the enclosure along with sections
4) GA and schematic of AMF panel and DG Set Controller.
5) Rating Plate (in English & Hindi)
6) Drawings, datasheets, design calculations and erection, operation &
maintenance manual in hard & soft copies.
7) Certification and compliance for meeting noise level & emission parameters
and other requirements in accordance with latest Notification of
Type test reports of engine and alternator as per relevant standard shall be
submitted for purchaser’s approval.
9.3 Commissioning Checks
During the load test, half hourly records of the following shall be taken:
1) Ambient temperature
2) Exhaust temperature if exhaust thermometer is fitted
3) Cooling water temperature at a convenient point adjacent to the water
output from the engine jacket
4) Lubricating oil temperature where oil cooler fitted
5) Lubricating oil pressure
6) Colour of exhaust gas
7) Speed
8) Voltage, wattage and current output
9) Oil tank level
The necessary load to carry out the test shall be provided by the purchaser.
(b) Insulation Resistance Test for Alternator
Insulation resistance in mega-ohms between the coils and the frame of the
alternator when tested with a 500V megger shall not be less than
IR=2x(rated voltage in KV)+1
(c) Check of Fuel Consumption
A check of the fuel consumption shall be made during the load run for the
purpose of proper tuning of the engine.
(d) Insulation Resistance of Wiring
The Vibration & Noise Level tests shall be carried out with the DG set
operating at rated speed and at maximum achievable load. Necessary
correction for Test environment condition & background noise will be
applied as per IS:12065.
1.0 Net Rated Output at 40°C 250kVA 100kVA
temperature & 1000m of
altitude after reducing DG
Set auxiliaries load
2.0 Rated Terminal Voltage 415V AC 415 VAC
3.0 No. of Phases 3 3
4.0 Rated Power Factor 0.8 lag 0.8lag
5.0 Rated Speed 1500 RPM 1500 RPM
6.0 Rated Frequency 50 Hz 50 Hz
7.0 Standard BS 2613/IS 4722/IEC 60034; latest edition
8.0 Type of Exciter Used Brushless, Self-Excited
9.0 Class of Winding Insulation Class H Class H
10.0 Permissible Temperature Rise Class F Class F
11.0 Degree of Protection IP-23 IP-23
12.0 Overload Capacity 10% Overload for 1 hour in every 12 hours of
continuous running
13.0 Terminal Box Seven (7) output terminals (R, Y, B, R’, Y’, B’ & N)
14.0 Each output terminal suitable 2 Runs of 300 sq.mm XLPE 1 Run of 300
for cable size of cable sq.mm XLPE
Neutral Formation Inside AMF Panel Inside AMF Panel
1. Controller shall have configurable Time Delay for START/STOP of DG
2. Controller shall have configurable cranking function to configure the
number of cranking cycles (atleast 3 cranks) and time duration between
successive cranks.
3. Controller shall also have the facility for adjustment of speed and voltage
including fine adjustments in remote as well as in local mode.
4. Controller shall be IEC 61850 compliant (either directly or through a
converter) for purpose of remote monitoring of the DG Set.
The scope of work comprises of design, engineering, testing, supply, installation,
testing and commissioning of various lighting fixtures complete with lamps,
supports and accessories, ceiling fans with electronic regulators, exhaust fans with
accessories, lighting panels, Sub-Lighting Panels, lighting poles with distribution
boxes, PVC conduits, lighting wires, G.I. earth wire, receptacles, tag block &
telephone socket, switchboards, modular switches, junction boxes, pull out boxes
complete with accessories, lighting transformer, aluminum ladders for
1.1.2 For Indoor and Outdoor Illumination, detailed drawings showing the lighting
layout, Conduit layout and electrical distribution diagram shall be prepared by the
Contractor and submitted for approval. The above layout drawings will include
disposition and location of lighting fixtures, receptacles, lighting panels etc. While
finalizing the detailed layout of lighting fixtures, the position/location and layout
of equipments should be taken into account to have adequate illumination at
desired locations.
The lux levels to be maintained shall be as per following:
Sl No Area Average Lux Level
1. Control Room Building, SN. Area Average Lux
Fire Fighting Pump level at floor level
i) Control Room, 350 Lux
Office, Conference
Room etc.
ii) Battery room, 100 Lux
Passage, Pantry,
Toilets, Corridors etc
iii) All other rooms 200 Lux
The minimum lux level to average lux level ratio should not be less than 0.6
(i.e Emin/Eav> 0.6 ). The maintenance factor for indoor illumination design
shall be considered as 0.8. The surface reflectance for ceiling/wall/floor shall
be 50/30/10.
2 Switchyard - 50 lux on main Equipments(i.e, Transformer,
Technical Specifications for Construction of New Grid Sub-Stations Page | 292
Reactor ISO, CB, CT, CVT, SA) at first level
(Equipment connections level.)
- 20 lux on balance area of switchyard and
street / Road at ground level
The minimum lux level to average lux level ratio should not be less than 0.3
(i.e Emin/Eav>0.3). The maintenance factor for outdoor illumination design
shall be considered as 0.65.
The contractor shall submit detailed calculation for reaching the above Lux level.
Contractor shall conform the Lux levels at different locations of the switch yard
and street lighting by measurement. In addition to the normal lighting provided in
the switchyard area to maintain the desired lux levels, few high beam fixtures on
swivel support shall be provided in strategic locations near equipments which
shall be kept normally OFF and these shall be switched ON in case of
maintenance work. Indoor Illumination
Indoor illumination shall be done by LED Luminaries as per the requirement of
false ceiling and non-false ceiling of buildings. Outdoor Illumination
Outdoor illumination shall be done by LED luminaries as per the requirement. For
Outdoor Switchyard area, LED fixtures shall be installed at gantry structures (For
400kV & below voltage level) & available lightning masts (if any). For other
outdoor areas, Street Lighting, lighting poles & nearby buildings (if any) shall be
used for installation of LED fixtures. Mounting structure /Accessories for
Mounting of LED Lighting Fixtures will be prefabricated and will be hot dip
galvanized. Additional firewall mounted Flood Lights, if required have to be
provided for Transformer & Reactors as specified in the BoQ.
Portable Flood Light Panel (PFLP): Portable Flood Light Panel alongwith
fixture is to be supplied, if required for maintenance purpose of the Substation.
AC lights will be connected to AC lighting panels. All the lights connected to the
AC lighting system in different areas will be connected to the main lighting
distribution boards.
1.5 One no. of aluminium ladder of each size shall be supplied by the contractor for
maintenance purpose.
1.6 The following specific areas are included in the scope of lighting:
(i) Switchyard Area.
(ii) Switchyard Control Room cum Administrative Office Building
(iii) DG Building cum Fire fighting pump house
(iv) Street lighting (peripherial) inside switchyard fencing (Street lighting shall
be as per Technical Specification using street lighting poles)
(v) Landscape Lighting around control room
1.9 Each cable and conduit run shall be tagged with number that appear in the cable and
conduit schedules. Cables and conduits shall be tagged at their entrance and/or exit
from any piece of equipment, junction or pull box, floor opening etc.
1.10 The tag shall be made up of aluminium with the number punched on it and securely
attached to the cable by not less than two turns of G.I. wire. Cable tags shall be
rectangular in shape for power cables and circular shape for control cables.
1.10 Location of cables laid directly under ground shall be indicated clearly by cable
marker made of galvanised iron plate embedded in concrete block.
1.11 The location of under ground cable joints if any, shall be clearly indicated with
cable marker with an additional inscription "cable joint".
1.12 The marker, which is a concrete block, shall project 150 mm above ground and
shall be spaced at an interval of 30 meters and at every change of direction. It shall
also be located on both sides of the road or drain crossing.
The Contractor shall and install the following equipment and accessories in
accordance with the specification.
Suitable heat sink with proper thermal management shall be provided in the
luminaries. All LED Luminaries shall be BSPTCL approved make. The marking on
luminaries & safety requirements of luminaries shall be as per IS standards.
Necessary Care shall be taken so that there is no water stagnation anywhere in the
Luminaries. The entire housing shall be dust and water proof protection as per IS
ii) All Outdoor Lighting Panels shall be Stainless sheet steel of Grade 304 and
shall be dust, weather and vermin proof. Panels shall be of thickness not less
than 1.5 mm smoothly finished, leveled and free from flaws. Stiffeners shall be
provided wherever necessary.
iii) The panels shall be of single front construction, front hinged and front
connected, suitable for either floor mounting on channels, sills or on
walls/columns by suitable M.S. brackets. Indoor Lighting panels shall be
modular flush mounted and wall embedded of slim depth.
iv) All panels shall have a dead front assembly provided with hinged door(s) and
with suitable locking arrangement.
v) All Outdoor panel’s removable covers and doors shall be gasketed all around
with neoprene/EPDM gaskets/ puff arrangement.
vi) The outdoor panels shall be suitable for cable/conduit entry from the bottom.
Suitable removable cable gland-plate shall be provided in the bottom of panels.
For indoor lighting panels the provision of cable/conduit entry shall be from
both top and bottom side with suitable removable gland plate. The thickness of
the gland plate shall be 3 mm. Necessary number of double compression brass
type cable gland shall be supplied, fitted on to these gland plates.
ix) Each panel will be provided with laminated as built circuit diagram suitably
pasted in the panel.
Bus bars shall be of aluminum alloy conforming to IS: 5082 and shall have
adequate cross-section to carry the rated continuous current and withstand short
circuit currents. Maximum operating temperature of the bus bars shall not
exceed 85 deg. C. The bus bars shall be able to withstand a fault level of 9 kA
for 1 sec. for AC panels and 4 kA for 1 sec. for DC panels.
RO 15A, 240V, Outdoor Receptacle 2 pole, 3- pin type
R1 5/15A, 240V, Indoor Receptacle 3-pin type.
RP 63A, 415V, Interlocked switch socket, outdoor receptacle
Supply, erection, testing and commissioning of 100 kVA or above (in case the capacity of
transformer required is higher than 100 KVA as per approved calculations) / 25KVA (in
case of substations where highest voltage level is 132kV), 415/415 V, 3 phase, 50 Hz Dry
type natural air cooled lighting transformers. The technical parameters of these lighting
transformers are as follows:
All lighting fixtures and accessories shall be designed for continuous operation under
atmospheric conditions existing at site, without reduction in the life or without any
deterioration of materials, internal wiring.
All lighting fixtures and accessories shall be designed to have a low temperature rise
according to the relevant Indian Standards. The design ambient temperature shall be taken
as 50 deg.C.
3 .3 Supply Voltage
3.3.1 Lighting fixtures and accessories meant for 240V A.C. operation shall be suitable for
operation on 240V A.C. 50Hz, supply voltage variation of ± 10%, frequency variation of ±
5% and combined voltage and frequency variation of ± 10%. Technical
3.3.2 Lighting fixture and accessories meant for 220V DC operation shall be suitable for
operation on 220V DC with variation between 190 to 240 Volts.
3.4 Lighting Fixtures
The lighting fixtures shall be Philips or Bajaj or Crompton Greaves or Havells make only
except for fixtures type ‘DSM’ & ‘HL’ for which make has been specified elsewhere in
this section. The different types of lighting fixtures are also indicated elsewhere in this
3.4.1 All fixtures shall be designed for minimum glare. The finish of the fixtures shall be
such that no bright spots are produced either by direct light source or by reflection.
3.4.2 All lighting fixtures shall be complete with fluorescent tubes / incandesent
lamps/mercury vapour/sodium vapour lamps LED type luminaires and additional Sodium
Vapour lamps (specifically required for Outdoor Switchyard) as specified and shall be
suitably wired up.
3.4.3 Deleted.
3.4.5 Each lighting fixture shall be provided with an earthing terminal suitable for
connection to 16 SWG GI earthing conductors.
3 .4 6. All light reflecting surfaces shall have optimum light reflecting co-efficient such as
to ensure the overall light output as specified by the manufacturer.
3.4.7 Height of fixtures should be such that it is easy to replace the lamps with normal
ladder/stool. In case the ceiling height is very high, the fixtures may be placed on the walls
for ground lighting.
3.5.1 Reflectors
The reflectors shall be manufactured from sheet steel or aluminium as applicable. They
shall be securely fixed to the captive type.
Lamp holders/starter for incandescent lamps and HPMV/HPSV lamps shall be of screwed
type, manufactured in accordance with relevant standard and designed to give long and
satisfactory service.
3.5.3 Ballasts
a) The Ballasts shall be designed, manufactured and supplied in accordance with relevant
standard and function satisfactorily under site condition specified. The ballasts shall be
designed to have a long service life and low power loss.
b) Ballasts shall be mounted using self locking anti-vibration fixing and shall be easy to
remove without dismantling the fixtures. They shall be totally enclosed units.
c) The ballasts shall be of the inductive, heavy duty type, filled with thermosetting
insulating moisture repellent polyester compound filled under pressure or vacuum. The
ballast wiring shall be of copper wire. They shall be free from hum. Ballasts which
produce humming sound shall be replaced free of cost by the Contractor. Ballasts for high
pressure mercury vapour/ HPSV lamps shall be provided with suitable tappings to set the
voltage within the range specified. End connections and taps shall be brought out in a
suitable terminal block, rigidly fixed to the ballast enclosure.
d) Separate ballast for each lamp shall be provided in case of multi-lamp fixtures.
3.5.4 Starters
Technical Specifications for Construction of New Grid Sub-Stations Page | 301
Starters shall have bimetal electrodes and high mechanical strength. Starters shall be
replaceable without disturbing the reflector or lamps and without the use of any tool.
Starters shall have brass contacts and radio interference suppressing capacitor.
3.5.5 Capacitors
a) The capacitors shall have a constant value of capacitance and shall be connected across
the supply of individual lamp circuits.
b) The capacitors shall be suitable for operation at supply voltage as specified and shall
have a value of capacitance so as to correct the power factors of its corresponding lamp
circuit to the extent of 0.98 lag.
c) The capacitors shall be hermetically sealed in a metal enclosure.
3.6 Lamps
3.6.1 General Lighting Services (GLS) lamps shall be provided with screwed caps and
shall be of 'clear' type unless otherwise specified.
3.7 The Bidder shall furnish typical wiring diagram for LED type luminaries, HPMV &
HPSV fitting including all accessories. The diagram shall include technical details of
accessories i.e. starters, chokes, capacitors etc.
3.8 Flexible conduits if required, for any fixture shall be deemed to be included in
Contractor’s scope.
a) All receptacles shall be of cast steel/aluminium, heavy duty type, suitable for fixing on
wall/column and complete with individual switch.
b) In general the receptacles to be installed are of the following types :
i) Type RO-15A, 240V, 2 pole, 3 pin type with third pin grounded, metal clad with gasket
having cable gland entry suitable for 2Cx6 sq.mm. PVC/aluminium armoured cable and a
metallic cover tied to it with a metallic chain and suitable for installation in moist location
and or outdoor. The switch shall be of rotary type. Receptacles shall be housed in an
enclosure made out of 2 mm thick Gl sheet with hinged doors with padlocking
arrangements. Door shall be lined with good quality gasketing. This shall conform to IP-
ii) Type RI The 5/15 amp 6 pin receptacles with switches will be of Modular type with
flush type switches and electroplated metal enclosures of approved make
iii) Type RP - 63A, 415V, 3 phase, 4 pin interlocked plug and switch with earthing
contacts. Other requirements shall be same as type RO. The receptacle shall be suitable
for 3.5C x 35/3.5Cx70 sq.mm. aluminium conductor cable entry and shall also be suitable
for loop-in and loop out connection of cables of identical size. Receptacle shall be suitable
Technical Specifications for Construction of New Grid Sub-Stations Page | 302
for outdoor application. Receptacles shall be housed in a box made out of 2mm thick G.I.
sheet, with hinged door with padlocking arrangement. Door shall be lined with good
quality gasketing. This shall conform to IP-55.
(a) All Switch board/boxes, 5/15 Amp Receptacles and electronic fan regulators located in
office/building areas shall be modular flush mounted type or brick wall with only the
switch knob projecting outside.
(b) Switch boards/boxes shall have conduit knock outs on all the sides. Adequate
provision shall be made for ventilation of these boxes.
(c) The exact number of switches including regulator for fans and layout of the same in
the switchboard shall be to suit the requirement during installation.
(d) The maximum number of luminaires ,controlled by one no 6 amp switch would 4
nos. For DC fixtures there will be no switch and the same shall be directly controlled
from DC LP
(e) The luminaires shall be wired in such a fashion that luminaires on each
phase are evenly distributed all over the room.
7.1 The junction boxes shall be concealed type for indoor lighting and suitable for
mounting on columns, lighting poles, structures etc., for outdoor lighting.
7.2 Junction boxes shall be of square/rectangular type of 1.6 mm sheet steel with minimum
6 mm thick pressure diecast aluminium material LM-6 and shall have bolted cover with
good quality gasket lining.
7.3 The junction box and cover shall be hot dip galvanised.
7.4. The junction boxes shall be complete with conduit knockouts/threaded nuts and
provided with terminal strips .The junction boxes shall be suitable for termination of
conduit/glands of dia 20 mm, 25 mm, 32 mm, 40 mm on all sides. The junction boxes
shall be provided with 4 way terminals suitable for two numbers 10 sq. mm. wire & for
street lighting/switchyard lighting suitable for 2 numbers 4C x 16 Sq.mm Al. cable.
7.5 The junction boxes shall have the following indelible markings
(i) Circuit Nos. on the top.
(ii) Circuit Nos. with ferrules (inside) as per drawings.
(iii) DANGER sign in case of 415 volt junction box.
8.1 Each terminal shall be suitable for terminating upto 2 Nos. 10 sq.mm. stranded
Aluminium Conductors without any damage to the conductors or any looseness of
connections. Terminal strips provided in street - lighting poles shall be suitable for
terminating upto 2 nos. 4C x 16 sq. mm aluminium cables.
9.1. The pull out boxes shall be concealed type for indoor lighting and suitable for
mounting on column, structures etc., for outdoor lighting. The supply of bolts, nuts and
screws required for the erection shall be included in the installation rates.
9.2 The pull out boxes shall be circular of cast iron or 16 SWG sheet steel and shall have
cover with good quality gasket lining.
9.3 The pull out boxes and cover shall be hot dip galvanised.
9.4 The pull out boxes shall be completed with conduit knock outs/threaded hubs and
provided at approximately 3 meters intervals in a conduit run.
10.1 Each panel shall be provided with one incoming triple pole MCB with neutral link and
outgoing miniature circuit breakers as per clause 2.0. The panels shall conform to IS-8623.
10.2.1 Panels shall be sheet steel enclosed and shall be dust, weather and vermin proof.
Sheet steel used shall be of thickness not less than 2.00 mm (cold rolled) or 2.5 mm (hot
rolled) smoothly finished, levelled and free from flaws. Stiffners shall be provided
wherever necessary.The indoor lighting panels will be ready made DB of minimum 20 swg
sheet thickness .
10.2.2 The panels shall be of single front construction, front hinged and front connected,
suitable for either floor mounting on channels, sills or on walls/columns by suitable M.S.
10.2.3 Panels shall have a dead front assembly provided with hinged door(s) and out door
panels will be with padlocking arrangement with single key supplied in duplicate.
10.2.4 All out door panels , removable covers, doors and plates shall be gasket all around
with neoprene gaskets.
10.2.9 Each Outdoor lighting panel shall be provided with one no. ‘ON’ indicating lamp
for each phase alongwith fuses.For indoor lighting panels din mounted phase indication
lamps will be provided , mounted along side of the MCB
10.3.1 Bus bars shall be of aluminium alloy conforming to IS:5082 and shall have adequate
cross-section to carry the rated continuous and withstand short circuit currents. Maximum
operating temperature of the bus bars shall not exceed 85 deg. C. The bus bars shall be
able to withstand a fault level of 9 kA for 1 sec. for AC panels and 4 KA for 1 sec. for DC
panels.The Indoor lighting panels shall have copper bus bar only.
a) The miniature circuit breakers shall be suitable for manual closing, opening, automatic
tripping under overload and short circuit. The MCBs shall also be trip free.
b) Single pole as well as three pole versions shall be furnished as required in the Schedule
of Lighting Panels.
c) The MCBs and panel MCCB together shall be rated for full fault level. In case the
MCB rating is less than the specified fault level the bidder shall co-ordinate these breaker
characteristics with the back up MCCB in such a way that if fault current is higher than
breaker rating, the MCCB should blow earlier than the breaker. If the fault current is less
than MCB breaking capacity, MCB shall operate first and not the incomer MCCB.
d) The MCBs shall be suitable for housing in the lighting panels and shall be suitable for
connection with stranded copper wire connection at both the incoming and outgoing side
by copper lugs or for bus bar connection on the incoming side.
e) The terminals of the MCBs and the ‘open’ ‘close’ and ‘trip’ conditions shall be clearly
and indelibly marked.
10.6 Contactors
Contactors shall be of the full voltage, direct-on line air break, single throw, electro-
magnetic type. They shall be provided with atleast 2-’NC’ and 2’NO’ auxiliary contacts.
Contactor shall be provided with the three element, positive acting, ambient temperature
compensated time lagged, hand reset type thermal overload relay with adjustable settings
to suit the rated current. Hand reset button shall be flush with the front of the cabinet and
suitable for resetting with starter compartment door closed. The Contactor shall be suitable
for switching on Tungsten filament lamp also. The bidder shall check the adequacy of the
Contactors rating wire with respect to lighting load.
All push buttons shall be of push to actuate type having 2 ‘NO’ and 2 ‘NC’ self
reset contacts. They shall be provided with integral escutcheon plates engraved with their
functions. Push buttons shall be of reputed make.
10.8 Labels
a) The lighting panels shall be provided on the front with panel designation labels on a 3
mm thick plastic plate of approved type. The letter shall be black engraved on white back
b) All incoming and outgoing circuits shall be provided with labels. Labels shall be made
of non-rusting metal or 3 ply lamicold. Labels shall have white letters on black or dark
blue background.
Panels shall be provided with two separate and distinct earthing terminals suitable to
receive the earthing conductors of size 50x6 G.S. Flat.
10.10 Type test reports for following tests on all lighting panels shall be submitted for
Lighting transformer shall be located in MCC room, in seperate enclosure. Enclosure shall
have degree of protection not less than IP-42 as per IS-13947 (Part-I).
11.3 The portable fixtures shall be supplied and necessary supporting brackets of
galvanised steel suitable for wall/column mounting shall also be supplied.
11.4 The portable fixture shall come up automatically in the event of failure of normal
12.1 The Contractor shall supply, store and install the following types of steel tubular
lighting poles required for street lighting.
12.3 Lighting poles shall be complete with fixing brackets and junction boxes. Junction
boxes should be mounted one meter above ground level.
12.4 The lighting poles shall be coated with bituminous preservating paint on the inside as
well as on the embedded outside surface. Exposed outside surface shall be coated with two
coats of metal primer (comprising of red oxide and zinc chromate in a synthetic medium).
12.6 Wiring from junction box at the bottom of the pole to the fixture at the top of the pole
shall be done through 2.5 sq. mm wire.
12.7 Distance of centre of pole from street edge should be approximately 1000 to 1200
12.8 Earthing of the poles should be connected to the switchyard main earth mat wherever
it is available and the same should be earthed through 3M long, 20 mm dia, earth electrode.
13.2 The contractor shall supply and install the switch, electronic regulator and board for
mounting switch and electronic regulator for celling fans.
13.3 Winding of the fans and regulators shall be insulated with Class-E insulating
material. Winding shall be of copper wire.
14.1 The wiring used for lighting shall be standard products of reputed manufacturers.
14.2 The wires shall be of 1100 V grade, PVC insulated product of reputed manufacturers.
14.3 The conductor sizes for wires used for point wiring beyond lighting panels shall be
single core 4 sq. mm., 6 sq.mm and 10 sq.mm stranded aluminium wires and 2.5 sq.mm, 4
sq.mm, 6 sq.mm and 1.5 sq.mm stranded copper wire.
14.4 The wires used for connection of a lighting fixture from a nearest junction box or for
loop-in loop-out connection between two fluorescent fixtures shall be single core copper
stranded conductor, 1100V grade flexible PVC insulated cords, unsheathed, conforming to
IS:694 with nominal conductor cross sectional areas of 2.5 sq. mm.
15.1 All sheet steel work shall be phosphated in accordance with the following procedure
and in accordance with IS:6005 'Code of Practice for Phosphating Iron and Steel'.
15.2 Oil grease and dirt shall be thoroughly removed by emulsion cleaning.
15.3 Rust and scale shall be removed by pickling with dilute acid followed by washing
with running water, rinsing with slightly alkaline hot water and drying.
15.4 After phosphating through rinsing shall be carried out with clean water, followed by
final rinsing with diluted dichromate solution and oven drying.
15.5 The phosphate coating shall be sealed by the application of two coats of ready mixed
stoving type metal primer (comprising of red oxide and Zinc chromate in a
synthetic medium). The first coat may be 'flash dried' while the second coat shall be stoved.
15.6 After application of the primer, two coats of finishing synthetic enamel paint shall be
applied with each coat followed by stoving. The second finishing coat for the external of
panels shall be applied after completion of tests.The panels can also be powder coated
instead of painting after surface treatment as given above.
15.7 Both outside and inside of lighting panel, sheet metal fabricated junction boxes etc.
and outside of lighting fixtures shall be finished in light grey (IS-5 shade 631). Inside of
lighting fixtures shall be finished in white. The colour of indoor lighting panels should
match with colour of wall.
15.8 Each coat of primer and finishing paint shall be of slightly different shade so as to
enable inspection of the painting.
15.9 The final finished thickness of paint film on steel shall not be less than 100 microns
and shall not be more than 150 microns.The final thickness of powder coating will not be
less than 50 microns. For indoor lighting panels the painting will be as per approved
manufacturers specification.
16.2.1 Contractor shall supply, store and install conduits required for the lighting
installation as specified. All accessories/fittings required for making the installation
complete, including but not limited to pull out boxes (as specified in specification ordinary
and inspection tees and elbow, checknuts, male and female bushings (brass or galvanised
steel), caps, square headed make plugs, nipples, gland sealing fittings, pull boxes, conduits
terminal boxes, glands,
gaskets and box covers, saddle terminal boxes, and all steel supporting work shall be
supplied by the Contractor. The conduit fittings shall be of the same material as
conduits.The contractor shall also supply 19 mm PVC conduit and accessories for
telephone wiring.
16.2.2 All unarmoured cables shall run within the conduits from lighting panels to lighting
fixtures, receptacles. etc.
16.2.5 Conduit supports shall be clamped on the approved type spacer plates or brackets by
saddles or U-bolts. The spacer plates or brackets in turn, shall be securely fixed to the
building steel by welding and to concrete or brick work by grouting or by nylon rawl plugs.
Wooden plug inserted in the masonary or concrete for conduit support is not acceptable.
16.2.6 Where conduits are alongwith cable trays they shall be clamped to supporting steel
at an interval of 600 mm.
16.2.7 For directly embedding in soil, the conduits shall be coated with an asphalt-base
compound. Concrete pier or anchor shall be provided wherever necessary to support the
conduit rigidly and to hold it in place.
16.2.8 For long conduit run, pull boxes shall be provided at suitable intervals to facilitate
16.2.9 Conduit shall be securely fastened to junction boxes or cabinets, each with a lock
nut inside and outside the box.
16.2.10 Conduits joints and connections shall be made through water-tight and rust proof
by application of a thread compound which insulates the joints. White lead is suitable for
application on embedded conduit and red lead for exposed conduit.
16.2.11 The entire metallic conduit system, shall be embedded, electrically continuous and
thoroughly grounded. Where slip joints are used, suitable bounding shall be provided
around the joint to ensure a continuous ground circuit.
16.3.1 Wiring shall be generally carried out by PVC insulated wires in conduits. All wires
in a conduit shall be drawn simultaneously. No subsequent drawings of wires is
16.3.2 Wires shall not be pulled through more than two equivalent 90 deg. bends in a
single conduit run. Where required, suitable junction boxes shall be used.
16.3.3 Wiring shall be spliced only at junction boxes with approved type terminal strip.
16.3.4 For lighting fixtures, connection shall be teed off through suitable round conduit or
junction box, so that the connection can be attended without taking down the fixture.
16.3.5 For vertical run of wires in conduit, wires shall be suitably supported by means of
wooden/hard rubber plugs at each pull/junction box.
16.3.6 Maximum two wires can be terminated to each way of terminal connections.
16.3.7 Separate neutral wires are to be provided for each circuit.
16.3.8 AC and DC wiring should not run through the same conduit.
16.4 Lighting Panels
16.4.1 The lighting panels shall be erected at the locations to be finalised during detailed
16.4.2 Suitable foundations/supporting structures for all outdoor type lighting panels shall
be provided by the Contractor.
16.5.1 Foundation for street lighting poles, panel foundation and transformer foundation
shall be done by the Contractor..
16.5.2 All final adjustment of foundation levels, chipping and dressing of foundation
surfaces, setting and grouting of anchor bolts, sills, inserts and flastening devices shall be
carried out by the Contractor including minor modification of civil works as may be
required for erection.
16.5.3 Any cutting of masonary / concrete work, which is necessary shall be done by
the Contractor at his own cost and shall be made good to match the original work.
Table of contents
1.1.1. All materials/components used in battery chargers and batteries shall be free from
flaws and defects and shall conform to the relevant Indian/IEC standards and
good engineering practice.
1.1.4. Bidder shall select number of cells, float and Boost voltage to achieve following
system requirement:
System Maximum Minimum voltage available when
Voltage Voltage during no charger working and
Float operation battery fully
250 Volt 275 Volt discharged
225 Volt upto 1.85V per cell.
48 Volt 52.8 Volt 43.2 Volt
1.2. Battery
1.2.1. Type
The design of battery shall be as per field proven practices. Partial plating of cells
is not permitted. Paralleling of cells externally for enhancement of capacity is not
permitted. Protective transparent front covers with each module shall be provided
to prevent accidental contact with live module/electrical connections.
1.2.3. Containers
The cell covers shall be made of suitable material compatible with the container
material and permanently fixed with the container. It shall be capable to withstand
internal pressure without bulging or cracking. It shall also be fire retardant. Fixing
of Pressure Regulation Valve & terminal posts in the cover shall be such that the
seepage of electrolyte, gas escapes and entry of electro-static spark are prevented.
1.2.5. Separators
Each cell shall be provided with a pressure regulation valve. The valve shall be
self re-sealable and flame retardant. The valve unit shall be such that it cannot be
opened without a proper tool. The valve shall be capable to withstand the internal
cell pressure specified by the manufacturer.
Both the +ve and –ve terminals of the cells shall be capable of proper termination
and shall ensure its consistency with the life of the battery. The surface of the
terminal post extending above the cell cover including bolt hole shall be coated
with an acid resistant and corrosion retarding material. Terminal posts or any
other metal part which is in contact with the electrolyte shall be made of the same
alloy as that of the plates or of a proven material that does not have any harmful
effect on cell performance. Both +ve and –ve posts shall be clearly and
unambiguously identifiable.
1.2.8. Connectors, Nuts & Bolts, Heat Shrinkable Sleeves
Where it is not possible to bolt the cell terminals directly to assemble a battery,
separate non-corroding lead or copper connectors of suitable size shall be
provided to enable connection of the cells. Copper connections shall be suitably
lead coated to withstand corrosion due to sulphuric acid at a very high rate of
charge or discharge.
Nuts and bolts for connecting the cells shall be made of copper, brass or stainless
steel. Copper or brass nuts and bolts shall be effectively lead coated to prevent
corrosion. Stainless steel bolts and nuts can be used without lead coating.
All inter cell connectors shall be protected with heat shrinkable silicon sleeves for
reducing the environmental impact including a corrosive environment.
1.2.9. Flame Arrestors
Each cell shall be equipped with a Flame Arrestor to defuse the Hydrogen gas
escaped during charge and discharge. Material of the flame arrestor shall not
affect the performance of the cell.
1.2.10. Battery Bank Stand
All batteries shall be mounted in a suitable metallic stand/frame. The frame shall
be properly painted with the acid resistant paint. The suitable insulation shall be
provided between stand/frame and floor to avoid the grounding of the
1.2.11. Capacity Requirements
When the battery is discharged at 10 hour rate, it shall deliver 80% of C (rated
capacity, corrected at 27º Celsius) before any of the cells in the battery bank
reaches 1.85V/cell.
The battery shall be capable of being recharged from the fully exhausted
condition (1.75V/cell) within 10 hrs up to 90% state of charge. All the cells in a
battery shall be designed for continuous float operation at the specified float
voltage throughout the life. Contractor shall submit type test reports of following tests as per IEC 60896-21
& IEC 60896-22, 2004. The type test reports shall be submitted in accordance
with the requirements stipulated in clause no. 9.2 of Technical Specification,
Section: GTR except that the requirement of tests having been conducted within
last five years as mentioned therein shall not be applicable).
Tests shall be conducted in accordance with IEC 60896-21 & IEC 60896-22, 2004
1.3.1. All Battery Chargers shall be provided with facility for both automatic and
manual control of output voltage and current. A selector switch shall be provided
for selecting the mode of output voltage/current control, whether automatic or
manual. When on automatic control mode during Float charging, the Charger
output voltage shall remain within +1% of the set value, for AC input voltage
variation of +10%, frequency variation of +5%, a combined voltage and
frequency variation of +10%, and a DC load variation from zero to full load.
1.3.2. All battery chargers shall have a constant voltage characteristics throughout the
range (from zero to full load) at the floating value of the voltage so as to keep the
battery fully charged but without harmful overcharge.
1.3.3. All chargers shall have load limiters having drooping characteristic, which shall
cause, when the voltage control is in automatic mode, a gradual lowering of the
output voltage when the DC load current exceeds the Load limiter setting of the
Charger. The Load-limiter characteristics shall be such that any sustained
overload or short circuit in DC System shall not damage the Charger, nor shall it
cause blowing of any of the Charger fuses. The Charger shall not trip on overload
or external short circuit.
1.3.4. Uniform and step less adjustments of voltage setting (in both manual and
automatic modes) shall be provided on the front of the Charger panel covering the
entire float charging output range specified. Step less adjustments of the Load-
limiter setting shall also be possible from 80% to 100% of the rated output current
for Charging mode.
1.3.6. The Charger output voltage shall automatically go on rising, when it is operating
on Boost mode, as the Battery charges up. For limiting the output voltage of the
Charger, a potentiometer shall be provided on the front of the panel, whereby it
shall be possible to set the upper limit of this voltage any where in the output
range specified for Boost Charging mode.
1.3.7. The Charger manufacturer may offer an arrangement in which the voltage setting
device for Float charging mode is also used as output voltage limit setting device
for Boost charging mode and the Load-limiter of Float charging mode is used as
current setting device in boost charging mode.
1.3.8. Suitable filter circuits shall be provided in all the chargers to limit the ripple
content (Peak to Peak) in the output voltage to 1%, irrespective of the DC load
level, when they are not connected to a Battery.
1.3.9. MCCB
All Battery Chargers shall have 2 Nos. MCCBs on the input side to receive cables
from two sources. Mechanical interlock should be provided such that only one
shall be closed at a time. It shall be of P2 duty and suitable for continuous duty.
MCCB’s should have auxiliary contacts for annunciation.
1.3.10. Rectifier Transformer
The rectifier transformer shall be continuously rated, dry air cooled (A.N) and of
class F insulation type. The rating of the rectifier transformer shall have 10%
overload capacity.
1.3.11. Rectifier Assembly
The rectifier assembly shall be full/half controlled bridge type and shall be
designed to meet the duty as required by the respective Charger. The rectifier
shall be provided with heat sink having their own heat dissipation arrangements
with natural air cooling. Necessary surge protection devices and rectifier type
fast acting HRC fuses shall be provided in each arm of the rectifier connections.
1.3.12. Instruments
One DC output switch shall be provided in all chargers. They shall be air break
type suitable for 500 volts AC/ 250 DC. The contacts of the switches shall open
and close with a snap action. The operating handle of the switch shall be fully
insulated from circuit. `ON’ and `OFF’ position on the switch shall be clearly
indicated. Rating of switches shall be suitable for their continuous load.
Alternatively, MCCB’s of suitable ratings shall also acceptable in place of Air
Break Switch.
1.3.14. Fuses
All fuses shall be HRC Link type. Fuses shall be mounted on fuse carriers which
are in turn mounted on fuse bases. Wherever it is not possible to mount fuses on
carriers, fuses shall be directly mounted on plug-in type base. In such case one
insulated fuse pulling handle shall be supplied for each charger. Fuse rating shall
be chosen by the Bidder depending on the circuit requirement. All fuses in the
chargers shall be monitored. Fuse failure annunciation shall be provided on the
failure of any fuse.
1.3.15. Blocking Diode
Blocking diode shall be provided in the positive pole of the output circuit of each
charger to prevent current flow from the DC Battery into the Charger.
1.3.16. Annunciation System
The name plates shall be white with black engraved letters. On top of each
Charger, on front as well as rear sides, larger and bold name plates shall be
provided to identify the Charger. Name plates with full and clear inscriptions
shall also be provided on and inside of the panels for identification of the various
equipments and ease of operation and maintenance. Each Charger shall be furnished completely wired upto power cable lugs and
terminal blocks and ready for external connections. The control wiring shall be
carried out with PVC insulated, 1.5 sq.mm. stranded copper wires. Control
terminals shall be suitable for connecting two wires, with 2.5 sq.mm stranded
copper conductors. All terminals shall be numbered for ease of connections and
identification. Each wire shall bear a ferrule or tag on each end for identification.
At least 20% spare terminals shall be provided for control circuits. The insulation of all circuits, except the low voltage electronic circuits shall
withstand test voltage of 2 KV AC for one minute. An air clearance of at least ten
(10) mm shall be maintained throughout for such circuits, right up to the terminal
lugs. Whenever this clearance is not available, the live parts shall be insulated or
1.3.19. Painting
All sheet steel work shall be pre-treated, in tanks, in accordance with IS:6005.
Degreasing shall be done by alkaline cleaning. Rust and scale shall be removed
by pickling with acid. After pickling, the parts shall be washed in running water.
Then these shall be rinsed in slightly alkaline hot water and dried. The phosphate
coating shall be `Class-C’ as specified in IS:6005. Welding shall not be done
after phosphating. The phosphating surfaces shall be rinsed and passivated prior
to application of stoved lead oxide primer coating. After primer application, two
coats of finishing synthetic enamel paint of shade-692 (smoke grey) of IS:5 shall
be applied, unless required otherwise by the Owner. The inside of the chargers
shall be glossy white. Each coat of finishing synthetic enamel paint shall be
properly staved. The paint thickness shall not be less than fifty (50) microns.
1.3.20. TESTS Battery chargers shall conform to all type tests as per relevant Indian Standard.
Performance test on the Chargers as per Specification shall also be carried out on The Contractor may be required to demonstrate to the OWNER that the Chargers
conform to the specification particularly regarding continuous rating, ripple free
output, voltage regulation and load limiting characteristic, before despatch as well
as after installation at site. At site the following tests shall be carried out :
i) Insulation resistance test
ii) Checking of proper annunciation system operation. If a Charger fails to meet the specified requirements, the Contractor shall replace
the same with appropriate Charger without affecting the commissioning schedule
of the Sub-station, and without any extra cost to the OWNER. The Contractor shall present for inspection, the type and routine test certificates
for the following components whenever required by the OWNER.
(i) Switches.
(ii) Relays/ MCCBs
(iii) Instruments.
(iv) DC fuses.
(v) SCR.
(vi) Diodes.
(vii) Condensers.
(viii) Potentiometers.
(ix) Semiconductor
(x) Annunciator.
(xi) Control wiring
(xii) Push buttons and contactors.
Makes of above equipment shall be subject to Owner’s approval.
One-minute A/cell
Fifteen-minute A/cell
One-hour A/cell
Two-hour A/cell
Three-hour A/cell
Eight-hour A/cell
Ten-hour A/cell
4. Required operating environment.
Battery Room Ambient (°C to
Temperature Range °C)
Battery Room Ambient Design °C
Battery Room Minimum/Maximum (°C to
Design Temperature °C)
Maximum temperature at which °C
battery can be stored
A- Supply of
- Spacers
- Cabling material
- Other items
The insulators for suspension and tension strings shall conform to IEC60383 and
long rod insulators shall conform to IEC-60433. Insulator hardware shall conform
to IS:2486. Suspension and tension insulators shall be wet process porcelain with ball
and socket connection.Insulators shall be interchangeable and shall be
suitable for forming either suspension or tension strings. Each insulator shall have
rated strength markings on porcelain printed and applied before firing. Glazing of the porcelain shall be uniform brown colour, free from blisters, burrs
and other similar defects. When operating at normal rated voltage there shall be no electric discharge
between conductor and insulator which would cause corrosion or injury to
conductors or insulators by the formation of substances due to chemical action.
No radio interference shall be caused when operating at normal rated voltage. The design of the insulator shall be such that stresses due to expansion and
contraction in any part of the insulator shall not lead to deterioration. All ferrous
parts shall be hot dip galvanized in accordance with the latest edition of IS: 2629.
The zinc used for galvanizing shall be of grade Zn-99.95 as per IS-209. The zinc
coating shall be uniform, adherent, smooth, reasonably bright, continuous and
free from imperfections such as flux, ash, rust stains bulky white deposits and
blisters. Bidder shall make available data on all the essential features of design including
the method of assembly of discs and metal parts, number of discs per insulator
string insulators, the manner in which mechanical stresses are transmitted through
discs to adjacent parts, provision for meeting expansion stresses, results of corona
and thermal shock tests, recommended working strength and any special design or
arrangement employed to increase life under service conditions. Clamps for insulator strings and Corona Control rings shall be of aluminium alloy
as stipulated for clamps and connectors. Insulator hardware shall be of forged steel. Malleable cast iron shall not be
accepted except for insulator disc cap. The surface of hardware must be clean,
smooth, without cuts, abrasion or projections. No part shall be subjected to
excessive localized pressure. The metal parts shall not produce any noise
generating corona under operating conditions. The tension Insulator hardware assembly shall be designed for 11500 kg The tension string assemblies shall be supplied along with suitable turn buckle.
Sag compensation springs if required may also be provided.
1.2.1 As an alternative to disc insulator , Bidder can offer long rod insulators
strings, with suitable hardware. The combination should be suitable for
application specified and should offer the identical / equivalent parameters as
would be available from insulator string comprising disc insulators and hardware
1.2.2 All constructional features specified at Clause 1.1.1 of this Section shall
also apply to the long rod insulator string.
1.3 Tests
1.3.1 Type Tests on Insulator Strings : The test reports for following type
tests shall be submitted for approval :
a) Power frequency voltage withstand test with corona control rings under wet
condition as per IEC 60383.
b) Switching surge voltage withstand test [400 kV class only] under wet condition
as per IEC-60383.
c) Lightning Impulse voltage withstand test with corona control rings under dry
condition as per IEC-60383
The voltage across each insulator unit shall be measured by sphere gap
method. The result obtained shall be converted into percentage. The
voltage across any disc shall not exceed 9% and 10% for 400KV
suspension string and tension insulator string respectively, 13% for
220KV suspension and tension insulator
Under the conditions as specified under (e) above the insulator string
alongwith complete hardware fittings shall have a radio interference
voltage level below 1000 microvolts at 1 MHz when subjected to 50 Hz
AC line to ground voltage of 320kV for 400kV and 156kV for 220kV
string under dry conditions. The test procedure shall be in accordance with
IS 8263/IEC 60437.
d) Puncture Test as per IEC 60383 (Applicable only for porcelain insulators).
g) Test on locking device for ball and socket coupling as per IEC-60372(2)
h) Porosity test as per IEC 60383 (Applicable only for porcelain insulators).
e) Shore hardness test for the Elastometer (if applicable as per the value guaranteed
by the Bidder).
f) Mechanical strength test for each component (including corona control rings and
arcing horns).
The load shall be so applied that the component is stressed in the same
way as it would be in actual service and the procedure as given in
(g) above should be followed.
g) Test on locking devices for ball and socket coupling as per IEC:60372(2).
Samples taken from the zinc ingot shall be chemically analyzed as per IS :
209. The purity of zinc shall not be less than 99.95%.
The chemical analysis, hardness tests and magnetic particle inspection for
malleable casting will be as per the internationally recognized procedures
for these tests. The sampling will be based on heat number and heat
treatment batch. The details regarding tests will be as discussed and
mutually agreed to by the Contractor and Owner in Quality Assurance
Samples taken from the zinc ingot shall be chemically analyzed as per IS :
209. The purity of zinc shall not be less than 99.95%
RIV level in micro volts of string: 1000 (Max.) 1000 with NA
Corona Control (Max.) rings at
320 kV (rms) for 400 kV string and 156 kV for 220 kV string
across 300 Ohms resistor at 1 MHz
Total creepage distance of the : 10500 6125 3625
insulator string (mm)
b) :
Number of Strands Steel
centre 1st Steel Layer 1st 1
Aluminium Layer 2nd : 6
Aluminium Layer 3rd : 12
Aluminium Layer 18
528.5 mm2
c) Sectional area of aluminium
597.00 mm2
d) Total sectional area :
31.77 mm
e) Overall diameter :
2004 kg/km
f) Approximate weight :
0.05552 ohm/km
g) Calculated d.c. resistance at 20oC :
161.2 KN
2.1.3 h) Minimum UTS :
The details of aluminium strand are as follows:
2.2 Workmanship
2.2.1 The finished conductor shall be smooth, compact, uniform and free from all
imperfections including spills and splits, die marks, scratches, abrasions, scuff marks,
kinks (protrusion of wires), dents, press marks, cut marks, wire cross over, over riding,
looseness (wire being dislocated by finger/hand pressure and/or unusual bangle noise on
tapping), material inclusions, white rust, powder formation or black spots (on account of
reaction with trapped rain water etc.), dirt, grit etc.
2.2.2 All the aluminium and steel strands shall be smooth, uniform and free from all
imperfections, such as spills and splits, die marks, scratches, abrasions and kinks after
2.2.3 The steel strands shall be hot dip galvanised and shall have a minimum zinc
coating of 260 gm/sq.m. after stranding of the uncoated wire surface. The zinc coating
shall be smooth, continuous and of uniform thickness, free from imperfections and shall
withstand minimum three dips after stranding in standard Preece test. The finished strands
and the individual wires shall be of uniform quality and have the same properties and
characteristics as prescribed in ASTM designation : B 498-74.
2.2.4 The Steel strands shall be preformed and postformed in order to prevent
spreading of strands in the event of cutting of composite core wire. Care shall be taken to
avoid damage to galvanisation during preforming and post-forming operation.
Steel Wires
There shall be no joint of any kind in the finished wire entering into the
manufacture of the strand. There shall also be no strand splices in any length of
the completed stranded steel core of the conductor.
The manufacturing tolerances to the extent of the following limits only shall be
permitted in the diameter of individual aluminium and steel strands and lay-ratio
of the conductor.
2.5 Materials
2.5.1 Aluminium
The aluminium strands shall be hard drawn from electrolytic aluminium rods
having purity not less than 99.5% and a copper content not exceeding 0.04%.
The steel wire strands shall be drawn from high carbon steel wire rods and shall
conform to the following chemical composition:
Element - % Composition
2.5.3 Zinc
The Zinc used for galvanising shall be electrolytic High Grade Zinc of 99.95%
purity. It shall conform to and satisfy all the requirements of IS:209-1979.
2.6.1 The Conductor shall be supplied in standard length of 1500 / 1800 metres
as required. No joint shall be allowed within a single span of stringing.
2.7 Tests :
2.7.1 The following type, acceptance & routine tests and tests during
manufacturing shall be carried out on the conductor.
In accordance with the stipulation of specification, the following type tests reports
of the conductor shall be submitted for approval :
a) Chemical analysis of )
zinc used for galvanising )
b) Chemical analysis of )
aluminium used for ) As per Annexure - A
making aluminium strands )
c) Chemical analysis of )
steel used for making )
steel strands )
The Contractor shall offer material for selection of samples for type testing, only
after getting quality assurance plans approved from Owner’s Quality Assurance
Department. The sample shall be manufactured strictly in accordance with the
Quality Assurance Plan approved by Owner.
3.1.1 The galvanised steel earth wire shall generally conform to the specification of
ACSR core wire as mentioned in IS : 398 (Part-II)-1976 except where otherwise
specified herein.
b) Number of strands
h) Direction of lay of
: Right hand
outer layer
All steel strands shall be smooth, uniform and free from all imperfections, such as
spills and splits, die marks, scratches, abrasions and kinks after drawing and also
after stranding.
The steel strands shall be hot dip galvanised (and shall have a minimum zinc
coating of 275 gms/sq.m.) after stranding of the uncoated wire surface. The zinc
coating shall be smooth, continuous, of uniform thickness, free from
imperfections and shall withstand three and a half dips after stranding in standard
Preece test. The steel wire rod shall be of such quality and purity that, when
drawn to the size of the strands specified and coated with zinc, the finished
strands shall be of uniform quality and have the same properties and
characteristics in ASTM designation B498-74.
The steel strands shall be preformed and postformed in order to prevent spreading
of strands while cutting of composite earthwire. Care shall be taken to avoid
damage to galvanisation during preforming and postforming operation.
There shall be no joint of any kind in the finished steel wire strand entering into
the manufacture of the earth wire. There shall be no strand joints or strand splices
in any length of the completed stranded earth wire.
The manufacturing tolerances to the extent of the following limits only shall be
permitted in the Diameter of the individual steel strands and lay length of the
earth wire:
Standard Maximum Minimum
3.66 mm 3.75 mm 3.57 mm
181 mm 198 mm 165 mm
Lay length
The steel wire strands shall be drawn from high carbon steel
3.5 MATERIALS rods and shall conform to the following requirements as to the
chemical composition :
3.5.1 Steel Element % Composition
Carbon Not more than 0.55
3.5.2 Zinc
The zinc used for galvanising shall be electrolytic High Grade Zinc of 99.95%
purity. It shall conform to and satisfy all the requirements of IS:209-1979.
In accordance with the stipulation of specification, the following type tests reports
of the earthwire shall be submitted for approval as per clause 9.2 of Section -
a) UTS test )
As per Annexure - B
b) DC resistance test )
f) Elongation test )
g) Wrap test )
h) DC resistance test
) IS:398 (Part-III) 1976
i) Breaking load test
j) Chemical Analysis of
The Contractor shall offer material for sample selection for type testing, only after
getting quality assurance programme approved by the Owner. The samples for
type testing shall be manufactured strictly in accordance with the Quality
Assurance Programme approved by the Owner.
4.1 General
4.2.1 For outside diameter (OD) & thickness of the tube there shall be no minus
tolerance, other requirements being as per IS : 2678 and IS: 2673.
4.2.2 The aluminium tube shall be supplied in suitable cut length to minimize wastage.
4.2.3 The welding of aluminium tube shall be done by the qualified welders duly
approved by the owner.
4.3 Test
4.4 Parameters
5.1 General
All conductors buried in earth and concrete shall be of mild steel. All conductors
above ground level and earthing leads shall be of galvanised steel, except for
cable trench earthing. The minimum sizes of earthing coductor to be used shall be
as per specification.
b) The minimum weight of the zinc coating shall be 618 gm/sq. m. and
minimum thickness shall be 85 microns.
5.3 Tests
6.1 General
Spacers shall conform to IS: 10162. The spacers are to be located at a suitable
spacing to limit the short circuit forces as per IEC 865. Wherever Owner’s 400
kV & 220 kV standard gantry structures are being used, the spacer span(s) for
different conductor / span configurations and corresponding short circuit forces
shall be as per specification.
Wherever Owner’s 400 kV & 220 kV standard gantry structures are not being
used, necessary spacer span calculation shall be provided by the contractor during
detailed engineering for the approval of Owner.
6.2.1 No magnetic material shall be used in the fabrication of spacers except for GI
bolts and nuts.
6.2.2 Spacer design shall be made to take care of fixing and removing during
installation and maintenance.
6.2.3 The design of the spacers shall be such that the conductor does not come in
contact with any sharp edge.
6.3 Tests
Each type of spacers shall be subjected to the following type tests, acceptance
tests and routine tests:
6.3.1 Type Tests: Following type test reports shall be submitted for approval
as per Section - GTR.
f) Tension Test
h) Compression test
i) Galvanising test
a) Visual examination
b) Dimensional verification
c) Movement test
g) Compression test
h) Tension test
i) Galvanising test
The UTS of the retaining rods shall be measured. It shall not be less than
35 kg/Sq. mm.
a) Visual examination
b) Dimensional verification
7.1.1 Post type insulators shall consist of a porcelain part permanently secured in a
metal base to be mounted on the supporting structures. They shall be capable of
being mounted upright. They shall be designed to withstand any shocks to which
they may be subjected to by the operation of the associated equipment. Only solid
core insulators will be acceptable.
7.1.2 Porcelain used shall be homogeneous, free from lamination, cavities and
7.1.3 Glazing of the porcelain shall be of uniform brown in colour, free from blisters,
burrs and other similar defects.
7.1.4 The insulator shall have alternate long and short sheds with aerodynamic profile,
The shed profile shall also meet the requirements of IEC-815 for the specified
pollution level.
7.1.5 When operating at normal rated voltage there shall be no electric discharge
between conductor and insulators which would cause corrosion or injury to
conductors or insulators by the formation of substance produced by chemical
7.1.6 The design of the insulators shall be such that stresses due to expansion and
contraction in any part of the insulator shall not lead to deterioration.
7.1.7 All ferrous parts shall be hot dip galvanised in accordance with the latest edition
of IS: 2633, & IS: 2629. The zinc used for galvanising shall be grade Zn 99.95 as
per IS: 209. The zinc coating shall be uniform, adherent, smooth, reasonably
bright, continuous and free from imperfections such as flux ash, rust stains, bulky
white deposits and blisters. The metal parts shall not produce any noise generating
corona under the operating conditions.
7.1.8 a) Every bolt shall be provided with a steel washer under the nut so
that part of the threaded portion of the bolts is within the thickness of the
parts bolted together.
b) Flat washer shall be circular of a diameter 2.5 times that of bolt and of
suitable thickness. Where bolt heads/nuts bear upon the beveled surfaces
they shall be provided with square tapered washers of suitable thickness to
afford a seating square with the axis of the bolt.
c) All bolts and nuts shall be of steel with well formed hexagonal heads
forged from the solid and shall be hot dip galvanised. The nuts shall be
good fit on the bolts and two clear threads shall show through the nut
when it has been finally tightened up.
7.1.9 Bidder shall make available data on all the essential features of design
7.2 Tests
In accordance with the stipulations of the specification, the post insulators shall be
subject to type, acceptance, sample and routine tests as per IS : 2544 and IEC-
b) Soundness test, metallurgical tests and magnetic test on MCI caps and
pedestal tests as acceptance test.
c) All hot dip galvanised components shall be subject to check for uniformity
of thickness and weight of zinc coating on sample basis.
d) The bending test shall be carried out at 50% minimum failing load in four
directions as a routine test and at 100% minimum failing load in four
directions as an acceptance test.
e) Acceptance norms for visual defects allowed at site and also at works shall
be agreed in the Quality plan.
7.2.2 In accordance with the stipulation of specification, the following type tests
reports of the post insulators shall be submitted for approval :
l) No. of bolts 4 4 4
Bottom 8 8 8
Bottom dia 18 18 18
8.1 The earthing shall be done in accordance with requirements given hereunder
and drawing titled ‘Earthing Details’ enclosed with the specification. The
earthmat design shall be done by the Contractor as per IEEE-80. The soil
resistivity measurement shall also be done by the Contractor. The resistivity
measurement of stone (to be used for stone spreading) shall also be done by the
Contractor to confirm the resistivity value of stone considered in earth mat design.
For measurement purpose, one sample of stones from each source (in case stones
are supplied from more than one source) shall be used. The main earthmat shall
be laid in the switchyard area in accordance with the approved design
8.2 Neutral points of systems of different voltages, metallic enclosures and
Item Size Material
8.5 The sizes of the earthing conductor indicated above are the minimum sizes.
8.5.5 Earthing conductor around the building shall be buried in earth at a minimum
distance of 1500 mm from the outer boundary of the building. In case high
temperature is encountered at some location, the earthing conductor shall be laid
minimum 1500 mm away from such location.
8.5.6 Earthing conductors crossing the road shall be laid 300 mm below road or at
greater depth to suit the site conditions.
8.6.3 Metallic pipes, conduits and cable tray sections for cable installation shall be
bonded to ensure electrical continuity and connected to earthing conductors at
regular interval. Apart from intermediate connections, beginning points shall
also be connected to earthing system.
8.6.5 Wherever earthing conductor crosses or runs along metallic structures such as
gas, water, steam conduits, etc. and steel reinforcement in concrete it shall be
bonded to the same.
8.6.6 Light poles, junction boxes on the poles, cable and cable boxes/glands,
lockout switches etc. shall be connected to the earthing conductor running
alongwith the supply cable which inturn shall be connected to earthing grid
conductor at a minimum two points whether specifically shown or not.
8.6.7 Railway tracks within switchyard area shall be earthed at a spacing of 30m and
also at both ends.
8.6.8 Earthing conductor shall be buried 2000 mm outside the switchyard fence. All
the gates and every alternate post of the fence shall be connected to earthing
The stone spreading shall also be done 2000 mm outside switchyard fence.
The criterian for stone spreading shall be followed in line with requirement
specified elsewhere in the specification
8.6.10 All lighting panels, junction boxes, receptacles fixtures, conduits etc. shall be
grounded in compliance with the provision of I.E. rules
8.6.11 A continuous ground conductor of 16 SWG GI wire shall be run all along each
conduit run. The conductor shall be connected to each panel ground bus. All
junction boxes, receptacles, switches, lighting fixtures etc. shall be connected to
this 16 SWG ground conductor.
8.6.12 50mm x 6mm MS flat shall run on the top tier and all along the cable trenches and
the same shall be welded to each of the racks. Further this flat shall be earthed at
both ends and at an interval of 30 mtrs. The M.S. flat shall be finally painted with
two coats of Red oxide primer and two coats of Post Office red enamel paint.
8.6.13 A 40 mm dia , 3000 mm long MS earth electrode with test link , CI frame and
cover shall be provided to connect down conductor of lightning mast and towers
with peak.
8.7 Jointing
8.7.1 Earthing connections with equipment earthing pads shall be bolted type. Contact
surfaces shall be free from scale, paint, enamel, grease, rust or dirt. Two bolts
shall be provided for making each connection. Equipment bolted connections,
after being checked and tested, shall be painted with anti corrosive
8.7.2 Connection between equipment earthing lead and main earthing conductors and
between main earthing conductors shall be welded type. For rust protections, the
welds should be treated with red lead and afterwards coated with two layers
bitumen compound to prevent corrosion.
8.7.3 Steel to copper connections shall be brazed type and shall be treated to prevent
moisture ingression.
8.7.4 Resistance of the joint shall not be more than the resistance of the equivalent
length of the conductor.
8.7.5 All ground connections shall be made by electric arc welding. All welded joints
shall be allowed to cool down gradually to atmospheric temperature before put-
ting any load on it. Artificial cooling shall not be allowed.
8.7.7 All arc welding with large dia. conductors shall be done with low hydrogen
content electrodes.
8.7.8 The 75x12mm GS flat shall be clamped with the equipment support structures
at 1000mm interval.
Metallic sheaths and armour of all multi core power cables shall be earthed at
both equipment and swithgear end. Sheath and armour of single core power
cables shall be earthed at switchgear end only.
8.9.1 Each earthing lead from the neutral of the power transformer/Reactor shall be
directly connected to two pipe electrodes in treated earth pit (as per IS) which
in turn, shall be buried in Cement Concrete pit with a cast iron cover hinged to
a cast iron frame to have an access to the joints. All accessories associated
with transformer/reactor like cooling banks, radiators etc. shall be connected
to the earthing grid at minimum two points.
8.9.2 Earthing terminal of each lightning arrester & capacitor voltage trasformer
shall be directly connected to rod earth electrode which in turn, shall be
connected to station earthing grid.
8.9.3 Auxiliary earthing mat comprising of 40mm dia M.S. rods closely spaced (300
mm x 300 mm) conductors shall be provided at depth of 300mm from ground
level below the operating handles of the M.O.M. Box of the isolators. M.O.M.
boxes shall be directly connected to the auxiliary earthing mat.
8.10.1 The scope covers supply and laying of insulating mats of “class A”
conforming to
IS: 15652-2006.
8.10.2 These insulating mats shall be laid in front of all floor mounted AC and DC
switchboards and control panels located in control room building.
8.10.3 The insulating mats shall be made of elastomer material free from any
leading to deterioration of insulating properties. It shall be resistant to acid, oil
and low temperature.
8.10.4 Upper surface of the insulating mats shall have small aberration (rough surface
without edges) to avoid slippery effects while the lower surface shall be plain
could be finished slip resistant without affecting adversely the dielectric
of the mat.
8.10.5 Insulating mats shall be of pastable type, to be fixed permanently on the front
and rear side of the panels except for the chequred plate area which shall not
Technical Specifications for Construction of New Grid Sub-Stations Page | 363
pasted. The insulating mats shall generally be fixed and joints shall be welded
per IS: 15652.
8.10.6 Width of insulating mats shall generally be of 1.5 meters or as per site
requirements. Length shall be supplied as per site requirements.
8.10.7 The insulating mats offered shall conform to all type, routine and acceptance
tests as per IS: 15652-2006.Type test reports of insulating mats shall be
submitted for owner’s acceptance.
The brief description of the bus switching scheme, bus bar layout and
equipment connection to be adopted are indicated elsewhere in the
specification. The bus bar arrangements are shown in drgs enclosed with the
bid documents.
9.1 The Contractor shall furnish supporting calculations for the bus
bars/conductors to show adequacy of design parameters for:
e) Short circuit forces in bundle conductor and spacer location for each
span of ACSR conductor stringing as per layout drawings.
9.1.1 The welds in the aluminium tubes shall be kept to the minimum and there
shall not be more than one weld per span. The procedure and details of
welding shall be subject to Owner’s approval. Material for welding sleeve
shall be same as that of Aluminium tube. Welding sleeve shall be of 600mm
9.1.2 Corona bells shall be provided wherever the bus extends beyond the clamps
and on free ends, for sealing the ends of the tubular conductor against rain and
moisture and to reduce the electrostatic discharge loss at the end points. There
shall be a small drain hole in the corona bell. The material of Corona bell shall
be Aluminium alloy similar to that of clamps & connectors.
9.1.3 To minimise the vibrations in the aluminium tubes, damping conductor shall
be provided inside the aluminium tubes. For this purpose, the cut pieces of
ACSR conductor which otherwise are considered wastages, shall be used as
damping conductor.
10.1 The disposition of various bay equipments shall be as per single line diagrams
and layout drawings.
Bay marshalling kiosk shall be fabricated from 304 grade stainless steel of
minimum thickness of 1.6mm. For other constructional details, technical
specification of section-GTR shall be referred. Further, for stainless steel
type bay marshaling kiosk, no painting is envisaged.
One no. of bay marshalling kiosk shall be provided for each bay. In addition to
the requirements specified elsewhere in the specification, the bay marshalling
kiosk shall have three distinct compartments for the following purpose:-
(i) To receive two incoming 415V, 3 phase, 63Amps, AC supply with auto
changeover and MCB unit and distrubute minimum six (four in case of S/S
having highest voltage 132kV) outgoing 415V, 3 phase, 16 Amps AC supplies
controlled by MCB.
(ii) To distribute minimum ten (six in case of S/S having highest voltage
132kV) outgoing 240V, 10 Amps single phase supplies to be
controlled by MCB to be drawn from above 3 phase incomers
(iii) 200 (100 in case of S/S having highest voltage 132kV) nos. terminal
blocks in vertical formation for intertocking facilities.
(iv) Necessary Terminal Blocks for terminating cables from ACDB and
necessary heating circuits.
Further, all Bay Marshalling Kiosks shall be erected such that a minimum
height of 1000mm is maintained between FGL & bottom of the marshalling
box. Size of Marshalling box shall be such that cables are properly terminated
and wires are dressed with provision of loop.
11.1 Direct stroke lightning protection (DSLP) shall be provided in the EHV
switchyard by lightning masts and shield wires. The layout drawings enclosed
Technical Specifications for Construction of New Grid Sub-Stations Page | 365
indicate the tentative arrangement. The final arrangement shall be decided
after approval of the DSLP calculations.
11.2 The lightning protection system shall not be in direct contact with
underground metallic service ducts and cab.
11.3 Conductors of the lightning protection system shall not be connected with
the conductors of the safety earthing system above ground level.
11.5 Connection between each down conductor and rod electrodes shall be made
via test joint (pad type compression clamp) located approximately 1500 mm
above ground level. The rod electrode shall be further joined with the main
11.6 Lightning conductors shall not pass through or run inside G.I. conduits.
11.7 Lightning protection shall also be provided for various buildings like control
building, FFPH etc. as per relevant standard.
12.1 All circuit breaker and isolator erection shall be done under the supervision of
equipment manufacturer and erection of all switchyard equipments shall be
done as per approved Field Quality Plan (FQP) and as per provision of
Technical Specification.
12.3 Muslin or leather cloth shall be used for cleaning the inside and outside of
hollow insulators .
12.4 All support insulators, circuit breaker interrupters and other fragile equipment
shall preferably be handled with cranes having suitable booms and handling
12.5 Bending of Aluminium tube and compressed air piping if any should be done
by a bending machine and through cold bending only. Bending shall be such
that inner diameter of pipe is not reduced.
12.6 Cutting of the pipes wherever required shall be such as to avoid flaring of the
ends. Hence only a proper pipe cutting tool shall be used. Hack saw shall not
be used.
12.8 Handling equipment, sling ropes etc. should be tested periodically before
erection for strength.
12.9 The slings shall be of sufficient length to avoid any damage to insulator due to
excessive swing, scratching by sling ropes etc.
12.10 All welding done at site for equipment and structures, shall be painted with zinc
rich paint immediately to avoid corrosion.
13.1 The Contractor shall provide and construct adequate storage shed for proper
storage of equipments, where sensitive equipments shall be stored indoors. All
equipments during storage shall be protected against damage due to acts of
nature or accidents. The storage instructions of the equipment
manufacturer/Owner shall be strictly adhered to.
14.1.1 Each cable and conduit run shall be tagged with numbers that appear in the
14.1.2 The tag shall be of aluminium with the number punched on it and securely
attached to the cable conduit by not less than two turns of 20 SWG GI wire
conforming to IS:280. Cable tags shall be of rectangular shape for power
cables and of circular shape for control cables.
14.1.3 Location of cables laid directly underground shall be clearly indicated with
cable route marker marker made of galvanised iron plate.
14.1.4 Location of underground cable joints shall be indicated with cable marker with
an additional inscription “Cable joints”.
14.1.5 The cable route marker shall project 150 mm above ground and shall be
spaced at an interval of 30 meters and at every change in direction. They shall
be located on both sides of road and drain crossings.
14.1.6 Cable tags shall be provided on all cables at each end (just before entering the
equipment enclosure), on both sides of a wall or floor crossing, on each
duct/conduit entry and at each end & turning point in cable tray/trench runs.
Cable tags shall be provided inside the switchgear, motor control centres,
control and relay panels etc., wherever required for cable identification, where
a number of cables enter together through a gland plate.
14.2.2 The supports shall be fabricated from standard structural steel members.
14.2.3 Insert plates will be provided at an interval of 750 mm wherever cables are to
be supported without the use of cable trays, such as in trenches, while at all
other places these will be at an interval of 2000 mm.
14.3.1 The termination and connection of cables shall be done strictly in accordance
with cable and termination kit manufacturer’s instructions, drawing and/or as
directed by the Owner.
14.3.2 The work shall include all clamping, fittings, fixing, plumbing, soldering,
drilling, cutting, taping, heat shrinking (where applicable), connecting to cable
terminal, shorting and grounding as required to complete the job.
14.3.4 The equipment will be generally provided with undrilled gland plates for
cables/conduit entry. The Contractor shall be responsible for drilling of gland
plates, painting and touching up. Holes shall not be made by gas cutting.
14.3.6 The Contractor shall tag/ferrule control cable cores at all terminations, as
instructed by the Owner. In panels where a large number of cables are to be
terminated and cable identification may be difficult, each core ferrule may
include the complete cable number as well.
14.3.7 Spare cores shall be similarly tagged with cable numbers and coiled up.
14.3.8 All cable entry points shall be sealed and made vermin and dust proof.Unused
openings shall be effectively closed.
14.3.9 Double compression type nickel plated (coating thickness not less than 10
microns) brass cable glands shall be provided by the Contractor for all power
and control cables to provide dust and weather proof terminations.
14.3.10 The cable glands shall conform to BIS:6121. They shall comprise of heavy
duty brass casting, machine finished and nickel plated, to avoid corrosion and
oxidation. Rubber components used in cable glands shall be neoprene and of
tested quality. Cable glands shall be of approved make.
14.3.11 The cable glands shall also be suitable for dust proof and weather proof
termination. The test procedure, if required, has to be discussed and agreed to
between Owner and cable gland manufacturer.
Technical Specifications for Construction of New Grid Sub-Stations Page | 368
14.3.12 If the cable-end box or terminal enclosure provided on the equipment is found
unsuitable and requires modification, the same shall be carried out by the
Contractor, as directed by the Owner.
15.1 The Contractor shall construct the cable trenches requried for directly buried
cables. The scope of work shall include excavation, preparation of sand
bedding, soil cover, supply and installation of brick or concrete protective
covers, back filling and ramming, supply and installation of route markers and
joint markers. The Bidder shall ascertain the soil conditions prevailing at site,
before submitting the bid.
15.2 The cable (power and control) between LT station, control room, DG set
building and fire lighting pump house shall be laid in the buried cable
trenches. In addition to the above, for lighting purpose also, buried cable
trench can be used in outdoor area.
15.3 Cable route and joint markers and RCC warning covers shall be provided
wherever required. The voltage grade of cables shall be engraved on the
16.1 Cabling in the control room shall be done on ladder type cable trays while
cabling in switchyard area shall be done on angles in the trench.
16.2 All cables from bay cable trench to equipments including and all interpole
cables (both power and control) for all equipment, shall be laid in PVC pipes
of minimum 50 mm nominal outside diameter of class 4 as per IS 4985 which
shall be buried in the ground at a depth of 250mm below finish formation
level. Separate PVC pipes shall be laid for control and power cables. Cable
pull boxes of adequate size shall be provided if required. For vertical runs on
equipments, perforated cable trays shall be provided for all equipments
under scope of the contract or any equipment to be provided by the owner
(including for owner supplied circuit breakers).
16.4 Cable racks and supports shall be painted after installation with two coats of
metal primer (comprising of red oxide and zinc chromate in a synthetic
medium) followed by two finishing coats of aluminium paint. The red oxide
and zinc chromate shall conform to IS:2074.
16.5 Suitable arrangement should be used between fixed pipe / cable trays and
equipment terminal boxes, where vibration is anticipated.
16.6 Power and control cables in the cable trench shall be laid in separate tiers. The
order of laying of various cables shall be as follows, for cables other than
directly buried.
a) Power cables on top tiers.
b) Control instrumentation and other service cables in bottom tiers.
c) For cabling from control room to switchyard in main cable trench,
cable shall be laid such that bottom tiers are preferably filled first and
top tiers are kept for filling future cables as per the instructions of
Engineer-In- Charge.
16.7 Single core cables in trefoil formation shall be laid with a distance of three
times the diameter of cable between trefoil centre lines. All power cables shall
be laid with a minimum centre to centre distance equal to twice the diameter
of the cable of higher size of cables.
16.8 Trefoil clamps for single core cables shall be of pressure die cast aluminium
(LM-6), Nylon -6 or fibre glass and shall include necessary fixing GI nuts,
bolts, washer etc. These are required at every 2 metre of cable runs.
16.9 Power and control cables shall be securely fixed to the trays/supports with self
locking type nylon ties with deinterlocking facility at every 5 metre interval
for horizontal run. Vertical and inclined cable runs shall be secured with 25
mm wide and 2 mm thick aluminium strip clamps at every 2m.
16.10 Cables shall not be bent below the minimum permissible limit. The
permissible limits are as follows :
Power cable 12 D
Control cable 10 D
16.12 In each cable run some extra length shall be kept at a suitable point to enable
one (for LT cables)/two (for H.T. cables) straight through joints to be made in
case the cable develop fault at a later date.
16.13 Selection of cable drums for each run shall be so planned as to avoid using
straight through joints. Cable splices will not be permitted except where called
for by the drawings, unavoidable or where permitted by the Owner. If straight
through joints are unavoidable, the Contractor shall use the straight through
joints kit of reputed make.
16.14 Control cable terminations inside equipment enclosures shall have sufficient
lengths so that changing of termination in terminal blocks can be done without
requiring any splicing.
16.15 Metal screen and armour of the cable shall be bonded to the earthing system of
the station, wherever required by the Owner.
16.16 Rollers shall be used at intervals of about two metres while pulling cables.
16.17 All due care shall be taken during unreeling, laying and termination of cable to
avoid damage due to twist, kinks, sharp bends, etc.
16.18 Cable ends shall be kept sealed to prevent damage. In cable vault, fire resistant
seal shall be provided underneath the panels.
16.20 Wherever cable pass through floor or through wall openings or other
partitions, GI/PVC wall sleeves with bushes having a smooth curved internal
surface so as not to damage the cable, shall be supplied, installed and properly
sealed by the Contractor at no extra charges.
16.21 Contractor shall remove the RCC/Steel trench covers before taking up the
work and shall replace all the trench covers after the erection-work in that
particular area is completed or when further work is not likely to be taken up
for some time.
16.22 Contractor shall furnish three copies of the report on work carried out in a
particular week, indicating cable numbers, date on which laid, actual length
and route, testing carried out, terminations carried out, along with the marked
up copy of the cable schedule and interconnection drawing wherever any
modifications are made.
16.23 Contractor shall paint the tray identification number on each run of trays at an
Technical Specifications for Construction of New Grid Sub-Stations Page | 371
interval of 10 m.
16.24 In case the outer sheath of a cable is damaged during handling/installation, the
Contractor shall repair it at his own cost to the satisfaction of the Owner. In
case any other part of a cable is damaged, the same shall be replaced by a
healthy cable at no extra cost to the Owner, i.e. the Contractor shall not be
paid for installation and removal of the damaged cable.
16.25 All cable terminations shall be appropriately tightened to ensure secure and
reliable connections. The Contractor shall cover the exposed part of all cable
lugs whether supplied by him or not with insulating tape, sleeve or paint.
i) The cable trays shall be of G.S.sheet and minimum thickness of sheet shall
be 2mm.
ii) The Contractor shall perform all tests and inspection to ensure that material
and workmanship are according to the relevant standards. Contractor shall
have to demonstrate all tests as per specification and equipment shall comply
with all requirements of the specification.
A 2.5 metre straight section of 300mm, 600mm wide cable tray shall be
simply supported at two ends. A uniform distributed load of 76 kg/m shall be
applied along the length of the tray. The maximum deflection at the mid-span
shall not exceed 7mm.
16.27.1 Contractor shall supply and install all rigid conduits, mild steel pipes,flexible
conduits, hume pipes etc. including all necessary sundry materials such as
tees, elbows, check nuts, bushing, reducers, enlargers, coupling cap, nipples,
gland sealing fittings, pull boxes etc as specified and to be shown in detailed
drawing. The size of the conduit/pipe shall be selected on the basis of 40% fill
16.27.2 Contractor shall have his own facility for bending, cutting and threading the
conduits at site. Cold bending should be used. All cuts & threaded ends shall
be made smooth without leaving any sharp edges. Anticorrosive paint shall be
applied at all field threaded portions.
16.27.3 All conduit/pipes shall be extended on both sides of wall/floor openings. The
fabrication and installation of supports and the clamping shall be included in
the scope of work by Contractor.
16.27.5 When two lengths of conduits are joined together through a coupling, running
threads equal to twice the length of coupling shall be provided on each conduit
to facilitate easy dismantling of two conduits.
16.27.7 Each conduit run shall be painted with its designation as indicated on the
drawings such that it can be identified at each end.
16.27.9 Conduit run sleeves shall be provided with the bushings at each end.
16.27.10 Metallic conduit runs at termination shall have two locknuts and a bushing for
connection. Flexible conduits shall also be suitably clamped at each end with
the help of bushings. Bushings shall have rounded edges so as not to damage
the cables.
16.27.11 Where embedded conduits turn upwards from a slab or fill, the termination
dimensions shown on the drawings, if any, shall be taken to represent the
position of the straight extension of the conduit external to and immediately
following the bend. At least one half of the arc length of the bend shall be
16.27.12 For underground runs, Contractor shall excavate and back fill as necessary.
16.27.13 Contractor shall supply, unload, store and install conduits required for the lighting
installation as specified. All accessories/fittings required for making the
installation complete, including but not limited to pull out boxes, ordinary and
inspection tees and elbow, checknuts, male and female bushings (brass or
galvanised steel), caps, square headed male plugs, nipples, gland sealing fittings
,pull boxes, conduits terminal boxes, gaskets and box covers, saddle terminal
boxes, and all steel supporting work shall be supplied by the Contractor. The
conduit fittings shall be of the same material as conduits.
16.27.14 All unarmoured cables shall run within the conduits from lighting panels to
lighting fixtures, receptacles etc.
16.27.15 Size of conduit for lighting shall be selected by the Contractor during detailed
16.27.16 Exposed conduits shall be run in straight lines parallel to building columns, beams
and walls. Unnecessary bends and crossings shall be avoided to present a neat
16.27.17 Conduit supports shall be provided at an interval of 750mm for horizontal runs
and 1000mm for vertical runs.
16.27.18 Conduit supports shall be clamped on the approved type spacer plates or brackets
by saddles or U- bolts. The spacer plates or brackets in turn, shall be securely
fixed to the building steel by welding and to concrete or brick work by grouting or
by nylon rawl plugs. Wooden plug inserted in the masonary or concrete for
conduit support is not acceptable.
16.27.19 Embedded conduits shall be securely fixed in position to preclude any movement.
In fixing embedded conduit, if welding or brazing is used, extreme care should be
taken to avoid any injury to the inner surface of the conduit.
16.27.21 Where conduits are placed alongwith cable trays, they shall be clamped to
supporting steel at an interval of 600mm.
16.27.22 For directly embedding in soil, the conduits shall be coated with an asphalt-
base compound. Concrete pier or anchor shall be provided wherever necessary
to support the conduit rigidly and to hold it in place.
16.27.23 Conduit shall be installed in such a way as to ensure against trouble from
trapped condensation.
16.27.24 Conduits shall be kept, wherever possible, at least 300mm away from hot
pipes, heating devices etc. when it is evident that such proximity may reduce
the service life of cables.
16.27.25 Slip joints shall be provided when conduits cross structural expansion joints or
where long run of exposed conduits are installed, so that temperature change
will cause no distortion due to expansion or contraction of conduit run.
16.27.26 For long conduit run, pull boxes shall be provided at suitable intervals to
facilitate wiring.
16.27.27 Conduit shall be securely fastened to junction boxes or cabinets, each with a
lock nut inside and outside the box.
16.27.28 Conduits joints and connections shall be made thoroughly water-tight and rust
proof by application of a thread compound which insulates the joints. White
lead issuitable for application on embedded conduit and red lead for exposed
16.27.29 Field bends shall have a minimum radius of four (4) times the conduit
diameter. All bends shall be free of kinks, indentations of flattened surfaces.
Heat shall not be applied in making any conduit bend. Separate bends may be
used for this purpose.
16.27.30 The entire metallic conduit system, whether embedded or exposed, shall be
electrically continuous and thoroughly grounded. Where slip joints are used,
suitable bounding shall be provided around the joint to ensure a continuous
ground circuit.
16.27.32 Lighting fixtures shall not be suspended directly from the junction box in the
main conduit run.
Cable sealing system having earthing strip can alternately be used in place of
cable gland arrangement for indoor panels such as LCC, C&R, PLCC panels
a) The Contractor shall supply and install junction boxes complete with
terminals as required. The brackets, bolts, nuts, screws etc required for
erection are also included in the scope of the Contractor.
b) Junction boxes having volume less than 1600 cubic centimeters may be
installed without any support other than that resulting from connecting
conduits where two or more rigid metallic conduits enter and accurately
position the box. Boxes shall be installed so that they are level, plumb and
properly aligned to present a pleasing appearance.
c) Boxes with volumes equal to or greater than 1600 cubic cm, and smaller
boxes terminating on less than two rigid metallic conduits or for other
reasons not rigidly held, shall be adequately supported by auxiliary steel of
standard steel shapes or plates to be fabricated and installed. The
Contractor shall perform all drilling, cutting, welding, shimming and
bolting required for attachment of supports.
18.1 An indicative list of tests for testing and commissioning is given below.
Contractor shall perform any additional test based on specialities of the items as
per the field Q.P./instructions of the equipment Contractor or Owner without any
extra cost to the Owner. The Contractor shall arrange all equipments instruments
Technical Specifications for Construction of New Grid Sub-Stations Page | 377
and auxiliaries required for testing and commissioning of equipments alongwith
calibration certificates and shall furnish the list of instruments to the Owner for
(c) Check from name plate that all items are as per order/specification.
(d) Check tightness of all bolts, clamps and connecting terminals using torque
(e) For oil filled equipment, check for oil leakage, if any. Also check oil level
and top up wherever necessary.
(f) Check ground connections for quality of weld and application of zinc rich
paint over weld joint of galvanised surfaces.
(h) All checks and tests specified by the manufacturers in their drawings and
manuals as well as all tests specified in the relevant code of erection.
(i) Check for surface finish of grading rings (Corona control ring).
(j) Pressure test on all pneumatic lines at 18.5 times the rated pressure shall be
c) Check earth resistance of the entire grid as well as various sections of the
d) Check for weld joint and application of zinc rich paint on galvanised
c) Testing of torque by torque wrenches on all bus bar power connectors and
other accessories.
a) Physical check
c) Dye penetration test & Radiography test on 10% sample basis on weld
d) Test check on 5% sample joints after cutting the weld piece to observe
any voids etc.
18.7 All pre/commissioning activities and works work for substation equipment
shall be carried out as per specifications.
The sample assembly similar to that specified under (2.0) above shall be tested
as per Annexure - C . Maximum RIV level (across 300 ohm resistor at 1 MHz)
at 305 KV (RMS) line to ground voltage shall be 1000 micro volts.
Conductor drums shall be rewound in the presence of the inspector. The inspector
shall visually check for scratches, joints, etc. and that the conductor generally
conform to the requirements of this specification. The length of conductor wound
on the drum shall be measured with the help of counter meter during rewinding.
The individual strands shall be dimensionally checked to ensure that they conform
to the requirements of this specification.
The lay-ratios of various layers shall be checked to ensure that they conform to
the requirements of this specification and clause no. 9.4 and 9.5 of IS-398 (Part -
V) 1982.
The test procedures shall be as per relevant clause of IS:398 (Part V), 1982. In
torsion test, the number of complete twists before fracture shall not be less than
18 on a length equal to 100 times the standard diameter of the strand before
stranding & 16 after stranding. In case test sample length of less or more than 100
times the standard diameter of the strand, the minimum number of twist will be
proportionate to the length and if number comes in the fraction then it will be
rounded off to next
Two Aluminium wires, shall be welded as per the approved quality plan and shall
be subjected to tensile load. The welded point of the wire shall be able to
withstand the minimum breaking load of the individual strand guaranteed by the
Circles perpendicular to the axis of the earthwire shall be marked at two places on
a sample of earthwire of minimum 5m length suitably compressed with dead end
clamps at either end. The load shall be increased at steady rate upto 34 KN and
held for one minute. The circles drawn shall not be distorted due to relative
movement of strands. Thereafter, the load shall be increased at a steady rate of
68.4 KN and held for one minute. The earthwire sample shall not fail during this
period. The applied load shall then be increased until the failing load is reached
and value recorded.
Earthwire drums shall be rewound in the presence of the inspector. The inspector
shall visually check for joints, scratches etc. and see that the earthwire generally
conforms to the requirements of this specification. The length of earthwire wound
on the drum shall be measured with the help of counter meter during rewinding.
The test procedure shall be as per relevant clause of IS:398 (Part-V). The
minimum number of twists which a single steel strand shall withstand during
torsion test shall be eighteen for a length equal to 100 times the standard diameter
of the strand. In case the test sample length is less or more than 100 times the
standard diameter of the strand, the minimum number of twists will be
proportionate to the length and if number comes in the fraction then it will be
rounded off to next higher whole number. In
The individual strands shall be dimensionally checked to ensure that they conform
to the requirements of this specification.
The lay length shall be checked to ensure that they conform to the requirements of
this specification.
The test procedure shall as specified in IS:4826-1968. The material shall conform
to the requirements of this specification.
1. General
Unless otherwise stipulated, all equipment together with its associated
connectors, where applicable, shall be tested for external corona both by
observing the voltage level for the extinction of visible corona under falling
power frequency voltage and by measurement of radio interference voltage
2. Test Levels:
The test voltage levels for measurement of external RIV and for corona extinction
voltage are listed under the relevant clauses of the specification.
3. Test Methods for RIV:
3.1 RIV tests shall be made according to measuring circuit as per International
Special-Committee on Radio Interference (CISPR) Publication 16-1(1993) Part -
1. The measuring circuit shall preferably be tuned to frequency with 10% of 0.5
Mhz but other frequencies in the range of 0.5 MHz to 2 MHz may be used, the
measuring frequency being recorded. The results shall be in microvolts.
3.2 Alternatively, RIV tests shall be in accordance with NEMA standard Publication
No. 107-1964, except otherwise noted herein.
3.3 In measurement of, RIV, temporary additional external corona shielding may be
provided. In measurements of RIV only standard fittings of identical type
supplied with the equipment and a simulation of the connections as used in the
actual installation will be permitted in the vicinity within 3.5 meters of terminals.
3.4 Ambient noise shall be measured before and after each series of tests to ensure
that there is no variation in ambient noise level. If variation is present, the lowest
ambient noise level will form basis for the measurements. RIV levels shall be
measured at increasing and decreasing voltages of 85%, 100%, 115% and 130%
of the specified RIV test voltage for all equipment unless otherwise specified. The
specified RIV test voltage for 400 kV, 220 KV is listed in the detailed
specification together with maximum permissible RIV level in microvolts.
3.5 The metering instruments shall be as per CISPR recommendation or equivalent
device so long as it has been used by other testing authorities.
3.6 The RIV measurement may be made with a noise meter. A calibration
However, the above details shall be finalized during detail engineeineering after order.
1.1 The instrument transformers and accessories shall conform to the latest version of
the standards specified below except to the extent explicitly modified in the
specification and shall be in accordance with the requirements in specification
and as per following IEC/ISS:
1.3 The instrument transformer tank along with top metallics shall be hot dip
1.4 The impregnation details along with tests/checks to ensure successful completion
of impregnation cycle shall be furnished for approval.
1.5 The instrument transformers shall be designed for use in geographic and
meteorological conditions as given in specification.
2.1 Bushing/Insulators:
c) Bushings shall be provided with oil filling and drain plugs, oil sight glass of
CT & IVT and for electromagnetic unit of CVT, etc. The bushing/insulator
of instrument transformer shall have a cantilever strength of not less than
350 kg for 245 k V/ 145 kV Instrument transformers or as per the value
obtained vide Chapter-GTR, whichever is higher. Oil filling and drain plugs
are not required with SF6 gas filled CT/IVT.
Bidder/Manufacturer shall also furnish the details of site tests to check the
g) The instrument transformers shall be complete with its terminal box and a
common marshalling box for a set of 3 instrument transformers.
b) The SF6 gas shall comply with IEC-60376, 60376A and 60376B and shall
be suitable in all respects for use in the switchgear under operating
Name plate shall conform to the requirements of IEC incorporating the year of
manufacture. The rated current, extended current rating in case of current
transformers and rated voltage, voltage factor in case of voltage transformers
shall be clearly indicated on the name plate. The rated thermal current in case of
CT shall also be marked on the name plate.
a) Current transformers shall have single primary either ring type, or hair pin type
and suitably designed for bringing out the secondary terminals in a weather
proof (IP 55) terminal box at the bottom. PF (Tan Delta) Terminal for
measurement of tan delta and capacitance of the unit shall be provided. These
secondary terminals shall be terminated to stud type non disconnecting
terminal blocks inside the terminal box. These secondary terminals shall be
(i) The primary conductor shall preferably be of bar type meeting the
desired characteristics.
(ii) The lowest part of the insulation assembly i.e. insulation at neck shall
be properly secured to avoid any risk of damage due to transportation
(iii) The upper part of insulation assembly resting on primary bar shall be
properly secured to avoid any damage during transportation due to
relative movement between insulation assembly & top dome.
(iv) Nitrogen if used for hermetic sealing (in case of live tank design)
should not come in direct contact with oil.
Bellows made of stainless steel shall be used at the top for hermetic
sealing of CT.
c) Core lamination shall be of cold rolled grain oriented silicon steel or other
equivalent alloys. The cores used for protection shall produce undistorted
secondary current under transient conditions at all ratios with specified CT
e) Facilities shall be provided at terminal blocks in the marshalling box for star
delta formation, short circuiting and grounding of CT secondary terminals.
g) For 245kV / 145 kV class CTs, the rated extended primary current shall be
120% (or 150% if applicable) on all cores of the CTs as specified in the
j) For 245kV /145 kV CTs the instrument security factor at all ratios shall be
less than five (5) for metering core. If any auxiliary CTs/reactor are used in
the current transformers then all parameters specified shall have to be met
treating auxiliary CTs as an integral part of the current transformer. The
auxiliary CTs/reactor shall preferably be inbuilt construction of the CTs. In
case these are to be mounted separately these shall be mounted in the
central marshalling box suitably wired up to the terminal blocks.
k) The wiring diagram plate for the interconnections of the three single phase
CTs shall be provided inside the marshalling box. The Bidder/Manufacturer
shall strictly adhere to it and deviations, if any, in this regard shall be
brought out with justification for Purchaser’s review.
n) 245kV /145 kV current transformers shall be suitable for high speed auto
c) CVTs shall be suitable for high frequency (HF) coupling required for power
line carrier communication. Carrier signal must be prevented from flowing
into potential transformer (EMU) circuit by means of a RF choke/reactor
suitable for effectively blocking the carrier signals over the entire carrier
frequency range i.e. 40 to 500 KHz. Details of the arrangement shall be
furnished along with the bid. H.F. terminal of the CVT shall be brought out
through a suitable bushing and shall be easily accessible for connection to
the coupling filters of the carrier communication equipment, when utilised.
Further earthing link with fastener to be provided for HF terminal.
f) The accuracy of 0.2 on secondary III should be maintained through out the
entire burden range upto100VA for 245 KV CT’s and upto 50 VA for 145
kV CVTs on all the windings without any adjustments during operation.
j) The wiring diagram for the interconnection of the three single phase CVTs
/IVTs shall be provided inside the marshalling box in such a manner that it
does not deteriorate with time. The Bidder/Manufacturer shall strictly
adhere to it and deviations, if any, in this regard shall be brought out with
justification for Purchaser’s review.
6.0 TESTS :
6.2 The test reports of the type tests and the following additional type tests shall also
be submitted for the Purchaser’s review.
The test reports of type tests, as applicable, as per IEC-61869-2 for CT, IEC-
61869-5/IEC-60358 for CVT, and IEC-61869-3 for IVT and following
additional tests shall be submitted for the Employer’s review. The type tests for
which the procedure is under consideration as per above said IEC is not
required to be considered.
a) Current transformers :
iii) Thermal stability test, i.e. application of rated voltage and rated
extended thermal current simultaneously by synthetic test circuit. for
145kV and above voltage rating (not applicable for SF6 filled CT).
vii) Transmitted over voltage test for 145kV and above voltage rating
viii) Mechanical test (with minimum Cantilever load as per clause no.
2.1.c) for 145kV and above voltage rating
ix) Internal Arc fault test for 145kV and above voltage rating (not
applicable for CT with Polymer Insulator)
x) Enclosure tightness test at low & high temperature for SF6 filled CT
of 145kV and above voltage rating
Oil samples will be taken before and 3 days after the test. Gas analysis must not
show appreciable rate of increase in various gases related with the results of the
analysis performed before test.
Total sum of crest values of current through secondaries must not exceed 5% of
the crest value of total current to earth. CT must withstand dielectric tests after
this test to pass the test.
Method II : 100 negative polarity impulses with a rise and fall time of less than
0.25 microsecond having 950 kV for 420 kV CT corrected to atmospheric
condition shall be applied at one minute interval and total current through
insulation of earth will be recorded. The amplitude of first opposite polarity
should be limited to 50% of the chopped impulse crest value. Voltage and total
current wave shapes shall be recorded after every 10 impulses, and will be
compared with reference wave shapes recorded before test at 50% of test values.
The current transformer shall be subjected to Multiple chopped impulse test (not
applicable for SF6 filled CT) to assess the CT performance in service to
withstand the high frequency over voltage generated due to closing & opening
operation of isolators. The method as per IEC: 61869-1 may be followed with
the application of 600 chopped impulses
iii) Stray capacitance and stray conductance measurement of the low voltage
terminal (as per IEC-60358)
iv) Corona test as per Annexure-A of Section-GTR for 420kV and above
voltage rating.
vi) Transmitted over voltage test for 145kV and above voltage rating
vii) Mechanical test (with minimum Cantilever load as per clause no. 2.1.c) for
72.5kV and above voltage rating
ix) Tightness design test of capacitor units for 145kV and above voltage rating
xi) The Ferro-resonance type test shall be carried out on the complete CVT
ii) Corona test as per GTR for 420kV and above voltage rating.
iii) Multiple chopped impulse test with application of 600 chopped impulses
for 145kV and above voltage rating (not applicable for SF6 filled CT).
iv) Transmitted over voltage test for 145kV and above voltage rating
v) Mechanical test (with minimum Cantilever load as per clause no. 2.1.c) for
72.5kV and above voltage rating
vi) Enclosure tightness test at low & high temperature for SF6 filled CT of
145kV and above voltage rating
6.3 The current and voltage transformer shall be subjected to the following
routine/site tests in addition to routine tests as per relevant IEC/IS.
i) Measurement of Capacitance.
ii) High voltage power frequency withstand test on Secondary Winding.
iii) Over-voltage inter turn test (as per BS:3938).
iv) Oil leakage test.
v) Measurement of tan delta at 0.3, 0.7, 1.0 and 1.1 Um/√3.
vi) Measurement of partial discharge shall be carried out as per IEC.
i) Capacitance and loss angle measurement before and after voltage test (as per
Bidder shall include in his proposal mandatory spares as mentioned in the Bidding
Major technical parameters for 245kV/ 145kV/ 36kV Instrument Transformers are
enclosed at Annexure-I and Annexure-II to this specification.
9.1 An indicative list of tests is given below. Contractor shall perform any additional
test based on specialties of the items as per the field Q.P./Instructions of the
equipment Supplier or Employer without any extra cost to the Employer. The
Contractor shall arrange all instruments required for conducting these tests
alongwith calibration certificates at his own cost.
Dissolved Gas Analysis (DGA) shall be carried out twice within the first year
of service, first within the first month of commissioning/charging and
second between six months to one year from the date of
Bidder shall supply 2 nos. oil sampling device for every 20 nos. oil filled CT
supplied with a minimum of 2 nos. oil sampling device for each substation.
(a) Insulation Resistance test for primary (if applicable) and secondary winding
(e) Tan delta and capacitance measurement of individual capacitor stacks and
(i) HV - HF point
1. Rated primary voltage (kV rms) 36
2. Type Single phase PT
3. No. of secondaries 3 Cores
No. of Core Application Current Output Accuracy Minimum Max CT Sec. Max.
Cores No. Ratio Burden Class Knee Pt. Winding Excitation
(VA) Voltage Resistance Current at
(Vk) (Ohms) Vk (in mA)
5 1 BUS DIFF 600- - PX 600/ 6/3/1.5 30 on 600/1
CHECK 300- 300/ 150 Tap; 60 on
150/1- 300/1 Tap
No. of Core Application Current Output Accuracy Minimum Max CT Sec. Max.
Cores No. Ratio Burden Class Knee Pt. Winding Excitation
(VA) Voltage Resistance Current at
(Vk) (Ohms) Vk (in mA)
5 1 BUS DIFF 800- - PX 800/400 8/4 25 on 800/1
CHECK 400/1 Tap; 50 on
400/1 Tap
2 BUS DIFF 800- - PX 800/400 8/4 25 on 800/1
MAIN 400/1 Tap; 50 on
400/1 Tap
3 METERING 800- 20 0.2S - - -
4 TRANS 800- - PX 800/400 8/4 25 on 800/1
BACK UP/ 400/1 Tap; 50 on
LINE 400/1 Tap
5 TRANS 800- - PX 800/400 8/4 25 on 800/1
DIFF/ LINE 400/1 Tap; 50 on
PROTN 400/1 Tap
Note: 1. Protection cores shall be of accuracy class PX as per IEC 61869.
2. Metering Core shall be of accuracy class 0.2S as per IEC: 61869
No. of Core Application Current Output Accuracy Minimum Max CT Sec. Max.
Cores No. Ratio Burden Class Knee Pt. Winding Excitation
(VA) Voltage Resistance Current at
(Vk) (Ohms) Vk (in mA)
3 1 O/C & E/F 600- - PX 600/ 300 4/2 40 on 600/1
300/1 Tap; 80 on
300/1 Tap
2 METERING 600- 20 0.2S - - -
3 TRANS 600- - PX 600/ 300 4/2 40 on 600/1
DIFF/ LINE 300/1 Tap; 80 on
PROTN 300/1 Tap
Note: 1. Protection cores shall be of accuracy class PX as per IEC 61869.
2. Metering Core shall be of accuracy class 0.2S as per IEC: 61869
No. of Core Application Current Output Accuracy Minimum Max CT Sec. Max.
Cores No. Ratio Burden Class Knee Pt. Winding Excitation
(VA) Voltage Resistance Current at
(Vk) (Ohms) Vk (in mA)
3 1 O/C & E/F 1200- - PX 1200/ 12/6 30 on
600- 600 1200/1 Tap;
300/1 60 on 600/1
2 METERING 1200- 20 0.2S - - -
3 TRANS 1200- - PX 1200/ 12/6 30 on
DIFF/ LINE 600- 600 1200/1 Tap;
PROTN 300/1 60 on 600/1
Note: 1. Protection cores shall be of accuracy class PX as per IEC 61869.
2. Metering Core shall be of accuracy class 0.2S as per IEC: 61869
Table of contents
Line diagrams of Towers, girders, Lightning mast, equipment support structures for standard
400kV/220kVstructures are enclosed with the tender document.The fabrication drawings
alongwith BOM shall be provided to the successful bidder after the award. Contractor shall
only use these standard drawings for fabrication. Support structure for circuit breaker is not
standardized and shall be designed by the Contractor and approved by the owner. Any other
structures of 400kV/220kV class necessary to suit the layout for a particular substation to
complete the work in all its requirements shall be designed by the owner at detailed
Engineering stage. Any other structure necessary to suit the layout for a particular substation
to complete the work in all respect shall be designed by the contractor at detailed Engineering
stage and shall be submitted to employer for approval.
The scope shall include supply and erection of all types of structures including bolts, nuts,
washers, hangers, shackles, clamps anticlimbing devices, bird guards, step bolts, inserts in
concrete, gusset plates, equipment mounting bolts, structure earthing bolts, foundation bolts,
spring washers, fixing plates, ground mounted marshalling boxes (AC/DC Marshalling box &
equipment control cabinets), structure mounted marshalling boxes and any other items as
required to complete the job.
The connection of all structures to their foundations shall be by base plates and embedded
anchor/foundation bolts. All steel structures and anchor/foundation bolts shall be fully
galvanized. The weight of the zinc coating shall be at least 610 gm/sq.m for anchor bolts /
foundation bolts and for structural members. One additional nut shall be provided below the
base plate which may be used for the purpose of leveling.
Suitable modification shall be carried out in the drawings of equipment support structures by
the Contractor in order to suit fixation of accessories such as marshalling boxes, MOM
boxes, Control Cabinets, Junction box, surge counter, etc. in the standard structure fabrication
drawings. Drawings of fixing of such accessories shall be submitted by the Contractor for
2.1 For design of steel structures loads such as dead loads, live loads, wind loads etc. shall be
based on IS:875, Parts I to V.
Other members 4
Redundant members 4
2.4 Maximum slenderness ratios for leg members, other stressed members and redundant
members for compression force shall be as per IS-802.
2.5 Minimum distance from hole center to edge shall be 1.5 x bolt diameter. Minimum
distance between center to center of holes shall be 2.5 x bolt diameter.
b) Switchyard gantry structures shall be designed for the two conditions i.e. normal
condition and short circuit condition. In both conditions the design of all structures
shall be based on the assumption that stringing is done only on one side i.e. all the
three (phase) conductors broken on the other side. Factor of safety of 2.0 under
normal conditions and 1.5 under short circuit condition shall be considered on all
external loads for the design of switchyard structures.
c) Vertical load of half the span of conductors/string and the earth wires on either side of
the beam shall be taken into account for the purpose of design. Weight of man with
tools shall be considered as 150 kgs. for the design of structures.
d) Terminal/line take off gantries shall be designed for a minimum conductor tension of
4 metric tonnes per phase for 400 kv and 2 metric tonnes per phase for 220 kv, 1
f) All Pipe support used for supporting equipments shall be designed for the worst
combination of dead loads, erection load. Wind load/seismic forces, short circuit
forces and operating forces acting on the equipment and associated bus bars as per
IS:806. The material specification shall be as per IS:1161 read in conjunction with
g) If luminaries are proposed to be fixed on gantries/towers, then the proper loading for
the same shall be considered while designing. Also holes for fixing the brackets for
luminaries should be provided wherever required.
h) Foundation bolts shall be designed for the loads for which the structures are designed.
i) Height of Lightning masts shall be as per approved structure layout and designed for
diagonal wind condition. Lightning masts shall be provided with plateforms for
mounting lighting fixtures and a structural steel ladder within its base up to the level
of plateform. The ladder shall be provided with protection rings. The platforms shall
also have protection railing. The details of lighting fixtures would be as per the
approved drawings.
3.1.2 Contractor shall however not be relieved of his responsibility for the safety of the structure
and good connections and any loss or damage occurring due to defective fabrication,
erection or workmanship shall be borne by the Contractor.
3.2.1 The Contractor shall furnish design, drawing and BOMs and shop manufacturing drawings
for every member to the owner after award of the Contract. The design drawing should
indicate not only profile, but section, numbers and sizes of bolts and details of typical
joints. In case owner feels that any design drawing, BOM are to be modified even after its
3.2.2 The fabrication drawings to be prepared and furnished by the Contractor shall be based on
the design approved by the owner. These fabrication drawings shall indicate complete
details of fabrication and erection including all erection splicing details and typical
fabrication splicing details, lacing details, weld sizes and lengths. Bolt details and all
customary details in accordance with standard structural engineering practice whether or
not given by the owner. The fabrication drawings shall be submitted to the owner. Proto
shall be made only after approval of fabrication drawings.
3.2.3 Such approval shall, however, not relieve the Contractor of his responsibility for the safety
of the structure and good connections and any loss or damage occurring due to defective
fabrication, design or workmanship shall be borne by the Contractor.
3.3 The Mass fabrication work shall start only after the final approval to the proto corrected
Fabrication drawing is accorded by the owner. Protoassembly shall be required to be
carried out only for those structures that have not been proto-assembled by the same
fabricators for this contract or for earlier contracts from BSPTCL. Wherever proto-
assembly is not to be repeated, proto-corrected drawings shall be submitted directly with a
note on the drawing stating that proto-assembly has been carried out under a particular
previous contract.
4.1 The fabrication and erection works shall be carried out generally in accordance with IS
802. A reference however may be made to IS 800 in case of non-stipulation of some
particular provisions in IS 802. All materials shall be completely shop fabricated and
finished with proper connection material and erection marks for ready assembly in the
4.2 The component parts shall be assembled in such a manner that they are neither twisted nor
otherwise damaged and shall be so prepared that the specified camber, if any, is provided.
In order to minimize distortion in member the component parts shall be positioned by
using the clamps, clips, dogs, jigs and other suitable means and fasteners (bolts and welds)
shall be placed in a balanced pattern. If the individual components are to be bolted,
paralleled and tapered drifts shall be used to align the part so that the bolts can be
accurately positioned.
4.3 Sample towers, beams, lightning masts and equipment support structures may be trial
assembled in fabrication shop in order to ensure fitment of various members and to avoid
problems during erection. The proto shall be inspected and cleared by Contractor based on
the approved fabrication drawing before mass fabrication. Owner may opt to witness such
trial assembly.
For all structures, B.O.Ms along with proto corrected fabrication drawings shall be
prepared and submitted to owner as document for information. Such BOM, which shall be
duly certified by the Contractor for its conformity to the drawings issued by Owner, shall
be the basis for owner to carry out inspection.
4.4 The Contractor should arrange on his own all plant and equipment, welding set, tools and
tackles, scaffolding, trestles equipments and all other accessories and ancillaries required
for carrying out erection without causing any stresses in the members which may cause
i) Every bolt shall be provided with a washer under the nut so that no part of the threaded
portion of the bolt is within the thickness of the parts bolted together.
ii) All steel items, bolts, nuts and washers shall be hot dip galvanised.
iii) 2.0% extra nuts and bolts shall be supplied for erection.
iv) In case of fasteners, the galvanizing shall confirm to IS-1367(Part 13). The spring washer
shall be electro galvanized as per Grade IV of IS-1573.
The work shall be done as per approved fabrication drawings which shall clearly indicate
various details of joints to be welded, type of weld, length and size of weld, whether shop
or site weld etc. Symbols for welding on erection and shop drawings shall be according to
IS:813. Efforts shall be made to reduce site welding so as to avoid improper joints due to
constructional difficulties.
The method of grouting the column bases shall be subject to approval of owner and shall
be such as to ensure a complete uniformity of contact over the whole area of the steel base.
The Contractor will be fully responsible for the grouting operations.
10.1 All structural steel works and pipe supports shall be galvanised after fabrication. The
galvanization shall be done as per requirement of IS 4579.
10.2 Zinc required for galvanising shall have to be arranged by the manufacturer. Purity of zinc
to be used shall be 99.95% as per IS:209.
18.0 All tests mentioned in standard field quality plans have to be carried out and conformity of
materials and workmanship shall be ascertained.
This section of the specification covers design, manufacture, testing at
manufalcturer's works before despatch followed by supply and delivery of
power connectors, bus bar, clamps etc for 220/132/33 KV or 132/33 KV grid
s/ s complete in all respects.
2.1 The clamps, spacers and connectors covered under this specification shall
conform strictly to the provisions of the following Indian Standard
Specifications as amended up to date except where specified otherwise in
the specification:
a) IS: 5561-1970- Specification for electric power connector.
b) IS:2121-1981- Specification for fitting for Aluminium as amended Part -I &
II and Steel cored Aluminium conductors for over head power lines. up-,to-
c) IS:2633-1972- Methods for testing uniformity of coating on Zinc coated
d) IS:2629-1966- Recommended practice for hot dip galvanising for Iron and
e) IS:617-1975- Specification for Aluminium and Alu minium alloy
I) 1S: 1963-1967- Specification for Steels. g) IS.:1367-1961- Bolts and
3.1 Normal current rating at the specified temperature of 50 degree C shall not be
less than Current rating of moose condicutor
3.2 The minimum rated Short Time Current rating shall be taken as 40 KA for 1 sec
for 220 KV, 31.5 KA for 1 sec for 132 KV and 25 KA for 3 sec for 33 KV
system. The connectors has to withstand the above current successfully for
which test certificates from C.P.R.I, Bangalore or any other testing Laboratory
recognised by Government has to be furnished with the tender. The current
density to be considered in design shall not be more than 1.00 Amp per mm
1. SCOPE :
This section of the specification covers the technical specification and other terms &
condition design, manufacture, testing and supply of conductor/Earth wire
accessories and hardware fittings as per details in specification.
Tenderers should propose only those vendors who are financially sound and have
adequate experience of manufacture and supply of material. They should have their
own manufacturing unit and adequately equipped testing laboratory accredited by
Design, Manufacture, Galvanized and Testing of conductor/Earth wire Accessories
and hardware fittings shall conform to the following Indian Standard Specification as
amended up to date.
i) IS:2121 – Specification for fittings for Aluminium and Steel cored Aluminium
ii) IS:2486 – Specification for insulator fittings for over head power lines.
iii) IS:209 – Specification for Zinc.
iv) IS:2629 - Recommended practice for hot dip galvanized for Iron & Steel.
v) IS:2633 – Method for testing uniformity of zinc coating on hot dip zinc coated
vi) IS:9708 – Specification for Vibration dampers.
vii) IS:2141 – (Part-II) Mid span compression joint.
viii) IS:2141 – (Part-II) Specification for vibration damper.
Material offered shall be of best quality and workmanship. All casting shall be free
from blow-holes, flaws, cracks or other defects and shall be smooth, close grained and
of true forms and dimensions. All machined surfaces shall be true, smooth and well
finished. Metal fittings or drop forged steel or heat treated malleable cast iron for
insulator string hardware shall have excellent mechanical and electrical properties,
such as strength, toughness and high corrosion resistance and free from corona
formation. The material employed in the manufacture of accessories, viz aluminum,
aluminum alloys, malleable iron, forged steel and stainless steel depending on the
types of application, shall be corrosion resistant and machinable.Fittings and
accessories shall be supplied complete in all respects, suitable for the proposed
attachment and for the size of conductor and Earth wire for which they are to be
used.All bolts, nuts, screw heads shall be of the whit worth standard thread. Bolt heads
and nuts shall be hexagonal. If required the nuts and tapped holes shall be cut out after
galvanizing and shall be well lubricated/greased. All other threads shall be cut out
before galvanizing. The bolt threads shall be under cut to take care increase in
diameter due to galvanizing. Washers shall be electro galvanized. Bolts, nuts,
washers split pins, security clip etc. shall be supplied as per actual requirement plus
2.5% extra.The general design of hardware shall be such as to ensure uniformity,
high strength, free from corona formation. All hooks, eyes, pins, bolts, suspension
clamps and other fittings for attaching insulators to the towers or to the line
Suspension clamps offered shall be made of high strength aluminium alloy suitable
for use with conductor with armour rod. The design shall be such as to avoid hot
spot, Kicks cuts, Grooves projectors etc. Which are likely to damage conductor or
lead to localized pressure, Clamps shall have satisfactory corona performance, no
sharp radius or curvatures, ridge and excrescence etc, cotter pins, cotter bolts, U.
Bolts, nuts, washers, etc. shall be made of galvanized steel. Split pins of suitable size
and strength shall be made of brass. The clamps shall permit the conductor to slip
before failure of the conductor and shall have sufficient slipping strength to resist
conductor tension under broken wire conditions. It shall have sufficient contact
surface to minimize damage due to fault current.
Tension clamps shall be made of aluminium alloy and shall be of proper type. The
clamps shall not permit, slip of any damage to or failure of the conductor at a load of
less than 95% of the ultimate strength of conductor. Mechanical efficiency of the
clamp shall not be affected by method of erection involved. Come along or similar
clamp during stringing operations.
The Insulator hardware assembly shall have provision for fixing a set of arcing horns
on the Insulator hardware fittings.
These are such tests which are carried out for acceptance of material. This will
constitute all tests as prescribed in the relevant Indian Standard Specification.
These are such tests which will apply to all fittings.
Reports in respect of all tests carried out during manufacture as per Indian Standard
specification will be submitted to department for approval at the time material is
i) Physical dimension - As per approved
drawing/type test reports
ii) Material a specification - -do-
iii) Electrical Resistance
Expressed as percentage
of measured resistance of
equivalent length of
conductor - 75%
iv) Minimum failing strength - 95% of U.T.S
of ACSR conductor
i) Physical Dimension - As per type test reports
ii) Material – a) Clamp - Aluminium alloy
a) Messenger cable - High strength steel wire.
b) Weight - Cast Iron
iii) Galvaniastion.
a) Spring washers etc. - Electro galvanized.
b) Other ferrous parts - Hot dip galvanised.
The test room shall be darkened and a period of five minutes shall be
allowed for the observer to become accustomed to darkness. A power
frequency test voltage specified in specification, shall be applied and
maintained at this value for five minutes. During this test observation shall
be made and there shall be no sign of visible corona.
The post insulator or post insulator units shall be tested dry with both
positive and negative polarity unless it is known which polarity gives the
lowest withstand value, in which case it is sufficient to test with that polarity.
The value of impulse voltage shall be as specified in specification and shall
be corrected for the atmospheric conditions given at section-III. Five
consecutive impulse voltage waves shall be applied. If flash over or puncture
does not occur, the insulator shall be considered to have passed the test. If
during these five waves puncture occur or if two of the applied waves cause
flashover through air, the insulator shall be considered to have failed. If only
one of applied waves causes flash over through air, ten additional test waves
Up to 0.164 over 60 55 50 45 45 35
0.410/0.164 up to 55 55 55 50 45 40 35
0.655/0.410 up to 50 50 50 50 45 35 35
0.900/0.655 up to 45 45 45 45 40 35
1.105/0.900 up to 40 40 40 40 40 35
Over 1.150 35 35 35 35 35 35
Notes :- The thickness shall be the greatest thickness of the insulator as defind as
the diameter of the biggest section through the axis of the insulator.
12. The completes test shall comprise five transfer cold to hot, hot to cold,
cold to hot, hot to cold, cold to hot. The time taken to transfer the insulator
from one bath to the other shall be as short as possible and shall not
exceed 30 second. The quantity of water in the test tank shall be large
enough not to cause a temperature variation of more than 50 in the water
when the insulator is immersed.
After the completion of immersion, the insulator shall be examined to
verify that the immolating parts have not cracked nor the fittings are
loosened and that the glass is undamaged.
The test given in 8.7 shall be carried out. If one or more samples fail to
comply with the requirement of this test, a test in accordance with 16 shall
be made.
Porcelain fragments from the insulator or by agreement from representative
pieces of porcelain fired adjacent to them, shall be immersed in one per
cent alcoholic solutions of funchumim (ig funchsin in 100g of methylated
spirit) under a pressure of notless than 150 Kg/Cm2 for a period such that
the product of test duration in hour and the test pressure in Kg/Cm 2 is not
less than 1800.
The fragments shall then be removed from the solution, washed, grid and
broken, Examination with naked eye of the fresh broken surface shall not
reveal any dye penetration. Ponetration in small cracks formed during the
intial breaking shall be neglected.
The galvanized metal fittings of the insulator shall comply with the test
given in IS 728-1956 method of determination of weight thickness and
are damaged during the test shall be rejected stream or pattern formed
during electrical tests may be observable, but it shall not disqualify the
insulator for acceptance.