Independent University, Bangladesh.: Course Code: ACN-305
Independent University, Bangladesh.: Course Code: ACN-305
Independent University, Bangladesh.: Course Code: ACN-305
Submitted To:
MD. Safiuddin
Submitted By:
Submission Date:
How revenue recognition principle was violated to inflate revenue, profit and share price by
Enron. (Enron case 2001)
Houston, Texas-based Enron Corporation was a US energy, commodities, and services firm. In
one of the most contentious accounting scandals of the last ten years, it was found in 2001 that
the corporation had been concealing billions of dollars in bad debt and boosting earnings at the
same time by abusing accounting rules. The controversy caused Enron's share price to drop from
almost $90 to under $1 in a year, causing stockholders to lose nearly $74 billion.
According to an SEC probe, the company's CEO Jeff Skilling’s and previous CEO Ken Lay
concealed billions of dollars in debt off the balance sheet of the business. Additionally, they had
exerted pressure on Arthur Andersen, the company's auditing firm, to overlook the problem.
Sherron Watkins, a former employee of Enron, testified in favor of the two, who were mainly
found guilty. Lay, however, passed away before completing his sentence. Jeff Skilling’s received
a 24-year jail term. Enron's bankruptcy and Arthur Andersen's disintegration were caused by the
After the event, prosecutor Andrew Weissman indicted not just specific people but also the
whole accounting firm of Arthur Andersen, thus forcing the company out of business. As a
result, the convictions were as contentious as the company's startling collapse had been. The fact
that the conviction was eventually reversed was of little comfort to the 20,000 workers who had
lost their employment.
Making a list of IAS and IFRS as adopted by Bangladesh and making a disclosure checklist of
relevant IAS/ IFRS as applicable for my studied company Generation next fashion.
IAS No Adopted by Bangladesh Generation
Name of IAS YES or
1 Presentation of Financial Statements YES
2 Inventories YES
7 Cash Flow Statements YES
8 Accounting Policies, Changes in Accounting Estimates and Errors YES
10 Events after the Balance Sheet Date YES
11 Construction Contracts NO
12 Income Taxes YES
14 Segment Reporting NO
16 Property, Plant and Equipment YES
17 Leases YES
18 Revenue YES
19 Employee Benefits YES
Accounting for Government Grants and Disclosure of Government
20 NO
21 The Effects of Changes in Foreign Exchange Rates YES
23 Borrowing Costs YES
24 Related Party Disclosures YES
26 Accounting and Reporting by Retirement Benefit Plans NO
27 Consolidated and Separate Financial Statements NO
28 Investments in Associates NO
29 Financial Reporting in Hyperinflationary Economies NOT
31 Interests in Joint Ventures NO
32 Financial Instruments: Presentation YES
33 Earnings per Share YES
34 Interim Financial Reporting NO
36 Impairment of Assets YES
37 Provisions, Contingent Liabilities and Contingent Assets YES
38 Intangible Assets NO
R recognition of a provision:
An entity must recognize a provision if, and only if: [IAS 37.14]
A present obligation (legal or constructive) has arisen because of a past event (the
obligating event),
Payment is probable ('more likely than not), and
The amount can be estimated reliably.
An obligating event is an event that creates a legal or constructive obligation and, therefore,
results in an entity having no realistic alternative but to settle the obligation. [IAS 37.10]
A constructive obligation arises if past practice creates a valid expectation on the part of a third
party, for example, a retail store that has a long-standing policy of allowing customers to return
merchandise within, say, a 30-day period. [IAS 37.10]
Measurement of provisions:
The amount recognized as a provision should be the best estimate of the expenditure required to
settle the present obligation at the balance sheet date, that is, the amount that an entity would
rationally pay to settle the obligation at the balance sheet date or to transfer it to a third party.
[IAS 37.36] This means:
Contingent asset:
Whose existence will be confirmed only by the occurrence or non-occurrence of one or
more uncertain future events not wholly within the control of the entity.
Contingent liability:
Recognition & Measurement of provision: After analyzing the Generation next fashion annual
report of 2020-2021 we came to know that the company follows the recognition and
measurement of provisions, as per IAS 37.
Contingent asset & liability: Contingencies arising from claim, litigation assessment, fines,
penalties etc. are recorded it is probable that a liability has been incurred and the amount can be
measured reliably accordance with “IAS 37: Provisions, Contingent Liabilities and Contingent
1. Composition of Current Liabilities:
A company's current liabilities are its obligations or debts that are due in the upcoming year or
during a regular business cycle. Additionally, current liabilities are created or current assets like
cash are used to pay for current commitments. Current liabilities may be shown on a company's
balance sheet and include things like short-term loans, accounts payable, accrued obligations,
and other equivalent debts.
Composition of Non-Current Liabilities:
Their Non-current liabilities are the long-term debts a company has that aren't due for payment
for at least a year. Payment of cash, goods, or services might be considered to constitute a
financial obligation. A debt is a liability when the money owing is for the repayment of a loan,
like a mortgage or an equipment lease. The balance sheet of a corporation shows liabilities.
Non-Current Liabilities:
Current ratio, quick ratio, and net working capital of the Generation next fashion.
11 | P a g e
leverage ratio that compares a company's
=3555997296/5892743574 total liabilities to its shareholder equity to
determine how much debt it is utilizing.
=0.60 The D/E ratio may be used to determine
Debt-to-equity (D/E) = the level of risk in a company's capital
Total Liabilities / Total 2020 structure. The debt-to-equity ratio shows
Shareholder Equity how much of a company's capital structure
=3337755171/5889423873 is made up of debts against equity. An
=0.56 investor, corporate shareholder, or
potential lender may compare a firm's
debt-to-equity ratio to historical or peer
levels. Here, we can see that the debt-to-
equity ratio in 2020 was 0.56, which was
lower than the debt-to-equity ratio in 2021,
which was 0.60, indicating that the debt-
to-equity ratio in 2021 was the greatest.
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= common shares of a company. Generally,
EPS ratio= (Net Income- (3319702-0)/494974555 EPS is calculated on a per share basis.
The higher the ratio, higher will be the
Preferred Stock Dividends)/ =0.01
earning from the common shares. Which
Weighted Average Shares 2021 was 0.01 both years.
Outstanding =
13 | P a g e
growth in the future as compared to firms
with a lower P/E ratio. A low P/E ratio
might imply that a firm is currently cheap
or that it is performing extremely well in
comparison to its historical patterns.
Regarding the liquidity ratios, the company’s liquidity situation is quite good. The current
ratio, a value of 2: 1 is considered standard value. In the financial year 2020, the
company’s current ratio has increased from the previous year. It is a clear indicator of
taking the burden of short- term liabilities too long.
The prospect of quick ratio is also similar, that means the company’s liquidity and
financial health is better as the ratio is increased from previous year, it’s a good sign for
more dependency on outside financing.
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Net working capital ratio was in a good position from the previous year’s which means,
the company have available resources to invest in any projects.
Debt to Total Assets ratio is utilized for estimating the company’s debt utilization
capacity. Referring to the summary table, it is found that the company’s dependency on
debt financing is slowly decreasing in the financial year 2021; it is the least than the
previous year’s 2020. Meaning, the company is trying to use less debt and more equity to
finance its assets.
Long Term Debt to Total Assets ratio was in 2021 is higher than 2020. It means that
company is using long term debt to fund and expansion of asset which is not a good sign
for the company.
Diluted earnings per share considers what would happen if dilutive instruments were
exercised. Dilutive securities are non-common stock securities that can be converted to
common stock if the holder exercises the conversion option. When dilutive instruments
are converted, they raise the weighted number of shares outstanding, lowering EPS.
Diluted EPS was 0.00 in 2020 and 0.00 in 2021.
P/E ratio in 2020 was 114 But 2021 EPS was 0.01 given in income statement that’s why
it’s could not calculated and evaluated. P/E ratio in 2020 company’s situation is
developing over the period.
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