Ecosystems: 4.1 Definition and Concept of Ecology
Ecosystems: 4.1 Definition and Concept of Ecology
Ecosystems: 4.1 Definition and Concept of Ecology
Learning objectives
To define and build up the concept of ecology and ecosystem.
To be acquainted with abiotic and biotic components of the ecosystem.
To know about their structural arrangement like food chain, food webs and ecological pyramids.
To find out how these structures are related to functions like energy flow and nutrient recycling.
To know about the process of transition in ecosystem (ecological succession).
To classify ecosystem.
To know the characteristic features and distribution of biota in various ecosystems and the reason
behind such distribution.
To develop a comprehensive understanding about the various species interactions.
To enumerate the ecosystem services that people receive.
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Ecology plays significant role in conservation and management of land and its resources like
minerals, forests etc.; livestock, water and pisciculture; urbanization and town planning;
population control; risk assessment and disaster management.
Ecology can also be studied as:
Autecology: when individual organisms with their environment are studied, for example,
study of population.
Synecology: when groups of organisms in relation to environment are studied, for example,
study of community.
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114 Fundamentals of Environmental Studies
It may be defined as the impact of the human activities measured in terms of biologically
productive land and water that is needed for the production of goods and services and to
assimilate the generated waste. It is a measure of natural capital in comparison to Earth’s
ecological capacity to rejuvenate. The human ecological footprint was estimated to be 1.5
earth, for the year 2007. Ecological footprint can also be measured for individual countries.
4.2.1 Definitions
Ecosystems were initially defined as ‘units of the earth’s surface, i.e., the whole system including the
organisms and the physical factors that form the environment.’ (Tansley, 1935)
‘Ecosystem is a complex in which habitat, plants and animals are considered as one interesting unit,
the materials and energy of one passing in and out of the others.’ (Woodbury, 1954)
Later on, ecosystems were grouped by their structure and function with much stress on
integration and interactions. The ecologists were classified into two groups – those who were
engaged with quantifying an ecosystem’s input and output relationships (flows of matter and
energy; Evans, 1956) and those that were concerned with particular populations (Levin, 1976).
‘Populations do react to environmental stimulus and so ecosystems can also be defined by biota and
by the environment.’(Chapin et al., 1997)
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An ecosystem is the basic functional unit in ecology, as it comprises both organisms and
their abiotic environment. Organisms cannot exist without their environment. Ecosystem thus
symbolizes the highest level of ecological integration and is based on energy. A forest, a lake, a
mangrove, paddy field and even laboratory culture can represent ecosystems. Thus, an ecosystem
is a specific unit of all the organisms inhabiting a specified space that interacts with the physical
element of the environment to produce discrete trophic structure, biodiversity and nutrient
cycling. The term ecosystem was first proposed by the British ecologist A. G. Tansley.
The term abiotic refers to non-living substances like air, water, land, elements and compounds.
These are innate but become a part of biotic world once they enter the body of living organisms.
The oxygen required in for metabolism comes from the air people breathe. The hydrocarbons
that form our body come from the hydrogen in water and carbon dioxide in air. Most of the
necessary elements are found as ores such as calcium in limestone, iron in magnetite etc. The most
important aspect of these substances is the entry into living organism and their release from the
living organism, i.e. their recycling.
Based on Odum’s classification the abiotic components are grouped into three:
Inorganic: carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen, sulphur, phosphorus etc.
Organic: carbohydrates, proteins, fats, vitamins, coenzymes etc.
Climatic factors: light, rainfall, temperature, soil types etc.
The diverse groups of living organisms comprise the biotic components. These organisms interact
to allow the unidirectional flow of energy that was fixed by the autotrophs and also the nutrient
cycling. Bulk of the energy trapped by the producers is dissipated in the environment as heat
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Producers: They are autotrophs (‘self-feed’); Figure 4.2: Flow of energy and nutrient
they manufacture both the food and energy they recycling between the biotic components
require. Examples include all photoautotrophs of ecosystem
(planktons, algae, cyanobacteria and all green
plants) and chemoautotrophs (Sulfolobus, energy
Thiobacillus, Thiothrix). Chemoautotrophs can
use inorganic energy sources, such as hydrogen
sulphide, elemental sulphur, iron (ferrous),
molecular hydrogen, ammonia etc; most of
them are either bacteria or archaea that live in the
hostile environments such as hydrothermal vent,
hot springs, volcanic fumaroles and geysers. Autotrophs Producers
Abiotic Biotic
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known as cellular respiration or metabolism. All green plants starting from microscopic plant
(phyto-planktons) to the grasses, shrubs, herbs and trees photosynthesize. Two third of all oxygen
on earth is produced by the phyto-planktons.
Figure 4.3: Trophic cycle
Trophic structures can be Producers
pyramids (ecological pyramids).
A. Food chains: Food chains
illustrate and depict the flow of
energy from plants to animals Decomposers Consumers and scaveners
A food chain is a linear arrangement of who is eating whom in any ecosystem. Otherwise, a
food chain is a straight line sequence that comprises links in a food web commencing with a
trophic species or organisms that consumes no other species in the network and concludes with
a species that is again eaten by no other species or organisms in the web. Food chain seems to
be basic abstractions of the food webs operating in reality, but complex in their dynamics and
Usually, food chains are restricted within four or five trophic levels. For example, a food chain
consisting of a plant, a frog, a snake and finally peacock consists of four levels, whereas, a food
chain comprising grass, a grasshopper, a mouse, a snake and finally eagle consists of five levels.
Thus, a food chain can vary in lengths.
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ii. Detritus food chain: This type of food chains begin with dead matters followed by detritivores.
Leaf Small Big
litter Bacteria Protozoa
fish fish
B. Food web
It was Charles Elton who presented the notion of food web what he referred to as food cycle.
Food web refers to anastomosing or interwoven food chains with numerous producers,
consumers and decomposers operating simultaneously. It is the real depiction and illustration
of the feeding relationships amongst species in a community. It is also a way of displaying how
food energy flows between various organisms of a community as a consequence of feeding
relationships. In a food web the species are interconnected by means of arrows called links.
Figure 4.5a: Food web in a Figure 4.5b: Food web in Antarctic ecosystem
grassland ecosystem Killer whale (Orca)
Leopard Seal
Snake Weddell
Seal Blue Whale
Frogs Humpback
Seal Squids
Mouse Fishes
Snow Petrel
Grass Diatoms
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A food chain shows only a partial picture of the food web consisting of a simple, linear sequence
of species (e.g., plant, herbivore and a predator) coupled by feeding relations. A food chain
exhibits linear monophagous pathway and differs from a food web which is actually a complex
polyphagous network of feeding links that are grouped into trophic species. The objective of a
food web is to portray a more inclusive image of the feeding inter-relationships. Simply it can be
referred to as a system of numerous interconnected food chains operating within the community.
All the species in the similar position in a food chain represent a nutrient or trophic level within
the food web. For example, all of the green plants in the food web make up the first trophic level
or ‘primary producer’, all herbivores consist of the second trophic level or ‘primary consumer’ and
carnivores that consume the herbivores make up the third trophic level or ‘secondary consumer’.
C. Ecological pyramid
Trophic structure and trophic function of an ecosystem may also be graphically represented by
means of ‘ecological pyramids’ where the producer or autotroph level occupies the base and
successive consumer levels form the steps and create the apex.
i. Pyramid of numbers
‘Pyramid of numbers may be defined as the graphical representation of number of organisms per
unit area in the various trophic levels arranged stepwise with producers forming the base and top
carnivores the tip’.
The shape of the pyramid of numbers may vary from one ecosystem to another ecosystem.
In grassland and aquatic ecosystems, producers are present in massive numbers per unit
space. They sustain a reduced number of herbivores, which in turn sustain fewer carnivorous
animals. Hence, the manufacturers are the maximum in number but usually of smaller body
size while, top carnivores are lesser in number and larger body size. Therefore, the number
pyramid in aquatic and grassland ecosystem is always upright and erect.
In a forest ecosystem, large sized trees bear enormous number of insects which in turn are
eaten by frogs, lizards etc.; these are again consumed by carnivorous birds like hawks and
eagle, which are less in number. The pyramid assumes a spindle shape and is known as semi-
upright pyramid.
In a parasitic food chain, for example, a banyan tree offers food to quite a lot of frugivorous
birds. The birds harbor and sustain a good number of ecto-parasites. This when graphically
represented, forms an inverted pyramid.
C4- 5 Hawk
C3-50 Snakes C3 - 80,000 Fleas
C3 - 50 Snakes
C2 - 5,000 Lizards C2 - 50,000 Lice and Bugs
C2 - 5,000 Frogs C1 - 1,50,000 Insects C1 - 5,000 Birds
C1 - 20,000 Grasshoppers
P - 100 Trees P - 100 Trees
P - 1,50,000 Grass
a. Upright pyramid in grassland ecosystem b. Semi-upright pyramid in forest ecosystem c. Inverted pyramid in parasitic food chain
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ii Pyramid of biomass
The overall quantity of living or organic substance in an ecosystem at any moment is termed
biomass. Pyramid of biomass is the graphical illustration of the organisms biomass present per
unit space in the different trophic levels, with producers occupying the base and top carnivores
making up the top spot.
In the biomass pyramids a trophic level seems to have more energy than it does in reality.
For instance, the exoskeletal structures like beak, feathers and skeletons, though constitute the
biomass are not consumed by the next higher trophic level. These portions of the body would be
still measured and shown even though they do not add to the process of energy flow.
In a land ecosystem, the maximum biomass befalls in producers followed by a sequential and
progressive decrease in biomass as one moves from lower to higher trophic levels. Thus, in a
land ecosystem, the pyramid of biomass is upright.
In an aquatic ecosystem the pyramid of biomass is either inverted or semi-upright. Here the
biomass of each nutrient level depends upon the biotic potential and lifespan of the member
in the ecosystem.
Figure 4.7: Pyramids of biomass
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It represents an account of the rate of production over a period of time as each trophic level
represents energy per unit area or volume per unit time. A simple example of unit can be – cal/
The energy content of two species bearing same mass or weight may be different; in such case
biomass may be a misleading parameter whereas energy is truly comparable.
In energy pyramid, the relative energy flow can be compared and so also different ecosystems
can also be compared using energy pyramids.
Energy pyramids can never be inverted.
The input of sunlight can be taken into account.
The disadvantages of the pyramid of energy are:
Complete combustion of a sample is required in order to obtain the energy value for an
organism of given mass.
Difficulty exists in assigning organisms to a specific trophic level as there is a problem in
assigning the decomposers and detritivores to a particular trophic level.
The best way of presenting of the feeding relationships of a community is to do with the help of
energy pyramids.
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carnivores prey on the lower level carnivores. In each such step, energy from one trophic level is
transferred to the next higher trophic level and every time some amount of energy is lost in the
form of heat into the environment. This happens because each one utilizes part of the energy they
obtain from the other one for their sustenance. The top consumer receives the least amount of
Earth is constantly hit by the radiation coming out of the sun about 93 million miles far-
off which provides energy not only to the air, water and land, but also to the objects capable of
absorbing energy; in simple words, radiant energy is transformed to heat energy. The winds and
water currents are caused by unequal heating; i.e. thermal energy is transformed into kinetic
energy. Water evaporates into air due to warming thus setting on the hydrological cycle. Potential
energy is formed with the vaporization of water which when starts flowing from kinetic energy.
Nevertheless, the most important radiant energy mediated course of action with respect to the
living beings is photosynthesis.
The amount of radiant energy emanating out of the sun and striking the earth’s atmosphere is
called solar constant and has a value of 1.361 kW/m² or 1.952 calories per minute per square
centimeter, (approximately, 2 cal/min/cm2) on the upper atmospheric region of the Earth. The
value may vary as a consequence of Earth’s elliptical path. The energy left after reflection by the
Earth’s surface is known as the net radiation. An astronomical unit is used for doing the calculations
of solar constant. The mean distance between Earth and Sun is referred to as the Astronomical
unit (AU); 1 (AU) is almost equal to 149,604,970 km.
The temperature of the earth is mainly controlled by evaporation and convection of air. The air
movements enable the heat energy to be given out into the space, which, otherwise would make
earth unbearable due to overheating and life would smother. Such interaction is also very useful to
maintain the polar ice caps. On the other hand, a decrease in the solar constant by 2–5 per cent
would be sufficient to lead to a second ice age. The uncontrolled burning of fossil fuels can also
increase earth’s temperature. The polar ice caps also facilitate in reflecting back a portion of Earth’s
radiation which is very crucial in the maintaining of present day climatic conditions.
Energy budget: About 340 watts/m2 of solar light is incident on the Earth (only one-fourth of the
total solar irradiance). Earth moves the heat energy from the surface and lower atmosphere back to
space. Such incoming and outgoing flow of energy is known as Earth’s energy budget. To have a
stable temperature over considerable periods of time, the incoming energy should be equal to the
outgoing energy or the energy balance at the top should balance at the top of the atmosphere. This
state of balance is referred to as radiative equilibrium.
Of the energy that falls on the earth, nearly 29 per cent of the solar radiation arriving at the
upper part of the atmosphere is reradiated or reflected back to space by the clouds (20 per cent),
air particles (5 per cent) and the ground surface like ice or snow (4 per cent). Remaining 71 per
cent of the total incoming solar radiation is thus absorbed by the Earth system. Of this, water
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vapour, dust and ozone in the atmosphere absorb 23 per cent and the surface absorbs 48 per
On absorption of energy by matter, the particles (atoms and molecules) that comprise the
matter gets excited and sets in rapid movement. This increased movement also increases the
material’s temperature. The temperature does not rise indefinitely since, apart from absorbing
solar energy they also radiate infrared radiation. According to Stefan–Boltzmann Law, the energy
radiated by a black body per unit surface area is directly proportional to the fourth power of the
thermodynamic temperature of the black body.
j = σ T4 where j is the energy radiated, T the thermodynamic temperature and σ is the Stefan–
Boltzmann constant.
So, if Earth’s temperature rises, it emits an increasing amount of heat to the space. This is known
as radiative cooling.
The atmosphere and the surface together absorb 71 per cent of the solar light. The
atmospheric absorption is 23 per cent while surface absorption is 48 per cent. To balance
they must radiate almost equal amount of energy to keep earth’s temperature stable. In this
case the contribution of the atmosphere and the surface is asymmetric. Satellite observation
reveals that the atmosphere radiates 59 per cent infrared energy and the surface radiates only
12 per cent.
Most solar heating takes place at the surface. The question arises about how and where the
reshuffling of energy takes place between the surface and the atmosphere. Let’s look at the
phenomenon at the surface first.
Of the 71 per cent, 23 per cent of solar radiation absorbed by the atmosphere is radiated back.
Therefore, 48 per cent of energy remains that is absorbed by the surface. To strike a balance, the
surface must radiate this 48 per cent back; energy primarily leaves the surface by evaporation,
convection and thermal infrared energy.
25 per cent of the incoming radiation leaves the surface through evaporation of water; nearly
5 per cent of the incoming radiation leaves the surface through convection of air; a net amount of
17– 18 per cent of the incoming radiation leaves the surface as thermal infrared energy radiated
by the ground particles thus amounting to 25 per cent + 5 per cent + 17 to 18 per cent = 47 to 48
per cent.
Coming to the atmosphere, evaporation and convection transfer 25 per cent and 5 per
cent of solar radiation from the surface to the atmosphere. The atmosphere (clouds, aerosols,
water vapour, ozone) absorb 23 per cent of the sunlight. Thus, a total (25 per cent+ 5 per cent+
23 per cent = 53 per cent) is transferred to the atmosphere. As per the satellite measurement 59
per cent of the energy is radiated back by the atmosphere. Therefore, the remaining fraction of 5–6
per cent (56 per cent – 53 per cent) comes from the earth’s surface.
Major proportion of the atmospheric gases like oxygen, hydrogen and nitrogen are transparent
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to both incoming solar radiation and outgoing infrared radiation. But the molecules like water
vapour, CO2, CH4 are opaque to infrared energy. Of the net 17 per cent infrared heat, 12 per cent
directly escapes to the space and the rest 5–6 per cent is transferred to the GHG molecules
in the atmosphere which
Figure 4.9: Earth’s energy budget allowance
absorbs that energy. This raises
its temperature. The GHGs
radiate infrared heat in all
directions. Some of this energy
comes down, gets in contact
with the Earth’s surface and
is absorbed. The temperature
of the surface gets warmer.
This additional heating of the
surface by the atmosphere
is the natural green house
effect that raises the Earth’s
temperature to an average of
nearly 15 0C.
The thermodynamics laws are elemental doctrines and theories to all the chemical processes of
this world. They are not only imperative in chemical sciences, physical sciences but also in many
biological phenomena. The laws state how energy is transformed from one form to another; this is
applicable to ecology as energy transfer and is all that drives metabolism.
Zero Law of Thermodynamics: Of all the three laws, this seems to be the most comprehensible.
It merely states that if there are three objects X, Y and Z and the temperature of object X and Y are
equal, and also temperature of object Z and Y are equal, then the temperature of object Z is also
equal to the temperature of object X.
The First Law of Thermodynamics: It states that energy cannot be created nor be destroyed,
but can be converted from one form to another form. Therefore, in a system the overall influx of
energy should be equal to the overall outflow of energy.
Second Law of Thermodynamics: The randomness or ‘entropy’ of the universe is constantly
rising. The energy flow from one trophic level to the next cannot be 100 per cent efficient. Energy
transfer is always followed by a dissipation of energy into other forms. Majority of ecological
applications is interpreted by this thermodynamic law. The second law also propounds a dire
consequence that there will be a ‘heat death of the universe’ taking place as all the energy of the
universe gets uniformly distributed, though this will not happen for at least 10,100 years.
Third Law of Thermodynamics: According to this law, the entropy of the system decreases as the
temperature of a system approaches absolute zero (0oK). Correctly, any system at absolute zero is
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said to have zero entropy. This is theoretically impossible because absolute zero cannot be reached
experimentally. This explains the reason why substances turn into gases at high temperatures
as entropy increases and freeze at low temperatures as entropy decreases. Decomposition or
breakdown also proceeds at a higher rate at elevated temperatures for the same reason.
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Trophic levels 1 2 3
green plants Herbivores Carnivores
Total light
L and LA PN I A
PG or A
Heat R R R
kcal / m2 / day
I –Total energy input, LA – Light absorbed, PG – Gross primary production, PN – Net primary production, A – Assimilation,
NU – Energy not utilized, NA – Energy not assimilated, R – Respiration, P – Secondary production
All of the biomass that is being consumed is not utilized by the animals. Undigested matter comes
out as faeces. Gross production in animals is simply the biomass or the assimilated energy minus
faecal matter.
Similar to the producers, the assimilated energy of the consumers is utilized in the cellular
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processes by way of respiration while the surplus is available for new biomass. The amount is known
as Net Secondary Production.
So, Net secondary productivity (NSP) = Foodstuff consumed – faecal matters – respiratory
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Sedimentary cycle –These elements mostly occur in a solid form. For example, phosphorus
and sulphur.
Water makes up 80 to 90 per cent of all living organisms. Water acts as the most important buffer
in all living forms and the environment, preventing heat shocks. Human body comprises 70 per
cent of water. Water is plentiful, but more than 97 per cent of this is salty water and the remaining is
freshwater. 2 per cent of this freshwater is trapped in ice caps and glaciers; 0.31 per cent is reserved
in deep groundwater reserves. Less than 0.01 per cent is existing in the rivers and lakes. Water is
unique in its properties like latent heat, density etc, and an excellent solvent. These properties are
attributable to its molecular composition and arrangement.
Water is cycled through the mechanisms of evaporation from any exposed surfaces, respiration,
transpiration from plants parts (mainly the leaves) into the atmosphere, and precipitation in the form
of rain, snow, sleet etc back to Earth. Huge amounts of water disappear from the exposed surfaces of
the Earth’s oceans and seas by evaporation. Approximately one thousand gigatons of water evaporate
from the ocean surface per day. Water molecule has an average residence time of about eight days.
It is predicted that 41,000 Km3 of water
Figure 4.11: Water cycle
comes back to the sea from the land,
harmonizing the transfer of water from Water in the clouds
sea to land.
Water is thought to be the bottomless Respiration
Transpiration Snow
evident due to pollution like acid rain,
Animals Ice
eutrophication, dam construction and Evaporation
Carbon forms the structural element of all living organisms; it exists as coal and limestone
deposits in the lithosphere, carbon dioxide in the air and in water. Atmospheric lifetime of carbon
is approximately nine years. Air contain 750 billion tonnes of carbon chiefly in the form of CO2;
living plants and animals contain 560 billion tonnes, buried organic matter in the soil contains
about 1,400 billion tonnes, ocean and seas contain 38,000 billion tonnes as dissolved CO2 and
about 11,000 billion tonnes are locked up in methane. With development and industrialization,
burning of fossil fuels increasing, huge amounts of CO2 (22 billion tonnes/year) are released.
Deforestation adds a further amount of 1.6–2.7 billion tonnes.
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The main stores of carbon are the sedimentary rocks, fossil fuels (coal, petroleum and natural
gas), oceans and biosphere.
Carbon goes primarily through three cycles with different time constraints:
a long-term cycle linking the sediments and the lithospheric depths;
a cycle involving the atmosphere and the lithosphere; and
a cycle relating the air and the oceans.
The cycles 2 and 3 are faster and subjected to anthropogenic interference.
Carbon cycle 1 – between air, oceans and sediments: This cycle occurs between air, oceans, and
sediments and entails a sluggish dissolution of carbon in the air and rock carbons by weathering
into the oceans. Oceans contain huge deposits of carbon as calcium carbonate deposits. The carbon
in the sediments dissolves slowly and some of the sediments are reverted into the air in the course
of volcanic eruption. This cycle is extremely long and takes over hundreds of millions of years.
Carbon cycle 2 – between air and land: This cycle between the atmosphere and biosphere may
range from few days to decades. Carbon dioxide serves is the basic food ingredient to the living
beings and thus the biosphere plays an instrumental role in this cycling. Plants fix atmospheric
carbon through photosynthesis. The chemical may be represented as:
CO2 + H2O CH2O + O2
Simple sugars are assimilated to form complex substances like starch and cellulose. Plants
are consumed by animals; part of it is respired as CO2 and part turned into animal tissue. When
plants and animals die they form detritus and most of it is decomposed into inorganic forms. Over
millions of years, fossil fuels are formed as partially decomposed matter. Combustion of fossil fuels
adds CO2 to the air. Respiration of plants and animals also releases CO2 in the air.
Figure 4.12: Three carbon cycles integrated
Carbon cycle 3 – air and sea cycle:
Oceans are vast deposits of carbon. Photosynthesis
The summary of the three cycles Combustion Decay and Carbohydrates
CO dissolved decomposition
together is shown in Figure 4.12. 2
in water
(H CO )
2 3
4.6.3 Nitrogen cycle Weathering
and Fossi lization
Bicarbonates dissolution
Nitrogen is the most abundant element
Upliftment with time
Fossil fuels
in the air and makes 79 per cent by coal, petroleum
and natural gas
volume of air. Nitrogen forms the
building blocks of protein monomers Rock
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– the amino acid and also forms the constituent of bases in DNA and Ribonucleic acid (RNA) –
adenine, guanine, cytosine and thymine.
The nitrogen cycle is subjugated by the N2 in the air. NO2 is the second most familiar form.
N2O, normally referred to as laughing gas, is a greenhouse gas (GHG).Nitrogen gas is inert and so
it is able to offset the high reactivity of oxygen, the other major atmospheric component. Nitrogen
can form a range of compounds owing to its variable valency. For instance, it combines with
oxygen in variable proportion to form N2O, NO, NO2, or N2O5. Collectively, these oxides (except
for N2O5) are represented as NOx.
Nitrogen is an essential element of all living beings. Amino acids, the monomer, are the
building blocks of proteins. They contain nitrogen in the form of the ‘amino’ group (NH2).
The four nitrogenous bases of DNA and RNA [Adenine (A), Cytosine (C), Guanine (G), and
Thymine (T)/ Uracil (U)] consist of either single or double rings of carbon and nitrogen atoms,
with various side chains. Nitric oxide (NO) is also a neurotransmitter.
Nitrogen is inert in the air. All living organisms want considerable amounts of nitrogen for
sustenance. Neither plants nor animals are able to fix atmospheric nitrogen. Nitrogen from the air
is fixed by three processes.
by microbes;
by lightning; and
by Haber’s process.
Microbial fixation can be symbiotic or asymbiotic. Symbiotic fixation is between the
leguminous plants like peas, beans, alfalfa, clover and the symbiotic bacteria like Rhizobium.
Rhizobium traps atmospheric nitrogen, converts it into nitrates and gives it to the plants. The
plants give finished food to the bacteria. Aymbiotic fixation is mediated by blue green algae like
Nostoc and Anabaena.
Lightning momentarily raises the temperature causing Figure 4.13: Nitrogen-fixing
the atomic nitrogen and oxygen to react together form bacteria on legume roots
nitrogen monoxide and further into nitrogen dioxides. The
oxide dissolves in water to form nitric acid that precipitates
down into the soil and water along with rain. This enriches
the nitrogen content in the soil as nitrites.
In industry, nitrogen and hydrogen is combined under
controlled temperature and pressure and in presence of
catalyst to form ammonia. The process is known as Haber’s
Plants take up soluble nitrates from the soil, along with
other minerals, and utilize them to build up plant tissues.
Animals in turn get their nitrogen requirement by nourishing
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on plants. Plant and animal wastes and their dead remains are transformed into ammonia by the
process of ammonification with the help of Clostridium. The use of fertilizers like ammonium
nitrate is to compensate for the nitrogen deficit in the soil. Ammonia undergoes the process of
nitrification in two steps aided by soil bacteria. In the first step, Nitrosomonas converts ammonia
into nitrite and subsequently in the second step, Nitrobacter converts nitrite into nitrates. Nitrates
are then be easily taken up by the plants with the help of plant roots. Denitrifying bacteria like
Bacillus convert the nitrates back into elemental nitrogen making it unavailable once again.
ss NO2
Oxygen is highly reactive. Dissolved oxygen p ro
r’s De
be (Baci nitrifi
in water supports aquatic life. Photosynthesis Ha llus c
, P ation
seu ym c)
As osto
releases oxygen in the atmosphere whereas do
Nitrification (Rhizobium)
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Ecosystems 133
the plants. Phosphorus is an essential
ingredient to nucleic acids, Adenosine
Di Phosphate (ADP), Adenosine H2S
Tri phosphate (ATP), Nicotinamide [H]
organic matter
rocks. Weathering may
increase the availability
of phosphorus to the Dissolved phosphate
This refers to the sequence of changes that the biotic community goes through as it matures
towards a stable condition known as climax. These changes are systematic, progressive and more
or less predictable. It involves stepwise replacement of one community by another community
over time. The term succession was first put in use by Henry David Thoreau.
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134 Fundamentals of Environmental Studies
Successions that initialize in aquatic habitats like lake, ponds, marshes etc. are referred to as
hydrarch. Various stages of hydrarch progress make up hydroseres. The different stages in salty
areas called haloseres. For successions initializing in arid conditions like sand dunes and bare
rocks etc., the term xerarch is often used and the different stages are known as xeroseres. Xeroseres
developing on barren rock are termed lithoseres; while xeroseres on sand are called psammoseres.
Succession beginning on inter–habitat between water and sand is termed mesarch.
The seral stages in aquatic habitat may be: submerged stage – floating stage – reed swamp –
sedge meadow – shrub – tree (climax)
Succession in terrestrial habitat may include the following seres: lichen – moss – herbs – shrubs
– forest (climax)
4.7.2 Types of succession
A. Primary and secondary succession
i Primary succession: Primary succession is a ‘change in vegetation which occurs on
previously barren terrain’ (Barnes, et al., 1998). Primary succession is the sequence of
community changes on a completely new-fangled habitat that have never been colonized
previously. So, if succession progresses from a nude area, i.e., area uninhabited by
organisms or an area unchanged by living beings, is known as primary succession. Such
habitats are generally newly uncovered or deposited surfaces.
Examples of primary succession:
Glaciations (continental glaciers and Volcanic eruptions – Iceland volcanic
Alpine glaciers) – Plants and other life eruptions, Mt. Pinatubo, Mt. St.
take possession of the bare rock. Helens, Mt. Kilimanjaro
Raising sea floor by faulting. Lofty sand banks and sand dunes.
Quarried rock fronts. Landslides.
Volcanic lava flows – Hawaii.
After volcanic eruption or glaciations, the pioneers colonize the barren land, this along
with weathering facilitates pedogenesis or soil formation through interaction with the
surface. Their interaction also adds organic debris to the surface.
ii. Secondary succession: ‘Secondary succession occurs after a disturbance disrupts
ecosystem processes and removes part of the existing biota’ (Barnes, et al., 1998). Forest
depletion, deluge, blaze and wind stream can all culminate into secondary succession. It
takes place on formerly occupied, disturbed and damaged habitat. It proceeds from a state
where other organisms are still present such as seeds, left over stumps and root system
and the effects are obvious. Vegetation recovery followed by forest fire is an example of
secondary succession. Since the soil is already developed, vegetation was already present,
vegetation transformation occurs quickly and rapidly.
Examples of secondary succession:
tree felling, clearance of woodland; and
forest fires.
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Ecosystems 135
The process of primary succession moves all the way through a number of orderly steps, which
pursue one another.
Nudation is the progress of an exposed surface without any living forms. It may be due to
topographical factors (wearing away of soil, landslides, earthquake etc.) or climatic factors
(glaciations, hailstorm, fires etc.) or even biotic factors (manmade activities, epidemics etc.).
Plants who will be able to arrive and colonize will survive. They must be able to thrive and
withstand the conditions at the new place in order to survive. They are known as pioneers. For
example moss and lichens are lithophytes that colonize on the bare rocks.
Invasion refers to the successful founding of a species in a bare or exposed area, which occurs
in three steps.
a. Migration: transport of seed or spores in such a nude area through agents like wind, water
b. Ecesis or ‘establishment’ means adjustment of the migrated species with the existing
conditions of the region. The pioneers after arrival alter the environment. The old ones are
replaced by the new ones, the roots penetrate deeper and deeper breaking the particles,
increasing the water retention capacity and making enough space for others to move in.
c. Aggregation: After establishment, the living organisms multiply and grow in number by
Competition and co-action: Intra-specific and inter-specific competition for food and space
begins as the plants increase in number. Larger and tall plants grow and overshadow the
smaller ones. The species enters into various types of interactions.
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136 Fundamentals of Environmental Studies
Reaction: The living organisms modify the environment and new seral stage replaces the
existing community. The process is repeated.
Stabilization: When the community becomes stabilized with the climatic conditions of a
given area, it is said to be the final or terminal community often known by the name of climax.
This community is in equilibrium with the prevailing conditions of a given area. The climax
dominates for a long time except for catastrophic condition. Succession may be arrested by
several factors and thus the progress into the climax community may be inhibited. Sometimes
this arrested development leads to subclimax like condition. If the arresting phase prolongs, a
completely different type of vegetation might develop.
Terrestrial Aquatic
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Ecosystems 137
gophers, sheep, goat, cow, wild dogs and bison occur in the temperate grasslands. They act as
natural pastures for the grazers.
Savannahs’ are intermediate between grassland and forests. The grasslands are interspersed
with trees. Rainfall varies from 100 to 150 cm. Fire serves as a limited factor. Panicum, Imperata,
etc., are the common species of grasses.
In India Deyeuxia and Arundinella can be found in the Himalayas, Cymbopogon in the Western
Ghats, Dichanthium in the Malwa Plateau and Saccharum in Sunderbans and Cauvery delta.
Forest ecosystems: Forests cover roughly 30 per cent of land and 9.4 per cent of all the planet
Earth. It refers to the section of land that is thickly covered with trees may be defined as a forest.
They are also known as woods, weald or woodlands. A forest is a unit of living organisms on land
that exhibits unique environment and many small undefined micro environmental conditions
within that covers broad to very small areas. The environmental ‘common denominator’ of forest
community is the tree and obeys all the natural cycles of energy, water and nutrients flow. There
is substantial amount of detritus and huge number of decomposers. Fire is another limiting factor
in the forest. Many plants develop adaptations to re-grow even after fire events. For example the
presence of thick bark, dormant buds at the base of the trunk and epicormic buds under the bark.
If the leaf canopy is removed they are stimulated to spring up. The tree cover generally reaches at
least 2 m height at maturity.
Temperate and tropical forests: Tropical Forests occur close to the equator. The distinctiveness
lies in the presence of only rainy and dry season lack of winters. Tropical forests may be tropical
rainforests and tropical deciduous forests.
Temperate forests occur in between polar and tropical regions in both Northern and Southern
Hemisphere. They exhibit modest and reasonable climatic conditions. Temperate forests can be
grouped as deciduous, coniferous and broadleaved evergreen forests. The kinds of trees form the
basis of classification. It is the abode to many faunal species, like rabbits, mountain lions, giant
pandas, bears, kookaburras etc.
Forests ecosystems are dynamic and constantly changing community. Forests are treasured
for social, environmental, cultural, and economic factors. Forests provide wood and non–timber
products and services; plays key role in combating climate change, contributes to the economy
and provides superb opportunities for amusement and tourism.
Importance of forests:
Globally over 1.6 billion people are reliant on the forests directly for their livelihoods –
foodstuff, attire, shelter, and conventional medicine.
Industries dependent on forest gives employment to over 60 million people all over the world.
They serve as essential source of raw materials like timber and non-timber products. Timber
products consist of wood, pulp and paper and other wood-based products. Approximately, 3
billion people all over the world are dependent on fuel wood for heating and cooking. Forests
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138 Fundamentals of Environmental Studies
offer medicines, saps, spices, rubber, and oils are also a significant part of the forestry industry.
Berries, nuts, seeds, mushrooms etc are edible.
Tress removes carbon dioxide through photosynthesis and gives out plentiful of oxygen
thus purifying air. Forests trap and store huge amounts of carbon dioxide –which assist in
mitigating climate change. Tropical forests provide carbon-offsetting service, which may
value up to $140 billion annually.
Trees offer shade during the daytime and protects from the wind streams in the winter.
Tree roots play a vital role in soil binding thus preventing weathering of soil by wind or rain.
Forests also play a significant role in scavenging pesticides, fertilizers and other pollutants
from local water bodies.
Forests form the habitat for about 90 per cent of the world’s terrestrial organisms.
Forests are aesthetically beautiful.
In many religions, trees are considered to be sacred and important parts of local tradition and
Deserts ecosystem: Deserts are usually hot during the day and cold at night. Deserts are generally
found in the heart of the continents, generally between 25o to 40o north and south of equator.
Deserts have extreme temperatures. Deserts may range from hot and dry deserts to cold deserts.
Plants and animal life vary from desert to desert. During the day the temperature may be as high
as 50°C, whereas night temperatures may fall to below 0°C. Rainfall is less than 250 mm per year
and can be unpredictable. Animals and plants that reside in deserts have adapted to live in these
adverse conditions. Major plants are the shrubs that are hardy and resistant to droughts such as
sagebrush and cactus. The principal desert animals include desert snakes and desert lizards, foxes,
dama gazelles etc.
Three factors cater to the formation of deserts:
existence of high pressure resulting in cloud-free conditions;
cold ocean currents; and
mountain ranges to create rain shadows areas.
A few of the world’s deserts are – Sahara Desert, Sonoran Desert, Mojave desert, Atacama
Desert, Thar Desert, Kalahari Desert, Gobi desert, Siberia (cold desert) etc.
4.8.2 Aquatic ecosystem
The interactions between biotic and abiotic components in oceans, seas, lakes, streams, creeks,
marshes, pools and ponds form the aquatic ecosystem. The primary habitat in this case is water.
Aquatic organisms can be classified as:
Planktons, that flows with the water current – phytoplanktons (sargassam, diatoms,
dinoflagellates) and zooplanktons (copepods, shrimps, jelly fish).
Nektons or strong swimmers – squids, lobsters, crabs, fishes.
Neustons or organisms that rest or swim on the water surface – Collembola, Gerris, Flying
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Ecosystems 139
Benthos or bottom dwellers –sea stars, sea cucumbers, sea anemones, brittle stars, clams and
Periphytons that are attached to the submerged surfaces – crustaceans.
An aquatic ecosystem can be marine or freshwater ecosystems.
Marine ecosystems: Marine ecosystems cover approximately 71 per cent of Earth’s surface.
Diverge habitats ranging from coral reefs to estuaries, open pelagic sea to the deep benthic and
abyssal region, and constitute this largest aquatic ecosystem in the planet. Major examples of
marine ecosystems are:
Oceans and seas: Characterized by the presence of salt water, this ecosystem is additionally
classified into important oceans and smaller seas. They are huge reservoirs of water and
support more than 2.5 lakh of marine species. The five major oceans are Pacific Ocean, Indian
Ocean, Arctic Ocean, Atlantic Ocean and Southern Ocean. Notable seas are Red Sea, Caspian
Sea, Black Sea etc.
Intertidal zone: The area which remains under the water at high tide conditions and
transforms into terrestrial habitat at low tide is referred to as the intertidal zone. Rocky cliffs
and sandy beaches all fall under intertidal zones.
Estuaries: Areas lying between riverine and marine environments, those which are vulnerable
to tides and inflow of both freshwater and saline water. Estuaries are extremely rich and
diverse as it is an ecotone. Estuaries exhibit constant mixing of water which stirs up the silt
and increase the availability of nutrients. Due to the inflow of both fresh and marine water,
estuaries have elevated levels of nutrients and exhibit a high biodiversity. Such a phenomenon
is called edge effect. Organisms show a wide range of tolerance to temperature and salinity.
They are often rich in migratory fishes such as salmon, eels, etc. Estuaries are alternatively
known as inlets, lagoons, harbors. Examples are Chesapeake Bay, San Francisco Bay, Thane
creek, Vasai creek, Vellar, etc.
Coral reefs: Referred to as the ‘rainforests of the sea’. They are mounds found in marine waters as
a consequence of accretion of calcium carbonate deposited by oceanic organisms like corals and
shellfish. Coral reefs represent the most speckled marine ecosystems on this earth, but comprize
less than 1per cent of the world’s ocean. Nonetheless, reefs support around 25 per cent of marine
animals including varieties of fishes, sponges and mollusks. E.g. – Great Barrier Reef.
Common species found in marine ecosystems include:
Marine mammals such as seals, dolphins, whales and manatees.
Different species of fish including halibut, sea horse, mackerel, sardine, flounder, salmon,
dogfish, sea bass, etc.
Organisms such as brown algae, diatoms, corals, mollusk, echinoderms, etc.
Presently, marine ecosystems are susceptible to environmental issues such as climate change,
pollution and overfishing and tourism.
Freshwater ecosystems: Freshwater ecosystems cover only 0.8 per cent of the Earth’s surface.
The water is non–saline. About 41 per cent of all the fishes are found in freshwater. Freshwater
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140 Fundamentals of Environmental Studies
ecosystems faces threat because of the speedy extermination rates of several nonchordates and
chordates, mainly because of pollution, overfishing, and other harmful activities.
Freshwater ecosystems can be of the following types:
Lotic ecosystems – Lotic systems refer to the swift flowing waters that move unidirectionally.
Rivers and streams are the best examples, which shelter numerous species of insects, crustaceans,
snails, slugs and fishes. Crayfish, crabs, clams and limpets, crocodiles and fishes are very common
in streams and rivers. Lotic mammals include beavers, otters and river dolphins.
Lentic ecosystems: Lentic ecosystems refer to immobile, still or stagnant waters such as lakes and
ponds. Ponds are usually of shallow depth and holds key to the village activities. Ponds and lakes
supports a wide variety of organisms such as algae, rooted plants, floating – plants, protozoans,
crabs, shrimps, crayfish, clams, frogs, salamanders, alligators and water snakes. Presently, ponds
and lakes are subjected to pollution as a consequence of human activities such as washing clothes
and utensils, bathing, cattle bathing and for drinking. Lake are much more deeper than the ponds
and usually have a shallow littoral zone, an open water zone called limnetic zone with effective
light penetration and a deep water or profundal zone without light.
On the basis of temperature lakes can be stratified as the epilimnion (warm surface water) and
hypolimnion (cold non-circulating bottom water) with thermocline in between.
Lakes can be classified as:
Oligotrophic lakes with poor nutrients and clear water – Lake Vostok, Lake Superior.
Eutrophic lakes with excess nutrients – Lake Erie.
Dystrophic lakes with low pH and high humic acid – Lake Matheson, Humic Lake.
Endemic or ancient deep lakes – Lake Baikal, Lake Tanganyika.
Desert salt lakes with very high salt concentrations and high evaporations – Great Salt Lake,
Utah and Sambhar.
Volcanic lakes receiving water from volcanic eruptions – Lake Toba, Lake Chagan.
Meromictic lakes with permanent stratification – Round Lake.
Artificial lakes constructed by man – Nagarjuna Sagar, Govind Sagar.
Case Study 4.1: Coral reefs, coral bleaching and Agatti Conservation Reserve,
Lakshadweep, India
Coral reefs survive best between the the World Meteorological Organization
temperatures 25°–29°C. The reefs stretch (WMO), tropical coral reefs provide global
over an area of 280,000 sq. km and support goods and services worth more than US
about 2 million other marine species. It $30 billion per year. Coral reefs assist the
is the shelter for more than 25 per cent of environment by:
fishes and a nursery bed for the juveniles.
They protect the shores from storms and
Corals serve as important input to the food
wave actions.
chain and help in nutrient recycling. As per
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Ecosystems 141
They have a prospect for food and species composition and reef community.
medicines Many susceptible species may die as a result
They are attractive tourist spots resulting of bleaching leading to loss of coral islands.
in economic benefits,. The Lakshadweep Islands are a cluster of
islands about 200–300 km from the coast
As per the ‘Status of Coral Reefs around
of Kerala in the Arabian Sea. The islands
the world’ in 2004, 20 per cent of the reefs
are very rich in biodiversity with thousands
have been destroyed with no prospects of
and thousands of marine species including
recovery and 24 per cent of the reefs are
150 coral species. It has 11 inhabited and
under the risk of collapse.
14 uninhabited islands. The area suffers
The corals reefs faces threat from inland severe human threats as a consequence
pollution, climate change and temperate of human population, pollution, climate
rise, over fishing by bombing and cyanide change, erosion, tourism pressure, beach
poisoning, dredging practices, coastal armouring, fishing and fishing vessels, coral
development, industrial and tourism collection, fishing methods for tuna, etc.
transports, mining of coral reef rocks, ocean After monitoring the island for few years,
acidification and lack of good governance. changes in lagoon ecosystem, reef integrity
Warmer temperatures result in expulsion of and giant clam population were observed. In
the algae (zooxanthellae) from the tissues 2008, the Agatti Conservation Reserve was
of the corals turning the corals completely established in collaboration with BNHS,
white, a phenomenon known as coral Lead International and funding from Darwin
bleaching. The coral are not dead with such Initiative with an objective of conserving
bleaching event but become highly stressed the giant clams, improving the local
and more vulnerable to mortality. peoples livelihood through sustainable use
When a coral bleaches, it is not dead. Corals of natural resources, creating opportunities
can survive a bleaching event, but they for eco–tourism and reducing the direct
are under more stress and are subject to human impacts on the reef. A local group
mortality. Such weak reef cannot act as a called the Sandy Beach Cultural and
buffer to the shorelines and becomes visually Ecotourism Society has developed a glass
less appealing both to the divers and tourists. bottom boat business to cater eco-tourism
There may be an accelerated change in the and a programme for turtle nest protection.
Wetlands: Wetlands include swamps, bog lands and marshes, where the water is usually of shallow
and low depth. They are regions between land and water. As per Ramsar convention, wetlands can
be defined as
‘areas of marsh, fen, peat land or water, whether natural or artificial, permanent or temporary,
with water that is static or flowing, fresh, brackish or salt, including areas of marine water the
depth of which at low tide does not exceed six meters’.
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142 Fundamentals of Environmental Studies
Wetlands can be marine, estuarine, lacustrine, riverine or palustrine. Wetlands are excessively
diverse and provide shelter to numerous animals and plant species such as black spruce, sundri,
water lilies, mangrove, goran and tamarack. A range of reptiles, amphibians, birds and mammals
are found in wetlands. Notable wetlands are Sundarban, Rashikbeel, Bhitorkanika, Vembanad, etc.
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144 Fundamentals of Environmental Studies
Biotic components Blue green algae, Sea grasses and sea weeds Dinoflagellates, Diatoms,
Euglena, Chlamydomonas, Red algae ( Chondrus) ,
Oscillatoria, Chara, Brown algae (Sargassum)
Chlorella, Spirogyra
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Ecosystems 145
Shark, Whale
Marine barophilic
Examples Baikal, Chilka lakes, Hudson Bay, Chesapeake Indian Ocean, Pacific,
ponds, Ganga, Tapti Bay, Vellar Atlantic, Caspian, Red
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146 Fundamentals of Environmental Studies
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Ecosystems 147
Scavengers sanitize the surrounding and the prevailing food is eventually disposed of so that the
bulk of nutrients move in the nutrient recycling process. Animals such as vultures, foxes, hyenas,
etc. are regular scavengers. Dogs, crows and ants are infrequently observed to act as scavengers.
C. Negative (harmful) associations/interactions:
i. Antagonism/Ammensalism:
The interaction involves the environment where one species is inhibited by another species. The
inhibition may be direct or indirect; very common in case of antibiotic production. Antagonism
may be of three types, i.e. antibiosis, competition and exploitation.
In the case of antibiosis, the metabolites or antibiotics synthesized or made by one organism
inhibit or impede the growth and survival of another organism. Bacillus secreting an antifungal
agent blocks the growth of numerous soil fungi.
ii. Competition:
Active competition may exist among the organisms either for the available nutrients or for the
available space. The food and space may act as a limiting factor for one species and may result in
favouring one species over another. Hence, competition is usually defined as ‘the injurious effect
of one organism on another because of the removal of some resource of the environment’. Take for
instance, tiger and leopard competing with each other for preying upon a deer.
iii. Parasitism:
A hetero–specific association where one organism lives inside or on the body of another for
the purpose of food and shelter. The parasite is reliant on the host and establishes metabolic
relationship with the host. Consequently, in this host–parasite relationship, one organism
(parasite) is benefited while other organism (host) is harmfully or adversely affected, even though
not inevitably killed. Parasite can exist as ectoparasite or endoparasite. E.g. leech, Ascaris, Fasciola.
iv. Predation:
In this type of association/exploitation one organism (predator) kills and feeds on the other
organism (prey). Generally, the predator is stronger and stout as compared to the prey, for example,
tiger predating on an antelope.
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148 Fundamentals of Environmental Studies
Effect on Effect on
Interaction Nature of interaction
species A species B
X. Negetive
Competition – – Negative
+ – One is beneficial, other is killed
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Ecosystems 149
2. Habitat functions and related ecosystem 1. Act as refugium i.e. , a region unaltered by
services changes at has habitat for relict flora and fauna
2. Fostering and rearing
Ecology is the branch of science that incorporates the basic conceptions of civilization. The
word was introduced by combining two words ‘Oikos’ (house) and ‘logos’ (to study). Ecology
plays significant role in conservation and management of resources, urbanization and town
planning, population control, risk assessment and disaster management.
An ecosystem is the basic functional unit in ecology, as it comprises both organisms and their
abiotic environment. Elementary processes in an ecosystem include the nutrient cycle and
continual energy inflow. Solar energy is trapped by the green plants by photosynthesis.
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150 Fundamentals of Environmental Studies
Components of ecosystem comprise the abiotic factors that refer to non-living substances like
air, water, land, elements and compounds. The diverse groups of living organisms comprise the
biotic components that interact to allow the unidirectional flow of energy. Bulk of the energy
trapped by the producers is dissipated in the environment as heat energy. Heterotrophs obtain
food and energy from the autotrophs. The left over energy in a dead organism is devoured by
The flow of energy can be depicted by food chains from producers to consumers by eating
and being eaten relationship. On the other hand, food web depicts anastomosing food chains
with numerous producers, consumers and decomposers operating simultaneously. Trophic
structure and trophic function of an ecosystem may also be graphically represented by means
of ‘ecological pyramids’
The average amount of energy from the sun reaching the Earth’s atmosphere is measurable
as solar constant. The thermodynamics laws state how energy is transformed from one form
to another and is applicable to ecology as energy transfer drives metabolism. Energy flow
is always unidirectional, which is in contrast to the cyclic flow of material in ecosystems as
represented by the biogeochemical cycles.
Ecosystem reflects series of transitions known as ecological succession as it matures towards a
stable climax condition.
Ecosystems are broadly categorized into terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems. Terrestrial
ecosystem refers to the interaction amongst the biotic and nonliving objects on land masses
like islands and continents. Aquatic ecosystems commonly refer to interaction of living
organisms and non-living entities in oceans, seas, lakes, streams, marshes and ponds. The
primary habitat in this case is water.
The fundamental life processes such as growth and development, nutrition and reproduction
be governed by the intraspecific or inter-specific interactions. Certain interactions are
beneficial to each other and some are harmful or some may be neutral.
Ecosystem, thus, provides goods and services through natural processes to fulfill human
requirements, either directly or through indirect means.
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Ecosystems 151
6. The dissipation of energy from one level to the next in an ecosystem follows _______ law of
A. Zeroth B. First C. Second D. Third
Short questions.
1. Define ecology.
2. State the principles of ecology.
3. Compare autecology and synecology with proper examples.
4. What is ecological footprint?
5. Define ecosystem.
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152 Fundamentals of Environmental Studies
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