Module 3 - Wireless Adhoc and Sensor Networks
Module 3 - Wireless Adhoc and Sensor Networks
Module 3 - Wireless Adhoc and Sensor Networks
• Sensor networks consist of different types of sensors such as seismic, thermal, visual, and
infrared, and they monitor a variety of ambient conditions such as temperature, humidity,
pressure, and characteristics of objects and their motion. Sensor nodes can be used in military,
health, chemical processing, and disaster relief scenarios. Some of the academic and industry-
supported research programs on sensor networks include working on Smart Dust at the
University of California, Berkeley (UCB), and wireless integrated network sensor (WINS) at the
University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA).
Fig. 1
Fig. 2
where P is the desired percentage of nodes which are cluster-heads, r is the current round, and G is
the set of nodes that has not been cluster-heads in the past 1/P rounds. This ensures that all
sensor nodes eventually spend equal energy. After selection, the cluster-heads advertise their
selection to all nodes. All nodes choose their nearest cluster-head when they receive
advertisements based on the received signal strength. The cluster-heads then assign a TDMA
schedule for their cluster members.
• The steady phase is of longer duration in order to minimize the overhead of cluster formation.
During the steady phase, data transmission takes place based on the TDMA schedule, and the
cluster-heads perform data aggregation/fusion through local computation. The BS receives only
aggregated data from clusterheads, leading to energy conservation. After a certain period of time
in the steady phase, cluster-heads are selected again through the set-up phase.
• SPIN is based on data-centric routing, where the nodes advertise the available data through an
ADV and wait for requests from interested nodes. SPIN-2 expands on SPIN, using an energy or
resource threshold to reduce participation. A node may participate in the ADV-REQ-DATA
handshake only if it has sufficient resources above a threshold.
where t is a constant, n is the path loss exponent indicating the loss of power with distance from
the transmitter, and d(u, v) is the distance between u and v. Let the power needed to receive the
data be c. Since the transmission power increases exponentially with distance, it would be more
economical to transmit data by smaller hops.
• The path r is the ME path if C(r) ≤ C(r') for all paths r' between u and v in the graph G. The
subgraph G' is said to have the ME property if there exists a path r in G' which is an ME path in G,
for all node pairs (u, v). SMECN uses only the ME paths from G' for data transmission, so that the
overall energy consumed is minimized.
Fig. 8
Fig. 9
Fig. 12
Fig. 13
where λ and k are constants, and d(s, p) is the distance of p from s. Consider a network with sensors
s1 ,s2 , ..., sn . The total intensity at point p, called the all-sensor field intensity, is given by
where smin is the closest sensor to p. The exposure during travel of an event along a path p(t) is
defined by the exposure function
where is the elemental arc length, and t1 , t2 are the time instances between which the path is
traversed. For conversion from Cartesian coordinates (x(t), y(t)),
• In the simplest case of having one sensor node at (0, 0) in a unit field, the breach path or
minimum exposure path (MEP) from (-1, -1) to (1, 1) is shown in Figure 15.