English Apps
English Apps
English Apps
- Haga una tabla para comparar las aplicaciones. Incluya pros, contras y habilidades o aspectos
que se practican principalmente en cada aplicación.
Drops + You have the opportunity + Contains many ads, just like + Drops is a language
to download Drops for free any free app. learning app that was
on your mobile phone. + The free version of Drops created in Estonia.
+ The English Drops app is has many limitations. Available languages
compatible with Android and include Native
iOS. Hawaiian and Maori,
+ You can learn English by and Fast Company
practicing. ranked it one of the 50
+ Offers more than 30 "Most Innovative
languages to learn. Companies" of 2019
Anki + Fast, simple, available for + It has not been possible to It allows anyone to
almost any device. find the possibility (if it exists) complete a series of
+ You really learn that the program will be fields that will then
vocabulary opened to you by itself after a work through specific
+ You can add audio files, while to continue with the software (available on
images or transcripts study. Windows, Linux, Mac
and also iOS and
Android mobile
platforms). It will be in
this software that the
questions and answers
are shown
Hellotalk + Possibility to choose + It is difficult to explain all the + HelloTalk, the global
between more than 100 regulations of a language, or language exchange
languages. the most general of it, only and learning app,
+ The participants act as with this application. connects you with
teacher / student and are native speakers of
native speakers. other languages
+ Contacting others is very (English, Japanese,
easy and instantaneous. Korean, Spanish,
+ Transliteration service that French, Mandarin
facilitates the learning of Chinese, Cantonese,
languages with different Portuguese, German,
alphabet. Italian, Russian,
+ Translation service for Arabic, Turkish, Hindi,
both texts and voice Indonesian, Thai,
messages. Vietnamese and more
+ Grammar, lexicon, syntax than 150 languages)
or pronunciation correction
Linguna + + Lingua.ly has a + Sometimes device + It teaches students at
multinational user base for availability can also be an both the beginning and
the Google Chrome browser issue. advanced levels by
extension and is synergistic + As multiple players connect, turning all daily content
with the mobile application, the level of competition can into fun and easy
so that if users want to increase, leading to stress language practice,
consult a previously and anger among children. supporting the
searched word in the educational philosophy
browser extension, they can that a language is
do so through of the mobile better learned through
application. immersion than with
+ In addition, Lingua.ly traditional books and
includes new features in the lesson plans.
mobile application, among
which is to offer media
content to users so that they
can learn languages from
YouTube, Facebook and
+ The Lingua.ly application
is currently available for free
on the Google Play Store in
the following languages:
English, Chinese, Hebrew,
German, Italian, Spanish,
Portuguese, French and
4. Escribe un breve párrafo sobre las tres aplicaciones que te gustaría probar para mejorar tu
inglés. (puedes escribir tu párrafo en español si te resulta muy difícil escribirlo en inglés)
I really consider that all the apps are very good, most of them I did not know they existed but each one of
them has certain characteristics that make them particular, but despite this I think that thanks to the majority
of positive points I would use Duolingo since it is an app that helps me learn English in a fun way, and
interacting with the same application, using speaking and grammar. Another of the apps that I would use,
would be Lingbe since it is an app that is very new for me, but the fact of being able to communicate with
people from other places and in this way share, dialogue and above all practice the language makes this
very fun for me. Finally, the last app that I would use would be Lirica since I think it is a very good way to
learn the language through songs because most people do what they do most of the time and it is
interesting to learn in this way.