Micro-Controller Based 3-Phase Sequence Indicator: Conference Paper
Micro-Controller Based 3-Phase Sequence Indicator: Conference Paper
Micro-Controller Based 3-Phase Sequence Indicator: Conference Paper
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Abstract—Phase sequence is the order in which the rotated The sequential logic was implemented in a phase-angle
voltage or current generated by 3-phase system attain peak or monitoring system, which can simultaneously measure the
maximum value. Each sequence voltage is 120 degree apart. phase-angle between two signals and identifies their lead-lag
Therefore, the maximum value achieved by each sequence is at
the definite time interval. Based on this individual response time a characteristics once every cycle. It can also detect periodic and
new technique of phase detection system is discussed in this paper. aperiodic sequence of pulses once in each cycle [6].
An algorithm is developed in order to detect phase sequence. An indicator based on double dq synchronous reference
A micro-controller is used to incorporate the algorithm into it. frame, a novel three-phase magnitude-phase detection method
The simulation result is illustrated here to verify the proposed that can decouple the positive dq and negative dq-sequences
algorithm. A prototype device was built to compare the practical
and simulated result. and detect the magnitudes or phases of fundamental positive-
sequence component and negative-sequence component of
Index Terms—Phase Sequence Indicator, Phase Detection, 3- three-phase voltages or currents has been proposed [6].
phase Sequence, Micro-controller. In addition, based on the calculating method of unbalance
factor, phase angle difference of positive and negative se-
I. I NTRODUCTION quence component of three-phase voltage in the condition of
supply voltage unbalance can be attain. By measuring phase
The order in which the three phases attain their peak or angle, different positive and negative sequence could separate
maximum value and the three generated electrical voltages or [7].
currents rotate is called the phase sequence [1]. Each voltage is In simulation method, the frequency is calculated based on
separated from the next generated voltage by 120 degrees. The the time difference between signal of two circuits zero crossing
3-phase has only two possible sequences ABC or ACB, posi- time. It transfers the time difference into voltage or current
tive and negative sequence respectively [2]. In normal balanced to determine the frequency. This method requires specialized
condition, the 3-phase sequential order is positive i.e. ABC. In hardware to detect phase sequence.
unbalanced condition, this sequence changed and turned into Another method is a quick phase detection method. Here
negative sequence. Unbalanced loads or asymmetric faults will the sinusoidal pulses are converted into saw tooth waveform.
reduce the proportion of positive sequence current and will The phase sequence is detected by selecting the bipolarity of
produce negative sequence currents. This negative sequence the wave. This process mostly relies on the peak of input
components results the sequential order to change [3]. sinusoidal voltage.
At present, there are many phase sequence detection system. The correlation analysis method is based on analog to
They can be classified as computer code based sequence digital conversion of the sinusoidal signal. The signals are
detector, identify phase order by relative positioning of phase, sampled at maximum point. As the sampling points increase,
sequential logic to identify phase characteristic, phase angle the complexity of algorithm will simultaneously increase. It
measurement, double dq synchronous reference frame, sim- requires sophisticated hardware to detect accurately the phase
ulation method, quick phase detection method, correlation sequence.
analysis of phase sequence, and combination of zero crossing The combined system of zero crossing and wave trans-
and wave transformation method. formation method is operated by transforming the sinusoidal
A phase sequence detector is a system that compares self- signal into a square wave. The transformation is done by zero
generating code by hardware circuit with pre-defined specific crossing circuit. A test circuit was used here to obtain the
codes corresponding to positive and negative sequences for phase difference and pulse signals. The duty ratio of the signal
successful match in each measuring cycle [4]. Utilization of is the key to detecting the pulse. It is necessary to detect the
micro-controller and a simple sequence indication method will width of the high-level square wave to determine the duty ratio
be the general rule to find the proper phase sequence of any [8].
balanced multi-phase system. For the unbalanced multi-phase
system, a relative position of various phases with respect to II. M ETHODOLOGY
reference is determined by measuring the phase angle of each In this paper, a system is proposed for detecting negative
subsequent phase [5]. phase sequence based on the timing response of each phase. In
Voltage Divider Circuit
A. Design Procedure
From the national grid of Bangladesh, the supply voltage
is approximately 200 to 214V, the MCU or micro-controller
unit is not able to operate in such a high voltage. Therefore, it
has to be optimized to approx. 2V by a star connected 3-phase
resistor divider circuit. In summary, to set up the logic to detect
negative sequence, PIC18f452 ADC module must initialized.
As three consecutive rising voltages are there to detect so Fig. 3. Flow Chart of Programing Logic Implementation.
(Input Voltage)
AN0 = FLAG1 = 1
the 3-phase voltage is measured. Proper conditional logic is AN1 = FLAG1 = 0
given to micro-controller to detect the phase sequence from
measured voltage. In case of examining the 3-phase sequence For BC sequence, AN0 port has the1st peak value, and then
i.e. ABC or ACB, it is divided into, AN1 has the second peak value. Consider,
Fig. 5. Phase A and B Input Signal. Fig. 7. Phase C and A Input Signal.
Now if we want to check ABC sequence the logic will be
implement as follows:
IF (Flag1==1&& Flag2==1&& Flag3==1)
OUTPUT ”Positive Sequence”
= 200 × = 15.99V
86.9k + 1M
Here C = A = 15.99
Voltage at point B:
= 15.99 × = 1.64V
86.93k + 10k
The output of voltage divider circuit: In micro-controller unit,
from the figure 11, the voltage is measured in a simulation
oscilloscope and we observed it to be 2.5V. The input analog
Fig. 8. Schematic Diagram of 3-phase Sequence Detector.