Chapter (1) The Conceptual Framework of Accounting: February 2019

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Chapter (1) The Conceptual Framework of Accounting

Chapter · February 2019


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1 author:

Saoud J. Mashkour Alamry

Al Muthanna University


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Accounting Readings …………..Chapter (1): The conceptual Framework of Accounting

Part (I)
Accounting Readings

The Conceptual Framework
of Accounting

 Concepts of Book-keeping
 Definition of Accounting.
 Kinds of accounting.
 Usefulness of Accounting.
 The main users of Accounting Information.
 Qualitative characteristics of accounting information
 Accounting Assumptions, Principles and Constraints.

♦ Questions and Exercises?

Accounting Readings …………..Chapter (1): The conceptual Framework of Accounting

Accounting Readings …………..Chapter (1): The conceptual Framework of Accounting


‫اإلطار ألمفاهيمي للمحاسبة‬

A conceptual framework is like constitution that leads the
accounting system. The conceptual framework is made of three. The first
Level is presented the objectives of financial reporting. The second Level
is presented (A) Qualitative characteristics of accounting information and
(B) Elements of financial statements. While the third Level is presented
the recognition and measurement concepts: (Assumptions, Principles, and

A- CONCEPTS OF BOOK-KEEPING ‫مفاهيم مسك السجالت‬

The accounting is often confused (‫ )غالبا ما تشوش‬with book-keeping

(‫(مسك السجالت‬.

 Book-keeping: is a mechanical process that records the routine

economic activities of business.

 Book-Keeping: is an art of recording business transaction in a set

of books.

1- Definition Book - keeping ‫تعريف مسك السجالت‬

Book - keeping is defined as the process of analyzing, Classifying

and recording transactions in a systematic manner and of providing
information about the financial affairs of the business concern. It is also
defined as the art of recording in the books of accounts, the monetary
aspect of commercial or financial transactions. Maintaining books of
accounts in a systematic order is also known as book-keeping.

Accounting Readings …………..Chapter (1): The conceptual Framework of Accounting

2- The main features of book-keeping ‫المعالم الرئيسية لمسك السجالت‬

Analysis of the above definitions brings out the following features

of Book-keeping:
(1) Book-keeping is an art of recording transactions scientifically.
(2) There must be a documentary support for each and every
(3) The system of recording should be universal.
(4) The recording is made of monetary transactions only. It means the
transaction must involve money. Non - monetary transactions
cannot be recorded.

3- Objects of book-keeping ‫أهداف مسك السجالت‬

The primary object of Book-keeping is to enable the business to

know the following information accurately and with a minimum of time
and efforts. We can summarize the objects of book-keeping in a simple
table as follows:

Objects of Book-keeping
Primary Sub-objects Other
objects ‫أهداف فرعية‬ Objects
‫أهداف رئيسية‬ ‫أهداف أخرى‬

-To know Creditors -To know Creditors -To review the progress
-To Know Debtors -To Know Debtors -To prevent errors and frauds
-To Know capital invested -To Know capital invested -To keep a check on property
-To Understand cash and -To Understand cash and -To provide valuable informa-
stock. stock. tion for decision making.

Accounting Readings …………..Chapter (1): The conceptual Framework of Accounting

4- Importance of Book-keeping ‫أهمية مسك السجالت‬

Book-keeping is of great importance to business, book-keepers,
accountants, and Government officers. Following points explain the
importance of Book-keeping.
1) Facilitates Planning ‫تبسيط التخطيط‬
Proprietors have to plan their business operations for years to
come. Book-keeping generates valuable information about
production, sales, expenses, and income which helps planning.
2) Decision - making ‫صناعة القرار‬
Management has to take valuable decisions about business.
Book-keeping provides necessary information for decision -
3) Controlling ‫الرقابة‬
Management can control business operations with the help
of various types of budgets and book-keeping. It is not necessary to
remember the transactions.
4) Aid to Memory ‫مساعدة الذاكرة‬
Human memory has certain limitations. A business cannot
remember all the business transactions. Book-keeping helps the
business man in this regard.
5) Comparative study ‫دراسة مقارنة‬
Proper records help a management to compare the
performance of its business. A comparative study enables a
business to take proper corrective action.
6) Sale of business ‫بيع المنشاة‬
In case the business is to be sold out, the purchase
consideration can be decided on the basis of the accounts
7) Helpful in getting loans ‫المساعدة في الحصول على القروض‬
A businessman may require loans from banks for financing
his expansion scheme. Properly kept accounts can convince the
banks about financial soundness of the business.
8) Protection against Theft and Dishonesty ‫الحماية من السرقة وعدم األمان‬

Accounting Readings …………..Chapter (1): The conceptual Framework of Accounting

A Businessman can protect himself against theft and

dishonesty of employees by keeping books of accounts in a
systematic manner. He can exercise greater control on his finance
through systematic recording.

5- Utility of Book-keeping ‫فائدة مسك السجالت‬

The utility of Book-keeping can be studied from various points of

view. It is useful to many persons as described below:
1) The main beneficiary of book-keeping is the businessman or the
owner of the business. It would be almost difficult for a
businessman or the firm to carry on a business without Book-
keeping. Financial transactions take place at every stage of the
business operations. Book - keeping enables him to record all
financial transactions. It furnishes him valuable information from
the point of view of business. He can ascertain the profit or losses
in the business. He knows the financial position at any time.
Important business decisions can be taken more realistically by
maintaining books of accounts.
2) The shareholders, proprietors or partners can get valuable
information about the business from the books of accounts.
3) Labor unions can use accounting reports as a basis for supporting
wage demand.
4) Book-keeping ensures proper calculation of tax liability.
5) A systematic record of business transaction can also be produced
as evidence in a court of law in case any dispute arises
6) In the event of insolvency, a businessman can explain his financial
position in a better way.
7) The investors can decide whether to invest or not in a particular
firm by studying the books of accounts.

Accounting Readings …………..Chapter (1): The conceptual Framework of Accounting

6- Distinguish between book-keeping and accountancy

BOOK-KEEPING ‫مسك السجالت‬ ACCOUNTANCY ‫علم المحاسبة‬
1. Book - keeping is an art of 1. Accounting is concerned with the
recording business transactions in a design of the system of records, the
set of books. preparation of the reports and the
interpretation of the results, and finally
communicating the results to persons
who are interested in such results.
2. Book- keeping is concerned with 2. Accounting is concerned with
recording and maintaining books of preparation of accounts to find out
original entries. profit or loss and the financial position
of the business.
3. Book - keeping is responsible for 3. 3-Accountants prepare from the given
recording business transactions in a books, Trading and profit and loss
set of books. account, and Balance sheet.
4. The work of a book-keeper is 4. Accountants direct and review the work
clerical in nature and can be of book-keepers. They must have a
accomplished through the use of higher level of knowledge and
mechanical and electronic analytical skill .

Accounting Readings …………..Chapter (1): The conceptual Framework of Accounting


There are more definitions of accounting

1- Accounting

The accounting is a services activity function of which is to

provide quantities information about economic entities.The Information is
primarily financial in nature and is intended to be useful in making
rational economic decisions )‫(قرارات اقتصادية‬.

2- Accounting

The accounting is the art of recording, classifying, reporting, and

interpreting )‫ وتفسير‬،‫ تقرير‬،‫تصنيف‬، ‫ (تسجيل‬the financial data of an

3- Accounting

The accounting is the act of recording, classifying, and

summarizing in a significant manner and in terms of money, transactions
and events which are, in part at least, of a financial character, and
interpreting the results thereof.

4- Accounting

The accounting is a social science )‫ (علم اجتماع‬has its concepts and

principles that used in applying the accounting cycle )‫ (الدورة المحاسبية‬to
achieve accounting functions and objectives.

5- Accounting

The accounting is an information system )‫ (نظام معلومات‬that

processes business transactions )‫ (عمليات تجارية‬to various interested parties
for making business and economic decisions.

Accounting Readings …………..Chapter (1): The conceptual Framework of Accounting


The main usefulness of accounting can be given as follows:

(1) The accounting keeps a systematic and permanent record

( ‫ (سجل دائم‬of all financial transactions of a business.

(2) The accounting keeps a record of revenues and expenses

so that the net results of the business can be quickly
known for any period.

(3) The accounting keeps a record of assets and liabilities

projecting the financial position (‫ (الوضع المالي‬of the
business at any moment of time( ‫)لحظة زمنية‬.

(4) The accounting protects (‫ (تحمي‬the property of the

business by designing the required system of accounting.

(5) The accounting keeps a control on expenses to minimize

the same.

(6) The accounting provides Information for meeting various

legal requirements such as realization of the income tax
purposes (‫(أهداف ضريبة الدخل‬.

Accounting Readings …………..Chapter (1): The conceptual Framework of Accounting

In general, There are two kinds of accounting:-

1- Financial Accounting ‫المحاسبة المالية‬

It is the process of supplying )‫ (تجهيز‬financial information to

parties external to the reporting entity.

2- Managerial Accounting ‫المحاسبة اإلدارية‬

It is the process of supplying financial information for

internal management use.

Figure (1)
Accounting system: collection and processing of
financial information about an organization and
reporting of that information to decision makers.

Financial Accounting system: Managerial Accounting

preparation of four basic financial System: Preparation of
statements and related detailed plans, forecasts, and
disclosures. performance reports.

External Decision makers:

Internal Decision makers:
Investors, Creditors, Suppliers,
Mangers throughout the
Customers etc.

Accounting Readings …………..Chapter (1): The conceptual Framework of Accounting

The accounting can be also, classified into the following categories:

(1) Financial Accounting ‫المحاسبة المالية‬

(2) Cost Accounting ‫محاسبة التكاليف‬

(3) Managerial Accounting ‫المحاسبة اإلدارية‬

(4) Government Accounting ‫المحاسبة الحكومية‬

(5) Tax Accounting ‫المحاسبة الضريبية‬

This classification can be distributed between two main categories

of accounting according the following diagram:

Figure (2)

Financial Accounting Managerial Accounting

External Users of Accounting Internal Users of

Information Accounting Information

Management Employees
Investors Creditors

Customers Taxing


Accounting Readings …………..Chapter (1): The conceptual Framework of Accounting


‫المستخدمون الرئيسيون للبيانات المحاسبية‬

There are many potential users of accounting information,

including shareholders, lenders, customers, suppliers, government
departments, employees and their organizations, and society at large
significant. Anyone with an interest in the performance and activities of a
company is traditionally called a stakeholder (‫)مالك حصة‬.

For a business or organization to communicate its results and

position to stakeholders, it needs a language that is understood by all in
common. Hence, accounting has come to be known as the "language of

The different users of accounting information can be classified as


 Shareholders ‫المساهمين‬
 Investors ‫المستثمرين‬
 Creditors ‫الدائنين‬
 Government ‫الحكومة‬
 Labors ‫العاملين‬
 Researchers ‫الباحثين‬
 Management (Administration) ‫اإلدارة‬
 Other Groups ‫مجموعات أخرى‬

The Users of Accounting Information can be explained as follow:

(1) Shareholders ‫المساهمين‬

The shareholders, in the company, are interested to know the
results of operations of the company through the annual financial position
statements showing the profit earned or loss suffered and the assets and

Accounting Readings …………..Chapter (1): The conceptual Framework of Accounting

(2) Investors ‫المستثمرين‬

Those who are interested in buying the shares in a company, and
advancing money to the company are also naturally interested in the
financial statements to know how safe the investment already made is,
and how safe the proposed investment will be.

(3) Creditors ‫الدائنين‬

A number of suppliers make supplies on credit; they would like to
be satisfied that they will be paid in time. The financial statements greatly
help them in properly assessing property and the capability of the firm or

(4) Government ‫الحكومة‬

All the Governments in the worlds are using financial statements
for compiling statistics concerning business. The statements are of great
importance for ascertaining the income tax payment.

(5) Labor ‫العاملين‬

Workers are entitled for payment of bonus (‫اإلضافي‬،‫)المكافأة‬, which
depends on the size of profit earned. Therefore, they would like to be
satisfied that the bonus being paid to them is correct. They are much
interested in knowing the profit earned or loss suffered by the firm. This
knowledge helps them in asking for their revision of their wages which
need improvement.

(6) Researchers ‫الباحثين‬

The financial statements, being a mirror of business conditions,
these statements are, therefore, of great interest to scholars undertaking
research in accounting theory as well as business affairs and practices.

(7) Management (Administration) ‫اإلدارة‬

Management, collectively, is the people who have overall responsibility
for operating a business and for meeting its profitability goals.Succefully

Accounting Readings …………..Chapter (1): The conceptual Framework of Accounting

management consistently make the right decisions based on timely and

valid information.

(8) Other Groups ‫مجموعات أخرى‬

 Labor unions study the financial statements of corporations as part

of preparing for contract negotiations.
 Financial analysts and advisers, brokers, underwriters, lawyers,
economists and the financial press, also have an indirect interest in
the financial performance and prospects of a business.
 Consumer groups, customers, and the general public have become
more concerned about the financing and earnings of corporations
as well as the effects that corporations have inflation, the
environment, social problems, and the quality of life.


‫الخصائص النوعية للمعلومات المحاسبية‬

1- Decision makers and their characteristics (Understandability)

)‫متخذو القرار وخصائصهم (القابلية للفهم‬
2- Constraints ‫المحددات الرئيسية‬
(1) Cost is less than Benefits, ‫التكلفة اقل من المنفعة‬
(2) Materiality ‫األهمية النسبية‬

3- Primary qualities ‫الخصائص الرئيسية‬

(1) Relevance, ‫المالئمة‬
(2) Reliability ‫الموثوقية‬

4- Ingredients of primary qualities: ‫مكونات الخصائص الرئيسية‬

(1) Relevance ‫المالئمة‬
a) Predictive value, ‫القيمة التنبؤية‬
b) Feedback value, ‫القيمة االسترجاعية‬
c) Timeliness, ‫التوقيت المناسب‬

Accounting Readings …………..Chapter (1): The conceptual Framework of Accounting

(2) Reliability ‫الموثوقية‬

a) Verifiability, ‫القدرة على التحقق‬
b) Representational faithfulness, ‫الصدق في العرض‬
c) Neutrality ‫الحيادية‬
5- Secondary qualities ‫الخصائص الثانوية‬
(1) Comparability, ‫القدرة على المقارنة‬
(2) Consistency ‫الثبات‬


‫الفروض والمبادئ والمحددات المحاسبية‬
In the most modern classification of accounting concepts and
principles in the world, accounting principles can be classified as follow:
Assumptions (Concepts) Principles Constraints

)‫الفروض (المفاهيم‬ ‫المبادىء‬ )‫المحددات (القيود‬

-Accounting entity -Historical cost -Materiality

-Going – concern -Matching -Conservatism

-Monetary Unit -Revenue Recognition -Consistency

-Periodicity (continuity) -Full disclosure -Cost & Benefit

- Double Entry -Objectivity -Industry practices

Accounting Readings …………..Chapter (1): The conceptual Framework of Accounting

1- Accounting Concepts (Assumptions) ‫الفروض المحاسبية‬

Accounting concepts refer to the nature of economic environment

in which accounting operates. The most significant of these concepts
(assumptions) are:

(1) Accounting entity concept ‫مفهوم الوحدة المحاسبية‬

(2) Going – concern concept ‫مفهوم االستمرارية‬

(3) Monetary unit concept ‫مفهوم وحدة القياس‬

(4) Periodicity concept ‫مفهوم الدورية‬

(5) Double entry concept ‫مفهوم القيد المزدوج‬

Those concepts are essential to the understanding of accounting

principles and distinguish between the assumptions and principles.

(1) Accounting entity ‫الوحدة المحاسبية‬

Accounting entities are separate economic units that control

resources and obligations and that have separate and distinct records.

Also the economic entity can be defined as any legal or unit

accounting that has control over resources, accepts responsibilities for
making and carrying out commitments, and conducts economic activity,
such a corporation or a consolidated group.

For accounting purposes, every business is conceived to be and

treated as a separate entity, separate and distinct from its owner and from
every other business.

(2) Going Concern (continuity) concept ‫مفهوم االستمرارية‬

This concept assumes that a particular business will continue in

existence for a long enough period of time to carry out its objectives and
commitments (the life is indefinite).

Accounting Readings …………..Chapter (1): The conceptual Framework of Accounting

(3) Monetary Unit Concept ‫مفهوم الوحدة النقدية‬

The monetary unit of a country means that the money is used

to measure the asset)‫ (الموجودات‬, liabilities )‫ (المطلوبات‬, and owner’s equity
(‫)حقوق الملكية‬and to measure the changes that occur in them as a result of
these changes, the net income of accounting entity is measured and
determined for a specific period of time.

Stable monetary unit concept means that purchasing power ( ‫القوة‬

‫ )الشرائية‬of the unit of measure used in accounting does not change; this
concept is not practically accepted since the accounting information
provided is not represented the economic reality (‫)الحقيقة االقتصادية‬.

(4) Periodicity concept ‫مفهوم الدورية‬

The Periodicity concept assume that the business has an indefinite

life .The measurement of the firm’s financial condition and operations
must be made a relatively short intervals such as quarterly or yearly.

The life of a firm is divided into period’s equal length, such as a

month, three months, or a year; annual accounting periods are the most

Under this assumption, the accounting periods with equal length

allow for comparison of expenses, revenues and income earned by the
firm in one period with the same in another period.

(5) Double Entry concept ‫مفهوم القيد المزدوج‬

Double entry means that all transactions are recorded in two

accounts, the first is debit and the second is credit.

2- Accounting principles ‫المبادئ المحاسبية‬

Accounting principles are broad rules (‫ )قواعد واضحة‬adopted by

the accounting profession as guides for use in recording and reporting the

Accounting Readings …………..Chapter (1): The conceptual Framework of Accounting

financial affairs and activities of a business to its owners, investors,

creditors, and other outsiders.

Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP) ‫المبادئ‬

‫ المحاسبية المقبولة قبوال عاما‬refers to conventions, rules, and procedures
necessary to define accepted accounting practice at a particular time.
Accounting principles are the following:

(1) Historical cost principle ‫مبدأ التكلفة التاريخية‬

The assets are recorded at their acquisition cost and are usually
not adjusted for increases in value until a sale has occurred. The
accounting rule requires assets and services plus any resulting liability to
be taken into the accounting record at cost.

(2) Matching principle ‫مبدأ المقابلة‬

The expenses must be recorded against the revenues earned

during the period. Thus, expenses of the period are matched against the
revenues of the same period, and the result is net income or loss for the

The accounting rule shows that all expenses incurred in earning

revenues are deducted from the revenues for determining the net income.

(3) Revenue recognition principle ‫مبدأ تحقق اإليراد‬

Revenue is recognized for accounting purposes when it is

realized. For the vast majority of firms revenue is realized when the sale

The accounting rule defines revenue as an inflow of assets, not

necessarily cash, in exchange of goods and services and requires the
revenue to be recognized at the time, but not before, it is earned.

(4) Full disclosure principle ‫مبدأ اإلفصاح التام‬

All information that can be useful to informed decision makers

must be disclosed. All material information should be disclosed in the
financial statements to make these statements clear and understandable to
the readers of these statements.

Accounting Readings …………..Chapter (1): The conceptual Framework of Accounting

(5) Objectivity principle ‫مبدأ الموضوعية‬

The accounting rule requiring that wherever possible the amounts

used in recording transactions based on objective evidence (for example:
sales invoice) rather than subjective judgments.

3- Accounting Constraints ‫المحددات (القيود) المحاسبية‬

(1) Materiality ‫األهمية النسبية‬

The Materiel information must be given more attention than

immaterial. Immaterial items should be combined with other items.
Materiality relates to an item’s impact (‫ )يؤثر‬on a firm’s overall
financial condition and operations. An item is material when it is likely to
influence the decision of reasonably prudent investor or creditor.

(2) Conservatism (Prudence) ‫الحيطة والحذر أو التحفظ‬

The accountants should be conservative in their estimates )‫(تقديرات‬

and opinions and in their selection procedures, choosing those that neither
understate nor overstate situation. For example, the accountant takes in
compute the future expenses or losses, and another side he ignores the
future revenues or profits.
Conservatism means when in doubt choose the solution that will be
least likely to overstate assets and income.
‫التحفظ (الحيطة والحذر) يعني بأنه عند تولد أي شك فانه يجب اختيار ذلك الحل الذي ال يغالي‬
.‫في تقدير األصول والدخل‬

(3) Consistency ‫االتساق أو الثبات‬

The consistency means that once an accounting method used

must not be changed from period to period. This convention (‫ )تقليد‬is
necessary used for doing proper comparisons.

(4) Cost and Benefit ‫التكلفة والمنفعة‬

All the accounting information must be established according to its

cost and their future benefits.

Accounting Readings …………..Chapter (1): The conceptual Framework of Accounting

Cost-Benefit Relationship means that the cost of providing the

information must be weighed against the benefits that can be derived
from using the information.
‫عالقة التكلفة والمنفعة تعني بأنه يجب موازنة تكلفة تزويد المعلومات بالمنفعة المترتبة على‬

(5) Industry Practices ‫الممارسات الصناعية‬

Industry Practices means the peculiar nature of some industries and

business concerns sometimes requires departure from basic theory.
.‫محددات الصناعة تعني بان طبيعة بعض الصناعات والتجارة تجعلها تحيد عن النظرية العامة‬

Accounting Readings …………..Chapter (1): The conceptual Framework of Accounting

Questions and Exercises

1- What is Book- keeping?

2- What are the objects Book- keeping?
3- Mention the importance of Book- keeping
4- Distinguish between book-keeping and accountancy
5- Write the definitions of the accounting.
6- What is the usefulness of accounting?
7- What are the Qualitative characteristics of accounting information?
8- Define the following:-
a. Continuity (going-concern) concept.
b. Cost principle.
c. Monetary unit concept.
d. Conservatism constraint.
9- Name only the assumptions and principles accounting.
10- Name the accounting concepts and explain two from them.
11- Name the accounting principles and explain two from them.
12- Choose the correct answer of the following questions:
(1) State whether each of the following statements are true or false.
a. Accounting is a language of business.
b. Accounting principles are referred to as rules of action on conduct.
c. Assets are always valued at market price as per the basis of the
going concern concept.
d. As per the convention of disclosure, some material information
should be disclosed by the accountants.

(2) State whether each of the following statements are true or false.
a. Book- keeping is an art of recording financial transactions in a set
of books.
b. The main objectives of book- keeping are to keep permanent
records of business transactions.

Accounting Readings …………..Chapter (1): The conceptual Framework of Accounting

c. Preparing of account does not require specific skills and knowledge

(‫) مهارات ومعرفة‬.
d. The accounting keeps a control on expenses to maximize the same.
(3) The time period assumption states that:
a. Revenues should be recognized in the accounting period in which
it is earned.
b. Expenses should be matched with revenues.
c. The economic life of a business can be divided into artificial time
d. The fiscal year should be corresponds with the calendar year.

(4) The principle that dictates that efforts (expenses) be matched with
accomplishments (revenues) is the:
a. Matching principle.
b. Cost principle.
c. Revenue recognition principle.
d. Full disclosure principle.

(5) Accounting includes:

a. Measurement
b. Verification
c. Reporting
d. All of the above

(6) The Company opens drawings and capital account as an application

entity assumption (concept).
a. Continuity
b. Periodicity
c. The entity
d. The monetary unit

(7) All costs paid to buy a car to make ready for intended use, is an
application of:
a. Revenue recognition principle.
b. Continuity Concept.

Accounting Readings …………..Chapter (1): The conceptual Framework of Accounting

c. Full-disclosure principle.
d. Cost principle.

(8) Using the accounting procedures from year to year means:

a. Conservatism
b. Matching
c. Consistency
d. Materiality

(9) All material information should be disclosed in the financial

statements to make these statements clear and understandable for the
reader is:
a. Materiality
b. Consistency
c. Matching
d. Full disclosure
(10) All of the following represents outside party that interest in
accounting reporting except:
a. Management.
b. Debtors
c. Creditors.
d. Taxation authorities.

Accounting Readings …………..Chapter (1): The conceptual Framework of Accounting

 Answers question (12):

Question a b c d
(1) true true false false
(2) true false false false
(3) x
(4) x
(5) x
(6) x
(7) x
(8) x
(9) x
(10) x



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