Category: 2. No of Adults Application: 3. Name of Cover Head
Category: 2. No of Adults Application: 3. Name of Cover Head
Category: 2. No of Adults Application: 3. Name of Cover Head
2 1 1 1 1 8 3 0 3 0 4 2 2 3 1
1. Category : GENERAL
2. No of Adults Application : 3 COCHIN
All entries in the above online HAF have been checked and found in order. Certified that the applicant is eligible to register for Haj-1443 (H) - 2022 (CE).
I,Mr./Mrs./Miss MOHAMED IBRAHIM S/o./W/o./D/o. ISMAIL,Indian citizen, do hereby solemnly declare on oath in the name of ALLAH that :
1) I am aware that as per Government of India’s policy a person can perform Haj only “Once in a life time” through Haj Committee of India.
2) I have never performed Haj through Haj Committee of India in the past and hence I am eligible to apply for Haj-2022, as per Guidelines of Haj-2022. I
am aware that Repeaters are not eligible for Haj-2022 and if it is detected at any stage that I have already performed Haj through Haj Committee of
India, my seat shall be cancelled and the entire amount deposited shall be forfeited.
3) I have read / understood the Guidelines for Haj 1443 (H) – 2022 (C.E.), specifically with regard to Eligibility (para – 4), Cost, Payments and
Confirmation (para – 9), Cancellation (para – 10), Refunds (para – 11) Embarkation Points (para – 12), Vaccination and Health Requirements Before
Flight (para 13) Baggage (para – 15), Flight (para 18), Accommodation in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (para – 20), and undertake to abide by the same.
4) I authorize Haj Committee of India to procure Saudi Riyals on my behalf for disbursal / remittance to CGI.
5) I hereby authorize HCoI to send SMS on my Mobile Number even if I am registered under DND registry.
6) Particulars given by me in HAF, Solemn Declaration and Undertaking are true and correct to the best of my knowledge. I do hereby affirm and
declare that in case I have suppressed material information or given false / incorrect Declaration / Undertaking, HCoI shall forfeit the amount deposited
by me and I shall be liable for prosecution.
7) I am aware that HCoI reserves the right to change the Embarkation Point opted by me. In such case, I shall be abide by the decision of HCoI and
shall not show any resentment, whatsoever, against the decision of HCoI.
8) I am ready to pay extra charges, as levied by the KSA Haj Authorities for endorsement of Haj visa.
9) I/We understand that Haj Committee of India works without profit motive and does not attract the provisions of Consumer Protection Act, 2019.
Further, we understand that the Courts of Greater Mumbai only shall exercise jurisdiction in all matters of dispute.
10) Haj journey of pilgrims carrying Khash-khash, Viagara-tablets, Sexual oil and cream, Synthetic Capore, Cystone, Khammera, Gutkha, Khaini, Gul,
Pipermint or narcotics in any form shall be cancelled besides he/she will be penalized for carrying band items as per of prevailing regulations of Saudi
Arabia. If found, they will be liable for deportation to India from KSA at any stage of Haj.
Date : _________________________
Place : _________________________
1. Category : GENERAL
2. No of Adults Application : 3 COCHIN
All entries in the above online HAF have been checked and found in order. Certified that the applicant is eligible to register for Haj-1443 (H) - 2022 (CE).
I,Mr./Mrs./Miss BALKEES BEEVI S/o./W/o./D/o. MOHAMED MEERA,Indian citizen, do hereby solemnly declare on oath in the name of ALLAH that :
1) I am aware that as per Government of India’s policy a person can perform Haj only “Once in a life time” through Haj Committee of India.
2) I have never performed Haj through Haj Committee of India in the past and hence I am eligible to apply for Haj-2022, as per Guidelines of Haj-2022. I
am aware that Repeaters are not eligible for Haj-2022 and if it is detected at any stage that I have already performed Haj through Haj Committee of
India, my seat shall be cancelled and the entire amount deposited shall be forfeited.
3) I have read / understood the Guidelines for Haj 1443 (H) – 2022 (C.E.), specifically with regard to Eligibility (para – 4), Cost, Payments and
Confirmation (para – 9), Cancellation (para – 10), Refunds (para – 11) Embarkation Points (para – 12), Vaccination and Health Requirements Before
Flight (para 13) Baggage (para – 15), Flight (para 18), Accommodation in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (para – 20), and undertake to abide by the same.
4) I authorize Haj Committee of India to procure Saudi Riyals on my behalf for disbursal / remittance to CGI.
5) I hereby authorize HCoI to send SMS on my Mobile Number even if I am registered under DND registry.
6) Particulars given by me in HAF, Solemn Declaration and Undertaking are true and correct to the best of my knowledge. I do hereby affirm and
declare that in case I have suppressed material information or given false / incorrect Declaration / Undertaking, HCoI shall forfeit the amount deposited
by me and I shall be liable for prosecution.
7) I am aware that HCoI reserves the right to change the Embarkation Point opted by me. In such case, I shall be abide by the decision of HCoI and
shall not show any resentment, whatsoever, against the decision of HCoI.
8) I am ready to pay extra charges, as levied by the KSA Haj Authorities for endorsement of Haj visa.
9) I/We understand that Haj Committee of India works without profit motive and does not attract the provisions of Consumer Protection Act, 2019.
Further, we understand that the Courts of Greater Mumbai only shall exercise jurisdiction in all matters of dispute.
10) Haj journey of pilgrims carrying Khash-khash, Viagara-tablets, Sexual oil and cream, Synthetic Capore, Cystone, Khammera, Gutkha, Khaini, Gul,
Pipermint or narcotics in any form shall be cancelled besides he/she will be penalized for carrying band items as per of prevailing regulations of Saudi
Arabia. If found, they will be liable for deportation to India from KSA at any stage of Haj.
Date : _________________________
Place : _________________________
1. Category : GENERAL
2. No of Adults Application : 3 COCHIN
All entries in the above online HAF have been checked and found in order. Certified that the applicant is eligible to register for Haj-1443 (H) - 2022 (CE).
I,Mr./Mrs./Miss ZUVAIRIYA S/o./W/o./D/o. HAYATH SEVUSU,Indian citizen, do hereby solemnly declare on oath in the name of ALLAH that :
1) I am aware that as per Government of India’s policy a person can perform Haj only “Once in a life time” through Haj Committee of India.
2) I have never performed Haj through Haj Committee of India in the past and hence I am eligible to apply for Haj-2022, as per Guidelines of Haj-2022. I
am aware that Repeaters are not eligible for Haj-2022 and if it is detected at any stage that I have already performed Haj through Haj Committee of
India, my seat shall be cancelled and the entire amount deposited shall be forfeited.
3) I have read / understood the Guidelines for Haj 1443 (H) – 2022 (C.E.), specifically with regard to Eligibility (para – 4), Cost, Payments and
Confirmation (para – 9), Cancellation (para – 10), Refunds (para – 11) Embarkation Points (para – 12), Vaccination and Health Requirements Before
Flight (para 13) Baggage (para – 15), Flight (para 18), Accommodation in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (para – 20), and undertake to abide by the same.
4) I authorize Haj Committee of India to procure Saudi Riyals on my behalf for disbursal / remittance to CGI.
5) I hereby authorize HCoI to send SMS on my Mobile Number even if I am registered under DND registry.
6) Particulars given by me in HAF, Solemn Declaration and Undertaking are true and correct to the best of my knowledge. I do hereby affirm and
declare that in case I have suppressed material information or given false / incorrect Declaration / Undertaking, HCoI shall forfeit the amount deposited
by me and I shall be liable for prosecution.
7) I am aware that HCoI reserves the right to change the Embarkation Point opted by me. In such case, I shall be abide by the decision of HCoI and
shall not show any resentment, whatsoever, against the decision of HCoI.
8) I am ready to pay extra charges, as levied by the KSA Haj Authorities for endorsement of Haj visa.
9) I/We understand that Haj Committee of India works without profit motive and does not attract the provisions of Consumer Protection Act, 2019.
Further, we understand that the Courts of Greater Mumbai only shall exercise jurisdiction in all matters of dispute.
10) Haj journey of pilgrims carrying Khash-khash, Viagara-tablets, Sexual oil and cream, Synthetic Capore, Cystone, Khammera, Gutkha, Khaini, Gul,
Pipermint or narcotics in any form shall be cancelled besides he/she will be penalized for carrying band items as per of prevailing regulations of Saudi
Arabia. If found, they will be liable for deportation to India from KSA at any stage of Haj.
Date : _________________________
Place : _________________________