DAY 3 BLT Salmon Everything Pizza Roll Ups Coconut Chia
Burger Bagel Seed Pudding Cucumber Bites -2 slices -4 slices cooked mozzarella -1 cup coconut bacon (nitrate -¼ cucumber cheese milk free pork or -1 oz cream -1 tsp olive oil -¼ cup chia turkey) cheese -1 tbsp onion seeds -1 salmon filet -1 ½ tbsp butter -2 tbsp green bell -¼ tsp vanilla (about 4 ounces) -½ cup avocado, -1 ½ tsp full fat pepper extract mashed plain Greek -1 tbsp -⅛ tsp -1 tbsp chives yogurt mushrooms pumpkin pie -½ tomato, sliced -1 tsp -¼ cup cooked spice -Fresh lemon Everything spinach -Pinch stevia or juice, salt and Bagel seasoning -Dash Italian Monk fruit pepper to taste -Pinch garlic seasoning -¼ cup -Butter or other powder raspberries lettuce
DAY 4 Curry Vegetable Pasta-Free Winter Greens Olives and
Stew Minestrone with Nuts and Cucumbers Chicken with Thyme -1 tbsp olive oil -2 cups beef and Dill -½ onion stock -½ tbsp olive oil -1 garlic clove -1 garlic clove -¼ shallot -1 cucumber -½ cup tomatoes -1 tbsp olive oil -¼ bunch collard -2 tbsp vinegar -½ cup chicken -1 ½ scallions, greens, Swiss of choice stock -½ cup baby sliced chard or kale -1 tsp each spinach -½ carrot, diced -¼ cup coconut fresh thyme *Optional -½ cup milk and dill addition: tomatoes, -1 tsp low sodium -¼ cup olives of garbanzo beans diced soy sauce choice and/or carrots -½ inch piece -4 oz chicken -Zest of one diced of fresh breast or thighs lemon -Pinch of parmesan -¼ cup walnuts, cinnamon, -½ tsp fresh chopped cardamom and thyme red pepper flakes -½ cup baby spinach -3 oz kidney beans
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