Year 5 - English - Worksheet - 3
Year 5 - English - Worksheet - 3
Year 5 - English - Worksheet - 3
English : Worksheet - 3
Cambridge University Press
978-1-107-68321-1 – Cambridge Primary English Stage 5
Sally Burt and Debbie Ridgard
More information
D Complete your reading log for The Ant and the Grasshopper.
Do you think a story is a good way of teaching this lesson?
Explain your opinion.
8 Unit 1 There’s
There’s a lesson
a lesson
in thatin that
2 Check your understanding
A Discuss the questions with a talk partner and then write your
answers neatly in your notebook. Use examples from the text.
1 Why did Grasshopper tease Ant?
2 Why did Ant say “summer won’t last forever”?
3 Give an example of Ant’s actions to show she approves or
disapproves of Grasshopper.
4 What made Grasshopper finally understand that he should have
acted differently?
5 How do you think Ant felt when she saw Grasshopper at the end?
B Verbs can tell you about characters through how they act and move.
1 What different kinds of walking do these words describe?
Role play them with a partner.
2 Choose a verb from the story that shows Ant’s mood when Grasshopper
teases her.
3 Write down verbs from the story to describe how Ant moves.
What do they show about her personality?
ersity Press 4 Fathom has more than one meaning in the
dictionary. Use the context to
decide which meaning is correct in the story.
5 What tense is the narrative part of the story? Give three examples.
6 What tense is the dialogue mainly in? Give three examples.
C Punctuation is necessary in any story.
– n. a unit of
1 Where are exclamation marks used and why? measurement (equal to
2 Find an example of punctuation that shows where six feet) for water depth
there is dialogue in the story. – v. to measure the
3 Explain the reason for the apostrophe in each example: depth of water with a
a One fine summer’s day … Possession sounding line
b Summer won’t last forever …Contraction – v. to understand
something by thinking
c And summer didn’t last …Contraction
about it hard
d The grasshopper’s song stuck in his throat …Possession
Session 2 Check
lesson in that 9
3 Story features Did you know?
Anthropomorphism means
A Animal characters in fables often giving human characteristics
to animals in stories or
have particular human characteristics that
pictures. Anthropos means
we associate with each animal. These are
‘man’ or ‘human’ in Ancient
known as stereotypes.
Greek and morph means shape
1 Discuss with a talk partner the or form. Can you see how this
characteristics often associated with word came about?
these animals in stories.
4 Role play a conversation in which Grasshopper asks Ant for help at the
end of the story.
a What will Grasshopper say?
b How will Ant react?
c What could Grasshopper offer Ant in exchange for food?
5 Write a short paragraph explaining what you would say and do if
Grasshopper asked you for help. Give reasons.
ersity Press
Common pronouns: he, she, it, they, Common pronouns: I, we, me, us,
him, her, them, his, hers, theirs. mine, ours.
Pronouns stand in for people or objects to avoid repetition.
Example: The duck said that the duck gave the duck’s mum a
present. The duck said that she gave her mum a present.
A dictionary gives you the literal meaning of a word. Figurative descriptions
use images to express meaning. We infer the meaning from the images.