Pronoun For Class 6
Pronoun For Class 6
Pronoun For Class 6
Pronoun for Class 6
Definition: A Pronoun is a set of words that are used to address something instead of a noun,
or it is defined as the alternatives or subcategory of the noun. It doesn't look great to use
nouns every time and everywhere that's why the pronoun has been introduced to frame the
sentences and provide them a perfect balance. E.g. He, She, They, We, etc.
Pronouns are classified into seven parts. Let us name each one of them and later on, we will
further discuss each of them.
1. Personal Pronouns
2. Possessive Pronouns
3. Demonstrative Pronouns
4. Reflexive Pronouns
5. Indefinite Pronouns
6. Interrogative Pronouns
7. Relative Pronouns
Let us discuss each one of them in detail and understand them to clear our concepts.
1. Personal Pronoun
A personal pronoun is a word that is used to address particular people, groups, or things, or
we can say that it is a word used instead of the noun to refer particular person, place, group,
or things. E.g. He, She, it, we, him, her, etc.
Let us quickly revise the topic with a simple exercise. Identify the correct words of personal
pronouns from the sentences.
1. you, your
2. It
3. We, her
4. I
5. you
2. Possessive Pronoun
A possessive pronoun is a word that is used to show the things that belong to someone or to
show the ownership of a particular thing. E.g. your, mine, his, hers, their, etc.
Let us revise possessive pronouns through an interesting exercise. Find out the words of
possessive pronoun from the sentences given below.
1. my
2. my, hers
3. yours
4. my
5. mine
A demonstrative pronoun is a word used to point out a particular thing or thing with respect
to distance or time. They generally replace the nouns that are used to point out things. E.g.
This, that, these, those.
Let us practice the questions on the demonstrative pronouns that will increase your
understanding of pronouns.
1. These
2. Those
3. This
4. Those
5. Those, That
4. Reflexive Pronoun
A reflexive pronoun is a word that refers to an object in a sentence when the subject and the
object are one and the same. They are the words ending with 'self' or 'selves' in a sentence.
There are nine types of reflexive pronouns that are - myself, yourself, himself, herself,
oneself, itself, ourselves, yourselves, and themselves.
Mark out the correct reflexive pronoun from the sentences given below.
1. himself
2. herself
3. yourself
4. yourself
5. ourselves
5. Indefinite Pronouns
An indefinite pronoun is a word that is used to refer to any person or a thing that is not known
or unspecific. E.g. Anybody, each, few, everything, anyone, etc.
Find out the indefinite pronoun from the sentences given below.
1. There are only a few candidates selected for the UPSC exam.
2. Everybody can enjoy life.
3. Everyone has the right to prove their identity in front of the world.
4. There were many people in the hall but only a few of them were educated.
5. None of them is the correct answer.
1. few
2. Everybody
3. Everyone
4. many, few
5. None
An interrogative pronoun is a word that is used to ask questions or ask something that you
are not aware of that.
There are five interrogative pronouns that are being used to ask questions like Who, whom,
what, which, and whose.
Let us discuss what we have learned from the recent paragraph and answer some interesting
questions on interrogative pronouns.
1. What
2. Which
3. Whom
4. Who
5. Whose
7. Relative pronoun
A relative pronoun is a word that is used to connect a dependent clause with a pronoun or
independent clause. E.g. that, which, whose, etc.
Let us revise relative pronouns with this interactive exercise. Select the relative pronoun
from the sentences given below.
1. That
2. Whom
3. Who
4. Which
5. Whose