Ecotoxicology BEGUM 2012
Ecotoxicology BEGUM 2012
Ecotoxicology BEGUM 2012
Edited by Ghousia Begum
Published by InTech
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Preface IX
The book Ecotoxicology focuses on effect of toxic substances on ecosystem and their
components. Modern molecular biology technique like realtime PCR and improved
analytical methods; SPEHPLC/DAD, MEPSHPLC/DAD and Xray spectroscopy are
described for the analysis of xenobiotics in plants, food samples and marine
invertebrates. One chapter is devoted to the effects of contaminants on subtidal and
intertidal assemblages in Sydney harbor. In order to know the injury caused by
tests, which are described in detail. Information on the use of mammals in genetic
utilized by ecologist, ecotoxicologist, and environmental managers in their efforts to
1. Introduction
Among contaminants involved in pollution, metals are peculiar as they are natural
components of the geosphere. Volcanic eruptions, soil leaching, anthropogenic inputs,
constitute different sources of metal introduction in the aquatic environments, the sea being
the final receptacle for toxic compounds (Ramade, 1992). Moreover, they are the only
environmental pollutants that are nor made nor degraded by Men but that are transported
and transformed in various products that affect living organisms. Metals are present in the
sea within its different compartments: water column, sediments and in marine biota, where
they are accumulated from water or food. Some metals are so essential to living organisms
that when their availability is limited, the process of life development may be negatively
affected. In fact, beyond a given threshold, all metals, whether essential or not, may have
toxicological and ecotoxicological effects. Toxic effects may impair numerous biological and
physiological processes, leading to animal death and threatening of species conservation.
The energy costs associated with excreting and/or detoxifying the ingested/assimilated
metals may decrease growth and reproduction with negative consequence on population
density and on ecological intra and inter-specific relations.
Aquatic organisms accumulate metals to concentrations several folds higher than those in
the surrounding medium (Bryan, 1979; Rainbow et al., 1990). However, metal
bioaccumulation per se is not necessarily an indication of adverse effects (Campbell &
Tessier, 1996) and knowledge of the physiological processes of accumulation and
detoxification is needed to understand the significance of accumulated trace metal
concentrations in marine animals collected from contaminated areas, especially in the frame
of biomonitoring programs (Rainbow, 1993; 1997). Metal bioaccumulation in organisms is a
natural physiological process or a consequence of an accidental surcharge. In both cases,
common cellular structures involved in metal sequestration are requested (Jeantet et al.,
1997). Cells have various biological ligands, such as metalloproteins, to which metals can
bind, on the one hand, and their organites (ie lysosomes, endoplasmic reticulum) are
involved in metal sequestration (Ballan-Dufranais, 1975; Brown, 1982; Mason & Jenkins,
1995; Nott & Nicolaidou, 1989a; Simkiss & Taylor, 1995; Raimundo et al., 2008; Simkiss &
Masson, 1983). Total metal body burden may reflect the presence of inert particles
2 Ecotoxicology
mineralized (the so-called granules) within tissues and cells which are no longer involved in
metabolism. Generally, metal bioaccumulation studies in marine invertebrates give
quantitative data on the tissular partitioning of metals (organotropism) but few of them
consider the physico-chemical form in which metals are present within tissues or cells.
However, these informations would improve our knowledge on cellular mechanisms
involved in metal sequestration, storage and excretion as those mechanisms neutralize the
toxicity of metals and could then be considered as detoxification processes.
The presence of metals in granules has been evidenced in marine invertebrate cells by
microanalytical techniques (Nott, 1991). These techniques have been currently used in the
field of geology, mineralogy, petrology, paleontology, environmental atmospheric analysis,
marine chemistry etc. Although their applications are increasing in material sciences, such
as semiconductors, thin film, nanoparticles and surfaces (Van Cappellen, 2004), these
techniques have been rarely used in the field of biological sciences even if it is currently
used in medical science since 1995 and particularly in toxicology (George, 1993; Brjesson &
Mattsson, 2004).
The aims of this chapter are to present the potential use of X-Ray spectroscopy as an
analytical tool in biological systems and its possible applications (combined with
ultrastructural studies) in the field of ecotoxicology, while highlighting its important
contribution to understand how marine invertebrates cope with environmental metals.
Species (geographical
Taxon Class Cu Zn Ni Cd Hg Reference
Tigriopus brevicornis (Barka et al.,
9 66 9.3 0.17 0.34
(North Atlantic coast) 2010)
Pohl (1992)
Calanus hyperboreus 4.7 80 4.0 Ritterhoff &
(Greenland Sea) 5.6 104 11.4 0.75 0.31 Zauke
Ritterhoff &
Euchaeta barbata
Copepod 4.5 225 3.9 0.16 0.27 Zauke
(Greenland Sea)
Acartia clausi
55 1270 0.6 & Grimaris
Ritterhoff &
Metridia longa
7.5 351 19.7 0.71 0,68 Zauke
(Greenland Sea)
Ceratoserolis trilobitoides
(Gould Bay) 38 40
De Nicola et
Isopod (Elephant island) 46 40
al., 1993
Idotea baltica males
292 0.68
(Bay of Naples, Italy)
Capitulum mitella Phillips &
(Cape dAguilar, Honk 29.2 Rainbow,
Barnacle Kong) 1988
Amphibalanus amphitrite 94- 852- Morillo et al.,
Algeciras Bay (Spain) 225 4170 2008
Platorchestia platensis
Hoi Ha Wan, Honk Kong Rainbow et
199 fl
Digestive gland
Bivalve Kidney
Mizuhopecten magellanicus
(US Atlantic coast) Uthi & Chou,
Digestive gland 94 1987
Kidney 62.6
Table 1. Mean metal concentration in marine invertebrates collected from natural marine
areas (g.g-1 dry weight of total body or organ when indicated).
Contribution of X-Ray Spectroscopy to Marine Ecotoxicology:
Trace Metal Bioaccumulation and Detoxification in Marine Invertebrates 5
In fact, metal accumulation can be modelled at a given exposure by a straight line, the slope
of each line representing the accumulation rate (g Metal g-1 d-1) at that exposure. By
plotting these rates against the exposure concentration, we can calculate the slope of this line
which is the metal accumulation index (g g-1 d-1 per g L-1, or L g-1 d-1) (according to
Rainbow & White, 1989). From this index, it is possible to calculate the expected
accumulated concentration at any exposure concentration at any exposure time. Sometimes,
in the case of the lack of significant change in animal body metal concentration over
controls, the calculation of accumulation index helps to decide whether a true metal
regulation is occurring or not (when the index is very low).
When metal exposure concentration is high, regulation breakdowns and the excretion rate
fails to match the uptake rate, resulting in a net increase in body metal. Therefore, metals
may remain in metabolically available form, without detoxification, thus exerting a toxic
effect after metabolic requirement is fulfilled. Another possible route for metal is to remain
in detoxified form such as mineralized granules. In both cases, metal excretion may occur in
a different form, metabolically available and detoxified, depending on the considered
Amphipods have a low zinc uptake rate with no significant excretion, resulting in a weak
accumulation of this metal (Rainbow & White, 1989). Conversely, barnacles (Elminius
modestus) (Rainbow, 1987; Rainbow & White, 1989) strongly accumulate zinc, in detoxified
granules, with no excretion. Net accumulation strategies were reported for crustaceans from
polar regions with respect to Pb and Cu in Arctic zooplankton Calanus hyperboreus, Calanus
finmarchicus, Metridia longa, Themisto abyssorum (Ritterhoff & Zauke, 1997a,d) and to Co, Cu,
Ni, Pb, and Zn in the Antarctic copepods Calanoides acutus (Kahle & Zauke, 2002a) and
Metridia gerlachei (Kahle & Zauke, 2002b).
Fig. 1. (1) Ultrastructure of the ovotestis of Planorbarius, at the last stage of vitellogenesis.The
platelets (P) of the oocyte contain electron-dense of ferritin (arrows), N, nucleus, Sp, cross
section of the sperm tails. Unstained osmicated ultrathin sections. X 7800. (2) Detail of a snail
platelet. Natural occurence of crytalline form of ferritin (arrows). Unstained non-osmicated
section. X 50 000 (after Quintana et al., 1987).
ii. Cu-containing granules also contain S and small amounts of Ca, K, P, Cl and Fe. Cu-rich
granules have been observed in the digestive tract of many crustaceans living in pristine
areas (Al-Mohanna & Nott, 1987; Barka, 2007; Hopkin & Nott, 1979; Nassiri et al., 2000;
Walker, 1977). Vogt and Quinitio (1994) found Cu-rich granules in hepatocytes of Penaeus
monodon. Weeks (1992) and Nassiri et al. (2000) have also observed Cu-rich granules in the
ventral caeca of the Amphipod Orchestia gammarellus. The same type of granule was found
in the midgut of control and Cu-exposed marine isopods (Tupper et al., 2000) and in the
digestive cells (sometimes in the apex) of copepods (Barka, 2007)(Fig.2a).
Ag was also found in Cu-S rich granules in control and Ag exposed crustaceans, (Barka 2007;
Chou et al., 1998)(Fig.2b).. This may be explained by the fact that both metals, belonging to
the group I.b of the transition elements, display many similar chemical properties as
suggested by Hogstrand and Wood (1998) and Bury et al. (2003). Ag is probably naturally
bioaccumulated which may indicate that these granules are not simply a sink for essential
metals. Silver is often found in the aquatic environment in the 1-100 ng.l-1 range and known
to avidly bind to inorganic and organic ligand (Kramer et al., 2002). It is interesting to notice
that larger Cu-containing granules were found in animals inhabiting Cu-contaminated
environments (Barka, 2007; Brown, 1982). There is a great variability in the morphology
Contribution of X-Ray Spectroscopy to Marine Ecotoxicology:
Trace Metal Bioaccumulation and Detoxification in Marine Invertebrates 7
Fig. 2. (a,b) X-Ray microanalysis in the digestive epithelium of a copepod collected from an
clean area. (a) Occurrence of Cu and S in a compact granule (c). x 29 000 (b) occurrence of
Cu, P, S and Ag in the fine granular material of a lysosome (Ly), (Lb) basal lamina, (Mv)
microvilli, (V) vacuole. x 19 000 (after Barka, 2007). (c) Bivalve (Abra alba) collected from
Morlaix Bay, France. Ultrastructural aspect of a digestive cell, showing voluminous
lysosomes (Ly) with vacuoles containing a flocculent material and electron dense particles
(arrow). L, lipidic inclusion. Microanalysis revealed the presence of Si, Fe, Cu, P, Zn and S. X
26 000 (after Martoja et al, 1988).
8 Ecotoxicology
of the different Cu-containing granules. However, they are all usually homogeneous,
spherical structures with no concentric structuring;
iii. Ca-containing granules which may be of two types based on their composition:
Ca carbonates granules, of a high purity are found in arthropod and gastropod
conjunctive tissues as they are involved in Ca storage. They play no role in heavy
metal physiology - although Pb may substitute to Ca2+ (George, 1982). They are
generally big (several m) and have a typical aspect, with concentric strata. These
particular structures, also called calcospherites or spherocrystals, have been found in
the digestive cells of different terrestrial and aquatic arthropods (Ballan-Dufranais,
2002; Barka, 2007; Corra et al., 2002; Defaye et al., 1985; Durfort, 1981) (Fig. 3);
Fig. 3. (a) Occurrence of Zn, Mg, P, S and Ca in spherocristals ( 22.5 lm) in digestive
epithelium of a benthic copepod collected from the North Atlantic french coast. Note the
dark and light concentric strata. x 14,000 (after Barka, 2007) (b) Coackroach (Blatella)
exposed to CH3HgCl through diet for 4 days. Ultrastructural aspect of ileum. Note the
abundance of spherocristals. Microgranules of Hg, Zn and Cu (arrows) are present in
lysosomes (Ly) and in the endoplasmic reticulum. x 40 000 (after Jeantet, 1981).
Contribution of X-Ray Spectroscopy to Marine Ecotoxicology:
Trace Metal Bioaccumulation and Detoxification in Marine Invertebrates 9
Ca phosphate granules in which Ca is present together with Mg, but also other
metals such as Al, Ag, Ba, Co, Fe, Mn, Pb, Sn et Zn; and possibly Cu, Cd, Cr, Hg
and Ni (Roesijadi & Robinson, 1994). They are intra and inter-specifically highly
variable in aspect and composition which depend on environmental metal
concentration (George, 1982; Sullivan et al., 1988) (Fig. 4). They are generally small
(less than 1 m) although huge ones (10-15 m) have been found in marine
bivalves (Marsh & Sass, 1985).
The precise role of these particular granules still remains unclear but the literature reported
two major functions: regulation of storage and release of Ca2+ and detoxification (Corra et
al., 2002; Simkiss & Wilbur, 1989; Simmons et al., 1996). These granules may act as a calcium
reservoir serving as a source of calcium for metabolic needs, maintaining Ca homeostasis,
exosqueleton replacement after moulting as suggested for crabs (Becker et al., 1974) or
building material of skeletal tissue in molluscs (Jacob et al., 2011). However, several authors
proposed a metal detoxification role for Ca granules (Mason & Simkiss, 1982; Simkiss, 1981).
Furthermore, calcium granules, whose formation being controlled by factors associated with
ion fluxes as evidenced by Masala et al. (2002), could act as a passive sink for toxic metals
during calcium precipitation.
Fig. 4.(a) Ultrastructural aspect of a digestive epithelium cell of a benthic copepod exposed
to Hg. Occurrence of dense granules (arrows) in lysosomes (Ly), L, lipids, Lu, lumen, M,
mitochondria, Mv, microvilli, My, myelin. x 15 000. (b) Occurrence of Cu, S and Ag in
needles (arrows) in lysosomes of the integument of Ag exposed copepods. x 19 000 and x
72 000 for detail (after Barka, 2007) (c) Scallop (Pecten maximus) collected from the Channel
coast. The lysosomes of the digestive gland contain dense granules (arrows) in which
numerous elements are detected (Cd, Ag, Mo, Br, Zn, Cu, Fe, Ca, S, Si, Al). x 48 600 (after
Ballan-Dufranais et al., 1985).
10 Ecotoxicology
The structure of calcospherites granules is concentric and are thought to have a different
origin. They may be derived from the endoplasmic reticulum (Ballan-Dufranais, 2002;
Cheung & Marshall, 1973; Corra et al., 2002). Studies based on cytochemical assays found a
phosphatase activity associated to calcospherites, which strengthened the hypothesis that
the reticulum is involved in the formation of these structures (Corra et al., 2002; Loret &
Devos, 1995).
The mechanism of granule intra and extracellular growth was shown to be different from
that leading to their initial formation. Metal accretion onto granules has been observed in
vivo and in vitro (George, 1983a, b; Simkiss, 1981). Concentric strata have been interpreted as
alternated period of accretion and resorption (Carmichael et al., 1979). In lysosomes, pH
variations facilitate metal adsorption onto granule surfaces in sites where Ca dissociated
during dissolution (Taylor et al., 1988) or following Mg2+ loss (Nott & Nicolaidou, 1989b).
Overall, the precise elemental composition of granules using microanalytical techniques
would greatly improve our understanding of the origin and the formation process of metal
granules and, indirectly, metal handling mechanisms in invertebrates.
12 Ecotoxicology
biological elements (grid, resin), which make the interpretation difficult. The sensitivity
threshold of the technique can also be considered as a limiting factor. When metal
concentration is too low, it remains undetectable. Furthermore, the thickness of the non-
osmicated specimen section does not allow a proper visualization of the elements located, in
the tissue or cell. Generally, when TEM is used, even if metal granules are visualized at the
ultrastructural level, these structures do not necessarily match microanalysis data. This is
due to the fact that X-Ray microanalysis and TEM observation require different preparation
for each specimen (non-osmicated/thin section versus osmicated/ultrathin section)
granules were found in the digestive lumen of the crab Callinectes sapidus (Becker et al., 1974;
Guary & Negrel, 1981) and of the copepod Tigriopus brevicornis (Barka, 2007) suggesting that
metal detoxification occurs (if the release of granules into the lumen is followed by an
excretion in the gut)(Fig. 6). In fact, the dissolution of mineralized granules may occur along
the digestive tract as showed in a terrestrial arthropod by Krueger et al. (1987). The decrease
of the pH of lumen contents from distal to proximal regions of the digestive tract appears to
be a major effector of granule dissolution. These authors also studied the effect of pH on the
dissolution of isolated granules in vitro. They showed that the release of calcium,
phosphorus, and magnesium from granules increased exponentially as the pH of the
bathing medium was decreased. Loss of structural integrity of the granules accompanied
mineral release and also increased as pH of the bathing medium was lowered in vitro. This
study suggests that, during gut transit, metals can be released from granules for both prey
and predators.
The significant increase in the number of granules upon exposure to metals and the fact that
they are generally insoluble and associated with digestive or excretory tissues (i.e., digestive
gland, hepatopancreas, kidney, among others) and, consequently, can be excreted, may give
further evidence for their role in detoxification (Desouky, 2006; Marigomez et al., 2002;
Pullen & Rainbow, 1991; Simkiss, 1976; Simkiss & Taylor, 1989).
Fig. 6. Metal containing granules in the luminal tube (Lu) of a benthic copepod.
(a) Occurrence of Cu, P, S and Ag in granules (arrows). x 7 200. (b) Occurrence of Fe, Cu,
Zn, P, S and Ca in a granule (arrow). x 29 000. (c) Ultrastructure of a digestive cell extruding
its contents into the lumen. Note the presence of a spherocristal, a lysosome which
membrane is electron-dense and another structure with myelin (My). M, mitochondria, Mv,
microvilli, N, nucleus. x 7 000 (after Barka, 2007).
Once in the gut, the reabsorption of the ions after the granule chemical and enzymatic
dissolution may also occur, as suggested by Becker et al. (1974). Nott and Nicolaidou (1993),
fed a carnivorous gastropod (Nassarius reticulatus) with another gastropod (Littorina littorea)
hepatopancreas which contained intracellular phosphate granules. These granules passed
through the predator gut. X-Ray microanalysis revealed that granules in the predator faecal
pellets retained about 50% of the original zinc and 33% of the original manganese and showed
that a metal bioreduction occurred along the molluscan food chain suggesting, however, that
part of the metals were bioavailable for the predator. X-ray microanalysis revealed also that, in
phosphate granules, an increase in the quantity of metal is associated with a reduction in the
magnesium/calcium ratio. Metals displace magnesium from the phosphate granule to the
carbonate granule (Nott & Nicolaidou, 1989b; Schnborn et al., 2001).
The ability of granules to dissolve or not in the predator lumen may have a consequence not
only on the trophic transfer of metals but also on the subsequent handling of toxic metals in
5. Conclusion
Various examples of trace metal bioaccumulation structures, mostly among marine
invertebrates, were illustrated and discussed in this chapter. They revealed the potential of
16 Ecotoxicology
6. Acknowledgments
This chapter has been written in memory of Christiane Ballan-Dufranais, who left us too
early, and to whom I am indebted. I would like to thank Anne-Yvonne Jeantet, Lydia
Massot, Anny Anglo and Patricia Beaunier for their technical help and scientific advices.
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Soil Ecotoxicology
Elke Jurandy Bran Nogueira Cardoso and Paulo Roger Lopes Alves
Universidade de So Paulo - Escola Superior de Agriculura Luiz de Queiroz
1. Introduction
Expanding human activities have generated a mounting stream of waste, which is
sometimes released into ecosystems at concentrations considered toxic for living organisms.
As a result, populations of wild plants and animals are frequently exposed to toxic risks
derived from the industrial wastes, pesticides, heavy metals, and other compounds that are
released into the environment on a daily basis (Kappeler, 1979). These pollutants typically
end up in soils, where potential toxic compounds come into direct contact with clays and
organic material, which have a high capacity for binding to chemical compounds and
substances (Bollag et al., 1992). Many organisms that live in soils, including beneficial soil
fauna, are thus routinely exposed to high levels of pollution.
In these terrestrial ecosystems invertebrates and microorganisms drive a diverse array of
biological and biochemical processes and play important roles in the carbon, nitrogen,
phosphorus, and sulfur cycles by breaking down organic matter. Their transformation
(mainly the mineralization) of organic material is broadly important for ecosystems and
specifically important for agriculture, since the cycling of chemical elements provides much
of plants nutritional needs. Anthropogenic impacts, like the use of agricultural pesticides,
can contaminate soils and thereby lead to an ecological imbalance in the soil community that
may subsequently compromise the sustainability of the system (Cortet et al., 1999).
The study of the toxic effects that chemical substances have on living organisms, especially
in the populations and communities of particular ecosystems, is the aim of the
multidisciplinary field of ecotoxicologya science that incorporates elements of ecology,
toxicology, and chemistry, and explores the links between them (Rmbke & Moltmann,
1996). Ecotoxicological tests aim to retrace the routes that pollutants take through the
environment and to understand their interactions with it (Holloway et al., 1997).
In countries around the world, various such tests on soil organisms have been carried out
for at least three decades (Spahr, 1981), in many cases using standardized soils and
organisms in a laboratory setting (Organization of Economic Cooperation and Development
[OECD], 1984a). Most ecotoxicological studies of soils are based on invertebrates and focus
on worms, collembolans, or enchytraeids as bioindicators. The use of these groups has
become standard because they are widely distributed, play important ecological roles, live
in permanent contact with soils, reproduce quickly, and are easily maintained in
laboratories (Edwards, 1989; Edwards et al., 1995; Rmbke et al., 1996). The resulting body
of research has succeeded in documenting a variety of negative effects that pesticides have
28 Ecotoxicology
on arthropods, microarthropods, and oligochaetes (Cortet et al., 2002; Jnsch et al., 2005b;
Moser & Obrycki, 2009), as well as on soil microorganisms (Zhang et al., 2010).
established for some of the most commonly used non-target invertebrates in soil
ecotoxicology, including collembola (ISO, 1999a), enchytraeids (ISO, 2004), and worms
(OECD, 2004; ISO, 1998).
Since the duration of tests and the labor they require determine the costs of ecological risk
assessments, it is sometimes preferable to obtain faster results using higher thresholds of
sensitivity (ISO, 2008). For this reason avoidance tests, which provide a preliminary
evaluation of contaminated soils in a short time, have increased in popularity (Natal-da-Luz
et al., 2008) compared to toxicity tests. These tests are also ecologically relevant due to the
high sensitivity thresholds, especially in assessments of remediated soils (Shugart, 2009),
and are commonly used as a first triage tool to assess the habitation function of soils (Hund-
Rinke et al., 2003), as they often provide results that other toxicity tests do not (Yearcley et
al., 1996). Carrying out these tests in addition to acute and chronic toxicity tests can provide
more detailed information on pollutants impacts on organisms (Heupel, 2002), since
changes in animal behavior can help quantify the effects of stress on individuals and
populations (Markert et al., 2003).
The results of acute toxicity tests are expressed in values of LC50, LCx (lethal concentration),
while those of chronic toxicity and avoidance tests are expressed in EC50, ECx (effective
concentration), which indicates the concentration at which half of the study organisms die
(LC50) or the concentration at which a specific change in normal life parameters or behavior
occurs (EC50).
Ecotoxicological laboratory tests are a fundamental first tool for evaluating the ecological
risks posed by polluted areas and remain commonly used (Bartlett et al., 2010; Correia &
Moreira, 2010). However, exposure under laboratory conditions typically represents a
worst-case scenario under which the effects on the organism are more severe than those
observed in field conditions. This reflects the fact that the soil ecosystem is an extremely
complex network of physical, chemical, and biological interactions, while laboratory tests
are carried out in optimal conditions for growth and reproduction and thus ignore several
variables that may play an important role in interactions between organisms and their
environment. As this makes it difficult to extrapolate results from laboratory tests to field
conditions (Van Gestel & Van Straalen, 1994), assessments of ecological risk should always
seek to reproduce conditions in the field as closely as possible.
The first stages of ecotoxicological tests focus on individual species of the most important
functional groups in the soil ecosystem (invertebrates and plants) (Garcia, 2004). The next
stage aims to examine effects at the community level, using experiments in microcosms and
mesocosms that incorporate multiple species and can provide more concrete results (Alonso
et al., 2009). Microcosm tests (Figure 1) are generally carried out in the laboratory, where a
few species of animals and/or plants are placed in natural soil. Mesocosm tests are large,
multispecies systems that offer a high degree of environmental realism, since they are often
carried out outdoors under natural light and rainfall conditions (Isomaa & Lilius, 1995). In a
mesocosm test it is possible to study effects not only on individual species, but also at the
population and community levels within an ecosystem (Crossland, 1994). These tests can
identify cases in which impacts on a single species, whether a microorganism or a soil
invertebrate, affect not just that species but the rest of the biota as well, potentially
compromising entire ecosystems (Landis & Yu, 2004).
Soil Ecotoxicology 31
Fig. 1. Terrestrial Model Ecosystem (TME) used in the microcosms tests. On right side we
represent the components of the TME, and on the left side, the ecological components.
Adopted from Santos et al. (2011) (Virtual representation: Spisla, L. F.).
One drawback of the mesocosm model is the more challenging interpretation of results; in
more complex systems it is harder to establish cause and effect between pollutant levels and
degrees of community change, since many components of the system are dynamic and
interdependent (Clements & Kiffney, 1994). Mesocosms assessments are also expensive and
typically have few replicates, making them unviable for routine ecotoxicological triage
(Crossland, 1994).
A third stage in environmental risk evaluations, considered the final step of this kind of
analysis, involves measuring impacts in the field, under totally natural ecosystem and
climate conditions. In this case, the observed responses reflect the effects of pollutants on
soils with greater precision. Such tests may include analyses of bioaccumulation in animal
tissues (Hoffman et al., 2003); the use of traps (pitfalls) (Querner & Bruckner, 2010) or soil
samples (TSBF and Berlese funnels) to quantify the diversity and abundance of macro-,
meso-, and microfaunal species (Anderson & Ingram, 1993; Arajo et al., 2010); litter bags
(Frster et al., 2006) and bait-lamina tests (Andr et al., 2009) to measure the decomposition
of organic material, in addition, direct (microbial biomass) and indirect (respirometry and
enzyme tests) microbiological analyses may be used (Kapanen & Itvaara, 2001). Armed
with this broad array of research tools for studying field conditions, it is possible to describe
contaminated areas more precisely and to make more informed decisions, whether in the
remediation or the prevention of environmental impacts.
32 Ecotoxicology
In addition to the tests applied in the various stages of ecological risk assessments, new
techniques and perspectives continue to enrich terrestrial ecotoxicology. One example are
the genotoxicity tests with specific microorganisms, used to assess the impacts of waste
products (Brown et al, 1991; Donelly et al, 1991). Other studies have documented important
adaptive responses (genetics) following the exposure of living organisms to chemical
products (European Centre for the Ecotoxicology & Toxicology of Chemicals [ECETOC],
2001; Lovett, 2000; Nota et al., 2010; Snape et al., 2004). This new subfield offers one more
tool (molecular biology) for improving our understanding of environmental responses to
toxic pollutants (Bradley & Theodorakis, 2002).
As noted previously, ecotoxicological tests are typically classified by their duration, the
number of species involved (Landis & Yu 2004; Rmbke et al., 1996), and further,
subdivided along a gradient ranging from basic laboratory tests to complex field
experiments (Figure 2). But while more complex tests offer more reliable information in
ecotoxicological risk assessments, they have been used sparingly due to their complexity,
cost, and long duration (Rmbke & Notenboom, 2002). In general, terrestrial ecotoxicology
has evolved towards ever more precise quantitative or qualitative assessments of the effects
of pollutants in soils, as called for by numerous regulatory agencies worldwide as part of
their efforts to determine acceptable concentrations of pollutants in soils, to limit their
exposure, and to protect the terrestrial biota (Shugart, 2009).
Fig. 2. Sequence of tiers used in Environmental Risk Assessment (ERA). From basic tests
(acute) to most complex systems (field) of evaluation in soil ecotoxicology. According to the
increases of tiers levels there is an increase of the bioassays complexicity and costs. Adapted
from Landis & Yu (2004).
sustain biological productivity, promote the quality of air and water environments, and
maintain plant, animal, and human health". However, quantifying soil health with tools that
track measurable properties of the system remains a steep challenge.
When measuring the health of a person or animal, one typically relies on parameters that
describe the function of various organs, tissues, body fluids, physical structures (bones), and
other components of the subjects body. In the same way, the living soil ecosystem is also
composed of physical structures, chemical solutions, and biological communities in constant
interactions that maintain vitality. Soils are a heterogeneous mix of biotic and abiotic
components inhabited by a very complex community of organisms. The basic functions of
the system depend on its structural and functional integrity, and this functionality is directly
impacted by disturbances, needing some parameters for a better analysis (Edwards, 2004).
One appropriate way to quantify soil health is by measuring the parameters that make it a
living system. Most attention in this regard has focused on indicators of the chemical and
physical properties of the edaphic system, since biological properties are typically
considered more difficult to predict or even measure. While a vast array of such indicators
of soil quality or vitality have been proposed to date, it has become increasingly clear that
biological indicators are needed to describe these dynamic systems (Blair et al., 1996).
Biological processes may be more sensitive to soil changes than are indicators based on
physical and chemical properties, which suggests that biological indicators could potentially
offer early warnings of risks to ecosystems (Pankhurst et al., 1997).
Among the various definitions of the term bioindication(Heink & Kowarik, 2010), one that
is widely accepted in terrestrial ecotoxicology describes it as a scientific analysis of field-
collected ecological data with the aim of characterizing the environmental quality of a given
area or region (Van Straalen, 1998). The same author emphasizes that bioindicator
organisms should be directly or indirectly associated with the particular factor or suite of
factors that they are intended to monitor. The utility of such biological indicators, also
known as bioindicators or biomarkers, is that they describe the responses of living
organisms exposed to or harmed by pollutants and thus provide information that can help
prevent future damage to ecosystems (Hoffman et al., 2003). Biological indicators may thus
be thought of as a barometer; just as barometers measure air pressure, the soil biota reflect
the health of soils by revealing the cause of a particular effect or condition of the ecosystem
(Van Straalen, 1998).
More than four centuries ago, long before the agricultural revolution, Vincenzo Tanara
observed that soils are fertile when birds such as ravens are attracted to a recently plowed
field and scratch at the earth to eat the small invertebrates exposed by plowing. Much later,
in the nineteenth century, Darwin argued that worms play an important role by building
chambers in the soil profile and producing humuswhich suggested that animals
contributed directly to soil function (Paoletti et al., 1991). Since then, several studies have
documented the importance of the soil biota for soil quality and vitality (Lavelle, 1996;
Lavelle et al., 2006), and its potential for reflecting anthropogenic disturbances (Cortet et al.,
1999; Paoletti et al., 1991; Van Straalen, 1998). By this measure, the first studies of
bioindicators date to the beginning of the twentieth century. It is only more recently, amid
mounting concern about the management and conservation of natural resources, that they
have come to be regarded as important for assessing degraded environments (Paoletti et al.,
34 Ecotoxicology
Fig. 3. Principal bioindicators of soil quality used in laboratory tests: Eisenia andrei (A);
Enchytraeus sp. (B); Folsomia candida (C). (Photo: Ribeiro, C. M. & Santos, C. A.).
2002), especially in acidic soils (Didden, 1993), where they can replace worms as the
functionally dominant soil fauna and where their abundance makes them good indicators
under restricted conditions (Cole et al. 2002; Didden, 1993). Even so, while enchytraeids
sometimes play an irreplaceable role in decomposition, they are less appropriate indicators
than worms in more conventional soil conditions (Pankhurst et al., 1997).
The order Collembola is one of the most diverse and abundant groups of terrestrial
arthropods on Earth, where they occur across all biomes (Coleman et al., 2004; Resh &
Card, 2003;). A single square meter of dirt in temperate forest may contain more than
100,000 individuals (Anderson, 1978). While the direct effects of collembolans on ecosystem
processes (like energy flows) may appear small due to their modest contribution to soil
biomass and respiration (Coleman et al., 2004; Jnsch et al., 2005a), these organisms exercise
significant influence on microbial ecology and soil fertility, since by feeding on dead organic
matter and soil microorganisms they regulate decomposition and nutrient cycling processes
(Culik & Zeppelini, 2003). The responses of these organisms to chemical products in the
laboratory can thus be used to assess stress and inform legislative action concerning the
ecological risks of certain substances (Van Straalen, 2002b).
Based on these foundations, the use of biological indicators of soil health and the process of
assessing soil impacts have made considerable advances in recent years, as a large number
of tests have used these model invertebrates to examine pesticide substances in soils and
assess the risks they pose to the environment (Didden & Rmbke, 2001; Gomez-Eyles et al.,
2009; San Miguel et al., 2008).
36 Ecotoxicology
4. Pesticides in soils
The term "pesticides" encompasses all active ingredients (a.i.) produced to control
agricultural pests, independent of composition, formulation, and concentration. While the
term is typically associated with substances that are used to control or kill pests (e.g.,
insecticides, fungicides, herbicides), it also applies to chemical compounds that alter pest
behavior or physiology (e.g., insect repellents and growth regulators) (World Health
Organization [WHO], 2010).
Synthetic insecticides and fungicides were developed after the Second World War and their
application to crops spread quickly. Because insecticides were initially inexpensive and
effective, farmers became dependent on the new tools, which soon replaced other chemical,
cultural, and biological methods of pest control. The use of insecticides and fungicides in
agriculture grew massively in the 1950s and 1960s and has continued to grow since;
applying pesticides remains the leading method of pest and pathogen control today (Gulan
& Cranston, 1994; Plimmer et al., 2003). Indeed, some studies on the benefits of pesticides
have warned of the harm that could be caused by banning them, due to fears of a drop in
agricultural productivity caused by pests (Delaplane, 2000; Walters, 2009).
Synthetic insecticides can be classified according to the presence or absence of carbon atoms,
in its main molecule, as inorganic inseticides (e.g. boric acid) (Habes et al., 2006) and organo-
synthetic insecticides. However, the organo-synthetic insecticides are considered the most
important class of insecticides. They include the organochlorines, organophosphates, and
carbamates, as well as a number of other classes like pyrethroids and neonicotinoids
(Munkvold et al., 2006; Paulsrud et al., 2001). The first classes of fungicides included
benzimidazoles, carboximides, morpholines, amino-pyrimidines, and organophosphorus
compounds. In the 1970s there emerged a second generation of synthetic fungicides that
included dicarboximides, phenylimides, triazoles, and fosetyl-aluminum. More recently
developed fungicides include anilinopyrimidines, phenylpyrrole, and strobilurins, which
show broad-spectrum action on the most common classes of pathogenic fungi (Plimmer et
al., 2003).
In recent years the use of pesticides has increased in agriculture. Whether as a gas, a liquid,
a powder, or in granulated form, these products remain commonly used to prevent or
control pest outbreaks. One way in which pesticides are used to prevent pest outbreaks is by
treating seeds with insecticides and fungicides. All commercially available corn and
sorghum seeds are treated with fungicides, and some are also treated with insecticides
(Lipps et al., 1988; Munkvold et al., 2006; Paulsrud et al., 2001). The practice is highly
effective, offering significant reductions in pest damage (Giesler & Ziems, 2008; Lenz et al.,
2008; Vernon et al., 2009). Treating seeds with insecticides has also become more common
worldwide; in fact, a large proportion of the global increase in insecticides use is due to their
increasing use on seeds (Hicks, 2000).
While the use of pesticides in agriculture provides benefits, it also has negative impacts, as
evidenced by the increasing amounts of these chemical substances required year after year.
It is well known that when pollutants come into contact with ecosystems they cause
repercussions that can be traced from the molecular level up through tissues, organs,
individuals, populations, and even entire communities (Schrmann & Markert, 1997).
Examples of the damage caused by pesticide wastes released into the environment include
Soil Ecotoxicology 37
accidental poisoning of children and animals, intoxication of the people applying them,
trace amounts in foods, phytotoxicity in plants, as well as soil, water, and air pollution
(Dhingra, 1985; Paulsrud et al., 2001; Van Straalen, 2002b).
We have already discussed how the quality of terrestrial environments is compromised
when non-target soil organisms are negatively impacted. Disturbances caused by pesticides
in soils lead to qualitative and quantitative changes in the functioning of soils (Cortet et al.,
1999), via two pathways. The first is via the direct contact of organisms with the substance,
as is the case with pollinators, parasitoids, and beneficial predators, among others. The
second way that organisms are negatively impacted is via the residues of these substances
left on plants and elsewhere in the environment, which can harm the local fauna over longer
time scales (Waxman, 1998).
Many insecticides kill target insects by acting on their nervous system. This specificity for
the binding site of the substance also kills non-target organisms in the same way (Marrs &
Ballantyne, 2004). Fungicides can harm non-pathogenic microorganisms (important in
nutrient cycling) and antagonistic microorganisms (pathogen suppressors), thereby
exercising a direct effect on disease control (Walters, 2009). In addition to insecticides and
fungicides, herbicides are another class of pesticides with worrisome effects on the soil
fauna. Developed to control weeds, they have shown harmful effects on macrofauna(Correia
& Moreira, 2010), mesofauna (Heupel, 2002), and microorganisms (Widenfalk et al., 2008;
Zhang et al., 2010).
Several studies to date have attempted to detect and assess the sublethal effects of pesticides
on organisms exposed to contaminated soils. Bioassays have documented acute toxicity in
the species Eisenia fetida exposed to fungicides in artificial soils (Anton et al., 1990), and
under a variety of conditions (temperate and tropical climates). In tropical climates
fungicides affect worms less severely than in temperate climates, perhaps due to the faster
breakdown of pesticides in warm temperatures (Rmbke et al., 2007). In addition to
fungicides, studies have documented the impacts of insecticides (Gomez-Eyles et al., 2009)
on the survival (Mostert et al., 2000), behavior (Capowiez & Berard, 2006) and even
physiological processes (inhibition of cellulase activity) of worms in contact with
contaminated soils (Luo et al., 1999). Severe population reductions of the collembolan
Folsomia candida have also been documented in soils contaminated with insecticides (Cortet
et al., 2002), but this effect is less apparent in field conditions, due to collembolans
propensity to avoid from contaminated areas. Collembola have also shown some degree of
tolerance to some insecticides (San Miguel et al., 2008)
Herbicides used in agriculture also have impacts on worms (Heupel, 2002; Pereira et al.,
2009). In tropical conditions, glyphosate and oxadiazon do not cause mortality in E. fetida.
However, sublethal concentrations of these herbicides hamper the development of juvenile
worms (Garcia et al., 2008). Other effects on worms in the presence of herbicides, such as
population reductions and loss of body biomass, have also been documented (Stojanovi et
al., 2007).
In addition to the standard invertebrates typically used in terrestrial ecotoxicology tests,
several other ecologically important organisms have been shown to suffer impacts from
pesticides in soils (Kilpatrick et al., 2005). Examples include natural predators (Danfa et al.,
2003; Moser & Obrycki, 2009) and invertebrate decomposers (Drobne et al., 2008;
38 Ecotoxicology
Kreutzweiser et al., 2009; Niemeyer et al., 2006). There are also reports of significant
reductions of microbial activity in soil (Malkomes, 1993), and it is known that bacteria
numbers and fungal biomass are altered in pesticide-treated soils, perturbing decomposition
processes and harming other organisms in the trophic chain (e.g., reducing the number of
nematodes that feed on fungi) (Colinas et al., 1994; Ingham et al., 1991).
Thanks to the frequent use of these bioindicators in monitoring programs, it is now possible
to determine which environmental changes occur when pesticides are exposed to terrestrial
systems, with important implications for managing the early stages of pollution and for
assessing the effectiveness of preventive or remedial measures taken to improve
environmental quality (Van Straalen, 1998).
of that substrate modified by Garcia (2004) and known as Tropical Artificial Soil (TAS),
which includes powdered coconut fiber in its organic fraction.
We applied an aqueous solution containing the fungicides Captan (captan - 480g of a.i. L-1)
and Vitavax (38.7% carboxin + 37.5% thiram - 200g of a.i. L-1), in addition to the
insecticides Gaucho (imidacloprid - 600g of a.i. L-1) and Standak (fipronil - 250g of a.i. L-
1), to the TAS immediately before starting the tests. Pesticide concentrations were
established based on preliminary tests, and the control treatment was deionized water.
To assess mortality effects we carried out acute toxicity tests with E. andrei and F. candida
(ISO, 1998, 1999a). For these tests, containers were filled with artificial soil treated (different
volumes of soil for each organism) with the pesticide solution or with deionized water
(control). At the start of the bioassay, 10 organisms (worms or collembolans) were added to
each test container. Mortality was recorded by counting the number of adult organisms still
alive after 14 days.
Fig. 4. Mortality (%) of F. candida in artificial soil treated with increasing concentrations of
imidacloprid and fipronil (P < 0,05 on Dunnetts test)
40 Ecotoxicology
Fipronil acts on the insects central nervous systems, where it inhibits a neurotransmitter
responsible for regulating neuronal arousal. This neurotransmitter prevents the
overstimulation of nerves, and its inhibition results in death. This mechanism of the
insecticides toxicity is mostly activated via ingestion, and is followed by spastic paralysis,
death, and the elimination of sensitive insects (Coutinho et al., 2005). Since both the
organisms and their food were in contact with contaminated soil in our study, it was very
likely that the collembolans died due to inhibition of the neurotransmitter.
Imidacloprid also caused significant mortality in the worm species E. andrei, compared to
the control treatment. Morphological alterations were also observed in these oligochaetes,
which later died (Figure 5). Similar effects of mortality in E. andrei/fetida have been
documented in studies of OECD artificial soil treated with imidacloprid (Buffin, 2003; Luo et
al., 1999). While mortality of this worm species has been documented in polluted natural
soils (Gomez-Eyles et al., 2009), effects in natural soils are typically weaker than those
recorded in artificial soils, according to Kula and Larink (1997).
Fig. 5. Morphological alterations and mortality of worms (E. andrei) exposed to soils
contaminated with the insecticide imidacloprid in an acute toxicity test. (Photo: Ribeiro, C.
The lethal effect of imidacloprid on worms and collembolans may also be linked to blocked
receptors in the nervous system. While insects are generally more susceptible to such
blockage, which leads to the accumulation of acetylcholine (Buffin, 2003), this important
neurotransmitter is present in many organisms and its blockage results in paralysis and
sometimes death (Kidd & James, 1991). The worms that were in full contact with
contaminated substrate for 14 days may have been affected in this way and subsequently
Soil Ecotoxicology 41
In addition to the insecticides, the fungicide captan also caused mortality in F. candida. In
this case, however, the effect was only observed at high concentrations of the a.i. in the TAS.
Mortality was not observed for worms exposed to captan, even at high concentrations. This
result is corroborated by other studies that have shown that captan does not limit survival in
these oligochaetes (Anton et al., 1990). Collembolan mortalities may be attributed to the
compound tetrahydrophthalimide, a metabolite that is more common in captan (Reigart &
Roberts, 1999) and which is responsible for the interaction of this fungicide, within cells,
with the sulfhydryl, amino and hydroxyl groups of enzymes. These interactions are
important because they may inhibit certain metabolic processes in the cells, leading to death
(Waxman, 1998).
As in the test with the fungicide captan, we did not observe mortality of E. andrei exposed
for 14 days to substrates treated with the pesticide carboxin + thiram. Worm mortality in the
presence of fungicides has been previously reported in LUFA natural soil (ISO, 2003), in
much lower doses than those in artificial soils (Rembke et al., 2007), which suggests that in
our study the use of Artificial Tropical Soil may have partially buffered the negative effects
of fungicides on worms.
In collembolans, significant mortality occurred in the presence of carboxin + thiram. In long-
term studies, Frampton (2002) likewise documented declining collembolan abundance (and
the total disappearance of some species) in agricultural soils treated with fungicides. This
may be related to the mortality caused by the two fungicides examined in our study, and
could furthermore indicate that collembolans are relatively sensitive to fungicides. There are
few reports in the literature of the acute effects of carboxin + thiram on soil invertebrates.
However, carboxin showed some impacts on and thiram was highly toxic to the aquatic
organism Daphnia magna (EPA, 2004a, 2004b). It is possible that just one of the two
substances in this product has negative impacts on collembolans. However, the
concentration at which toxicity was observed was much higher than the calculated values
for exposure to the fungicide in soils (data not shown). A similar conclusion was reached by
Coja et al. (2006), who assessed the lethal effects of pesticides on F. candida and determined
that the concentrations at which negative impacts were observed were higher than those
found in soils, suggesting that they did not pose a threat in agricultural field conditions.
5.3 Conclusions
Artificial soils treated with the insecticides imidacloprid and fipronil, as well as the
fungicides captan and carboxim + thiram, caused significant mortality in the collembola
Folsomia candida. Only imidacloprid caused significant mortality in the worm Eisenia andrei.
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1. Introduction
Recent toxicology, in accordance with recommendations from the European Council, has
demanded decrease in the number of vertebrates used in toxicology testing and their partial
replacement with invertebrate animals, plants or even organ, tissue, or cell cultures. During
the last 50 years various invertebrate species have been tested for their sensitivity to many
chemical or physical agents to prove their possible use for pre-screening tests. To the most
valuable organisms available for ecotoxicity testing belong crustaceans of the Artemia genus,
commonly known as brine shrimps.
the size of 30 mm (most often 12 - 18 mm), males are smaller. Their body is divided into
three parts: head, thorax, and abdomen. On the head there is a pair of stalked, lateral,
compound eyes and a single, median, unstalked naupliar eye, and two pairs of antennae.
The latter are sexually dimorphic. Those of the adult males are modified to form a clasping
organ to hold the female during copulation. The female antennae are smaller but much
thicker and have a sensorial function. The remainder of the body consists of the segmented
thorax, consisted of 11 segments, and posterior abdomen. Each thoracic segment bears a
ventral pair of leaf-like appendages, known as phyllopods, used for swimming, respiration,
and feeding. Finally, the abdomen consists of 6 segments and a telson the posterior end of
the body. The abdomen of females carries a bunch of spherical-like eggs (cca 200 u in
diameter). Their colour varies from creamy to almost blackish brown (Anderson, 1967;
Benesch, 1969; Hertel, 1980).
The brine shrimp larva nauplius is pink or rather auburn, its size about 0.4 mm. Its body
consists of a head and short thorax (Fig. 1). On the head there is a dark, red or black, median
naupliar eye and two pairs of antennae. The second pair is used for swimming and feeding,
while the first pair is a sensory organ.
Artemia franciscana is resistant to high osmotic stress of the hypersaline environments. Its
nauplii drink water and secret Na+ and Cl- ions. The adults ingest water by mouth and anus.
The capability to ingest water, containing bacteria and debris as well, is developed in the 2nd
instar stage (Kikuchi, 1971). The larvae hatch usually after 20 - 48 hrs of embryonic
development and reach their terminal size after 8 - 10 days, during which they undergo
about 17 molts (Gilchrist, 1960).
The life span of A. franciscana varies from 2 to 4 months in dependence on salinity and
temperature (Browne et al., 1991). Reproduction of the genus Artemia may proceed in two
modalities: sexual or parthenogenetic. Both, sexual and parthenogenetic populations occur
all over the world except for Americas where only sexual populations have been reported
(Browne, 1992). Coexistence of both sexual and parthenogenetic strains has been recorded in
various habitats; however, partial overlapping in space and/or time may occur. The
parthenogenetic reproduction results in unisexual, female populations. While the bisexual
specimens have stable number of chromosomes (2n = 42), the parthenogenetic populations
may be diploid, triploid, tetraploid, or even pentaploid (Hentschel, 1968).
Alternative Biotest on Artemia franciscana 53
Females after insemination produce eggs that start to develop immediately after laying. But,
under unfavourable conditions dormant stages, known as cysts, are produced. Their
metabolism is inhibited and they can survive, even in extreme conditions, for dozens of
years. In the cyst there is an embryo in the stage of gastrula, enwrapped with a hard outer
membrane. In natural habitats the cysts gather on the water surface, and then drift ashore
where they survive the unfavourable season. When the cysts occur in salt water their
metabolic activity is again restored and in 20 hrs hatches the umbrella stage that quickly
develops to a free swimming nauplius (Browne et al., 1991).
Artemia cysts are produced mainly in the USA, Australia, China, or Saudi Arabia but other
countries are also involved. The recent annual yield of the cysts is about 2 000 t. They are
produced for the aquaculture or aquarium practice as food for tropical fish. One of the most
important sources of the cysts is the Great Salt Lake in Utah, USA. In the northern part
(Gunnison Bay) Artemia salina cysts are produced in 16 oz. (454 g) cans, while in the
southern part (Gilbert Bay) Artemia franciscana is produced and packed in 15 oz. (425 g) cans.
The latter cysts are more delicate (more than 300 000 specimens per 1 g). The best quality
products are sold as the Premium class, and this quality was used in our experiments
(Maxima brine shrimp eggs produced by the Sanders firm in Utah).
3. Alternative methods
Alternative methods are as follows:
biotests on plants (e.g. mustard roots, soya, or rice; Horowitz, 1970; Kratky & Warren,
1971) or algae (e.g. Selenastrum capricornutum, Chlorella kesssleri, or Chlamydomonas
reinhardtii; Fouradzieva et al., 1995);
biotests on invertebrates (e.g. Daphnia magna, Tetrahymena piriformis, Asellus aquaticus,
genus Tubifex, or flatworms; Balls et al., 1992);
biotests on vertebrates in early stages of development, before a nervous system is
developed and the specimens do not feel any pain (Bagley et al., 1994);
in vitro methods, i.e., cell, tissue, or organ cultures (Fentem & Balls, 1993), and
mathematical and computer simulations (Pazourek, 1992).
The methods mentioned above have some disadvantages. Most of them are time consuming,
require skilled workers, and often are expensive. These disadvantages may be overcome by
the alternative microbiotests, in which the effect of dissolved agents on unicellular or small
multicellular organisms is evaluated. For such tests are convenient various simple
organisms, such as bacteria, fungi, algae, protozoa, or invertebrates (Blaise, 1991).
In the Multicenter Evaluation of In Vitro Toxicity (MEIC) program the special list of
chemical agents have been proved in four standardized tests of the acute toxicity realized on
the following species: Artemia franciscana, Streptocephalus proboscideus, Brachionus calyciflorus,
and Brachionus plicatilis. The mortality and toxic effects expressed as LC50/24 (i.s., the
concentration of an agent at which 50 per cent of the tested animals are dead after 24 hrs)
were chosen as criteria of the toxicity. Very good correlations of results among the different
testing systems have been found. Furthermore, positive correlations between the tests on
lower organisms and conventional tests on rats have also been achieved (Calleja & Persoone,
54 Ecotoxicology
The toxkit tests are based on dormant stages cysts or ephippia - that hatch up to 24 hrs
before the start of a test. Their advantage is particularly the elimination of time and space
consuming laboratory maintenance of the test organisms. Commercially available are
3.2 Advantages and disadvantages of the Artemia species for toxicity test
The Artemia species have been found convenient for various short- or long-term toxicity
testing. In spite of this fact, several criticisms against their suitability for such purpose have
been published (Persoone & Wells, 1987; Nunes et al., 2006). The most important of them is
the lower sensitivity of the Artemia species to several chemical or physical agents in
comparison to the other invertebrate test organisms (Sorgeloos et al., 1978; Song and Brown,
1998, Okamura et al., 2000; Guerra, 2001; Nalecz-Jawecki et al., 2003; George-Ares, et al.,
2003; Mayorga et al., 2010). The second disadvantage is a decreased solubility of some
Alternative Biotest on Artemia franciscana 55
chemical substances in saline or sea medium (e.g. Mayorga et al., 2010), however, this
problem may be overcome by using convenient co-solvents (see bellow).
In general, the reliability of results of the Artemia tests may be affected by various conditions
of a test, such as temperature, pH, chemical composition of the medium, oxygen,
photoperiod, nutrients, some population effects, type of sexual reproduction, etc. (Soares, et
al., 1992). For example, George-Ares et al. (2003) reported dependence of the Artemia test on
the concentration and composition of medium, or on the age of nauplii. Some populations of
Artemia species may consist of strains with different reproduction strategies (sexual versus
parthenogenetic reproduction) and different sensitivity to tested agents. But,
Triantaphyllidis et al. (1994) suggested a simple method to separate nauplii of bisexual and
parthenogenetic strains by hatching at different temperatures, moreover specific strains may
be distinguished by DNA-analysis (Abatzopoulos et al., 1997). Of course, the effects of
almost all test factors mentioned above may be easily overcome by the strict standardization
of test conditions. An important disadvantage of all alternative tests is their unsuitability to
test the chemical agents that require metabolic activation in mammals.
On the other hand, the Artemia alternative tests offer many advantages to favour them as
convenient for the standardized testing in ecotoxicology: high adaptability to variety of
testing conditions, high fecundity, bisexual versus parthenogenetic reproduction strategies,
small body size, varied nutrient resources, high hatchability, simple availability, and low
cost of the tests. High sensitivity of the Artemia specimens to some chemical agents has also
been reported. For example, Oliveira-Filho and Paumgartten (2000) found the higher
sensitivity of Artemia to niclosamide in comparison with Daphnia similis or Ceriodaphnia
dubia. Hlywka et al. (1997) have shown similar sensitivities to the mycotoxin fumonisin B1 in
the Artemia test and the chicken embryo screening test. And Parra et al. (2001) compared the
sensitivity of the acute toxicity Artemia test of several plant extracts with corresponding tests
on mice and found significant correlations. Undoubtedly, the Artemia test is a suitable,
sufficiently accurate, simple, and inexpensive alternative to pre-screening chemical toxicity
with mammals. Of course, all results derived from the Artemia or any other invertebrate test
have to be validated by bioassays on mammals.
Our test is based on the cysts produced for purposes of the aquaculture and aquarium
practice. The test was established in 1992 (Dvorak, 1995), especially for the extensive
dynamic studies including simultaneous treatments with two agents, or possibly of a
radiation and a chemical agent. The total expenses of our tests are lower than those of the
commercial toxkits.
4. Methods
4.1 Hatching of cysts
Cysts are hatched in water of the following composition (Table 1). The total concentration of
salts is 4.7%. In the following text this water is specified as the sea water.
In water of this quality the brine shrimps mature in 37 days and start their reproduction,
providing they are fed with a convenient diet, and the sea water is changed every third day.
The hatching proceeds at temperature of 25 oC and the first larvae occur after 24 hrs. During
the hatching process the sea water is aerated by a membrane compressor.
56 Ecotoxicology
(per analysis)
NaCl 23.900
MgCl2 . 6H2O 10.830
CaCl2 . 6H2O 2.250
KCl 0.680
Na2SO4 . 10 H2O 9.060
NaHCO3 0.200
SrCl2 . 6H2O 0.040
KBr 0.099
H3BO3 0.027
Table 1. Composition of hatching water.
(Rowe et al., 2006). We used polysorbate 80 produced by the Jan Kulich firm (Hradec
Kralove, Czech Republic) applied in mixture with DMSO. Concentration of the stock
solution of polysorbate 80 was 200 g.L-1. In our experiments we combined the concentrations
10.0 g.L-1 of polysorbate 80 and 5.0 g.L-1 of DMSO.
Poloxamers are non-ionic agents used in pharmaceuticals as emulgators, sufractants,
wetting agents, or solubilisers. In pharmaceuticals, they are widely used as helping agents
for various medications. These agents are non-toxic, non-irritable and are not metabolised in
the living organisms. For their inability to cause a hemolysis (Rowe et al., 2006) they are
used in various parenteral medicaments. Poloxamers are commercially produced under the
names of Lutrol or Pluronic (e.g. commercial name of the Poloxamer 188 used in this
study is Pluronic F68). The acute toxicity of these agents applied in mice is 15, if
applied perorally, or 1, when applied parenteraly (Rowe et al., 2006). In our
experiments we used a concentration of 10.0 g.L-1 applied with DMSO.
For every experimental combination five Petri dishes (50 specimens in total) are used. Alive
specimens are counted after 24, 48, 72, 96, or 120 hrs (in case of prolonged tests). The dead
nauplii are not removed but their presence has not any deleterious effect on the final results
of the biotest. If more than 10% of the experimental specimens died in the control group, the
exposure was discarded. The evaluation of results of an experimental series should be
always performed by one person.
As dead we consider the specimens that do not move even after the stimulation by movement
of water caused by rotation of the dish. The evaluation is carried out under a microscope or
magnifying glass. To express results of such a test, two terms are, generally used: mortality
and lethality. The first means the percentage of dead specimens from the total number of
originally healthy specimens. On the other hand, lethality means the percentage of dead
specimens from all ill specimens. We use the latter term because, in fact, all specimens exposed
to the agents tested at first become ill and only then some of them die.
specimens in our experimental system are not fed and starve, it is sometimes difficult to
keep this criterion at the exposures higher than 72 hrs. In this case, we terminate the
experiments at this exposure, in spite of the fact that in the exposure of 96 hrs the nauplii are
the most sensitive to some toxic agents and difference between the treated and control
group is the highest. In the prolonged experiments (120 hrs or more) in medium
supplemented with glucose (see above) we use the higher criterion of mortality (20%). The
glucose is probably not sufficient to secure the optimal development of the experimental
specimens. Consequently, we generally finish experiments when the mortality of the control
group exceeds 20%.
experimental specimens (results of the separate treatments are not included in figure,
simultaneous treatment see PCB + Strontium 89 in Fig. 2). On the contrary, potassium
dichromate increased the lethality up to 27% (at 72 hrs). The simultaneous treatments with
two agents (cadmium + potassium dichromate) or with all four agents altogether (cadmium
+ potassium dichromate + delor 130 + 89Sr) resulted in the expressive increase in lethality of
the experimental specimens.
Lethality [%]
Ca ls
72 Po dm ub
Ca ta s .ch sta
48 PC dm siu l or nc
Tim 24 es
e [h CG B ium m ide
rs +S dic +P
] t ro chlo hro ota
nti rid ma ss
um e te .di
89 ch
a te
Fig. 2. Effect of simultaneous treatment with strontium 89 [33 kBq.L-1], PCB - delor 103
[4.5 ng.L-1], cadmium chloride (CdCl2 . 2H2O) [Cadm.chloride; 20 mg.L-1], and potassium
dichromate [Potass.dichromate; 5 mg.L-1] on lethality of A. franciscana ; CG control group
(no agents).
60 Ecotoxicology
5.2 Changes in morphology of Artemia specimens during treatment with gamma rays
or inhibitors of cyclin-dependent kinases
In our previous paper the lethality of A. franciscana after irradiation with the ionizing
radiation was studied. The LD50 value was estimated 96 hrs after the irradiation with 600 -
700 Gy (Dvorak & Benova, 2002). This result is in accord with the phylogenetic position of
this species.
In the following experimental series the freshly hatched nauplii were irradiated by the
gamma rays (60Co) with 100, 250, 500, or 1000 Gy (dose rate of 2.7 kGy.h-1). At the time of 72
or 96 hrs after the irradiation the specimens were killed and fixed with formaldehyde. The
morphological changes were determined and documented by microphotography.
During the standard development of the control group we observed segmentation of the
thoracal part and formation of appendages. The development of those structures in the
specimens irradiated with 100 Gy (96 hrs after the irradiation) was comparable with control
specimens. But after the irradiation with 250 Gy the segmentation was less apparent, and at
the highest doses (500 or 1000 Gy) it was not observed at all.
Another morphological change observed after the irradiation was an atypical development
of the intestine epithelium. In control specimens the ratio of the height of epithelium to the
diameter of intestine lumen was 1 : 1.2. After irradiation the ratio changed: with 100 Gy to 1 :
1.3, with 250 Gy to 1 : 1.5, and even with 500 Gy to 1 : 1.8. When the doses increased to 1000
Gy the intestine epithelium was undistinguishable. The high sensitivity of intestine
epithelium to irradiation corresponds with high sensitivity of this tissue in vertebrates
caused by the high mitotic activity of intestine cells. Consequently, the effects of irradiation
on the intestine epithelium in the Artemia species were consistent with the analogous
response in vertebrates.
We also looked for some morphological changes caused by the inhibitors of the cyclin-
dependent kinases olomoucin or roscovitin to compare them with effects of the ionizing
radiation. Both agents, in the concentration of 100 mg.L-1, caused only slight changes in the
intestine epithelium of nauplii stages of A. franciscana, but they did not affect the
segmentation of thorax and further development of appendages. Also the length or
morphology of the body were not affected by these drugs. In the concentration of 50 mg.L-1
no effects on the intestine epithelium were apparent.
Alternative Biotest on Artemia franciscana 61
Lethality (%)
120 20
96 10
24 Ro
Olo sc o
TW mo viti
CG +D uci n
MS n
Fig. 3. Effect of olomoucin or roscovitin (100 mg.L-1) dissolved in mixture of 10.0 g.L-1 of
polysorbate 80 (TW) plus 10.0 g.L-1 of dimethylsulfoxide (DMSO) on lethality of A.
franciscana; CG control group without any TW or DMSO.
agents was 100 mg.L-1. The toxicity of these agents was evaluated over 168 hrs. The values of
lethality of both agents were significantly different from the toxicity of the control group
(TW+DMSO) at the exposures higher than 96 hrs. Both agents, i.e., olomoucin and roscovitin
gave the comparable results except for the exposure of 144 hrs, at which the lethality of
roscovitin was significantly higher than that of olomoucin.
The simultaneous treatment with DMSO and polysorbate 80 in the concentrations used in
our experiments did not cause any deleterious effects on the tested specimens (TW +
DMSO). On the contrary, this treatment actually prolonged duration of the test as result of
the polysorbate 80 used as energy source by the experimental specimens. Hence, results of
the toxicity tests were compared with the control group treated with mixture of DMSO and
polysorbate 80 (TW + DMSO).
In the following bar chart (Fig. 4) we compare toxicity of the newly synthesized CDKI,
namely TSP 1 (=6-benzylamino-2-(2-aminoethylamino)-9-isopropyl-purine), TSP 2 (=6-
benzylamino-2-[(E)-(4-aminocyclohexylamino)]-9-isopropylpurine), and TSP 3 (= 6-
benzylamino-2-(3-aminopropylamino)-9-isopropylpurine) with the toxicity of olomoucin.
All substances were dissolved in DMSO and used in the concentrations of 100 mg.L-1. While
the toxicities of TSP 1 or TSP 3 were comparable with the toxicity of olomoucin, TSP 2
occurred significantly more toxic than olomoucin. The toxicity of TSP 2 was even higher
than that of cadmium; hence, this agent was discarded from the further pharmaco-
toxicological studies. In general, chromium, cadmium, or zinc are more toxic than
olomoucin, roscovitin, TSP 1, or TSP 3 (Sklenar, 2006).
Lethality (%)
120 30
96 20
h rs
mo P 3 SP 2 P1
SO uci
Fig. 4. Comparison of effects of newly synthesised CDKI (TSP 1, TSP 2, and TSP 3) with
effects of olomoucin (100 mg.L-1) on lethality of A. franciscana. All substances were dissolved
in dimethylsulfoxide (DMSO, 15 g.L-1); CG control group without DMSO.
Alternative Biotest on Artemia franciscana 63
Lethality (%)
Hy dr.p
Hy dr.
As dro pe er.
Tim As co r.+ +A
e( CG co rbi g en As sc
hrs .ac
rbi ca pe c .
) c cid ro ac .0 .0.
ac xide .1 3
id 0. 3
0. 1
Fig. 5. Effects of simultaneous treatments with ascorbic acid (; 0.1 or 0.3 g.L-1) and
hydrogen peroxide (Hydr.per.; 0.4 g.L-1) on lethality of A. franciscana; CG control group.
64 Ecotoxicology
Lethality (%)
96 10
48 0
24 10
10 10 10 0
50 50 0 0 DM0 DM
0.2 0.5 DM DM DM SO
CG 0.1 5 0 D MS SO SO
0 Or Or SO SO +0 +0
Or O +0 +0 .25 .50
.25 .1 0 Or Or
Or Or
Fig. 6. Decrease in toxic effect of dimethylsulfoxide (DMSO) induced by the plant extract
from Orobanche flava (Or); CG - control group (no agents); according to Hrbasova (2006).
Alternative Biotest on Artemia franciscana 65
In the first model experiment we studied the effect of the plant extract on toxicity of the co-
solvent per se (Fig. 6). In two experimental combinations (100 g.L-1 DMSO + 0.50 g.L-1 of
plant extract, or 50 g.L-1 DMSO + 0.25 g.L-1 of plant extract) the toxicity of DMSO was
significantly reduced. The other experimental combinations proved rather ineffective.
In the second model experiment the anti-oxidative effects of the plant extract on the
oxidative effects of hydrogen peroxide were evaluated. In all simultaneous treatments with
the plant extract (0.05 g.L-1 or 0.10 g.L-1) plus hydrogen peroxide (0.2 g.L-1 or 0.4 g.L-1) the
anti-oxidative effects of the plant extract were detected (Fig. 7). While in the combinations
with 0.10 g.L-1 of the plant extract the anti-oxidative effects were significant, after 96 or 120
hrs, the effect of 0.05 g.L-1 occurred positive but insignificant. Thus, we came to the
conclusion that the Artemia test had proved fully competent for the extensive studies of
simultaneous treatments with combinations of drugs.
Lethality (%)
Tim 7248
0. 10 0. 10
rs 0. 2 0. 0. 05 0. 05
Or Or
) CG 12 .5 0. 0 0. 10 Hp 4 Hp Or O
+ 0. r + 0.4 + 0.2 + 0.4
DM 5 Or Or
2H H Hp Hp
SO p p
Fig. 7. Decrease in oxidative effect of hydrogen peroxide (Hp; 0.2 g.L-1 or 0.4 g.L-1) induced
by the plant extract from Orobanche flava (Or; 0.05 or 0.10 g.L-1) dissolved in
dimethylsulfoxide (DMSO); CG control group treated with 3% glucose; according to
Hrbasova (2006).
lymphocytes, with cadmium may result in the apoptosis (El Azouzi et al., 1994). On the
other hand, production of the metalothioneins induced by cadmium may lead to the
radioprotective effects (Benova et al., 2006). Genes that control production of the
metalothioneins affect also the repair of DNA (Privezencev et al., 1996).
In this test survival of nauplii is prolonged by the treatment with 3% glucose. The aim was
to study the effect of cadmium on Artemia in the prolonged test system (Fig. 8). The life span
of nauplii was prolonged even up to 240 hrs. The mortality of nauplii in the control dishes
treated with glucose decreased to only 4% after 216 hrs of exposure. Hence, 3% glucose
proved useful for the prolongation of the Artemia test up to 10 days. As expected, the
toxicity of cadmium increased with increasing concentration and exposure time.
The supplement of glucose to the Artemia test system even reduced the toxic effects of
cadmium (Dvorak et al., 2005). This finding was significant for the exposure from 24 to 72
hrs and concentrations higher than 50 mg.L-1. The same relationship was valid also for the
LC50 values expressed in mg.L-1 (value without glucose versus value with glucose): at 24 hrs
value 238 versus 482, at 48 hrs value 250 versus 482, and at 72 hrs value 195 versus 263.
In the same paper we also compared LC50 values for three agents used to standardize the
microbiotests, namely K2Cr2O7, CdCl2 . 2H2O, and ZnSO4 . 7H2O. Surprisingly, while the
dependence of the toxicity of zinc sulphate on the exposure time was linear, that of the
cadmium chloride was logarithmic, and that of potassium dichromate even quadratic.
Lethality [%]
168 20
24 0
CG 5 10 25 50 100 200
Cadmium chloride [mg/L]
6. Conclusion
Eighty years of usage of the Artemia species in toxicology testing, and hundreds of papers
published all over the world on this theme, have confirmed the exclusivity of this
invertebrate genus not only in toxicology or pharmacology, but in biology and medicine as a
whole. Our almost twenty years experience with A. franciscana have proved that the Artemia
system is not only convenient for acute toxicity testing, but for extensive dynamic studies, as
well, including model experiments with simultaneous treatments with two or more agents
of chemical or physical character, as has been demonstrated in this chapter. The Artemia
tests are fully competent to belong to the group of test systems used for the pre-screening of
toxic agents.
7. Acknowledgment
The study was funded by the grant No. MSM6215712402 of the Ministry of Education,
Youth and Sports of Czech Republic.
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Patulin Analysis:
Sample Preparation Methodologies
and Chromatographic Approaches
Sara Pires, Joo Lopes, Ins Nunes and Elvira Gaspar
CQFB-REQUIMTE/Departamento de Qumica/Faculdade
de Cincias e Tecnologia/Universidade Nova de Lisboa
1. Introduction
Patulin is a mycotoxin with carcinogenic, mutagenic and teratogenic potential mainly
produced by several species of Pennicillium, Aspergillus and Byssoclamys. This toxin has been
found in fresh food such as fruits and vegetables, but may also be present in commercial
apple juices and other food products. Food contamination with this toxin had led, over the
years, to intense investigations related with its occurrence, toxicity, and also to develop
prevention and detoxification methods from human and animal food chains. Patulin
occurrence compelled several regulating entities to establish maximum limits in some food
products, and thereupon, the identification and quantification of this mycotoxin demands
the development of sensitive, selective and effective analytical methods.
metabolites toxic to vertebrates in low concentration (Bennett, 1987). Nevertheless, not all
toxic compounds produced by fungi can be defined as mycotoxins, and a good example of
this is the antibiotic penicillin, produced by Penicillium fungi, which is especially toxic to
Common observation one can find in fungi kingdom is that mould species produces more
than one type of mycotoxin, and the same mycotoxin can be produced by different types of
moulds (Robbins et al., 2000, as cited in Ciegler & Bennett, 1980).
the current trade patterns, mycotoxicoses resulting from contaminated food, locally grown
or imported, could occur worldwide. And as consequence, it would be wrong to state that
mycotoxin exposure only occurs in underdeveloped countries in which the population is
malnourished and there is no regards in food handling and storage (Peraica et al., 1999).
The use of preventive techniques for the control of fungal growth in agricultural
commodities and to improve methods for food preparation in industrial standards and food
spoilage are never successful. For instance, taste, size, shape, texture and appearance are the
basic features of evaluation of a fruit, these will dictate the fruit final destination,
consumption or processing. In other hand, food products made from fruits are classified
according to their quality using indicators of contamination. Specifically in food products,
quality can be characterized by the growth of observable fungi, the existence of unpleasant
odor and decomposition of the fruit. In the presence of a fungal contamination, a fruit can
exhibit a profound change due to production of disintegrative pectinolytic enzymes
responsible for the fruit tissues degradation.
As it was mentioned before, food contamination with mycotoxins is dependent of the
influence of environmental and biological factors that determine the fungi production.
These factors include the composition of the substrate, temperature, humidity, pH,
microbial competition and insect damage (Songsermsakul & Razzazi-Fazeli, 2008; Sant'Ana
et al., 2008). Contamination occurs during growing, harvesting, transportation, storage
and/or processing of food products (Sant'Ana et al., 2008). As an example, Aspergillus and
Penicillium species are usually associated with contamination during storage, whereas
Fusarium species can produce mycotoxins before or right after harvesting (Abramson et al.,
Contaminated feed for animals may also have deleterious effects on humans through food
chain. In fact, the animal derived products like milk, eggs and meat may appear
contaminated with chemicals produced by fungi (Shephard, 2008; Krska et al., 2008).
Beyond the devastating effect of agricultural growth of fungi, toxins produced by them have
harmful effects on human health, including carcinogenicity, teratogenicity and growth
retardation (Shephard, 2008). Aflatoxins, citrinin, fumonisin (Figure 1), ochratoxin, patulin,
trichothecenes and zearalenone are among the mycotoxins that have received more
attention in recent years due to their frequent occurrence and their effects on human health
(Bennett & Klich, 2003).
2.3 Patulin
Patulin (Figure 2) was initially classified as broad-spectrum antifungal antibiotic. Later, it
was found to inhibit more than seventy five different species of bacteria. Further
investigations also revealed patulins violent toxicity to animals and plants (Ciegler et al.,
Patulin (PAT), IUPAC name 4-hydroxy-4H-furo[3,2-c]pyran-2(6H)-one, is characterized by
being a hemiacetal lactone, with empirical formula C7H6O4, molecular weight 154.12 g/mol,
with an appearance of white powder and a melting point of 110C. Patulin presents a very
intense maximum UV absorption at 276 nm (Ciegler et al., 1971; Nielsen & Smedsgaard,
78 Ecotoxicology
Fig. 1. Chemical structures of some common mycotoxins: aflotoxin B1 (A), citrinin (B) and
fumonisin B1 (C).
Patulin is an organic compound very soluble in water and in most organic solvents. It is
stable in diluted acids and resistant to temperatures at 125C in the 3.5 - 5.5 pH range
(Collin et al., 2008, as cited in Lovett & Peeler, 1973).
to the fungi ability to survive the heat treatments which are applied to food products
(SantAna et al., 2008).
Fungal strains which produce patulin have been isolated over the years from various fruits
and vegetables. Although patulin can occur in several fruits, grains and other foods infected
by fungi, the main concern is with apples (Sommer et al., 1974, as cited in Brian et al., 1956;
Harwig et al., 1973), apple cider (Sands et al., 1976, as cited in Stott &.Bullernan, 1975) and
apple juice (Scott et al., 1972) due to their higher consumption. It is also found and isolated
from other fruits and vegetables; they are: grapes, pears, apricots (Sommer et al., 1974),
cherries, strawberries, nectarines, raspberries, peaches, plums, tomatoes, bananas, almonds,
hazelnuts and peanuts (Leggott & Shephard, 2001; Moake et al., 2005, as cited in Harvey et
al., 1972; Buchanan et al., 1974; Lovett et al., 1974; Akerstrand et al., 1976; Andersson et al.,
1977; Frank et al., 1977; Harwig et al., 1978; Brackett & Marth, 1979a; Jelinek et al., 1989;
Jiminez et al., 1991; Prieta et al., 1994; Demirci et al., 2003; Ritieni, 2003).
Studies have been developed in several countries related with the occurrence of patulin; it
has been identified in apples from Canada, England, United States, Australia (Sommer et al.,
1974), South Africa (Leggott & Shephard, 2001), New Zealand (Moake et al., 2005, as cited in
Walker, 1969) and Portugal (Gaspar & Lucena, 2009), and had also been found in apple
juices from Canada (Moake et al., 2005, as cited in Scott et al., 1972), United States (Moake
et al., 2005, as cited in Ware et al., 1974), Sweden (Moake et al., 2005, as cited in Josefsson &
Andersson, 1976), South Africa (Leggott & Shephard, 2001), Turkey (Gokmen & Acar,
1998), Brazil (Moake et al., 2005, as cited in de Sylos & Rodriquez-Amaya, 1999), Austria
(Moake et al., 2005, as cited in Steiner et al., 1999a), Italy (Moake et al., 2005, as cited in
Ritieni, 2003), Belgium (Moake et al., 2005, as cited in Tangi et al., 2003), and Portugal
(Gaspar & Lucena, 2009; Barreira et al, 2010).
genotoxicity were variable, most assays carried out with mammalian cells were positive,
while assays with bacteria were mainly negative. After acute administration and short-term
studies, the main signals of toxicity caused by patulin were gastrointestinal hyperemia,
distension, hemorrhage and ulceration. In vitro and in vivo experiments had showed
immunosuppressive properties at high dosages of patulin (Wouter & Speijers, 1996).
The International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) concluded that no evaluation was
made respecting the carcinogenicity of patulin to humans and that there was inadequate
evidence in experimental animals (IARC, 1986).
Even though no epidemic outbreak in humans and animals has been attributed to patulin
contamination, increasing concern with public health forced the regulating authorities to
establish maximum limits. As a consequence, international recommendations and
regulations were established for patulin maximum levels allowed in food products; patulin
content warnings in food products have to be displayed, acting like quality markers. Within
European countries the regulation (EC) No 1425/2003 was adopted and setting as maximum
levels of 50 g/L for fruit juices and derived products, 25 g/L for solid apple products and
10 g/L for juices and foods aimed for babies and young infants (Commission regulation
(EC) No 1881/2006). Joint FAO/WHO Expert Committee on Food Additives (JECFA) also
established the provisional maximum tolerable daily intake 0.4 g/kg body mass/day
(JECFA, 1995). Nowadays, the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) limit patulin to 50
2.4 Analysis
Patulin analysis encompass several important steps: sampling, sample preparation, isolation
and/or identification, quantitation and, sometimes, statistical evaluation. Each step is
equally important to obtain good results to fulfill the analytical purpose.
Sampling includes deciding on sampling points and choosing a method to get appropriate
amounts of samples, which can be solid or liquid with very different structural and chemical
includes an initial multi-extraction step with ethyl acetate and a posterior extraction with an
aqueous sodium carbonate solution. The combined extracts were dried and evaporated,
then being dissolved in acetic acid solution and chromatographed for patulin analysis.
Several improved methodologies of the official method have been reported over the years
(Gkmen & Acar, 1998; Iha & Sabino, 2006). One of them was described for cloudy apple
juice and apple purees, and includes a pretreatment procedure with pectinase to improve
the clarity of juices and purees before patulin analysis (MacDonald et al., 2000). Solid Phase Extraction (SPE)
Solid phase extraction (SPE) emerged as an extremely attractive versatile technique for
sample preparation of patulin containing matrices. The principles of the technique are based
on chromatography: solutes are dissolved or suspended in a liquid and eluted through a
solid phase; depending on their affinity, a separation occurs (Figure 3). SPE has been used
to clean-up matrices and concentrate trace substances, such as patulin. Like any other
technique it has also limitations: matrix effect and the undesired competition between
analyte(s) and the other matrix components. As can be seen in Figure 3, SPE uses pre-
packed cartridges containing up to 500 mg of stationary phase - silica or silica bonded to
specific functional groups such as hydrocarbons of variable chain length, reversed phase
SPE, or quaternary ammonium or amino groups, anion-exchange SPE, or sulfonic acid or
carboxylic groups, cation-exchange SPE.
For patulin analysis in apple juices (Gkmen et al., 2005) two SPE systems using a tandem
polyvinylpolypyrrolidone-octadecyl (PVPP-C18) cartridge and a hydrophilic lipophilic
balanced (HLB) macroporous copolymer sorbent cartridge, were described. The technique
required few mL of juice and the elution was done with diethyl ether. After solvent
82 Ecotoxicology
Using MEPS as sample preparation technique, a new methodology for patulin analysis is
described, for the first time, in this book chapter (Section It aims the identification
and quantification of this mycotoxin in real matrices.
Linearity Precision
Retention LOD LOQ
Range Calibration (RSD,%), n
time (min) R2 (g/L) (g/L)
(mg/L) equation =4
0.03 y = 136592x-
16.8 0.9996 2.0 6.0 3.5
0.50 2161.5
Table 1. Analytical parameters of improved HPLC methodology for patulin analysis (Elvira
& Lucena, 2009).
3. The sample (0.5 mL) was introduced and eluted at a flow rate of 23 mL/min (Figure 3,
step 3);
4. The following washing step was done with (0.5 mL) acidified water (Figure 3, step 4);
5. Sample elution was done with (3 1 mL) methanol (Figure 3, step 5);
6. The combined eluates were evaporated to dryness under vacuum;
7. After dissolution in (0.5 mL) acidified water the sample was analyzed using the
previously mentioned improved HPLC methodology (Gaspar & Lucena, 2009);
This improved sample preparation changed the previously described (Li et al., 2007)
washing solvent - acidified water instead of hexane - and also the eluent composition,
methanol, a greener solvent, instead of the mixture hexane/ethyl acetate/acetone.
This optimized SPE-HPLC/DAD methodology showed an average recovery of 82% with a
RSD value of 6% in the linear dynamic range 200 to 600 ppb (Table 2). The precision of the
method showed a repeatability of 1.2% and a reproducibility value of 2.2%. According to the
literature (Miller & Miller, 1988; IPQ, 2000) being these values below 10%, they indicate a
good method performance. The overall SPE-HPLC methodology represents an economical,
faster and routine usable methodology.
was done in a fractionated mode (2 25 L) and the washing step was not used; these
procedures revealed a better recovery. The extracting solvent was of crucial importance -
methanol was much better than acetonitrile for the patulin analysis.
The method performance was achieved using five replicates, spiking the target samples
(apples) with different quantities of patulin standard ranging from 200 to 600 ppb (Table 3).
The average recovery was 69% with a RSD of 4%. The precision of the method showed a
repeatability of 3.2% and a reproducibility value of 4.0%. Also here these values are below
10%, indicating a good precision for this new sample preparation methodology (Miller &
Miller, 1988; IPQ, 2000). MEPS can be an excellent alternative to the SPE technique, being
faster, less solvent consuming and less expensive than SPE.
Fig. 6. SPE-HPLC/DAD (A) and MEPS-HPLC/DAD (B) patulin analysis from a naturally
infected apple; the UV spectrum is shown (conditions described in Section and
Patulin Analysis: Sample Preparation Methodologies and Chromatographic Approaches 87
Fig. 7. SPE-HPLC/DAD (A) and MEPS-HPLC/DAD (B) patulin analysis from a spiked
commercial apple juice; spike 7.7 g /50 L (conditions described in Section and
Apple juice (cloudy) was also analysed by both methods showing a level of patulin lower
than 6 ppb, the limit of quantification (LOQ) of both methods for this compound. Spiked
matrices (Figure 7) were also analyzed, by both methods, to test the methodologies. The
results revealed that the analyzed juice was produced with good sanitation criteria,
satisfying the legislation limits (Commission Regulation (EC) No 1881/2006). These results
show the necessity of constant surveillance of the occurrence of this toxin in fruit juices and
evidenced that national public institutions should be capable of evaluating and determining
food content in toxic substances in real time, due to the risk associated with consumption.
3. Conclusions
Patulin analysis is an important subject with social relevance. This chapter describes the
most suitable analytical methods respecting accuracy, low detection limits and simple
procedures for application in quality control, developed for the determination of patulin in
food products, especially apple juice and its derivatives. Techniques such as thin-layer
chromatography (TLC), gas chromatography (GC) and high-performance liquid
chromatography (HPLC) were described together with sample preparation methodologies
like liquidliquid extraction (LLE) and solid-phase extraction (SPE) to determine the patulin.
This chapter also describes, for the first time, an improved, simple, no time consuming, trace
analysis micro extraction in packed syringe (MEPS) methodology for the determination of
patulin in food products, and compares and discusses the use of MEPS and SPE in patulin
Having into account the importance of detecting this mycotoxin in food chain as marker of
quality, this work will contribute to a better characterization and quantification of its
presence in human diet and will make possible to determine the toxicological relevance of
human exposure to patulin, its biological role and long-term implications of its consumption
for human health.
88 Ecotoxicology
4. Acknowledgements
Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology is acknowledged for funding PhD grants:
FCT SFRH/33809/2009 (Ins Nunes) and FCT SFRH/SFRH/BD/40564/2007 (Joo Lopes).
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dispersion methods: a comparative study. European Food Research and Technology,
Vol.228, No.6, pp.1009-1014, 1438-2377
1. Introduction
During last decades the productive activities, the increasing energy demand and the
massive resource exploitation have caused extensive pollution phenomena that are to date
spread on a worldwide scale. Therefore, the monitoring and assessment of environmental
pollution is a subject of high concern owing to the implications that pollutants can exert on
the environment, organisms and ecosystems, as well as on the quality of life of humans and
on public health.
Pollution problems affect greatly the aquatic environments that are mainly sensitive to
several typologies of contamination, such as chemical pollution, oil dumping,
microbiological contamination from sewers, etc. These inputs can exert devastating effects
on ecosystems with long-term consequences (Mille et al., 1998).
To date a lot of chemicals are utilized in productive processes and many new substances are
synthesized every year; the utilization and introduction of these newly synthesized
chemicals into the environment and in production cycles must be approved after an
accurate evaluation of their eventual toxic properties against selected organisms with the
main purpose to protect the safety of plants and animals and the human health. To do this
several experiments useful to test the effects consequent to contact, inhalation and ingestion
and to estimate the risks connected to the acute/chronic exposition in the natural and work
environments have been proposed with the aim to define some fundamental parameters,
such as the acceptable dose, the risk dose, the lethal dose, etc.
These evaluations need to be carried out using test-species which are representative of the
environmental compartment under consideration; in this connection, the availability of test-
species able to furnish reliable and cheap results and to evaluate the activity of pollutants at
the individual and ecosystem level is essential. Nevertheless, it is known that the tests on
animals have ethical implications and often show problems connected to the reliability and
to the application of results to the natural conditions. As a matter of fact, the test-organisms
92 Ecotoxicology
have their own physical, biological and biochemical characteristics and thus they can
metabolize some substances, and suffer their effects, in a different way from each other and,
in particular, differently from humans.
To date the availability of test-species, easy to collect and to rear, and sensitive to different
xenobiotics, is an important aspect in ecotoxicology in order to characterize the risk of
chemicals. In general, in toxicity tests some organisms belonging to a target-species are
exposed, in controlled conditions, to the activity of the samples to be investigated (water,
sediments, soil, sewage, sludge, chemicals, known toxicants, etc) in order to evaluate the
eventual toxic effects. At the end of tests lethality or sub-lethality can be observed according
to the considered end-point (mortality, growth, motility, physiological and reproductive
alterations, etc.) and as a consequence of the utilized species and of the extent of measurable
effect; furthermore, acute or chronic toxicity can be distinguished according to the duration
of the test compared with the life cycle of the organism.
It is well known that different species have different ecological and biological characteristics;
for this reason, to achieve an adequate description of the environmental injury using a single
species is not possible in the laboratory. For this reason, the preparation of batteries of tests
including some different species is a suitable procedure; selected species should be used in
the tests on the basis of criteria useful to satisfy most of the requirements to correctly
perform the ecotoxicological assessment.
Overall, the criteria useful to choose different test-species should comprise: the different
phylogenetical position and trophic level, the different ecological relevance, the sensitivity
to specific contaminants, the relative shortness of the life cycle, the easy availability, the
known adaptation to laboratory conditions, the possibility to respond to the different ways
of exposition to contaminants. Furthermore, the main requirements of a toxicological test
can be summarized as: standardization, possibility to give replicates, easy realization,
possibility to discriminate between different results, cost reduction, rapidity of execution
(Onorati & Volpi Ghirardini, 2001).
In the aquatic environment an ideal battery of organisms should comprise the representative
links of the food web: a primary producer, such as a microalga, a primary consumer
(invertebrate), such as a crustacean, and a secondary consumer (vertebrate), such as a fish
(Shaw & Chadwick, 1995), taking into account the specific application, the typology of the
considered environment, the presumptive levels of pollutants, the physico-chemical
characteristics of the involved substances, the purpose of the ecotoxicological study, as well
as the available resources.
In this connection, the new European regulation REACH (Registration, Evaluation,
Authorization of Chemicals) No. 1907/2006 introduces an integrated system for the
management of all produced/imported chemicals for an amount 1 ton/year and states that
all substances destined to be used in the EU and to be introduced into the production
processes must be subject to accurate evaluation including toxicity tests on selected
All tests indicated by REACH must be carried out in conformity with well defined analysis
methods determined by the EU or, failing that, according to the OECD guidelines or to other
determined methods. Furthermore, all tests must be performed in conformity with the
Utilization of Marine Crustaceans as Study Models:
A New Approach in Marine Ecotoxicology for European (REACH) Regulation 93
with the result of a progressive increase of the toxicant into the body (bioconcentration).
After absorption the toxicant is subject to the distribution and to metabolic processes as well
as to excretion; for these reasons it is difficult to estimate the internal concentration of
toxicants and conventionally the toxicity is quantified in terms of concentration of the
substance in the medium (Gaggi, 1998; Paoletti et al., 1998). In particular in aquatic
ecotoxicology, and mainly when the invertebrates are considered, it is very difficult to
estimate the amount of toxicant assumed into the body; so, this parameter is unknown, but
is known the concentration of the toxicant in the water. Anyhow, it should also be
considered that to vertebrates (fish or mammals) the toxicant can be administered directly
into the body (blood and/or muscle) and therefore its amount is certainly known. So, these
two cases are remarkably different and in the first case we can express the results as LC50
(Lethal Concentration) while in the second one as LD50 (Lethal Dose).
The tests can be subdivided in acute and chronic. The acute toxicity concerns experiments
carried out for hours or days and is generally expressed as LC50, that corresponds to the
concentration able to reduce the survival of exposed organisms up to 50%, or EC50, that
corresponds to the highlighting of an adverse measurable effect such as immobilization. The
chronic toxicity regards a long-term exposition (weeks, months) and theoretically can be
extended during the whole life cycle of the organisms; the current endpoints are the NOEC
(No Observed Effect Concentration) and the LOEC (Lowest Observed Effect Concentration)
that generally consider the survival, growth and reproduction. The regulation recommends
to use standardized methods but also well described non-standardized protocols or
modified methods can be acceptable.
considering the different levels of the food web; therefore, it is essential to use a primary
producer, such as an unicellular alga, a primary consumer, such as a filter feeder
invertebrate, and a secondary consumer, such as larval fish. Also a saprotroph/saprophyte
and a detritus-feeder should be comprised among the considered species (Baudo et al.,
2011). Useful results could be also obtained through in vitro systems, such as cell cultures of
fish cells (Pane & Mariottini, 2009). Finally, the test battery should have a good sensitivity
and a discriminating potentiality in order to respond as much as possible to pollutants
(Baudo et al., 2011).
Among aquatic organisms crustaceans have a key-role in the environment for their
intermediate position in the food web and also for their wide distribution and high density;
for this reason in ecotoxicological testing several crustacean species have been proposed
(APHA, AWWA, WEF, 1995) and are having a wide employment both in freshwater and in
marine ecotoxicology.
parameter immobilization has been subject of criticism because a scarce mobility was
observed in sluggish specimens which were motionless after stimulation, but
subsequently can return to swim actively (Mller, 1980).
The tests with Daphnia magna must be carried out according to well-defined standards.
According to IRSA-CNR (1994) the organisms must have homogeneous age (<24 hours), in
general the tests should be conducted for 24-48 hours in static flux conditions, at 20C and
pH 7.5-8.5, with light-dark period 16 hrs - 8 hrs; the utilized standard water must have total
hardness 140-160 mg CaCO3/l, alcalinity 110-120 mg CaCO3/l.
Recent methods were published by OECD: the method OECD 202 (2004) concerns the use of
young daphnids, aged less than 24 hrs, and the exposition to different concentrations of
toxicants for 48 hrs against control test. The immobilisation must be evaluated after 24 and
48 hrs and the results must be expressed as EC50. Other daphnid species, such as Daphnia
pulex, Ceriodaphnia affinis and Ceriodaphnia dubia, can be utilized in this test. The method
OECD 211 (2008) concerns the evaluation of reproduction and utilizes specimens aged less
than 24 hrs. The exposition is prolonged for 21 days and the living offspring produced is
evaluated; survival, LOEC and NOEC are the common expression of results.
(Chapman & Wang, 2001) and have been employed to draw up sediment-quality guidelines
(Macdonald et al., 2011).
ASTM (1999) suggests for testing some amphipods species but unfortunately none of them
occurs in the Mediterranean, making problematical their use for the laboratories of this
region; on the whole, among the species considered in the guidelines the sole amphipod
useful for the Mediterranean is Corophium orientale that is cited in the protocol ISO 16712
(2005). Corphium orientale has been indicated to be suitable in ecotoxicology mainly for its
constant availability, for its high tolerance to the variations of salinity and for the
reproducibility of given results that were verified comparing different populations sampled
in Italian sites (Lera et al., 2008) but, in spite of this, the difficulties in sampling and breeding
is a critical factor. As a matter of fact, to date the main problem for using of these
amphipods concerns the impossibility to breed them; among the European amphipods
suggested by OSPAR (1995) only Corophium volutator has been bred in the laboratory (Peters
& Ahlf, 2005), but it does not occur in the Mediterranean.
Otherwise, harpacticoid copepods can be useful test-organisms for their wide distribution,
their key-position within the food web, their satisfactory sensitivity to pollutants and
because they are easier to rear than other crustaceans and also than pelagic copepods.
Furthermore, the breeding of some harpacticoids allows to have many organisms that are
always available owing to the constant and abundant production of offspring with very low
costs and efforts. In some harpacticoids the production of offspring can be also stimulated.
For these reasons harpacticoid copepods seem to be the chief candidate to hold the role of
primary consumer in ecotoxicological testings.
To date the studies on the ecotoxicological response of Acartia tonsa and Tigriopus fulvus,
two species eligible to the role of test-species in aquatic ecotoxicology, are in progress in
Italy with the aim to contribute to the standardization of test methodologies; these studies
are being carried out in the framework of an Italian inter-calibration programme including
different laboratories using heavy metals as reference substances.
region Acartia tonsa was found first in late 80s of the last century (Farabegoli et al., 1989; Sei
et al., 1996); it is supposed to be an allochtonous species for the Mediterranean where to date
occurs mainly in the Adriatic Sea.
Acartia tonsa can be found in all seasons, with remarkable abundance from April to
November (Baudo et al., 2011). During the last decade it has been widely employed in
toxicity testing with several substances such as metals (Bielmyer et al., 2006), endocrine
disruptors (Andersen et al., 2001; Kusk & Wollenberger, 2007), brominated compounds
(Wollenberger et al., 2005), cosmetic and sunscreen components (Kusk et al., 2011), LAS
(linear alkyl benzene sulfonate) (Christoffersen et al., 2003), insecticides (Barata et al., 2002;
Medina et al., 2002) and other different chemicals (Sverdrup et al., 2002).
The specimens useful for the experiments can be collected with zooplankton nets provided
with 50 200 m mesh; to start breeding it is suggested to collect 200-300 adult Acartia tonsa
(both males and females). Adult males and females Acartia tonsa can be recognized under a
dissecting microscope following the indications of classical taxonomy (Rose, 1933) and
removed using a wide-bore pipette (Buskey & Hartline, 2003; Invidia et al., 2004).
Zooplankton samples must be maintained in appropriate recipients at 20C 0.5C with
aeration; the sorting of specimens and the taxonomical recognition must be carried out as
soon as possible and anyhow within few days from sampling. Subsequently, Acartia tonsa
can be maintained in flow-through system with natural seawater at temperature 20 2C; it
is necessary to provide constant aeration and a light/dark period 16/8 hrs, at 1800-2100 lux
(Widdows, 1998). The organisms can be fed twice a week ad libitum with algae from batch
cultures of different species such as Isochrysis galbana and Tetraselmis suecica.
Algal cultures used to feed copepods must be used at the exponential growth phase;
suitable density to feed copepods can be 1.3 x 106 cells/ml for Isochrysis galbana and 0.35 x
106 cells/ml for Tetraselmis suecica supplying 7 ml/l Isochrysis galbana and 7 ml/l Tetraselmis
suecica. The counting of algal cells can be performed by using a Thoma hemocytometer.
Toxicity tests must be performed using Acartia tonsa eggs obtained 15-16 hours before the
test starting from the specimens maintained in the laboratory at the above described
The harpacticoid copepod Tigriopus fulvus assumed recently a pre-eminent role in
ecotoxicology and demonstrated to be a promising target-species (Todaro et al., 2001;
Faraponova et al., 2003; Pane et al., 2006a, 2006b). Tigriopus fulvus is the most representative
organism in the splashpools of rocky Mediterranean littorals (Pane & Mariottini, 2010); it is
adapted to live in pools located at different height above the tideline, characterized by wide
salinity variations and also by mixing of marine and fresh waters, while it is absent in the
pools reached by waves and in higher pools that receive almost exclusively the contribution
of freshwater (Carli et al., 1995). Anyhow, as it is well known after observations in the
laboratory, Tigriopus fulvus can survive normally both in natural and in artificial seawater
(Carli et al., 1989a).
The specimens can be easily sampled in splashpools of rocky coasts; before testing they need
to be acclimatized at least ten days at the laboratory conditions in filtered natural or artificial
seawater at temperature 18.00.5 C, 18 PSU (Practical Salinity Units) and neutral pH, with a
12/12 hrs light/dark period. The organisms must be fed once a week with algae from batch
Utilization of Marine Crustaceans as Study Models:
A New Approach in Marine Ecotoxicology for European (REACH) Regulation 99
cultures (mainly Tetraselmis suecica or Chlorella minutissima) and bakers yeast (Saccharomyces
cerevisiae) counting the cells by a Thoma hemocytometer (Pane et al., 2008b).
The ecotoxicological tests can be carried out on adults (generally only females are used
because in laboratory breeding they preponderate on males) and on the first larval stages
(nauplii I-II) born in the laboratory culture; for tests on nauplii to have same-aged specimens
is a very important factor in order to standardize the procedure. A simple method to obtain
a suitable amount of same-aged nauplii provides for the isolation of carrying eggs females;
subsequently the hatching of eggs must be stimulated by detaching egg sacs using fine
needles after immobilization of females by soft filtration on membrane filters leaving a thin
water film to avoid to damage them (Pane et al., 2006b). Detached egg sacs must be
transferred into cell culture multiwell plates in seawater (18 PSU) and maintained at
180.5C for 24 hours. Newborn nauplii (I-II stage) hatched by detached eggs, having the
same age, can be utilized in toxicity tests.
The chronic tests on females, besides survival, consider also the production of egg sacs and
of alive nauplii, so, they should be carried out preferably in multiwell plates with
extractable polystyrene inserts provided with a membrane with pore mesh size 74 m that
allow to separate the females from offspring and to easily count the nauplii (Pane et al,
Tigriopus fulvus has been extensively studied from the biological (Carli & Fiori, 1977; Carli et
al., 1989a), biochemical (Carli et al., 1989b; Pane et al., 2003) and ecological point of view
(Carli et al., 1993; Pane et al., 2000). Some studies have used this copepod to evaluate the
toxicity of metals, surfactants, dispersants and other compounds of environmental concern
(Giacco et al., 2006; Pane et al., 2007a, 2007b, 2008a, 2008b, 2009) in the framework of
extensive experiments including the use of ecotoxicological test sets with several organisms
(bacteria, algae, crustaceans, fish larvae).
Tigriopus fulvus has been recently included by the Italian Law among the species to be used
to evaluate the suitability of natural or synthetic absorbent products and dispersants
employed in seawaters for draining of oil hydrocarbon contamination (Gazzetta Ufficiale
della Repubblica Italiana, 2011).
Other species of the genus Tigriopus have been considered for ecotoxicology: the first studies
were made during the 70s and 80s of the last century when the effect of environmental
contaminants, such as oil by-products, and pesticides was studied on Tigriopus californicus
by Barnett and Kontogiannis (1975) and Antia et al., (1985) respectively, demonstrating the
high adaptive capability of these copepods to the stress caused by xenobiotics.
Tigriopus brevicornis was utilized mainly to assess the toxicity of both essential and non-
essential metals (Forget et al., 1998; Barka et al., 2001), considering also the detoxification
processes (Barka, 2000, 2007) and the enzyme activity (Forget et al., 2003). Other studies
concerned the effect of thermal shocks simulating the action of coastal nuclear power
stations (Falchier et al., 1981) and the assessment of pesticide toxicity (Forget et al., 1998). Its
role as water quality indicator has been also considered (Barka et al., 1997).
Tigriopus japonicus has been widely used in ecotoxicology and a lot of papers are available;
recently the exposition to benzo(a)pyrene (Bang et al., 2009) and to alkylphenols (Hwang et
al., 2010) was assessed on this copepod. Furthermore, the action of effluents in comparison
100 Ecotoxicology
with Daphnia magna (Kang et al., 2011), of metals (Ki et al., 2009; Kim et al., 2011; Kwok et al.,
2008; Rhee et al., 2009) and the expression of glutathione S-transferase (Lee et al., 2007, 2008),
the exposition to endocrine disruptors (Lee et al., 2006, Rhee et al., 2009) and to antifouling
biocides (Kwok & Leung, 2005) have been also studied recently.
5. Conclusion
To date pollution rising from anthropogenic sources play an increasing environmental role.
In addition, this phenomenon has an interest in all environments because pollution
occurring in air, soil and freshwaters can be carried to seawaters and drained into coastal
zones exerting toxicity on all organisms and persisting in time. Taking into account also the
bioaccumulation processes, the monitoring of ecotoxicity is essential to determine the effects
of pollutants at the global level. In this framework the availability of sensitive test-species is
a very important aspect.
In this connection some crustaceans, for their wide distribution and for their key-position in
the food web, have been proposed recently as test-species in ecotoxicology and the obtained
results seem to be promising. In particular, the calanoid copepod Acartia tonsa and the
harpacticoid copepod Tigriopus fulvus have shown to have several useful characteristics to
play the role of test-species in ecotoxicology in the procedure of risk assessment
concerning different chemicals.
In conclusion, in the framework of the REACH regulation further efforts are needing to
adequate the research and the testing to the new regulations, taking also into account the
need to prefer the use of invertebrates instead of vertebrates and, where possible, to replace
the toxicity experiments with living organisms with alternative techniques, including
analytical techniques useful for the screening of substances, predictive models and in vitro
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1. Introduction
Heavy metal pollution basically results from natural sources like volcanic eruptions,
weathering of rocks and anthropogenic sources like mining. These activities are significantly
increased in the past few decades as a result of burning of fossil fuels, industrial activities,
automotive emissions, use of metal-enriched materials, mining, farm manures, wastewater
irrigation, sewage sludge, pesticide usage, industrial and domestic wastes and many other
factors. Heavy metals may enter the food chain as a result of their uptake by edible plants,
thus, the determination of heavy metals in environmental samples is very important. For
screening and monitoring the impacts of heavy metals, higher plants which provide useful
genetic system, have been used as a biomonitor/bioindicator of cytogenetic and mutagenic
effects (Constantin & Owens, 1982; Grant, 1994, Kachenko et al. 2004; Alirzaveya et al. 2006).
Plants are used as biomonitor / bioindicator of pollution and the major advantages of them are
the following; they are eukaryotes and like animals, are able to process complex pollutant
molecules (promutagen - mutagen), there is a positive correlation with mammalian cytogenetic
assays for mutagenesis, easy to grow, resistant to environmental stresses, do not contaminate
easily, allow assays of a range of environmental conditions, also with cultured cells; used for
outdoor monitoring (Sandermann, 1994). Hence, the usage of plants as bioindicator in
ecotoxicology have been reported in several studies (Grant, 1994; Knasmuller et al., 1998).
(Nussbaum et. al., 1988) and biosynthesis of chlorophyll (Lidon & Henriques,1991), nucleic
acids (Shah & Dubey, 1995; Doncheva et. al., 1996) and seed germination (Ouzounidou et.
al., 1992).
Lead (Pb) naturally occurs in uncontaminated soils are generally in the range of 20 to 50 mg
kg-1 (Nriagu, 1978). In industrialized areas, Pb up to 1000 mg kg-1 or above has been
recorded (Angelone & Bini, 1992). Although it is not an essential element for plants, it gets
easily absorbed and accumulates in different parts of plants, causes anatomical changes by
binding with essential enzymes and cellular components and inactivates them in primary
leaves and decreases the number of epidermal cells/mm and growth parameters (Chaudhry
& Qurat-ul-Ain, 2003). Toxicity of Pb in plants causes a number of toxicity symptoms as
stunted growth, chlorosis, and blackening of root system and inhibits photosynthesis, upsets
mineral nutrition and water balance, changes hormonal status and affects membrane
structure and permeability (Sharma a& Dubey, 2005).
Copper (Cu) known to be an essential micronutrient for plant nutrition is generally occurs in
the range of 20-30 ppm in uncontaminated areas and sediments and less than 2 ppb in
natural waters (Nriagu, 1979; Salomons & Forstner, 1984; Moore & Ramamoorthy, 1984;
Baccini, 1985). Cu ions play a significant role in cell metabolism and also catalyse the redox
reactions in which 02 is the electron acceptor, being reduced to H202 or H20 (Gupta, 1979).
However its deleterious effects usually arise toxic levels in mining areas (higher than 2000
ppm) (Freedman & Hutchinson, 1980; Humphreys & Nicholls, 1984). Excesses of Cu ions in
plant tissues may induce a wide range of biochemical effects and metabolic disturbances
which are responsible for a strong inhibition of growth, sometimes accompanied by
anomalous development (Sommer, 1931; Lipman & McKinney 1931) and block
photosynthetic electron transport at the reducing site of photosystem I and at the oxidizing
site of photosystem II (Arnon & Stout 1939).
In natural soils cadmium (Cd) content is estimated to be about 0.060.50 mg/kg. Also,
accession of Cd to environment and its several potentially toxic consequences in soilplant
animalhuman system have increased due to industrial, agricultural and municipal
activities (Baker et al., 1979; Qadir et al., 2000). Cd is easily translocated from plant roots to
stems and leaves (Yang et al., 1998), and interfere with physiological processes, resulting in
declined productivity (Florijn & Van Beusichem, 1993) and harness photosynthetic activity,
chlorophyll content, plant growth and induce oxidative stress (Zhou & Huang, 2001; Yi and
Ching, 2003; Zhou et al., 2003). Cd stress leads to protein degradation through amino acid
metabolism resulting in decreased plant growth (Rai & Raizada, 1988) and inhibits the
activity of enzymes such as nitrate reductase and nitrite reductase is reported by Boussama
et al. (1999a, 1999b). Previous reports indicated that Cd can cause significant reduction in
the germination rate in Triticum and Cucumis (Munzuroglu & Geckil, 2002) or inhibit
germination and the growth of Arabidopsis embryos (Li et al., 2005).
Zinc (Zn) is essential microelement that is indispensable for normal plant growth. The
essentiality of Zn in low concentration for root and stem elongation was shown in previous
researches (Maz, 1915; Sommer & Lipman, 1926; Skoog, 1940). But at high concentrations, it
is toxic for plants like cadmium, lead and copper. Zn toxicity occurs in plants by
contaminated soils with mining and smelting activities (Chaney, 1993). Also genetic
variations in sensitivity to Zn toxicity has been mapped in plants (Dong et al., 2006).
Comparative Genotoxicity Analysis of Heavy Metal Contamination in Higher Plants 109
Plants could develop efficient and specific physio-biochemical mechanisms and overcome
environmental stress (Sandalio et al., 2001). For instance, some of them store toxic metals in
roots in order to prevent the dispersal of ions into the other parts of the plant (Fernandes &
Henriques, 1991). Plants tolerate metallic stress by developing the following defence
Excretion of complex compounds that reduce metal availability in the soil or in the
Metal exclusion through selective uptake of elements.
Metal retention in the roots, preventing its translocation to the shoot.
Metal immobilization in the cell wall.
Metal accumulation in vacuoles and inclusions.
Increased production of intracellular metal-binding compounds.
Development of metal-tolerant enzymes
Heavy metal toxicity effects biological molecules, for example, when metals binds to S
group, blocks the active site of enzyme, and may cause conformational changes in enzymes,
disrupts the cellular homeostasis and cause oxidative damage by generating reactive oxygen
species (ROS) such as singlet oxygen, hydrogen peroxide, hydroxyl radical which cause
lipid peroxidation, membrane defects and unstability of enzymes in higher plants (Webber,
1981; Freedman & Hutchinson, 1981; Aust et al., 1985). Chloroplast, mitochondrial and
plasma membrane are linked to electron transport and generate ROS as by products (Becana
et al., 2000). Their presence causes oxidative damage to the biomolecules such as lipids,
proteins and nucleic acids (Kanazawa et al., 2000). A variety of abiotic stresses including
drought, salinity, extreme temperatures, high irradiance, UV light, nutrient deficiency, air
pollutants, metallic stress etc. lead to formation of ROS and result directly or indirectly in
molecular damage (Lin & Kao, 1999). The regulation of ROS is a crucial process to avoid
unwanted cellular cytotoxicity and oxidative damage (Halliwell & Gutteridge, 1989). Effects
and results of ROS (Reactive Oxygen Species) are shown in Figure 1.
To scavenge ROS and avoid oxidative damage plants posses the antioxidative enzymes
superoxide dismutase, peroxidase and catalase (Kanazawa et al., 2000). SOD plays a
determinant role in protection against the toxic effects of oxidative stress by scavenging
superoxide radicals and providing their conversion into oxygen and hydrogen peroxide
(McCord & Fridovich, 1969). Four different classes of SOD have been distinguished
depending on the metal at the active center, manganese (Mn), iron (Fe), copper (Cu) and
zinc (Zn) (Miller & Sorkin, 1997). Previous studies with plants have demonstrated that,
most of the SODs are intracellular enzymes. A class of SODs consist with Cu (II) and Zn
(II) at active site (Cu/Zn SOD), another Mn(III) at active site (MnSOD), and with Fe (III)
or Ni (III) at the active site (FeSOD). Cu/Zn SODs are generally found in the cytosol of
eukaryotic cells and chloroplasts; membrane associated MnSODs are found in
mitochondria and also reported in chloroplasts and peroxisomes in some plants; the
dimeric FeSODs which is lacking in animals have been reported in chloroplasts of some
but not all, plants (Salin & Bridges 1980; Del Rio et al. 1983; Droillard & Paulin 1990; Van
Camp 1994; Fridovich, 1995).
Peroxidases are heme-containing monomeric glycoproteins that utilize either H2O2 or O2 to
oxidaze a wide variety of molecules (Yoshida, 2002). They are located in cytosol, vacuole,
110 Ecotoxicology
cell wall as well as in extra cellular space and use guaiacol as electron donor, utilise H2O2 in
the oxidation of various inorganic and organic substrates (Asada et al., 2006).
Catalase is in age dependent manner and scavenge H2O2 generated during the
photorespiration and -oxidation of fatty acids (Lin & Kao, 2000) and one of the crucial
antioxidant enzyme that scavenge ROS generated under stress conditions in plants. It
catalyzes the conversion of H2O2 to O2 and H2O, in this way prevents longer H2O2 action
which may lead to cell disturbances and DNA damages. The antioxidative responses of
catalase to heavy metal stress found predominantly in peroxisomes. Hence, researchers have
been investigating antioxidant responses for different plant species contaminated with
heavy metals. The inhibition of catalase activity is essential for avoidance of heavy metal
stress-related damage (Willekens et. al., 1995).
and nonpolluted areas, Muller et al. (2004) described genetic variation of Suillus luteus
population using AFLP In other study, Arabidopsis thaliana (L.) was used as bioindicators of
two genotoxic substances (potassium dichromate and dihydrophenanthrene) (Labra et al.,
2003). To evaluate the effects of organic and inorganic genotoxic substances, germination
test and AFLP analysis were used.
Eggplant (Solanum melongena L.) seedlings as bioindicator of a range of copper
concentrations were studied with population and molecular markers in our laboratory
(Krpe and Aras, 2011). Treated and non-treated groups were analysed, changes in growth
were detected with root lenght, dry weight, total soluble protein content and changes in
DNA with RAPD assay. Root-biomass production was significantly decreased by increased
Cu2+ concentrations (P < 0.05) after 21 days of exposure, compared with the control
seedlings. The principal events observed following the exposure to Cu2+ were the loss of
normal bands and appearance of new bands, compared with the normal control seedlings.
We found that these changes were dose-dependent. The use of various biomarkers could
help to detect the effects of toxicants at various levels of the organisms health status (Liu et
al., 2007).
Cu2+ and Zn2+ participate in vital growth processes such as mineral nutrition,
photosynthesis, mitochondrial respiration, cell wall metabolism and hormone signaling
pathways (Nussbaum et al., 1988; Costa de et. al., 1994). Soydam Aydn et. al., (2011a in
process); compared the effects of Cu2+, Zn2+ and Cu2++Zn2+ treatments on root elongation,
dry weight, total protein and changes in RAPD band profiles of cucumber (Cucumis sativus
L.). As a result, cumulative and antagonistic effect were observed between Cu2+ and Zn2+
contamination in terms of population parameters and RAPD band profiles. It was shown
that root lengths of cucumber were decreased with the increased concentration (p<0.01) of
Cu2+, Zn2+ and Cu2++Zn2+ treatments after 21d of exposure. Authors suggested that DNA
damages and mutations might alter primer binding sites and thus genomic template
stability changes due to metal exposure are shown in Table 1. GTS values belong to Cu
contaminations were approximately conserved at 40-45 % levels. Generally, lower GTS
values were observed at the lower concentrations of metals. Effects of combined solutions
were higher than the effects Cu2+ alone on GTS values (Table 1). An extreme adverse affect
was observed at all concentrations of Zn2+ treatments which the effects of Zn+2 treatment on
DNA remained to be identified.
Because of high reactivity of Cd+2, it can directly influence growth, senescence and energy
synthesis processes (Tiquia et. al., 1996; Turner, 2002). Cadmium (Cd+2) is a multitarget
toxicant for most organisms studied, and it is a well established human carcinogen. DNA
damage induced by Cd+2 contamination has been shown by changes in RAPD profile
(disappearance of bands and appearance of new PCR products occured in the profiles)
compared with root elongation, dry weight, total protein amount (Soydam Aydn et. al.,
2011b in press). Changes in the soluble protein content of root tips in okra seedlings
exhibited a significant decrease with the increased concentration of Cd+2 contamination.
Most of the new band appearances and disappearances in RAPD assay were shown in 30
ppm contamination which maximum inhibition of total protein contenthas also occured.
This research concluded that Cd has a genotoxic effect which may induce DNA mutation or
structural changes and RAPD is a suitable molecular marker for screening DNA damage
induced by non-lethal levels of Cd solutions. Effect of different heavy metal concentrations
on RAPD profiles reflect as changes in GTS (%). According to comparison of GTS % between
plant and heavy metal, the most stabile genomic template was determined in tomato
seedlings exposed to 80 ppm and 240 ppm Pb+2 concentrations. The most significant
reduction was seen at 640 ppm Zn2+ solution and a direct proportion was found in this metal
concentration with GTS values, root length and dry weight in cucumber seedlings. It was
remarkable that different concentrations of Zn2+ significantly decreased average GTS (%)
values in cucumber, while GTS values of Pb exposed tomato seedlings were average at 85,55
%. We determined heavy metal toxicity on higher plants and on the basis of GTS %
inhibition and they showed the following order: Zn > Cu >Cd Pb > (Figure 2.).
%GTS values
Average Average Average
Averange Averange of combined
%GTS %GTS values %GTS values
Heavy metal % GTS values % GTS values solution of
values of Cd of Cu2+ of Zn2+
Concentration of Cu exposed of Pb exposed Cu2+ Zn2+
exposed exposed exposed
eggplant tomato exposed
okra cucumber cucumber
control (%)
Cu+ Zn
Control 30 ppm 40 ppm 60 ppm 80 ppm 120 ppm 160 ppm 240 ppm 320 ppm 640 ppm
Fig. 3. Real-time PCR. (A) The PCR amplification curve charts the accumulation of
fluorescent emission at each reaction cycles of standart curve.(B) is the output of a serial
dilution experiment from an Light Cycler 480 real-time PCR instrument (Efficiency: 1.937
Error: 0.00769 Slope: -3.483 YIntercept: 43.43)
116 Ecotoxicology
Research hypothesizing that oxidative stress occurred when light energy input exceeded
energy utilization when salt inhibited growth, and that oxidative stress induced
overexpression of some SOD genes.
The molecular responses of hydroponically cultivated tomato plants to As(V) or Cr(VI) were
assessed by transcript accumulation analysis of genes coding for products potentially
involved in heavy metal tolerance. A quantitative real-time PCR experiment was performed
to determine the effects of As(V) or Cr(VI) at concentrations ranging from 80 to 640 mM on
protein genes Hsp90-1, MT2- and GR1-like using RNA isolated from 24h treated tomato
roots or shoots. As(V) increased MT2- and GR1-like transcripts in treated tomato roots but
Cr(VI) treatment slightly affected the transcript levels (Goupila et. al., 2009).
A quantitative real-time PCR assay was used to determine transgene copy number in some
plants and one of the most sensitive and reliably quantitative methods for gene expression
analysis (Chiang et al., 1996; Ingham et al., 2001; Callaway et al., 2002; Song et al., 2002).
Many researchers declare that, there is also need to know that what extent heavy metals can
induce changes in major lipid components of the cell membranes. Most of these reports have
been focused mainly on lipid peroxidation which induce production of ROS and represent
the first targets for metal toxicity in plants (Somashekaraiah et. al., 1992; De Vos et al., 1993,
Meharg, 1993).
Cd and Pb stress are shown to distrupt the cellular homeostasis and cause oxidative damage
to plants due to increased level of reactive oxygen species (ROS) which cause lipid
peroxidation, membrane defects and unstability of enzymes in higher plants. Based on the
knowledge of ROS a study was conducted to determine the effects of lead (Pb) and
cadmium (Cd) elements on lipid peroxidation, catalase enzyme activity and gene expression
profile in tomato (Lycopersicum esculentum L.). 25 days-old plants grown in controlled media
were used for stress treatments. For application of heavy metal stress Pb and Cd were added
to the hydroponic solution for 24h at a concentration from 0 (control), 80, 160, 320, 640 and
1280 mM of Pb or Cd.
Estimation of lipid peroxidation analysis based malondialdehyde (MDA) which is a
marker of oxidative lipid injury which changes in response to environmental factors lead
to stress in plants (Hodges, 1999) and the most significant increase in the MDA
content were seen in the samples exposed to 320 M concentration of Pb contamination,
while the lowest degree of MDA content was determined at the samples exposed to 1280
M concentration of Pb. Assay of catalase activity was performed by the method of Aebi
et. al., (1988) based on 240 nm absorbance and quantitative real-time PCR was performed
with Light Cycler 480 System (Roche), thermal cycler. Primers and probes sequences
(presented in Table 2) of target gene catalase (CAT) and actin (ACT) used for
normalization were designated on sequences of tomato genes available in the databank
CAT gene expressions showed a complex pattern under heavy metal contamination and
enzyme activity results were strongly up-regulated with this pattern at the same
concentration (p<0.05). Our results confirm that heavy metal contaminations are related to
impairment of ETS (Electron transport system) of membranes that caused an increase of
forms of reactive oxygen species (ROS) includes O2-, H2O2, OH- and HO2-. Many genes play
a crucial role for responding heavy metal stresses at transcriptional level and CAT is one of
these genes that encode catalase enzyme. In this case, CAT as an antioxidant defense system
Comparative Genotoxicity Analysis of Heavy Metal Contamination in Higher Plants 117
Table 2. Primer and Probe Sequences of CAT (catalase) and ACT (actin).
component, which can protect plants from cellular injury by removing excessively produced
H2O2, is activated (Qilin et al., 2009).
5. Conclusion
The results of these studies have shown the advantages of using plants as bioindicator of
heavy metal toxicity. Plants could develop different defense mechanisms against heavy
metal stress such as storing toxic metals in roots in order to prevent the dispersal of ions into
the other parts of the plant (Fernandes & Henriques, 1991). Also, alteration in total soluble
protein content is one of the important effect which promote senescence or reduce protein
synthesis by preventing the protein content of plants (Gupta, 1986). To measure of some
parameters at the population level can facilitate the interpretation of the data at the
molecular level. Though the plant genome is very stable, its DNA might be damaged due to
the exposure to stress factors and it can be shown as differences in band profiles of
molecular markers. Plants exposed to heavy metal stress also show rapid and temporary
drops in growth rate and activate antioxidant defense system by producing ROS which alter
MDA content and gene expression and enzyme activity patterns of CAT. We also suggest
that; molecular markers such as RAPD, AFLP combined with population biomarker and
quantitative real-time PCR technique can be used for determining the effects of heavy metal
toxicity in plants and real time PCR is the most reliable technique to determine the
responses given by the plant against heavy metal toxicity at gene expression level.
6. Acknowledgement
The authors would like to thank to Ankara University Biotechnology Institute for providing
the real time PCR equipment for the studies. The authors would also like to thank to Ankara
University Biotechnology Institute for the partial support of the other equipments by the
projects number 61 and 171.
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1. Introduction
In recent decades, our attention is drawn to human-induced environmental changes and
their potential threat to life on Earth through a growing number of mutagens and their
effects on the biota. Genetic damage caused by these factors often have a durable effect that
is manifested in later generations. The establishment of induced genetic damage in plants,
animals and men is one of the most important issues in mutagenesis studies. With each
passing year, the environment under anthropogenic influence is loaded with various
toxicants. They affect living organisms directly, i.e. on the implementation of individual
development, reducing the vitality of the individual, and hence - the population and the
species as a whole. Not less important, although more discreetly, their impact remains on
the inherited structures of the organisms. It is defined as mutagenic in the broadest sense.
Deleterious alterations in cellular DNA result from endogenous sources of damage as well
as from external radiations and genotoxic chemicals in the environment. These alterations
can cause mutations, genetic recombination, chromosomal aberrations, oncogenic processes
or cell death. All genotoxic agents are capable to induce chromosomal aberrations efficiently
(Natarajan, 1993). The types and the frequencies of aberrations induced depend upon the
nature of agents, cell cycle stage treated and the cell type employed.
Genetic toxicology deals with the mutagenic effects of chemicals and radiation and reveals
their mutagenicity on the biodiversity. Cytogenetic endpoints - chromosomal aberrations,
sister chromatid exchanges, mitotic index and micronuclei have long been used to assess
exposure of human populations to genotoxic agents. Chromosomal rearrangements are
sensitive endpoint towards the action of genotoxins with various origins. Chromosomal
aberrations are changes in chromosome structure, which involve gross alteration of the genetic
material and are detected using light microscopy. Structural chromosomal aberrations may be
induced mainly by direct DNA breakage, by replication on a damaged DNA template, and by
inhibition of DNA synthesis (Sorsa et al., 1992; Albertini et al., 2000). They can be divided into
two main classes: chromosome-type aberrations involving both chromatids of one or multiple
chromosomes and chromatid-type aberrations involving only one of the two chromatids
(Albertini et al., 2000; Hagmar et al., 2004). The application of cytogenetic observations is
126 Ecotoxicology
useful and informative approach in carefully controlled study designs concerning the risk
assessment (Sorsa et al., 1990; Vanjo & Sorsa, 1991; Testa et al., 2002).
Cytogenetics offers a direct connection between mutagenicity tests in experimental
organisms and effects in humans and is most often used in detecting human mutagen
exposures (Bender et al., 1988; Sorsa et al., 1992). Chromosomal aberrations including
chromatid breaks, chromatid exchanges, acentric fragments, dicentric chromosomes, ring
chromosomes and some inversions and translocations can be reported in peripheral
lymphocytes in people who have been exposed to mutagens. Increased frequencies of
aberrations were found after exposure to ionizing radiation and various chemicals including
benzene, cyclophosphamide, nickel containing compounds, vinyl chloride and styrene
(Sorsa et al., 1992) and industrial polymetal dust (Topashka & Teodorova, 2010).
Micronucleus formation results from breakage of chromatids or chromosomes when an
acentric fragment is produced. Micronucleus test substitutes the metaphase analysis in
human monitoring (Sorsa et al. 1992). Therefore, assays detecting chromosomal aberration
or micronuclei are suitable for detecting genotoxic agents and clastogens (CSGMT, 1992).
Although all gathered evidences clearly showing the adverse effects of pollution on nature
many people still remain unconcerned unless their own health is in danger. Human subjects
would provide the most reliable information for risk assessment on human health and
ecological risk, but this is not an accepted practice for many ethical reasons. Investigations
which use suitable animal test systems and answers they could give may be a potential bridge
to meet the gap between the animal-based and human-based environmental observations
(OBrien et al., 1993). The use of mammals to assess the human exposure to toxic
environmental contaminants is unquestionable. Pet animals could provide valuable
information of whether their owners are threatened by the contaminated environment.
Reynolds et al (1994) have found evidence that absorption and excretion of the herbicide 2,4-D
occurs readily among dogs after application of the herbicide to lawns. This observation was
made particularly during the first 2 days after herbicide application. Hayes et al., (1991)
showed a positive association between canine malignant lymphoma, a form of cancer in dogs,
and the use of the herbicide 2,4-D by their owners on their lawns and by literature data
suggested an increased risk of non-Hodgkin's lymphoma in humans, the histology and
epidemiology of which are similar to those of canine malignant lymphoma. Gaines and
Kimbrough, (1970) cited by Hansen et al., (1971) reported an increase in mortality among rats
whose female parents received approximately 50 mg/kg b. w. per day of 2,4-D in the diet for 3
months before mating and throughout gestation and lactation. Sometimes the influence of
toxicants on humans in some cases can be quite disguised or delayed. When hunters use lead
pellets, ducks and other species can ingest the lead later, also people or predators that eat these
birds can be poisoned (Lightfoot & Yeager, 2008; Ferreyra et al., 2009).
Rodents frequently serve as models to evaluate an exposure risk for humans in
ecotoxicological investigations (Shore & Rattner, 2001). Free-living wild rodents are suitable
for monitoring the environmental pollution and toxicological risk concerning people living
in contaminated regions (OBrien et al., 1993; Damek-Poprawa & Sawicka-Kapusta, 2003).
When small mammals are mentioned, it is generally meant species from two orders:
Rodentia and Insectivora. They are used as model organisms, because they have a short life
span, co-exist in spatially well-defined small areas, exhibit habitat preferences and feeding
behaviour (some are herbivores, omnivores or insectivores) and can be easily caught,
marked and studied (Barrett & Pelles, 1999; Metcheva et al., 2003).
Genomic Sensitivity of Small Mammals -A Suitable Test System in the Genetic Monitoring 127
In a number of studies, lead has been recognized as a potential threat to human health
(Goyer, 1993; Jin et al., 2006; Patil et al., 2006). Acidic drinks like tomato juice, fruit juice and
others can dissolve lead when packed in inappropriate containers (Karaivanova et al., 2008).
This may increase the human risk of lead poisoning. Bilban & Jakopin (2005) found that
working in a lead-zinc mine under exposure to radon and heavy metals can result in
dramatic consequences for the human DNA (induction of structural chromosomal
aberrations) and this is probably more strongly influenced by heavy metals than by radon.
At toxic concentrations, lead acetate and lead nitrate can inhibit DNA repair and damage
DNA acting as a comutagen and possibly a cocarcinogen (Roy & Rossman, 1992).
inks, fats, oils, unvulcanized rubber, etc. Its active ingredient furan is released by
combustion of organic waste and thermal treatment of food. Furan is toxic and is a proven
carcinogen in laboratory animals (Heppner & Schlatter, 2007).
The probable oral lethal dose of THF in humans is 50-500 mg/kg (Gosselin, 1976). Katahira
et al. (1982) evaluated LD50 as 1900 mg/kg in rats and 2500 mg/kg in mice after acute
toxicity of 20% THF in olive oil by i.p. injection. Chhabra et al. (1998) found a clear evidence
of carcinogenic activity in female B6C3F1 mice observing increased incidences of
hepatocellular neoplasms at the 1800 ppm exposure level, but these authors did not observe
carcinogenic effect of THF in female rats and male mice. Inhalation studies with rats and
B6C3F1 mice also provided evidence of carcinogenic activity for THF (Gamer et al., 2002).
THF was not mutagenic in Salmonella, micronucleus and DEL tests and did not induce sister
chromatid exchanges or chromosomal aberrations in ovary cells (Gamer et al., 2002).
According to the data of NTP (1998) in male B6C3F1 mice after i.p. injection of THF at doses
of up to 2000 mg/kg significant increase in the number of chromosomal aberrations in the
bone marrow cells was not observed. Despite that, ACGIH (2010) confirmed that THF is
animal carcinogen with unknown relevance to humans.
This morphology is characteristic for all subspecies of Mus musculus musculus (domesticus,
musculus, castaneus, and bactrianus) as well as the laboratory lines and the closely related
species Mus spretus and Mus macedonicus.
Mus spicilegus was selected, as it is one of the most frequent species in agroecosystems along
with voles.
Male and female laboratory white mice ICR (2n=40) (=53), weighting 201,5 g were
delivered from the Slivnitza animal breeding house of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences,
Sofia. Animals were kept at standard conditions at temperature 20-22C, photoperiod 7am
to 7pm, free access to standard animal food for laboratory animals - Rodents (produced
by Vitaprot-Ltd., Kostinbrod, Bulgaria, according prescription 456-1-12) and water.
All small mammal species originated from several conditionally unpolluted regions in
Bulgaria: Rila Natural Park, Vitosha Nature Park, Kresna Gorge and the vicinities of Pleven
region. Apodemus sp. (=80), Clethrionomys glareolus (=44), Microtus arvalis (=61),
Mus spicilegus (=71).
The experimental treatment of the wild model species was conducted not earlier than 48
hours after capture and the structural changes in the chromosomes were scored 24 hours
after treatment with the genotoxins.
The experiments were conducted according to approved protocols, and in compliance with
the requirements of the European Convention for Protection of Vertebrate Animals used for
experimental and other Specific Purposes and the current Bulgarian laws and regulations.
2. Cytogenetical analysis
Bone marrow is one of the most convenient tissues for testing the mutagenic effects of
environmental factors due to the low frequency of spontaneous chromosomal aberrations,
high cell proliferative activity, relatively rapid and simple method of making the
preparations. The prevailing forms of chromosomal damage are those of the chromatid type.
The cytogenetical method applied is intended to show the sensitivity of chromosomal
aberration assay in animals bone marrow to determine whether certain components of the
environment can induce chromosomal aberrations with a frequency that is significantly
higher compared with their frequency in the control animals or in animals from unaffected
Mitomycin C (3.5 mg/kg b.w.) (Sigma EC No 200-008-6), Pb(NO3)2 (200 mg/kg b.w.)
(Merck, Germany), 2,4-D (3.5 mg/kg b.w.) (Merck, Germany) and THF (3.8 mg/kg b.w.)
(Merck, Germany) were injected intraperitoneally (i.p.) only once. Control animals received
only 0.9% NaCl solution. All the genotoxins applied were dissolved in 0.9% NaCl solution.
The accurate number of males and females used in the experiments for each toxicant applied
is presented in relevant tables.
Our previous data (Venkov et al., 2000) on low clastogenic and multiple effect of 2,4-D
which is widely used in the treatment of weeds in agroecosystems gave us reasons to
expand our experiments. The herbicide 2,4-D (3.5 mg/kg b.w.) was introduced i.p. three
consecutive times at intervals of 48 hours (total 96 hours). Bone marrow cell samples for
cytogenetical analysis were prepared 24 hours after the third and last injection of the
herbicide (total 120 hours after the initial herbicide treatment).
132 Ecotoxicology
The cytogenetical analysis was mainly performed according to the protocol described by
Preston et al. (1987). To accumulate a sufficient number of metaphases in order to obtain
metaphase chromosomes suitable for cytogenetic analysis, one hour before bone marrow
cell isolation a mitotic inhibitor colchicine 0.04 mg /g b.w. was injected. Animals were
euthanized by diethyl ether, bone marrow cells were flushed from femur and hypotonized
in a 0.075 M potassium chloride at 37C for 15 min. Thereafter the cells were fixed in cold
methanol: glacial acetic acid (3:1), resuspended and dropped on precleaned cold wet slides
and air dried. The slides were stained in 5 % Giemsa solution (Sigma Diagnostic). Up to 50
well-scattered metaphase plates were analyzed from each animal using light microscopy
(Cetopan Reichert, Austria) x 1000.
The main types of aberrations breaks, fragments, exchanges (centromer/centromeric
fusions, telomere/telomeric fusions) and pericentric inversions were separately scored.
These results indicate that all wild small mammal species injected i.p. with Mitomycin C
showed significantly lower karyotype sensitivity in comparison with the ICR mice (p0.01).
The chromosome structure of both treated species of genus Mus is more susceptible to the
action of the alkylating agent Mitomycin C (<0.05).
Chromatid breaks and fragments as though chromosomal rearrangements (centromeric
fusions (c/c), telomeric fusions (t/t), pericentric inversions and taranslocations) were
separately scored. Breaks and fragments significantly prevail over the chromosomal type
aberrations (from 74% of all aberrations observed in laboratory mice, 75% in Apodemus sp.,
83.3% in C. glareolus, 91.7% in M. spicilegus up to 96% in M. arvalis). The share of breaks and
fragments appears to be the highest in M. spicilegus, M. arvalis and C. glareolus and lowest in
ICR mice.
Type of chromosomal
Polyploid cells
Time Number Rearrangements Percentage of
Compound after of cells with
Table 1. Number and frequency of chromosomal aberrations found in ICR strain laboratory
mice, M. spicilegus, M. arvalis, C. glareolus and Apodemus sp. after experimental treatment
with Mitomycin C (3.5mg/kg b.w./24 h).
The prevalence of breaks and fragments in the treated groups of all five species is a result of
specific action of alkylating agent Mitomycin C.
Jena and Bhunya (1995) showed that Mitomycin C applied on bone marrow cells of Gallus
domesticus provoked chromatid and isochromatid breaks, deletions and exchanges. The
mechanism of action of Mitomycin C at the molecular level is due to the formation of DNA-
DNA crosslinking adducts (Tomasz et al., 1987). The prevalence of breaks and fragments
observed is a result of the biological action of Mitomycin C, and the number of the affected
metaphases depends on the karyotype stability of the studied model species.
We found that the centromeric/centromeric fusions (c/c fusions) are more frequent in ICR
mice than in all other species investigated. The rate of exchanges between non-homologous
chromosomes in the mouse is particularly high. This is facilitated by the acrocentric nature
of mouses chromosomes. The acrocentric chromosomes in genus Mus are prone to c/c
fusions because of the specific structure of the centromeric regions. This phenomenon is due
to single strands breaks in the minor SAT DNA located in the centromeric regions of mice
chromosomes (Kipling et al., 1994).
134 Ecotoxicology
In the Mitomycin C treated groups pericentric inversions 1.330.36% for Apodemus sp.
group and 1.20.5% for ICR mice and 3.770.78% polyploid metaphases (4n, 8n) in
Apodemus sp. were also observed. In the polyploid cells some of the chromosomes were also
damaged (fragments and pericentric inversions were seen).
Type of chromosomal
Polyploid cells
Time Number Rearrangements
of cells
Compound after of
treat metaphase
ment s scored c/c t/t c/t (Xm)
Table 2. Number and frequency of chromosomal aberrations found in ICR strain laboratory
mice, M. spicilegus, M. arvalis, C. glareolus and Apodemus sp. after experimental treatment
with Pb(NO3)2 (200mg/kg b.w./24 h)
The lowest percentage of metaphases with damaged chromosomes is evaluated in the group
of Apodemus sp. (6.00.60%). These values are significantly lower than the percentages of
cells with aberrations calculated for the other four small mammal species (p<0.01 to
Based on the experimental data the laboratory ICR mice and M. spicilegus showed a
tendency of greater sensitivity to the damaging effect of Pb(NO3)2 in comparison with the
other three wild species investigated. The high percentage of aberrant metaphases detected
in treated M. spicilegus experimental group correlated with the data obtained by Topashka-
Ancheva and Metcheva (1999) for M. macedonicus samples (8.892.34% for males and
10.460.93% for females) collected near the heavy metal polluted region of lead-zinc factory
in the vicinities of Asenovgrad (Bulgaria).
Genomic Sensitivity of Small Mammals -A Suitable Test System in the Genetic Monitoring 135
The study showed that Apodemus sp. has significantly greater stability of the karyotype in
comparison with ICR mice, M. spicilegus, M. arvalis and C. glareolus exposed to lead nitrate.
This is an important conclusion in the use of Apodemus sp. in the ecotoxicological studies
concerning the damaging influence of lead as environmental pollutant.
Chromosomal rearrangements of chromatid type - breaks and fragments predominated in
all samples analyzed (from 61.1% in ICR mice up to 92% in M. arvalis).
The rise of chromatid type breaks and exchanges is mainly a result of double strand breaks
generated in postreplicative DNA in later S phase and in G2 phase (Hagmar et al., 2004).
Chromatid type aberrations (breaks and fragments) may arise also in response to single
strand breaks induced in early S phase. Chromatid breaks observed in metaphases would
result from incomplete or failed repair (Pfeiffer et al., 2000). Chromatid type aberrations are
usually generated by S-phase-dependent clastogens (e.g. chemical agents) (Mateuca et al.,
2006). Single strand breaks resulting from lead influence were reported by Valverde et al.
(2002), and Shaik et al. (2006).
The data of our experiments for the high presence of chromatid breaks in the examined
small mammal species, compared with the data of other authors, provide evidence that lead
is mainly S-phase-dependent clastogen. Jagetia and Aruna (1998) reported that lead induced
micronuclei were observed even at very low doses. After i.p. treatment with lead nitrate, the
highest increases in the frequencies of micronucleated polychromatic erythrocytes were
observed after treatment with 80 mg/kg b.w. in mouse bone marrow at 12, 24 and 36 h post-
treatment. These authors suggested that the increase of micronuclei might be due to the
induction of DNA strand breaks by lead nitrate.
In the ICR, M. spicilegus and C. glareolus groups treated with Pb(NO3)2 metaphases with
centromeric fusions were also observed (28%, 23%and 20% respectively). Centromeric/
centromeric fusions were practically not detected in Apodemus sp. and M. arvalis treated with
The results obtained in this study re in agreement with those of Nayak et al. (1989) who
reported that lead nitrate (100-200 mg/kg b.w.) on gestational day 9 exhibited a moderate,
but significantly increased sister chromatid exchanges in maternal bone marrow of ICR
Swiss Webster mice. Several specific chromosomal aberrations, mostly deletions in maternal
bone marrow and fetal cells were also calculated.
chromosomal aberrations were evaluated in ICR mice (11.50.5%) and Apodemus sp.
(10.331.08). The values were significantly higher compared to those obtained after single
i.p. injection of 2,4-D (p<0.001). In M. spicilegus and M. arvalis experimental groups these
values were lower (7.10.67% and 6.160.60%, respectively), but they were significantly
higher than the data obtained after single dose only.
The types of chromosomal aberrations in samples after single and triple treatment were
quite similar (breaks, fragments and centromeric/centromeric fusions, and occasionally
telomeric/telomeric fusions). The telomeric/telomeric fusions are a result of terminal
deletions and fusion in the region of so-called sticky edges. The higher number of
metaphases with centromeric/centromeric chromosomal fusions in ICR mice and M.
spicilegus can be explained again with the peculiarities of their acrocentric karyotype.
Centromeric/centromeric fusions in the samples of M. spicilegus reached 60.5% after triple
herbicide treatment.
Type of chromosomal
Polyploid cells
Number Fragments Rearrangements Percentage
of of cells with
Compound after
treatment metaphases aberrations
scored c/c t/t c/t (Xm)
Table 3. Number and frequency of chromosomal aberrations found in ICR strain laboratory
mice, M. spicilegus, M. arvalis, C. glareolus and Apodemus sp. after experimental treatment
with 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid 2,4-D (3,5 mg/kg b.w.)
Calculated as percentage of the total number of damaged cells, the amount of the chromatid
type aberrations (breaks and fragments) ranged from 60% in ICR mice up to 100% in M.
arvalis and Apodemus sp. after triple treatment with 2,4-D.
We found that 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid exhibits moderate damaging effect on the
chromosomes of the studied small mammal species. This damaging effect is increased
because of the triple herbicide introduction. These results are in agreement with the data
of Amer and Aly (2001), who found a significant increase in the percentage of
chromosomal aberrations in bone marrow and spermatocyte cells after oral
administration of 3.3 mg/kg b.w. 2,4-D for three and five consecutively introduced
applications of the herbicide. At the same time, a single dose of 1.7 mg/kg and 3.3 mg/kg
Genomic Sensitivity of Small Mammals -A Suitable Test System in the Genetic Monitoring 137
b.w. did not show a significant increase of the chromosomal aberrations in bone marrow
and spermatocyte cells of the male Swiss mice. These authors found that 2,4-D induce
structural and numerical chromosomal aberrations in bone marrow cells and a dose-
dependent relationship in the percentage of metaphases with chromosomal aberrations
(6.80.73% 24 hours after single oral treatment with 3.3 mg/kg b.w.). Our results were
quite similar 4.60.43% after single i.p injection in ICR mice and 11.50.5% after triple
introduction of the herbicide.
In earlier studies Venkov et al. (2000) in C57Bl mice treated i.p. with 3.5 mg/kg 2,4-D found
that this herbicide exhibits a positive reply for chromosomal aberrations and significantly
reduced mitotic activity with in vivo test. These authors found that 2,4-D induced 5.501.90%
chromosomal aberrations 24 hours after i.p. treatment with significant prevalence of
centromeric fusions, but also observed that 2,4-D had weaker clastogenic effect compared to
the positive control Mitomycin C (23.350.95%). From the results of their experiment, it can
be suggested that the genetic damage caused by phenoxy herbicide should not be ignored.
We confirmed and enlarged their results in our experimental design that in all five small
mammal species investigated the equal dose of 3.5mg/kg 2,4-D possessed significantly
lower clastogenic effect compared to the same dose of the alkylating agent Mitomycin C.
Our results obtained in in vivo investigations support the results of Gandhi et al. (2003), that
a potential genetic hazard exists because of the widespread use of 2,4-D in agroecosystems.
Since the genetic damage may result from the exposure to agricultural chemicals in the
environment, there is a further need to evaluate the potential hazard that 2,4-D may exhibit
to animal species living in the wild.
Type of chromosomal
Polyploid cells
aberrations Percentag
Table 4. Number and frequency of chromosomal aberrations found in ICR strain laboratory
mice, M. spicilegus, M. arvalis, C. glareolus and Apodemus sp. after experimental treatment
with THF (3.8mg/kg b.w./24 h).
138 Ecotoxicology
The results showed that the highest percentage of cells with aberrant chromosomes was
evaluated in ICR mice (14.750.92%). Bone marrow cells of four other species studied
possessed great similarity in their reaction to the genotoxin applied. The data about the
absolute values for the percentage of cells with aberrations in M. spicilegus, M. arvalis, C.
glareolus and Apodemus sp. did not significantly differ (p>0.05). In all samples analyzed
chromatid-type aberrations (breaks and fragments) were predominating. The highest
percentages of breaks and fragments among all aberrations scored were observed in M.
arvalis (96%) and Apodemus sp. (95%), and the lowest in the ICR mice group (57.6%). In the
ICR group high percentage of cells with chromosomal exchanges were scored (42.4%
aberrant cells with c/c and t/t fusions).
It should be noted however that values for chromosomal aberration obtained after treatment
with THF were significantly lower than those with Mitomycin C. These findings suggest a
moderate clastogenic effect of the studied genotoxin. There was no statistical significance in
the values of aberrant metaphases obtained in experimental groups treated with THF and
Pb(NO3)2 (p>0.05). ICR mice, M. spicilegus and M. arvalis showed higher chromosome
sensitivity to the THF effect compared to the herbicide 2,4-D (p<0.001; p<0.01, respectively).
Such dependency was not observed in the aberrant metaphases in C. glareolus and Apodemus
sp. after single i.p. treatement with 2,4-D.
The results obtained in our cytogenetic study evidence that THF have a clastogenic effect
and confirm previous data (Gamer et al., 2002) showing an increase of sister chromatid
exchanges and chromosomal aberrations following an i.p. treatment with that genotoxin.
4. Conclusion
The effect of various genotoxins on the chromosome set has been intensively studied.
Studies on the structural changes in the karyotypes of small mammal species are of a great
interest. In this context we investigated the effect of certain genotoxins (Mitomycin C, Lead
nitrate, herbicide 2,4-D and THF) on the chromosome integrity of ICR laboratory mice, M.
spicilegus, M. arvalis, C. glareolus and Apodemus sp. in experimental conditions. Original data
about the amount and the type of chromosome aberrations were obtained.
All four wild small mammal species (M. spicilegus, M. arvalis, C. glareolus and Apodemus sp.)
and the ICR laboratory mice used in this experimental design have responded by changes in
chromosomal structure after the intraperitoneal injection of all genotoxins applied.
All the injected compounds caused predominantly chromatid breaks and fragments in small
mammal species investigated. Chromosomal exchanges (c/c and t/t fusions) were
characteristic mainly for ICR mice and M. spicilegus because of their acrocentric type of
The highest karyotype sensitivity to the genotoxins applied was detected in the ICR mouse
karyotype, followed by its closely related species M. spicilegus.
Both vole species M. arvalis and C. glareolus showed a similar chromosomal fragility towards
the action of most genotoxins applied (Mitomycin C, Pb(NO3)2 and THF). The karyotype of
Apodemus sp. showed relatively highest chromosomal stability to the genotoxic action of lead
nitrate and Mitomycin C. The percentages of metaphases with aberrant chromosomes in
Genomic Sensitivity of Small Mammals -A Suitable Test System in the Genetic Monitoring 139
Apodemus sp. groups after treatment with the herbicide 2,4-D and THF were similar to those
of M. spicilegus, M. arvalis and C. glareolus.
The highly pronounced karyotype reaction of M. spicilegus to the genotoxins applied and its
attachment to agroecosystems would allow the use of this species in genetical monitoring.
M. spicilegus also has an advantage because of its relatively small chromosomal set (2n=40)
and acrocentric type of chromosomes, which allows fast and accurate evaluation of the
arising structural chromosomal aberrations. As we found that the chromosome fragility of
both Mus species (laboratory ICR mice and M. spicilegus) was rather similar, the laboratory
mouse may also be used successfully in a relatively accurate assessment concerning the
genotoxic effects of various xenobiotics introduced in one way or another in
In so far as the three species M. arvalis, C. glareolus and Apodemus sp. also react with
changes in the structure of their chromosomes under influence of various genotoxins, each
of them can be used for the needs of the impact as well as the background genetic
Finally, chromosome set of the studied model species possess different sensitivity to the
effect of the genotoxin applied.
In all small mammal species investigated the type of chromosomal aberrations observed
depends on the chemical nature of the mutagen applied, while the amount of the damaged
cells is determined by the karyotype stability.
The specific sensitivity of the chromosomes observed in all used wild small mammal species
imposed as zoomonitors is a very important characteristic that must be borne in mind when
these species are used for environmental genetic risk assessment.
5. Acknowledgements
This study is supported by project Development of scientific potential in terms of faunistic
diversity and environmental protection, funded by Ministry of Education, Youth and
Science, Republic of Bulgaria, BG051PO001.3.3-04/41 and Institute of biodiversity and
ecosystem research, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Sofia, Bulgaria.
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