Pi Intake Forms 2020
Pi Intake Forms 2020
Pi Intake Forms 2020
16. Do you notice any activity restrictions because of this injury? Yes_________No___________
If yes, please explain/ list restrictions____________________________________________________
_____________________________________________ ____________
Patient’s Signature Date
(If patient is, a minor have guardian sign and indicate)
Name:______________________________________ Date:___________________________
Please provide as much information as possible so your case can be set up to your financial
advantage. In the state of Arizona, insurance laws read that you have the right to bill any
insurance policy under which you have coverage. If there is more than one insurance coverage,
overpayment can occur. We only need to be paid once, so all overpayments will be reimbursed to
you after the case is settled.
Primary Insurance: (Your health insurance) we will need a copy of your health insurance card.
Medical Payment Coverage: On your automobile insurance, or the automobile insurance for the
car in which you were a passenger, there may be coverage called “Med-Pay”. This coverage is
for any injuries that may have occurred to someone in the automobile. It will cover anything
from an automobile accident that either was or was not your fault, to slamming your finger in the
car door. Using this portion of the policy cannot raise your premium or affect your record in any
way. In fact, this is exactly why you pay for “Med-Pay” in your insurance policy.
Claimant: ___________________________________ Policy Holder’s Name: _________________________________
Third Party Liability: This is the insurance information for the person who was in the “other
car”. The information can be found on the Accident Report.
Accident Report Number: ____________________________
DATE: --------
ACCT. -----------
PATIENT. ------------------
In the left-hand column, please indicate with a (C) Conditions you have now or with a (P) the conditions you have
had in the Past If neither apply' mark (NA) ' don't leave any blanks
Digestion Problems __
--- Vascular Raynau(;l's phenomenon, intermittent claudication, hypertension,
rheumatic fever
Nausea -- --- Breasts Self-examination fre uency/results, pain, nipple discharge,
lumps/masses, skin i impling
Female Problems -- --- Gastrointestinal Unusal diet, shspha�a regurpitation, dyspepsia, nausia,
Prostate Problems -- vomiting, belc ing, a domina pain, cramps, hematemasis stool
color cnan es, diarrhea, sonsttpation, change in bowel ha 6its,
jaundice, afy, domlnal swelling
Diabetes -- --- Genitournary Polyuria, nocturia, oli uria, dysuria, uregenc , incontinence urine
Hands/Feet Cold -- color changes hemaflurea, sexually transmityed diseases, d ys-
pareunia, scro1al mass (male), hernia
Hand T remors --
Loss of Memory __
--- Endocrine PolydiP.sia, polY.phagia, temperature intolerance, tremors, goiter,
alopecia, hirsuit1sm, menstration, history, pregnancy history,
dysmenorrhea, premenstrual syndrome, climacteric
Nervousness -- --- Hematopoietic Anemia, abdominal bleeding, lymph node elargement/pain
Sweaty Palms __ --- Musculoskelatal Bone/Joint pain, swelling, joint deformity, trauma, restricted
range of motion, weakness, atrophy
Speech Difficulty __
--- Neurological Cranial nerve deficits, seizures, loss of consciousness, paraly-
Anxiety __ sis, tremors, staxis, loss of balance, numbness, paresthesia
lrritablility __
Please identify all facilities/providers you have seen for these conditions and those FOR DOCTORS USE ONLY
you are currently seeing, if any, for your presenting problem(s) D Reviewed External H p
D Release Records H p
PROBLEM LIST D Request Records H p
DATE: ------ 3
Acer: ---------
PATIENT. ---------------
1 1 1 1
Occasional Intermittent Frequent Constant
0 10 20 30 40 so Iso 10 so 90 1 100 1°10
4. How long have you been experiencing your main complaint? ___________________
5. On the diagram below, please show where you are experiencing all of your present complaints using
the following letters:
A: ache B: burning pain C: cramping D: dull pain R: throbbing pain N: numbness T: tingling
personal care _
I acknowledge that no guarantee or assurance of the results that may be obtained from
the procedure has been given by Serenity Healthcare, and or associates and assistants.
Patient Signature: _______________ Date: __/__/___
I have received the Notice of Privacy Practices and I have been provided an
opportunity to review it.
Signature ___________________________________________________
Date _______________________________________________________
___________________________ ________________________________
Personal Rep (Print) Personal Rep (Signature)
_______________________________________________ __________
Description of the authority to act on behalf of the patient Date
The patient named below has chosen not to sign the Privacy Practices
Acknowledgement. This does not affect the type of treatment or quality of care
the patient will receive in our office. We have attempted, to the best of our ability,
to provide this patient with a copy of our Notice of Privacy Practices.
_______________________________________ ________________
Name of Patient (Print) Date
_______________________________________ ________________
Office Employee Title