Module 1
Module 1
Module 1
Module 1
Dr. Kalawati Patil
Asst. Prof. – E&TC
Thakur College of Engineering & Technology
Topics - Weightage 10- 12 Marks
Introduction to WSN and MANET.
Bus Topology
Ring Topology Star Topology
Grid Topology
Single - hop network architecture. Flat network Single - hop clustering architecture.
• In infrastructure Mode:
The wireless network consist of at least on access Point(AP) connected to the wired
network infrastructure and set of wireless end stations(STA).
• Adhoc Mode:
(Also called Peer-to-Peer mode or an independent Basic Service Set, or IBSS)
-It is a set of 802.11 wireless stations that communicate directly with one another without
using an access point or any connection to wired network.
Comparison: infrastructure vs. ad-hoc
802.11 - Architecture of an infrastructure network
802.11 - Architecture of an ad-hoc network
Modes of Wireless Sensor Networks
Types of Wireless Sensor Network
Infrastructure Free
Infrastructure Based
wireless Sensor Network
Wireless Sensor Network
(Ad-hoc Network)
Mobile Ad hoc NETwork (MANET)
• It is an infrastructure less IP based network of mobile and
wireless machine nodes connected with radio.
• In operation, the nodes of MANET do not have centralized
administration mechanism.
• Simply stating, a MANET is one that comes together as
needed, not necessarily with any support from the existing
Internet infrastructure or any other kind of fixed stations.
• In a MANET the network topology may dynamically change
in an unpredictable manner since nodes are free to move.
• Wireless Network • As for the mode of operation, MANETs are basically
• No fixed Infrastructure peer-to-peer multi-hop mobile wireless networks where
• Dynamic Topologies information packets are transmitted in a store-and forward
• Node in MANET can act as host or Router manner from a source to an arbitrary destination, via
• MANET is a autonomous collection of Mobile intermediate nodes.
users that communicate over wireless links.
Challenges in MANET
• Routing
• Power Consumption
• Autonomous
• Dynamic Topology
• Limited Resources
• Topology
• Bandwidth
• Energy
Applications of MANET
Military Field (Battle Field in unknown Territory)
• The technology was initially
developed keeping in mind the
military applications, such as
battlefield in an unknown territory
where an infrastructured network
is almost impossible to have or
• In such situations, the ad hoc
networks having self-organizing
capability can be effectively used
where other technologies either fail
or cannot be deployed effectively.
Applications of MANET
Crisis management Applications
ZigBee Alliance
-”The software”
-Network, Security & Application layers
-Brand management
IEEE 802.15.4
-”the hardware”
-Physical & Media Access Control Layers
What’s in a Zigbee Network?
• A ZigBee system consists of several components.
• The most basic is the device.
• A device can be a full-function device (FFD) or reduced-function device (RFD).
• A network includes at least one FFD, operating as the personal area network (PAN)
• The FFD can operate in three modes:
• A PAN coordinator, a coordinator, or a device.
• An RFD is intended for applications that are extremely simple and do not need to send large
amounts of data.
• An FFD can talk to reduced-function or full-function devices, while an RFD can only talk to an
• IEEE 802.1.54 MAC supports mainly two topology based on these logical devices.
• Star topology
• Peer to Peer topology
Star Network
In the star topology, the PAN coordinator chooses a unique (within its radio sphere of influence) PAN id. All
attached nodes can only talk to the central PAN coordinator.
• The term UWB is used for a bandwidth (BW) that is larger or equal to 500 MHz or a fractional
bandwidth (FBW) greater than 20% where FBW = BW/fc, where fc is the center frequency.
Principles of UWB
• Time Domain: • Frequency Domain:
-Ultra wide spectrum
-Extremely short pulses
-Low power spectral density
-Very low duty cycle
UWB Spectrum
UWB Technology
Pulse Vs Continuous Wave
UWB Standard
UWB Transmission
• Two different approaches are adopted for data transmission:
• Ultra-short pulses in the picosecond range, which covers all frequencies simultaneously (also called impulse
• Subdividing the total UWB bandwidth into a set of broadband Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing
(OFDM) channels
• The first approach is cost-effective at the expense of degraded signal to noise ratio. In
general, impulse radio transmission does not require the use of a carrier, which means
reduced complexity compared to traditional narrowband transceivers (i.e., simpler
transceiver architecture) as the signal is directly radiated via the UWB antenna. Gaussian
monocycle or one of its derivatives is an example of a UWB pulse that's easy to generate.
• The second approach exploits the spectrum more efficiently and offers better performance
and data throughput at the expense of increased complexity (i.e., requires signal processing),
and power consumption.
• The choice between the two approaches depends on the applications.
Advantages of UWB
Some of this bandwidth's features are highlighted below:
• The wide bandwidth provides immunity against the channel effect in a dense environment and
enables very fine time-space resolutions for highly accurate indoor positioning of the UWB nodes,
e.g., the new iPhone 11.
• The low spectral density, below environmental noise, ensures a low probability of signal detection
and increases the security of communication.
• High data rates can be transmitted over a short distance using UWB.500Mbps at 10 feet
• UWB systems can co-exist with already-deployed narrowband systems.
• Spectrum Reuse: 3.1-10.6 GHz, coexist with other users
• Multipath immunity: Path delay >> pulse width
• Low power: Baseband modulation (no carrier)
• Low cost: Almost “all digital”, simple analog module
Applications of UWB
• Communications:
-High Speed WLANs,
-Mobile Ad-hoc wireless network.
-Handheld & n/w Radios.
-Intra-Home & Intra-office Communication.
-Low enforcement & Commercial applications.
• Sensor Network:
-Ground penetrating Radar that detects & identifies targets hidden in tolioge
-Radars & short range motion sensing.
• Tracking/ positioning:
-Good for Emergency Services.
Comparison between Bluetooth and UWB
Energy Efficient Clustering Approaches in WSNs
• WSN nodes can sense, process, and forward data to neighbouring nodes and base station
(BS). Moreover, these small devices have limited capabilities such as small memory, low
computation, low processing, and most importantly small power unit (usually equipped with
• The sensor nodes are scattered over a large geographic area containing hundreds of nodes to
monitor a target region.
• As the sensed data has to be forwarded to BS for further necessary action, therefore routing
becomes important for transferring of data from node to node or BS efficiently.
• In WSN, to efficiently utilise the available resources especially battery, different hierarchical
techniques have been proposed.
• The goal is to obtain energy efficiency and maximize network lifetime.
• In hierarchical routing, clustering is the most widely used technique to achieve these goals.
• Clustering schemes by design eliminate the redundant messages in formation of efficient
clusters and intelligent selection/reselection of the CH.
Hierarchical Approach
• In hierarchical approaches, nodes are clustered into groups, and, by some criteria, a cluster
head is selected that is responsible for routing.
• In hierarchical routing, usually two-layer approach is used, where one layer is used for
sensing the physical environment and the other is used for routing.
• The low energy nodes are used for sensing while high energy nodes are often used for
collecting, aggregating, and forwarding data.
• Clustering approach is the most widely used technique for energy efficiency to achieve
scalability and effective communication.
• Cluster-based hierarchical approaches have some advantages such as increasing scalability;
efficient data aggregation and channel bandwidth are efficiently utilised.
• The main problem of clustering is nonuniform clustering which leads to high energy
dissipation of sensor node, total energy consumption increases, and network connectivity
not being guaranteed
Clustering in WSN
• Due to scarce resources in WSN, direct communication of
sensor node with BS or multihop communication of sensor
nodes towards BS is not practical as energy consumption is
high which results in early expiry of sensor nodes as shown in
• Direct communication or single-tier communication is not
feasible for large scale network as WSN cannot support
long-haul communication.
• Direct communication has its disadvantages such as high
energy consumption, duplication of data, and farthest nodes
dying quickly.
• To overcome these problems, two-tier communication
through hierarchical approach is used where nodes are
grouped into clusters.
• Leader node also called cluster head (CH) is responsible for
aggregating the data and then forwarding it to the BS.
Two-level hierarchy
• Hierarchical network structure often makes a two-level
hierarchy, in which the cluster heads are placed at the upper
level, and the lower level is for member nodes.
• The lower level nodes periodically send data to their respective
• The cluster head then aggregates that data and forwards it to
• The CH node spends more energy than member nodes, like all
the time CH node is sending data over long distances.
• Moreover, after certain rounds, the selected CH may be unable
to perform or perish due to high energy consumption. In order
to ensure load balancing among sensor nodes, the role of CH is
changed periodically to balance the energy consumption.
• Communication within a cluster is single-hop (intracluster) and
between clusters is multihop (intercluster) as shown in Figure.
• Cluster-based and grid-based techniques are the most
commonly used hierarchical techniques
Lightweight Clustering
• In most of the WSN outdoor applications in unattended environments, it is not easy to
recharge the battery or replace the entire sensor. Due to limited hardware, the processing
capabilities also need to be considered. A lightweight clustering algorithm is required
because of the limited memory. Moreover, with these restrictions, it is very difficult to
manage scalability and prolong network lifetime.
• Along with the above-mentioned limitations, following are some other challenges which
need to be addressed properly while designing clustering algorithms
Design Challenges in Clustering
• The cluster formation process and the number of clusters are very important factors in clustering protocols.
• The clusters should be well balanced, and the number of messages exchanged during cluster formation should be
• The complexity of the algorithm should increase linearly as the network grows.
• Cluster head selection is another important challenge that directly affects the network performance.
• The best possible node should be selected so that the network stability period and overall network lifetime should
be maximized.
• In most of the techniques, CH selection is based on several parameters such as energy level and the location of the
• Data aggregation is performed on the sensed data received by CH from member nodes; that is why it is still
considered as the fundamental design challenge.
• It should also be considered that the designed clustering algorithm should be able to handle different application
requirements, as WSN is application dependent.
• Another very important factor is to make sure that the designed algorithm is secure enough and can be used in
applications where data is very much sensitive such as a military application or health monitoring.
Clustering Parameters
Clustering parameters that can directly or indirectly affect the cluster formation process are discussed
(i) Cluster Count. In most of the existing approaches, cluster head selection and cluster formation lead to
different cluster count, where the number of clusters is predefined. It is a key parameter concerning
clustering algorithm efficiency, which varies depending on network size.
(ii) Cluster Formation. The approach of cluster formation can be centralized where the decision of cluster
formation is handled by BS, while in distributed approach clusters are formed without any coordination. In
literature, hybrid approaches are also being used where the advantages of both approaches are used.
(iii) Intracluster Communication. It means the communication of sensor nodes with its elected CH within a
cluster. In most of the approaches sensor nodes directly (one-hop) communicate with CH as it depends on
the distance between node and CH. In large scale network, multihop communication may also be adopted
for intracluster communication.
(iv) Mobility. In static network, the sensor nodes and cluster heads are static results in stable clusters.
Moreover, static position of nodes results in facilitated network (intracluster and intercluster) management.
The cluster and CH evolve concerning time if the nodes change their position, thus requiring continuous
Clustering Parameters
(v) Node Types. In the existing proposed approaches, some of them have used heterogeneous nodes,
and some have used homogeneous nodes in a network. In a heterogeneous environment, usually, CHs
are equipped with high communication and computation resources than normal nodes. While in the
homogenous network, all nodes have same capabilities and few of them are nominated as CH through
efficient techniques.
(vi) Cluster Head Selection. The overall network performance also depends on cluster head selection.
In some proposed techniques, the cluster head is predefined (usually in heterogeneous
environments). In most cases, the CH selection is based on various parameters (distance from nodes
and center, energy level, etc.) or probabilistic approach is used or it is done through any random
(vii) Multilevel Cluster Hierarchy. In literature, several techniques used the concept of the multilevel
cluster to attain even improved energy consumption and distribution. Sensor node communicates
with CH in their respective level 1 clusters which further communicates with level 2 clusters. In this
approach, intercluster communication is of high significance, especially for large scale networks.
(viii) Algorithm Complexity. Another important parameter in clustering is the algorithm complexity;
aim of recent algorithms is the quick formation of clusters and selection of CH. In most techniques,
the time complexity or convergence is kept constant while in some it depends on a number of sensor
Taxonomy of Hierarchical Clustering
In WSN, the existing clustering protocols fall into different groups, that is, (i) homogeneous and
heterogeneous networks, (ii) centralized or distributed algorithms, (iii) static and dynamic clustering,
(iv) probabilistic and nonprobabilistic algorithms, and (v) uniform and nonuniform clustering
(i) Homogeneous and Heterogeneous Networks. The clustering techniques for homogeneous and
heterogeneous networks are built on the characteristics and capability of sensor nodes in a cluster. In
homogenous networks, all of the sensor nodes have similar processing and hardware capabilities.
While in heterogeneous networks, where there are usually two types of sensor nodes, nodes with
higher hardware and processing capabilities are usually used as CH within a cluster, function as data
collectors, or even can be used as a backbone within the network. Nodes having lower capabilities are
common sensor nodes that sense the desired field attributes.
(ii) Centralized or Distributed Algorithms. In centralized algorithms, usually, CH or BS is responsible
for network partitioning and cluster formation. These types of algorithms are usually not suitable for
large scale networks and more suitable for limited-scale applications. Whereas, in the distributed
techniques CH election, selection and cluster formation are done by the sensor nodes themselves to
gain flexibility and quick execution and convergence time. Usually distributed algorithms are more
commonly used in the homogeneous environment. Hybrid techniques are also used where
Taxonomy of Hierarchical Clustering
(iii) Static and Dynamic Clustering. Clustering in WSN can be static or dynamic depending on the application
requirements. In static clustering, the cluster formation and CH election are fixed. Once clusters are formed, and CH
are elected, then it will remain for a long time. In most of the techniques, clusters are formed once, but CHs are
periodically changed to gain energy efficiency. Dynamic clustering offers high energy efficiency by the periodic
reelection of CH and reformation of clusters. It is used, where topology frequently changes and clusters needs to
reorganize to effectively react to topological changes and leads to improved energy efficiency.
(iv) Probabilistic and Nonprobabilistic Approaches. In probabilistic clustering approaches, each sensor node is
assigned a prior probability to decide whether the CHs or any random selection technique is used. Moreover, the
probabilities assigned to nodes act as primary criteria, but some other secondary criteria can also be used during the
process of CH reselection or cluster reformation for improved energy consumption and maximizing network lifetime.
Also, these techniques have fast execution and convergence time and minimize the number of exchange messages.
In nonprobabilistic clustering techniques, deterministic criteria are considered for CH election and cluster
formation/reformation. In addition, it mainly depends on the information received from one-hop or multihop
neighbours and requires excessive messages to be exchanged resulting in worse time complexity than the
probabilistic approaches. Moreover, nondeterministic approaches give more reliable, robust, and balanced clusters,
as the selection is based on multiple criteria such as residual energy, node proximity, mobility, and transmission
Taxonomy of Hierarchical Clustering
(v) Uniform and Nonuniform Clustering Approach. In uniform clustering approach, the number of
nodes is evenly distributed among clusters to achieve energy efficiency. However, it is often
applicable in environments where nodes are static, and their location is predefined . Moreover, in
nonuniform clustering, the number of nodes is not uniform per cluster. In clustering, many to one
pattern is used for data forwarding; nodes nearer to BS are used frequently which leads to high
energy consumption. Most of the deployment in WSN is random, where sensor nodes are distributed
unevenly. Some efforts are made to come up with some solutions regarding the uniform distribution
of load and to achieve energy efficiency through nonuniform deployment of nodes.
On the basis of the above classifications, clustering has been widely used for various applications in
different environments to attain energy efficiency and network scalability in WSN. Instead of sending
messages to all nodes, a head node is responsible for forwarding data to the BS to preserve energy. In
addition, clustering technique can simplify management of the nodes, reduce energy consumption,
improve load balancing, increase scalability and robustness, and improve data aggregation. In
literature, different hierarchical clustering schemes are proposed for energy efficiency and maximizing
network lifetime. Few of them are discussed in the forthcoming section.
Cluster-Based Hierarchical Approaches
• Clustering approaches are used to simplify the node management, to reduce energy consumption, to
achieve scalability, and to improve load balancing and robustness and data aggregation.
• Nodes are grouped to form clusters. A node that is known as a cluster head (CH) is made responsible for
gathering data from member nodes (MN), aggregates it, and then forwards to the BS directly or
through some intermediate CH.
• Instead of sending data of all sensor nodes in a cluster, CH only sends the aggregated data, which in
turn minimize the number of packets transmitted in a network and minimize energy consumption.
• The data received from a CH node is further processed at the base station, where end users access it.
• The position of BS can be within a field or can be placed outside the network area. Usually, BS is placed
outside and at a distance from the sensor nodes.
• The data sensed by sensor node is forwarded through a gateway (CH) to the BS.
• The multilevel clustering hierarchy can have more than one BS in the network (if needed).
• In literature, various attempts have been made to improve the energy efficiency through different
clustering techniques by addressing the problems of efficient cluster formation, even distribution of
load, CH selection and reselection, and cluster reformation; few of them are discussed here.
Cluster-Based Hierarchical Approaches
(i) Low Energy Adaptive Clustering Hierarchy. Low energy adaptive clustering hierarchy (LEACH) was proposed by
Heinzelman et al., which was one of the first energy efficient routing protocols and is still used as a state-of-the-art
protocol in WSN. The basic idea of LEACH was to select CH among a number of nodes by rotation so that energy
dissipation from communication can be spread to all nodes in a network. The operation is divided into two phases, the
setup phase and steady-state phase. In the setup phase, each node decides whether to become a CH or not for the
current round which depends on the CHs percentage suggested and a number of times a node has been CH.
Low Energy Adaptive Clustering Hierarchy Centralized. Low energy adaptive clustering hierarchy centralized (LEACH-C)
is the modified version of LEACH. In LEACH-C the clusters are formed by base station whereas in LEACH each node
self-configures them into cluster. The BS receives all the information regarding the energy and location of all the nodes
deployed in the network. By doing so, BS determines the number of cluster head (CH) and arranges network into various
clusters. However, due to lack of coordination among nodes, the number of CHs varies from round to round. In LEACH-C
the number of CHs in each round equals an optimum determined value. A centralized routing approach is one in which
BS computes the average energy of a network for a set of sensor nodes having energy level above average. A CH will be
selected from the set of nodes to ensure that nodes selected should have sufficient energy to be a cluster head. The
network is split into two subclusters and then they are further divided into the desired number of CHs. By this way, the
nodes are evenly distributed to ensure that load is eventually distributed. The BS selects lowest energy routing paths
and forwards the information of clustering and CH to all nodes in the network using a minimum spanning tree approach.
However, due to centralized approach communication overhead will increase in the reselection of CH, because
reselection decision has to be made by BS. In addition, every cluster will send request; thus energy consumption will be
Cluster-Based Hierarchical Approaches
iii) Cluster Chain Weighted Metrics. Cluster chain weighted metrics (CCWM) achieve energy efficiency and
increase network performance based on weighted metrics. A set of CHs is selected depending on these metrics.
Member nodes use direct communication for transferring data towards their respective CHs. A routing chain of
elected CHs is constructed for interclusters communication and each CH forwards data to its neighbouring CH until
it reaches BS. This approach improves overall network lifespan. However, due to nonoptimized CH election, the
reelection of CH results in network overheads. Moreover, intracluster communication is direct which leads to
uneven energy consumption.
iv) Energy-Aware Distributed Clustering (EADC). Energy-Aware Distributed Clustering (EADC) is proposed for
nonuniform deployment of sensor nodes to balance the load across the entire network. EADC constructs unequal
clusters to solve the problem of energy holes. Through routing algorithm, the CHs choose nodes with high energy
along with least hop count to member nodes to achieve load balancing in CHs. The cluster head is then selected
on the basis of the ratio of average remaining energy of nearby nodes and the energy of node itself. Some of the
sensor nodes were redundant, consuming extra energy which was ignored in EADC. The redundant nodes can be
turned OFF based on the schedule. Furthermore, the overall energy consumption can be reduced by avoiding
unnecessary sensing and transmission.
Cluster-Based Hierarchical Approaches
• Energy-Aware Distributed Unequal Clustering. The problem of energy hole was addressed in
energy-aware distributed unequal clustering (EADUC) by considering unequal sized clusters.
Nodes having different energy resources are considered and clusters with unequal sizes are
constructed to solve the energy hole problem. Authors claim that the obtained results were
better in comparison with LEACH regarding energy efficiency and maximizing network
lifetime. EADUC achieves energy efficiency through unequal cluster formation. However, the
redundancy of data in dense area is not considered in EADUC which leads to unnecessary
energy consumption affecting network lifetime.
Grid-Based Approaches
• In grid-based clustering techniques, the whole area is partitioned into virtual grids. The grid-based techniques are popular
due to their simplified management.
• The CH selection is usually done by the nodes themselves which makes it suitable for large scale networks.
• The focus of this work is on grid-based clustering. The main objective of grid-based techniques is to more effectively utilise
the limited resources especially battery, which is usually not replaceable nor rechargeable.
• Gridding significantly contributes to overall network lifespan, energy efficiency, and system scalability. Grid-based
techniques are very useful for scalable networks where some nodes in a network are hundreds and even thousands in
• In addition to the objectives mentioned above, grid-based clustering offers some other secondary advantages which add up
to the overall network performance.
• Through gridding, the routing table of a single node can be reduced by localizing the route setup. Due to grids, the network
topology maintenance overhead can be cut down at the sensor node level thus resulting in the more stable network.
• CH can switch the member nodes to low power or sleep mode to reduce the energy consumption.
• Due to all of the above-discussed objectives, grid-based clustering techniques are widely used by researchers to achieve
energy efficiency and prolong network lifetime..
• Some of the existing grid-based approaches proposed in the literature are discussed with advantages and disadvantages,
which are below.
Grid-Based Approaches
(i) Grid-Based Data Dissemination. In grid-based data dissemination (GBDD), BS divided the network into equal sized
square grid cells. The node that first shows interest in sending data is set as a crossing point (CP) of the grid, and its
coordinates become the starting point for the grid cells creation. The cell size depends on the twofold range of
sensor nodes. Every node works in two modes, high power radio (high range transmission) and low power radio (low
range transmission). In intelligent grid-based data dissemination (IGBDD) network is partitioned into virtual grids. It
is the enhanced version of GBDD in which CH selection is based on the location of the virtual cross point (CP) and
there is no need to send any data to the neighbouring nodes for CP selection. GBDD guarantees continuous data
transfer from source to destination but consumes extra energy when the speed is high.
(ii) Grid-Based Hybrid Network Deployment Scheme. A grid-based hybrid network deployment approach (GHND), in
which the whole network is divided into virtual squared grids, where each grid represents a zone. Initially, the
network topology is constructed using centralized approach, in which BS initiates the grid formation and cluster
head selection process. To evenly distribute the nodes, a merge and split technique is used. Zones with low density
and high density are identified and called candidate zones on the basis of lower bound (LB) and upper bound (UB).
In order to achieve energy efficiency, the nonprobabilistic approach is used for cluster head selection based on
various parameters. The proposed method enhances network stability and lifetime and performs better than LEACH,
Grid-Based Approaches
(iii) Cycle Based Data Aggregation Scheme. Cycle based data aggregation scheme (CBDAS) is a
grid-based approach where the whole network is divided into 2D square sized grid cells. In CBDAS cyclic
chain is constructed where each cell head is linked to another cell head. In each round, one cell head
acts as a cyclic head (selected by BS) having high energy level. Each cell head will only transmit data to
the cycle head. Through cycle head, the amount of traffic is reduced, and energy consumption is less
because only cycle head is responsible for communicating directly with BS. The disadvantage of CBDAS
is that cycled head can be far away from BS thus consuming more energy due to long distance and may
die early. Furthermore, far away nodes will suffer from such problem and can partition the network by
breaking chain.
(iv) Distributed Uniform Clustering Algorithm. A distributed uniform clustering algorithm (DUCA) is
introduced to evenly distribute the cluster heads and to decrease the differences in the cluster sizes.
Grid approach is used for clustering, but each grid does not represent a cluster. Overlapped regions are
identified which helped in reducing the cluster sizes, as it often occurs in random deployment. The
cluster head selection is based on LEACH which selects the CH based on random number thus ignoring
other important parameters and may lead to the suboptimal selection of CH.
Grid-Based Approaches
• v) Grid Sectoring. Grid Sectoring (GS) is aimed at even distribution of load and energy consumption over uniform
and random deployment of nodes in the field. In GS the whole network is partitioned into equal sized grids and is
further divided into sectors, each representing a cluster. The node which is nearer to the center of a cluster is
selected as cluster head. The area of interest is divided into small sectors until an optimum number of clusters are
attained. The optimum number of clusters is 5 percent to the number of nodes. In this approach, number of
sensor nodes per cluster varies and can result in isolated nodes thus leading to network partitioning where nodes
will be unable to communicate but still have enough energy.
• (vi) Grid-Based Reliable Routing. The authors in presented a grid-based reliable routing (GBRR) mechanism, in
which virtual clusters are formed on the basis of grids. Features of cluster and grid-based are combined to achieve
adaptability for dense and large scale randomly deployed sensors. An active node is selected as head node and to
avoid exhaustion of CH, GBRR calculates the effective paths within and between clusters. Moreover, source node
does not need to transmit via head node and can bypass it if the route is effective towards the BS. As several grids
may represent one cluster, so the area covered by that cluster will be large as compared to other cluster having
one grid. Furthermore, the node at the edge of a cluster might lead to suboptimal CH selection where the member
nodes may require high energy consumption due to large distance resulting in early depletion of sensor battery.
Grid-Based Approaches
v) Randomized Grid-Based Approach. A randomized grid-based approach for complete area
coverage in WSN achieves energy efficiency and throughput. The whole area is divided into
virtual grids depending on the number of nodes in the deployed area. Instead of selecting a
certain percentage of nodes as CH from each grid, a single node is selected for a single grid and
is repeated for all grids until it satisfies the whole network area. The 2-Voronoi method is used
to deactivate the nodes which are redundant and come up with a minimum number of active
nodes that can satisfy the coverage of the whole network. Energy efficiency is achieved by
avoiding redundant nodes. However, if the active nodes do not cover the area, then the step of
choosing the percentage of nodes will be repeated resulting in energy overhead.
Short Questions
• What is a wireless sensor network?
• Discuss various uses of wireless sensor networks.
• What is the ZigBee technology? Discuss briefly
• What are piconet and scatternet in Bluetooth?
• The hopping rate of 1600 hops per second is used in Bluetooth that carries 240 bits in a 1-slot
packet. If each frame of the HV2 voice packet carries 160 bits of sample speech, what is the
effi ciency of packet transmission? How often are HV2 packets sent to support 64 kbps voice
in each direction?
• List any four applications of WSN.
• State the important characteristics of WSN
• List out the different types of interaction pattern between sources and sinks in WSN.
• Why is multihop wireless communication required for WSN?
• Draw the architecture of a sensor node.
Short Questions
1.Compare MANET and WSN.
2.Discuss the characteristic requirements of WSN.
3.Why multihop wireless communication is required for WSN?
4.What is MANET? State its characteristics.
5.What is Clustering?
6.State the applications of MANET.
7.What are characteristics and applications of Bluetooth technology?
8.Briefly discuss various issues in Ad-hoc wireless networks.
9.Differentiate the techniques comes under WPAN.
10.State the comparison of UWB with other WPAN technologies.
11. What are the ZigBee Components? Write in short.
12. Why energy consumption is biggest challenge in WSN?
13. Write specifications of : a) Bluetooth, ZigBee, UWB
14. Discuss the characteristic requirements of WSN.
Long Questions
1.State the topologies of WSN
2.State applications of WSN
3.Draw and explain the structure of sensor Node.
4.Differentiate between WSNs and MANETs.
5.Explain grid topology with its structure.
6. Write a short note on energy efficient clustering approaches in WSNs
7.Explain the Bluetooth protocol stack.
8.Explain ZigBee model.
9.What is piconet and scatternet? Explain.
10.What is UWB technology? How it is different from other technologies?
11.State the challenges of WSN.
12.Write applications of : a) MANET b) UWB c)WSN
13.Briefly specify IEEE 802.15.4 MAC protocol.
14. Can the MAC protocols of 802.11 & Bluetooth be used for WSN? Justify.
15. What are the advantages of clustering?
Thank You