Am J Otolaryngol
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Keywords: Background: A long-term tracheostomy tube has the potential to cause significant morbidity and mortality in
Tracheostomy both hospitalised patients and those in the community. This study aims to assess the rates of microbial colo-
Infection nisation and infection of tracheostomy tubes.
Colonisation Materials and methods: Consecutive patients were enrolled from both inpatient and outpatient settings during
their routine tracheostomy changes. During changes, culture swabs were taken from the cuff/outer-cannula and
inner-cannula. Analysis were performed to compare culture results with risk factors.
Results: 65 patients were enrolled in the study. Inpatients (65.9% vs 38.1%, χ2 4.48, p = 0.03), increasing acuity
of care (from outpatient; ward; HDU; and ICU in increasing acuity) (τb = 0.289, p = 0.012), cuffed tracheostomy
tubes, (66.7% vs 39.1%; χ2 4.59, p = 0.032); diabetics (64.6% vs 35.3%; χ2 4.39, p = 0.036); and males were
associated with increased colonisation (72.4% vs 44.4%; χ2 5.12, p = 0.024).
Conclusion: Factors associated with an increase in colonisation and infection of tracheostomy tubes were loca-
tion, and in males, diabetics and in cuffed tubes.
Corresponding author at: Department of Otolaryngology, Head and Neck Surgery, Westmead Hospital, University of Sydney, Camperdown, NSW 2006, Australia.
E-mail address: eugene.hl.wong@gmail.com (E. Wong).
Received 18 November 2019
0196-0709/ © 2020 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Please cite this article as: Dulitha Kumarasinghe, et al., Am J Otolaryngol, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.amjoto.2020.102495
D. Kumarasinghe, et al. Am J Otolaryngol xxx (xxxx) xxxx
granulation formation around stomas [7]. However, while tra- site was also assessed for signs of infection.
cheostomy tube changes are commonplace, they can carry a significant Concurrently, electronic medical records were accessed to collect
a real risk of potential airway compromise and should be done by an demographic, medical and tracheostomy data. Demographic data col-
experienced health care professional. lected included age, gender, active smoking, alcohol use and location of
This study aims to identify and characterise colonisation and in- the patient (inpatient vs outpatient). Each patient's past medical history
fection rates of tracheostomy tubes in adult patients currently partici- was assessed for hypertension (defined as taking current, regular anti-
pating within a large multidisciplinary tracheostomy service based at a hypertensive medication), Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease
tertiary Australian hospital. The current literature regarding the rate (COPD) (defined as spirometry demonstrating FEV1/FVC < 0.7 after
and predictive factors of tracheostomy tube colonisation and infections bronchodilator challenge or diagnosis made by a respiratory physician)
remain limited, and therefore the purpose of this study was to bridge and Obstructive Sleep Apnoea (OSA) (Apnoea-hypopnea Index > 5).
this gap in knowledge. Details of the tracheostomy tube and its changes were also collected,
including the indication for tracheostomy; time since last change,
2. Materials and methods number of times the inner cannula changed daily; ventilator use; tube
model/type; the inner diameter of the inner tube, whether the tube was
2.1. Patient population cuffed; whether the tube was fenestrated; and whether the tube was
fixed or had an adjustable flange.
A prospective cohort study was performed on consecutive adult A true colonised sample was only considered if both swabs (cuff/
patients (age > 16 years) with a tracheostomy enlisted into a multi- outer cannula and tip/inner cannula) demonstrated a positive culture of
disciplinary tracheostomy service based at a tertiary hospital in similar microorganisms. Isolated positive swab cultures from only one
Westmead, Sydney, Australia. All patients with tracheostomies (both swab were considered contaminants from the collection process and
surgical and percutaneous) performed onsite at the hospital were ac- excluded from analyses. Specimens that cultured ‘normal skin flora’,
tively enrolled into the service for ongoing follow up. Furthermore, were also not considered to be significant.
through referral and consultation, patients with pre-existing tracheos-
tomies from outside the hospital were able to be enlisted. Inpatients 4. Data analysis
were seen at the bedside by the dedicated tracheostomy team, while
outpatients were seen at a walk-in tracheostomy clinic or as part of the All categorical variables were presented using percentages and raw
community outreach program. This program allows for patients to be numbers. Continuous parametric data was presented using means with
seen at their home residence or aged care facility by the service. standard deviations while non-parametric continuous data was pre-
However, due to the risk associated with tracheostomy tube changes, sented as medians with ranges. Comparison of microbiology culture
these procedures were done within the hospital setting (either as an results between tube change time frames as well as other tracheostomy
inpatient or through the outpatient clinic) in the presence of a fellow- tube endpoints were performed using the chi-square test to examine
ship trained otolaryngologist. binary categorical data. Correlation between ordinal variables was
The data collection period took place over 18-months from performed using a Kendall's tau-b.
September 2017 to March 2019. Patients were excluded if they un- A p value less than 0.05 (p < 0.05) was deemed to be statistically
derwent an emergency tracheostomy tube change (i.e from dislodge- significant. All data analysis was performed by Statistical Package for
ment or obstruction), continued to require ongoing active machine the Social Sciences (SPSS) version 23.0 (IBM Corporation, Armonk, NY,
ventilation, had an active lower respiratory tract infection or was im- USA).
munosuppressed (through the use of medications such as steroids,
biologic immunomodulators or chemotherapy agents). 5. Results
3. Study population and data collection A total of 65 patients met the inclusion criteria for participation in
this study. After informed consent was obtained, all 65 patients (mean
A database of patients enrolled into the tracheostomy service are age 52.3 years ± SD 15.2, 55.4% female) were then formally recruited
kept ensuring ongoing follow-up and coordination of care. The current in the study. A greater proportion of enrolled patients were inpatients
practice of our service is for an initial routine tracheostomy tube change (n = 44, 67.7%) compared to outpatients. Of the inpatients, most were
to be performed approximately 2–4 weeks post tracheostomy formation either from the ward (n = 20, 30.8%) followed by the high dependency
and subsequently every 4–6 weeks thereafter. For patients with long unit (HDU) (n = 14, 21.5%) and intensive care unit (ICU) (n = 10,
term tracheostomies in an outpatient setting, these changes may be 15.4%). The demographics and distribution of the patients are de-
extended up to 3-monthly depending on the specific patient require- monstrated in Table 1.
ments and only after approval following assessment by an otolar- The age of the tracheostomy stoma varied from 1 week old to over
yngologist. During these routine changes, patients undergo a detailed 6 years old, with a median age of 8 weeks. The indication for tra-
review including a thorough history, examination of the external stoma cheostomy varied considerably with the most common surgical in-
site, as well as flexible nasendoscopy assessment above the glottis, the dication being extensive head and neck surgeries (n = 12, 18.5%)
subglottis and through the new tracheostomy tube where possible. followed by laryngeal oedema/obstruction (n = 10, 15.4%), vocal cord
Both pre-existing and new patients were enrolled into the study palsy (n = 4, 6.2%) and tracheal stenosis (n = 4, 6.2%). While the most
during these routine tracheostomy changes by members of the tra- common medical indication was for a stroke (n = 14, 21.5%) followed
cheostomy team. All patients provided informed consent and were by prolonged intubation (n = 10, 15.4%), traumatic brain injury
given a participant information sheet prior to recruitment. (n = 7, 10.8%) and status epilepticus (n = 4, 6.2%).
During routine tracheostomy changes, microbiology swabs were On average inner cannulas were changed 5.2hrly (SD 2.7). The
taken from the Cuff/Outer Cannula and Tip/Inner Cannula and sent to a average inner diameter of the tracheostomy tube placed was found to
pathology laboratory for Microscopy, Culture and Sensitivity (MCS). An be 7.07 mm (SD 0.75). All tubes were Portex® branded.
aseptic technique in line with our local health district protocols were A chi squared analysis showed a statistically significant increase in
used for the changes. These microbiology swabs were considered to be a culture positive patients was found in inpatients compared to out-
suitable method of identifying bacteria colonising the surface of tra- patients (65.9% vs 38.1%; χ2 4.48, p = 0.03) (OR 0.32; 95% I: 0.11 to
cheostomy tubes and hence potentially cause clinically relevant re- 0.94). A Kendall's tau-b correlation was run to determine the relation-
spiratory and stoma site infections. Alongside tube changes, the stoma ship between culture positive patients and location of patients ranked
D. Kumarasinghe, et al. Am J Otolaryngol xxx (xxxx) xxxx
Number of patients 37 28 – –
Mean age (SD) 50.2 (15.8) 55.0 (14.1) – –
Female gender 44.4% 72.4% Chi-square 0.02
6. Discussion
Smoking 32.4% 25.0% Chi-square 0.51 This study demonstrated that there are certain tracheostomy tube
Hypertension 35.1% 57.1% Chi-square 0.08 factors associated with increased rates of tracheostomy tube colonisa-
COPD 8.1% 10.7% Chi-square 0.94
tion and infection. Adult inpatients with tracheostomy tubes were as-
OSA 0.0% 7.1% Chi-square 0.73
GERD 24.3% 42.9% Chi-square 0.11 sociated with an increased risk of colonisation and infection compared
Asthma 5.4% 14.2% Chi-square 0.22 with those in the outpatient setting. When further expanded this
Diabetes 64.6% 35.3% Chi-square 0.04 showed a significant positive relationship to rates of colonisation and
CVA 16.2% 28.6% Chi-square 0.23
infection dependent on the acuity of setting, with patients in the ICU
Cuffed tube 66.7% 39.1% Chi-square 0.03
Fenestrated tube 53.8% 59.0% Chi-square 0.68
colonising significantly more than those on standard wards.
Inpatient 65.9 38.1% Chi-square 0.03 Furthermore, there was an increased risk shown in diabetics, in males
Diabetes 64.6% 35.3% Chi-square 0.04 and in cuffed tubes.
Surgical indication 50.0% 62.9% Chi-square 0.30 It is the author's opinion that each of these findings were largely
Tube size (SD) 7.09 (0.79) 7.05 (0.69) t-Test 0.82
expected: there is significant literature demonstrating that the risk of
The significance of bold is p < 0.05 increased nosocomial infections is associated with hospital stay, and
furthermore hospitalised patients are likely to be more unwell and
by level of care (from outpatient; ward; HDU; and ICU in increasing hence vulnerable to colonisation. This increased risk could also be di-
acuity). There was a strong, positive correlation between culture posi- rectly related to an increased rate of physical contact with the tubes in
tive patients and the higher acuity of setting, which was statistically an inpatient setting as well as the exposure to ward nursing staff who
significant (τb = 0.289, p = 0.012). This is demonstrated in Table 1 and may not necessarily be experienced with their maintenance. Hence
Fig. 1. when safe to do so, the authors suggest that patients should be stepped
A statistically significant increase in culture positive patients was down to a ward and then outpatient setting as soon as it is safe to do so.
found in cuffed tracheostomy tubes compared with patients with un- A tracheostomy tube should not be a deciding factor in preventing the
cuffed tracheostomy tubes (28/42, 66.7% vs 9/23, 39.1%; χ2 4.59, stepdown or discharge of patients, and this is where a multidisciplinary
p = 0.032) (OR 0.32; 95% CI: 0.11 to 0.92); and in inpatients compared tracheostomy service can be of great help.
to outpatients (65.9% vs 38.1%; χ2 4.48, p = 0.03) (OR 0.32; 95% I: The significant difference in positive culture rates among patients
0.11 to 0.94); in diabetics compared to non-diabetics (31/48, 64.6% vs with cuffed tubes may indicate that the cuff itself may hinder certain
6/17, 35.3%; χ2 4.39, p = 0.036) (OR 0.29; 95% CI: 0.09 to 0.95); and innate immune responses such as mucociliary clearance in the pre-
in males compared to females (72.4% vs 44.4%; χ2 5.12, p = 0.024) vention of infection. A study by Hernandez et al. found that having a
(OR 0.30; 95% CI 0.10 to 0.87). cuff deflated during trials of spontaneous breathing shortened weaning
There was no significant difference in rates of positive culture based times, reduced infection rate and improved swallowing [8]. While
on Medical vs Surgical indication of tracheostomy (22/35, 62.9% vs cuffed tracheostomy tubes certainly are required in some patients –
15/30, 50%; χ2 1.09, p = 0.30) (OR 0.59: 95% CI 0.22 to 1.59) or most commonly to facilitate a closed circuit during mechanical venti-
Fenestrated vs Non-Fenestrated tubes (14/26, 53.8% vs 23/39; 59%; χ2 lation or to provide airway protection against aspiration – it is therefore
0.16, p = 0.68) (OR 1.23: 95% CI 0.45 to 3.35). Using an independent t- critical that when these indications are no longer applicable, early
test there was also no significant difference in tube size between tubes transition to uncuffed tubes is recommended.
who had a positive culture (M = 7.09, SD 0.79) and negative culture The role of diabetes in promoting colonisation and infection has
been well studied in the past [9]. Clinicians should be wary in not only
D. Kumarasinghe, et al. Am J Otolaryngol xxx (xxxx) xxxx
patients with tracheostomies but those with any hardware as this may coordination, management and education of staff, patients and their
increase the risk of infection and colonisation in diabetic patients. carers.
There is literature indicating that these patients can have their relative
risk reduced by improving glycaemic control through the use of mul- Copyright transfer
timodal therapies including diet, exercise and pharmacological inter-
ventions to reduce blood sugar levels and HbA1c [10]. This remains a In consideration of the American Journal of Otolaryngology's re-
growing area of research and is a possibility for further expansion of viewing and editing my submission, “Risk factors associated with mi-
this study. crobial colonisation and infection of tracheostomy tubes”, the author(s)
The association between infection and male sex is more speculative undersigned transfers, assigns and otherwise conveys all copyright
[11]. Past studies have demonstrated similar increases in infections ownership to Elsevier Inc. in the event that such work is published in
associated with bacteraemia, surgical site colonisation and infections in the American Journal of Otolaryngology.
males over females. A variety of reasons have been postulated as to the
cause of this including the presence of facial hair. Beard growth and Declaration of competing interest
shaving may interfere with wound dressing and adherence leading to
higher infection rates. Other possible explanations including poorer This manuscript has not been published and is not under con-
hygiene habits and increased smoking rates. Therefore, all of these sideration elsewhere.
factors should be taken into account when managing a male tra-
cheostomy patient. Acknowledgements
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which may limit the power of our study. However, to our knowledge, None.
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